(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

i'm going crazy! every diaper change of poo has bloody mucous! and the PD ask us to go back only on wed. have to worry till then. i think i'll pull all my hair out by then...

friesbandit, were the stools hard? I jus checked the book ' What to expect in the first few years'. In it, it says that stool streaked with bllood coould be due to anal fissures (cracks in the anus caused by the passage of hard stool). Is Iggy fussing a lot during poo poo time?

Hi friesbandit,

how come got blood? Is your baby's stool very hard?

Very fast hor.. we going to work very soon liao.. when exactly you going back to work? For me wld be 6/6. I wonder where is scarydoggie? long time no hear from her..

Sighh.. back to busy working life liao..
hi folic, the stools are watery with the yellow shit. they don't look hard. the PD checked his anus this morning...no signs of anal fissures. he say could be a polyp in the intestines. then my mum scare me could be congenital diverticulum. they also say could be an infection of the intestines. so many ifs...no answers.

thanks for all ur concern girls. my hubby home with me today...we lending each other support. tmrw he go back to work then i'll be alone at home with iggy. will springclean the house so as not to hu2 si1 luan4 xiang3.
Jannie, thanks for your suggestions. She doesn't seem to have blocked nose but I will monitor and see. Then the book says ear infection will also scream halfway thru feeding.. so I might bring to doc to see. I feel pai sei going to the doc..cos everytime I will imagine this and that and then in the end, nothing serious. Sigh.. so hard to guess wat's going on! YX drinks 90ml every 3 hours and sometimes 120ml (usually the feed before sleep).These 2 days, she cranky, so most of the time it is 70-80ml only.

Friesbandit, don't worry for now.. wait for the results.. when will it be out?


dunno wat happen to my boy lately.. put him down he'll cry straighaway.. always wanted to be carried.. Buay tahan..

he cannot kuai kuai 'play' by his own.. must hv someone with him one..
talking abt yellow shit.... my bb is passing greenish and yellowish stools at the same time these few days... is that ok? i read somewhere that greenish stools is caused by not euff nutrients if baby is on TBF or bb sometimes do not get the hindmilk. but my bb only has 1 feed of BM per day.. so dun think it's caused by that. any suggestions? i dun really think that he has got a fright, that's why the green stools. my MIL seems to think so though.. but aiya.. all the older folks all think frights can give bb green stool...

friesbandit, my guidebook... bb's first yr - week by week, also say abt anal fissures if u find blood in the stool. anyway, it says to call your pead if u see blood on the diapers, which u already did. let's all hope for the best for iggy.
hi jannie,
my girl oso passing greenish and yellowish stools, MIL oso told me that she got a fright.. but my SIL said if really got a fright, can see green veins on face, which she doesnt at all.. she's not on TBF as well.. duno why got greenish stools

maybe experience mommies here can advise us, please.

which brand of FM u givibg your boy ? My boy has gone total FM (enfalac) and his stool is like your boy's...yellow with green...

my hubby read that its normal with FM...maybe due to the iron content...


do any of your bb sometimes jerk in their sleep... with hands and legs lifted like someone juz drop them like dat ?? Mine (6 wk) do and its disruptive to his sleep... and when he sleep, sometimes one of his leg shakes involuntary follow by the others. else it will be both leg shakes together... at first thought its fits but he dun hv eyes rolling symptom like fits

I am getting worried dunno wld going to a PD helps.... or shd i bring him to chinese physician... i scated he got some nerve problem...
hi poohy,

Yes, my BB do jerk at times while he's sleeping.. esp when he hear loud noise. I read b4 is startle reflex.. dun be worried..
When he was abt 6weeks old he used to shake his leg involuntary when we carry him but now 8weeks no more liao leh..

Observe him for a few more weeks, dun be over paranoid and send him to PD immediately. BB at weeks old is too young to control their muscles and nerves.. dun be over concerned.
Hi Friesbandit,
Hang in there! Hope it's nothing serious!

Hi Elle,
My baby also leh..must carry. Not just carry..must carry her upright & walk ard so that she can see-see-look-look ard. Once i sit down, she'll "Eeehhhh!" Really bey tahan!

Hi Jannie & Elisa,
My baby also has some greenish stools occasionally..but i thk it's bcos of the foremilk-hindmilk imbalance (i'm ~90-100% BF).

Elisa: Green veins on the face? Sounds very scary!

