(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hi snowpooher

my company have few Mummy's rooms..

i had no cravings but suddenly, i dislike fish
my appetite is still very bad

i heard that my colleagues use manual pumps in the office toilets
wenn, ya, I seen some mummies use manual pumps in office toilets also. Thats why I want to buy a manual one, cos no electric socket, how to use electric pump lah. Though in toilet gives me dirty dirty feeling, but I will go to level 1 toilet where no one uses it. Lucky, my company just set up a nursing room for mothers.
yah loh stylobb, i m sure my MIL will comment on my bfing next time. she is sure to say that my breasts too small, baby not enuff milk, baby need formula milk to fatten up, etc etc.

i also dun have much craving.. only on cola and i blamed my hubby on that... cos he cannot live w/o cola. but i do tend to get hungry faster now.. maybe bcos i m at a winter country. last week, i was still at 2 meals per day routine in sgp cos i just dun feel like eating..... my mom was so worried that my baby not getting enuff nutrients.....

talk abt gaining weight.. i m going to my 26 weeks and i have put on 7kg so far... the funny thing is that my tummy is still hardly noticable!! all the fats go to my hips and back of my waist.... and i m still wondering with my kind of eating pattern in sgp.. how can i still be putting on weight!!!! i am hoping to keep below 10kg throughout the pregnancy, but seems like it is not possible now.....
hi jannie,

yup agree, some stroller cld be selling at reasonable price but once u try lifting it up its so much heavier.. no joke man!..

U sure?.. already in 26weeks and can still brush off as non-preg woman? U must be very slim lady

Heehee.. just k.p.o may i know which country are you at now?

3rd trimester starts from 27th weeks thats what most of my preg ref book says..


I also thought of signing up the FBI prog but my gyne told me that he got some dunno what related arrangment with TMC where his patients can get disc or upgrade even though no FBI.
I think for my case shld be bo-hua also cos' hor.. i took all my test and scans at KKH b4 i come to TMC.. heehee..
hey elle, i m not slim lah... i am at 1.65m and 51kg before pregnant. i had to tell the check-in girl that i m pregnant and needed help with my lugguage... she was extremely surprised to hear that i m pregnant .. i think she was guessing that i must be some spoilt brat who does not want to carry my own lugguage unto the conveyor belt!

aiyo.. so i m going to 3rd trimester next week!!! aiyo aiyo.. time flies... i tried to ask my gynae weight of my bb but he says no need to measure so early.... still got long way to go... so i m not sure if baby is small or just tummy looks small... i must have a lot of space inside me for baby to grow. i think i must ask my hubby to take picture of my tummy now to show you all that i m not kidding that i can pass off as a non-pregnant woman...
hi elle, ur gynae has the discounts. i doubt mine has. so the FBI works for me. but from wat i c, not many MTB going for the umbilical cord storage...

hi lbs, heheh same like u. my huby also had cravings. i only noticed that i suddenly developed a liking for strawberries.

hiaz, recieved a letter from TMC, my gynae reserved 2 bedded for me. i feel like screaming. dunno now can change to 4 bedded.
m i suppose to inform my gynae in advance , feel so sianz suddenly that it is my fault for not telling
sigh.. asked my hubby to take picture for me and he said,"dun be vain lah!"..... will see if i can try to take myself

anyone knows when we should stop driving? i hear different comments from diff pple.... like my gyane say it is ok to drive, only that it may be abit uncomfortable with the seat belt at the later stage.. but i think some gynaes put a stop to driving at certain stage? why should preggies stop driving?
btw, I noticed that I have some red dots dots arnd my tummy. Dont think is 'ri fei' as they are not itchy...

anyone has similar experience? Wonder what are these...
Hi ladies!

Hi Jannie:
Wow! Amazing that u can still pass off as non-pregnant at 26 wks!

Hi Snowpooher,
I'll do the breast pumping in one of our mini offices, got lock..phew!

My colleague was saying that manual one need to pump until hands very suan...but another colleague said her electric one not powerful enough, so end up also need to manually pump
Better go & check out wat brands they use.

