(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi snowpooher, are they something like that ?

hi joyce, oh yah hor, CNY coming soon. hiaz, mi lazy like nobody's business :p tink i have to put in effort to clear the house :p

hi elle, heheh i dunno, but i prefer my ex-boobs size :p i had to buy new bras

lst fri, made a beeline for the bra section @taka since i had additional 10% discount. hehe morever, ur weight isn't much leh, remb
i put on like 11kg !! hehe thatz y :p read newpaper today, Zoe put on more than 10kg, she's 6mths.

Joyce, stretch marks look reddness one meh?

Doll, yes, something like that. Is that stretch marks? I only have on my left lower abodmen, a small portion. It looks so ugly.
Hi Doll, is that really stretchmarks? eeek so scary!
So far i dun hv any leh even tho it's my 2nd.
The 3 marks on my butt not that ugly lah, just small lines. But i can see my tummy stretch until very shiny . .. maybe soon i'll hv that marks .. sob sob
eee... I searched thr the web! It is stretchmarks ah! I've been applying stretch marks creams leh. Sob Sob... now so ugly and disgusting...

Doll, Joyce, any idea will it fade away? I read from web that it will turn to silver/grey color after birth and won't go away! I suddenly got these marks when I just "step" into my 3rd trimester!
Hi Snow, u mean you get that kind of marks?
All over the tummy? a bit drastic leh to suddenly have it covered whole tummy like that.

I saw the marks on one friend's tummy but not like that. Very discreet one.
Qdee, my friend showed me her stretch marks but is not like the pics shown by Doll leh.

I just realised I got some kind of those redness marks at my left lower abodmen, small portion. I was wondering what is that! I read in web that the following will have high chances of getting stretch marks:
- Family (If your mom or sister has them, guess what?)
- If you had them in a previous pregnancy you may get them again, although usually just a darkened (temporarily) of the old ones and a light extension sometimes.
- Weight Gain (Rapid or excessive will make this worse.)
- Nutritional Status (Well hydrated and healthy skin stretches better.)
- Ethnicity (African American women get them less.)
Snowpooher, missed your qn previously... yah.. the new stretchmarks is red in colour. Then after giving birth, it'll turn to silver lining in few months.
Hi, may i know where to get the book "wat to expect when u r expecting"? I'm 25th weeks, is it too late to buy the book?

Does your gynaes tell you all the bb's development and weight for every vist and scan for you? I'm in KKH and my gynae never tell me anything about bb development and weight, only press my tummy and let me listen to bb heart beat...have not done any scan since my detailed scan leh...

Anyway, KKH going to change a gynae for me as my gynae will not be in s'pore during my EDD...so any of you have a good gynae in KKH to recommend? Thanks
hey elle, i did not focus on the scan leh. i just went cold when gynae told me baby is smaller than expected. will try to focus during my next appt which is next mth. but i vaguely remmeber that he went so fast.. like "the legs are here.. here's your placenta... baby's head is here, etc" i have no idea where the "heres" are cos i was trying to concentrate on the monitor plus trying desperately to think of questions to ask gynae on the small baby thingy.

i m not too worried abt the size actually, (cos i think i still have 2 mths to try to eat more nutriciously). i m more worried abt the breech thingy. i really really hope to go thru normal delivery. my MIL just told me that my husband was breeched till full term too. at that time, doc had to insert the hand in to try to turn the baby... but now where got such thing... it's c sec straight away if scan shows breeched position... sigh....

girls, use tonnes of stretchmark cream on your belly, esp this last trimester so that your efforts during the past few months will not go to waste!! my sis also let her guard down during her last mth and kanna the stretchmarks there and then. these marks will follow you for life!! my mom just showed me her marks.....
Hi Doll,
Thanks.. Me too will look out for Zoe's show

Zoe's got put on more den 10kg huh? But she still look slim leh.. But she is rather thin last time so she can afford to put on more weight..

Hi Well,
But I kan afford to have a 2nd one so soon mah.. Must be at least 2 years apart..
My hb is the opp of urs, he prefer boys..
So I hope to have a boy next time :p

Hi Elle,
My boobs are also slightly bigger den before..
hey butterscotch, if you are seeing your gynae at clinics A-D, then you will not get to see your baby at every visit. some gynaes have sessions at KK clinic at Ang Mo Kio or The Private Suite which every consultation room has it's own ultra scan machine to scan your baby at every consultation.
Hi ladies,
Wow! So fast talk abt delivery??!! It's sending shivers down my spine! I hope mine will be short & sweet.

