(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

Bo-liao sharing.

some mummies recommend this brand of baby shampoo. apparently 'aids' hair growth.. after using for more than a week, my maid n i think that potato's hair count has improve quite abit (dunno whether are we deluded again)

Hi mommies....so bizi no time to log-in...

Hmmmm, bb menu for the gathering...I'm asking my chef watz she's gonna prepare.....

Seagal...do u mean dat there's 4 sheets of similar designs per pak? I'm keen, anyone wanna share? I want variety lei...
<font color="0000ff">lach</font>,
there's only 1 set per pack. What I meant was that each set is split into 4 sheets in the pack.

the pics are very nice and ohhhh, ur captions are hilarious!

u know sth, the first thing I noticed different about Rae is her hair!! Can really see more now. Which brand of shampoo ? i also want to buy! heehe.

btw, where u get the crayons ?

<font color="ff0000">eve au</font>,
i hope my gal's room will be like ur boys' room someday.
<font color="ff0000">seagal</font>
the alphabet set is really really nice.
dun mind i ask somemore qn.
-is it reusable (u mention easy to remove from walls)
-what is the est. dimension of each letter?
-i can make out these from the pic. so is Q=queen bee?, U=unicorn? X=???
thanks.... paiseh i so mah fun.

<font color="0000ff">bb shampoo</font>
its Fancl bb shampoo. i didnt even know they have bb products.! theirs are perservative free so once open must use within 60 days!!! but no worry, its a small bottle. i heard that not all fancl shops carry. i got mind from ngee ann city. heard suntec also have. i am going back there to buy a few more!!!

mummies whose bb have hair, pls dun laugh at my desperation!

<font color="0000ff">crayons</font>
brand:crayola. commonly found in many places,(arts/craft shops, bookshops, kiddy shops, toysrus etc)
i got the washable ones. they have larger n chunkier ones too. also got the non-toxic paint. will do handpainting next week.

at this age, if ur bb puts hand/things in mouth, best get non-toxic kinds n do hand painting under strict supervision. potato doesnt put hand nor things in mouth(rem, shes a princess?
) ,so i quite 'fang4 xin1'

<font color="ff0000">TBL</font>
with 'fiends' like seagal n feline, how not to order? can use for #2!!! in case u need to bring two out on your own, the carrier will be useful

btw, i really regret not slinging potato earlier.
<font color="119911">lach</font>,
for your sake ... just went to measure the "a".
it's about 18cm x 15cm.

here's the comparison against the small SIGG bottle.


It's reusable but I don't think it's advisable to reuse it too many times. my hubby says it's made of vinyl material. can also stick on glass.

u r right about q and u. X=xtra large mouse. quite farni. each alpha comes with the name of the animal eg A=Armadillo, B=bat, C=cat, d=dog ...some of the animals i have not even heard off..time to start brushing up on my english.

how much is the fancl shampoo ?
<font color="ff0000">seagal</font>
oh thanks ... gan dong....
thats big! so the pricing actually quite justified! i go look around my dog house wif my hb, we cant find a place to put it!!
he says must put them all 'together' to enhance learning.
the last place is my own bedroom???!!! i go measure later, but pls dun reserve for me, pass it to the interested mummies first)
i also intend to put up the zoo phonics card so dunno will confuse her? i know i very mah fun.

fancl bb shampoo: 80ml for $14 (if memory didnt fail me)
<font color="ff0000">seagal</font>

tempt me? tsk tsk

i have taken the liberty to edit the pic u posted above so the the focus is on the pretty human subject 'shermyn' and not the distracting letters 'shermyn'.
u have been issued one yellow card by me! so stop tempting me!


ps: really looks nice on the wall leh...
(i must 'REN') n i have cancel my ec order! wahahahahah
Good morning mommies!!!
I'm back fr my penang trip!!!
Travelled in a grp of 10adults + 4 infants.
Quite trying but overall v v v enjoyable to see the 4 babie wrestle together!

Chantelle: CONGRATS!!!
hi everyone
good morning....long holiday is coming up...anyone taking leave?
any plans to bring the babies anywhere...me running out of ideas already..sigh...

how is the trial at BJG in pasir ris?
<font color="0000ff">Hello everyone</font>
Been quite busy. Din read thru all the posting yet.

