(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

qdee, did u use latex or silicon teats? try to use latex ones cos they are softer, more similar to our nipples.

lbs, i learnt one thing - if PIL always say this and that, i will tell them that it is their son who wants it that way. for eg, if my MIL tells me her son won't want to drink the soup, i would tell her that i have already asked him and he said he wants to drink. this usually shut them up. but of course, your hubby must be in tune with you lah....

do u girls actually count the no. of feeds per day? i just feed on demand.... sometimes more sometimes less.... cos sometimes he only wants to take 90ml and refuse anymore, he will usually want the next feed earlier....

hi gals, a pic of my gal to share with you all.


To all aunties: am i cute? keke
hi gals
Thks for being my listening ears..everytime they are here, I am going crazy!

hi snowpooher
My boy night feed pattern not exactly the same everytime..So far, is once or twice..
I am not sure what hook you refer to cos I usually see parents using the S hook ler...Is this hook better?

hi jannie
Luckily my hubby on my side..he knows how naggy his mum is..but sometimes bo bian cos he is the only child so..~sigh~

I also never count the feeds per day ler cos it will varies depending on his appetite that day lor...maybe between 7-9 feeds?

hey steamboat
ur gal so cute...u shave her hair? Can I know where you brought her?
hi mommies,
i haven't been here for quite a while. hope everyone's adjusting well to motherhood. i'm still learning how to tame my little 'monster', especially in the evening just b4 she goes for her long night sleep. her crankiness in the evening is really driving me crazy.

steamboat: your gal gal looks all grown up liao.
so cute...
Keruri, sama sama.
Today duno what's gng on with my Jonas, very cranky and fussy. I deal him from 12 something until now... got slp lah but on and off kept waking up and then start screaming and cry liao. Out of sudden, he smile at you and then very fast hor change mood again leh. Wahh.. very gek sim now...
He tonight sure very tired one, will sleep until next morning liao.
Hi Joyce,
Haha! Ur Jonas got mood swings eh? But good lor, won't disturb u tonight!
My Ashley also..today dunno why, cannot sleep long..sleep ~1hr then wake up wanna drink..but suck only ~5-10mins, then smile & sleep..i thk she's taking me as her human pacifier

Hi Jannie,
I also never count the no. of feeds lah. Mine is too frequent to be counted..i recalled for today, & it's already been 9x since 4.30am today..she was feeding hourly from 8am to 2pm just now--although i suspect some of them are just comfort sucking!

Hi Snowpooher,
Ashley will sleep abt 11+pm after feeding then wake up at 3+/-am, n again at 7+/-am. Soemtimes a bit later or earlier.
So is that considered 1 night feed?
BTW, hanging things at the pram handle..is it safe? Cos it'll cos a weight shift leh!
lbs, I'm using the S shape hook too. But I saw some parents using another type. I want to buy that type cos it won't move here and there like the S hook.

ohmig0sh, not too heavy stuff. I only hang light light stuff on the pram. Usually I dun hang anything one, but want to buy one just in case lor.

My gal, her last feeding will be either 8pm+ or 9pm+, then she will wake up for milk at either 2am+ or 3am to 4am respectively. Nowsday I make her sleep before 9pm or either 9pm+ after her feeding.
BTW, how many of you like me huh? I never pat my gal to sleep. I just leave her alone in the baby cot and she will go to sleep on her own.
hi keruri,
you've been missing for a long time!
Your Gwenyth and my Joshua must have conspired when they were in hospital. This little monster is very cranky in the evening too. He has a Jekyll and Hyde personality, so happy and cheerful during the day and when evening is here, he starts fussing non-stop till his daddy is home
Looks like a nite of cranky babies. YX is crying non stop again.. sigh! I think I will not say anything if she decides to sleep well again. Everytime I start saying or writing about how well she sleeps, she will start her pattern again. Right now, my mother has kidnapped her, claiming she can calm her. I am tempted to leave her to sleep with my mum tonite.

hi gals,
back to work

hi snowpooher,
alyssa will sleep off if she's really tired. tend to leave her in her playpen or rocker or yao lan. eventually will fall asleep.

oh yah, any mummies went to compass point last night? I saw a a baby which looks like one of the babies posted here, can't figure. blure stroller, hehe mummy was weraing specs :p
lbs, i haven bought my gal for her shave yet. She has little hair when she's born, just like me last time :p I think i will bring her to shave when she's abt 4 mths old. Will just bring her to the nearby salon.

