(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

after looking thru the 2 brochures, i decided on standchart... now waiting for my tau kay to sign the form to send out... but think wun be able to qualify for the free WII lah... sigh...

My sis (21 yrs old) also diagnosed with PCOS by her. She saw her rec doc at Glenagles and she's already got lots of fibroids or cyst in her ovaries! My sis is grossly overweight, more than 100kg. She is scare of Chen's medi cos she goes to toilet very frequent till she scare liao. Good that your PCOS is treated.. Jia you for another baby k?

not easy to find a good sinseh. If you do find another one, must go see and build up your body ok? If u wanna try and call... if can't get thru, wait a while and try again.. Else your best bet is weekends liao, reach there by 6am and queue.

During preggy, it is difficult to control mouth.. After delivery, find a good malay lady massage and kiam pui lor..

my facebook acct is [email protected]

can understand your frustration. I would have felt the same way if it was me. It is basic courtesy that she should have informed you about the tear.

re: diet
One tip is to drink soup before eating your food. Cos by the time you finish soup, you would feel quite full, the amount of intake then won't be too much. This is very useful man, tried this during 2nd confinement. Thats why was able to get back to pre-preg size within 1 mth.
Post this story up at the Want to sell or Want to buy side. I know this way is being nasty. But it's a good way to seek compensation. Don't keep quiet quiet. At least help other mummies to beware of her also. Hate people like her.
in one of the sms i already told her i wont wanna post in the forum already cos i hope she will compensate in any way but too bad she never lor.

she keep saying she dunno about the tear lor. Maybe she thinks that i wrong her and i made the tear myself
<font color="aa00aa">meow:
sigh... there are lots of such people around. they dont care abt things which they borrow and like this one you encountered, can turn around and accuse you. </font>
Yeah lor....so must really be aware next time.

I told one of my colleague, she told me to tell her...dunno go where buy, give her the web for birthday party stuffs and ship over lor. Now i see the setter i also upset ah...if got chance i will sell away and buy a brand new one...at most ask my aunt for help lor
hi ding,
sorry for my blurness.. keke.. i didn't know that u recognise me
I tot u were waving to someone else. keke.. your gal is so friendly.. not like aaron.

there are juz strange and weird people ard.. haiz.. sad to know.
<font color="0000ff">Angel</font>
Really ah.. u'll find 八人花椒 (8-pple bridal carriage) bring me to Chevron? I dun mind. Having taken those before! :p

<font color="119911">Meow</font>
One phrase "Ugly Singaporean". She obviously didn't care about 'borrowed' stuff. Granted that parents are always busy with their kids but be fair to others lor. She also wouldn't want pple to return things she lend out torn &amp; tattered right? Sigh.
wah ming, first time see u so angry... still use tmd... hehehehe...

take it as a lesson learnt... tat mummy is very irresponsible leh...
<font color="0000ff">Meow</font>
Wat an inconsiderate, bui zhi dong Mummy. Next time I see u online, pls MSN me who's that mummy hor! I really cant stand such pple 1, I think my tone will be very hard when I call her to demand for an explaination. Next time just be kind hearted to pple u noe can already, ok? hehe sorry I sound so selfish, but tat's how we prevent ourself from being bullied.. :p

<font color="ff0000">Tsp</font>
ya tat's the sian part, gotta ask aro for good sinsei.
My hb is not favorable of gog to queue at 6 in the wkend, he told me to ask aro for other good ones..

<font color="119911">Ming</font>
U sound so angry! hehe ya agreed with SC , u use tat tmd. hahahaha u so cute. Btw I recieved ur sms liao, just when I wanted to reply on u, my HP went dead liao. So I lazy to reply u bk via there, I'll reply u here hao ler.

Paisay we bot the mirrors yday thus Sg Post aint open. I gotta check with Hb whether his office there got Sg post or not. So paisay, u gotta wait awhile, ok?
Hey mummies,

I am on mc today. Our car got into an accident yesterday. The back of the car was rammed by a trailer. Our car stopped behind a van waiting for the traffic light to turn green. Suddenly heard a loud bang and I was jerked forward and then backward and hit my head against Keane’s car seat. Luckily Keane was strap in the car seat. He got a shock and nothing serious. I got a bruise at the back of my head and both Keane and I were sent to hospital in an ambulance. Had an xray to check my neck.

