(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

lbs,i started bath n shampoo my boy abt 1 mth ago.he used to scream n cry when it's bathing time,now dunno he's used to it or it's cooling after bathing such hot weather.
BTW do u all feed ur bb immediately when they cry for milk?or wait for a while?I used to feed him immediately n noticed he isnt hungry yet and will drink little.But if were to wait for a while he tend to drink more.so now i practise 'starve' him for a while.

Hi doll,
U wanna bring Alyssa to PD to check her drinking freq ah? Mayb i shd do the same

Ur plasmacluster is aircon or purifier?

Hi Bonnygal,
Haha! I always feed immediately..in fact b4 she cries..maybe that's why she drink so little
Maybe i shd also starve her a bit
yah loh, feel a bit scared by her drinking patterns. dunno normal or not.. mine is aircon :p single unit for my room only :p

no lah, i tried starving her , wah lau lagi worst. drink even lesser.. i read somewhere that they tend to get tired after crying.. so will drink lesser. m so confused now ..
omg, i rinse using the same water in the tub. that's why i like cetaphil... dun rinse off also can.. read from it's instructions that can actually "dry clean" by wiping with a dry cloth after cleaning.

u can try the shower head if your bb's steady enuff. i use a tub with a plug that can drain water. will try the shower head on him once he is more firm.

my MIL will practise soaping bb outside the tub, on the floor, apply soap, rinse off, then put bb in the tub. actually, i dunno what is the tub for in this case. maybe to let bb play with water??

btw, anyone here tried MIM nursing mother's tea? i am still trying to increase my milk flow... i wonder if that works cos fenugreek does not work on me.
hi snowpooher,

OIC you r afraid of the pain of pap smear ha?..
But i'm sure you've done it prior to pregnancy huh?

Lucky i'm c-sec, so down there not affected so i'm dun have that phobia lah..
But har.. come and think of it.. Dr ang quite chor lor hor.. Emmm.. mayb i'll think twice going to him..

U mentioned Pariss's seafood spread is alot but do they always fill up the plates?
I went to a hotel's buffet and ever waited half hour for them to refill one of their famous dishes.. Somemore their dessert finishing liao..also never replace..
hi OMG,

Yup gotta rinse off.. I bath my boy using Johnson top to toe(yellow bottle) that one got no soap content ..very mild..

No lah..i dun use shower head water to rinse off..For me i use my hand to scope some water and rinse off the shampoo on his head.
I applied the foam on his body directly thereafter using a wet small handkerchief to wipe off.. then i put him into the bath tub for a final rinse and this is the part where he enjoys it. but somehow he dun stay still n tend to struggle.. so i gotta hold him tight..
Oh must remember to put bath mat hor..

Hi bonnygal,

For my boy, once he started crying for milk is very jialat liao.. cannot wait one..
So when the milk comes you will see him like going to gobble up the whole nipple teat..
Elle n OMG,if dun starve him,he will take his time to drink eg drink then stop then drink then stop,sometimes stop for 1/2hr b4 crying for milk again.I feel frustrated and tired.But if starve him,seem like ill treating him :p dunno wat's the best way sigh....
wah ur mum very good..i really really hope i can bf that long...now aiming 3 mths first..haha..slowly lor...my milk supply dunno got increase or not..but lately can get ard 125 ml from one breast if never feed 3-4 hrs...anyway bb latches a lot...1.5 hrs to 2 hrs. U must learnt from ur mum mar...early early latch bb on...then got milk ss liao :p hehehehe

I think my bb hair very very smelly ler...told hubby to use shampoo but he said still small lar..head still soft...sigh..
the way TMC taught us how to bath actually not very clean one right? mabe i talk to him again...poor bb...so smelly...somemore he sweats so much!! and we always cuddled him, he will be super hot and sweaty...

ur hubby carry daryll like that and sleep ar..he not scared ar..i tried to carry him like that once..he like ah gong ...stay there blur blur hahah..dunno whether he enjoys it or not..find bb still a bit soft.

