(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi joyce and all,

went to the gynae yesterday and saw the baby's sac and heartbeat!! it was an unexplainable joy... and tremendous gift for our wedding anniversary. Doc says baby is doing fine and is 3.4mm long.

joyce, pls help to update my gestational week to 6 weeks and my EDD is 6/3/05..thanks alot!

Just visited gynae yday. Saw the heartbeat kekeke, so cute. My BB is 9.6 mm long.

Joyce, can you update my EDD as 07 Mar 2005 as advised by my gynae. Mmm... the EDD might be in end Feb too. Thanks.
hi KC,
Oh you're even more lucky.. as you've fixed consultant. Unlike me lor.. every visit will see different gynes. Which clinic you visit when u go KKH for your appointment? I am now going to clinic C.
Actually i wonder hor if i decided to give birth at KKH wld the delivery charge also be at subsidized rate?..
hi gals..

i have been having sleepless nites these few days, dunno y. Only managed to catch a few hrs sleep.

Do you all experience this also?
Oh yes, ladies. I asked my gynae about the HL Fresh Milk. He said is ok to take cos we are taking for the calcium. However, he actually advised me to take after 12 weeks cos he said now the milk will make me sick.
hi babyvon,
I find that now i can't take plain water also. Seems to create more air in the stomach. I was thinking of boiling logan water with red dates to drink. Last time during confinement, I was not allowed to drink water, only the red dates water, to reduce air in womb. So I guess the same rationale should work here. No lar my cooking so so only. Usually my hubby and I order tingkat dinner, but nowadays I find that the food sucks! So my hubby say since I'm at home, I might as well cook dinner. I agreed, coz I rather eat what I cook. The tingkat dinner make me puke more.

hi skinnyma, snowpooher,
I'm glad that you feel happy and relieved upon seeing ur bb's heartbeat. I'll be visiting my gynae this friday. Hope all is well, sometime without going for ultrascan, I have doubts whether the bb is growing or not.

hi joyce,
I see now u are starting to feel the effects of MS. I wonder how u manage looking after your boy and handling MS at the same time. Most of the time, I'm either seating or lying down staring at the ceiling, waiting for the nauseous feeling to subside.
hi guys, was reading the threads and found that nausea is very common. but kinda of scare coz i have a hard time have my dinner. i puke out anything i eat. it's freaking my mum coz she says the BB got no food....

after reading sundays papers was even worse... the mummy's water bag dried up ?!

does undereating affect the BB ? i checked.. so far i only gained 1/2 kg..
hi ladies

been v tired lately. sleep like pig every nite *heheh* except for the occasional trips 2 the loo.... but i feel v thirsty esp at nite, n lips r feeling dry too.

how did yr visit go?? now me too lazy bt bothering bt my face... used 2 b KS bt cleansing masking n all, now so bo chup *hahah*
Wah! Snowpooher, Seiko & myself have the same EDD.

So excited, can't wait to c my bb heartbeat but must wait till next appt with gynae which is this Sat.
Hi Laugh
my EDD buey zun one cos its fr the internet *hee* so muz wait till my 1st cisit to a gynae then can confirm
hi snowpooher,

wow, your edd is abt the same as mine but your baby's size is more than double of mine! weird hor....

hi java, don't worry, be hopeful and assured that baby is fine
hi seiko,

U and me got the same LMP date so i wonder whether wld our EDD date be the same.. heehee..
U got 28days cycle? Your gyne also never tell you your EDD ?

Have you been to the scan?.. Me not yet leh.. this coming Fri will go.. really look forward to see something thru the scan.
Hi skinnyma, dunno leh. Anyway, I think the EDD is estimated by gynae lah. Should be changing as and when lor.

My gynae actually told me to drink anything I like except plain water. He said my MS will be getting worse, so try to avoid plain water. He said whatever juice like pineapple, watermelon, orange etc are all ok, but again in moderate portion.
Hi Seiko,

Me too...Hv been feeling reali tired these days...My back's starting to ache too.
My baby's def growing 'cos it's been pulling me...Cramps on/off. Reali cun wait for my next apptmt to find out hw much my bb's grown. So excited!

Hi Java,

U're in ur 2nd pregnancy? Oh yes, i do get lotsa wind too but i can still take h2o...So not too bad! Initially the burping & passing of wind's reali bad but thk God! These days it's getting better...Better touch wood or else it'll be back.

I did hear tt drinking the longan with red dates' good! Hmmm...if i cun take h2o, i'll try tt too. Isit 'cos the tingkat food's cold/oily? I'm too lazy to cook so hv no choice but to eat outside. Only get to eat at my mom's or in-laws' plc once a week.