Hi Jannie,
Think ur baby's amt quite ok lah..moreover his weight also good right?
My girl self-imposed diet these few days..drink so little. Normally i give EBM in the mornings ~80-100ml 2-3hrly (direct latch for the rest of the day). These few days only taking ~60-80ml...bcos rejecting bottles. Will see how much she's taking tomorrow with the new teats!
hi elisa/jannie,

No lah.. greenish stools caused by frights are all myths believed by the elders..No logic one. You ask PD, they'll laugh..
In fact for FM babies, normal stools colour shld be mustard yellow.. I notice greenish yellow stools are harder, do you notice tat?

My boy stools so far yellow colour, at times will see greenish but tats only when he didnt drink enuf water..

hi OMG,

Ya lor.. think they r begining to know how to 'keng' liao.. My boy also lah..cry not enuff still wanted to be carried in the way he likes.. same as your gals lor upright position.. Last time b4 1mth old, he only drink milk and then kuai kuai sleep..now no more liao.. crying time more than sleeping time.. jialat..

i desperate till i put him in the stroller and walk around my house..
thanks for concern. results will be out on wed.

jannie, my mom (she's a nurse) says green shit could be due to vegetable protein in FM. dunno how true. but if on BM, then ya, fore-hind milk imbalance.

poohy, my boy also used to "tremble" his legs...like having fits. but it went away as he got older. dun worry. it's coz they can't control their muscles yet.

all ur babies put down cry. my iggy now pick up then cry! so fan3 chang2. sigh. he's drinking 90ml 2hrly.
Hi gals,

jannie, YX's stool has been dark green ever since she is on full FM and she drinks Enfalac. My baby bible (what to expect in the first year) says that if the FM is iron fortified, or tthe baby is taking vit with iron, the stool may be green, greenish, dark brown or black.There was this one time when her stool was dark green in the beginning and then become yellow at the end.

Hi Elle and OMG, yah. It's really fast.
And also duno why I'm so emotional after giving birth to my baby boy.

Hi snowpooher, I've heard a lot of good comments for Nepia. Maybe too many demands liao, tt's why it's slow.

Hi Qdee, not shiny, it's oily lah.

Hi Jannie, my boy also taking 120ml in his 10th week.

And seems like a lot of mummies here having problems with their babies..
elle/jannie, YX can join the crowd of crying babies! Must carry her and walk around or else will cry. Even if I sit down and rock her, also cannot...!She is ok when we go out, sit in the car, etc but once reach home she will cry. Also if car stops at traffic light, she will start to eh eh eh!!

ohmig0sh, me also using Huggies Dry Comfort (red packaging). Think doll is also using it.

Elle, no more friends giving birth liao meh? Oh, maybe I more thick skin lah :p I told my colleagues directly wat I want and if they are going to buy me gifts, check with me first if not get duplicate stuff. Anyway my office trend is to give $ and my friends, we always ask cos dun want to waste $ buying stuff that dun need. Err... my gal only 3 toy, 2 are gifts from my mum and colleague. I just bought her one soft toy only. I rather spend the $ on milk powder or diapers than on toys.

Joyce, Nepia has small small office, heard only 2 staff ah...

BTW, Kristen, if you happened to read this. Just came back from NTUC, and they are selling Nepia at $15.90 till end of this month.
Hi Elle,
Hahaha! Mayb i'll consider putting her in stroller & walk ard the house tomorrow!
They really know how to xiang-3 shou-4 man--but i take it as exercise to tone up my flabby arms lor
hi hi ladies, i survived the first day of work - most importantly so did Nayli.
Reached home she was fast asleep. According to mom, after so long to milk - nayli gave up and drank from bottle EBM.
But i was too stressed out and too busy that when i tried to expressed my BM not much came out only 80ml (usually can go up to 150 per breast) even tho my breast was soo heavy and felt so full.

Hi kristen, yes, i have avent milk bag/clips but i am using medela breast pump.

Litebreeze my baby also drool a lot lately and like you bb, she's also 'eating' her 'biceps'. But it's normal, coz my nieces, nephews and eldest daughter also went thru that phase.

OMG, hehe yeah i hope your ashley's ok with bottles
so that u wont hv to worry when u go back to work - when is it anyway?

look like i am one of the first few to start work - others seems to take extended leave - dunno y but i think i need to be back at work to get my life in order heheh ... maybe real reason is to take a break from bb hmmm how i wish i only need to work half-day everyday for a year - so perfect.
hi folic,

my joshua can join the crowd of crying babies too! He really got a Jekyll and Hyde personality. One moment all smiley, the next moment crying inconsolably.
Now that we're staying in the hotel, there isn't much place to carry him around. He seems to like the bathroom lots so every time he cries, i'll carry him to the bathroom.
He's ok when we're out also, so long as we keep moving, he can't stay in the same spot for too long. haha!
hi snowpooher,

Aiyah..my frens either park tor long long dun want to get married or want to be ambitious career women.. Those that r married and have kids really very few.. Anyway i jus went to see my pet pet S size is finishing..yipee.. can open EQ and try liao..