bb cried until got tears veyr poor thing one ler..eyes red red..bian chui...etc etc..last night we tried to let him cry a bit..but later getting louder..and cldn't take it...hubby went to carry him...
since it's ok to cuddle when he still small then i think just let it be..when he abit older then train him..
told u right? i read the book on how to make bb sleeps? they mentioned can train later frm 6 mths onwards...most bb still cant sleep well until 3-4 mths..

u using the nose sucker n can suck out?me tried but cant...so i use the pincher to get rid of mucus which is quite hard..
m using cetaphil myself to shower..mabe will try on bb
Elle, my gal also got tears but I can't remember when. Quite early for her.
Ya, Elle, I afraid of the pain for pap smear test lah. Especially Dr Ang so chor lor one. Actually he did mention to me during my last checkup saying I need not go back to him one hahaha... so I was thinking dun want to go for the test lor. Some friends of mine din go for the test also. I din do any pap smear test before pregnancy leh. In fact, after getting pregnant, that first visit is my first visit to gynae. :p
Pariss do fill up but you got to be fast lor. Cos the people waiting in front of the empty plates leh. Which hotel you went? Waited so long? Any recommendation for buffet lunch or high tea? Thinking of going to eat on my wedding anniversary w/o my gal hee hee hee... Hubby suggests to check in hotel for a night stay to relax. My company got corp rate for certain hotels. But now hor, I find checking in hotel waste $ leh, unlike last time, I love to go hotels cos so relax!

doll, yes there is changing room. Wau doll, my gal damn talkative ah..

bonnygal, I usually feed immediately after bath cos it is usually my gal's feeding time. She knows the schedule one, if I dun give her, she will cry for it.

Mmm... I also apply the shower cream directly on my gal's body and hair. In fact, I even add some into the water cos she will smell nice nice.

ohmig0sh, I only use the water in the bathtub to rinse. Its the same water which I add the shower cream in.

Ask you gals ah, anyone trys to clear the ear shit? How you do it?
hi doll
really ar? hey, I have two hp nos under the name doll..hahaha..not sure which is yours liao. Can you pm me again?

Nope I didnt inform the lady yet..emm...must I?

emm..I think I will start using the baby bath foam directly on my boy liao...

Hey Elle, I am also using the Johnson tip to toe..
heheh same here, ur Dr Ang tat chor mah ? i went ahead n did mine to have a "an xin" coz my mum keep lecturing me on the importance of pap smear.. say if can every yr go once.

hehe dun mind mi kpo hor

carlton hotel has pretty gd lunch buffet
phoniex hotel also , more of local stuff. hehe sometimes have to pamper urself :p although i checked in to hotel last weekend wif alyssa but it feels so different. dunno why also.. u dun feel stress somehow alyssa was very "KUAI" also eheh u also used to stay in hotel to relax ?
my fav is rasa sentosa but now can't afford liao..

ur gal also talkative
hehe my gal ah , pengz .. tok alot when in aircon room !! during our hotel stay tok non stop unless her lips realy went dry. hehe the talking : urh urh ahh, "wooo" hehe actually very nice to hear also..
hi bonnygal,

My MIL complain my boy drink very slow.. he takes 20min to finish his milk. Think your boy lagi good ah.. knows how to take his own sweet time leh..heehee
so by the time he finish the milk become cold milk liao huh?
If tats the case delay giving him lor but not too long lah.. few mins after he started crying..


ya lah i dunno mah and also lazy.. sometimes think of it..i'm selfish leh..cos i wanted so much to sleep & also time for my massage that i cant be bother to let him latch on thus causing little milk supply..
Never mind lah if got chance i'll try again the next time. heehee
Who knows if i really hv milk i may choose FM again.. cos i love to sleep.. not enuf sleep wld affect my temper and yes, memory also..