To everyone..
For whole of today, i was having very tight feelings in my abdomen (can feel the tummy getting hard)..happens whenever i'm standing or walking for more than 5 mins (BUT i need to stand/walk throughout the day at work). Not painful, but uncomfortable & makes me unable to stand up straight. & baby was moving lesser. Was better after rest but i still felt unsettled so went to see dr (GP..cos hate KKH 24hr clinic) this evening...
OMG! She told me it's actually uterine contractions & can lead to premature labour..so scary! Anyway she did a scan and luckily baby's ok. PHEW!
So pls be careful if u feel anything strange *TOUCHWOOD*..better to check it out!
Dun wait till there's pain or bleeding!
hi stylobb, hehe i prefer 1 bedded if can but cost wise, 4 bedded will be more appropriate coz our HR reviewing our pay so maybe reduce up to 150 .

hi jannie , hehe i also wan to take pix but my MIL n mum both totally freaked out. was taken back by their reactions so i didn't mention it.

heheh but i tinking of convincing my MIL when my hubby is back. coz i wan to take prenatal photoshoots
$98 (couple) 1 outfit, 1 makeup n hairstyle, 10 poses, 1 best shot in 5R n 1 8R. heheh like not bad.

my gynae also said ok to drive. but my colleague's gynae. he said his gynae told him not to let his wife drive. juz in case coz if the steering wheel can easily hit our tummy. can cause us to lose the baby. in worse scenerios, mummy n bb lives r also endangered. his gynae like very careful. even tell him no matter how healthy muz keep option of premature delivery happening. never know what happens.

hehe one of the other dept guys came over today,his bb 1 yr old. he told me about his wife experience. they opted for epidural , in the end went c-section. coz the more she pushed , the bb heartrate keep dropping. gynae suspect cord ard neck so immediately say c-section. managed to save bb. in the end , really the cord ard the neck... we were laughing about me being poor coz taking cab. but he say safer than sorry.

lbs, mi also have. but mine isn't red. like mini dots.

omigosh, dun scare me leh
i had that feeling once , mine was painful . couldn't stand up at all n i ended crying a bit. i thought bb in a wrong position n dismissed it....
hi hi!!
i am new here... my EDD is 9/10 feb 05, at Glen E. Is a bb boy. actually during the tripple test, i was tested as having a high risk down's , then after the amnio test, 99.9% negative result.... so phew...
however, i am afraid there might be other implications... will there be? and btw, what circumstances that bb will have cleft lips which my gynae says no tests can show, not even the scan shows...
Hi styloBB,
You are not a first-time mum? Then can get lots of tips/advices from you. I oso dun have cravings. Told my hubby he very lucky so far. Hehe...scully during last trimester I'll start to have cravings liao.

Yah, heard that the Medela Single Electric pump is very noisy. Forgot to ask whether my friend is having the single or double one. Anyway, will just borrow and have it as standby

Hi snowpooher/lbs,
You are so lucky, company have nursing rooms for mummies. My company don't have nursing room. One of my colleagues uses the utility room to pump her milk. During the 30 mins or so, her colleague will 'jar gar' the door for her. Either i use the same method in future or I'll use the executive toilet (though like very unhygenic, but no choice loh. somemore the toilet is a cubicle on its own and is quite well maintained).
Guess at the end of the day, you will have to try it yourself and decide which one is best.

FYI I stayed in single room at Gleneagles.

THe triple test is not accurate...which was what we learnt...did you go for the detailed scan? We refused to take amnio test cos we absolutely believed our kid is normal and healthy. Of course he came out well and fine and a sturdy boy.
Mind if I ask if you are over 30 or mid-20??

I am a mum of a coming to 11-mth old boy. Yeah, wish companies can be more pro-b/feeding. Thankfully for my case, co has spare rooms that I can use...and hopefully in future still have 1-2 rooms available for use. We have a small biz centre that is often empty so can use...
No problem, whatever advice I can give, will be glad to help.
I did have craving, and I had a good pregnancy, no ms or anything, no backache.
Hi Doll,
Dun worry too much, since urs was just a one off experience, like u said mayb baby lying in a wrong position! Did u ask ur gynae?
Mine was very frequent throughout the day (as long as i stand/walk)...anyway hope it gets better today while i rest in bed

Hi StyloBB,
Think u'r a lucky few to escape from MS & backaches! So is this pregnancy the same as ur previous one? Boy or girl this time?
Yah..i guess will have to try out which pump works better! How long did u BF ur 1st baby?

Hi well,
Like wat StyloBB said, the triple test is not accurate..it only gives a risk value, it's not diagnostic.
The detailed scan shows baby's structures (eg brain, spine, limbs, heart, organs etc)--even then, cos the baby's very small, it can only determine the presence & size, cannot really determine the function of some organs). Many other conditions r not detected--not a good idea to post them here...dun think u would wanna know either (I wish i didn't know--then i can b less paranoid)

Try to have happy thoughts like StyloBB--believe that ur baby is healthy & normal
doll, so fast your gynae booked the room for you huh?