I am still quite shaken by the accident. Really thank god that the trailer wasn’t speeding, if not we would have been crushed. Mummies, pls ensure your kids are strap in the car seat at all times. Even when we drive safely, we cannot control how others drive.
<font color="ff0000">tigger</font>,
omg! hw are u now? wat abt ur hb &amp; kayla? are they ok? or izzit only the 2 of u in the car? wat's with the stupid trailer? daydreaming or wat? rest well &amp; better see a doc if u feel giddy or naeseous. take care!
<font color="0000ff">yvonne,</font>
You know what...the accident happens just outside your block. Did you see any commotion at around 4.15pm yesterday?

Kayla was not in the car, she was at home with my maid. My hb was driving and he is ok. Me and Keane were at the rear passenger seat. The car boot was crushed and the front part a bit dented.

I dun feel any giddyness or nausea, just painful due to the bump on my head.
<font color="ff0000">tigger</font>,
hmmm.. i was nt at home at dat time but i did see an accident outside my ils's shop at ard 5.45pm. was ur car black in colour?
Yes, that was my car lor...

When we were waiting for the ambulance, passerby gave us water, came to us and check if Keane was ok etc. Really touched by all the kind hearted ppl.
<font color="aa00aa">tigger88:
oh my... you okay? the driver fell asleep or what?? how can like that? trailer?? can see far far ahead lei!!! that guy must be blind!

<font color="0000ff">Tigger</font>
Oh dear tat sound a very bad accident. Luckily Keane is ok. U take care ok? Ya agreed with wat u say, we can control our driving, but we cant control how the rest drive. Sighs. So u got a replacement car meanwhile?
after reading your episodes, i really have to make aaron to sit on the car seat.. so scary..

i was late too.. keke
It's gd to take a break. Plan ur leave well and go for Europe tour then!

Thanks for the invite. I will confirm my attendance by this week. Cos i am also planning to have a mini celebration for Sherilyn. Have nt decided on the date yet..

Thou we married for years bt we still loving and affectionate one hor?! Still holding hands and hug each other close when we go out tog.. Kekeke..

Who is that irresponsible mummy?! Nt even an apology, at least!!

Hope u are better now?! Fortunately u let Keane sit on the car seat..

After all the accidents i heard, i become very conscious abt car safety. I always make effort to let Shania take car seat and Sherilyn on booster seat thou sometimes my hubby find it a hassle.. Bt i always emphasize tat accidents do happen and we nvr know when we will be involve in 1 mah.. So it's better to be safe than sorry.. *touchwood*
Mummies, thanks for the concern! I am ok except for the painful baluku at the back of my head. Tomorrow will be going back to work.

<font color="aa00aa">krazy,</font>
Maybe that trailer driver can see far ahead but can't see us who is just in front of him.

<font color="ff6000">twinklets,</font>
Yes we have a replacement car from the workshop. sigh...hb in bad mood now due to the accident.

<font color="0077aa">Steph, Serrich,</font>
The safety of our kids cannot be compromised. Though I feel uncomfortable squeezing in between 2 car seats at the rear passenger seat, I still ensure the kids are buckled up safely.
the first look i look at tmd i was thinking what is that...then suddenly i think hard...then i went laughing...good you share what i feel
yeah i really learn my lesson lor, loan also must pay liao, can't be too kind hearted unless to whom i knew.

Yeah no one wish to receive their items spoilt lah...even the pooh scene setter i borrow from my friend, i also took special care to it lor...

i dunno her nick but i have her email address and HP number lor. Will save it in my HP incase i deal with her again.

You ok now? Never tell me in sms you were in accident leh...take care and rest well...heng kayla wasn't in car and good you strap Keane. Yeah lor why the driver can't keep a safe distant ah? Cannot tailgate mah!!! Sure HB angry lah, even my HB cannot sleep i tell you...he loves his car man thou the car so old....keke

you wan know pm me lor, i give you the email
<font color="aa00aa">Tigger,</font>
OMG. Thank God that you are ok now.

<font color="ff0000">Meow,</font>
That mummy sounds horrible. You are too kind-hearted to lend her the item.
hi mummies
We're planning a holiday with Zavier, wanted to go HK but the flooding problem is so serious now. Gonna change destination but dunno where to go... holiday also headache. My leave application is hard to come by, since approved must make sure I go out of town.

<font color="aa00aa">twinklets,</font>
How are u bu-ing your body back?

Ash is very shy leh. Clinged on tight to her daddy at the Barney show. Dun think she recognises Zavier already...

<font color="119911">Meow,</font>
You are so kind to lend that mummy the item yet she's so irresponsible. Such people really spoil all the goodwills around.