Hey After all dun be "possessed" over breastfeeding..dun feel guilty even though u've milk supply and need to stop bf..
I'm surprise my ex colleague now already in her 50s never ever breast feed her 3 kids last time. I ask her why.. she said no need lah.. so troublesome..and she dun sound regretful leh.. I suspect is her nipple inverted heehee.. But anyway, her 3kids all grown up heathily even though never had a drop of breastmilk.. And all her 3 kids are smart, 1 graduated from U liao.. another 1 in U & the youngest one from Raffles institution got 7As for O level result..

Wow your hubby more gan-cheong than you hor.. tell him is ok to shampoo BB head one.. massage soft soft lah.. not asking him to use brush wat..heehee..With the weather like this i'm sure BB also cannot tahan..

My boy enjoys tat koala bear position.. He kinda addicted to it liao.. Once carry him in tat position he wld close his eyes within 5mins..

Do you sing to your BB? Sometimes when my boy not sleepy, my hubby can sing continuosly for BB until BB falls asleep.. After hearing his lalluby songs i myself want to sleep liao..but BB eyes still big big looking around..

Hi doll,

yes, my son has started "talking" weeks ago.. He kinda responded to us when we talk to him.. he wld go "Ah Grr.. Orr.. arr.."
If you sing to him, he wld smile so happily

He loves the chinese children song "Ni-Wa-Wa".
kristen, got to use the one that is with the tube to suck out, not the one with the aspirator bulb. sometimes it does not work.. but most times it is ok.

doll, my boy started talking weeks ago too. at first, he will respond and smile to anyone who talk to him. now, the moment his eyes open, he will talk to anything.. the wall lamp, toilet door (when i m bathing him), ceiling fan, etc etc. he responds to my singing too! dunno why, his fav song now is happy bday song. he will know when the song ends and smile happily, like really his bday like that

snowpooher, pap smear is not painful lah... i din even feel a thing! the apparatus is abit warm ... so i just feel abit warm warm loh.... no pain at all. but i dunno why diff gynaes have diff schedule for pap smear... mine was done 3 weeks after my delivery. it was supposed to be a check cos my stitches was bleeding. then doc say might as well do it then since my bleeding stopped liao then i dun have to make another trip. of course, the bleeding came back on and off after that lah.
Hi doll,
my boy started talking already..in fact nw he is talking to himself and i just on some classical music for him to listen..he seems to like it..dun want to sleep already hehehe.....this morning he was nursing then stopped half way and started talking..so funny.

Snowpooher, I had papsmear done at GP before..not that painful lar...better than cervic check..maybe u can find a lady doctor to do it? i got mine done by a lady doc...more gentle hehehehe

Elle, I also used to like to sleep a lot..but now no ler...even bb sleeping and i cld catch some sleep i would just look at him sleep if i am not that tired..so cute to see him sleeping. Ur hubby so good? can sing lullaby? ask him to teach my hubby and I how to sing lullaby heahha...
hehe..my mum didnt breastfeed me i think...if got also like few days ahha..she found it leceh..and very messy :p
Eh..how u know ur colleague got inverted nipple ar? she told u ar? hehe..so she is the one who is quite open one lar..i know some people very conservative one...wun talk abt this kind of things
hi snowpooher,

I personally think tat no matter wat to be on the safe side is best to go for the pap smear lah.. Anyway has your 1st menses come?

Ehhh.. the hotel tat i complained is Phonix hotel..tats the hotel doll jus recommended..heehee.. I went for their buffet dinner with my frens.. they r famous for their roti prata and steamed chicken. The dish that i waited tat long is the steamed chicken. Is very nice and when we wanna go back and take the chef say must wait hor.. still steaming.. Aiyo.. thought they shld've standby one mah..

wat is your budget? Marriot hotel lunch buffet is good. U love desserts? Got lots of choices.
I ever tried Carlton high tea, dun like it leh..
Pan Pac high tea is good, got penang laksa, prawn mee.. satay.. roasted chicken and also coconut!..I recall they hv botak coconut for you to take as much as you like..heehee..tat time i initial stage preg..dun really dare to drink too many.

