(2005/01) Jan 2005 Mom-To-Be

hi gals

dolphina, well, at least it's no problem getting sunshine for baby's sunbathing. I remember both Beth and Timo.. aiyoh, no sunlight :p That's why Timo got warded for jaundice. Beth is also suffering from stomach flu this weekend
LS dunno how many times... even on the carseat.. have changed her clothing and cotbedding dunno how many times alr. Must let us know what meimei's name is ok??

Piggy, I'm heeere ):

BabyD, it's good that sherman will listen to you. Timo has been pretty good but if Beth starts acting up and wanting attention from me (ONLY) then he will also cling to me. So good luck when the baby arrives! Not too long now eh?

Haha... Sherman is quite the opposite. He was very decisive. We gave him two choices for English and Chinese name and he decided immediately quite some time ago. Now we all refer to baby by her name so that he gets used to the idea that she is a real person, not just "baby". I hope my ger will be like Sherman, mild or no jaundice.

Finally past 37 weeks liao, ready to go hospital anytime. =) Dunno how to cope if both kids want to cling to me, leh. Whenever I'm around, Sherman gets clingy. He'll let MIL or hubby bathe him, but he will insist that I dry him up and dress him. Mealtime also like that, ok to let MIL feed in her house, come home must be mummy feed. My boy v funny one... no problem in MIL's house, but different pattern at home.
Congratulations, Dolphina. Do rest well because having time to rest is so limited when you have to tend to Jov and baby.

I have been surprisingly busy even as a SAHM. Didn't have time to log in, I was spending most of the time with the kids. Trying to introduce Lucas to a new routine. Hardly have time for myself...
Hi Mummies,

Pop in to ask for some advice.

Hi Dolphina, congratulations!

I spotted a cavity in one of P's tooth during night time brushing. It popped out of no where and all of a sudden. Brought her to National Dental Centre yesterday and Dentist confirmed that her teeth are not in good condition and there's 2 cavity. One at the front and one at the back in one of the molars.

She added that there are also some 'potential' cavities which would pop up in no time. P is recommended to go under GA to get her teeth fixed. Recommended procedure is fillings plus flouride treatment. Total cost is around S$1K in cash only. Can't use CPF at all.

Just want to check if any mummies has any advice or reccommendation for alternatives?

Hi Piggy,

I don't think so. Yesterday, she cried once she step into the room. I guess the dentist chair looks rather scary to her. She was crying all the way thru examination and until we left the clinic.

Sigh, I think GA is really the best way out. But we are still worried lor. I mean, she's still so young. The Dentist told us that lots of young children under go GA to get their teeth fixed and it's quite safe....

But i'm still feeling worried... and then I have my MIL who told me to ignore it and let it rot and drop out. I have problem trying to explain to her about the situation, etc....

I'm so tired explaining everything (why we must fix P's teeth and what we should do after the big fix) to her that I just kept quiet and let her say her piece again and again...

Sorry for the grumbling, just that there's no place to do so....
Hi Emon,

My son went on GA when he went for his cicumcison, he was 11 9 mths old then. They will administer lighter dose for kids if I m not wrong... Seek another opinion if you are not comfortable
emonster, think GA no choice lah.. ços kids won't stay still, even more dangerous to go unsedated. Kiddy's teeth must fix ASAP lor.. if you wait, the rot and damage might be permanent later on.
I think if can't bribe, bo bian. Need to get it fixed via GA. Can't wait for it to rot n drop cos very dangerous... Tell your MIL that the germs on the teeth can go attack the heart muscle if got infection. Don't play play....
emonster: I didn't know that that cavity treatment for kids require GA and cost $1k. Never even heard about it in our days. I think it is really no choice but to go ahead with it. Don't worry since the dentist has assured you that it is a common and safe treatment method.

