(2005/02) Feb/Mar 2005 Babies

hmm...my line is both below & above (little bit) the navel!! haha...i guess we can now say that they are all really myths! I guess people just want to make theories to try to reason these things lor. Oh well, just enjoy ur pregnancy girls!
Hi ladies,

Hmm..i dun see any obvious line on my tummy yet leh..m i normal? Is it a line made of hair---even then, mine's not obvious too.

I also thk all the myths not true..at 1st i thought i was having a boy--based on the symptoms (not much morning sickness, prefer meat to veget, dark-coloured urine) & also based on the lunar month prediction. But baby's a girl!
Winnie, i also put on 9 kgs liao. Me looks fat with a small tummy.

My belly button also haven bulge out yet.. but it's definitely getting shallower.

Haha... ya, i think it's all myths huh. My line is straight and it runs above my navel too and i am expecting a gal !
hi omigosh, easier to cook, no need to do the sauce. chefs getting lazier nowadays :p hahah

yah loh. my hubby family, the gal names sounds easy like jasline,jess,ruby. jaclyn. then guys easier, sam, barry,larry,terry. eric. scare choose a name that i like end up they pronounce it wrongly. not nice to say them also.

hi litebreeze, my line above the navel leh.. mi expecting bb gal. my line is straight.

hi winnie, the weight gain getting faster n faster. waiting for my hubby to come back so can go for light swimming, like aqua-aerobics
dunno is it becoz practically don't have any exercise thatz y like that.

hi steamboat, heheh mi also but my bust makes me look fatter. i increased from 75B / 34B to i tink now is 80B or C.
hi gals

Robinsons is having their 15% + 5% sale for members now till 15 nov. Bought a Pigeon steam steriliser & Avent breast pump set with 2 bottles yesterday. Cost me $147 after discount
hi Java

is the brand of the nursing bra called Eternity? I saw it at John Little but it does not seem to have a pocket to hold breast pads.. I am also looking for suitable nursing stuff. anyone here can recommend which brand of breast pads to buy? washable ones or disposables??
Hi ladies!

My weight/waist seem to have plataeued a little..Finally crossed the 50kg mark today

Now got difficulty fitting into hubby's bermudas/shorts (have been wearing them cos didn't wanna waste $$ to get)..so now wear like hipster lor..except no more hip liao

Hi wenn, java & Lite Breeze,
So fast buy nursing bras & breast pump????
Will our breasts grow bigger--then after that cannot fit into the nursing bras???
Hi Steamboat,
My belly button is also getting swallower though it din pop out yet..

Hi Doll,
I dun dare to go swimming with my big tummy..
feel conscious abt myself.. But it is gd exercise for preggies..

Hi Wenn,
How much is the pigeon sterilizer and the Avent breast pump individually after discount? 15% + 5% is quite alot.. OG is having 20% discount as well.. Alot of places is having discount during this long weekend.. I have bought some bb clothings, mittens and the plastic covers to cover the nappies at the OG and JL warehouse sales..

Hi Java,
I have bought 3 nursing bras at $8 each at the Giant sales at expo last weekend..
Dunno wat brand though..

Hi Litebreeze,
I have also finally pass the 50kg mark at my last check up..
My mum tease me abt it..
I think I am 52kg now liao
hi Winnie,
Wow, you found even cheaper nursing bras!

hi ohmigosh,
No lah, I didn't buy the nursing bras, coz saw the long payment queue then give up liao.

hi Lite Breeze,
My fren told me that Pigeon brand breasts pads are quite good, doesn't leak. Disposable ones are better.
Hi Java,
The nursing bras I bought is the same price as the one you see..
But I kiasu buy already.. Trying to stock up items/things during sales as I go along so that the pinch/heart pain is not so great when the bills come..
And I only got 3 more mths to go! So fast hor.. I am afraid that I will be too big, heavy and tired to go shopping in the last 2 mths..