Kerui & KC, my gal sld be abt 11 wks now. Looks very grown up hor. A lot of ppl also say that. They think she is 3-4 mths old where she is only 2+ mths only !

snowpooher, your baby so good ! will fall asleep by herself. Mine need to rock her in the yao lan first before she will fall asleep.
snowpooher, i tried to let my boy sleep on his own last night.. put him down when his eyes half close and see how long he takes to completely close them... 20 mins later, after lotsa struggling... he opened them. sigh... still have to pat him to sleep in the end....

after his 10+pm or 11pm feed, he is still waking up 3 times a night leh....how how how???
i remember reading a posting here that desitin (creamy, with vit E and aloe vera) can be purchased from mt A pharmancy? can someone tell me which pharmancy at mt A is selling? i think there are 2 pharmacies there?
hi jannie,
Alyssa drinks ard 90-100 every 2hr -3hrs , on Enfalac now... usually @ night she sleeps ard 6hrs.. n drink 120. which is pretty little compared to similac...

there's a new NAN Premium H.A , might b changing to tat..

hi lbs,
try to relax... understand how u feel.. sometimes when i go back to my GIL ( granny in law) she still cook the confinement food. until my hubb have to tell her tat no need liao.. then when we were burping alyssa , she said we r causing Alyssa to b hunchback.. ?? so ended we "hmm hmm" n keep quiet.

my mum stil the same , has her moments of being nasty. m trying to bear coz i dunno whether she is having menopause. n we try to go out for more family outing. she tends to perk up after tat.. :p
anyone here knows which metro is having the infant fair and when will it end??? thinking of going today but have no idea if it has ended and where!!!??
jannie, i read from books that we should train BBs to sleep on their own leh. If not, when they grow older, they always need patting before sleep and won't be independent. Is yours on FM or BM? My mum told me to stretch the timing for night feeding once my gal reached full month. She said BBs tend to change a lot and have a lot of patterns once they turn full month. True enough leh! So once my gal turns full month, I never pat her to sleep. Now she sleeps on her own. I just need to put her in her bb cot and off the lights. She will sleep within few mins. As for the night feeding, my mum said unless she cries for milk, if not, no need to feed. This helps to stretch the feeding time lor. Sometimes, I just give her pacifer to suck and she will goes back to sleep.
Good morning gals!

Last nite was not as bad as I thought it would be. In fact, I would risk jinx-ing myself by saying that it was actually quite good! Her last feed was at 9pm and I expected her to wake up at 12mn for feed. After being cranky till about 10plus, she went to sleep till almost 130am. Fed her 120ml and she woke up at 5am for another feed. I think she is slowly getting the hang of things.

She woke up at 7plus, we bathed her and then feed her at 8plus. So it is back to the cycle which I started yesterday. Hopefully, the schedule works again today. I am home alone with her today and usually, when that happens, she is exceptionally cranky. I hope she doesnt go cranky for 5 hours straight like the last time!

folic, lucky u. snowpooher, lucky u too.

i asked my mom not to give milk at night.... try to stretch .. but bb will cry in anger leh... till i can hear from the next closed room!!! i will snatch back from her to take care of nite feeds from today... hopefully he will cooperate cos he usually looks for my mom when he wants to sleep at night...

snowpooher, i have tried to let him sleep by himself a few times liao... his eyes just open big big.... i see him very ke lian leh.. i feel bad to ignore him leh...

Hi Ladies,

Hr's 2 of Kaden's pics to share!


My boy's born with very little hair too. He's so easy to recognise at the hospital tt time & the nurses will alwz call him "Botak".
I intend to shave his head too during his 4th mth so tt mre hair will grow.

Dunno y his double eyelids still not obvious yet certain times, i can see it's so distinct. Maybe too much fats & h2o ard the eye area?


Did ur boy poo mre after tt? Kaden mged to poo 3 times yest & each time it was so much...I oso noticed tt his feeding pattern's bk to normal. Guess tt 4 days when he din poo, his tummy was bloated & nw he's hungry agn.

U poor gal! I can empathise with u. Just try to relax & not be too affected altho it may be easier said than done.


U shld be able to get the Desitin cream (with aloe) at any hospital's pharmacy. It's a blue tube. Guardian Pharmacy sells the white tube ones. It ranges from $11+ to $13+ depend'g on individual hospital. It's reali good for diaper rash!


