(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

Ok Doll, you'll be the organiser, keke
hi doll>>
wow 24 yrs old onli...young young, envy ...
hi winnie:>>
i also feel tat i am big BIG..!! now worried about the Fat Shedding after birth.... now looking for a massage lady for post-natal massage lei...
and also worried abt the methods of fat shedding cos i intend to breat-feed my 2nd boy as long as possible!!....
hehe joyce , hehe then u join me

hi well, heheh joyce also 24. mi also feel big. but this is ur 2nd child right. ur 1st pregnancy, did u put on alot ?
i m wearing my sis's jeans... she is abt 1-2 size bigger than me.. so I can wear most of her pre-preggie clothes... m really thankful for that....
one of you actually asked me how big my bb is.. in fact, i dunno... my gyane says still too early.. no need to measure now...

i have this feeling that the hospital admin dept will chase me away if i register for delivery in feb 05... like what happened to my beautician.... she ganna shooed to go home cos she looks smaller than the usual (still bigger than me lah). the registration nurse actually asked her "are u sure you are full term already? did u remember wrongly?"
Aiyoo.. Jannie, they really say that ah? But we got doctor's letter to prove mah... so dun get worry lah.
Maybe your tummy will miraculously grow after your 7th mth. My sister also like that.
joyce, yah , funny sometimes tummy feel heavy then sometimes tummy like so light, make me feel worried

hehe jannie, itz me who asked. but u went for ur detail scan liao ?
doll...detailed scan was 1 and 1/2 months ago.... did not state baby's weight.. only the dimensions of head and dunno what.. cant remember liao.. but all in the average range..
joyce, i m not worried lah... i m sure that they have my records in their computer system... just thinking of how amused i will be then :D

i keep wanting to ask doc abt my small tummy.. but he seems to be super busy always and trying to clear his waiting line fast.. so i always garang gabo and forget to ask... but since he is the person scanning and did not comment when he saw my tummy.. i assumed that all is well.... it's really amazing how much space i have in me for the baby hor?!!

i read that my baby should be abt 10-12 inches long already (varies according to different website i go in). i really dunno if he doesn't want to protrude out, where is he finding space all this time...
hi jannie,
hehe agree wif joyce. they say 1st pregnancy usually cannot c one. once 6mth onwards. then tummy will bulge out suddenly.

hehe joyce so how, where do u tink we can arrange > hmm somewhere kids can play also.
Hey Jannie,
how much have u put on weight since yr tummy didnt show much? Maybe yr tummy will start to balloon the next few months...dont worry abt the size. Noticed u will be delivering at KKH too, who is yr gynae?
Yah, no more big tummy...only flabby tummy...hehe...
Yes, mostly around same period... we know one another from big tummy to bbs popped out one by one... now we wanna 'abandon' hbs and bbs so that we can have a decent meal...hehe...

post natal massage - what did you wanna tell me?
24!!! Wow, really really young...so good!!!

Indeed cannot tell you are preggie...!!
May I ask which country are you working ?

What about giving gynae a call and ask over the phone??
My boy is coming to 11 months end Nov.
Hi Jannie, my ex gynae also like that leh, super busy and trying to clear his waiting list asap. Make us ganjiong also

But anyway, must remember to ask him in your next checkup.
Ya, wonder where he's hiding in your womb?
hehe joyce, maybe mid dec, like 1 week before x'mas ? heheh we have a mini party ourselves

joyce, know what u mean. hehe gynae is "chop chop currypok"

stylobb, paiseh. hehe , i was actually tabulating the costs of all the stuff. so estimating delivery stay, post natal massages, full mth, crd life etc will be ard 5k. tatz y opting for 4 bedded.

heheh i feel so
, hubby back on monday !!
hey KC, i put on abt 7kg so far. but i realised that this week, i have been eating non-stop.. maybe it is cold where i m, so i tend to get hungry faster(actually, i think it's just an excuse.. cos i dun see anyone else here nibbling non-stop)... i hope that my weight dun shoot up when i return to SGP next month!! my gynae is CT Yeong. nice and cool chap... can fly, can drive, can do almost anything but horseback riding, sky diving,
. during my 4th month, i went to beijing.. asked him if i should watch out or not do anything.. he says no. but in the end, i still did not try the great wall of china....seeing it already makes me tired... waited like 1.5 hrs to see him the last appt, then after scanning, he says everything looks ok and he will see in 4 weeks time. i had to stop him and tell him i have questions for him... i was like standing, and wearing my overalls (just finished scanning) and asking him questions, all at the same time... sigh.. to think i pay abt $50 just to see him for 2 mins....

stylobb, i m working in singapore, just that me and hubby in same company and he is currently overseas. company allows him to fly back every month but is abit xiong for him. so this month, i fly over to be with him loh... can bring my work over too.. just that the time difference is not the most convenient thing for me...
Hello everybody,

Hope all's well with moms & babies! It's been awhile since i came in & i see lotsa newbies!

