(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi omg
yeap..but not very long liao (cross fingers too)now he cluster feed at 6+ to nearly 8pm+, then slept thru arnd 12am+. Then wake up arnd 3am & 6am lor..Hopefully I can succeed to let him drop his 3am feed..

Oh, the nanny is a stranger, I mean not friend or relatives. But she stays just a block away from us,so easier for me to bring him over & back home next time.

oh, u goig to stay there during the orientation week huhh? But hor, wouldnt be more effective to know how things are handled if you spot check? I mean definitely she will be extra careful with you arnd..well, just my thoughts...

wow Tiny
peifu ler.. like omg, I also have phobia of using stroller on downward escalator...

bonnygal,all the best! just stay calm!

omg, my stroller only faces away. but there's a netting which i can peep thru at the top so it's ok. at first i kept checking to see if she's still there. after a while, i don't bother anymore! hee,...these days i even try on clothes and ask the salesgirl to help me watch :p of cos i will peep to see if the wheels are still there lah! haha...but my sis reminded me that if someone picks up the baby and walks away i wouldn't know! haha...
oh and one tip, just keep the handle close to your body when going up or down the escalator. and when going down, always remember to tip it with front wheels slightly up, leaning towards your body. much safer. after a while you'll be very pro, can do with one hand even! (the other hand for carrying shopping bags..haha)
forgot to answer one of your question. Supposed to go back work on 20th May but took leave since the following Mon is a holiday. So, I am starting on 24th May..yups, 20th May is a hot day, luckily I took that long time ago..hahaha, before I gave birth..

hi Tiny
Dunno ler, everytime I see other mummies or daddies do that, I so scared the whole pram/stroller will just fall forward!
Hi all

Tml will be my first time bringing my both boys out to my mum's place. Cos every sunday, my hb will be with me but now his job require him to work on weekend. So worried that I cannot cope leh. So stressful...
now just hope my big boy can obedient a bit while small boy dun be so cranky. By the way, I'll sling my baby.
hi gals

this is embarassing.

Any of u bleed after you make out with your hubby?
We made out just now & it was really not comfortable. A bit painful as a matter of fact & I am bleeding a bit now..Not sure if it kena torn somewhere or what...
Hi Joyce,
U bringing two kids out yourself! Peifu...peifu. How did u managed to cope with your elder one? Is he jealous when u are feeding or taking care of Jonas?

My son cannot tahan...hyperactive until nobody can handle him. Also, sometime when nobody notice it, he will disturb mei-mei(he very rough).
Yah lor, KC. A bit worried... not sure if I can cope anot.

My elder boy so far still ok lah, not feeling jealous at all and he din disturb di-di leh.. only at times, he wants to play with baby.

By the way, how old is your elder boy? Mine coming 30 months liao.

KC, ask you.. I've done my papsmear on 31st, till now I still haven't recieved the report cos JT told me it'll be send to me after 2 weeks. I'm so worried... scared something not right with me.
Hi jannie,

Sorry for the delay reply..

Last wednesday i went for hairdo and subsequently went shopping as much as i cld since i left BB with my mum and in law.. heehee..

Ok talking abt miserable breast milk supply.. i'll definitely win you lah.. My boy rejected my nipples liao.. he doesnt want to latch cos he recognise my nipple and start screaming when i try to latch him. No matter how i insert my nipple he dun want. Mayb he want the easy way out..which is bottles.. For nipples he gotta suck harder mah..

I tried pumping out but miserable 20ml..Lazy me pump only once a day.

U pump every 3hours got 30ml? Not bad leh..
I admit i'm lazy as i dun bother to pump at all.. i prefer to let him latch.. since he doesnt want to latch then let him be lah.. now 99% full FM liao..
Dun be over stress of not having sufficient BM. I've learn to take it easy liao.. some pre mature babies since birth didnt even take BM also grow up healthily and happily mah..

Look at the bright side..
Hi lbs,
Ehh..i also had a bit of blood the next day after doing 'it' after that ok. Maybe strain the part lor..shd be ok lah. Just monitor..the wound shd be healed..so long liao

How to spot-check on the nanny? She's afterall my elder leh..must show some respect mah
BTW, how much u paying ur nanny? U'll bring Ray home everyday i suppose?!

Hi Joyce & Tiny,
U r my ouxiang! *kowtow*

I must learn to be more gungho like u all..garang in bringing baby out

Tiny: Thanks for ur tips! U r the champion! Somemore can try clothes! Just now HB & me bring baby out with us for dinner..the whole time we were keeping out eyes on her liao...beginners lah
hi snowpooher,

I've never pat my boy to sleep so far.. Dun have this habit leh..Never see my mum do that also when she's BB sitting for others.. At most when he suddenly jerk in betw his sleep i wld pat him else i wont do tat..Anyway usually after milk he wld b like taking drugs like tat.. doze off and sleep liao..