My office give $, very standard trend in my co. too. My Frens mostly give vouchers(taka, JL, isetan, tangs n NTUC) or ang bao..But funny leh..i din receive toys except gym mat. Relatives also give ang bao.. infact i'm abit shock with the amt of ang bao $ i received. i jokingly tell my hubby not bad leh.. this kinda party can earn so much..kekeke..

Same here never like to waste $ to buy toys.. tat kiddy palace voucher i received is very very unexpected one.. is actually from someone i dunno .. my mum's church fren.. so i thought might as well take this opportunity to buy my boy a music mobile to entertain him .. then the voucher bal. i used it to buy milk powder lor..

hi OMG,

I'm sure it works.. let me know how your gal react okie

wow your girl so smart ah.. car stop at traffic light also can tell the diff and start crying..
so cute
Dont worry too much about the result. Everything will be fine. Are u on TBF? Could it be some food that u consumed these few days...
I was told that breastfeed BB will takes in whatever the mummy eat.
My gal's stool on EBM is always watery yellow color.
Anyway, keep us updated on the result on Wed. Dont worry too much.

Have u all try Sealers pampers? I personally find it very good for my son previously and I am also using it for my gal now. But disadv. is u cant this brand easily and it is also quite ex. I bought it at Giant.
hi keruri,
thanks for ur mail !

yah rm @ goodwood not that big :p heheh true also. confinement rules seems harder to follow than preggie ones.. yah, alyssa will make noise if her diaper is wet even from one pee.. so have to change frequently..

i took EML during the Motherhood exhibition

can't use huggies M size for alyssa liao.. lieaks out coz too small. stil have 1/2 a pack left.. tink ur bb won't b able to wear huggies liao also..
drooling is sign of teething ?? alyssa drools on n off nowadays.. isn't it a bit too fast for teething ..?

alyssa didn't like her music mobile 1st also. but after 1 week, she begin to love it. so maybe ur bb will like it after sometime

ur bb drinking sounds ok.. mine only drinks like 90ml every 2.5-3hrs...

whatz the preparation u have to do when bringing iggy to infant centre ? bottles , clothes etc ?

yah, went kiddy palace on sunday :p in the afternoon. u were there ?

hi gals,
alyssa came down wif a bad cough on sat. which i guess she got it from my mum who is also coughing. took her to PD on sun. suck out the nose again coz nose also blocked.. ended takign urgent leave yesterday coz she became suddenly hysterical
on sunday night.. lasy night also.. hiaz. PD said chances due to my mum but my mum said it's not her, it's the dust in the house...

things took a turn. mum is moving out to my aunt's place. she told my aunt that she has no place to stay. she will still keep her room in our house. said that she dun wan to look after coz she feels mentally stressed & bored. m looking for a infant centre near my place. hiaz.. sudden bomb also dunno what to do. she said she has been planning this after she resigned !!!!
she said need us to grow up coz we r too dependant on her. HB extremely annoyed coz she only looks after bb and sweeps the flr. nothing else even water also dun boil.
Let's pray iggy will be fine. Don't worry so much.

Snowpooher hehe....so i will ask hubby go buy
I went to do pedicure last friday..wanted to do manicure but need another hour..scared hubby tired of waiting and bb not enuff milk to drink coz i onli thawed a pack of frozen EBM...dun think will do manicure liao coz i just cut my nails haha..now so short

Wah so many babies need to be carried too? I tot only mine need to be cuddled to sleep. If not wun sleep one..so siong especially day time. Really wonder whether it is good to cuddle him to sleep...any idea?
Last night very jialat..Cayden kept on crying once we put him down on his cot...i think on off he got cried for an hour...

Gals, may i ask whether any of ur babies can sleep through the night yet without feedings? Was reading a book said bb should be able to sleep through the night starting for one month..but i doubt so lar..sure need to feed one right?