Hey i also thinking of going a weekend stay in the local hotel. Jus a short get away from home.
U ever stay in Singapore hotel b4? I never leh..cos it sounded foolish leh.. B4 we have a BB we used to go tour every yr.. now cannot liao.. even short trip to batam/bintan also gotta think twice..naturally will miss BB one.. Now i understand why some parents bring their toddlers with them to holiday which i used to think tat is a waste of $..

I actually thinking of going Banyan tree to relax but then ah.. now with kids i become 'neow' liao.. why waste the few hundred bucks.. might as well save it.. haha..

Anyway, I've told my hubby liao.. b4 i start going back to work..i must go for a break..perhaps a weekend hotel stay will do lah..
hi doll,

The bassinet is placed in the front row seat. When booking the air ticket, must remember to tell the agent to request for bassinet. Here's a photo to show.

No need to complete the vaccination lah. In fact Joshua's 3rd month jab has been pushed back by 1 month. Doc says it's ok.
ya lor, doll, my gynae chor lor one. That time he did the cervix check, I can still remember how painful it was ah!

I heard Carlton is good too. How much is that? Got Italian food right? Yes, I used to check in hotel to relax and I love it. But now with a gal, got to spend carefully leh. Maybe I go ahead with the booking. You heard of Scarlet Hotel? Very nice leh. Check out their website at www.thescarlethotel.com
I also love Rasa Sentosa... go almost once every year, usually in Aug or Nov. I just went last Nov to celebrate my hb's birthday and know wat, they sent us a birthday cake cos my hb is their golden circle member. Think they managed to check it when we checked in cos we din ask for the cake leh.

Elle, I think I just finished with the 2nd menses liao
Before having my gal, hb and I also go tour every year since BF-GF time. Either once or twice a year kekeke... Yeap, stayed in SG hotel. Ok wat, I like it. Think I better go arrange for my pap smear teat liao.

I called up my massage lady for a massage. Buay Tahan liao, my back and shoulders going to break liao... carry my gal till want to break liao ah
hi jannie,

i'm taking the MIM nursing tea. Till now i'm not sure if it's because of the tea or that my supply has stabilised. The tea contains fenugreek seeds. i was thinking if the fenugreek pills don't work for you, not sure if this tea will.
hi gals,
sorrie, i went MIA over the long weekend again. hee...

Doll, i'll go back and look for my bill then email u.

Babygrace, are u back in sgp yet? joshua looks so big now. U did great a job nursing joshua!!!

Sorry mislead you.. it shld be children's song my hubby sang to my boy.. Bcos is those songs tat he sang to him b4 he sleeps so i said lalluby..heehee.. When BB in my tummy he already start singing twinkle twinkle little star to him every nite.. Now adding more songs on the singing list. He has the patient to sing but i don't.. At most i sing one song if BB dun sleep then forget it liao..I've forgotten most of the lyrics of children's song.. come and think of it i'm once a contestant of the singing contest organise by the Rediffusion last time..heehee.. those were the days when i'm young jus 7yrs old.. now old liao

ya, tat colleague of mine is actually my assistant but already being retrenched due to company's restructuring. We r quite close can talk and complain anything to each other. We still keep in touch at times..jus spoken to her last week and only then i got to know she doesnt bf at all.


Italian food i not sure leh.. Why not go to Italian Kitchen restaurant? U love italian food ah? Hey so ulu hotel you also got to know ah?.. how u manage to find it one? the room looks nice. Wah.. can tell u very familiar with sin hotel leh.. So far which hotel in sin you've stayed besides rasa sentosa? Any recommendation which one is good?

wow you go tour duing your park tor-ing days ah? Your mum allow ah?

