(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi friesbandit,

i used the pigeon nose 'clipper' to dig out the shit.
At first i like to use cotton bud but the PD said not to coz got tendency to push it deeper inside.

folic, i understand how u feel. sometimes, my boy also ee ee eh eh when i carry him. but i dun want to let him latch on cos he just want to suckle to soothe himself, not to feed... dun want it to become a habit for him...

friesbandit, i use pigeon cotton buds with extra thin stems as well. like what bbgrace mentioned, hold close to the end of the bud so that u will not push the stem in too far by mistake. my boy has got lots of nose shit and i have to clear both nostrils almost everyday. i tried the pigeon pincers but no use leh... cos my boy's nose shit is not very hard type, so difficult to pince them out.. my mom told me last time they use cotton nappies, just twirl a little piece of wet end, and try to clear the shit... if dun come out, then just leave it.

girls, how did the pead check if the bb's nose is blocked or not?
Hi Friesbandit,
I put the saline drops with a syringe..or sometimes directly from the tiny ampoule..just 1-2 drops. I tried it on myself, no stinging sensation. I was thinking, putting nasal drops also same thing--but nasal drops can only be used max 6 days (2x/day) in a row. So i prefer to use saline (safer cos no chemicals).
But if Ashley's blocked nose is severe, & we can't clear it, then i'll use the nasal drops.

Hi Qdee,
Where to get that 'clipper'? Kiddy Palace? Wat's it called? How does it look like?
Anyway i use the aspirator to suck it out..love the sound when i manage to get the shit out

Hi Folic,
Glad that YX is ok now

Hi Folic & Babygrace,
Heheh! My Ashley also out to bully me! She's quite an angel when other ppl jaga her leh.

But then again, yesterday she behaved really well with me (except for some crankiness in evening)..so far today also ok. Managed to sleep on her own after some 'eh eh eh'. Hope she'll continue to be 'guai guai'! *cross fingers*
Hi Jannie,
The PD use torchlight to see..how does ur PD check?

My mum say last time, she used her mouth to directly suck out the mucus from my nose. So wei-da! But *gross*
OMG, i got my pigeon pincers from kiddy palace. abt $4 plus. beige colour with a transparent pincer cover. what kind of saline do u use?
my SIL also.. suck directly from her girl's nose. my boy so far dun have nose block yet.... just asking first so that if it happens next time, i will know how to check.

elle, r u still ard? i rmber that your BM also same miserable amt like mine, correct? r u still at it? or stop liao? i need motivation leh... my boy 2 mths liao and my ss is still consistently low... sigh....
Hi Folic,

YK prob knws u r her mommy so jus wana "teh" u!

No leh, Kaden still hasn't poo 2day...will be the 4th day. I called the PD to chk, said if it's mre than a week, i've to go in. Otherwise if he's feed'g, sleep'g & pee'g well, then it's fine. So, i guess i just hv to monitor for now.


My boy doesn't reali cry for milk & these days it can stretch up to 4-5hrs b4 i notice his mouth moving, want'g milk. Isit normal for bfd'g? Smtimes he oni latches on for 15mins & then fall aslp. Any of u encounter the same prob?
Jannie, for blocked nose, YX's pd jus carry her high up against the light to see if there's anything inside. But I think sometimes blocked doesnt means got the dried mucus and can be a bit hard to see. So must observe the breathing pattern, like got wheezing sounds or whether she is breathing thru her mouth to detect.

hi qdee...thanks, will check out the "clipper".

thanks jannie&babygrace for tips on using the cotton bud. i tried it out just now...can get the dirt from further outside the nostril...but the deep inside one still can't get out. can see cannot reach. guess will hafta wait for him to sneeze it further out then try and clear it.

hi omg, will check out the saline to see if can soften the dried up ones so can get them out easier. thanks. where did u get the aspirator from?

although i love my ignatius, i dun think i'll suck his nose! (ok...maybe IF i'm really desperate and he's suffocating...) *gross*

hi folic, wah peifu. u carry for 5hrs. i brought my iggy for shopping in the sling. carry for 4hrs straight nearly die liao. u carry at home for 5hrs! *faint* maybe YX having growth spurt again? think some1 mentioned bb are crankier when they're spurting.

hi jannie, are you drinking fenugreek like babygrace & tiny? i just ordered mine from Moms in Mind. can't wait for it to arrive. this is my last ditch desperate attempt at trying to increase supply. my boy now 6wks+ and i'm still at abt 70ml each session. he's starting to want more...and i dun feel like i can provide.

