(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

probably fr bumwear too, cos they sell matching baby/mummy/daddy clothes!
i bought also, for dean's CNY next year!
not cheap tho ... the romper & daddy's shirt cost me $70 thereabouts!

<font color="ff6000">Maple</font>
actually you are right also. sometimes have to train our kids from young . if not then they will not want to do so.

<font color="0000ff">Lac</font>
No problem

<font color="ff0000">Cody</font>
Your cheeze thingy came on time. I must also go Carrefour to see see look look. CNY clothes?? Err... i have not buy any thing yet!! I love Bumwear too! i must go and buy, so the three of us wear the same same one. hahaha

<font color="119911">twinstars</font>
very cute pair of twins!!

<font color="0077aa">evelyn</font>
hey dun blame yourself . now that the doctor has confirmed that wilfred is allergic to egg, at least you know lor. You gave him egg cos then you did not know his allergy.

<font color="ff6000">rochelle</font>
your no 2 is a boy also?
Yuru: I'm working full time right now. My mom is taking care of them with the help of a maid. Life has been topsy turvy ever since they arrived but lots of fun too! Will definitely share more ....

Cody: They are good at snatching toys from each other but at times, they will also exchange amicably. On some occassions, if one starts to cry, the other will sort of offer some consolation, very heart-warming.

LL/ mngo:

seagal: I bought the Combi shoes too ... 20% off $26. If you are interested, let me know.

Logging off now ... gotta "chiong" home to take over duty.
I feel...feel like crying after reading the posts. Your all are so nice! Thanks so much for all your well wishes, sayang and hugs! I will try not to blame myself

This morning my poor boy merlion again! Doctor says his stomach still contains the egg protein, thats why he will throw out whatever he eats. Oh dear, he looks so weak!

Luckily he is better now, mummy feel so happy! Hope he can have a good sleep tonight.

Gals, thanks again!
<font color="ff0000">Cody</font>
You really shopping queen ah hahaha, thanks for yr great advise, I will go do some calculation.

<font color="ff0000">maple_leaf</font>
no leh, she wasn't given any lotion. Just a bottle of medicine that will relieve her itch and make her drowsy :p

<font color="ff0000">Yoga</font>
I have been attending one yoga class I find not bad.
It's a small boutique style place, used to be at stamford court (near city hall), they will be moving to bugis soon.
If u all want the contact, maybe can email me [email protected]

Welcome littletwinstars
<font color="0000ff">Mummies</font>
Current maid so far so good with the kids. Just hope this goes on...

<font color="ff0000">Yuru</font>
The new straw broke again?? You try watching over her and "remind" her about the biting? Or take the cup away from her once she is done with her drinking?

Cayden's skin smooth? Aiyah, all babies have smooth skin

Cindy's skin is also very smooth &amp; she still have that sweet baby smell lingering around... unlike Cayden, who perspire non-stop and is starting to "stink".

<font color="aa00aa">Bear</font>
Saya ta tahu Melayu and if I get an Indonesian, it would be chicken &amp; duck talk.

And just last night, my HB freaked me out with the Newpaper. Coverpage was about the Indo maid who threw the 6month baby down 12 storeys last year (or was it this year?) So heartbreaking...

<font color="ff0000">Duffy</font>
Ashley broke into such rashes (nettle rash) when she was about 8-9mths too.. and it was ugly!!!
Don't worry so much, the rashes would disappear after 4-5days.
Very soon, we will have pretty Chloe up and running again

<font color="ff0000">Yap</font>
Thank you so much..you made me feel so much better.
Its really difficult to get a good maid nowadays and yes, it depends so much on one's luck.
Sometimes, the thought of housing a total stranger tasked with the responsibility of taking care of the kids really freaked me out.
If only I can be a SAHM...

<font color="ff0000">Yu</font>
Wow,this # 2 very "power", already giving Mummy the aversions..
You try taking small meals instead? Or like Cody says, have more soup?

Elicia is really 1 advance baby. She knows how to drink from cup already? Cayden recently "threw" away his straw cup and insiste on using a normal drinking cup instead. I am starting by adding droplets of water in the cup for him to practise.

<font color="ff0000">Cody</font>
Thanxs again for the tip! Will go get the Karvol for standby(hope i don't have to use it any time soon... touch wood)

Yippee, Dean &amp; Mummy has fought off the virus ..now you can join hands and help Daddy in the battle.

<font color="ff0000">Seagal</font>
I am so tempted to get the NGEC. I think it will come in really handy when I bring both the kids for their GUG class.