Wow Jannie,

U reali dun look as if u're in ur 26th weeks. We're abt the same time & mine's so obvious as compared to urs! U are so petite! As long as ur gynae says bb's healthy & growing, it shld be fine.

So, r u on holiday with ur hubby now or wkg at the same time? Do be crful while u're abroad.

Hi Doll,

R u reali certain regard'g the charges for the 2-bedded promo for TMC? Cool! I must chk it out with my clinic & book fast then.
erhmm.. babyvon.. petite is not the word to describe me.... my hips have expanded so much that my hubby is complaining!!! he said he has never seen such big butts before !!! :D

maybe i belong the "flat and wide" category...
hi babyvon, hehe i hope it's true coz that was what the lady @my gynae clinic told me....

hi stylobb, my massages will cost me $575.. cord life place which stores ur bb's umbilical cord

ah yoh, jannie . why say urself until like that.. my hips also got widen , no one say i fat but say i look round round here round round there.

heheh joyce, can, kids also invited
mini party mah. all invited

any date in mind, should be weekend, since kids maybe we keep to lunch ? heheh we choose a date 1st ? 11th,12th,18th,19th ? MTBs
join in okee !!
Hi all,
Back from check-up. She was worried that i might b in labour & did a check "down there" for me...scared me when she said that! Anyway it's ok..phew!

But my urine test...got sugar leh
Thk gotta do a sugar tolerance test the next time..anyone done it b4?? Better control my diet for now

Hi Doll & lbs
After checking...she rushed off to do an emergency-caesarean..no chance to ask her qns at all
So still not sure abt the abdominal pain.

Hi Jannie & Joyce,
Yuan lai i'm not the only one feeling that gynae very busy..i always wait very long (1/2-1hr)...but go in & come out in less than 5 mins
Hopefully when we really need the attention, the gynaes will spend more time lor

Hi Jannie,
Actually u look a bit pregnant wat! Got a little tummy bulge mah! But prob not obvious enough to get a seat
As long as baby's healthy, big or small tummy doesn't matter
ohmigosh.. people actually think that i m just fat!!!! not pregnant!!! anyway, good to hear that your contractions are nothing to worry abt. but try to rest and relax hor.. it's still too early for your labour yet... my sis got admitted for pre-term labour at 28 weeks.. although books say that baby have high chance of surviving... mid-wives at hospitals were rattling amongst themselves that they have not seen such cases yet... but thank goodness, baby calmed down and sis was able to go home the next day.
u 24yrs old.... then this is ur 3rd pregnancy?? or did i mistaken u for another person...
my first pregnancy, er... i think i rtn to my previous weight by the 6th months, cos i went back to work straight after confinement... now 2nd pregnancy and got older by 2yrs... getting a bit of lethargic... so abit worried whether still have the drive to gain back figure or not... somemore previously, i very on to go cali gym to work out and friends' gathering to go for those training classes too...

>>hi all
as regard to the breastfeeding issue, may i know how many of u intending to do it and for how long?
how come ur gynae is worried tat u are in labor lei?? u have pain?

ya, during my first pregnancy, i was also abit like ur tummy.... din show much... but since is my first pregnancy tat time, i was eager to start wearing those maternity clothes very early, before the tummy shows anything ha ha ha.... but everyone knows that they are around a preggie liao when i there.... gee... but now , the 2nd pregnancy , i try to wear my normal clothes for as long as possible.... until no breathing space then i stop wearing them...
hey well. i mix the clothes now... i only started wearing some maternity clothes in my 22nd week. but i did not buy alot of pcs, so some days will wear normal clothes loh.