Hi gals,
If you know of any sales or good buys, can share with me.. Me now like auntie tracking down the sales in Singapore and comparing prices! Trying save abit here and there lor.. Aiyo terrible, I am not like that last time.. hee :p
Hi every1,

just to wanted to share,

Went for a detailed scan yesterday..Saw my boy's face, hands,legs etc.He's active, moving ard, boxing n even know the Ultra man hand sign

nearly cry when see the little life inside mi. It's really amazing. Hope everything continues to go well n fine
hi omigosh, i passed the 50 kg mark long time ago
u muz very slim before u got preggie

hi winnie, mi now 57kg liao .. heheh i will remove my contacts before i go to swim :p so act blur if ppl c c ... feel so heavy .. omigosh just pass 50, u 52kg :p

mi haven't go n buy the stuff yet. anyone started doing ur baby's room yet ?

hi bonnygal, hehe ur bb boy so cute!! yah loh everytime my bb gal kicks me, it reminds me that i m carrying a extra life within me.

was told tat giving birth is like being re-born again coz u lose a life n gain a extra life.

joyce/Qdee, the birth cert , when muz we do it after we give birth ?
Hi Winnie,
Heheh! I also feel very auntie nowadays!

Hi Bonnygal,
Wow! U have a little ultra-boyboy in u! I miss seeing my baby on the screen..

Hi doll,
i also haven't bought anything for bb yet..not even a single mitten or clothes

Anyway will be getting some hand-me-down clothes, sterilizer, baby cot & playpen..so i think shd b ok. But still need to get some new clothes for baby..Looking at the little clothes in the shops puts a smile on my face every time!

Have a good long weekend!
hi winnie,
i think it's 87 for the steamer & 80 for the breastpump & 2 bottles set

me still looking around.. haven't bought much clothing yet..

hi omigosh,
i haven't bought the nursing bras yet... my boobs haven't been growing much lately
Hi ladies,

Check this out for ur maternity clothes..quite nice (can prob wear even after delivery) but quite exp--> www.mothersenvogue.com

Check this out for baby toys..go to
www.kidzgrow.com then click on "Resources" & then click on "Go to Toys page"

Hi wenn,
Hahaha! I think my growth (boobs, butt & belly) also not much lately, although i put on some weight--dunno where all the weight gone to??
I hope baby's getting enough nutrients!
I think I went for my dental in my first tri, if I remember correctly, dentist said best to go during first tri. Best to check with your dentist.

Pigeon dispo breast pads are very good...I used them. I bought the Avent washable ones but ended up I did not use them. Tollyjoy disp ones are not so good, quality wise quite lousy and the adhesive does not stick well.

You can do b.c. at the hospital.. I think you have one month (not quite sure) to do it.. some people don't do it at hospital cos maybe have not decided on name and chinese character.. we did ours during my stay at hospital.

I think boobs size will increase later, so should get bigger size for the nursing bras.
Hi! StyloBB,

Thanks for sharing!.. i was abt to ask abt the nursing pad from Tollyjoy cos i jus bought 2 boxes.
disappointed to know that its not so good.. If i see your posting earlier, I shld have bought pigeon ones..
By the way, besides the not so stick adhesive tape that tollyjoy pad has.. How abt the absorbent level?.. Also not so good ah?


Me too, went for the JL sale!.. Did you buy those BB's clothings at $1? Wah.. so many people grabbing there.. The material is so soft and sell at $1 each for shirt and pants. I suspect some buy and sell one.. cos i saw they take dozens of it.
I bought bought 3 sets..
Select like mad.. cos i'm choosing blue colour and so many are pink leh..

I prefer JL sale than Robinson sale.. more things to buy.
Hi Elle

I went to the JL sale oso. Also bought 3 sets of the BB clothings. Me looking for pink ones so easier to select. I saw someone with mots of white tops but i can't seem to find. Only managed to find one after much digging. Think all selected by her liao. Btw, when did you go? I went on Fri nite. Not so crowded. My hubby told me saturday very crowded cos his colleague's wife went and need to queue to enter the exhibition hall.
Shucks! I missed the JL sale as I was down with flu

According to my mum, must prepare more baby tops than bottoms. Oso, be prepared to go thru around 3 to 4 changes of clothing per day... cos baby will vomit milk out after feeds & sometimes, hankies are not able to prevent the clothes from being stained by milk...
Hi omigosh,
i think our babies' bones are growing now... hence putting on weight... then last trimester, baby will start to fatten up

Thanks stylobb for the info
Feel like going home and take a rest..feeling giddy at work....and headache..dunno whether my gynae will give me MC or not...
Anyone here tried getting MC from Dr Lawrence Ang before without seeing him for consultation?
Personally I dun like the Tollyjoy nursing pad, cos it does not stay in shape and rather filmsy. If you compare it with Pigeon, you will find that Pigeon's material is beta. You bought big boxes?

