(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi keruri,

For ML it depends on your company staff manual. Besides the extra 4weeks govt stipulated; for the 2months ML, some companies indicate 8 weeks, some indicate 2months & some may go by 60 days. Go check your company benefits list to find out.

haha..just asked my hubby bought a pack of Nepia size M. I don't think Cayden can wear yet coz it looks big but maybe will stock up 2 more packs.
Drypers leak ..so lousy..sometimes place Cayden on my bed then wah lau...bed got his urine!!
Ur mother so good ar? Can make bb pangsai and urine..u mean ur boy can sit on toilet bowl liao? My MIL also will whistle and make noise for bb to pee or poo..that time she whistled then the massage gal asked me who is that..told her my MIL lor...making bb pee hahaha...so funny right?

bushy hair? when u intend to shave? i can't wait to shave his hair off coz it's getting smelly. TMC taught us how to wash bb's hair right? I find that method not very clean ler..but bo pian..i think his head still soft..so cant rub too hard

When my hubby snores..i push and poke him also no use..just have to tahan..

After u all sterilise breasts pumps /bottles, do u use a cloth to dry it? I use kitchen towel but hubby told me if dry like that won't it be dirtier?So normally i dun dry them and just keep in the fridge.

Spent so much on maternity clothes also..more than $500. I will just pack up and keep. At least the skirt and pants i can still wear coz adjustable waistband and all are hipsters type.
Hi Snowpooher,
I'm interested in ur S size Pampers..is it still available?? U stay at Sembawang too right??
BTW i saw Nepia sample at Sembw NTUC also leh..but must hunt for it..slotted into one of those shelves.

My matern clothes mainly from my cousin--so return to her, those that i bought (only few pieces) i passed to my pregnant colleague..i only keep those that i can wear post-preg
Like lbs, i bought most clothes that r not too maternity..so can wear next time

Hi Doll,
I also use nappyliner..so far haven't seen Ashley's skin shrivel up..she also pees quite frequently!

I'm also considering changing job..in fact i went for an interview recently (same line, different area, more flexi hours, hourly pay). But blew it cos they (i know the interviewer b4hand--colleagues for short period last time) asked me wat my priority is & why i wanna change job..
My priority: 1. Time (with baby) 2.Money 3.Passion
Wat they want is of cos someone with passion in that area.

Then she asked how badly i wanted the job...she laughed when i said not very badly.
So that $25-55 per hr job is gone.

So now negotiating with my boss abt going parttime for ~3mths til end Aug

BTW is ur name Cheyenne? That's one of the names i was considering for Ashley last time

Hi kristen,
y must keep sterilized bottles in the fridge?

Hi Keruri,
My matern leave is 84 days (12weeks).
Heheh! Do Ashley & YX really look alike?
Actually i tot they look quite different..YX looks so guai, Ashley looks so naughty & cheeky!

hi kristen,
no leh, i dun dry it wif towel. use a rack to dry them...

hi omigosh,
hehe what i meant is use nappy liner won't shrivel up :p
i wanted to change job scope.. so will b better n less stress than now.. i thought interview muz give them what they wan to hear :p
get the job liao then diff story :p
$25-$55 per hour !! wah liew damn gd pay leh !! u muz b earning quite a lot now hor..

yah :p cheyenne hehe but dun usually use :p

oh wat i meant is when my boy listens to my mum's shh..shh sound or emm..emm sound..he wld do as per 'instructed'.. He get accustomed to it liao.. My mum wld hold on to his legs, open up and face the toilet bowl wait for him to drop golden mustard..

She ask me to do that also..but i bo-chap lah..mana wu-eng.. I no patient lah..

Never thought of cutting his hair leh..cos i love his hair since day 1. dun bear to cut.
By the way, how TMC teach us to wash their hair? I forgotten. Thought as per usual lor.. jus pour shampoo and use our pad finger to go over their scalp?

Hey in fact after u've wash your bottles, jus leave it to air dry. No need to use cloth or towel to wipe. To put in the fridge is to prevent it from getting dust outside, my mum also do tat..

For me, i'll let the bottles air dry and b4 i use jus rinse it with some hot water.


Ashley looks so cute!.. by the way, did you deliver her using Vacuum suction? Dun mind me asking how come her head's shape abit pointed upwards?