<font color="ff6000">tigger,</font>
Glad to hear that Keane and you are fine from the accident. That must be quite a bad knock on your head! *sayang. That trailer driver also one kind, knows that he's driving such a big vehicle still so careless.

Now I'm abit worried about not putting Hazel on car seat. Must get a booster seat for Zavier soon so that Hazel can use his car seat!

<font color="0000ff">Angel,</font>
Thanks for the invite! We are still undecided on which day to hold Hazel's birthday celebration so will KIV RSVP first.
Oh dear!! u &amp; keane better now?? Were u wearing seat belt?? Getting any compensation from the trailer??? sound serious leh...u guys take care &amp; rest hor.

Thank God that both of you are fine. The driver must be dreaming.


Wah both of u are still so loving. As much as we wanted to hold our hands, our dear boy refused to let us do so. He will forcefully seperate our hands and he will come in betwn, telling us "No cannot hold hands, hold Hayden's hand". Even hug he also dun allow us. He will scream his head off leh.
Tigger glad ur family is ok. Is your neck better? Must be a rude shock, heng only the car suffered more. Scary.

Meow, ha me not angry but i can feel ur exasperation and can't stand such pple also.

Twinklets thanks 4 buyg and sendg, rem 2 give me the payment details, thanks!
I also feel ash very shy leh. Tat day daddy and her coming over hor i invite her in she wants but dare not come in leh...seems like she only remembers Crystal huh?

Drive in to Malaysia maybe? But must be careful lah

really glad to hear you and Keane both are ok. Lucky the trialer was not speeding manz.... Remind me of my accident last year with the trialer if you all still remember. Also same as you, we were waiting at the red light, then suddenly from the back a trialer came knocking into us 'cos the brake is spoilt or something. The back of our car was also crushed! I was emotionally shaken cos we could have die. S was not in carseat then and I was holding on to him in the front seat. Lucky none of us was injured...

anyway, till now, we had not gotten any compensation for the loss of use for our car for nearly 2 weeks and the "excess" we paid for the repair of our car. Though its not our fault but because its a malaysian registered trialer, we can not be covered like normal accident. Gotta pay $600 for repair out of pocket while our insurance took care of the rest to replace the back of our car. No replacement car. Till now, the malaysian insurance company still ignore our file for claim! So angry whenever I think of it. Pay damage and lost the use of our car through no fault of ours! Our car was not even 1 year old then!
lucky all of you are ok except for the damage to the car. Cheer yr hb up and tell him that 'its time to change a new car'. I am sure he will be very happy to hear that.

Wow, you really make me so jealous of you. Still so loving after so many years together and wz 2 kids some more. Me &amp; my hb now living like those 'old couples' lifestyle liao. haha.

You not bring Hazel along for holiday?

Oh no, then yr NCD got affected?

luckily no! else really bang head against wall kind.. That 2 weeks was v bad cos we lost the use of our car and then got no replacement car... I travel to tampines for work back then so it was ultra inconvenient.... and then just at that time, our J gotta get UTI and hospitalised. Lucky my SIL lent one of her cars to us. But for a long time, I was paranoid on the road. We are v scared of malaysian registered vehicles now.... any accident with them, we wont be able to be compensated.
<font color="0000ff">tigger</font>,
tell ur hb to cheer up. at least all of u are safe &amp; sound.

<font color="119911">san</font>,
me &amp; hb like he is he, me is me dat kind liao...no more romance, no more hug hug kiss kiss...keke...we've come to the "7 years of itch" le...but luckily we each gt our fair share of the kids...L is sticky to him, R is sticky to me...haha

<font color="aa00aa">serrich</font>,
envy envy...

<font color="ff6000">poohy</font>,
speaking of malaysain registered cars, once during the cny period, we were js coming back from Msia &amp; gt stuck at the sin causeway due to heavy traffic volume. when we wanted to move forward, this msia registered car cut into our lane from the next lane. hb horn at him but he bo chup. then the traffic stopped again. so we were behind this msia car lor...the stupid driver stepped out &amp; demand hb to wind down his window &amp; ask hw come we horn at him. he hv the cheek to ask leh...he is the one who barged into our lane of cos we horn la. wa piang! he say he put signal so we hv to give way ma. crap la! there was no signal from him at all ok. the traffic in front move, he still shouting at hb. hb ignore him, gesture him to rtn to his car. he stand there like a goon. i shouted at him: u deaf or wat or blind? cant u see the traffic is moving already? move ur ass la" behind us the cars are horning like siao. all of a sudden, gt 1 guy came up to us &amp; told this msian: ey..here is singapore ok? u dun hao lian la...move ur car NOW!" the msia guy gt a little embarrassed &amp; hurriedly rtn ti his car &amp; drove away.