Hope u're feeling better 2day...Hw's ur chkup? Guess u really enjoyed the concert!
Hi Steamboat,

Maybe u're too tensed? Do try to relax b4 u go to bed? Or if u can take the smell, can burn some essential oil in the room just b4 u go to bed?

Hi PoDolly,

Which stage r u in? Initially i din hv much appetite too but nw going into my 2nd mth soon, i've gained almost a kg...M kinda afraid to put on too much as my appetite's improving & i tend to eat more now so i keep hvg to remind myself not to overeat.

Oh yes, pls share on the dried h2o bag...Sounds scary!
Hi Snowpooher,

I'm taking the Anmum milk powder, not the one for breast-feeding. My hubby got the choc flavor for me...It's not too bad...Perhaps u may like to try tt?
Better be careful when burning essential oil. Some of them are not suitable for preggers in the 1st trimester.

I find that drinking calamansi juice helps to curb my nausea, so i keep a bottle in the fridge and drink a lil bit each time.
Hi all , below is just a portion. This is the direct link : http://newpaper.asia1.com.sg/top/story/0,4136,67606-1089561540,00.html?

Mr Wu said Jakob had to be delivered premature at 33 weeks as his mother's water bag had dried up. A normal term is around 40 weeks.

After 42 days at Mount Alvernia, Mr Wu and his wife, an interior designer, transferred Jakob to KK Women's and Children's Hospital (KKH) on the advice of their doctor.

He spent the remaining 235 days of his life there.

The disease meant Jakob had to be fed breast milk through a tube into his stomach. Fluids in his mouth would have gone into his lungs. It happened several times and led Jakob to suffer from pneumonia.

He seems to have suffered from LISSENCEPHALY is a malformation of the brain, said Dr Bhavani Sriram, neonatology consultant at KKH. It is only rarely detected at or before birth. 'When Lissencephaly occurs as part of other malformations then it will be detected only by performing a scan of the brain.


today is my 4 weeks , 14th day .. 6 weeks

keep telling myself that all these r wonderful coz at times i really feel crappy but dun show it coz i dun wan my hubby to feel bad.
Wow! so many posts!

I'm taken off thyroid medicine for the moment cos i put on 2kg liao & neck lump is getting bigger. sian....

my specialist recommended Christine Yap so i'll be meeting her this thursday morning. quite excited
Hi Doll,

Thks for sharing! I cried after reading the article...So sad! I can imagine the grieve of the parents & family. I do pray tt Jakob is now in Heaven happily!

Yup, there are days when he feeling's really crappy but i'm really so hapi esp when my baby's a Blessing from God! Am sure u'll def enjoy the pregnancy process! God Bless!
hi Laugh
me chosen 2 deliver in SGH, got referral letter liao, but haven made appointmt. u leh? seeing which gynae? many frds adviced to see a gynae only like 8wks, cos some went for scan during 7th wk, gynae said wait another 1-2 wks wor...

hi Elle
i haven seen a gynae yet, but my gp who had antenatal services, did a u/s for me, n i did see a sac. but she never told me bt EDD or anything, simply wrote a referral letter 4 me....
it'll be my 1st visit to the gynae ( never seen one in my 29 years *hee* so am v v v nervous )
my cycle is 28 days, which accurate, thats y was able 2 detect v early. but like wat lbs says, the EDD may depend also on the sac... so really got 2 let them measure

hi snowpooher
i think plain water is okie, but in moderation. i found that drinking water helps me to fart *hehehe* gd 4 release in my case. if u wan 2 drink juices, try not to add ice, or else too 'cold'. im a changed person, now i drink everything room temp *hee*

hi Babyvon
u still having cramps? maybe yr gynae can prescribe some pills 2 ease the wind.i do manual burping, by tapping a few times on my chest, then gas comes up.. phewww feels gd *hee*

hi Wenn
ive no appetite lately, quite bad. sianz..... hey, heard Dr Yap is good acoording 2 wat hb heard fr colleagues. Initially i wanted her, but he lah, said wanted 2 find someone gd at C section. no say at all... *pout*
its gd 2 b off the medication, cos dunno if it'll harm the foetus leh.... cant wait 2 hear yr report on thurs *hee*
Hello Seiko,

My cramps r on & off...2day dun hv...Last nite i asked my hubby to plc his hand on my tummy & tell our baby not to give me cramps...It worked! Haha! Hmmm...I reali cun wait to feel my bb kicking in me!