hi babyvon, my boy also latch on for 10-15mins then fall asleep. wat i do then is let him rest for a little while, then move him around to wake him up...like i get out of my seat etc. then he'll automatically wail for milk again. i'll latch him onto the other side till he falls asleep again (another 10mins or so). this way, i try to get him to drink more. but if ur boy is peeing well, it shld be fine and he shld be getting enuf milk. maybe ur milk flow is really gd and fast so he doesn't need to latch on for v long before becoming full.
hi folic
No ler..Ray hasnt poo YET! Today is the 6th day liao..

btw, I brought him for tuina yesterday. The doc also said if mainly BF, no poo is normal but can be due to Ray is heaty cos he is still a bit jaundice.

Well, besides no poo, Ray still a bit windy, thus he is letting go lots of wind, be it up or down.

well gals
Since morning, Ray cant sleep well for more than an hr in a stretch. I am so p*** off by my MIL..she is making lots of noise in the kitchen..which caused him to jump at each of the bangs & cries. really buay tahan..she can still comment how come he keeps crying & crying like that. I buay tahan & told her he was ok for the past few weeks throwing her a big HINT because SHE IS HERE, thus he is cranky!!
btw, I am also piss off by FIL..YES, HE IS HERE as well..arghh..

The Chinese doc told me yesterday pork ribs peanut soup is good to increase milk flow besides fish soup. So, hubby told his mum to cook this (well, is not that I dont want to cook but in short my PIL,especially my FIL has very particular preference on how food is prepared).

Anyway, I love peanut soup but to my shock, my FIL peel off the peanut skins one by one & my MIL told me that he wont drink if the peanut got skin!! I was so tempted to tell them the soup is meant for me NOT for him. If he doesnt want to drink..so be it!! I know it will be tasteless soup then & true enough, it taste yucky!

btw, not only peanut, anything with skin, he has to make sure the skin is peel off ..like black bean, apple, pear..etc...My hubby also bought me some apples but before I even manage to eat them, my FIL already cut away the skin after each meal!

In short, he wants things done his way! I dun care liao & called hubby to buy some peanuts & I WILL COOK THEM FOR MYSELF TOMORROW!

sorry gals for letting off my frustration...I have been quite affected each time they are here...I wish I can tell hubby to tell them to go back soon!
hey friesbandit, i m on fenugreek capsules. 1 capsule 3 times a day. not much effect on me.

lbs, i also read abt the pork and peanut soup, in fact, my mom has been cooking for me... but no effect for me as well... hopefully it will work for you. but the article i read says pork's leg leh.... oh, btw, dun add too much salt... too much intake of salt will reduce BM ss...

i read that metro is having an infant fair? anyone knows which metro is having it and when does it end? need to go see stroller, car seat and to stock up on breast pads....
lbs, actually, i read about no poo for bf babies as well. They say that cos bm is easily digested, most of it is absorbed by the body, so not much poo. Don't worry, he will be fine. Your FIL is strange but also very patient... can peel the peanut skin one by one :D Actually, peel off also ok leh.. my mum sometimes use those skinless peanut to cook soup and it does not affect the taste. Maybe u shd qn your MIL's cooking instead?

hi jannie
actually the doc did mention pork's leg..but she said if I scared too oily, ribs also can.

hi folic
yups..never in my life see someone so patient. But the soup really tasteless...not the usual peanut soup that I drink lor...well, maybe really my MIL cooking..anyway, I think I better have separate meals..since we cant accomodate each other...

I think my ss affected also these few days since they came.
lbs and jannie,
Did u try to massage and squeeze your breast a little when giving BM or expressing it out everytime. I did not let my gal latch on (only latch on for 1 week after birth). I have been expressing my milk and feed her on bottle. My milk supply not bad, always have more than 1 day supply (at least 7-8 bottles at 120ml to standby). If abt 5hrs I did not express, I can get 1 full big bottle (300ml on both breast) but of course my breast will engorged like hell.

I did not eat or drink anything special. Maybe papaya soup which Folic recommended during my confinement.