However, when he goes to my MIL place.. he shiok shiok ah.. his grandma & aunties wld take turns to carry him ..sing song and pat him till he sleep.. Alamak luckily is once a week.. if too many days i think my boy wld adapt to that 'service' liao.. heehee.. I didnt stop them also lah.. let my boy have this priviledge only for once a week..

Jus now his anutie jokingly tell my boy "Ni De mummy Bu Li Ni Le.." suddenly he showed the sad face with his lips going down.. look as if he understand wat she said..makes my heart wanna melt liao..

Do you realise our babies are now begining to show so much expression.. and many expressions are very unexpected at such young age.

Hi gals,
Does any of your BBs like to stretch themselves after awake from sleep? In the sense stretch his hands, body and tilt his buttock.
My boy likes to do that alot since he's 2weeks old.. he stretches till his face super red..
hi omg
thks...I was so worried when I saw the blood!Feel like a virgin again

We are paying her $500 per month. Yups, bringing him home everyday after work.

Hi Elle
Me!Me! Ray ALWAYS stretch himself until his face red-red...initially I thought he has constipation..
Elle,my son oso like that,stretch till the face red esp when he wanted to fart or pass motion

Update abt my yesterday outing:-
BB slept throughtout the outing,only opened eyes occassionally to look see look see.Was okie until late afternoon he become quite cranky.so hurried home b4 any situation arises
my son is now 3yrs and 2mths...super active period.

I done my pap smear test by JT on Mon (18/4) and result posted to me on Fri. Very fast leh.

Why dont u call KKH tomorrow to check?
girls, what are your bb's sleeping habits now? my boy sometimes will not sleep from morning till late afternoon.. after that conk out for abt 2 hrs, feed, then another 1 hr or so b4 top and tail in the evening. is that too little sleep? i get very worried when he dun sleep... but i also realised that if he is sleepy, i dun need much effort loh.. just feed milk and change nappy... he will sleep liao..

should i try to make him sleep? or just leave him?
hi jannie
My boy also like that. If he is sleepy..he will just knocked out, no matter what we do, he just simply refuse to wake up. But if he doesnt want to sleep....no matter how long we rock him...he will still eyes wide wide...~sigh~

Attached his pic taken recently..but a bit dark..haha..mummy not good at photography la

hi jannie & lbs,
Ashley also like dat..nowadays sleep so little in the day! sometimes very sleepy liao but once put on playpen or cot, her eyes open big big again

last time so easy...super konked out after drinking milk, can't even wake her up...now...

hi lbs,
Ray looks very cute & happy!

hi bonnygal,
Well done! Did u use stroller or carrier? where did u go? so when is ur next excursion?

Hi Elle,
yeah...their expressions really cute
Hi Elle
Yup, my bb also likes to stretch her legs/hands and tilt her body till her face turns red. Sometimes after her feed she will stretch too. Hee.. the expression is quite funny leh...
Elle, yes, I also think that my gal understands what we are talking. When I scold her, she will show me sad sad face. Seems that our style of taking care of BB is about the same hor? I find patting BB to sleep is a bad habit.

Wow gals, Jolene broke her records. Yesterday after having her last feeding at 8.45pm, she never wakes up for night feeding at the usual timing (3am), she woke up at 5.30am for milk instead.

I just brought my gal to Causeway Pt this morning and tried with the stroller up and down the escalator. Phew, I managed to do it liao! Must got tactic lah. But the most impt is, we must hav e the courage to do it first!

Bringing out my gal out for shopping has becoming more and more easier. Have been bringing her out every weekend.
Tiny, I do maintain a blog for my gal.

Elle, yes, my gal stretches too, till her whole face red red. My father said is good for BB cos they are exercising the muscles.
hi ladies
check with you something..Ray has started to suck his fingers (mainly thumb) since two days back.. i read somewhere is a kinna of self-comforting..

Any of your babies start doing so? If yes, do you stop him/her everytime they do that?
Hi gals,
Some of you have started work already? Time really flies so fast...in one and half mths i also going back to work..

Today i brought my boy to causeway point for the first time. hehe...so far ok lar..he very curious kept on looking around then when he wanted to throw tantrums, we fast fast went to the nursing room to feed him.

