(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Aiyo, my msg kenna chop.

Was saying:
"Mobil has redemption for both car seat and car booster"

hi doll,

Its so cute to see BB move over to one side hor.. agree lah.. is abit discomfort where u feel that the weight is not evenly distributed over the tummy.. but i release after minutes BB will automatically move to the centre.. Have you ever experience hard kicks from your BB which wld cause u to jerk as well?.. These few nites as i lie down my BB kick so hard that i jerked leh.. is a nice feel lah but can give me a fright unintentionally..

Hi Ohmigosh,

Yup better check with your gyne whether is there chrgs for printing out the scan picture..I always thought that it shld be FOC leh.. so quite surprise when my fren (also visit TPS) told me that she's being chrg $10 for each copy so eventually she stop requesting for it. But i feel that it shld be the gyne who chrg her for it & shldnt be KKH policy to chrg on scan picture (my guess lah)..

hi well,

May i know the name of the factory at lok yang way? Thanks!

By the way, how does the hiccups feel? is it like constant light fluttering feel at the tummy?
hi elle,
the hiccups are like soft rythmic kicks against your tummy...and you can actually see it. very cute and it occurs quite frequently too. i agree with u, these days the kicks can be so hard that it makes me jerk too! sometimes at work i suddenly jerk and my colleagues will ask "baby kicking ah?"

qdee, when my baby moves and sticks a part of her body out (eg foot or hand i can't really tell) and remains in that position, it feels hard too..guess that's not a contraction hor? i don't think i've ecperienced any contractions as yet! only all movements caused by a very active baby
But it's so amusing to see my tummy wobbling everywhere, esp so every night and in the morning.
hi elle>>
i dunno the name of the factory...but it is very prominent... it is located behind a eating place...

hi doll>>
WOW...envy envy lei... but today the sun very big, weather looks good... i think i will plan for a swim later this evening... sigh, there is some construction gog on near my place... wow, early in the morning kena DISTURBED by the machines ALREADY...sad sad ....
Hey gals, wana ask you all a qn. I think by now most of you have experienced what is BHC (Braxton Hicks Contraction) right? Usually it's just hardening of the tummy/uterus and there is not much pain.
But recently , i have been experiencing sudden pain around my whole tummy area, esp after eating my meal. I know it's not BHC cos it's quite painful and i will break out in cold sweat after that. So far i encountered twice liao.
Have you all encountered this b4? Is it serious??
hi ohmig0sh, maybe it just happened that they were not very busy that day. anyway, i got so used to waiting to see dr that the 15min or 1/2 hr wait does not make much difference. when i arrived, dr went out for delivery, so i went mothercare shopping loh (got sale!!), then nurse called me on mobile and told me that doc is back. i also find doc more relaxed at TPS. i suspect they do not pack so many patients at TPS time slots so dr is not so stressed trying to clear queues...

hi well, i put on 9kg in my 28th week.... i was hoping not to go pass 10kg till full term but i guess it is not possible anymore....sigh..... i asked doc if i m too fat and he said no.... but anyway, he did not tell me the ideal weight gain leh...

hi winnie, kristen, can try to switch brand if the clarins oil is causing u rashes. better to waste or give away than to cause itchy rashes. and if you scratch, stretch marks will appear (that's what my sis told me, dunno true or just trying to frighten me). but the key to it is to apply generously. if you apply but only a little bit, it may not help at all (a few of my frens all told me the same thing).

tiny, my baby also suddenly jerks. i think he must be having some nightmare and jerked himself awake.. so cute hor... also gives me frights, esp in the middle of the night....
Hi Steamboat,

My BHC is sometimes quite painful. sometimes i cannot walk when i had it.
I think the strength or mildness depends on individuals and the stage of pregnancy u are at.
But if u are worried pls ask your doc if it's normal.
For my case it is lor coz first bb also like that some more it's throughout the pregnancy.
So check with your doc ..btw, now u how many wks?
Hi Qdee,

Oh.. din know BHC will be painful leh. So far the BHC i encountered are not painful, it's just that my tummy will harden and i will feel a bit uncomfortable. Thanks for the reply, i will check with my gynae when i see him for the next appt.