<font color="0000ff">My stupid neighbour, unreasonable</font>
My neighbour living 2 floors up from me, keep hanging dripping wet clothes. when i appraoched her, she was so UNREASONABLE that she insisted she was not in the wrong. Because
1) If i had known my clothes are dry, i should have keep it liaozzz

2) If my clothes are wet - there is no harm letting her dripping clothes wet it again.

But my point is that she is in the wrong. Imagine it takes 1 hour for clothes to dry. but with her doing that, it takes 2 hour to dry.

Anyway, i give up talking to such unreasonable fella. Tat stupid woman asked me to move to a landed house if i am so funny, and if for such small issue, i want to "Ji Jiao"

<font color="0000ff">Declan</font>
Declan's recovered from his cold liaoz. We let him drink direct from cup yesterday. No sprout, no straw. I am glad he did it!
<font color="0000ff">mngo</font>,
good to hear that declan has recovered.

seems that you are not alone. My neighbour directly above me also drips wet clothes. There was one time during my confinement when she did that and my confinement lady shouted up to her. her reply was she has no washing machine, so no choice. what a reply right ? if your clothes are still dripping, jolly well be more civic minded and wait for the water to stop dripping before hanging your clothes out lah!! So angry.

To add to it, they even smoke at the service balcony and the cigarette ashes will drop into mine!!! talk about them i flare up liao! Complain also no use.
Hi Chiart...planning to bring Stef to the zoo tmr IF the weather's rite....then had planned to change entire hse air-con, got the holidays to clean &amp; pack up...
BIGGEST ADVISE - no matter wat, change new air-con during house renovation NOT after!!!! MY BIGGEST REGRET!!! even if the existing is ok but not forgetting it still will wear off!!!

Seagal...now itz my turn to lo sho u...u mean the sticker sheet is break up into 4 pieces rite?

ya .. a lot of us - young , educated professionals are not alone. The people who drips are those uncilvilised, non educated, stubborn and unreasonable bunch of Middle aged , going thru menopause group of people.

I feel like burning that woman's clothes.
<font color="ff0000">mngo</font>,
haha .... we feel like doing a lot of things to their clothes too but since we are staying together, cannot risk souring relationships esp now that we have our kiddos.

<font color="0077aa">LL</font>,
yes, that's the way it's packed to save space.
wat has it gotta do with our kiddos? u mean they will harm our kids? or they will kidnap our kids?
Hi Ladies

Good morning!

Was really busy at work towards end of last week, tried to draft a few replies but was always interrupted. Weekend was worse with the 2 little monkeys at home.

Evelyn/ lachesiz/ feline:
You guys are good ... the one on the left is Rae, the other one is Kye.

It's good that Cayden has a good appetite. Kye &amp; Rae went through milk strikes when they were about 4 to 5 months and even now, they are still not very keen on their solid food - headache.

I only managed to bf them for a month or so, gave up due to some conflict with MIL, nearly went into depression. Till now, I still feel bad that I didn't persevere.

Potato is so sweet, she's good with her motor and artistic skills, looks so engrossed with her piece of art work.

Evelyn Au:
Thanks for the welcome. Yes, I was on the Jan thread. Didn't get to log on for a long time after the boys came and work was crazy when I came back so ....

I was with KT Tan as well. Good doc, took care of me although i was in subsidised class due to my prolonged stay in the hospital.

the stickers look really good ... tempting me!
hi LL
i also wanted to bring Javier to the zoo...
so busy fixing the air con in the house during the long holiday..sigh...

hi mngo
dont get too worked up. it is also antagonising to know such people

they are so inconsiderate ...ha..wait till their clothes fell onto your pole..and they will know..haha..i very mean right?
thanks lach and cody ;)

yu, yeah, tat would be nice ;)

lach, chloe is also very lazy to feed herself.... when i give her baby bites, got to hold for her... if i place them in her hand, she will throw it away! crayon drawing looks fun... must let chloe try one of these days... rae looks so learned while drawing her black apple

wow cody, i admire u for bringing baby dean on a holiday! actually i admire all mothers who bring babies on holidays!!!! i can't imagine bringing chloe anywhere on plane or long car rides... think ill go mad... she simply cant sit still leh

goign to bring chloe to sentosa tomorrow.... the furthest trip she has even been from home hahaha
<font color="0000ff">mngo</font>,
u never know what these people can do right ? To err on the side of caution, we would rather be more he2 qi4 and try not to take things too far.
LOL! Yeah, burn that woman's clothes .... i echo that too cos i got neighbours above me who do the same!!!! So irritating right?

chantelle, dun admire me .... i brought my maid along for more help!!! considering there was myself, hubby and maid. .. we only JUST managed!
But its good to travel in a group. I went to penang with 2 other families whose babies are 2mths younger than dean. So the maids were helping each other out and the moms also chipped in to carry each others' babies.