Hi Qdee,
Yeah, smaller babies easier to give birth to..but more difficult to hold (eg for bathing etc). Anyway whether big or small, heavy or light..most important must be healthy!

Hi well,
i also heard that IUD not 100% fool-proof leh. i'm also considering birth-control (my pregnancy also unplanned
) i also realize withdrawal (even during "safe" period) is unsafe (my baby girl is proof)
I'm thking of mini-pill..but will read up more on the side effects 1st.

hi Jannie,
so much reassurance from all the ladies..think u can just rest ur mind liao!

Hi Butterscotch,
i'm seeing Dr Jeanette Chen (Associate Consultant) at KKH (recommended by my friends who work at KKH)..i thk she's ok, will ans qns. Quite friendly & reassuring. But she seems to spend quite little time with me (except during the time when i had contractions)..maybe she feels that i'm a "low risk" mother
& have yet to find out how she is with delivering babies.

Another recommended obst-gynae is Dr Tan Kim Teng (Senior Consultant)...recommended by 2 of my friends who were under her care, & also by friend's friends who work at KKH. Wanted to choose her initially but decided otherwise because of cost.

Anyway who's ur original obst at KKH?

is your gynae at KKH good? May i know what's her name?


my gynae is Dr Irene Chua, specialist in KKH. She's quite friendly and will answer my questions and i'm comfortable with her, too bad she won't be around during my EDD.

Is it better to see gynae in TPS?
hi snowpooher/Qdee, yah they r stretchmarks @30th week....

the stretchmarks depends.. some will go away after pregnancy
or become invisible but for some it stays on... what u got off the web is true..
some really get red marks....

hi elle, no leh.. i didn't apply right from the start.. i only started in my 2nd tri...

hi winnie, hehe definitely 8.30pm
yah loh. the 10kg dun look so bad on her

hi omigosh, heheh at most another 2-3 mths then we r going to deliver liao heheh

hi happybuns, i got the pix off the web :p my skin tone much darker :p i read somewhere that exercising helps the skin tone improving the skin elasticity hence preventing stretchmarks.. dunno how true also..

where can we buy the raspberry tea ? sounds good leh. but doesn't tea have caffeine ? drink 4-5 cups a day , won't it b too much ?
hi doll>>
WOW... u caused a stir by posting the pix lei... eeks... so many vertical reddish lines, i think this is too much... I also have some silver linings here and there... I din really apply stretch marks cream... but do apply some moisturizing cream now and then. Hope it helps. Has been asking my SIL whether it still helps if I start to apply the stretch mark cream now cos I intend to get from the Motherhood Shop, cos they say quite good the cream. However, she says now then apply too late liao la... so din buy lo...

hi joyce>>
wow, u took nearly a week to spring clean your house lei!! clean clean now lo...

hi OMG>>
huh??... I heard many stories about failed protection in IUDs ler..
. aiyo, how come like this cos it is supposed to be 99% lei... Maybe I will ask my gynae abt this...

hi winnie>>
not really has to wait 2yrs la... if u want, can start to conceive immediately ler, then u can take care together ma... best is TWINS hor... one time "fix" ...

*Note gals>>
I have noticed that there is no EDD during the week of CNY hor!!! I was actually told that my EDD is 9 or 10th FEB, which falls on the first and second day of CNY ma, then last visit to gynae and was told tat my EDD is 17th FEB, a week later...Although I know that EDD is not exact, but somehow worried tat gynae might purposely avoid the holidays and wat if he is not around tat week.... I have been thinking abt this recently, I really hope tat i remember to confirm his pressence if I really gog to deliver during the CNY week!!!
hi doll>>
oh, some tea and coffee are caffeine free ma... but I have been drinking those self brewed red dates water... with some black dates, "blue" dates and another kind of tonic added in ... prepared by MIL.... she says good for bb...
Hi gals
Wow doll...
The pic really scare me off, if I c tis pic b4 pregnant I tink I wont have the courage to pregnant.

Ya Jannie
I agree wif u regarding use tonnes of stretchmark cream on your belly, esp this last trimester. Smetimes I apply 2-3times daily cos I believe tt our tummy will gt bigger during the last 2 mths. All my frenz n coll told me tt it dosent help no matter hw much cream we apply bt I tink we better ply safe rather tn regret.