I sld be in my 33 wks now.
hey doll>>
see.... it is gog to rain AGAIN@!!!!!!! aiyo...

any1 knows where can i find a public indoor swimming pool.... SOB SOB SOB
hi stephie, hhe coz i was telling my hubby that dun have. so he took the booklet for me :p

hi elle, heh bb definitely got give those kicks , hehe but i m used to it liao. my hubby on the other hand keep asking me if hurts :p

hi well, dun envy, ended coming bk to office to finish off some stuff..
hehe but i m still determined to go for my swim later. my office here is cloudy.. wah indoor public pool. dunno leh.. unless u wan to join me ? guest fee is $21 i tink.

wah the gynae charged u $25 for the pix.. !!?? thought it is included..?

hi steamboat, i duno if i had BHC before.. coz my tummy always feel hard after i had my meal, i usually have heartburn.. but not pain...
ya think i won't use if it's clarins giving me problem...but now i dun use also itchy...hmm...any recommendation for good stretchmark cream other than clarins?

Do you all feel very heaty now? always so hot and sweaty? Even at home i complain hot..but other people think it's cooling...dont' even have to use blanket when i sleep in aircon room anymore...too heaty not very good right? Once i get too hot i will feel faint

well, how come gynae will charge for scan pix? issit coz u doing 4D scan or something? my gynae gives me a scan pix everytime i go see him..
kristen, u can try galenic elancyl. i use that in the day time and it is not too creamy or oily. i love it's smell....

my body temp is still ok... should be abit higher than last time but i managed to sleep thru last night w/o fan or aircon....
Hi Jannie,
15-30 mins wait to c dr is ok lah. But more than an hour without anyone informing me that Dr has gone to deliver...at TPS?! N more than an hour wait just to make payment. I give up liao! & the dr is not very relaxed leh..maybe cos she's over-booking cos going on leave.

Hi Elle & Well,
$10-25 for a scan picture? Aiyo! I go my GP clinic downstairs do scan, give pic, give medicine, give MC, do urine test only $26 leh!

Well: The $25 is for the scan or for the picture ah? *just to make sure*
Anyway which hospital r u at?

Hi Kristen,
i also feel warmer nowadays. Last time always need to snuggle in blanket & still feel cold..but now will perspire with blanket! Better in air-con places cos last time i used to be freezing..nowadays just feel cool

Think it's normal to have increased temp!

& i think 20kg wt gain is too much leh..i thought shd be abt 10-15kg. Anyway now i'm 26-27 wks & already abt 10kg. But everyone keeps asking "where did the weight go to?"
Anyway obst said ok to put on sl. more than average cos previously underweight
hi kristen/elle/OMG>>
oh oh...am i causing a stir here ...? i am visiting GEH, gynae on the 8th flr...the scan pic is a normal filmsy small print out. not 4D or special lei...but so far, I paid for 2 pixs liao... cos not every visit, he will print, and of course i also dare not ask from him, cos i know he charges...

hi every1>>
YA YA !!! SO HOT!!! these two days i cant sleep... just rolling around the bed, then fell asleep for awhile and will wake up due to heat...i try not to on the air-con cos air not as fresh...
morning well, did u manage to go for a swim last evening, it didn't rain right...?

i dunno leh, i dun really feel that hot. maybe silghter warmer than usual only...

well, maybe u wan to tok to ur hubby about it, like let him know how u feel ?
Hi Steamboat,
Me too.. The BHC I experience is just slightly uncomfortable and mb a slight crampy feeling.. It occurs mostly at night..

Hi Kristen,
Me too keep on complaining that I am hot nowadays when all others are saying that they are cold..
Gd morning to all,

Nd advice.

Sorry if i sound crude. I discovered my anus feel pain n swollen as though there is a lump.And slightly stained with blood on the panties. Is it alarming?Shd i c my gynae?
yup bonnygal, sounds like piles. just go visit your GP to get cream to soothe it. nothing to be alarmed of.. most pregnant ladies have it.

girls, i just read the article on HIV testing for pregnant moms leh. do we still have to take it now that we are in the 3rd trimester?
hi ohmig0sh, they have a chart at the registration counter with indication on which doc is in or out. i just happened to see and so knew that doc was out loh. they paste it on the wall by the side of the counter (not a huge chart though). maybe you can take note of it next time.