Wah the kinda hourly rate is similar to wat a consultant is being paid leh.. U let the golden opportunity run away liao.. so sayang.. Anyway being truthful upfront is good lah..no point bluffing them and evetually resign..
Elle, hubby took the wrong size lor. The brand is Huggies Comfort Dry. My relatives ah... no one with BB. I can't remember how much I paid for the Pampers Premium, cos bought sometime ago. Think is $22.50?? I remember not more than $23.

doll, SAHM ah... I go back work then think for few mths first. Cos I heard from my colleague that there is an huge increase in my workload and have to OT almost everyday. If really can't tahan, then ask hubby to feed me and BB lor. Anyway, I did an estimated calculation. After paying my mum for taking care of my gal, minus my monthly allowance for my mum, dad, sis, I actually dun left much.

Actually hor, if I'm not wrong, ML is 12 weeks and it does include all weekends and public holidays. Cannot really say rugi lah.

Elle, I remembered reading somewhere that shouldn't "train" BB to urine or poo at such young age leh. Not good for future mental.

Kristen, ya lor, Drypers suck suck suck hor. That time, my bedsheet also gana urine. Ended up, kept on washing and washing.
I do use kitchen towel to dry the bottle if I want to put the milk powder into the bottle to bring out. Short trip, I dun bring dispenser. Normally after sterilising, I will fix the bottle and put all into a box. My mum, she just wash the bottle after each use and place in on the bottle rack to dry. (She sterilises only twice a day using hot boiling water.)

ohmig0sh, the S size pampers still available. There are 2 others who are interested too. Whoever reply me first shall get the deal, ok? Yes, stay at Sembawang. You also using Nappyliner, what brand? Cos I also have unopen one.
Hi snowpooher,

Wow you even pay your sister allowance ah? Such a nice sister you are! Do u own a car? If have car wld be even tighter if considering to be SAHM. Actually Im sure all of us can be SAHM but just have to sacrifice our previous luxury lifestyle lor.. Cut down on spa, facial, eating in restaurants, buying bags/shoes etc..

Hey.. last time we also trained to poo or wee like tat wat.. eventually still manage to graduate wat..Ive never read in books tat it wld affect mentally. Anyway I dun do that lah cos I lazy anyway..
Elle, my sis is still studying. Me and my bro are paying for her. Yes, hubby just bought a car last Nov. I already cut down a lot on luxury lifestyle... wait become su ku like auntie hahaha...

ya, but my mum starts toilet training after 1 year old leh. The report that I read was released only recently, few mths back. I also lazy like you hahha...
hi girls,
am now almost ready to leave...just waiting for emma to wake up from her nap so that can give her one last feed before we leave and she (supposedly) sleeps on board! dunno if i should wake her up soon to feed her or let her wake up herself. i think i'll wake her at 10pm if she doesn't get up by then. We're leaving at 10.45pm...so exciting...hee hee...but my hubby & i are so nervous!!!

wish me luck!! hope all goes well!

will update u when i get back. So Happy Mother's Day in advance to all here!
hi, hope someone can advice me on how to go about supplementing formula with BM?

If I expressed 50ml of BM but is not enough (my baby needs 90ml), how should i supplement the rest of the 40ml of formula?

Is it by mixing the 40ml of formula with the BM in the same bottle and feed her? or bottle feed them separately?
hi snowpooher,
wah, ur place also real horrid.. wanna to pile so much stuff even b4 u go back !!

somehow i really need TOTO b4 i can SAHM
pay up our reno & car loan ,mum & mine insurance n PUB. my hubby pay is gone liao.. then come to mine still have to give my mum allowance, settle mobile/broadband, petrol, groceries..

left juz nice to makan. i m not those shopping type either.. no car cannot coz live in punggol but hubby works in lim chu kang...

bon vogage !!
come back n tell us ur story hor
Hi Elle & Doll,
Yah...i wish i'm earning so much! I earn damned miserable pay...dat's why wanna jump ship.

Doll..cannot bluff lah. If i cannot live up to expectation (of the company or to the clients), my reputation will be ruined!