Oh my , oh my.. Shermyn has grown sexier and prettier. And she look super cheeky in that shot where she was biting the straw

<font color="ff0000">LL</font>
Yes, please, make that 4 headcount

Hmm, better go rehearse for the play soon

<font color="ff0000">Joleena</font>
Cayden uses the pincer grasp when he was about 7mths. For a start, I uses the Gerber Puffs.As he got the hang of it, i gave him green peas &amp; corn kernels.
Practice makes perfect and babies are like sponge. Give Javier some small edible object as a daily practice and in no time he will be giving you free "massage" with his pincer grasp (like Rae).

<font color="ff0000">Evelyn</font>
Ohh.. my heart goes all out to you. How is Wilfred feeling now? He could take egg before that but now can't? Would the aversion towards egg diminshed again after a few months?
And PLEASE don't blame yourself. You did not want all these to happen too.

<font color="ff0000">Mngo</font>
Yes, another baby on the road to recovery!!! So we should be able to go la-kopi pretty soon..

<font color="ff0000">Twinstars</font>
Aaawwww.... your boys ARE CUTEEEEEEEE!!!!!!! I can't wait to see them..I want to try and carry both of them together! How heavy are they now? Have you ever gotten both of them mixed up? They say twins are normally of opp character, are they? Ooopps, i seems to be asking so many questions, pls pardon me, I LOVE TWINS!

Now we have 2 Rae's in our family.. Little Potato Rae &amp; Little Twin Rae

<font color="ff0000">Rochelle</font>
Are you due soon? And you weigh ONLY 57.4KG!!! Do you see a super duper green eye monster typing this post?
little twin star,
Kye &amp; rae very cute!!!! must post more photos!!

thks for your questions on cheese!! Me too hv no idea when or how or why to feed cheese... really learn a lot from cody!!

thank you!

aiyo, sexy sexy shermyn!!! she is really pretty.

dun blame yrself lah, it's not your fault. Hope wilfred is better now.

if I'm not wrong yr wt b4 preg was ~44 rite? so u only put on ard 13kgs! very good wt lei! hmm... i must remind myself not to eat too much this round, else become a super duper fatty!!! Jia lat!! I've yet back to my pre-preggy wt and now preg again!!!! cant imagine how fat I'll become....
hope you have a very smooth delivery.
hahah yes i bought all his CNY outfits for the 3-days of celebration!
just buy clothes that are in his age group, eg i bought clothes for 12-18mths.
having said that, its not a foolproof method. i better go home to check if he can still wear them !

TBL: my pleasure!

Seagal: eh! my carrefour cheese look different fr yours!
<font color="0000ff">cody</font>,
haha .... the cheese u bought different from mine. how not to get confused ?? hehe. anyway, thanks for your explanation/pm on fromage frais.

i saw the Combi sandals too. the sizes are too big (starts from 13.5) so I didn't buy. the ones I bought for Shermyn are size 12.5.

<font color="ff0000">rae&amp;kye</font>,
ur twins are so cute! Quite chubby also. they don't loooked like they were premature.

u can get 20% off from the sale price of $26 ?!! I bought mine already.

<font color="ff6000">mngo</font>,
hope DI is better now.

<font color="119911">duffy</font>,
i heard that yoga lessons are very very slow. like what Lach mentioned before, can fall asleep. would prefer pilates or other more energetic classes.

<font color="0077aa">feline\lach</font>,
there is another bulk purchase on NGEC now. can join in if you are keen.

<font color="0000ff">tbl</font>,
take care and enjoy ur pregnancy!

<font color="ff6000">Yu</font>,
take care and rest well too. endure the MS for now and it'll be over in no time.
<font color="0000ff">Cody</font>
If Dean can't fit, you can always keep it for #2..

<font color="0000ff">Seagal</font>
Can gimme the link for the bulk purchase? TIA.
Maple leaf,
Thanks to make me feel better.
Wilfred to Aaron Wow, you can drink water from straw cup liow? So smart leh! (for one day only?!?!) Never mind, you can make it! Try it again! Jia you!

Thanks for your BIG hugs! Wilfred and I really need it! Hmmmm, so warm! So comfortable! Feel so great!

Purplebear, LL
Youre right! Mummy always feel so heart pain when something happen to our BB.
BB smile, we feel so happy!
BB sick, we feel so worried!
BB cry, we feel so sad!
BB sleep, we love to see!