Elle, my boy also stretches a lot and makes a lot of funny noises when he sleeps..sometimes he sounds like he is going to wake up but in fact he still carries on sleeping. When he finally wants to wake up his face will turn red and his hands and legs moving around.
So you stop breastfeeding? Ur boy so good..after milk will sleep..my boy a bit cranky at times..like yesterday he din sleep until 5 pm..and that was coz my hubby carried him until he dozed off and slept for 2 hrs...at night also din sleep..hubby had to carry him and gave him pacifier and finally dozed off...think he got too much wind in stomach coz stomach like quite bloated..gave him wind drop and he farted so much.

Really hope bb will start to sleeping whole night instead of waking up every 1-2 hrs to feed..

bonnygal, cayden also around 5 weeks now..he still so cranky and just like ur bb when put him down to sleep he will wake up and make noise again..lately he quite a cry baby..but i never let him cry for long...we all see him cry so poor thing until got tears..dunno whether it is good or bad to always carry him when he cries.

Read somewhere that Evelyn Tan attended a class which teaches how to differentiate baby cries etc..any idea what kind of class is that? Feel like attending to know more abt taking care of bb and understand his needs.

lbs, Cayden now will try to 'eat' his hand even with mittens on..i think if no mitten he will definitely sucks his thumb already.
Hi KC, it's ok. Tml's my review with JT. Will ask him if I remember.

So next year your son will be gng to nursery liao, right? My boy so loogi.. born in year end.. keke. So he's only 3 years 2 months when the school term start.
lbs, my gal sucks her hand till got sound one ah. I stop her only when she rubs her hand all over her face. Sometimes give her pacifier, but she will reject sometimes. I won't really stop her but must make sure it doesn't become a habit for her. All this is normal for BB. Next mth, will see my gal sucks her toes liao hahaha...

Kristen, my gal loves shopping. Bring her out very easy one. She won't ask for milk unless very very hungry. Sometimes, I gotta give her milk cos the feeding hrs stretch too long and I afraid she's hungry. I went early in the morning once Causeway Pt is opened. Already so many people liao. I left at 12pm+ cos my part time cleaner coming over at 1pm.
hi snowpooher,

ya lor.. our style of handling BB pretty similar..but sometimes others may thought that we r simply bo-chap.. heehee..

My cousin in law used to sing & pat her son to sleep and till now the age of 5 still have to do that..

U go causeway point by yourself ah? Then how you handle the pram and wat if you buy things leh?

Hi lbs,

My boy start to suck his thumb when he reaches 3 weeks old. Quite amaze to see him sucking his thumb only. Now in his 7weeks, he put his whole hand into his mouth and lick every finger.. I never stop him cos i also read that is a self comforting way. Anyway he doesnt do that too frequent so is ok lah..

Hi kristen,

U also brought your boy to causeway point ah? Me brought him there too last weekend. I used to make it a point to feed him b4 bringing him out thats why so far i no need to feed him when i'm outside. Anyway i notice he slept throughout the whole shopping trip mayb he is too comfortable with the aircon or the motions.

But that time i carry him took MRT he kept looking at the guy sitting beside me(mayb wondering how come father change face liao..heehee) He stare so hard that i cld see that the guy feel uneasy.. haha..
Anyway he's a kah poh boy.. thats wat most my relatives and frens notice bcos whoever talk he wld stare hard hard as if they owe him $..
They say less than 3mths old babies cld only see at most 30cm but i notice sometimes we stand far far away his eye balls also follow where we go leh..

Hey my boy has been sleeping so much lesser nowadays.. Like your boy lor.. morning till late afternoon didnt sleep much.. Both hubby and myself are so tired playing with him.. I'm dead tired already how come he still can stay awake for so long.. wah piang.. think everyday like tat i going to join the zoo as a panda bear very soon..
hi gals...haven't posted in a long time.

remember some1 was asking abt the hook to hang on the stroller...i saw it at Giant. it's like a circle at the top, with the c-shape hook at the bottom. isetan lido also has it. think the isetan one can swivle one.

i bring my boy out both in sling and pram. when using the pram, i need to have the pram facing me...otherwise i worry abt my boy. hehehe...paranoid mom. i can go UP the escalator...but down i still dun dare. when my sis comes with me, she go first to hold the pram, and i supposed to follow...but so scared i hesitate...then i just watch her go down the escalator...hahaha cannot help laffing and hold up the pple behind me some more.

my bb also loves to stretch. he stretches after he wakes up, during his sleep and after he feeds. and when he needs to shit too! we hold up his legs for him, pressing on his tummy to help him gek his shit.