** no offence to any Msians here** js sharing my experience
<font color="0000ff">poohy,</font>
Yes, I still remember you were involved in an accident with a Malaysian registered trailer. Is there anything you can do to claim the $ back from the Malaysian insurance company?

<font color="ff6000">San,</font>
I cannot afford to change car now unless I strike toto.

<font color="aa00aa">zyp,</font>
How about going to Perth or Melbourne? Weather will be cold (shiok!) and you can have a relaxing holiday there.
Oh you have not been buckling Hazel in the car seat ah? Better do it soon else she won’t wanna sit in the car seat if she is not used to it.
<font color="0000ff">ewoks</font>
U look so meek.. surprised u actually shouted at him! :p 真人不露相 eh? :p

<font color="119911">Poohy</font>
Oh I remembered ur car accident. When I rec'd the MMS from Tigger I was having lunch with HB. Then I said last time u also gena accident and ur MPV was damaged quite badly.. remember no one was sitting at the back row..

<font color="aa00aa">tigger</font>
Strike toto/4D? Buy ur car licence plate lah.. they say buy cars tt got into accident can win 4D one wor.. tomorrow is wednesday leh :p hiak hiak hiak

ya lor... I very scared of big and heavy vehicles :p


we been trying. My hb sent claim document to the Malaysia insurance company a few times liao. Well nothing we can do if they dun follow up. Unless of course we press charges against them lah but really will cost even more i think.

ya agreed abt the carseat part... my J also hates to sit in carseat. I really hope I can successfully make my no.3 sit in carseat. Else really cannot.
<font color="aa00aa">valmom</font>,
i was so frustrated with the stupid guy....i'm boiling inside already...so i js blurted out! keke...else normally, i dun shout one, nt at outsiders at least...
re: car seats,

i hv not been belting up both my kids up in the car seats either, eversince they arrived into tis world. i always tell myself must do it but whenever i see the price of those car seats, i go "nua" haiz...someone, pls push me!
<font color="0000ff">Tigger,
u okie now... must be careful hor... but then something if the rest of the road user not care also can coz accident.....

tomorrow... will be home alone with my princess... hope i'm okie coz since the arrival of my princess... most of the time is taken care by my mil i only feed her... though sunday i'm home alone with both kids but only for a short period of time... but this round will be till this come Sun... coz mil going for holiday... luckily Gerald will be going to my mother place if not i think i will be mad....

last sunday gerald just got scolding from me.... haiz me very bad... think i had scare Gerald out... he had been having nightmare...... i'm feeling so bad... but his action sometime make me flare out without control... haiz..</font>
then tigger u mus share share yr car plate no. here for everyone to 'huat'. hehe.

luckily not affected if not that will be even more damage than the excess u paid. Remember few years ago, my hb knock onto a car infront and that is a Perudua Kancil. A very small car. It was a minor accident and on the actual day, the driver still super frenly and tell my hb, his car kana knock few times. He still happily go IDAC to report and drive off the car normally. Accident happen around Sept and our insurance renew in Dec. Our NCD definite affected but we didn't get loading for the next renewal cos' the insurance estimator estimate the cost of repair is not much base on the photos taken. Prior to our renewal in Dec, suddenly 1 day i received a letter fr a law firm. When open up and read, was so furious. The Kancil owner make claim against us for medical, repair, he can't work for many wks etc and the total cost came out to me more than $50K! Just repairing his car already abt $20+k. the rest to compensate he can't work due to the impact he get after that. The car is only mildly damage and he can repair it for $20+k! Nobody was injured but he claim that after our car kiss his car back, he feel not well and can't work. He go few times doctor and given MC and even go Mt. A specialist to see but dr statement said he is fine. Anyway, this guy is expert in 'genging' as he already said he got knock a few times. i think someone must had taught him how to 'geng' to earn $. dun need work, can get compensated and got free medical etc. Talk abt it now already make me furious.

Till now, I not sure how's the case going cos' we sold off the car later and the case still not settled at that time. I wonder whether our car insurer did pay as they demand or not.
<font color="ff0000">Meow,</font>
Nope, hubby will not want to drive to M'sia. He said it's too dangerous.

<font color="0000ff">San,</font>
Not bringing Hazel this time... she's so young. We dunno whether can manage Zavier or not. Try first..