We went to the Mozart exhibition on Tuesday. It is an interesting place for kids as they get to try the rococo era custom which includes the dresses, wig and makeup. Lucas can't really appreciate the interactive stations but he enjoyed dragging the wooden horse around the place.
Any of you going to bring your toddlers to the Barney show in Suntec next week? I'm tempted to bring Sherman (one of his last solo outings with us??), but baby might decide she wants to come out. So far gynae thinks it won't be so soon, cos not dilated yet. Have been having bouts of regular Braxton Hicks contractions that are 5 min apart lasting for 1-3 hrs, just like when I had Sherman. Irritating, cannot concentrate at work lah. Lucky not much to do now... boss look at my tummy and said I'm a liability in the lab, so didn't let me do experiments. =) V sian these days...

btw, I finally got my conferrment letter, now can officially use Dr in front already. My goodness, it's almost 5 years waiting for this degree. Planning to attend my convocation during my confinement unless I pop within the next week, haha... haven't told my mum yet, but hubby said after I slogged for so long to get this degree, really should go up to get my scroll and take a pic in the graduation gown with the funny puffy hat. At least nobody will notice my post partum tummy in the gown!
Forgot to tell you, I decided to engage Amah on Wheels in the end. They're coming next week with the contract. Followed up quite a few contacts, but all the part time cleaners recommended by friends have full slots so I gave up looking.
Hi all mommies,

Congrates to those to have give birth going to soon.

Have you all start to do any volunteer work for the primary school?
babyD, great, hope they help you out. My sis is thoroughly spoiled by her Amah's service. Heh. Will be going for Barney on 8th, after we return from Cameron Highlands
Wow, BHCs? I never had them. I do hope you'll be able to attend your convo 'cos you really deserve it!!!

yvoyvo, wah so early? I'm not intending to volunteer. Timo will be going to Kuo Chuan Presbyterian 'cos we have church affiliation and he's baptised as a presbyterian already.
Do let us know if you should pop early.
Although I do hope you can go for your convocation too. I remember that you went to hospital twice or thrice (?) in US due to false labour, right? Hmmm, how time flies.

I asked my son which primary school he wants to go, either my alma meter primary school which is nearby or daddy'd which is further away. He told me that he wants to go to my HB's cos the children there are more clever. So I guess I will try his choice.

what happens if my hubby's p. school no longer exist and mine is rather from from my place. Oh dear... if I were to place her at my inlaw's place, that means she need to go to a school near them? But the chances of enrolling in a gd school will be slim right? My inlaw staus in Jurong while I stay in CCK. Headache..
piggy, catz,
I think sure can go convo since hubby supports and IL's not v traditional type. If pop this week, then just nice, confinement will be over by the convo date. I remember a lot of the Jan 05 mums all popped early, except me, went overdue. This time I don't plan to go hospital unless I see blood or waterbag burst.

Wow, you girls all discussing primary school and our kids are not even in K1 yet! We plan for our kids to go to hubby's school, cos it's co-ed. We're even planning to move house so that we're nearer the school, for everybody's convenience, now waiting for property market to go down. Feel like such a kiasu parent...

If you have a good school in mind that's nearby but neither you or hubby are affiliated, I think you can do volunteer work to get affiliation if you really want to secure a place. That's what i heard from my colleagues.
Hi BabyD,

Ya I tot of shifting too.. jus to be nearer to my inlaws... but property prices are so high now.. maybe wait and see how...
Still got time, right? Our kids are only starting P1 in 2012. I think maybe 2009 or 2010, prices should drop, should be enough time to get a place in time for 2011 registration exercise. No need to kanchiong now.
babyD, omg, can't believe you're so close to popping
You're such a cool cat!

Hehe.. actually I'm not too kan cheong rgd P1 since I already have priority for Kuo Chuan and even before that, I wasn't too bothered lah.
Not cool cat lah, I'm waddling around like a penguin, but I'm enjoying my last days of relative freedom. =) Once pop, no more beauty sleep and baby will take up all my time. At least now I get to sleep, though I can hardly move my bum when I want to turn or get up! Shopping is a bit tough, too many ppl and I find it quite dangerous trying to protect my huge bump from the crowds.
Dunno if it was a self-fulfilling prophecy or what... on Monday night, I had show but not much contractions! Spent the whole of Tues morning at the clinic waiting and doing CTG. Got 4 days HL to rest at home and wait for labour. Gynae said it could be within the next few days, but some people apparently can wait up to 1 week before labour kicks in. Think my uterus really blur or what... mucus plug come out already still dunno what to do. Guess I shall just enjoy my beauty rest before being a sleep deprived zombie for the next few days.

