(2005/04) Apr/May/June 2005 MTB

so coincident, i just went to view Josiah at Millenia yesterday. my coll intend to put her son there so go inspect together plus who might knows, i may need to put her there next year as well. The fees after subsidy is about $1192 iirc.

<font color="aa00aa">san:
thats great news!

good to take up if you want cuz they are always "full"</font>

how do you find the Josiah at millenia? I had not paid them a visit yet as the place is a little far for us but may seriously consider if they really meet my expectation. I am actually drawn to them purely by reading their strong academic focus in krazy's blog
<font color="0000ff">meow</font>
iirc : If I remember correctly.

<font color="119911">school/homework/morals</font>
Actually it's reall true that branded schools produces smart brats. I dunno, don't hv much faith in our education system nowadays. The students are smart.. many many As and stuff. Take 8 sujects all score A1.. but other than that.. their EQ probably sucks.

Alot of the newer grads can't work. Not because they are stupid, it's that they dunno the right attitude to work. They have no respect towards their colleagues, regardless of rank. They can't take hardship and can't think independently. All just route learning.

Whereas some of the best interns my hb come across come from humble background and did not go to top schools yet did pretty well in the varsity.

For me.. my nephew and my own cousin are just living proof.. good at academics but will not survive the real corporate world for various reasons.
btw just to add wat my hb share with me me yesterday.. he say the interns from SMU are more street smart/EQ better than the NTU/NUS interns, he sees from his company 1.
wah! the threads on academic is scary leh.. too lazy to type, will share more during gathering. Is it still on?
we are waiting for Angeline on the CNY gathering lah....

hi twinklets,
i agreed with your hubby, we had recently a interns from smu, very good, proactive and willing to learn.
H Buddy,

The academic talks are scaring me too.. argh...


I initially wanted to use my parent's place to register for maris stella cos really near and both me and hubby working. but now i think i rather have a more relaxing primary school i think.. but i see my brother go to a sucky primary school.. think all parents too busy also to bther too much about the kids and they really just roam around.. scold vulgarities in primary school and talk back to tcr... so the idea of going to good school is more for the company than for the education...

By the way, anyone here uses child tethers/harnesses?? I going on a trip soon and hinking of getting 2 of those..
we cant use our parents address for registration to your idea school. Unless your address and your parents are within 1km or 2km but still need to be PV to be able to ballot to get in. Cos i thought of that too, but even go find MP if can use my parents address also fails. Unless i sell my current flat to get a new place, but that also cant confirm i can get into the school i want.
Talking aboout Primary school...i am always very lost and stress with this issue.

Florence - why u get rejected from nan chiau? they only open for parents volunteer this year for kids born in 2005. I just submitted my form this Jan and was told they will only select by jul or sept. You mean they already start selecting PV ?

Not sure joining huey kuan helps..
Florence when u apply and receive the reject letter...i kan cheong now...i never hear a thing ley, somemore i go down to admin office to apply as per their instruction.
Sorry to side track :

My website is doing a collaboration with Revive wellness (a day spa that specialised with manual lympatic massage) on womb care and slender legs workshop.

Mummies on my FB list should have the info already.

I thought I just do my part to spread the words here as well for mummies who are not very active on facebook to benefit from this workshop with a special registration fee for my customers at $48/pax or $80/2 pax.
registration fee can be fully redeem for their 1 hr signature massage.

More information can be found in here

If you have other queries, u can pm me.

PS: I am collaborating with them on friendly basis meaning no money/gain for me. I tried them and like the massage and benefit from it so I am passing on the good offer.
ariella, I am keen but may not be able to attend. Who wants to go? I don't mind paying for the registration fee which is redeemable for a trial.
Hi to all mummies,
I am 1st time to this discussion thread, read through some mummies' posting, I really got worried..

FYI I am a single mum and my girl is born Apr 2005. Seems that most mummies here r already worried about their kids P1 registration and also what they learn in school...

The childcare that I send my girl to have English n mathematics homework every monday n Chinese every friday.. I already very stress juggling my office work, housework n my girl and her homework..
If i dun guide her when she write, she will write very messy..
and sometimes, she write very slow or need to keep erase it.. so i do not hace time for other stuffs..