OMG, u still got latch bb directly? My boy sometimes latch onli few minutes then zzzzzz...especially at night..no matter how i wake him he dun want to drink already...not sure he has enuff of not but he will sleep for 2 hrs..
sometimes he will like to suck non-stop b4 he sleeps ...hai..so unpredictable
Cayden always chokes when he drinks milk ler..issit ok? quite scared something not right with him
u asking me a very challenging question ahha..i dunno what is the meaning of junkai..let me go check....
hmm...jun4=high/lofty. on the left hand side of the character there is a mountain character..
i think should be this lar:p
what abt urs?
hi kristen,
b4 alyssa got sick, she was able to sleep thru at least 6 hrs w/o getting up for feeds. read in the magazine is when babies r 3mths n above, they should b able to go w/o feed @ night for 8 hrs.. so thatz the time to train them ..

i juz let her asleep coz i tried waking her once to drink. ahah only drink 10ml !! so might as well dun wakee her :p
so after 3 mths train still ok right? my MIL said bb not enuff sleep and we spoilt him coz always carry him..but i think if add up the hours he sleeps...shld have 15 hrs a day lar...that's enuff mar...day time is the most siong time coz if he doesn't sleep i cannot nap...haha..so tiring..and has to carry him walk around...

Cayden will wake up every 2 hrs now to feed at night..sometimes sleep a bit longer...
U bringing alyssa for her next jab? during 3 mth? doing to PD? I think i will go PD for that injection..then can ask PD questions and check on Cayden's growth

So now u sending alyssa to infant centre?
hi doll,
luckily my huggies only 8 pcs (from hamper)..almost finishing liao. i find it not bad. maybe will buy more

hi qdee,
me starting work next week..will be working 1/2 days til end aug..then full days after that. think i'll collapse if i work full day straightaway

my ss very inconsistent leh..sigh!

hi kristen,
yup..i latch in afternoons & night. mornings give ebm..this will be wat happens when i return to work next week

my baby at night NORMALLY last feed ~10pm, then wake up ~3+am & then again at 6+am. It's common for BF babies to need to wake up in the night bcos BM is easily digested, so they get hungry faster.

Is ur letdown too fast that's why Cayden chokes? Ashley also chokes sometimes when she's very gan-jiong/angry--when she drinks too fast or if she cries & tries to drink at same time.

As for cuddling, I believe in giving baby watever comfort she needs. If she needs to be carried/held/cuddled, then i'll just do it (only for the 1st 4-6mths). My thinking is: Even if she gets used to it, it's only a matter of these few mths. When she's bigger, even if i wanna carry her, she may reject it..so treasure the moments now
Hi Snowpooher & all who uses Nepia,
Is the M size very big (comparable to Pampers)? Wat size is ur baby using now...how heavy is he/she?
Wanna get, but dunno wat size to get.
poohy, my boy is on friso. dun worry abt the jerking thingy... swaddle bb when he's alseep if necessary.

just checked with my sis who has a 14 mth son...... she also brought her boy to PD when the bb din shit for a few days when he was 3-4 mths. apparantly PD said that this is a phase that bbies will go thru - infrequent passing of motion and greenish stools, same with FM or BM fed bbies. if bbies do not develop fever during this phase, then it's ok. if fever and no passing of motion, then must bring to A&E liao.

snowpooher, do u know what is the usual price of nepia if not on offer?

doll, your girl is already outgrowing M size????!!!! i still have 4 1/2 packs of various brand M size left!! dun frighten me lah.. i m still thinking of going NTUC to stock up nepia M size leh...
Hi OMG, my boy coming 7 kg, now using M size.
I've never used Pampers M size before, so I can't tell the difference. As you see, there's numbers on the diapers; 1, 2 and 3 (measurements). So for my boy, I pasted the tape between number 1 and 2.
hi kristen,
yah after 3mths still ok. they wrote 3-6mths is the best time to train..

thought they said babies from 2mths till 4mths will like to cuddle alot & they dunno how to "keng" yet so itz ok to cuddle now n then..
but if bb no matter what if they r tired , they will kunz like nobody's business ( apart from the fussing before they sleep ah :p)
can't bring for her jab this weekend coz her cough haven't ok. so prob next week bring her to her next jab. nope doing @ GP. coz i asked my PD regarding the vaccination, basically the same medicine , only the protocol different. so GP doing 2 5-in-1 & 1 6-in-1.
yah, looking @ infant centre now.. pretty rush coz my mum moving out end of may.