But in all, try your best and please dont give up. Little is better than nothing.
aiyo KC, i massage until my hand ache also no use.... i really envy those moms who have the supply right from the start... wonder why i can't be one of those lucky ones.... i really wonder if it's anything to do with breast size....
Hi Friesbandit & Jannie,
I got the saline from my workplace (TTSH)
But i believe pharmacies shd also sell them..they come in small ampoules of 10ml or 20ml. Manufactured by B.Braun. It helps to soften the hard pieces, otherwise sometimes it's stuck to the wall of the nostril

The aspirator i got from Kiddy Palace..it helps to get the deeper ones out

Hi Jannie..ThankS! Will check out the clipper/pincer thingy

Hi lbs,
*Hugs* Hope they go away soon! I'm 'impressed' by ur FIL!!
Hi Jannie,
i did not have supply right from the start leh! I started with ONE DROP of colostrum from 1/2 hr of pumping on my 2nd/3rd day! Really pathetic!

Actually besides the food, are u getting enough rest??? Enough water/fluids?
Hope u'll persist!! Jiayou!
omg, i think i m really lacking rest.... but i take quite alot of water. nvm, next week, MIL wants to take care of bb, see if i can get more rest then. i really hope to BF till bb is 6 mths. but looking at my rate... think if can tahan till 3 mths is a blessing liao...
hey lbs, dun worry about your boy not pooing for many days. Last time my gal max record is 8 days ! To think that i bought her to see pediatrician on her 7th day only to be told that it's normal since i am bfing her and her poo is always soft and watery. In the end she pooed a lot on the 8th day. Waste my $$ :p
As long as he is letting out gases and doesn't seem to be unwell, then it sld be ok. Maybe you might want to wait till max 11 days? I think by 8th or 9th day, his poo will sure come out. Dun worry ya? :>

Oh as for your boy not sleeping well due to loud noises, my gal is the same case too. She used to cry when there are loud noises and it's hard to get her to go back to sleep again. You got yao lan at home? I find that after since i have started using yao lan, she sleeps better and not so afraid of loud noises liao. Maybe u wud want to consider?
hi KC
wow..full bottle after 5 hrs..me most is abt 100-120ml..
Yups I did massage my breasts before pumping. Like jannie until my hands aching liao..So sometimes I get my hubby to massage while I pump..

hi omg
yea lor..never know such person exists..~faint~

hi jannie
My aim is also BF until 6 months..but dunno whether can tahan or not lor. Are you on TBF or partial?

hi steamboat
Last time your gal how old when she didnt poo? I know I shldnt be really worry since both PD & the Chinese doc said is common lor. But as mummies, u know lar..somemore I have a MIL who keeps nagging at my earside!

I put Ray on bouncer/playpen during his daytime naps. Usually he sleeps well but the prob is even as adult I cant tahan the 'Zao Yin' made my my MIL liao..she seem to be tearing down my whole kitchen ler..
hi omg
Saw your postings abt cluster feeds..I suspect Ray is also ler after reading your description but not so frequent & the timing not always the same lor.

Sometimes after feeding him, supposedly he is already full cos he reject to suck anymore, then after abt an hr he will cry for milk.
Initially thought he just want comfort but doesnt look like cos he really sucks as if he is hungry...not those sucking for comfort type..err..not sure if you know what I mean?

I am worry he will be too full then it will cause his windy stomach to be too "Zhang"
lbs, my ss is only like 30-50ml every 3 hrs.. of course i have to go partial.... but i have been consoling myself little is better than nothing loh.... dun understand why i cannot build up my ss... my mom had lotsa BM last time.. my sis average lah, but not as bad as mine.. wonder what is wrong with me....

my boy's mood is kinda funny these few days... abit soft soft and very sleepy but cannot sleep.... appetite is not very well also. my sis said he is growing "longer", that's why... hope that he will not be so cranky next few days... i carry just now till my back is aching liao....
Hi lbs,
Yeah i know wat u mean! Last time i also thought 'i just fed, can't be hungry again', so i'll try to find out the cause of her cries..& she'll stop crying when she's offered my boobs!