Hi ButterScotch
My gynae is Dr John Tee he is the senior consultant in KKH, I find tt he is friendly n humurous.
hi well, was so sleepy juz now that forgot to ask where can I buy the raspberry tea.. heheh actually i was hoping for bb to come ard CNY too.. like the last day of CNY :p very ji li :p

hi lyn_baby, stretchmarks pretty common. dun wori they tend to go away leaving silvery lines... i only apply once a day coz i read in a magazine that the applying too much goes into the bloodstream.. the best is actually pure cocoa butter which is the most natural..

hi gals, i forgot who i was chatting with on the car seat thingy.. this is the SMILE POINTS redemption for car seat

Hi Jannie, Lyn,

Dun forget to apply on the butt and breasts as well. coz i have 3 lines on my butt from previous pregnancy .. no one told me it's gonna be at the butt too, I only concentrate on the tummy. Now tummy ok but butt damn ugly! cannot wear high cut swim suit!
Hi Doll,

My gynae said cocoa butter might cause rashes on some women.
So if some of u ladies are using cocoa butter and have rashes best to stop.
hi java, hehe mentally prepared 1st if not when i see them i surely freak out :p

hi Qdee, oic, didn't know that cocoa butter can cause rashes too.. mi using clarins.dun have cocoa in them. hehe i got apply some on my butt area only leh . muz apply properly liao :p

i m also applying bust lotion too juz in case :p
Hi doll think the pic u put up really gave everyone a scares!! I think better apply stretch marks cream regularly lor. I got the red dot s as well previously when using the stretch marks cream bought from ntuc, wah biang sticky and stink. Then i change to the elancil one then no more red dots.

Oh i saw from other threat that u can get the raspbery tea from tanglin mall 3rd flr from a shop selling organic things. I was thinking if not u can call the momsinmind, think they also carrys.
Hello Jannie,

Perhaps you're over concerned once your gyne told you abt your BB's size thats why u didnt concentrate on the scan.. heehee..
Me opposite, when i'm lying down on the bed, i wld concentrate on the monitor and wld never leave my eyes off it.. i'm happy to see all the various parts of BB. My gyne wld scan the head then stomach then feet.. and lastly his face

So i always stick my eyes on the monitor waiting anxiously for him to scan the face.. heehee..
Yah.. i agree some gynes scan so fast till you cant catch up.. thats what happen when i did my scan at KKH.. I recall when i interrupted, the sonographer totally ignore me!
Luckily my current TMC gyne very patient, he wld scan and point slowly for you to ensure that u don't miss it..

So u must Rest & Relax in your subsequent scan okie. Must enjoy these 2months!

By the way, my fren from KKH-TPS told me that each time she request her gyne to print a copy of the scan, he actually charge her for that.. Is yours also? I thought its FOC.

I heard in some countries there are mid wives who could massage to 'turn' the bb around to head down position..wonder is there such skillful midwives in S'pore.

Hi! Doll,

u really scar all of us leh.. thought the picture you've shown is you!.. I heard is best to apply right from the start of preg leh.. Sometimes lazy to apply esp. initially when tummy is still small but after some time get used to it liao.. If didnt apply wld feel that i've not done something..
hi well

did u visit the baby warehouse sale at Lok Yang yesteday? got any great buys? I tinking of goin too since I m n leave today..
hi happybuns, hehe no lah dun mean to scare
oic, so i guess any organic shop will do ? hehe if i can't find it then will hop down to tanglin :p

hi elle, hehe no lah not me lah, if it's me. already "guan ming zhen da cry
" liao

yah,gd to apply as earlier but i was feeling very terrible during 1st tri..so it wasn't on my mind... nearing 2nd tri then i started to apply liao :p
hi lite breeze, u also waiting for well to update on the sale :p

well, if can . update what time it closes :p so i can see if i can go there after work today, n when is the last day also
Hi Well,
I need to rest.. Carrying a bb for 9 mths is very tiring.. I am starting to feel very tired and have restless nights.. Kan really sleep well at night bcos I kan seems to get a comfortable position..
I dun dare to think abt twins.. Carrying and taking care of them are tough.. :p