Ya lor, no more stuff which contains egg.huh? Means no cake for Wilfred??? Oh no, so poor boy!

Wilfred didnt vomit everything out for the first time. But he did vomit out on the second time just last month. However, we did feed him wheat-based frisocream on the same day. Thought he might allergic to wheat, so yesterday gave him egg yolk again to try, who knows.
Btw, thanks for your suggestions.

Seagal, Yuru, mngo
Ok, I dont blame myself anymore! Thank you anyway. You gals are so nice!

Thanks for your concern. Wilfred finally finished his BIG project! He able to drink and eat well already. Thank God!
Im not sure whether the aversion towards egg would be diminishing again after a few months, but the doctor says Wilfred is allergies to egg for sure, he cant eat egg at all. Should I let him try again when he is one or two years old? Im a bit scare scare lehsee how
20% discount off combi shoes? where where? i wanna buy more more!!!
pls share ...

no news of #2 yet .... turn out to be a girl how? heee
<font color="ff0000">feline</font>,
this is the link for the NGEC bulk purchase.


<u><font color="0000ff">walking shoes</font></u>,
my mum and fil told me cannot let baby wear shoe till they are exactly one year old. aye ... this means shermyn cannot wear her mei mei shoes for her b-day celebration! the auntie selling me the combi shoes also told me she heard about this. what's the logic ? anyone heard of this ?

my weight just before I tested positive for my 2nd boy is 51kg. I was 48kg before my 1st boy. 5wks to due date.


the 2nd one is also a boy. I had a amnio due to bad test result for triple test so confirm boy.


no need to envy. I small built so too heavy would look short and fat.
Wilfred always looks very excited when we teaching elder son numbers, shapes, parts of body or alphabet.
Whenever we asked elder son read either one of them, Wilfred will listen carefully and sometimes will push his cot to move to show his happiness. Sometimes I took him out of his cot and read numbers for him without pointed, he will point the picture for me. He seems to know where the numbers picture is. I ever test him, read ABCbut purposely dun want to point the picture; he will just smile and looked at the alphabet picture and not the rest.
When we asked elder son read 1 2 3 .then he will just looked at the numbers picture and laugh happily. He loves numbers picture very much! Sometimes I couldnt concentrate when teaching my elder son, I would just looked at Wilfred smiley facehis smile always melted my heart. (elder son jealous sometimes..haha!)

His new trick now is immediately points at the numbers picture when we carry him from his cot, he wants us teach him 1, 2, 3leh. But sometimes he will anyhow point.he likes the form stickers as well.
Yu/ TBL:
Was reading the older posts and got to know that you are expecting. Take care!

cody/ mngo: i think there's only the Combi websites but they don't show many pictures of the shoes. would you like to pm me your email add, think it's easier to share more details.

feline: here's a lengthy one ... I've only tried to carry both together once, lasted only about 3 min. My arms almost broke. They are about 10kg each now, Kye is slight more than 10. They don't really look alike so seldom do we get mixed up, plus Kye is rounder, very easy to tell them apart. Character wise, similar and yet different ... very quick tempered and often trying my patience. At times, we will be at war to see who can tahan the crying longer. Rae will bear grudge if you don't do his biding, very naughty.

It's fun to have twins but a lot more work. I was very much overwhelmed the 1st few months.
wow.. 10kg liao arz? Mine going to turn 1 next mths only 8-8.5kg.

I also hear those thing b4. I also only let my gal wear walking shoes when she past her chinses b'day yesterday.

Combi shoes
Just now I saw causeway point kiddy palace got sell the combi shoes. Very few design only. At offer price, $26.
Aaron probably dcided that he dun want to grow up so fast. Want to join Potatoe mei-mei in thinking he's a newborn too! LOL

I now also can oni envy other mummies whose bbies are drinking from straw liao. I've dcided not to push him too hard liao. Else, he stress, I also stress .... haiz ...

Me too must thank you for the info. on cheese! Might c me @ carrefour soon!

Oh dear, hope u &amp; Shermyn are feeling better today.

Could u pls provide more info. on the pilates? What's the duration? Time Start? Which day? I'm actually looking into Yoga but might give it a try if I can fit into the timing.

Little Cindy so cute, bite &amp; bite, think you need to stand by more straws. LOL

Its tiring but rewarding @ the same time ya. So will you be considering going for a #3?