<font color="119911">tigger,</font>
Yah now abit too late to introduce Hazel to car seat. She doesn't even want to sit still on our laps sometimes. Unlike Zavier who took car seat from the start. It's gonna be a challenge to start Hazel on car seat.

Yep we're considering Perth. Wanted to go with friends but big group difficult to coordinate. Think I'll rather we go on our own now.
<font color="0000ff">Zyp</font>
Ya hb told me Ash was very shy towards u guys, I think Mummy not there, so she felt v shy.. I think HB took a shot &amp; ur hb was like dozing off, hehe was he?? I still remember he dozed off during our Hi 5 show last year.. hehe.. My hb was bored in the show though.

Ash does remember you &amp; Zavier. She told me Aunty P**** when she came bk from the show.

Ya I think gog Perth is a great idea, when's ur leave? Shd start planning soon if it is coming near.

As for the carseat, think it better to start now than never. I kana accidents twice with Ashley inside the car before. So very luckily both times She was inside the carseat &amp; she was uninjured.

<font color="ff0000">Meow</font>
Ya Ashley is shy, need a longer time to warm up. Moreover I wasn't there with her. I think so far she could warm up v fast towards Crystal &amp; Esher.. Tat nite once she came down from your hse, she refused to go inside the car, she wanted Daddy to bring bk to your house to play. Haha weird gal..

<font color="119911">Yvonne</font>
Oh dear u nvr buy carseats for your 2 darlings since they born? Pls go &amp; buy? It is really v important to strap them in the carseats cos we never can predict when an accident can happen .. $ can always earn back, but once something bad happen *touchwood*, u can never turn bk time again to prevent it.
Yah Ash is a shy girl but I could see that she enjoy the show alot!

My hubby as usual dozed off. Even with Zavier on his laps! Haha... typical of him lah.

My leave is in mid July. Most probably going to Perth. Looking forward!!!

I think may not buy booster for Zavier since he still ok with his current car seat. Will take out the old car seat to wash and let Hazel sit. Cannot compromise with her safety. Then my poor maid got to squeeze inbetween the 2 car seats. She seems to put on abit of weight since she came... keke, initially I still thought she's a small eater. Apparently, she eats alot when she was at my mum's place during the day! And sometimes morning she will cook instant noodles to eat. I don't see any used pot and bowl but only the wrapper in the dustbin. Her speed of eating is amazing!
haha, then let her come up again lah, i can always open the door ah...Sheryl invite her in but she like lost like that lor.

Darryl is just like Hazel leh...he also dun like to sit in the car sit thou i strap him sometimes. He will try to push away the belts of scream lor. Even use toy to distract him, its only for 3mins then he will push away the toy and wanna get up. Then if he were to sit on my lap, he will try to peel those decal off the window and throw them to the floor...whole journey very busy leh
<font color="aa00aa">zyp:
you can let him try.. i have a friend who didnt let her son sit in a car seat in the past; he used to sit on the rear arm rest and get this: with his back facing the windscreen.

when we heard it, i flipped! and told her to be responsible. but of course, she gave me excuses like he didnt like to be belted up and all.

she bought him a car seat recently and surprisingly her son took to the car seat immediately. btw, he is 3 yr old and he had not been in the car seat since he was 1. </font>
<font color="0000ff">twinklets</font>,
i know i know...i hv been bugging hb to buy a car seat...but...haiz...both of us hv this excuse telling ourselves we seldom go out in the car except maybe on PH or suns (ours is a weekend car)..yes yes i know u will tell me those are excuses...ok ok...will source for one...can someone tell me where to get a cheap &amp; good one...wat's the market price now?

<font color="ff0000">zyp</font>.
hi saw u at the barney show with zavier but didnt hv time to chat as L was running away after the show &amp; he also sort of misbehave during show time so my attention was on him most of the time...sorry...
<font color="0000ff">Zyp</font>
haha so i got it right hor, he dozed off again! :p

Ya my hb said she refused to play with Zavier they all, aiya we met up too less nowadays, tat's why she get shy.
Ya my hb said she v engrossed in the show. I wonder this year will have Hi 5 or not? Wanna go Hi 5 again if it is coming to town??

Tat's good, u can start planning for your trip liao! Think U can ask Tigger for more info since she went 2 years back.

<font color="ff0000">Yvonne</font>
Not sure which is cheap &amp; good leh. We using Maxi Cosi now which I like. Hmm we born with alot of excuses 1, but this is our children's safety, so better dun have too much excuses lor. :p

<font color="119911">Meow</font>
Hehe my hb too shy lar, he duno u guys well. My Hb was so fan with her u noe.