Need lotsa hankies. As for tops, yeah, need but since they grow so fast, don't have to over-stock. Bbs grow really fast... before long, they cannot fit into the newborn clothes. If you intend to let bb sleep in aircon room, remember to get long pants. Also ensure that the mittens / botties you buy are the smaller sizes otherwise they keep falling off..hehe... KP has the smaller sized ones. Bbs also go thru 8 wet diapers, so make sure you have sufficient. Sometimes just after changing, they either poo or shit almost immediately...hiaz...
Saw from Straits Times today that the JL sales has been extended to Nov 18. There is an additional $5 discount from your purchase of $50 with the newspaper cutting.

Elle & Stephie: I went down on Sun. A lot of white one leh.. maybe they replenish the stock. Actually, I shld have gone earlier as I only have abt 2hrs there. Maybe going down again tomorrow.
Anything else to look out??
Hi Kc & Stephie
Wat is the brand for the baby's top, is the material gd?
Do they have those tops that the front overlap (to prevent wind to bb's stomach)
ic ic... i was thinking of getting a few pieces for 0 to 3 months & then the rest from 3 months onward
anyway, i did get some from KP, including the long pants. oso bought the Pigeon booties & mittens set from KP... my mum still insists on using nappies though.. i will let her use nappies at her place while i use diapers at mine :p thanks for the info!
I cant remember or think there is any brand for the top. But as Elle mentioned too, it is comfortable and soft enough for BB. Can use as normal wear at home. $1 only, cheap, cheap so just buy some. It comes with bigger size (like L, XL) so can keep till 3 to 6months old. I didnt see any front overlap at the Sales, those are more ex. and I think you can find it at the Dept. Store.
Hi Kc
Thx... hmm actually thought of goin to the ware house sale shop for bb stuff. since dun hv the overlap top i tink i wil get bb stuff from department store, easier can get everyting at a stop.keke i tink i getting lazy.
Hi ladies

As I go thru your discussion abt the bb stuffs...I am a bit lost now as to what shld I start buying..

So far I only bought the cot & the stroller lor. Not sure what clothings or other stuffs (for mummy-to-be as well as bb)shld I start buying liao..I dont wish to under/over prepare..

Very worried when my tummy gets bigger, I will be too tired to shop arnd liao. Even nowadays, I start feeling my tummy getting heavier..

Anyone has a brief list to share?
Hi lbs

This is my fren's list... very detailed... some items, i dun intend to get lor

Checklist for first-time mums

<u>Checklist of Purchases</u>
Babys Room
Baby Cot
Musical mobiles/ Merry-go-round
Mattress (3" or 4")
Pillow/bolster case
Mattress protector
Changing table (optional)
Cupboard/Chest of Drawers

<u>Clothes for baby</u>
Cloth Diapers (Can also be use to wrap baby)
Nappy liners
Blouse/shirts - long and short sleeves
Suits - pants and long shirts
Handkerchiefs (get plenty of them)
Face towels
PILCHERS (pants worn over nappies)

<u>Baby bathing</u>
Baby wipes
Bath tub
Anti-slip mat
Changing mat
Rubber mat
Bath towel
Bath sponge (optional, small cotton handkerchief would suffice)
Baby soap/bath lotion
Baby shampoo
Baby oil
Cotton buds
Baby powder with puff

<u>Laundry for Baby Clothes</u>
Buckets with lids
Basket for baby laundry
Nappy/clothes detergent/softener
Clothes hanger for drying mittens/booties/handkerchiefs