I burp alot too & it's so grose but no choice leh! I used to find pple who burps w/o ctrl'g rude but now i kinda hv no choice!

Oh! Ur gynae's in SGH...Gd for u tt u get subsidies! For me, am seeing one nearest my place & i can get to choose to deliver either in TMC or Mt. Alvernia. I'll most likely go for TMC 'cos i hrd many gd feedbacks abt the nurses there.

When's ur last mense? Tink we shld be ard the same time...Mine's 20th may.
Hi ladies,

I went for my checkup today, my BB is growing well and got heartbeat also... measured about 4mm. Haha... I demoted from Feb's mom to Mar's mom liao, my EDD now on 8th of Mar; 6 wks 1 day.

I shall update all the revised EDD and gestation weeks tml coz I'm too tired now...
Got to go.... cya!!
hi Babyvon
wow yr bb listens 2 yr hb, so gd *hee* mine not v guai, been farting alot this evening *hahah* lost appetite, so ate some century egg porridge, hmmm yummy *slurp* TMC is a gd choice as ive heard lots of +ve feedback too. me planning 2 c gynae there, so waiting 2 make appointmt. my last menses was 31st May

Hi Joyce
muz b so exciting hearing de heartbeat
last wk i cldnt hear mine leh at the gp's... mayb then was only 5th wk+... u rest well
Hi Joice
Wow, how exciting to hear the BB's hearbeat!!! By the way, 6 weeks can hear hearbeat liao ar?? I thought have to wait till 7 weeks or so?? Emm..this mean I will get to hear mine one when I go for my check up next Mon then...so exciting!!

Hi BabyVon
Today, I also buuurrp & puuuuh alot..so embarassing..now my stomach still "zang-zang" ler..
I saw you are taking the Annum..can I get it from any supermarket like NTUC? Or have to buy from gynae?

Btw, today, my nausea is getting worst..last time, I only feel like vomitting but nothing came out..Today, I vomitted not only my lunch but my dinner...~SIGH~

I know many of you will try eating "Suen Mui" for the nausea but I have a terrible phobia on "Suen Mui"..I know this sounds crazy but I just cant stand the sight & smell of it ler..Now, being pregnant I think my phobia of it has gotten worse than ever..so, my resort is to drink hot-hot water..it does help a bit..
babyvon, me not tense leh... sigh, dunno y these few days like that. Last time i used to be very sleepy around 9+ - 10 pm. Now i am still wide awake !!

Seiko, wah.. u eat century egg porridge ah.. i also like that. But i got scolded by my mum cos she said it's high in colestrol... ask me not to eat. So i dun dare to eat that too often liao lor.

lbs, dun worry.. some ppl can detect heartbeat earlier, some later. But since u have MS and even vomitted, think u will be able to hear your bb's heartbeat next mon.

I am thinking of sourcing for maternity wear liao. Any idea which places have nice and not very expensive maternity clothes?

And oh... wana ask u gals, when exactly is our second trimester har? is it 12 wks or 14 wks?? I always thought it's 12 wks but i saw some postings from other threads that it's 14 wks.
hi lbs
yesterday my MS so bad that i cldnt sit or stand for long periods, so i had 2 lie down n sleep early. sianzzzz. even serng boey, mints cldnt help.

hi steamboat
last time i never liked porridge, but thats the only thing i think i can stomach now. aiyooo, cannot enjoy food n we're living in a food paradise some more *heheh*
hi babyvon & seiko , i will be going to TMC too
having Dr Koh Cheng Huat as my gynae..

hehehheh my next appt is on the 24th :p hopefully my bb has grown bigger n got heartbeat

lbs, how about trying to add some ginger in your water... it does help

last night was very bad, waking 3 times n munching on white bread. totally shag now.. hopefully can pull thru today
hi seiko/lbs,

Do you feel very tight around chest area? I mean does your breast feels very swollen and painful when touched. I've been having this painful feeling since the day tested pregnant.
I saw most of your symptom is vomit.. but mine is very different leh..

Also i sneeze almost every morning which i seldom do b4 i'm pregnant.