Jonas' so cute!
Hw's Aloysius? R u lkg aft both of them now?
Hi steamboat & babyvon, your babies' faces so cute & round!

joyce, jonas' smile is so sweet. show us a photo of him and his kor kor together!

snowpooher, emma sleeps by herself, but in the day she will usually need the pacifier. and cos i'm out most of the time, she will sleep in her pram. unless she is overtired sometimes she will need a bit of comforting, then i will put her down when she's calmer and ready to fall asleep. she's an angel after her last feed (altho before that she'll be cranky!) at 10+ and will talk to herself and her mobile toys before sleeping thru the night.

oops. time for feed, continue later!
Heheh! All the babies getting more chubby & cute!

Ashley broke her record last night..had her feed at 10+pm, slept at 11+pm, woke up only at 5+am, & then again at 9am!
Is that considered sleeping through the night yet? I read sleeping through means 5-6hrs un-interrupted sleep.

I read abt training baby to sleep thru at night..better to feed them if they cry leh. If let baby cry from hunger, the following may happen:
1. he/she may fall asleep from exhaustion or feel full from gasping too much air, but will wake up again soon. U'll be the one suffering from 2 episodes of crying instead of 1
2. u cannot tolerate the crying after some time, & give in..the baby is upset & tired & full of air from crying. he/she will drink a bit, and then will wake up again shortly because the previous feed was insufficient!

Better to feed them at a convenient time for u, eg last feed was 10pm & the next one supposed to be 1am, but u r sleeping at 12MN. Then can try to wake baby up to feed him/her at 12MN, so that u dun have to get up at 1am. Soemthing like that...get wat i mean?

I think at this point, our babies r still very small..dun thk it's a good idea to let them go hungry leh...they'll eventually lengthen their feeding interval at their own pace. That's only wat i believe lah.
hi Babyvon
Ray poos once this morning after the last poo..also a lot...not sure if it will be frequent or not.

Kaden's double eye lid also hidden now huhh? My Ray's ones too..hahah..I also suspect is the fat..hehehe

wow omg
thats good...Ray has also started to stretch his night sleep nowadays(abt 4 or 5hrs), so instead of twice, I only need to feed him once , usually arnd 2/3+am..I hope to adjust his last night feed to arnd 10+/11+pm lor..He now has cluster feeds from 8~10...

oh steamboat
Actually born with little hair also good..Not like my boy one so messy..
BabyVon, your boy very cute ! Very chubby too ! Can see his arms ba ba. kekek

Hey gals, how do u all determine whether it's diaper rash?? Must it be those angry red bumps/patches then consider diaper rash?
hi doll
oh..how do you find juggling between work & looking after baby after you go home? Are you still BF? latching or EBM?

btw gals
I find that drinking the pork leg soup with peanuts works for me..Today I tried pumping after 3hr+ interval can get arnd 130ml...somemore didnt feel that engorged lor.

but hor, this soup cannot drink frequently cos very geli...too oily liao..hubby said maybe is the fats that works the magic bo..
Kaden look so cute with his muscle man look

hi lbs,
i didn't BF. Not that bad, whenever I miss Alyssa , I play the video on my mobile..
when i get back home, play with her as much as I can. then my Mum will bring Alyssa into her room by 10.30pm.
i also didn't BF liao. Like doll, i go home will play with her as much as i can. By 11+ pm to 12 am, if she's still not very sound asleep, my mil will rock her first before carrying her to my bed. So still not so bad since she will wake up between 6-7+ am.
Yesterday she slept at abt 11+ pm till today 7.40 am still dun wan to wake up. My mil got to force her to wake up for milk. She really is a sleepy piggy.
did u all go out alone with the BB??How do u manage?I tot of bring my boy out by myself but so worried i might not be able to manage.My boy is now 5weeks old,breastfeeding.

My boy oso get cranky at nite n at the usual time.sometimes carrying,patting him oso wont stop him from crying.so we will lay him on the bed and let him continue crying till we thk he's going to stop.Usually after that,he will fall asleep coz tired oreadi.
I thk babies' batteries is Durcell,"Never Say Die",long lasting 1.B4 they knock out,we oread knock out sigh....
hi steamboat,
u stay up so late ? i need to hit the bed by 11pm
if not no jin sheng coz have to wake @ 6am
how's ur work ?

heng my mum try to make Alyssa sleep in the afternoon so she will b awake when we come bk...

hi bonnygal,
i haven't tried going out alone with bb leh..
hi lbs,
yah on TFM. will miss one. have 7 videos of alyssa on my phone those which she makes noises... wallpaper also her face :p

i even have those phobia that she will not recognize me
doll, what time u start work? I start work @ 8.30 am. Maybe i used to it liao, last time no bb, i used to sleep at ard 1 am cos i always watched tv :p My work quite ok, no need to do OT yet *crossed finger*

bonnygal, i also haven't tried going out alone with bb yet. I also scared i cannot manage. :p

lbs, yes my gal on TFM now.
hi doll
ic..I think bb on formula is more easy to know what are their feedings intervals time hor? I find that day time when I latch him, sometimes can be 2hrly to 3hrly..occasionally one hrly..So, when he cries, not sure if he is hungry or just want comfort..