hi lbs, no blood after making out. we tried it again...and this time, the pain is better. but still got pain. and i went thru c-section some more. dunno how it must be like for those with episiotomy.
hi steamboat,
start work @ 8am :p dun like taking bus/mrt so rather wakee early to lombang on hubby's car.
lastest is 12mn if not will b sleeping during work :p

hi lbs,
even though on formula also not tat timing one :p coz sometimes Alyssa has this crazy habit of "snacking" drink 10ml-20ml also "shuang" even though she drank her milk 1hr ago. dun give , she will scream!!
usually babies dun give their caregivers difficult time :D hiaz.. yah real dilemma , haha muz go n buy big sweep later coz was tinking to myself if tio 1st prize, can b SAHM n look after my own bb... spent the whole weekend with her heheh until started telling hubby tat maybe we should take hotel n spend more quality time with Alyssa. cham hor ... coz my mum tends to interfere or frown when we do certain things our way.. c her frown become damn pek cek

didn't bleed when making out with hubby...

Alyssa hasn't suck her thumb yet hehe but her whole hand :p n it can be really loud !! yah, it's self-comforting. my mum dun really approve so her hands r always in mittens.. then keep saying Alyssa makes the mittens smelly. so over the weekend, hehe took off her mittens n let her suck happily heheh

hi omigosh,
yah, my mum has been taking of Alyssa during the night. quite hard to take Alyssa back frm her during the weekends. m on the opp, dun mind getting panda eyes

hehe feel reassured about Alyssa knowing tat i m still her mummy...

hi tiny,
heheh agree with u about not helpful sg ppl !! especially in the lift. ah yoh wan to fight to go out of the lift with us. until we usually let everyone go out 1st. so far only met 1 couple , heheh coz they were also having a toddler.
some even worse, i dunno they really c or what.. but will walk right into the stroller !! the aunties, haha we always have to "siam" n "siam"

hi elle,
hehe the stretching is normal !! heheh Alyssa also always does tat !!
<font color="aa00aa">Hi gals !!

2mths old Alyssa (quality not tat gd coz taken with hp)

brought her to her 1st baby yoga class yesterday hehe not bad, ended signing up for package !! coz mummy also get to do post natal workout with her !! n my hubby can help or just sit there hehehe !!</font>
hi gals
thks for answering my question emm..on the making out as well as baby sucking their fingers.

Well, I now have phobia to make out again with hubby..how how?scared will bleed again..but seeing him also quite cham..so long liao...

hahaha..so is not my boy only lar..he also sucks until very very loud!Well, I think he tries to put in his whole hand if he can..

I guess is ok then as long as keep his hands clean...

Hi doll
same here..hope I can tio toto then no need to work &amp; can look after Ray myself..

Actually I dun mindif Ray being cranky to me or hubby, no matter what is our own baby mah. But hopefully he will be guai guai with his nanny then..

btw, I guess I am going to give up trying to regulate his night feeding patterns...tried all methods also failed..

so far, his longest stretch is 5 hrs...&amp; is from 7/8pm+ to 12/1am+ lor..then is back to 3hrly...I will just let him adjust himself when he is ready...
hi lbs,
tink our babies still has to get use to routine.. maybe after 3mths then will b better . hiaz dun b like my mum ah , just becoz want to follow her routine timing, she will let Alyssa cry for that 10mins b4 feeding. my hubby became very pissed !! literally stop us form making , say we r messing up her schedule !! hiaz i dunno what to say.

i go to this place http://www.lavidaloft.com/ , found it from Motherhood or young parents magazine. can't remb which. choose this coz daddy can join in..:p

the trial is $25 dollars , package is $200 nett for 10 sessions (includes baby, mummy &amp; daddy). 1 session is 1.5hrs . itz only sunday @ 3pm. if PH then no classes.
hi doll
thks for the link..I just called them.. I may be going down on 8th May since they will be closed this SUN for PH..

perhaps see u there?
doll, what do u do with the baby for post natal yoga? got class for bb and mommy only or not? dun think my hubby can make it every sunday...
hi doll, was checking out the yoga link. wat form of yoga do they do? i used to do ashtanga yoga b4 preg...this looks interesting. mite try it out.

hi babygrace...i tried the kangaroo hold using the sling as recommended. i love it! both my hands free to do other things.
hi lbs,
heheh u r fast !! yup, i will b there hehe yah this sun they r closed coz labour day
hehe anyway the instructor has a 5 mth old baby boy.

hi jannie,
can b mummy &amp; baby also.
just tat daddy can join if they want to :p remb to wear shorts hor or exercise attire :p i wore a soft pants heheh couldn't do much :p

hmm basically , some massages n exercises. then she will teach u to do some exercises using baby as the "weight". i didn't manage to do much coz was in wrong attire :p
Alyssa is so chubby and adorable. She got big eyes too! Sure, a pretty gal next time. She is two months old??
My gal is also 2 months old this Wed.