Now she had more homework to bring home.. Anyway, saw some mummies mentioned their kids had spelling tests etc already? Thought K2 then have? Nowsday really stressful, wanted to let them have a more memorable childhood also cannot.. lots to learn..

I didn't send her to other classes as my timing difficult manage and sometimes need work weekends too

Oh no! How? I really worried she can't catch up as I really dun have time to guide her at times.. n she can be very naughty at times.. especially she goes out with my mother n my sisters...Haiz.. she very bad tempered..

Hope that she can catch up..
Hi tsp,

I confirmed with Revive Wellness, if anyone is interested with the trial massage but unable to attend the workshop can also registered then email me to let me know u are not attending.

Really a good offer since their trial 1hr massage is at $68 and only $48.

PM me if u have any queries
i din know actually i received this notice... but i went for the one at Jurong Point last weekend, met Meow... for mummies who stay other area can bring their kids to the rest of the mall, they have free teeth screening for the 1st 60 kids each day for kids that are 4-6 year old..
Hi Angie
Welcome you to the thread!
Don't get stressed over this thread.
They are all wonderful mummies whom share general views.
Also, don't be stressed over your kids. Do pay more attention to her emotional developement though. Come meet us up sometimes!

<font color="119911">Mummies!!!</font>
I am now suggesting some dates for gathering ah.
We make it on the Sunday ya.
Venue to be : Carabelle (At West Coast Road)

Any suggestions? Let me know!
Thanks Angeline, But i really worried at times.. my frd around my area.. told me abt Hong Wen Primary School la.. only accept like a few volunteers etc.. then need balloting even within 2km.. tat is the best school around our area.. if not will be Bendermeer

so a bit stress up.. My girl is naughty, can make me further stressful too..

I might not be able meet up as i might be working part time for this few weekend till may..
maybe early may etc..

Hope to make more frds

hi angie,
don worry too much.... i'm very stressed up with my boy also he is very naughty too....

hi mummies,
i'm bring my boy for assessment on his development at focus family.... hope to know why he need a lot of attention from me... me draining with all my energy... my mother see also upset.... she even offer to take care of him on weekend.... coz she saw how tired i get.... plus i think my blood pressure getting higher and higher.... i think both my mil and mother can see the stress i'm facing.... with now my gal starting playgroup.... i would see her only on friday evening - monday morning, hope that will lighten my load.... very stress...
<font color="aa00aa">angie:
hello.. welcome to the thread. hee. i seldom chat but do drop by to read up here and there. heehee..

Redeem $20 NTUC Voucher with every $150 purchase of Wyeth Promil/Progress/Promise Gold at FairPrice Baby Fiar from 11/3 - 24/3
ya lor.. my blood pressure also go up..haiz.. more n more white hairs... thanks to all mummies concern!!! i feel better.. but still thinking abt her future.. keke..

but Krazy u had been member so long :p
u staying ard bendemeer area isit?? my mum's staying in the same area... at first i oso considering HW... i applied for their PV last yr but until now hv not sign-up for any activity cos we still unsure... u can fill up the form and submit online then they will include u in their emailing group for any pv activities.
hi angie,
actually most of the regular mummies, we had start meeting up since our pregancy and it had been really going to 6 year that we know each other......

oh dear... such a long long time....

it is a nice thread.... i have friend here since we was in SBH and move to SMH.... haha
oh really Poshies.. i just join last year.. nv really have time to venture the whole forum... until now.. a little free at work at times so just started to venture ...

yes sweatcorn.. not sweetcorn..?? hahah :p just joking..
i stay st george's lane.. not sure if i moving away by the time she go p1..so was thinking should i apply PV...
ur kid which month? gal or guy?
as mentioned mine is Apr 2005..
do u still have the form? if not i go take a look 1st..

but problem is actually i single umarried mum n my gal's cert got father name but we not register after long consideration tat time and i duno wat will happen when come to P1 registration.. i dun contact him anymore and dunno will have problem.. as seems they need both parents I/C.. but cannot remove his name from BC.. regretted to put his name.. haiz..
anyone have any idea or similar situation like me
<font color="aa00aa">angie:
haha! yeaps... been a long time member.. was very active in the past.. but lesser time now.

abt your birth cert / ic thing:
think it is best you consult a lawyer. </font>
thanks Krazy, thank you.. tat time i ask the find a better lawyer.. can't afford so much lawyer fees now and now also can't qualified the legal aid.. haiz.. see how next year..