Hi Elle,
No vacuum leh...but dunno why her head so "sharp"...her hairstyle made it even more "sharp"! i try to "soh" to make it round but till now still sharp...HOW AH???
My mum said my head also sharp sharp when i was born..cos vacuum...but Ashley no vacuum leh!

Hi Olivetree,
i would prepare the FM in a separate bottle...give either b4 or after EBM.

Hi Snowpooher,
Wat brand is ur nappy liner? I only used Tollyjoy so far..haven't tried other brands.
Deal lah..i get the Pampers from u ok?!
hi tiny, i'm surprised mamy poko works so well for u...and for many others! we tried...and it leaked.
hope u're having fun on the plane now...gd luck with emma!

hi omg/lbs...ya iggy got sharp chin. but i left look right look, hubby n i no have leh! heehee...dunno where he got it from.

hi kristen, jia you on the bfding. cayden will get used to you again i'm sure. how come u want to shave his head at 4th month?

hi doll, i thought paying $40+ was really ex for a piece of cloth to act as a sling! so when i found the cheaper cotton sling, mian2 qiang3 buy it lor.
as for career change, i read somewhere that we can't quit our jobs while on maternity leave...not sure how long after we hafta work b4 can quit. maybe can check out the websites with the new maternity leave rulings.

hi elle, wah ur mum really gd man! so fast toilet train your boy already! will try and see if my iggy can train. =)

every1 finds Huggies cutting funny...then my Iggy must be shaped funny! =) we find it quite gd for him leh. i think it's coz he got skinny waist, long body and fat thighs! will go buy a pack of Nepia to try since every1 finds it so gd!

i also got 1 box of tollyjoy nappy liners unopen one. and 1 tube of PureLan (nipple cream from Medela) unopen. thinking of selling.

for mommies using FM, is there a difference in the different brands of infant milk? i'm using Similac Excellence...is it bad? is Mamil better? how do u tell if baby is adapting well to it? my boy seems to be a bit "heaty" after drinking Similac, even after we feed some water.
ohmig0sh, ok deal since you are the first to reply me. How do I pass the pampers to you? Where do you stay or rather how to contact? I've PM you, pls check.

The nappy liners is Anakku, 1 box of 100 pcs and 1 box of 50 pcs, but they are wrap together as one pkt. Bought at $8.50, selling at $6. Interested?

friesbandit, I heard that Similac xcellence is the best FM in market from few friends. My gal at first also seems to be a bit heaty after drinking for 1 mth. So I make the milk diluted and give water. Now she's ok.
Wah so many postings!

I actually went back to office for half a day with my hubby (we work in same company) cos I was meeting my colleagues for lunch on Friday. Feels so weird.. going to 'work' and leaving YX at home.

Keruri, actually, I take many shots then got those photos. Thank goodness for digital cameras!

Can't remember who mentioned, think it's doll, that YX looks like me, esp the nose. So observant
Yah I think she is beginning to look more like me. I looked at my own baby photo and I look like YX at this stage

omg, the more I look at ashley, the more i think they look alike

We brought her to Botanical Gardens today. Quite fun, although she spent most of her time sleeping
Should be even more fun when she is a couple of more mths older!

I din dry the bottles then just put in the fridge and when want to use just take up and rinse with hot water again. Must go and buy a bottle rack and air dry next time...easier.

TMC that time showed us how to bath bb right? Using a tub of water and pour in the lactacyd..then swaddle bb and wash the hair using the water lor...u use shampoo ar?

Last night my boy wanted to be nurse almost every hour..so jialat..backache and so tired..very tempted to do partial bf..but very sayang ler...sigh..so confused...if give him FM at night can make him sleeps longer then can save all the problem...Now i am exhausted due to all the sleepless nights since giving birth.

Who has stopped bf completely? or on partial and total bf?

I also want to be SAHM. But think i will get restless staying at home and do nothing. Won;t mind finding a part time job but for sure my income will be so much lesser. Nw got bb like more things to buy. Go shopping wif see bb's things first...last time only shop for ourselves..now mainly for bb..Raising a kid needs alot of money ya? So have to tahan and guai guai stay with my company. Not sure how long i can tahan especially during peak period.