i will try to breastfeed as long as i can. only obstacle i foresee is my MIL and SIL who did not BF all their kids.. so she will prob nag that it's a waste of time, blah blah blah... but thank goodness that i have managed to convince my hubby that i'd rather do my confinement at my mom's place...... so will be saved from the nagging after hospital's discharge.
gee, of course healthy most impt la... but my SIL keeps on saying, giving birth to 1 kid will age 5yrs, so this is my 2nd bb, so i will age 10yrs by then .... so have to maintain maintain lei... haizz

my MIL is very objective towards BF, she had 4 children and all not BF (olden days where got BF)... and she said that all ur nutrients will be wasted (all pumped out)... and cannot drink liquor during the confinement for "bu" (nourishment)... luckily my SILs (2 of them) very supportive of BF and help to convince her... but my MIL is those she always in the right and naggy type.... so she will still nag lor... and also she will be doing my confinement too... but on the whole, my MIL dotes me very much , cos she knows i lost my mum during my teenage years....
but i really hope that my determination on BF can holds as long as possible
omigosh, but ur gynae didn't say anything right, then u should b ok. but if u still keep having pain, maybe u can call her to check.

hi well, wah u were really went to gym & classes. i hope i can do exercises to gain back my figure. heheh before preggie, ,my exercise regime is like swimming fortnightly
. trying not to think about it too much now ;p

as for BF, my mum side only will BF for a few days, then my in-laws all dun BF. my mum BF me only for one day. i have to get back to work in 1.5mths. so both side want me to focus on building my strength during confinement, which they feel is more impt than BF. my MIL went thru the proper confinement n dun have aches while her sis didn't, so her sis complains of ache till now.

i also dunno what to do, tink when the time comes then i c how....
Hi all, aiyo so much to catch up!!

Think BF is best to be min 6mths right?

Doll, u only put on 10kg, ok lah! Dr Koh measures tender loving care by hubby from the weight u gain haha.

Jannie, have u get ur bb cot yet? When the delivery man brought over my bb cot, he was like asking me how old is ur bb huh and turn his head looking around. I stared at him and said 'huh', think he realise my tummy so he said 'oh, not yet huh'. Haha told my frens, they say maybe i look like those just gave birth but haven shake off the fats yet!! But hor i'm definitely bigger then urs dunno y he can't tell!! Think ur bb really can hide well.
Doll, no worries ur hubby coming back mon right!! So he will sure start doing his job by feeding u more haha. But still we must control also if not hor after delivery hehe jialat!!
Hi doll, jannie & well,

Ohh..the obst checked to see if i'm in labour cos i was having contractions
Anyway luckily not..PHEW! Dun think baby can survive if come out now! So nowadays, i'll talk to her and ask her to be guai-guai, wait till march then can come out!

Anyway the dr told me wat to do next time if got contractions..*touchwood* Hope no more!

Then aiyooo...need to do the glucose tolerance test on Tuesday. Cos they found sugar in my urine
Anyone did it b4? Hope i dun have gestational diabetes..will have problem controlling my diet

Hi well,
So how long did u BF ur 1st baby?
I think i'll full BF for 1st 3 mths during maternity leave. After that probably partial BF with supplement milk.
I BF for 2mths only my 1st bb.... very short hor... blame my lack of determination...
u want to full BF?? meaning no formula milk at all??? i think not a v. good idea cos i heard tat the bb might reject formula milk as they grow older and only want your breast milk...
jannie, my tummy looks similar to yours (except a bit bigger) when i was around 24-26 wks. My hubby always said i looked fat instead of pregnant. And some ppl thought that i am 4 mths pregnant where in actual fact i am 7 mths now !
But my tummy started to grow bigger after 26 wks... though still a bit small. :p
However, my hips and arms have expanded , become "ba ba" oredi.
Have put on 10 kgs liao !!! Most of the weight goes to me... kekek

Ohmigosh, u so fast going to do the glucose tolerance test ah? Thought the test is only done on our 32nd wk? Or can be done earlier? In fact, i also kena sugar twice during my routine urine test !!! Very worried also... dun wana kena gestational diabetes... haiz...
hello everyone...
er.... can i place my laptop on my stomach while i surf net?
can i lie on my stomach while surfing?
so late u still online..... your hubby lei? care to intro.... cos i just joined this thread...and 1st time see u here..
hi omigosh, icic. dun mind, can share what ur gynae advised u to do ?