Wah.. you steady man.. till date have not seen gyne ah.. If i were you wld be very kan cheong to see one.
You mean your GP can do scanning for you? I thought only gyne have the machine.
hi gals,
I bought instant logan and red dates tea sachets and ginger tea with honey sachets. After drinking the red dates tea, I give out deep burps and my stomach wind feels much better. Realise that I cannot drink plain water, caused alot of wind.
hi doll
good 2 hear u still have yr appetite... me loss of appetite... sianz....

hi Elle
my breasts still feel swollen n i sneeze alot too! worried bt the 'pull' it causes though,,,,,,

my gp has antenatal services, n her husband is a gynae at Gleneagles... plus shes my family doc *hee* all i saw was a sac, now thinking how come so small....

now hb fixing my gynae appointmt.... i decided not 2 c gynae too early cos most of my frds said they cldnt see much/anything at wk 5 or 6.... must 8 n above then got things 2 c
hehehe my dinner was 1/3 bowl of prawn noodle. heheh i only know my hubby eats up whatever i can't eat :p

he complaining that he putting on weight and his tummy is going to fight with mine soon :p
Hi babyvon, I dun dare to drink milk powder leh, actually I dun drink milk one. Just started to drink HL Chocolate Fresh Milk 2 mths before I get to know abt my pregnacy. Anyway, I stopped drinking for the time being as gynae asked me to continue after 12 weeks.

Elle, I had that kind of feeling (itchy and swollen breast and nipples) when I was in week 4. Now ok liao.
Hi Seiko, my colleagues recommend me to drink ribena to mix with water, so won't feel the plain water too er xin.

Hi doll, my hubby same as yours! He also said he should take weight whenever I visit the gynae hahaha...
hi seiko,
Oh you also sneeze alot huh?.. Dunno why hor.. its not flu leh.. jus sneeze for no reason. But i've never read is one of the symptom. i thought something wrong with my nose.
OIC no wonder your gp got the machine inside.. So envy you.. at least u r able to see the small dot. For me i got so worried when nothing cld be seen thru the scan. I did my 1st scan during 4week+ and gyne arrange for me another scan one week later which is this coming Fri.
Wonder whether wld it be too early too..
Yah I agree, actually only by week 7-8 then the scan wld be more obvious. i also see no point fixing the appointment so early.. But gyne already arranged so just go lor..

Hi! Snowpooher,
U r right me also get red kinda patches around my nipple area and it cld be itchy at times too..
Not only that leh.. i discovered small little lumps around the nipple area also.. Thats very ugly.. U know hor.. i even tried to scratch it away.. heehee.. but i know its never gonna disappear so easily..
hey girls

i m very depressed now. dunno what is causing it but i have completely lost my appetite for these few days. extremely nauseous but didn't vomit. cannot sleep well at night.. how huh? i dun know if i can survive another few more weeks like that. i have already lost back the weight i have put on during the first few weeks....
Hi Seiko,
U intend to deliver in SGH,izzit because u get subsidies or u have gd gynae there? Im now seeing the gynae whom has a clinic in Tanglin SC & can choose to deliver TMC, Mt E or Mt.Alvernia. He is gd & experience but the bill for my 1st appt is too ex, will negotiate with him on the charges on my next visit which is this Sat. If it is still so ex then maybe will change to another gynae in Mt E.

me also feel the breast & nipples very swollen and painful when touched but only 1 side leh (unbalance...). In fact, I've this painful feeling since my CD17-20 but of course during that time, dun know Im preggie, just wondering why so untouchable.

Try to take Vit C if u sneeze almost every morning,it will helps as it boost up ur immune sys.
hi jannie,
How many weeks are you in now? I'm in my 8th week. I also same like you, last night toss and turn coz stomach keep making alot of noise and feels very empty, coz didn't eat much dinner.
Why dun u take small meals? Eat porridge, dry crackers? I find that when I take extremely sweet things, it seems to go down easier on the stomach. Do u have better appetite in the morning? Then try to eat more during the day. Keep some crackers by your bedside. If u can't sleep at night, dun force yourself to sleep. Get up, drink a cup of hot drink, eat some crackers, read a book, after that u will sleep better. We can get through this together!!!!
<font face="Palladius"><blink><u><font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Congrats to all our Newly Expectant Mommies!!