Today Cayden seemed ok with my breasts but i have decided to give him bottles once a while.But will try to nurse him as much as possible. U still on total bf? My MIL said can only cut bb's hair when he 4 mth old..so bo pian..gotta wiat..if not i long time ago cut liao..find his hair a bit smelly since he sweats a lot and he likes us to cuddle him to sleep.
I used Similac for a while..now just bought a small bottle just in case i want to go on partial bf...there are so many kind of FM. I also dunno which one to choose..but stick to Similac coz my GP recommended it.

Today went to cold storage and saw huggies@ $16.60 per back. Bought one pack of size M to keep. Is it cheap? I find huggies quite good too..just the size a bit funny.
Kristen, NTUC is selling Huggies Comfort Dry at $16.40.

Actually I have a M Size Huggies Comfort Dry, want to sell off cos decided to switch to Nepia. Dun want to confuse myself with too many brands of diapers.
Hi Snowpooher,
Heheh! I'll get the Pampers from u ok..SMS u tomorrow..now so late liao!

Hi Joyce & Babygrace,
Ur boys so cute! I still haven't managed a smiling picture of Ashley with her eyes open

Joyce...Ur Jonas hairstyle a bit retro eh?

Hi Friesbandit,
Heheh! Ur Iggy got sharp chin when U & ur HB dun have, my Ashley got double chin but HB & me also dun have leh

Hi Kristen,
My baby now 9+wks been on total BF since she was a few days old (partial for 1st few days, cos no supply yet). but these couple of days i gave a bit of FM (~60-80ml per day) cos trying to "simulate" wat's gonna happen when i return to work.
Dun really have to latch AND express..just latch for all feeds enough liao. If baby not enough, he will latch more often & that will tell ur body to produce more milk.
If u wanna continue BF, pls dun give FM at night..it'll tell ur body that there's lesser demand & hence lesser supply. My baby will feed ~1 hourly in the mornings (9+am to 12+pm) & evenings (~7+pm to 10/11+pm), from 12+pm to ~7+pm will be ~2-3 hourly, at night. After the 10+pm feed, she'll normally feed again at ~3am & then ~6am. There was a period (i thk growth spurt) she was feeding CONSTANTLY in the evenings from ~5+pm to 11+pm..so finish left go to right..rest a while then repeat..i almost gave up BF at that time

In fact these few days, when i reduce frequency of latching (i express in morning when engorged, then interval of ~5hrs b4 next latch), i already can feel my supply diminishing.
Anyone wanna buy Drypers?
Still have 2 huge packs of S & 4 huge packs of M...the elastic bands causing marks on Ashley's thighs
But i guess it's not popular since it leaks for some of u eh?
same here wanna jump ship.. nut i missed my chance, hiaz

hmm muz go n check out for cheap slings,, the ones i saw is $50+ i tink leh,.,,,
issit? hehe my maternity over liao but anyway no hope since i missed my chance. so LL have to work wif so much rubbish..
alyssa used to drink similac, yup it's a bit "heaty", used to dilute one of her feed coz she HATES water so that she dun get so heaty..

heheh jonas have those "gu-dong" look hor hehe give him more funky look leh :p

wah !! hehe joshua looks like the chinese version of beckham in the fleece suit !!
shuai ge !! hhehe

it's me !! heheh saw ur side view n it resembles YX
hehe post ur baby pix leh together wif YX. u know there's this show super sunday, they sometimes have parents who look so much like their kids when they were young, some really look so alike !!

yah loh, raising bb needs alot of money. tink somehow the market realises that sg ppl dun give birth to so many kids so only have that "one chance" to "ke tok" us

hehe if become SAHM, will start up a home business !! hehe as if hor :p
yah loh, now mi have to tahan wif my place also coz of bonus coming.... cunning boss of mine, run away coz he knew of the storm !!

<font color="aa00aa">hi gals !!
did a suddent thing of checking in to grand mecure roxy yesterday ! really wanted time wif alyssa w/o my mum interfering
feel so much better now.. took the club rm coz no rooms left for non-smoking flrs..
but it was peaceful coz we had our brekkie n cocktail in the lounge :p but the best thing was " they have this children policy thingy" free stay for 2kids (under 12)in the same room. can get a free extra bed.</font>
heheh where did that psychodelic background come from hehe ?

ur jovan looks like a baby version of "Eason Chan" hor ? Ѹ especially the 1st pix of the ur 2nd posting :p
Bo bian, his hairstyle hor, no matter how I comb, it's still remain like that. So how to make funky? Apply hairgel eh?
My elder boy also had this hairstyle when he was a baby. I'll shave it off when Jonas reach 4th month.
Hi Doll &amp; Joyce..
Haha! Jonas not "gu-dong" lah..retro mah!