My mum wld KILL me if she finds out!.. She very conservative one.. even after i ROM she don't allow me to stay in my hubby's house. She said i ask papa to drive you back!.. My mum very very strict.. So i always got to bluff her lor.. tell her got chalet or watsoever.. heehee..
Even when my new flat comes she don't allow me to move in till customery.. tats why my house vacant for abt 1 1/2yrs..
hi gals, wah so many postings.. lost track liao.

I just bought my gal for her 3rd jab on tues. Wah, she cried until very jialat after the jab. I see oredi very sim tia
And then in the evening she developed mild fever. Think her fever only subsided around yesterday late afternoon. That's y these 2 days she sian sian like that. Talk to her she also dun really wana respond.

She's 6.4 kg now and 63 cm tall. Is this considered tall?

Does any of your baby's neck stabilise oredi? The doc said my gal got head lag, meaning when she place her on her tummy, she doesn't really wana hold her head up. She said it's bcos we kept placing her on her back, never let her practice hold her head up with the tummy position. Hai, next mth still need to go for review for her head lag thingy.
hi keruri,
i've just arrived in France on sunday. will be back in SG at the end of the month.
i'm so glad that Joshua has caught up in his birth weight. All the sleepless nights didn't go to waste

Do show pics of your darling if you have time.
hi elle\jannie
heheh alyssa dun use to respond to the projector of moving sea animals when we play it @ night. nwo she enjoys it hehe easier for us to leave her alone while we try to sleep.

sometimes the way she talk, dunno she's crying or talking.

heheh actually for the steam chicken , they do on the spot if finish. coz we went for lunch wif my colleagues haha we reached @ 1200pm & left @ 2.20pm :p none of us wanna go back to office :p my bab colleague say the chicken very nice but very slow to top so he told us the reason coz if they prepare in advance not as tender heheh

yah loh, i used to tink bring kids along will b mahfan hahah now i keep thinking which is baby friendly country n if can afford to bring alyssa along. mi stayed in sg hotels, a few of them . mi used to go for short trips also but now.. wah dunno how i m going to plan .. hehe i m looking ! the banyan tree phuket offer !! but 1k+ .. it's cheap !!

icic, okee noted

hi snowpooher,
check the link for prices. DBS Credit card has 10% off :p yah heard of scarlet hotel !! look like those "hot passion" !! but quite ex leh.. but it looks better than the hotel 1929. wha liew that one alot of corners !!

hehe i also go rasa once a yr. yah loh if u r their GC member , treatment is superb !!
went there when i was preggie hehe so sweet they sent up strawberries dipped in chocolate !!

m looking @ changi village hotel.. away from the all the buzz http://www.lemeridien.com/singapore/changi/hotel_sg1669.shtml cheaper than scarlet hotel..
hi babygrace,
wow... such a long trip!!! have fun over there.

here's a pic of bb gwyneth when we brought her out on Sunday.

hee..i'm getting vain and starts dressing her up from head to toe liao.

hi steamboat,
my gal is also around 63cm. 63.5cm to be exact and she weighs 6kg. so i guess the growth is normal. she can hold up her head already but still not stable too.
ah yoh so many posting b4 i posted mine.. alyssa being very edgy juz now.. sianz..

no prob

hi steamboat,
mine havn't stabilise yet leh..
dun scare me leh, tink will really pop in to PD on sat. my mum die die refuse to place her on her tummy. ended i m the one doing. have to do in the room also if not she will pick a fight wif me..
hi bonnygal,
haha..realised i can't starve my girl..i'll start dripping milk

hi elle,
wah ur hubby very good can sing nursery songs..my hb will sing chinese pop songs n my girl will 'bi chui' n "eh eh eh"

my mother & mil also never bf at all leh..thk quite common last time not to bf.

hi doll,
my girl not talkative leh...only grumbles 'ahh..ehh..ehh' when left alone. normal or not?
Elle, is very hard to find the real italian food in Singapore. Singapore's italian food sucks! I have never like italian food but started to appreicate it when I ate the real taste of italian food in Italy.