8pcs !! mi got at least 20pcs.. hiaz. hehe yah loh not bad but if nepia got offer , will buy nepia instead
alyssa weighs 5.58kg now. M size is ok. haven't tried pampers fit & dry. somehow the offer of $73 not coming back leh..

yah outgrow M size. she only weighs 5.58kg for 2.5mth baby. the butt area juz cover enuf then the front like cannot make it. tried using again on sat. jialat. leak out.. but M size is huggies one hor. not Nepia. Nepia one still got room to grow
hi gals
been quite some time since I logged on liao..
busy busy with Ray, dunno why he starts to be fussy again, have to be carried most the time...cluster feeds..etc...

perhaps he knows mummy back to work soon?

hi friesbandit
Dont worry so much..Iggy shld be fine..

hi folic
haha...Ray also like that..love the drive but will start to Eee..Aaaa when our car stops at traffic lights.

hi omg
how come you on half day?ur boss so good..in this case, will you still put Ashley to nanny? My boy will start his orientation next week liao..so fast..

oh, btw, I find that Nepia M is slightly bigger..Ray can still fit in the S size( I got the sample)but have to paste the tape all the way to corner. I tried M (sample also) on him, a little bit big on him, the tapes have to paste more inside..He is coming to 7kg too.
Hi elle,
i'm fine,thanks.....
i'm still not due yet.....still hve abt 2 more mths to go..

u gng back to work soon liao ah??time realli flies.....hows taking care of ur bb alone??
if free,can email mi.....
take care.....
Hey doll, as long your gal is healthy will do. Dun worry too much on the weight gain. And dun forget Ray and Jonas is boy boy hor..
hi kristen,

Difficult to describe the name here leh..
Looks like your boy's chinese character the Kai is the same as mine but Jun i dunno wat you talking leh..heehee..

Tell u wat.. your hp got chinese character one right?.. i send my boy's chinese name to you tonight.

U sure the books says from 1mth onwards can sleep throughout?! Impossible lah.. esp bf babies how cld it be?..At least reaching 3mths mayb still can.
So far my boy has been waking up one time during his night sleep.

Sleeps: 11.30am
Wake up for milk: 4am
Morning Wake up: 9am

Night time not much prob but day time jialat liao if he dun sleep will expect to be carried around once put down he'll start his music. Since i'm going back to work, i please him as much as i cld lor..
haah....boys heavier lar...anyway must see their birth weight also right? my boy already 4.6kg at one mth u know..now i dunno how heavy..maybe got 6 kg ard 2 mths? hmm..
Cayden when tired but can't sleep will also cry and fuss....

was readiing a book..extracts:
"Not sparing the comfort won't spoilt the baby, at least not until she is at least six mths old. In fact, studies show pouring on the comfort now-by picking her up within a couple of minutes whenever she cries and catering to all her needs-not only won't turn out a spoiled brat, it will turn out a happy, more self-reliant child who in the long run will cry less and demand less attention. She will also have a closer attachment to you (or to whoever it is who responds to her), and be more trusting"

SO dun care lor..me will carry him..dun care what MIL said...she contradicting one ler....she also always carry him haahha..:p
Last night we tried not to cuddle him to sleep fully..and put him down when he half asleep..so jialat..he ended up crying even more

Huggies size M is smaller than Nepia M? Then i better use huggies first...if not later he cannot wear..
u go to this website then u see the meaning of jun=high/lofty. That's the jun in cayden's name

Ya, day time is the most siong coz he wun sleep so much...so bb no sleep=mummy no sleep ahahha...night only the i nitial part he has to be helped to fall asleep..after than is ok...now he quite regular..waking up every 2 hrs to fed for 5-10 minutes then zz again

u going work 6/6? Mine should be 8/6 but might extend then start in july. I rugi few days coz company go by number of weeks
hi doll, yeah sunday... afternoon or late afternoon... i was there at the stroller section with hubby and eldest daughter ... were u with your mom, bb and a boy?
Hi all,
We're back!


Emma really enjoyed herself in Sydney. The weather was perfect - natural air con all the time - and she was happy every day. We went to the Blue Mountains where it was a little colder but not too bad, she was kept warm in her snug little jacket. She didn't seem to be bothered by the flights either, and continued with her usual eat/play/sleep routine, like Babygrace said, I guess they're too young to know so it's easier now. It was a really good break for us, most of all!

Going to catch up on all the posts I missed now...write again later!

Wow ladies, Me back in office. So much work!!!! Think won't be able to login for the next few days!!!

Kristen, I still do manicure despite I cut my nails short hahaha... Sometimes my gal do sleep thr out the night w/o feeding. Her last feeding at 7pm, she will wakes up at 4am+.

ohmig0sh, Nepia M Size is slighter a bit bigger than Pampers S Size. My gal is about 6kg+. I think for your gal size, she still can't use Nepia M Size, maybe 2 to 3 weeks more???

jannie, usual price is between $19.90 to $22.90, depend on where you buy. doll's daughter outgrown M size, I think is becos Huggies is small in cutting lah. Pet Pet M Size is big leh. Go NTUC and take the samples to measure the size for Pampers M size and Nepia M size lor. Thats what I do.