<u>Feeding Baby</u>
Milk bottles (big+small) + teats
Bottle scrub brush
Warmer cum carrier bag
Thermometer (to use when baby is unwell)
Large pan/pot (for sterilising)
Tongs (to handle hot bottles)
Electric Steam Steriliser (Pigeon/Avent)
Milk containers
Bags/milk bottles to store expressed breastmilk

Safety pins
Thermometer (Check room temperature)
Nail clippers
Anti-nappy rash cream (Drapolene)
Oil for wind (Ru Yi or White Tree Oil)
Ziplock bags for checkups and outings.
Woodwards Gripe Water
Sterile thermoplastic tray with swabs &amp; swabsticks
Polythene bag for soiled diapers
Dish/ container (to wash babys face)
Care of the Umbilical Cord Stump
Sterile swab applicators
Sterile cotton swabs
Sterile container for cord spirit
Cord spirit

Stair/door gates (If you want to separate your baby &amp; pets)
Rubber protectors for bedroom doors
Baby carrier
Car seats

<u>Toys &amp; Playstuff</u>
Baby gym

<u>Mummy Care</u>
Maternity Dress/top/bottom
Pyjamas with front opening for breast feeding
Breast pump
Anti Stretchmark creams
Nursing bras
Maternity bras
Nipple cream for crack nipples
Nursing pads
Disposible panties
Cotton panties (larger size when reach later stage of pregnancy)
Sanitary pads
Panty liners
Bedroom slippers
Painkillers (with doctors prescription only)

<u>Other optional items</u>
Plastic bowl/ container, 10-12 inch diameter for both baby and mother
Electrical HotFlask (autoboil), quick access to boiling water for formula milk
Thermoflask without autoboil, for mums drinking water
Claypot or double boil claypot for mums confinement soup
Claypot or earthenware for cooking pigs trotters in ginger and black vinegar
2 pails for mums bathing and face cleansing.

Hi Stephie,

Yeh i also went there last Fri. I manage to get blue tops and white pants.. didn't see white tops leh.. ? Think they've all been snatched up liao.. Sat really so crowded ah.. luckily didnt go..But did you notice all the BB's shirt/pants sizes are meant for 3-6 or 6-12mths one.. Cannot find any tiny size for new born leh..thats why i didnt bother to get so many sets.

Hi! styloBB,

I bought Tollyjoy biggest box at 40+8FOC breast pads per box!.. Even bought two boxes at Kiddy place($6.90/box).. Aiyoh.. waste $ liao.. lah.. shld have bought Pigeon ones.
Could you advise at least how many pairs of breast pad do u foresee that we would be using?


You are lucky leh..able to get white ones..mayb they replenish stocks during weekends. U know hor.. hubby and me wanted to get stuffs for BB ended up we also bought other unnecessary items like bed sheet sets and some ladies wear.. eventually spend nearly $100 .. *pork gai* liao lah.. so dun really dare to go again.. haha..
During sale hor.. we always tempted to buy things which we dun really need.. jus bcos its cheap.. ultimately spent more..


Hope you've recovered from your flu. Must take care.

Hey.. since JL is extending their sale no worries, you still get to go.. but i must make known to you hor..to prevent you from making a waste trip their BB's clothings on sale are mostly above 3-6mths one.. If you are looking at 0-3mth i doubt they have..

Kiddy place is a good place to get 0-3mths lots of choices but too bad no sale there leh..I wonder do kiddy place have 20% discount at times?
hi gals!

wow..so nice to see the active chatting here.
i have not bought anything yet and probably can get some advice on where to buy baby cot. by the way, besides bb cot, what other options u gals are having? mattress?

i agree with lbs, can anyone share a brief list of items to buy
Hi KC,

Actually me thinking of going to the JL sale again but am afraid of the large crowd. Think they must have replenished the stock. Maybe cos i went in the evening, that's why no more white tops liao. Besides the bb clothings, didn't see any other baby stuff worth buying. Oh, i also bought 1 romper. It costs $2. Quite nice but it's the one and only piece i found. Maybe can keep a look out for the romper when you go again. I can remember the brand for the romper. It's called "Mini Car".