Scarlet Hotel ulu meh? Just beside Maxwell Market leh. It is a designer hotel, officially opened last Nov or Dec. I read from newspaper and get to know it, so went on net to search lor. So far, I only stayed at Rasa Sentosa and Oriental Hotel. Same as doll, HB and I love Rasa Sentosa till we dun want to opt for other hotels.

My mum allows ah... In fact, I told her only after planning and booking of tour. I keep my own passport since Pri Sch. Of all the siblings, my mum gives me the most freedom to do watever I want to do. She never asks me any qns cos she knows I will tell her if I want to. Mmm... HB and I shifted to our flat once renovation finished. My mum is the one who ask me to shift over one. My MIL also surprised that my mum so open-minded. So HB and I stayed together for 1 year before we proceeded for customary. Since we already stayed together for 1 year before customary, we decided its time for BB lor.
doll, scarlet hotel, they have internet booking promotions. $160+++ only. The room looks great! Really very hot passion hor. hahaha... for those who wanna try for bb can go there kekeke...
so many postings!! so much to catch up on.

hi folic, the egg-white consistency of your discharge means u're ovulating again! heheheh...planning for the next bb yet? *grin*

hi omg, the plasmacluster seems ok. no complaints yet. we have the open concept toilet...no door or wall adjoining the bedroom. =) so far we haven't fallen sick, there isn't a funny smell in the room lor. i tell u, all these fancy gizmos target the daddies! hee hee my hb also the one who wanted to get it. heh =)

hi doll, yes iggy sleeps with us in the room. but we'll dress him in long sleeves and long pants, and cover with blanket. the infant care centre we're sending him to also airconditioned. wah ur mom not only spoil bb's eyes, also spoil her own eyes man, watching tv in dark...heh come to think of it, so are we when we go to cinemas! *grin*

hi jannie, i bought the MIM's fenugreek tea. my ss was miserable, usually can only pump max 50ml. after drinking it, now i can pump abt 100ml every 3hrs. i dunno if it's coz of the tea, or coz i went thru a period where iggy latch on hrly. anyway, i went to mrs wong for "springcleaning" of nipples/breasts, and she say fenugreek doesn't work. after going to her, my flow has DEFINITELY IMPROVED. maybe u want to try? she opened up my nipple ducts so the flow is faster, and helped remove some blockages in my breast. damn painful. but worth it. now my boy drinks in peace. =)
hi hi long time no post .. as my whole family - hubby, eldest girl and bb girl all down with high fever - i am the last man standing .. damn tired!

have some bb photos to share - Nayli now 10 wks weighing 6.1 kg




hi folic, nayli finally decided to let me go back to work. Seems that she's ok with pigeon peristaltic teats. She's now drinking only EBM - no success with FM. Look like i'll hv to bring my medela kit to work next wk .. *sigh*
But what to do cant let her go hungry during the day right? Anyway, next wk plan to work only half days for a wk.

My mom said she's never seen a bb sooo stubborn. In fact we actually starved her for 5-6 hours. Then she relented to drink 50 ML of EBM.
My mom so pro breastfeeding (she BF me till 3 yrs old) so she actually kind of like the idea that i hv to continue BFing Nayli even after i get back to work.
For first bb I refused to continue coz i dun like the idea of expressing in toilet.
Looks like Nayli decided not to be a 'calf' hehe
Btw ladies, can I know what's your babies chinese names and the meaning? Coz i find sometimes ppl give such beautiful n unique chinese names .. so i kaypoh hehe.
My girl's chinese name is Xueqi (xue- snow, qi- cheerful) .. understand that it's common but i really love the word xue .. qi chosen by hubby.
Supposed to use qi for my eldest but MIL has other ideas so kept it for 2nd one.
My boy doesn't have a dialect name. He has a single chinese character, kai3 which is translated from his middle name - Kyle. It means victorious as in kai3 xuan2.
sorry to interrupt, but I have a question for babygrace:

I read that you flew with your child to France recently. Can i ask how old he was then? I will also need to fly with my future child and will just like to get an idea of the time frame to plan for. Thanks.
dun wori too much on the talking.. mine isn't really tat talkative. really c her mood.. but dunno why somehow in aircon , she bambles alot..

heheh went to the webby u gave me hehe showed to my hubby. he said if when alyssa is 6mths n above then we go for it hehe ALONE !!
now he not fang-xin to leave her alone wif my my mum .... but the rooms really look hot hor !! how is oriental hotel ? is the view gd ? mi like u keep passports myself :p so used to go JB wif my bf(now my HB :p) stayed @ the hotels there until kanna food poisoning then we started staying in SG hotels.. hehe MIL dun really approve of us going holidays alone together :p so we can only tou tou go SG hotels :p mi stayed in a few SG hotels.. hehe rasa still the best hor .. haven't try Ritz

hehe so will we be hearing No 2 soon hehe from ur passion in Scarlet :p ?

yah loh,, mayb tonight will try to expain to her.. now a bit sianz to leave alyssa @ home coz my mum's having a cough. dun wan to go to c doc.. mi n huby out of our minds liao.. coz alyssa is starting to cough also..
alyssa also sleep in a/c , but we place a towel @ our door coz my mum will grumble if she knew..

ur nayli looks so adorable !!

is it somekind of phrase the babies r going thru now.. drinking so little all of a sudden ? was on Extended Maternity Leave (EML) yesterday, wah liew.. i made milk 3 times.. she only drink 20ml each. then @ my 4th attempt which was like 3hours later, she drank 40ml.. .
to my HB, he manage to squeeze in 60ml..

my gal's dialect name is "Lui Suan" (teochew) pinyin is "Rui 1 "Witty" -Xuan 1 "water lily"
Hi Qdee
Nayli looks so ladylike, especially her second pic!

Hi Joyce
Just checked, Fantastics sams no longer provide free hair cut ler. They are charging $10.90 now.

Hi friesbandit
Read you had the blockages in your breasts opened? May I know how she did it? Massage? Also, a stupid question to ask hor..how do know we have ducts?

hi doll
is Alyssa's 'Rui' the one with a 'rooftop'?!Not the one with "Wang" at the side. err..not sure you know what I meant? Cos Ray's last name also "Rui", meaning clever/wise.
hey friesbandit.. i m very interested to know how mrs wong open up the nipple ducts n blocked milk ducts. i din give birth at TMC, so dunno if she will entertain me or not. i pump every 3-4 hr but sometimes still get blocked ducts... so frustrating that i am comtemplating whether to stop BFing or not. then dunno why one side of my ss is almost nil liao.

my boy also din drink alot of milk beginning this week. my mom says it might be the hot weather affecting their appetite. sometimes, 120ml of EBM can last 4 hrs (last time can only last abt 2.5 hrs)! btw, i did not increase the milk vol since abt 1 mth back... is that alright? or i should start to try to give more already?

bb's 3rd mth jab is coming up real soon and i very scared he will have fever... i also din put him on his tummy to practise leh.. maybe i should start now liao.
hehe yup yup i know what u mean

the so -called "chao zi tou" , yah loh meaning is also clever. saw in the dictionary was witty/sharp/clever . this "rui" u choose urself ?
both rui & xuan r both the "rooftop" ehe

mi n HB started last night after readig steamboat's post :p but funni leh, she can hold her head while we carry her upright.. but when on her tummy , she is SO SO lazy to lift her head up..
hi doll
Yups..I love this character & been thinking to name my son this if I got one (before pregnant lar).

But hor, this one the 4th sound, right?

Yups, I choose my boy name but also with the help of a book lor...