Turned out that the entire trip was quite enjoyable even tho we ate at smoky rowdy crowded and hot hawker centres almost everyday!
hi, dean's still coughing and his phelgm is yellowish green now. Looks terrible, but i think his mood is much better now. Having said this, he is still v clingy to me!
Brought his buggy all the way to penang, but in the end the buggy was used to ferry his diaper bag around while my maid and i took turns to sling him! so naughty!
oh .... i guess cough takes time to go away. but is good that he is much better now.

i m bringing declan to australia in feb. is a long flight. i wonder if anyone has experience bringing their kids on long flight?
oh ya cody, is gurney drive still around or has it been wiped out by tsunami?

u got try the famous penang laksa and chendol near komtar?
calling <font color="ff0000">maple_leaf</font>,
I need your name, nric no. and contact no. to register for this Wed's pilates class.

Can you pm me ?

Oh yes, did i tell u that there's a one-time registration fee of S$36.75 ?
oh yes, gurney is very much around. they were not affected by the tsunami, only slight flooding on the road with some mud residue. the worst hit was a part of the beach popular with the locals.

oh yes of course! my mom's side is fr penang, so i had my uncle and aunty bring us ard to all the haunts popular / known only to the locals!

u going to penang - i can tell u where to go.

Me too, dean's first looooooooong will be to japan next year. but the flight to/fro penang was ok, the air pressure was ok - no need to make baby drink water etc.
i went liaoz. i went penang 2 years ago. my fren - a local brought us around to those haunts , markets ....
same as LL
i will never adventure to strapping dean to his car seat for a journey that would last several hours.
Just 30mins of his screaming all the way home is enuf to kill me!

I really admire you, Yu!
Did u manage to eat anything with your morning sickness and all?
Actually i also bo bien lah. have to go there to do some personal errands with Declan. i think all of us have to take turns to be monkey liao

cody, sealgal
Check out todayonline.com. my article about ugly neighbour is in the voices column today.
<font color="ff0000"><font size="+1">CONGRATS!!!</font></font>

Now we got 4 preggies on this thread, 1 delivering soon &amp; 3 who might deliver @ the same time. So interesting!!! Take care, all preggie mummies!

Glad that u'r feeling better!!

Ger's Mum,
Ah ... oni for Dec bbies ah, then my Aaron cannot go liao lor, he born on 30 Nov ... sob ... sob ...

Aiyah, difficult to wait till he's hungry lah, till today, he still dun want to drink FM from bottle, got to spoonfeed him 1 (da4 shao4 ye3), need to be serve all the time. He loves to hold his bottle but then hor, he will be playing wif it lor, he'll keep using his finger to press on the teat or else, he'll throw it onto the floor lor ... 'qi4 si3 wo3', dunno wat to do wif him!!!!

A .. I same as ur hb, also dun like to drill holes on walls. Hmmm ... ur self-made frame beary good idea!! Must learn from you liao.

I <font size="+1">LOVE</font> ur PO-CASO!!! She maciam like very good at it oredi leh! Hip, hip hooray to our little PO-CASO!!!

Can really see more hair now. Her new shampoo is really effective!

DI recovered? Good, good!!!

My neighbour upstairs also, every wkend, they will drill &amp; drill, Aaron always kanna shocked by the drilling. Went to knock their door, they dun open door. If this goes on, got to look for police liao.

U going Australia ah ... nice .... envy ... envy ...

Congrats DI on promoting to drinking from cup!!!

Me sama-sama, cannot imagine bringing Aaron on a flt yet leh. HB &amp; myself want to go for holiday but without Aaron (bleh ... bad parents hor). But must wait till he dun need his nite feeds ... do dunno must wait till when.

Straw-Cup Training
Yesterday tried Aaron on the straw cup again, he took it again but then hor, know what I must do?? I've to use the reverse side of the straw, let him suck sum water from there, then let him suck normally from the cup!! Dunno y, he's a funny bb, I guess. Hopefully, he'll evolve into a 'Hydo-Straw-Rus'(Lach, thanks for this description, I love it!) soon!
i read i read!!!
such neighbours are everywhere!!!!

glad that you're feeling better. Hopefully this pregnancy will be smooth sailing fr now on!
Does elicia know abt baby #2 yet?