Elle, I think Dr Ang is telling you abt the upgrading from 4 bedded to 2 bedded, but you only need to pay for 4 bedded charges. He has arrangement with TMC, so when you are due, just tell them you opt for 4 bedded and your gynae is Dr Ang. TMC will auto do the upgrade.
I also have little red dots on my tummy.. Dunno if is rashes anot..

Hi all,
Is there any breast pump that goes by batteries? My co dun have nursing room.. So I can only use the toilet..
But scared if I use the manual pump, my hands will get very suan
morning ladies!

what a beautiful day today...really feel like going to the beach!!

Tomorrow going on a short trip to KL with hubby...

Hi doll/winnie
yea lor, wonder what are these red dots..but dont think they are rashes ler..

Hi Stephie
yeap, quiet lucky that my company is very pro-b/feeding

Hi well
Dun worry, since your amnio test results turn out to be negative!

Err, I remember when I went for my detailed scan, the sonographer did look out for cleft lips ler..How come your gynae said cannot see one?

Hi omg
Dun scared me too..i also had one or twice this feeling few weeks back..very sharp pain at the lower abdomen but the pain gone in secs lor..
hi well , welcome

my gynae actually managed to tell me that my bb has no cleft lip. coz he was able to scan n c her facical features.

hi stylobb, envy envy
so u choosing gleneagles again ?

hi omigosh, meeting my gynae next week, so will ask him about it. only happened 2 times. the 2nd time when i did my detail scan, the lady said my bb going lower n lower n i was feeling pain at that time.

hi snowpooher, yah gynae book liao. u leh ? oh yah, were the one who also signed up for FBI ?
Hahaha!!! No lah, me not preggie... I have a boy who is only 11 months.... my energy is all taken up, how to make another one now??? Must really pray.... fyi I am lighter than pre-preggie.

It's very reassuring when the doc tells you at each scan that everything is perfect, but hor, you also realise wah, it can be so detailed.

Hope you continue to enjoy your pregnancy. What makes you think of the cleft palate....?

Yep, will still use Gleneagles for second one cos my gynae is there.... actually also remember that you will have visitors so more space will be beta.
How come bb going lower and lower? You due soon?

Me going KL with hb and bb in Dec too.....

Did you say you are 1.65m and weigh 51kg? I am your height but was 56-57kg before preggie.....hit 74kg when preggie .... after giving birth, my weight nosedived to the present 53kg.
Hi! styloBB,

Jialat my memory start to become bad.. i recall u mentioned abt this Babysafe brand and yesterday i was at JL expo sale i saw cotton wools which is under this brand and i jus grab .. haha.. dunno why i got mixed up and thought that u r referring to cotton wools but infact talking abt their pillow is good.. haha.. *blur me*..

I think i wont buy breast pump 1st lah.. since u said it also depends on our flow.. sekali i no milk.. buy already become dummy machine at home also.
I saw the bulky hard foam bags which sell at abt 5bucks, i open up and see its actually just normal foams inside leh.. like the fish monger uses to store fish one..It alamak doesnt give me the impression that it cld really can keep milk warm also.

I dun really have craving since knowing i'm pregnant. I recall that time i was so worried cos i thought rightfully all preg women shld have some cravings but i dun have it at all!..
But i must admit i got very good diet thats why face also become rounder liao. But funni thing is till date i've gained only abt 5kg leh..

Oh by the way, sorry for my ignorance, may i know what is "latching your baby"?


I ever saw you posted your colleagues bill in the posting, can you teach me how you did that? I ever tried copy and paste pic in the posting but cannot work leh.. *scratch head*
How come your gyne made his own decision to book 2bedded room for you w/out asking you 1st? I think u have the right to reject it leh.. Never heard of this kinda arrangement b4..
If i were you for sure wld not accept. Unless you ever agreed that he arrange it for you or else u have the right to choose your own.


So surprise that Dr. Ang still need to go for reservist ah?.. I thought he's matured enuf to 'retire' from reservice heehee
Mayb his actual age is only late 30s hor..
1 yr never see him really find him look more haggard and more white hairs than before.. Poor thing..
U know i ever call his mobile which directed to his home and dunno why he told me he's at home cos' he really feel guilty of lacking of time to accompany his kids.. but i cld hear giggle and laughter beside him, his kids must be extreme happy with him by their side
I'm sure he is a very nice daddy too.

Yes, Dr. Ang did told me somehow he got arrangment with TMC he's able to give me auto upgrade but then he never go into details of it.. So i assume it shld be the 4 bedded to 2bedded thing. Did he tell you coming to due, he wld give a letter or something like that? I never ask anything abt this leh..