Hi Doll,
Same here.. I also apply the Clarins oil on and off.. When the red dots come, i din apply.. My gynae ask me not to scratch the red dots.. Those are pregnancy rashes..
hi butterscotch, it's never too late to get the book. maybe u can try the national library since you have already missed the major part of it. i bought mine at MPH at $22.90. my KKH gynae is C T Yeong. i liked him but pls dun expect "sayang sayang" attitude hor. i think mine is low risk case so my sessions with him are rather chop chop. but if i have questions, he will patiently answer them. if u dun see gynaes at AMK KK clinic or TPS, you will be sent for scanning only for a few times thru'out your pregnancy loh. so it is entirely up to you. charges at TPS are slightly higher. but the service u get is better loh. i have read postings somewhere that KKH do not want to entertain changing of appt for ADC scans. but when i called TPS to change, they actually entertained me and they were very friendly.

hi elle, my last appt was my first visit at the TPS, and i did not request for a scanned pix. i think my heart was not there lah.. so did not request loh. during my 20th week detailed scan, my sonographer was very nice. she actually told me that she will start to scan and measure first, then she will explain everything to me later. and true enough, she entertained all my questions later after she has gotten most of her measurements.

hi lyn_baby, all my frens actually say that stretchmarks cream will help leh. of course, if you start to apply now only, it will not help lah. it will only help if you have started on it some months back to help with the elasticity of your skin so that it is able to accommodate the stretch now.

my tummy hardening is getting more and more frequent now leh, esp during the night.. last night, i feel my tummy hardening at least 3 times... anyone experiencing this too? but now i can feel my bb's hiccups already
. it is reall so cute. but i dunno which part of him is jerking from the hiccups....
hi girls,

Do you realise that BB kicks and punch more vigorously lately? I realise that after 24weeks my bb start to kick more strongly.. Is it bcos of the space contraint inside thats why they kick so hard? Now in my 28weeks his kicks even more stronger.. feel very 'suan' every morning i wake up..

Sometimes i sleep by the side, he kick me so hard that i gotta change position.. he's kinda like hinting to me not to sleep that position which annoys him leh..

U gals experience it also?
Hihi gals
I am back!!

so many postings to catch up...ok doki..tok to you gals later..now have to clear my emails & the works!!

'see' u all later!!
hi winnie, mi itchy hand , accidentially scratch one of them. ended with a dark spot...

hi jannie, u can feel hiccups ? hehe i dunno how to make out which is which :p i only know that when she moves to one side, my side becomes really hard then the other side is soft :p

hi elle, yah loh!! move n punch n kick alot !! dun really feel suan but it disturbs my sleep. same here also, i always keep shifting until she stops punchin/kicking..

elle, the show starts on 21st Dec, 8.30pm on CH8

Do you notice when you BB moves to one side, you tummy wld actually look 'slanted' as well..
Thats what i saw leh.. got a fright when i saw how come my tummy one side flat one side bloated.. so weird.. then i feel it realise that he's curling up in one corner..

Yesterday i was pang sai in the toilet also like that.. my hubby say mayb too smelly, he is pinching his nose .. haha..
hey doll, the hiccups feel like soft punches at the same place and if you look at your tummy, u can see it jerking also... mine usually last for 1-2 mins.
Hi Jannie,
Me too experience the hardening and tightening of the tummy esp during the night.. I will experience this a couple of times a day but my gynae says it is normal if it is not more den 5 times.. I think mine is sometimes more den 5 times.. Must ask him next time.. But den again I din really go and calculate the number of times.. hee
hi elle, hehe yah loh !! my tummy will look odd shape :p but sometimes if she moves to the side too much, it actually hurts. so i will rub on that part so to let her know to shift a bit :p

i can feel her heartbeat if she moves very near to my pelvic area, hehe it feels a bit ticklish. can u feel bb brushing against ur hip bone when they r moving ? i felt it once.. then no more..

hi jannie, wah , heheh if like that i will have to look out liao.. i thought they were punches
Hi Winnie, Jannie,

I think the hardening of the tummy u mentioned is contraction.
Normally contraction will start from the side of the tummy near your waist and will move towards the centre of the belly. It's a hardening feeling.

My first baby stuck her foot on my rib cage for 3 days! I had to put ice there to make her moved her foot to another place.

I can actually feel the shape of the foot hehe cute hor?
Hi ladies,
How come u all seem to find baby very/too active ah? My baby will move/kick/punch (more than 10 counts during an active hour)..but not to the extent of disturbing me leh..i always wanna feel her move more! Wonder if she's moving enough.
Is it because i'm walking abt the whole day so cannot feel some of her movements?

Hi Elle,
I was still thinking whether i can get my obst to give me a pic from the scan when i see her on friday. Didn't know there's a charge leh! Maybe i'll ask her.