Sometimes the waiting and certainty just kills me... part of me wants to get on with it, part of me thinks I better enjoy the peace and rest now while it lasts... but either way there's really not much I can do to hasten or delay the process. Hopefully don't have to wait that long, gynae will review on Fri if I haven't delivered by then.
Really huh. Show without contractions? I guess girl is not ready to see the world. It's cosy inside mummy.
Yes, I agree the waiting is frustrating.... Why not go n catch a marathon of shows?
Sitting down for long periods quite uncomfortable for me now leh. Anyway, I think hubby not comfortable with me going out myself for long, so have to station at MIL's place, just down the road from the hospital. haha...
babyd: wow, it will not be long and you will have your princess cuddle up in your arms. So exciting! Do rest well and take some nourished stuff.

ferlin contracted HFMD from my niece and now my son kenna.. so sad.. he is only 1 yr 2 mths..... so depressing.. the ulcers are not out yet in his mouth but his legs and hands has a no of dots...

Ferlin has big ulcers on her tongue and refuse food for the past 4 days... keep crying.. wa so heart pain men.. sob sob
babyD, how's the progress?

twinkle, omg, both of them kena? SO TERRIBLE! Why your niece spread to them???????? Take care.. poor you, hope your kids get better soon!
Catz.. Ferlin and my niece played together last sun, my niece develope HFMD on Mon, my gal got it on Fri. The incubation period is 3-7 days.. hence no sypmtoms initially... sigh
I'm still hanging around waiting. Girl Girl very stubborn, too comfy in my tummy, don't want to come out into the cold and hungry world where she has to cry to get milk. *sigh* Just like last time lor, wait and wait for Sherman, who was also late and I had to be induced. Gynae said cervix not ready, have to wait. See how on Sat, if cervix is ready, he'll induce me. Better to wait than end up c-section lor.

The only good thing about this is that she decided to play catch up in these last 3 weeks and put on lots of weight. Quite amazing... she went from 2.1kg at 36wk to 3.1kg yesterday (39wk + 2d). All along gynae kept saying she's a bit small, and won't be more than 3kg when born. Maybe she wanted to prove him wrong??

Oh dear, both got HFMD! Make sure you and hubby don't get it from them. My greatest 2 fears are dengue and HFMD. Just dunno how to protect our kids. Sherman is now obsessed about washing his hands with bar soap, but he still anyhow touch things and then touch his mouth, plus he gets bitten by mozzies at the school playground.
Hi Twinkle,

Oh dear, you must be very exhausted taking care of both kids. Take care.

Hi BabyD,

Do keep us posted on the arrival of your princess!

My P is scheduled to go for the dental treatment under GA on 19 Jun. She's still nursing her allergy cough and hopefully she will be cleared by next week, if not we will need to reschedule the treatment...
Tell you girls something funny. On Sat when we were visiting my SIL & her hubby, Sherman suddenly decided to "confess his sins". This is how the conversation went...

S: One day, in school, I pushed *JP* off the chair. He fell down.

me: Oh dear! Why did you do that?

S: It's my chair!

me: Did *JP* get hurt? Any blood?

S: Yes, the blood coming out.

me: Did you get punished? Did you get sent to the office?

S: Yes, I go to the office. Mrs L* (the principal) scream and scream. Then Miss L** come and rescue me.