Ashley seems to be balding...dropping hair..maybe will also shave off at 4 mths...

Hi Snowpooher,
Thanks a lot leh..i thought could let Ashley meet ur girl (is her name Jolene?)..maybe another time..heheh!
wow every1 seems to hv gone on hols over this long wkend!

hi snowpooher/doll, it's ok to dilute the FM? then i'll do that...coz iggy seems to be so heaty he's burning up (i dun think he's having a fever!) and he REFUSES to drink water. he'd rather choke! =P

hi folic, wah u brought YX to botanical gardens in this scorching weather? did u cover her up? they say babies the skin v thin, burn v easily. i was wondering, if u cover up their skin so they dun get sunburn, won't they get heat stroke? wat did u do huh?

hi kristen, i'm was on total BF. but when found out iggy will be going infant care, i've been feeding FM now and then to make sure he's used to it. dun want him starving himself if they run out of EBM at the infant care centre. we're feeding iggy similac coz dat's wat his daddy bought when i was on confinement. he say dunno which to buy, so just bought most expensive! =)

hi omg, wah ur bf schedule sounds damn siong. if i had that kind of hrly feeding, i'd be damn demoralized. i'd think it's coz i not enuf milk. in fact, there was once iggy was feeding hrly, and still seemed so hungry, i heartache so fed him EBM, and he still seemed hungry, so fed him formula. all in all he took 150ml at one go when he usually drinks only 100ml.
now my boy sleeps through from 10am-2pm and from 10pm to 3am. i also can feel my ss diminishing.

hi joyce, woh ur jonas really cute. he looks like such a "old" baby with all that hair! *envious*

dun worry abt the 'sharp' head cos as time goes by the shape will change to rounder as you 'soh'.
last time i was born with a big red "bah lu ku" on my head where all relatives notice but after a few mths it automatically subside.. Even now they still ask me whether is the "bah lu ku" still there.. heehee..


So how did you baby respond to your shh..sshh and emm..emm? I always say shh..shh to my son and let him pee b4 i change his diapers, so far able to prevent his spray from spraying at wrong timing..heehee..

For FM, the comments gather so far from frens and forum is that Similac and S26 are very nutritous but more heaty..can cause constipation ,if your baby has no prob drinking water then shldnt be a prob.
Friso and Mamil Gold are equally good and lesser complaints of constipation.


Yah..now i recall abt the bathing method taught at TMC.. but i've never adopt their style.. i find it unclean leh cos our BB now sweats more and abit smelly hor.. Now i use baby bath gel directly on his body then put him into the bath tub to rinse it off. He loves to bath.. can tell from his 'shiok shiok' face..

Hey..agree leh!.. nowadays go shopping hor..automatically will go direct to kids dept. last time never step onto kids dept b4.. Now it becomes a habit for me to at least buy something for my baby ..abit like last time when i'm shopping for myself lor..nothing in mind to buy but jus buy for the sake of buying something for myself..Now become buying for my boy.. but luckily i receive many different shopping vouchers from frens..so i use these vouchers to buy necessity stuffs for my boy lor..
can save must save lor..

Like wat other gals said if strike big sweep or toto..i may choose to become SAHM but at same time wld do some part time work.. Dun think i can stay at home totally one..
hi joyce,

read on the other thread that you mention abt infection on your c-sec wound. Hope by now all is ok for you now huh?

By the way just for my understanding, how to tell if there is infection on the wound? Could it be due to stitches not properly sewed that caused it?

My wound is ok now, thx Elle.