Hi Jannie,
Do u really find the services at TPS better? So far been there thrice--1st time waited 2 hrs to c obst, 2nd time ok, then 3rd time i waited for more than ONE hour just to make payment & collect ONE medicine. I thk my prev visits at Clinic A were more pleasant! But already signed up for package & can do scan for every visit at TPS.

Hi Qdee,
Hey! Very cute leh..can feel shape of ur baby's foot! So funny u used ice on ur baby..did u think it up urself?
hi lite breeze/doll>>
The warehouse sale is at no.1 Lok yang way, everyday from 10am to 6pm, including sunday!! They selling strollers/prams/car seats/many toys, some bb clothings,breast pads(chicco brand), some milk bottles, chicco brand breast pump,air float toys & swim floats, Barney toys,barbie toys...bb chairs, etc. the goods might look dirty but some really good buy, nearly 1/2 priced from outside(i checked out wome at kiddy palace at Jurong Pt)... gee, however, I just spent $13 on air float toys... other bulkier items, thinking of dragging HB to go and see before deciding... I actually interested in a Air Army Tanker, dreaming my two boys playing inside... c/w 100 those plastic balls and cost $32 only!! dunno next time i go still have or not...

hi gals>>
So the tightening and hardening of the stomach is "Contraction"??? eee, how come has this type of contraction when not yet due? Oh, so the jerking is hiccups created by bb... so cute.... some x, tummy jerk jerk, i tot he naughty and punching/kicking me ....now then now... but y do bb hiccup inside my tummy??

hi Qdee>>
wow, ur bb so "li hai" , can stuck her foot in your rib cage?? i told my HB abt this , and he is shocked....hahaha
Hi ladies.
Wah so many postings. Never logged in for few days.
Getting scared abt the stretch marks..my tummy got red red dots and itchy...dunno will turn into stretch marks or not. The rashes come and go.

Winnie, I tried applying clarins oil then the rashes came back so now I am not applying anything. scared the more i apply, the worst the rashes will be come. Have cocoa butter at home too..maybe i will try see whether it will trigger the rashes.

is there any good stretch marks cream? Now in my 26th week..dunno whether it is too late to apply..heard from my colleague, her friend apply but no use one..coz still get stretchmarks

This few days my bb very quiet ler...he seldom kick like the past weeks lor..when i want to feel him kick i will purposely lie on my side..then he will kick liao hahaha...at least i know he is ok..but sometimes he will just keep quiet. Find it harder to sleep at nite...think my sleepless nites affect my hubby too..coz he constantly will ask me am i ok? feel so bad

butterscotch, ur hubby bday is on 1 april? if bb EDD delays by a week..then ur bb will have same bday ar? So cool...

zoe tay put on more than 10kg..i put on 10kg in my 6th mth...and felt so bad...now i should feel a bit better..a friend of mine asked her gynae..she said if dun put on much weight not good for bb..something abt not enough water to support the pregnancy or what lar..her gynae said average weight gain should be abt 20kg..that is a lot ler! later cannot lose it how?
hi well, hehe if that's the case then muz go n have a look liao :p

hi kristen, hehe mi also dun feel so bad after seeing that zoe put on 10kg..:p my gynae also say can put on up till 71kg !! currently i m 59-60kg.. ur gynae meant the waterbag issit..? i only know that if there isn't enuf "liquid" to cushion the bb, might lead to pre-term

going for a briefing later in town
hehe can hop into fitness club for another swim before my hubby come n fetch me

c ya gals !!
HI Omigosh, at first i just 'beat' her foot, she will move it then will put it back there. Then my mother said dun beat lah so poor thing not even out yet and got a beating. So mom suggested ice and it worked!

Actually i wonder how can she put her foot like that since she's in a bag? But gynae said it's possible coz the water bag is flexi.
Hi doll,
You were chatting with me on the car seat thingy. for both car seat and car booster. My mistake earlier. Thanks for posting the pic.

Hi Kristen,
Recently I din apply the oil because there are red dots on my tummy.. But I guess I have to start applying again liao.. Normally I dun apply everyday.. I will use it every other day lor so tat it wun be too harsh to my skin..

I have put on 12kg liao
My gynae has already told me to cut down on carbo.. I think 20kg is too much leh.. 10kg - 15 kg shd be ok bah.. I hope that I wun exceed 15kg.. My colly she put on 13kg and after her maternity leave, she come back her pre-pregnancy size.. So envy..