Sometimes i'll also worry dat she'll be over-bloated, esp nowadays when sometimes she'll regurgitate. So i started giving her some wind drops again yday, n make sure she burps.
i'll still feed her on demand lor..dun wanna risk underfeeding her! n it seems the cluster feeding helps her have a longer sleep stretch at night
hi everyone,
couldn't post these few days cos my hubby was away and forgot to pay the bill for our internet connection!! so server was down and i thought it was not working. haiya so silly. finally got it up today!
lbs,omg, steamboat..hee ...actually i've always been small sized and can't put on much weight kind (hence my nick) so even during pregnancy only my tummy very huge, and my colleagues used to laugh at me cos i look so funny - only my tummy protruding out. so i guess i lost it all rather quickly once my uterus contracted. bf-ing definitely helped too cos i could feel it contracting each time she was latched on. and of course i go out very often so all that walking around helps! the only difference is my hips are not as small as they used to be lor...and of cos, the loose skin (eeks!) around the abdomen area. i dunno how to get rid of that! any idea?

friesbandit, yah. the centrepoint nursing room not bad. but the paragon one (3rd level) even nicer! cos it's quieter and the chair more comfortable. so funny i was at centrepoint on Monday and nursing emma on the sofa at the changing area cos there was three mummies pumping milk inside! so noisy!! (drip drip drip...haha)

folic, if my parents/PIL are helping to look after her i'd rather not be around at all!! somehow i also get really upset with certain comments that are made, altho they prob mean well. i guess no 2 people will have the same way of handling the baby. and i really do NOT appreciate it when she's crying and i'm already trying my best to calm her and there they are, giving suggestions. anyway these 2 evenings emma has been super cranky. she cries until her tears roll down her face and her noise got 'pi(3)'. like so poor thing like that. problem is, only i can comfort her. only after sayanging her for a while then she calms down and will play with other people. sigh. i think she's becoming too familiar with me leh. she can really start to recognise our voices and faces these days.

jannie, your ss may be little but it is enough for your boy right? emma (almost 12 wks now) still drinks only 80ml comfortably at most so i also don't have much to pump.
strangely though, she still poos about 3 times a day leh! err...how come ah? anyone knows? i'm surprused everyone seems to be talking about constipation ...
Dont think that the breast size affect the milk supply. I am very thin myself and also my breast very small leh..
I do have a hard time in the beginning. Esp. the 1st few weeks, supply was very low, breast got engorged but I still force myself to keep pumping. Now, I just use my thumb and third finger to squeeze a little on my breast during pumping and it seems to come out more lor.

Another thing, is your breast pump suction strong enough? Last time I use pigen battery pump and the suction is low(not much suction power) and luckily my hubby bought a 3V DC power supply and the effect is totally different.

Joyce, thanks for your help! So far, I have only downloaded my gal's pics when she was born and two weeks old in the PC. I will get my hubby to download the one month pic in the next two days. Think of it, my gal is now 7 weeks and I haven't taken any recent photos after her one month. Must take some tomorrow. Will get your help when the pics are ready. Xie Xie! Btw, I have a review with JT on Mon and told him I want to stop at 2. He didnt advise on any contraceptive method. Juz ask me to use 'rubber'. aiyoh!
Morning gals!
Thks GOD...Ray finally poo last night..Thats the biggest load of shit I have ever seen!
btw, it looks like peanut butter ler...

Hi Tiny
You are back..was wondering where you have gone?

oh, Emma still drinking 80ml for some feeds? Ray is turning 8 weeks & sometimes he only drinks 90-100ml. So, I guess shld be fine then..

Btw, Ray has started to sleep longer at nights since three nights back. However, sometimes for the wrong timing. Like yesterday..I fed him at 7++, then arnd 8++, he wants somemore. After that he sleep thru until arnd 1am, I was so engorged & cant move at all cos the milk kept leaking. So bo bian, wake him up to start working! If not, I think he may still sleep until abt 2am or so..

For the previous two nights, fed him from 9pm+~10pm+ & he slept thru till nearly 2am & 3am respectively.

Any idea how to regulate this?
tiny, my ah fat boy is now at abt 100-120ml every 2.5 to 3 hrs. my ss is definately not enuff for him. on goods days, can manage 2 BM feeds per day. on bad days (which is usually the case), only 1 BM feed per day. you can try clarins extra firming cream to firm up the loose tummy skin. i like the smell very much. since you are travelling soon, can get at DFS at a cheaper price...

KC, my first 2 weeks i also pumped and latched on quite often. i would pump every 3-4 hrs, bb also latch on inbetween. initially, i tot bcos bb latched on, so cannot pump out much. now, i have to eat so much to get the little milk... want to lose the fats also cannot.. sigh.....
Good morning gals!

I feel good today! Yesterday nite, YX slept well, waking up only for milk. That makes me feel better cos the nite before yesterday, she slept with my mum for the first time and slept soundly and did not become cranky. I was feeling like a loser the whole of yesterday!