Hi! Kristen,

Haha.. i also see the way Mdm Chan work kinda like mad liao.. She need to handle so many things on her own.. really no joke.. She yelled at patient when they keep asking her the same qs. haha.. very funny to see her work .. I also feel stress for her leh.. so many eyes staring at her while she work.. abit like people watching tv.. cos' the room is so small till patients got nowhere to focus their eye signt so all tend to stare at her or the patients whenever they talk. I see her so stress so i chatted with her and made her laugh.. haha.. She can be impatient lah but if u talk to her nicely she's fine. What time did you reach Dr. Ang's clinic the other day?.. I was there during 10-11am. When wld be your next visit?

For my case, my hubby sometimes call me 'tua-pui-pig' he said i walk so clumsy like fatty soh.. haha.. I dun mind lah.. we used to tease each other often till immune liao.. heehee
Hi! Jannie,

Were you overseas for work?.. do u see overseas gyne ah?

Hey.. u r slim leh.. my height only 1.56 and already weight 49kg.. U consider "miao-tiao" liao loh..


Just an update, i went to Expo JL sale yesterday nite.. wah.. to my surprise its like a dead city.. unlike during weekends where we even have difficulty walking along the pavement.
yesterday was so quiet till if i were to shout in the hall, easily got echo and cld be heard..

But i really enjoy shopping cos' i cld cover more things..

Those who r thinking of going to buy the $1 BB clothings, dun make a waste trip.. disappointed to say all being sold out..
The whole wagon being replace by other clothings.. Even those $2 BB clothings also left very few..

But i manage to get the nursing bra which cost $9/piece.
hi stylobb, hehe thought u preggie !! i dunno if will have alot of visitors or not :p no leh, i juz reached 6 mths. the lady was doing the scan. she said my bb was trying to "escape" n hide n keep going lower.

i noticed my bb like to curl up whenever the scan starts.

hi elle, what error did u get ? i wanted to call today but i forgot to bring the number...
hi ladies, i am back!!
been on MCs the last week or so.
So many postings - what's the latest topic huh? breast pump is it?

First bb, i used Avent manual pump but so took too long to pump both sides - end up my hubby has to do it coz my hand too tired.
So thinking of getting the medela electric/battery pump -single one.

Anyone has tried or bought this before?
I also dislike the foam bags, I keep asking hb how come they make it so ugly, why must they have it in cartoony design? Can't they make it in solid colours? There is another type...the cooler bag...which is used to store bm... fyi.
Pump - I'm just afraid if you get engorgement or need to express, you may need lor.
I dun think the BabySafe brand will be on sale at JL, cos the pillow is quite ex, about $17.
How come your hb calls you tau pui when you only put on 5 kg??? hehe...
'Latching on the bb' means putting the bb to your br to b/feed him, bb must latch the whole aerola as the correct way, and not just the nipple...

No problem..sometimes I also wish I am!... cos dun wanna wait too long for second bb...
Maybe it is a bit warm to the bb.... that's why bb curled up... hehe...
hi doll,

dunno leh.. i just highlight on the portion i want to copy and then paste it at the "add message table".. but cannot leh.. nothing came out..
For text i'm able to do that but for picture nothing came out.. cant even allow me to choose paste.

Dun worry, i'm sure you can change to the one bedded room.. call again tomorrow lor.

Oh yah.. talking abt preg ladies who drive..Do u feel very uncomfy abt having the seat belt on?.. THis morning i drove to work, i felt the discomfort tightness at my tummy area leh.. I ever put the seat belt over my knees while driving but restrain my leg movement leh..

Oh me going on leave tomorrow and today half day.. yippeee... !

Shall talk to you gals again!..
I b/fed my boy for 6.5 months but I supplemented for night feed. I expressed my bm during office hours after I went back to work.
Whenever I'm home, it's direct feed. I did add one more fm for the day once I was back to work.
hi stylobb,, hehe maybe cold :p

Hi elle, coz i scan my colleague's bill so it is a picture file(jpg). so i upload as attachment...

heheh elle, i want 4 bedded :p feeling so "gian" to take 1 bedded.
Hi lbs & doll,
Think the once in a while pain is ok, especially if it goes away quickly...i also get it. Maybe it's ligaments stretching. I'm now just worried abt the contractions--seems controlled today (cos was lying & sitting most of the time). Hope it doesn't come back tomorrow when i go to work

Hi doll,
Think ur baby's "camera"-shy
Or maybe ur scan times always coincides with her curling up to sleep time?? Yday my baby was also curled up during the scan (normally she'll be moving here & there)...looks soo sweet & cute!

Hi StyloBB,
Yeah! It's reassuring when they say "baby's fine" during each scan
I dun find it too "detailed" leh

Paisey! I thought u pregnant that's why in this thread

6.5 mths of BF is quite long, esp after u start working. Do u express only at lunch time or were u able to find some other time??
doll, ya, I'm the one who signed up FBI.