At this point, all of us were looking at Sherman, dunno how to scold him while all trying not to laugh. In the end, i had to give him a lecture / prep talk again. Told MIL about it and she was horrified because all the teachers always tell her what a polite and good boy he is. So on Mon morning, she went to see the teacher to verify the story. I got an sms at lunchtime that said "His story is true, except the blood part." Aiyoh... my son machiam turning into a school bully!!?? Turns out it wasn't quite as drama as he described, he just wanted to sit on that particular chair. *sigh*

I am totally exhausted from caring the, still got to work, took am leave for these few days and went back to work in the pm. No choice.. not much leave left... sigh...

My little boy really poor thing, mouth full of ulcers and having fever.. kept crying.. feel so helpless and can only cry with him...

My niece childcare care was shut for 10 days as they have many cases of HFMD. Take gd care of your kids and avoid swimming pools and playgrounds.. heard these places very easy to catch HFMD...
twinkle, oh you poor girl and your poor kiddos!!! I"ve been avoiding swimming pools and playgrounds for months already.

BabyD, oh goodness, can't quite believe Sherman is capable of pushing!! Wow, baby girl is stuck in there huh? So what's her name going to be?
Yah lor, I think probably Sherman squeezed the other kid off the chair rather than purposely push. Still, bully behavior leh. Dunno how to teach him, we always tell him he cannot fight or push people.

I'm planning to call girl girl Sheralyn. Hubby wants to spell it Sherilyn... so not sure yet. Everyday we're asking her if she wants to come out. So tired of having BHCs, not much to do at work now cos I'm a walking time bomb. Another 2 more days of work till the end of the week, I'm going to start ML next Mon regardless, otherwise when I come back after ML sure v busy & cham, cannot meet project deadlines.
Sheralyn or Sherilyn are both nice. Though personally I prefer the first one.
Sherman is not a bully lah...He is only trying to assert himself. Better he can assert than be bullied. Yes, colourful stories are funny as this shows the imaginative part of him.

How are you, my dear? Is the worst over liao?

Don't worry. P will be fine.

My L finally could pronounce the letter L. hahaha... Hope he will remember when he wakes up tomorrow.
How's Phoebe after her dental treatment?

So happy to hear that they are ok now.

Have Sher girl made her appearance?

Haven't heard from you. Are you ok?

School re-open
Next week, school is starting again. I think L will not look forward. Each morning, he will ask me if today's school day? And when I say no, he will smile. Wonder come Monday, what's going to happen. How are your kids doing at home? Any one raring to go back to school?
Hi all... i am new here.
Mother in 2005 and 2007.
Wanna check if you ladies put ur child in any enrichment classes?? Need some intro pls...
Hi girls,
Sherilyn arrived at last on 17 Jun 08 in less than 3 hours after induction. She looks a lot like Sherman when he was born. So far everything is going well, I've got a lot more milk than the last time, so I'm super engorged. For now, Sherilyn seems to be much easier to take care of than Sherman.

Congrats, BabyD, welcome to Sherilyn
She's awfully pretty and look at that neat crop of hair!

Piggy, teehee, hope L doesn't give you too hard a time. I'm gonna be very shack come Monday 'cos I"ve been sleeping later every morning.. ahhahahaha...
babyd: Congratulations to Princess Sherilyn's arrival. She looks so good...big eyes, chubby cheeks and such neat hair she has. Do rest well and enjoy your confinement. I am thinking to pop by to return the clothing to you after you recover. Just let me know when it is convenient to you.

twinkle: good to hear the kids have recovered. You also take care of your health.

piggy: I do pop by almost everyday but didn't see any posting after your last one on 14 Jun. I was waiting for babyd's announcement and the thread is finally moving.

I have been terribly busy for the last few weeks. We have finally completed our documents for the visa application to AZ. Pending for approval now. So meanwhile, we are also in the process of selling our place. We are still searching for buyers, just scolded the agent today for their poor follow-up.