Also, today, I bathe her by myself for the first time! Pai sei.. all along, she is bathed by my hubby or my mum
She seems to enjoy being bathed by me and did not cry (she usually does when bathing). So I really feel good!

lbs, I went to the library yesterday and borrowed a few books on babies. One of the book talked about trying to regulate the baby's schedule. Basically, it suggests that the baby starts the day at the same time, eg 7am. She feeds her baby at 2 hour intervals (b/feeding) and between the 2 hours, she will let the baby play for about 15mins before making the baby nap till the next feed 2 hours later (start of one feed to start of the next feed).Then after the 7pm feed, she basically keeps the baby awake by playing and allowing the baby to doze off for only short period. She will continue to feed at 9pm and 11pm , then wipe the baby/massage the baby and put the baby to sleep. She also give a small feed at midnite, burp the baby and train the baby to sleep from 12- 5, then slowly from 12-7. She used this schedule since the baby is 6 weeks to about 4 mths.

I am trying this out but am spacing out the feed to about 3 hours, cos that's what YX is doing currently.She takes about 100-120ml every 3 hours now.

lbs, I missed the first part of your posting! Congrats on the big poop load! Isnt it funny how we get excited at stuff like these?

Jannie, I am glad to see the amt of milk your boy takes. Makes me feel better that YX is not overeating!

erhmm.. folic, 100-120ml is FM leh... so your YX is definately not overeating (is she on expressed BM or FM now?)!! but u have to check out joyce's bb intake. younger than my boy (my boy is starting his 10th week today) but taking abt the same or even more!!! my sis is protesting that i m feeding too much cos her bb was at 90ml at 2-3 mth, every 3 hrs. she only had to change to the big bottle after his 6th mths. she is also ever so surprised that i had change his diapers size to M size this week!!! i realised that sizes dun go by their weight, more by the circumference of their thighs....

i m also thinking of starting to regulate my boy's schedule. but he doesn't wake up the same time everyday... so how ah? wake him up? he very farni.. last night woke up at 3.15am for feed. then at 4.30am woke up again... my mom tot he just wake up for fun... she tried to pat him back to sleep and he got angry!!! he wants milk!!! he was so angry, growling so loudly that i had to dash into my mom's room, only to see her laughing and my boy growling for milk :D
hi folic

Thks for the info on how to regulate the bb..
Will try to do that today.
Usually my boy will definitely be up at 7am+, regardless what his last feed is...

I think from now on, I will try not to Ray fall asleep anytime before 10pm++...& see how..

oh yea, I am so excited when I saw his shit...
Jannie, yah.. I also feeding her FM now.. no more BM. And she is even younger than Jonas by about a week! She jus crossed 7 weeks yesterday..
As for waking up, the book suggest waking the baby up if he is not up by the 'scheduled' time. The idea is to try and build a schedule and fine tune the body clock.

lbs, I can imagine your excitement
I also think I siao that day... keep praising YX for pooing

Gd mrg ladies,

Just to share smthg funny...lasnite at 240am, Kaden latched on (i used the lying dwn position) i fell aslp b4 he latched off & i dreamt tt he refused to latch off no matter hw i tried...The next thg i knew, i got up at 330am & he was still suckling & altho he's slp'g, his eyes kept peeping from the side, to mk sure i was still there. So adorable! Just tt look reali makes my heart melts! Gosh! I must hv been so tired! No wonder i was drm'g abt him refusing to latch off. Haha!

Kaden finally pooed an hr ago...It's such a relief! My feelings are exactly like urs! Yep! It's like peanut butter, mre brownish than the normal mustard color. Thk God or else i'll be so worried!

My boy's feeding pattern has chged after he turned 2 mths. Smtimes he can stretch up to 5hrs b4 he's hungry, the next moment can be 1 hrly interval. So, it's reali very difficult for me to decide if i shld express or not. I'll usually wait till my breasts are totally engorged b4 i express or i'll try to wake him up too.
hi gals

Just quarel with my MIL..cos I really cant stand her liao..keep nagging & nagging..

Remember I was saying I am going to boil the pork leg with peanut soup again? My hubby bought the ingredient for me this morning.

My MIl keeps telling me no need to cook so much because 'they' wont eat one..Then I told her is ok, hubby & I will eat. Guess what she said? Her son (my hubby) wont eat lar..dun like lar...bla..bla...kept saying again & again...that I cook too much for myself though I told her, I can have it for my lunch & dinner & hubby can drink also...