Yeah, my boy will be starting Nursey next year. I have enrolled him at a Church school near my house. U know what, still have to ballot at this age!!! No wonder S'pore education is so stressful... also stress the parents too.

So, your son is born in end of yr 2002, rite?

Ray: hmm..very full now..mummy just fed me milk..

Ray: huh? Mummy said I cant play now cos I played the whole morning.. Now is time to zZZZZ..Sorry lar..

Ray: ok...I am going to sleep now..talk to you later~

Ray: zzzZZZ
U all so on with yoga?
I'll be too lazy to make a special trip to wherever for exercises
Think will start exs at workplace when i return to work.

Was so worried yday when hubby said Ashley rejected the bottle for ~5-10mins (i went out). Today wanted to start more intensive bottle-training but after 2 feeds i wanna give up liao, too lazy to wash &amp; sterilize the bottles &amp; breastpump..so the 3rd feed just popped my boob into her mouth..i need more discipline!

Hi lbs,
So sad..actually i gotta go back on 19may &amp; not 20may...1 day less

When Ray cluster feed, does he take smaller amts each time? Eg regular feed 120ml, cluster feed 80ml? Or still same amt? Do u latch or feed EBM?
Wondering how much per bottle i shd store my EBM???

Ashley's night interval also...max abt 5-6hrs from ~10+pm to 3+am then again ~6+am. Hope they'll drop their 3+am feeds soon!

Hi Doll,
Alyssa grown chubbier &amp; bigger liao...so fast hor?! Ur mum feed Alyssa 10mins earlier also cannot?? If Alyssa only take 10-20ml sometimes 1hr after her feed, do u prepare just a little FM or u'll prepare her regular amt? Maybe she just wanna suckle for comfort
hi friesbandit
yups..only when he is very tired. Like the photos above were taken after he refused to sleep the whole morning!..

hi omg
Oh, you also huhh? Initially I thought of starting the bottle-training last week..but also too lazy liao..so, end up also popped my boobs into his mouth..hahaha..but no matter what, I will make sure there will be two times bottle feeds (FM) during day-time...

I even stopped expressing milk..I mean no longer on daily basis..maybe weekly only. i will freeze the EBM for 'just in case' used instead letting him to drink within 48hrs..

Maybe a week before starting to send him to nanny, will express some to pass to the nanny..

I also dunno how much he has taken during cluster feeds ler. Emm..for e.g I made 150ml FM, he only drinks arnd 100ml, then after an hr cries for milk, usually I let him finish the balance...then latch him on..after that, if an hr or two later, he still cries for milk, I will latch him only...

Hiaz~ At least your Ashley starts her long hr sleep @ 10pm+ then wakes up @ 3am...which mean you basically need to wake up once lor..But Ray's starts @ arnd 7/8pm+, then wakes up @ 12/1am...I usually sleep arnd 10pm+ (cos too tired &amp; cannot tong liao), so technically I still have to wake up twice lor..

btw, does Ashley sleep before her long hr stretch? I mean since you fed her @ abt 10pm+, her previous feed arnd 7pm+? She sleeps after that feed?
lbs, your boy so cute ! hahaha, i like the 3rd picture where he smiled ! Where is he sleeping? In his own cot or ur bed? Looks very comfortable, no wonder he is smiling when sleeping... kekeke
hi friesbandit,

glad that your bb likes the kangaroo hold. Joshua decided that the position is too cramped for him and has been squirming everytime i put him in the sling
hi steamboat
I put him in his playpen..The pillow is his daddy's..maybe he loves his daddy's smelly pillow..hahaha!

Hi lbs,
U put Ray's whole body on his daddy's pillow huh? Nowadays Ashley hates to be put on her tummy to play leh..she'll kick kick kick, like trying to crawl, HB will say "jia you, jia you" *bian-tai daddy*..then she'll cry..i actually took a video of it *bian-tai mummy*

<font color="0000ff">btw, does Ashley sleep before her long hr stretch? I mean since you fed her @ abt 10pm+, her previous feed arnd 7pm+? She sleeps after that feed?</font>
She dun sleep b4 the 10+pm feed, cos she'll be cranky &amp; fussy &amp; cluster feeding from 6/7/8+pm..by 10+pm, i think she K.O. liao, that's why can slep for 5 hrs

I never give Ashley FM yet..gave her EBM..but maybe will start some FM next week when i try to decrease my BF.

I also do something like wat u do..give her bottle milk, then latch if not enough so really dunno how much she's taking! Dunno how i'm gonna tell the nanny abt the amt of milk to prepare for her