Not very sure, Elle. My doctor told me it's my sensitive skin causing it so I think it's not due to stitches not properly sewed.
So u using Similac too? how u know whether the FM is too heaty or not? How old ur boy now? Ask u ar...when u on total bf did ur boy sleep throughout at night? What abt day time? Is it better now since he on FM? My boy day time doesn't sleep much..he needs to be cuddled to sleep ler...when place him down he opens his eyes liao...at night when just put him to bed is pretty hard..after that he will sleep 2 hrs or so..sometimes 1+ hours...If he good mood then 3 hrs hhehhe...Dunno whether it is good to cuddle him and pat him to sleep...
Cayden also doesn't like to drink water..whenever feed him water he will choke..lick the teat bit then gives this disgusting look and chokes..haha...notti huh

Elle, ya i also agree that method not very clean ler..but i dun bath him..my MIL and weekends if MIL not ard will be my hubby lor..he said nevermind lar..still young...so now just use lactacyd to clean him..that's why i find his hair smelly haha..anyway..my boy when not hungry he will bath quietly..if he starving..wah lau..can cry until u cannot take it..
Ya lor..now everything also baby first..he is the biggest liao lor...Did u go to metro? Got 20% off right? i bought him a bigger avent bottle and avent bottle carrier...and new teats.

How ur c-sec wound? mine still a bit pinkish ler..that time my massage lady said still looks a bit sore..but no pain ler..normally other people one she said will be more brownish..
have u gone back to see Dr Ang yet? he said go back after first menses right?

OMG, wah ur feeding schedule also quite cham hor..but better than mine...now since he a bit nipple confusion..he gets very impatient if can;t find my nipple and dun seem to latch on..then he will start to cry..once he does that it;s quite hard to feed him..have to calm him down..when he calm then no problem lor...really an impatient bb...So when u contantly have to feed ashley, u never expressed out any milk?
I read somewhere that bb and our milk supply sort of interlink lor..when bb knows he needs more milk he will latch more often to increase the supply...really amazing right? and when bb cries our milk will drip...
Hi gals!

Looks like many are away on this long weekend. I am a bit under the weather..can feel like gonna get a cold soon.. keep sneezing for the past 2 days!

friesbandit, We went early in the morning, 8+, so it is not so hot. Plus there's lots of shady spots in the park. We put her in the stroller and pull the cover over, so she does not get direct sunlight. We jus let her wear a sleeveless rompers, cos otherwise, it will be too hot. In fact, I saw two ang mo babies (maybe 6mth+ and 1 year old)and their parents were letting them run around in jus their pampers! so tempted to do the same!

Today, I jus stone at home cos not feeling well. Hope I feel better soon! This weather is driving me nuts!

ohmig0sh, dun mention it. Cos I'm on my way to meet my mum, sis and my gal at Bishan, so just drop by your place lor, since hubby is driving. Sat went shopping with BB, bought something for my mum, so dropped by her place. Then my mum wanted Jolene to stay over lor. Bor pian lah, grandma wants the grand-daughter, I no say lah hahaha...

Joyce, I also dunno the reason behind, but heard from old folks it is either to shave during 1 mth old or 4 mth old. Then 4 mth old still got little celebration, like got to prepare red eggs kinda of thing. I shave my gal on her 1 mth cos I dun want 4 mth old then shave, by then hor, she big liao, then no hair no nice. My mum also agree to shave early cos she said by CNY, there will be lots of hair

Elle, I think S26 is more heaty than Similac. I dunno want to go back to Dr Ang to do the pap smear test or not leh. (my menses going to clear up soon.) Afriad of pain ah. I've already completed my 2 follow up checkup. The 3rd one is the pap smear... eee......

doll, you wanna me to update on Marina Sq? Wow, tell you ah, I think after the reno complete hor, it will be a happening place! So beautiful leh. Some shops are still open for business. The restaurants are so nicely renovated, and romantic. I love the lights (it is a dunno wat called "Center Stage", with 6 restuarants in an open concept). One day, shall go there to eat w/o my gal, just with hubby alone hahaha...

Just now my aunt came to my mum place. She's going to give birth this sat at Mt A liao. My gal is going to meet her uncle liao. So funny, This niece is almost 3 mths older than her uncle.
Guess this photo of Jonas not so *retro*, *gu dong* and *old* le bah... (niak niak, can't see his hairstyle liao leh

Taken yesterday.

Ahhh..I cut Ashley's little finger when i was cutting her nails just now..i feel so bad
She was wailing away...