OIC, u visiting gyne from Gleneagles ah no wonder so Ex.. I know some gynes at Gleneagles chrg pretty high for add'l stuffs.
U heard abt stephen chow?.. he also chrg very high..

I guess u and hubby in early 20s huh?.. Youngsters like to go clubbing alot one heehee..


R u having constipation b4 that?.. Sometimes it cld be cause by your previous 'hard' stool that case the bleeding.. To play safe, i think is better to confirm with a GP.

OIC, u visiting gyne from Gleneagles ah no wonder so Ex.. I know some gynes at Gleneagles chrg pretty high for add'l stuffs.
U heard abt stephen chow?.. he also chrg very high..

I guess u and hubby in early 20s huh?.. Youngsters like to go clubbing alot one heehee..


R u having constipation b4 that?.. Sometimes it cld be cause by your previous 'hard' stool that case the bleeding.. To play safe, i think is better to confirm with a GP.
Hi! Jannie,

Even though govt says now is a standard procedure to include HIV test in our blood test, i also had mine at KKH during my early pregnancy check up leh.. Even b4 the news came out I understand from the KKH nurse that is mandatory.
Elle, HIV is not mandatory at KKH. Nurse at registration asked me if I wanted at my 1st visit. I told her just test for everything and she had me sign a consent form. But the only test I remember they took is the blood test at 16th week, which did not include HIV test. I was just wondering if the new policy is for newly pregnant moms (how to define newly pregnant?) or all current pregnant moms...
Hi! Jannie,

At least your nurse did ask u whether u want.
For my case, the nurse who attend to me didnt inform me abt it.. and if i'm not wrong she merely follow instruction from the gyne who've ticked under a few fields on the form which include the HIV test.. so i ask the nurse, she told me 'oh usually gotta take one..' Being 1st time, i just take the test lor..
So to me is nothing new but the recent news talk until like a rare procedure..even go street interview on people's point of view..
Elle and dolly,
I share the same sentiments as u coz i forced and pushed the stool the past few days.I hope it's not piles
maybe in the meantime i drink more water and hope it will get better.If not i will go n see GP.
Hi Ladies,

asked u gals something .. do u intend to buy rocking chair?
hv always wanted to get a rocking chair for my first bb .. so i can put her on the lap n rock her to sleep but never get around to buying one.
Does anyone know where to get cheap but sturdy ones?

confirmed with a friend who had piles b4.I have PILES
She sd nothing alarming if i didnt bleed excessively and from the wrong place. But as i am pregnant now,better to monitor jus in case sigh...Look like have to drink more water and eat fruits than usual.
hi doll>>
aiya!! yesterday Rained la!!I stayed in the west and it is having thunder storm...at first wanted to go to clementi swimming/jurong complex for a quick swim, but... then, i thinking of gog this morning due to the good sunshine... But HB keep on insists i shouldnt go alone...
so in the end....as usual....never got near the water lo...
CLUBBING.... Aiyo, he toned down abit liao... but yesterday dunno y, feel so sad and disappointed tat he went out... today, just sms him liao abt my feelings... see how la...

hi bonnygal>>
Yup, there are pils, actually also known as enlargement of haemogbolins(dunno the spelling). There is a cream that you can get off the shelf at any guardian pharmacy if u feel itchy and irritated by them. And try to drink more prune juice to ease the bowels and the pressure on it will decrease and the swell will go off eventually... Actually, I also has a bit, but not to the extent of bleeding yet... better eat more veg.

hi elle>>
NO LA.... We are in the late 20s la..
... but i think he started clubbing only in his mid 20s, so now still into it lo... he says he enjoy the music, dancing wo... actually i also like, but maybe tone down alot liao nowadays... somemore, now being barred for almost A YEAR!!!

hi jannie/Qdee>>
yup, my Triple Blood Test inlcudes tat lei... somemore never asks whether i want to do it or not, when my 16weeks is due, the attendent there just poke me with a needle and drew 3 big big tubes of blood from me...
.... then after tat, just slapped me with the bill lo..... gee... aiyo, but for the sake of bb, sure we will do one la...

hi Qdee>>
U seriously thinking of getting a rocking chair huh?? but I heard tat it is better not to rock or swing bb to sleep, then wherever u bring the bb, bb also can sleep... if not, he can only fall asleep when he is home, or when he is being rocked or swinged...
hi gals

been following this thread but too busy to post anything during office hrs..having a new gal & I am assigned to train her lor..

abt the HIV test hor, I went to have a look at my results for triple test ler..seem that they are only testing whether we have the anti-b against HIV?? Not really the actual HIV test?? btw, HIV got anti-b one meh?