hi well, dun tink it's advisable... i place my laptop on the table. i find it hard to lie on my stomach leh.... i usually place a pillow on my lap n place my laptop so i dun need to bend too much...
gee.... u around too!!! my hubby went clubbing ler...so sad... now i lying on bed with a bolster on my tummy then the laptop on the bolster ...gee
Hi well,
Huh? I tot it's recommended to full BF for 1st 6 mths? Cos the Bmilk supply depends on demand, so better to BF baby fully so that the "supply will keep running". Anyway i prefer not to intro "foreign" food (formula) too early lor.
Will baby reject formula? Hmm..or maybe reject the bottle? Anyway, if that's the case, then towards the end of my mat leave, i'll start "training" my baby to take from bottle & to take some formula.

Hi Steamboat,
This is the 1st time that i tested +ve for sugar in urine leh...then my obst want me to do the tolerance test liao. Maybe can take precautions early if discover early lor. & maybe she scared i'll have huge baby (common in gestational diabetes)...then will be very jialat cos i very small size

Thk the test normally done ~28-32wks. Now i'm only ~23wks
If u worried, maybe can ask ur obst if u need to do the test lor.

Hi Doll,
The obst said maybe i overworked myself (my work involves standing/walking, lifting). So she gave me "light duty". Then if contractions again, to take the medicine (it's to relax the uterine muscles) & rest. If contractions persist, to go straight to TPS (clinic) in KK if during office hours; or to KK delivery Suite if after office hours. Really hope that it won't happen again.
Hi all MTBs
Read thru the thread so all mtbs are discussing abt the BF stuff...I also want to bf my bb n hope tt really hv the determination. I gain a total of 10kg til nw within a mth I gain 5kg.I tink I really muz watch out my diet liao.
Hi Well n Omg
During the bf did u feed bb formula milk or jz breast milk,cos i was tinking at night v tiring mayb can let bb hv formula milk.
hi OMG>>
everytime i go for gynae checkup, before gog in, the reception/nurse will give me a strip for urine test...any idea what is tat for.... is it for glucose test?

hi lyn>>
how many months pregnant are u already?? gee... i now 28weeks, and gained 10kg liao.... gosh.... so scary. i juggle bet. formula and BM ... i tot at night, it will be easier to just pop the bb with ur nipple to stop bb from crying when he hungy.... rather than get up to prepare the formula milk to bb, and still need to burp him as much as possible cos bottle-feed...
but if someone is helping you , then it will be better for u...
hi well, :p was awake last night watching chinese show :p went to bed after tat.

hi omigosh, icic. muz be careful okee. even sitting too long also can cause probs
i actually got cramps coz i forgot to walk a bit after sitting for 2hours. was told that now is the time that if we walk or sit, is a prob coz can't get that balance

hi lyn_baby, hehe i also gain 10kg. tink it's average .... i dunno if i remb wrongly, u r SAHM?
hi doll...
gee, wat is SAHM...

hi all>
so anyone gog for a post-natal massage, any good massage lady to recommend?
Hi Lyn-Baby,
Heheh! I haven't give birth leh...the BF thingy is my "plan".
Anyway i PLAN to fully BF for at least 2-3mths, including the nights *hope i'll be determined & hardworking enough*. Formula comes in when i start working lor.

Hi well,
Yes! The strip is to test for sugar & albumin in the urine. BTW, shd avoid raw food (sashimi, raw oysters) & half-cooked food (eg 1/2 boiled egg), cos if they'r not handled properly, there may be contamination which may cause bacteria to grow...this may not be harmful to us, but is dangerous to a growing fetus.

Hi Doll,
Thank u!
I probably won't get the problem of sitting too long. My work little chance to sit leh..going back to work tomorrow..will try to sit as much as i can

If u need to sit for long, try to move ur ankles at least every hour (pointing ur toes up & down & moving ur ankles in circles) to let the blood circulate. But try to get up to walk a bit, cos sitting puts a lot of stress on the low back.

Hi Well
I m only on my 26wks...hmm 10kg liao izzit normal?
u mean bf dun need to burp bb?I tot bf also need to burf bb.
Hi doll
Nope I m a wrking mum...happy to hear tt it average for the weight gain...
Hi Omg
Oh sorry tot tt tis is yr 2nd child keke...ya me also tinking of bf...