Elle, no, Dr Ang din say before abt the letter. Guess he will tell me in later stage cos I once saw Mdm Chan telling one of the patients abt that and saw her passed the patient the letter.
Elle, can update me what stuff are available at JL Sales? Cos me thinking of going this Sat. If nothing to buy, then I dun want to waste the trip down liao.
do they sell the pigeon steam steriliser at the expo? Any idea how much r they selling?
I am also thinking of going down tmr..

Sorry, I meant the detailed scan, the doc can measure everything..amazing. He rattled on and on and said everything is great...
I pumped twice in the office. At home I fed him direct.
No need to apologise...I just kpo here... thot can offer some advice..
HI well,

welcome to the thread. The gynae was able to tell whether my baby's lips were formed during the detailed scan. I was worried about it cos one of the side effects of the meidcation I am taking is cleft lips for the baby. ALthough the risk is low, I was worried cos I feel 'responsible' if it happens. Anyway, the scan showed that my baby's lips are ok. Don't worry too much if they are not able to see through the scan. Cleft lips is a very small problem that can be easily fixed after birth. That is why my doctor wanted me to continue with my medication as I am taking a low dosage.

Hi gals, do you all feel extremely clumsy these days? Today, I noticed that my tummy has become much bigger, like grown overnite and I feel a bit breatheless and tired. Can't imagine how it will be like when we progress further :p

<font face="Peinaud"><blink><u><font size="+1">Congrats to all our Mommies to be in 2005!!</font></u>

<u><font face="Peinaud">Updated as at week 18th of Nov</font></u>

<font face="Peinaud"><table border=1><tr><td>UserName</TD><TD>EDD</TD><TD>Week</TD><TD>Deliver at</TD><TD>Gender </TD></TR><TR><TD>HappyBuns</TD><TD>31-Jan-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Steamboat</TD><TD>2-Feb-05</TD><TD>29</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Tiny</TD><TD>5-Feb-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Keruri</TD><TD>12-Feb-05</TD><TD>28</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babygrace</TD><TD>14-Feb-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Winnie</TD><TD>14-Feb-05</TD><TD>27</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Litebreeze</TD><TD>15-Feb-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Vig</TD><TD>17-Feb-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Java</TD><TD>18-Feb-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Jannie</TD><TD>24-Feb-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Qdee</TD><TD>24-Feb-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Babyvon</TD><TD>27-Feb-05</TD><TD>26</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lyn_baby</TD><TD>27-Feb-05</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Joyce</TD><TD>1-Mar-05</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Stephie</TD><TD>1-Mar-05</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>lbs</TD><TD>2-Mar-05</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>ESH</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Snowpooher</TD><TD>7-Mar-05</TD><TD>25</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Skinnyma</TD><TD>6-Mar-05</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Doll</TD><TD>6-Mar-05</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Laugh</TD><TD>7-Mar-05</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>MAH</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Seiko</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elle</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Wenn</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>SGH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lilac</TD><TD>9-Mar-05</TD><TD>24</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bluebell</TD><TD>8-Mar-05</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>KC</TD><TD>14-Mar-05</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Scarydoggie</TD><TD>14-Mar-05</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Boy </TD></TR><TR><TD>Cheese</TD><TD>15-Mar-05</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Elisa</TD><TD>17-Mar-05</TD><TD>23</TD><TD>TMC</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Folic</TD><TD>18-Mar-05</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>RH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ribena</TD><TD>19-Mar-05</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>--</TD><TD>-- </TD></TR><TR><TD>Ohmigosh</TD><TD>20-Mar-05</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>KKH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Lee-Tung</TD><TD>23-Mar-05</TD><TD>22</TD><TD>MEH</TD><TD>Girl </TD></TR><TR><TD>Bonnygal</TD><TD>27-Mar-05</TD><TD>21</TD><TD>GEH</TD><TD>Boy</td></tr></table></font>

<font face="Peinaud">If I got your EDD / weeks or any info. keyed in wrongly, please let me know by pm me, thanks.</font>
aiyoyo..thought where have u been..

miss all ur informative postings ler..

why feel moody?

cheer up!cheer up!
Hi Joyce,
Long time no 'see'

Pls change my hospital to Gleneagles coz i need to have a cardiologist present for my delivery and she's not able to go TMC - only to Glen or Mt E.

Joyce sayang..of cos I also miss you lar...

btw, check with you as well as all MTBs here..

How would you translate the Chinese Name to English Name for your bbs? Do you just use Hanyu Pinyin? Or follow the dialects?