Lucas and I have just started our music class with MYC near our place. One thing good is that the parent can attend with the child, so I get to learn about musical notes, etc. Our dear Lucas as usual, was rolling on the floor, doing high kick while teacher is talking.

mama_g: I am a SAHM, only started this year. This music class is the only class we are going for at this moment. What kind of enrichment classes are you looking for?
Sherilyn's features really resembles Sherman when he was born. Their hair looks exactly the same too, the same fine downy type. She's like a girl version of him. She was 3.075kg at birth. Not too bad, much smaller and much less chubby than Sherman, maybe that's why so much easier to deliver her - a smaller head helped a lot! =). Thankfully she doesn't have much jaundice, just sticky eye discharge due to blocked tear ducts, just like Sherman. Hope it doesn't last too long. Sherman's sticky eye resolved in about 3-4 weeks.

Hats off to the mums who had No. 2. Find that it's the older child who's a lot harder to handle. Sherman is trying hard to be a good kor kor, but he's by nature so rowdy and rough that we're constantly fearful that he'll step on her or whack her in his enthusiastic stunts in trying to be helpful. Like when I bf her and he starts jumping around me - pain when he bumps into either or us!. It's a bit hard on him that we have to be firm about sticking to his schedule and routines with less flexibility in order to care for Sherilyn. I'm trying very hard to be patient with Sherman, it's hard!

We're not quite settled yet though coping ok, maybe visitors next week or so. Hubby's grandma passed away the night before we got discharged from the hospital. She'd been in hospital for more than 3 weeks with an infection, got out of ICU but didn't make it. Probably a recurrence of her cancer, as they found a mass in her liver, indicating her cancer had spread after her surgery 2 years ago. We're extra stretched until the funeral is over on Monday as hubby and in laws are busy. Thank goodness my parents didn't go for their holiday, otherwise I also dunno how I'm going to settle both Sherman and Sherilyn by myself. As expected, baby and I are barred from the funeral and wake.
So sorry to hear about your HB's grandma. Hope he is not very affected by her demise?
I always say that mums with 2kiddos are great. I think that God should give all mums an extra pair of hands with each birth of a child.

Take care and do come in n post as soon as you get time.

You are all for going to AZ? Good to hear that.
HDB price is high now, you couldn't be finding a better time to sell.
I brought Linus for music class trial too. He lie on the floor and keep talking loudly that he is tired. I think both our boys are unique.

Same here. I have been sleeping later in the holidays. Will be very tired too, especially on the first week.

Hi. Most mums here are working mums. Only afew are SAHM. What about you? Maybe you can tell us abit more of your kid/s?
babyd: so sorry to hear about your hubby's grandma's demise. I can imagine how hard it must be for you especially when you are also recovering from the delivery and having to handle both kiddos. When I am lacking of sleep, I have to numb my senses to Lucas's antics and leave to my hubby to handle him otherwise I will just go mad. Even now, I still find Lucas require more attention than Marcus. I still remember that Lucas put on lots of weight during my confinement period because he would ask for milk whenever Marcus was nursing. Most of the time, my hubby, maid or my mum will bring Lucas out for walk so that baby and I can sleep. As for the visit, I will probably pop by just before you start work. You really need lots of time to settle down and may have to plan a new routine before you start work.

piggy: Yup, we are all going. It has always been our long-term plan except that there is more urgency now. It's like now or never 'cause you lose points as you get older. And the kids are still young so easier for them to assimilate into the new environment.

Yah, the HDB market is good in terms of valuation price but it is showing a downward trend. Hope to get a buyer @ a good price before the Chinese 7th mth.

Because we were having one-to-one makeup music lesson, he didn't have any playmate. During the 2nd lesson, he crawled under the piano bench and was stuck in between the bench legs. During the 3rd lesson (today), he said he wanted to go home, very sleepy, lie on the floor. Then become uninterested, and complained to teacher that he was very angry with mummy. Hopefully, he will enjoy it when we join the current class, got 4 other kids in the class to play with.

Tetra, wowwwww, you're really migrating? Which part? so envious leh. So it will be as soon as possible, as in within the next couple of months? You will be missed!!!

Piggy, I'm really really dreading tomorrow but in way, glad to get back into routine

BabyD, hope B is ok with his granny's demise. How sad that she's missed seeing her latest greatgranddaughter!