Hi Friesbandit &amp; Kristen,
Yah..very siong..quite leychey to go out also, with this frequent feeds. I try to feed her more (she always just take from 1 breast)..but she just refuse but then will wanna feed again soon. So it's small but frequent feeds...maybe will ask PD next time. But they always say as long as put on weight &amp; got 6-8 wet nappies, it's ok
But *Touchwood* recently, the hourly feeds not that bad liao (longer intervals)..then i'm worried abt whether she's taking enough *paranoid mother*
Will do my EBM thing again tomorrow *hope i'll be disciplined*

Kristen..never express last time..such a busy feeding schedule, where got time/energy to express?

&amp; yah...i think all babies hate plain water..no taste mah! My girl will spit it out or let it drool all over..anyway i seldom give since she's on BM.

Hi Joyce,
Haha! Does Jonas look like his gor-gor? Very cute leh...feel like pinching his cheeks! Where u shave ur boys hair huh? Salon or shave by relative or urself?

Hi Snowpooher,
Is the reno at Marina Sq almost completed? Or completed liao? The last time i went was under reno..many shops closed. I feel like a country pumpkin liao..
A few pics of Ashley..



Do i look like Crayon ShinChan (la-4 bi-3 xiao-3 xing-1)?

Finally mummy managed to catch my eyes-open-smile on camera..
Greetings from France!
We survived the 13 hour flight.
Joshua was surprising well-behaved. Fussed a bit but could easily console him.
He slept thru the take-off. I think the fact that it was a night flight helps so lights were off for most part of the journey. The only troublesome thing was to lift him from the bassinet everytime the plane hits a turbulence and the seat-belt sign comes on and i had to carry him.

Josh fussed a little during landing but we distracted him with his storybook and songs so he sat on my lap as we landed(didn't want to drink although i think that could help to clear his blocked ears).

After we landed, the passengers seated a few rows back came up to tell us that Joshua is a very well-behaved baby I guess it's easier to fly with them when they are so young cos they drink milk and sleep most of the time compared to toddlers. i'm so proud of my boy

Packing was a logistics nightmare. We had to pack sure that we bring warm clothing (but the summer weather has just arrived), medication, milk powder as backup in case my breast milk supply dips. We brought along the yaolan because he sleeps really well in it during the day! Thankfully we did that even though the hotel said that they will provide a cot. The cot is actually a playpen with the mattress too deep down which makes putting him in a back-breaking task. So now he sleeps in the yaolan during the day and we share the bed at night. The French are very curious about the yaolan contraption

The challenge now is to get him adjusted to the time difference. The past 2 evenings he was very cranky cos it's already past midnight in SG. He has been waking up at 5am wanting to play
hi kristen,

How come u dun bath your boy? Trust me u'll have a great time bathing for him..

I enjoy seeing my BB shiok shiok face when put him in the water..

yes, i went to Metro when they r having the 20% storewide disc. I bought teats and tweezer.. and some clothes which are so cheap 2 for $9.90 still hv 20% disc.

Funny hor.. u realise that the wound wld get more pinkish as time goes by? Mine also pinkish leh.. but not sore.. Appears to be a fine line.

My menses not even here yet so hvnt go see Dr Ang. Your dischrg all clear already? Dunno how come i've lots of yellowish dischrg these 2 days.B4 that all clear leh..


Why dun go back to Dr ang for pap smear? Cheap cheap mah.. $20 right? For convenience i'll go back to him.. U know this clinic at MRT station.. also have pap smear leh.. i wonder how much they chrg.. At least tat place no need to wait as long as Dr Ang's clinic.

I very 'cham' leh.. i've got fever today (39degree).. It started off with sore throat last nite.. then this morning i feel so cold and i felt body ache.. To prevent passing any virus to BB i quickly call my mum to come and help out to look after BB. Yesterday BB very cranky leh..i'm sick and yet he doesnt wanna sleep.. wah lau.. till abt 2am plus then he sleep..but luckily woke up 7am this morning..

My mum has brought BB back to her home since i can't look after him..
Sometimes dont you think that we r lucky to have our mum to take care for us.. i imagine if my mum cant look after for me.. i'll die!..

was desperate to post this morning coz it's the 1st day i left my iggy at the infant care centre! i was inconsolable. i kept crying...even at the infant care centre. =(
just brought him back. now surveying damage done.