<table border=1><tr><td><font size="+2"><u><font color="ff6000">
February Babies</font></u>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Steamboat -- EDD 02/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Tiny -- EDD 05/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">babygrace -- EDD 14/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lite Breeze -- EDD 15/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Java -- EDD 21/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">BaByVoN -- EDD 27/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Jannie -- EDD 27/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Lilac -- EDD 28/02/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
<font size="+2"><u><font color="119911">March Babies</font></u></font>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD>
</TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Scarydoggie -- EDD 02/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">skinnyma -- EDD 06/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Laugh -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">Seiko -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">snowpooher -- EDD 07/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">doll -- EDD 06/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">Joyce -- EDD 08/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">lbs -- EDD 14/03/05</font> </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="ff6000">KC -- EDD ?/03/05 </TD></TR><TR><TD> </TD></TR><TR><TD><font color="119911">wenn -- EDD ?/03/05</font></font> </TD></TR><TR><TD></td></tr></table></blink></font>
<font face="Palladius"><font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">Gestation weeks as of today, 14/07/04</font>
<font size="+1"><ul>[*]<font color="ff6000">Steamboat -- 11 wks 0 day</font> <LI><font color="119911">Tiny -- 10 wks 4 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">babygrace -- 9 wks 3 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">Lite Breeze -- 8 wks 5 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Java -- 8 wks 2 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">BabyVoN -- 8 wks 0 day</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Jannie -- 7 wks 4 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">snowpooher -- 7 wks 3 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Lilac -- 6 wks 6 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">Scarydoggie --</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Joyce -- 6 wks 2 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">Seiko -- 6 wks 2 days</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">Laugh -- 6 wks 4 days</font> <LI><font color="119911">skinnyma -- 6 wks 1 day</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">lbs -- 6 wks 1 day</font> <LI><font color="119911">KC --</font> <LI><font color="ff6000">wenn --</font>[/list]</font></font>

Elle, ren for another week. I also scratch like mad haha~

Java, I couldn't sleep for on Mon night. Keep on visiting toilets.
Lucky yesterday night much better.
Hi ladies, can help to check if there's any mistakes in the EDD or gestation weeks? I'm a bit blur blur and stone stone today...

Hi <font color="aa00aa">Java</font>, though it's tough to handle between my MS and my boy, but I think I can get through all these.

Hi <font color="119911">lbs</font> and <font color="ff6000">seiko</font>, I also got shocked when doctor say can see heartbeat liao.

Hi <font color="0000ff">doll</font>, I'm with Dr Koh for my past two pregnancies too. He's such a caring and humorous doctor...
Hi all,

joyce, you must be excited to be able to hear your baby's heartbeat!
me too went to gynae yesterday. and realised my little "dot" is younger than i expected ~ about 4.5 weeks. But i forgot to check with doc EDD cos too excited when spotted the "dot".

thanks gals for your advice on duphaston. in the end i called up my gynae and now on it at least 3 times a day. =p

hi java, which brand of logan drink u bought? thot of trying so that i can get rid of air in my tummy. =)

seiko, yummy. century egg porridge... * saliva drooling* i could see a tiny sac last night at 4.5 weeks so should be ok to scan early to detect something.

jannie, u r not alone. i just "screamed" at my poor hubby this morning cos am feeling moody. yakked non-stop. same abt symptoms, nauseous yet not vomitting, and can't really eat. nibble some stuff like what java has recommended. it's definitely better not eating.
i remembered not being able to eat lunch one day then i saw fillet-o-fish and gobbled the whole burger up. don't worry too much, ok?
for me, this forum and board helps alot too! so come in more often. and of course tell your hubby how u r feeling. he would sayang you.
hi scarydoggie,
I bought the Super brand. Quite nice, in fact I'm drinking it now. I also bought the Ginger Tea with Honey to remove wind in stomach. u must be happy to see the sac, wait until u see the heartbeat, u feel even more euphoric!

Last Sat, went to Mos Burger to eat Fish burger. When I went home, vomited everything out, my breath smells so smelly, coz of the onion taste! yucks!!! Make me wan to vomit more!

Last night my hubby also keep asking me why I always look so sian, I always seat at the sofa and stare. Ask me if other pregnant women also like that. I say I look so sian because I dun feel well, every hour I feel nauseous mah. I think he is so sick of looking at my "chou lian"
hi java,
u r rite! think i become "xiao" once i can see the little heartbeat.

thanks! will go see tonite if i can get both. i need to puuuuuh all gas out. gosh me so gross hor.

no lah, your hubby worried for you. u must have looked very poor thing.
Java, u must be happy to see the heatbeat flickering on the screen right? I find that it is amazing too. Will be going for my visit next Mon and pray that everything will be alright!

By the way, just for information, depending on individuals, heartbeat can be seen as early as Wk 5 and as late as Wk 8.

glad that i m not alone here

java, i think i m in my 7th week, should be 7.4 weeks today.

u girls are luckier than me cos you have your husbands with you. mine is constantly travelling and is not with me at the moment. he can be gone for 3-4 weeks at each time. i guess i just have to be strong get over this stage. but this is really getting on my nerves!!!

i dun really like super ginger tea and their red dates tea.. i find them far too sweet for my liking. if i dilute them with more water, it will just taste like sugar in water.