I SUCCUMBED !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just ordered an allerhand bag with one of the girls organising a grp buy on this forum, but i got the Travel Bag instead. XXXXXL size ... just nice for kiasu me who brings out half her house each time we go gai gai!

ayyyy did i tell you, each time i see your nic i think of maple syrup which i love love love .... yummms

Dean can drink using a straw!
yesterday was the FIRST time i gave it to him.
Initially he just chomped on the straw, until i held it upside down for the water to trickle down.
That's when he got the idea, and instinctively sucked on it.

I think its his latest hobby. Each drank SO MUCH water yesterday! We used the mag mag straw cup, he drank ard 20oz of plain water! We kept refilling, and he kept drinking throughout the day! He must like it quite a fair bit, cos each time he sucks he will look up and give me a very cheeky smile.
<font color="ff0000">Cody</font>,
congrats on Dean drinking from straw! Wow ... can drink so much water. Good leh.
and hey ... good idea, maybe i should try the same tactic on Shermyn. =)

Updates on Shermyn:
Shermyn can climb down from the bed or sofa on her own now.

Thanks to duffy making me realised that our babies can be taught now .... i taught Shermyn twice and she knows how to do it liao! this mummy so happy .... heard it from my mil as she was seen getting up the sofa bench on one side and climbing down the other side on her own.

Pretty dangerous actually but it's really amazing how our kids can pick up things so fast at this stage. Furthermore, she was switching between protesting and smiling the 2 occasions I taught her so i thot she wasn't "paying attention".

Smiling when her feet touched the floor after getting down from the bed and protesting when I carry her up to try again (cos she thot I was pulling her away from her new found stunt!)
how to teach our kids fr climbing down the bed?
teach me teach me!!!
my son had his virginal fall off the bed this morning
mommy &amp; daddy snoring away, didn't realise that the baby went missing in between us

by the time i head a knock, it was too late ....
dean had ALREADY fallen
but he didn't cry too much
anyway i DUN feel guilty ... cos i think falling fr the bed is part &amp; parcel of growing up!


some of u must be thinking i'm a terrible mommy eh?
wow 20oz of water!!!! he's so cute ;) can drink and give cheeky smile sme more
chloe hasnt been able to drink from straw
she will chew on the straw then occassionally suck... and when the water reaches her mouth, she gets a shock and spits it all out

thanks ;)

babies at this staage are like sponges ;) they absorb everything!!!! and learn very quickly
<font color="0000ff">cody</font>,
oh dear ... daddy and mommy must be super tired. we usually act as "hoardings" and use the blanket to form a U shape so that Shermyn is confined to the middle. where did dean fall from ?

our babies instinct will be to usually lurch forward face down and perpendicular to the bed when at the edge (esp. when an adult is in front of them). so what i tried was to make her turn parallel to the edge of the bed face down, hold still her upper body by gripping the underarms then guide her by swinging her legs down the side of the bed (one leg at a time). try this a few times they will get the hang of it.

<font color="119911">mngo</font>,
terrible terrible ugly neighbours!

<font color="ff0000">yuru</font>,
cindy ate the fruits. so funny, haha!
<font color="0000ff">lach</font>,
pardon my ignorance but i always thot the commercial brands of crayon will not be suitable for babies who will put them in the mouth (my gal being one of them). don't they have to be baby-safe as well beside non-toxic ??

i pasted the stickers in shermyn's room finally ... they really brighten up the dull room!
<font color="0000ff">mngo</font>,
mngo, the stix are not sold here. so far no mummies here have confirmed any order so the offer is still open. =)
I think Elicia know abt no2 liao. Since after I have ask and tell her, she very angry! IF I say only got her she will very happy and clap hand!! She already been fussy after telling her. She will keep on wan me to accompany her...

I didn't teach Elicia how to climb down the bed. As times goes she will learn herself after 1fall, she already know liao. Like now, she hardly have any blue-black coz she is those kind scare of fall down. She will do everything very careful so I'm not so worry abt her.

where u buy those crayon? How much arz? How does the packing look like??

seagal, tks for the tip!
i shall try to teach dean tomorrow.
dean crawled to the edge of the bed where our feet are, and fell fr there ....