What abt you?You chose the name yourself?

His Chinese name is "Jun4 Rui4". The "Jun4" is not handsome "Jun4"...er...is the one with a charater looks like "Jia1" with the "Ren" at the side on top...hahaha..very complicated lar!
Talk abt chinese names...i also wanted a name with "Xuan-1" for Ashley. Looks like it's a popular character
But then in the end went to geomancer (You Long Zi) for her name--Jing-4 Han-2
Jing: the jing in GuoJing in Shen Diao Xia Lu..the guy with Xiao Long Nu
Han: the han as in Nei-4 Han-2
Quite a unisex name..actually Ashley also quite unisex
Then now she looks like a boy

Hi Qdee,
Nayli looks so ladylike leh!

Hi Doll,
Yahlor..recently Ashley like drinking so little..last time she seems to be attached to my boobs all the time & she'll NEVER reject a feed..now, i must 'forcefeed' her! She'll just use her tongue & lips to push out the milk once she's done & will protest loudly if i try to give some more
hi lbs,
hehe i choose myself since MIL gave the green light
yah with a chinese dictionary actually, coz i wanted rui but wanted a different chinese char. so check out the dic :p it can b 1st or 4th sound i tink.. i choose the 1st sound. coz sound more feminine hehe

hehe now still young so look like boy, ppl keep mistaking alyssa for boy also
heheh coz alyssa will shows this grunted face hehe juz kidding hehe

my HB also force feed alyssa last night... pek cek hor.. hehe yah loh, she screamed @ me 2 times yesterday wahliew.. wanna pengz..
Hi Doll & Ohmigosh,

Ur babies may be experiencing growth spurts...tt's y they hv moods when it comes to feed'g. Of late, Kaden has been like tis too & tis reali affects my milkflow. I guess i've to keep expressing to keep the flow going.

Hi Litebreeze,

Saw Jovan's pics u posted, he's chged qte alot since the last time i met u at TMC. Tink i met ur niece once, she was comment'g tt Kaden's as young as Jovan. He's very adorable. Tink he resembles ur hubby?

Kaden's 7kg too & he's reali growing pretty fast & lengthy too. He's start'g to coo alot too, esp in the mrg when he wakes up & is in very good mood.

Btw, where did u bring him for his 3rd mth vaccine? Did u go bk to ur PD at TMC? I've made apptmt with the polyclinic but reali hate hvg to wait so long so thot of brg'g him smwhere nearer instead.

I'm hop'g to train Kaden to sleep thru but kinda difficult. My mom says it's bcos' BM's too diluted so he'll def wake up but since i hvent found a job, thot i'll still cont' total BF. Yet, i'm afraid it may become a habit for him to wake up in the nite in future.


Seems tt most of the babies hr hv nice thick hair but Kaden's still qte botak, esp after dropp'g qte a bit again. Seems like he wun be need'g the shave at 4th mth afterall. Hr's some pics to share.
growth spurts ah.. hmm icic. thatz y they sleep so much also isst..? if it's normal then ok.. thought what happen. u noe suddenly drink so little..

alyssa dun have hair then put caps n hats on her.. ppl still ask boy ah .. hiaz.. @ the roxy hotel, the hotel angmoh manager said " what a handsome boy" wah liew she was dressed in pink.. my HB told hm, it's a girl n smiled. angmoh hit his head n said oops then said " very attractive"

doll, your gal same as mine. She likes to hold her head to look at things when we carry her upright position but when i put her down on her tummy, she just can't lift her head up. Sometimes she will just lie there and start licking her fingers. That's y i didn't place her on her tummy very often. I still thought it's quite normal for babies to not able to lift their heads up at this age until the doc said she got head lag ! Thus i need to let her practice for a while everyday. But dunno y she like sian sian these few days after the jab.. hai

BabyVon, wah ur boy knows how to lift his head up !! Did u always place him on his tummy to let him practice?