I really buay tahan & raise my voice to told her off " GOU LER, BU YAO ZAI SHUO LER!"
jannie, your boy is also not overeating wat. My gal started drinking abt 120 ml when she is slightly less than 1.5 mth. Now she is drinking about 120-140 ml. My sil and bil have started calling her ah bui liao.

At least you still give him some BM, i completely stopped liao. So dun give up, got some BM is better than nothing lor.

folic, i also only started to bath my gal recently ! All the while was my hubby and my mil bathing her.

My baby's schedule is also similar to what folic has typed out. My gal usually will drink milk about every 3-4 hrs and me and my mil usually won't let her sleep straight away after her feed. In the afternoon, my mil will play with her for about 1 to 1.5 hrs before she puts her to sleep on the saraong. She will sleep about 1-2 hrs before it's time for another feed.
From 7+ pm onwards (after i come back from work),
i will play with her also for 1 to 1.5 hrs, then let her sleep on the saraong for a while. About 11pm or 12 am, i feed her again. After that she will concuss until 6+ or 7+ am.
Hi lbs, I can totally understand your feelings. Me and my mil also not in good terms. We've stopped toking to each other for a month plus already. And also I've stopped gng over to my pil's hse for lunch and dinner. AND THE WORST THING IS, they assumed they always RIGHT!
Hey mummies,
I read somewhere that the
amt per feed = 150ml x weight of baby divided by no. of feeds per day.

Just when i thought Ashley is settling down into a nice schedule & becoming a 'nicer' baby..her crankiness returned yday.
Didn't wanna sleep although very sleepy..
This morning also..woke up at 8am for feed then refuse to sleep till now (on & off just doze off for a while) & she's demanding more attention these days--must talk & play with her. Although i love the time with her, but dun thk babysitter will have this luxury next time!

Hi BabyVon,
Heheh! Kaden so cute! If u feed Kaden lying down, do u burp him after that? I find that i'll be too lazy to get up to burp Ashley if i feed her lying..& nowadays she'll regurgitate a bit so now i feed her in sitting even at night

Hi Tiny,
I also used to eat a lot but still underweight..but now, hmm..normal weight
BUT waist thick like dunno wat! & yes! The loose skin at the tummy area

But my colleagues were saying i look ok cos now boobs also bigger, if my waist go back to pre-preg, maybe will look very funny..as if i had implants
Irealy buay tahan liao..Very tempted to ask hubby to "Qing" they go home soon...
They are affecting my mood...maybe thats why my ss so low nowadays..
Hi Folic, bad news bad news.
Nayli has been refusing bottle for the past few days.

My brother told us to change bottle to pigeon peristaltic teat - supposedly more soft than nuk and supposedly is the nearest to mummy's teat. So hubby went out to buy one.
Now i have so many types of bottles/teats at home!
Hi Folic, bad news bad news.
Nayli has been refusing bottle for the past few days.

My brother told us to change bottle to pigeon peristaltic teat - supposedly more soft than nuk and supposedly is the nearest to mummy's teat. So hubby went out to buy one.
Now i have so many types of bottles/teats at home!
*Hugs* lbs, I know.. I know.. poor gal. Try telling your hb your problems... and see what he can do to help you.

snowpooher, mine only once. Sometimes he do missed the midnight feeds too.
lbs, cool down! jus ignore her lor...

babyvon, I am jus trying out the schedule today. So far, she sort of automatic wake up around 3 hours, so I hvnt need to wake her up for food. But I do intend to wake her if she does not get up after 3.5 hours.

Steamboat, looks like my gal's appetite similar to your gal's. now I don't feel so bad giving her 120ml every 3-4 hours. According to the guideline posted by omg, she needs about 800-900 ml of milk, which is what she is getting right now.

Qdee, what happened? Could it be the way you offer the bottle to her? Initially, my mum was scared to give the NUK bottle, cos the shape of the teat is diffferent from what she was used to when she used bottles for us. I told her must 'stuff' all the way in, so that her lips is at the widest portion of the teat, jus like when she is being b/fed. You want to try that?


anyone of you know where can i buy the hook (to hang shopping bags) for the pram? I saw some parents use this hook where it holds onto the handle where we push the pram. I find this hook much better than the S shape hook cos it won't move around. The shape is like a O shape and half of the S shape and is white in color.