Hi Lyn_Baby

I also cannot remember whether got brand or not. Only recall the label states "Made in India". The material is real soft that's why i bought. If it's those rough rough type I won't buy even if it's only $1. Now my heart feeling itchy liao.. Really feel like going down again to get some more tops. Their XL size is very big. I bought one for my niece who is 17 months old and it's still too big for her. Think maybe she's small size. She's still wearing clothes meant for 6-12mths. During the sale, i only saw the front button ones and round collar ones with 2 buttons.
Hi wenn

Thks a lot!

very comprehensive....

Hi Elle
Actually the mid wife during my prenatal class advised us to get more bigger size clothings (like >3/6 months) than buying the 0-3 months one. She said bb will tend to outgrown very fast. Since bb will usually stays at home for the initial months, it will be ok to wear oversize clothes lor. But hor, when she demo how to change the diapers/nappies for newborn my hubby said bb can go topless liao since the bottom will cover till the chest...hahahaa
Anyone of you experience this pattern of kicks from your bb? Sometimes the kicks are quite hard and obvious, other days the kicks and punches are like light flutters. I prefer my bb to kick me hard hard. Today he kicks me softly, hope he's alright.
Hi elle,
thanks for ur concern &amp; advise

just taken my medicine...
oh, i've oready bought some 0 to 3 months clothing form Kiddy Palace liao... used their 10% discount card to buy... now need to buy the bigger size ones.

Hi lbs,
u r welcomed
Hi Java
I also experience that this 2 days my bb kicks are light n nt as active as the past. I m v worried tomol will consult my gynae wat are the normal kicking pattern.
hi wenn
thanks for the list, helps me a lot!

hi java,
i think the kicks u mentioned are normal. me also experience light flutters as well as strong ones. i guess the light kicks are more from his hands or moving abt. don't worry
hi ribena,
I have recognised my bb's punches from kicks. What I mean is that some days the kicks/punches are hard. Some days they bb doesn't seem to be so active and the movements are light. I'm more concerned with the movements being light.

hi Lyn_Baby,
Do let me know what your gynae says. Thanks
I too experience different kickings/punches patterns..I think shld be ok..

Btw, do your babies moves a lot nowadays? Understand we shld be keeping track of the bb movements already, right? But my bb seems to be moving a lot but the timing is always not the same..
Hi Java
Will let u know wat my gynae say. I understand that u r v anxious to know like me.I alry noe the timing of my bb bein active bt tis 2 days she seems like nt on time n nt as active as the past.
Hi Wenn

Thanks for sharing the list. Really very comprehensive. Now then I realised I've yet to buy many stuff. Better be more hardworking and do my shopping seriously liao.

Hi Elle

Yalor, the bb clothings don't have newborn size. The smallest i can get is M size which I supposed is meant for 3-6 mths. Anyway, my gynae also advised not to get too many newborn clothes cos baby outgrow them very fast. I hope to get some hand me downs for newborn then no need to buy too many liao. My hubby wanted to get more clothings during the sale but i said don't want baby to wear the same pattern mah. Then now i regretted not buying more..hehe

We spent more than $100 during the JL sale. But majority of the $ were used to pay for my hubby's stuff. He can't resist the good offers on clothings, undergarments, etc. I agree with you that we tend to buy things during sale just becos it's cheap. Too bad the $5 voucher only came out today. Else can save a bit more.
Hi java,

me too. 2 weeks ago felt that BB was not kicking as hard as before. Infact she wriggles more than she kicks. Gynae told me it's perfectly alrite as long as there is movement. He told me that when BB grows bigger, there will be lesser space to move around and we will experience harder kicks.

DO you also feel that your bb wriggles more now??

Hi gals

checking with you something..

Would you go for 4D scan if this is available with your gynae? My gynae only told me if I want, I can book an appmt for it. The fee is not included in the std package.

My hubby is against the idea as he said he prefers to have 'Seng Mi Kan' of how bb looks like until he is born.

Anyone know what exactly are the benefits of having the 4D scan? I remember reading in the paper couple of months back saying this is not really good/necessary...

Any advise?