We will be sending Ray to nanny after I go back to work. Thinking to let him on EBM at least 2-3 feedings while with nanny lor. But pretty worry he will give his nanny some "difficult" time..or maybe he just like to bully mummy..

Also I am worry he will not use to new place etc..etc..thinking to let him go abt a week before I start work..at least anything, nanny still can call me & I can pop over to have a look..but then, want to spend as much time as I can before start work lor...so dilemma hor? ~sigh~
Hi Doll & Steamboat,
So ur mum/MIL helps to look after ur baby at night? I wonder how i'm gonna cope..sure become panda one

Hi lbs,
Heheh! Ur Ray still cluster feeding? Ashley also, but now not so long liao *touchwood*
I'm sure we'll miss our babies at work! When u starting work? I'm going back on 20May..wanna take my annual leave after that but not approved
Who's gonna be Ray's nanny--relative?
I think, like u, I'll bring Ashley to her nanny (HB's godma aka aunt aka MIL's sister) for the week b4 i start work to orientate her & let her get used to it
But i'll stay there with her. Actually i wanna c how the nanny do things & whether it'll be safe or not
Hi doll,
Dun worry! Of cos Alyssa will recognize u! Now my mobile also using Ashley's pic as screensaver & wallpaper altho i'm already spending 24/7 with her!

Hi Bonnygal,
I've only brought baby out to clinic myself 2x..hand-carry. Wah! Bey tahan!
No courage to bring her out "kai-kai" myself, although i feel like doing it. Maybe will try when she's a bit older. Realized that i cannot manipulate her stroller with 1 hand
i think i will miss Joshua even more when i go back to work after 6 months

hi bonnygal,
i only bring joshua downstairs for his daily evening walks. Have not ventured out on my own yet. i'm hoping to bring him out on my own when in France.
Hi bonnygal,
i go out with my girl alone pretty often. i just take along:
1) baby carrier (when she's awake and wants to look around)
2) pram (when she wants to sleep)
I've attached a netting (from Safety first) onto my pram, so i chuck her diapers, baby wipes, tissue paper and what nots in there. that way, i don't have to carry an extra diaper bag. also have a hook - mostly in case i buy things! the thing about the pram we chose is that it's lightweight (combi) and though it's not the kind that can go all the way down flat for young babies, i find that it's flat enough for her to sleep. so it's very easy for me to move around and go up/down the escalator. even if i have to carry it up & down stairs, it's light enough.

by the way, do any of you keep blogs/journals for your babies? i just started one and just wanna check if any kakis around...
omg, i think once ashley can sit in your baby carrier, you'll be able to use one hand to push the stroller...

but lemme warn you, many singaporeans are still not very helpful, esp when it comes to holding lift doors and opening/closing doors at shopping centres. i often have to ask 'would you mind helping me to...'?? so sad hor? (but of cos there are some really nice ones too)
Tiny,I really pei fu u.Dunno whether i can be like u.So far havent use the pram yet,always hand carry (take turns betw hubby n i).My hubby sd i duck leg duck hand,very clumsy.
2day gg to bring the bb out by myself.Wish mi gd luck.
Oh no..Ashley's night pattern become 3 hrly feed again..she's a really erratic baby!

<font color="0000ff">Hi Tiny,</font>
yeah! I hope so!
i have phobia of lifting stroller up/down staircases &amp; using stroller on downward escalator

Heheh! I'm sure we've met our share of unhelpful S'poreans esp during pregnancy &amp; now! But there'r also nice ppl ard

<font color="0000ff">Hi Bonnygal,</font>
Good luck &amp; have fun! Let us know how ur outing goes!

<font color="0000ff">Hi Qdee</font>,
U mentioned previously abt ur elder daughter having gastro-oesophageal reflux right? How did u discover it? Wat r the symptoms? How do u manage it?
Ashley seems to be regurgitating, sometimes to the extent of vomiting after feeds. Wonder if it's just wind or something else?

Hi Tiny,
Does ur stroller have the 2-way facing handle? Do u let Emma face the front or face u when u push her in the stroller? I'm very reluctant to push her facing forward cos i wouldn't be able to see her *paranoid mother here*