btw, the legal aid mentioned that must get my gal's father to agree to give up the custody almost similar to divorce case when fighting for kids.. but dun think he will want to do so... haiz.. so troublesome n sian... really regret put his name..

anyway, when i have extra cash .. will go seek lawyer's advise.. anyone had good experience lawyer to recommend
thank you!
hee, yes sweatcorn, not sweetcorn... not sweet enuff... BUT oso not sweaty hor... ahahahahaha...

hey u staying at st georges? my mum too... hehehehe... small world

my son born in apr 05 loh... u can get the form from the HW sch website...
Wow... suddenly see you so active here! Wei, find one day afternoon make yourself free lei. Pris and me still arranging to meet up. Hee.... both also say you must go. Wahahahahaha.

You try go to SingaporeBrides and see anyone has got good lawyer to advise. Or I try to find for you. Cos, I'm helping a friend to look for one for abusive husband case.
Regarding child's school, last time I was determined to put my child into Nan Hua, since my mum moved so near to there. But end up, feel that no point la. My niece came from a neighbourhood school, but now just went into Nan Hua High liao. So, she managed to convince me, doesn't mean you go to neighbourhood school, you won't get good results. It's how the parents place effort in their kids. Thus, I will only try Rulang, where it's near my MIL's place. If not, just go to neighbourhood will do.

Good idea! Hehehe... though just celebrated Joeson's birthday. Wahahahahaha.
ya.. i stay st george's lane (blk 7)

thanks Angeline.. if u do have one, let me know

but understand with some other mummies.. :p Bendermeer is not so good.. (n i always see Ah Beng Ah lian...etc..
Btw, it is also not convenient to me too as it is further away and I had to walk extremely far.. as i have no car... anyway will see how..

Thanks for the info
yup angeline, u don forget all the children here is mar-jun bb... so maybe do we all prepare 1 present each and do exchange.... oh it sound like christmas gift exchange... haha... .all we are buy present then it ended a lot of present ot buy.... haha.... let see how many of us can make it 1st lor...
hi mummies,
anyone keen in join the run for their kids on 18 April??? i had signed up and also had signed up for gerald... see anyone keen in join us...
A series of 6km run/walk talking place over the course of 24 hours in 192 countries featuring Live concerts.
Sunday, 18 Apr, 2010
Marina Bay, Singapore
6km is the average distance women and children walk every day in the developing world to have access to water. Close to a billion people are without access to safe drinking water.

Kids 1km (Now $22 per runner, $25 from 1 March)
• Individual (4-6, 7-9 &amp; 10-12 years old)
• Schools (kids aged between 4-12 yrs old)

Did u manage to get reponses for the gathering?
I am avail on these dates: 21/03/10 &amp; 04/04/10. How abt a simple gathering at Botanical Gdns? E kids can have fun while we sit there yak &amp; munch non-stop.. A mini picnic session?! Hahaha..

The run/walk sounds interesting.. I am quite keen.. Gerald is able to run 1km?? Who's gg to take care of him while u go for the 6km run/walk?
angie, u r my mum's neighbour... world so small... dun think it will be difficult to go into hw since u staying within 1 km leh... think hw will be the better choice among the other nearby ones...
hu bubbliciouslee,
haha din bring my hp out today... so can not sms u on the run.... acutally gerald can follow me to run/walk for full 6 kn.... i try before but the run/walk, (mainly i walk rather than run) at the evening timing.... he is pretty on... plus yesterday we went for treetop walk at machi i think we walk about 10.3km in total... haha...

but this round i will be going for my 6km 1st then ask the daddy to bring him over at about 9.30am, then i will run/walk with him for his 1km... i think i should be about to finish my 9.30am lah.....

u keen, do let me know....
Hi Sweatcorn, ya world is small..
who knows i might seen ur mum b4 :p

ya HW is the better among that area.. but problem is my daughter's schoolmate who is in P1 this year who is staying within 1km(McNair road and just the block next to hw...) also need balloting last year and so made me worried..
If can enter hw is the best... but even within 1km also need balloting then i might not be so lucky.. i always dun have luck when have lucky draw
yes no choice, balloting is like a norm for better neighbourhood sch... some good ones, even do PV oso need to ballot leh... no choice loh hv to depend on God's decision...