As I have taken the jab for my Hep-B before, the results shown is

HEP B ant-b : Reactive

Then for the HIV test, my results show :

HIV anti-b : Non-reactive

I am confused now, is this the HIV test the government is talking abt??
hi ladies,

i also took my HIV test during my 1st blood test (one of the 1st few visits).
HIV test WAS not mandatory..& we have to sign a consent form for it.

Hi lbs,
yup that's the HIV test.
i THINK...if a person been exposed to HIV b4, then the body will have some form of HIV antibodies (same as Hep B..if reactive--means person could have taken the vaccination or actually had Hep B).

Hi Jannie,
Oh! didn't notice that chart..will keep a look out tomorrow when i go there
Thank u!

Hi bonnygal,
Better drink more water & eat more fruits & vege. Was reading the contents of prune juice & prunes..realised that prunes contain more fibre than the juice.
Shd inform ur obst-gynae, cos some multi-vits cause more severe constipation than others..so maybe ur obst can change the multi-vits for u.
hi omg

btw, I have an embarassing question to ask...

Most of us have stool problem, right? As for me, sometimes I need to put in 'extra strength' to get my waste out. But I notice that everytime if I used strength to push, somehow, a piece of flesh at my vagina area will 'drop'..not sure if you know what I mean??

However, after a while that piece of flesh will 'go back'...I am not sure if this is normal or anyone have similar experience??
hi lbs>>
yo.... i think i am having that problem too... but only in my this 2nd pregnancy.... how bout u? u 1st-time mother experiencing this problem too? any answers from u gals??
hi everybody>>
remember someone mentioned abt the raspberry tea thingy!! the following thread explains more and also mention tat it eases labour!! I better go get some... er... other than tanglin shopping center, anyone knows where can i get in the west side area??
hi well,

oic, yah it's not that safe to go alone. public pool even worse. ppl aren't very "safety conscious".

hehe sometimes our pregnancy hormones on a overdrive :p maybe thatz y feel more sensitive than usual

regarding the raspberry tea,

u can try contacting this number : telephone : +65-96625839

hi bonnygal,fruits like guava n papaya do help. hehe i can't stand the taste of prune juice so i rely on other fruits to help me out.

hi lbs, i do not face a stool problem but even if i do.. i tend not to "use extra strength" coz i have this funny phobia that bb might accidentially come out. usually if cannot, i will drink water n yakult :p

was on 1/2 leave yesterday. had mee goreng in the morning n it simply didn't agree wif me. the puking n headache came back
hiaz have to stick back to my usual routine bread for breakfast...
Well, from the website doll gave, they can actually deliver to your door step.

Ibs, my sis had the flesh drop out problem b4. Previously only the flesh dropped out when her period starts, after quite some time, the flesh actually came out and refuse to move back in leh. She went to her gyne and cut away the flesh, is actually a piece of dead meat!
Hi all,
My friend who just gave birth recently also recommended drinking raspberry tea to ease labour...and also drink coconut juice. But think should take last 2 mths of pregnancy right? Then i better don;t start yet..
I dun have any constipation problem *touch wood* .just try to eat more fruits and after waking up drink a cup of warm water before eating breakfast. Think that will help to cleanse the system and make u go toilet..it works for me lor.

Heard diferent opinions lor..some people said first pregnancy will most likely be a bit earlier..some said later than EDD..so confusing..guess just let nature takes it course.hehehe...just let bb decides when he wants to see the world

Doll, hee i also dunno, but they took the dead meat to do a culture test and is ok lor. When the gynea cut off, not even painful at all haha, she said just pull out and cut, so irky right! That piece of flesh actually keep triggering her menses lor.