OIC, uno these old folks believe that its good for bbies to wear old clothes so they'll be 'kuai, kuai'. Perhaps thats wat they'r thinking lor. Hey, probably you can tell ur MIL that its very, very, very expensive(exaggerate a bit ... haha) to get FM in the States and how much savings there'll be if they can bring over, probably she'll find that its more impt to bring over the FM.

Well, glad to know that @ least u'll be getting sum help from them @ a place so far from home.

How do you feel now as the date is getting closer? Is the feeling different from last?

High Chair- I dunno y but we'll hv to keep correcting Aaron's sitting posture. Perhaps, he's just lazybum, dun like to sit straight. Hey, same, same, Aaron likes to throw things &amp; flip books also!!

Oh ya, you cannot anyhow take medication. Better drink more water(oops ... or shd it be brand essence?!) &amp; have plenty of rest. Take Care!

That's funny? Last time, I apply the calamine lotion on Aaron, I can see that he's more relief after that.

Tks for you &amp; Wilfred's encouragement to Aaron. He's a lazybum, always wants to do the easier way. Till today, he still dun want to hold his own bottle (when drinking water) &amp; biscuits. He'll just throw everything onto the floor if u insist that he holds them.

Hey, Wilfred's room looks so fun! Todate, Aaron still hvn't got his playroom cause daddy &amp; mummy too lazy.

Walking Shoes
Yes, I also heard of that before.
when is ur EDD? Mines is 21 June 06. Is a friday, hope will be same as elicia born on friday.

Hey all
today my gal poos too much till it leak on the floor!! I dunno until my mum saw her playing it with her hand and leg!! Lucky she didn't put on her mouth...

Elicia is the best when sit in the highchair. She will turn her leg and whole body to the side of the chair. So she will be siting sideway!!
<font color="ff0000">maple leaf</font>,
the pilates class are on Weds 7pm at Amore Toa Payoh and Thurs 8.30pm at Amore Bugis Village.
Duration is one hour only. I find the latter a bit late actually. By the time we finish, it will be 9.30pm liao!
I am planning to go next week to the Wed class at Toa Payoh so let me know if you are keen to join.
<font color="ff0000">Seagal</font>,
Tks for the details! Ya, agree that the 8.30pm session is rather late. I'll try to join u for nx Wed's class. Let me try to arrange 1st &amp; let u know?

Oh gosh, <font color="ff0000">Yu</font>, luckily, ur mum discovered early!!! I've actually heard of sum1 who actually ate it when they were very, very young but that happen to sum1 during my aunt's childhood time.
Seagal...yes, I heard abt it too, no shoes until 1 yr old...wat d heck, I jus let my Stef wear...

Hei mommies...I found ShooShoos website, am also asking if we order bulk, can they give better $$$...will update once they revert.
Here the website for your browsing pleasure...http://ShooShoosUSA.com/index.php
<font color="0000ff">Evelyn</font>
When Cayden was 7-8mths, I gave him wheat frisocreme and he developed phlegm.
Brought him to PD and PD says it can't be due to allergy of food. When he got better, I wanted to confirm my suspicion and gave him wheat frisocreme again. He developed phlegm again. I have not gave him that ever since and *touch wood* he has been 1 healthy baby.
Maybe you would like to seek a 2nd opinion from another PD?

Wilfred's playroom looks nice and roomy and bright. Are the walls peach/pink?

<font color="0000ff">Cody</font>
Turn out to be a girl? then keep for # 3 lor. If # 3 also girl, then keep for #4..and the list goes on....

<font color="0000ff">Twinstars</font>
10kg or not, give them to me

I will carry Ashley (16kg) and Cayden(11kg, just weigh him last week) simultaneously once in a while. (Ps: I dont have to buy weights to tone up my flabby arms)

<font color="0000ff">Maple</font>
Cayden and Aaron are really partners in crime. Cayden slouch in his highchair too and yes, he will always throw things down.

You and I are partners in "procrastinating". I have been saying (emphasize on SAYING) I want to convert one of the rooms to a playroom ever since Ashley was 6mths old but its been 2yrs, and i have NOT done anything

You were asking <font color="0000ff">Twinstars</font> about # 3? Think we should rephrase the question to: When is she having # 3 AND # 4??

<font color="0000ff">Seagal</font>
Thanxs for the link on the NGEC. Already posted my order. Anyway, which color are you having?
No shoes till 1?? I heard about it too but brushed it off as a myth.
Ask <font color="0000ff">Lach</font>, she will give you 1001 reasons why babies SHOULD wear shoes

<font color="0000ff">Yu</font>
Thank goodness Elicia is smart not to mistake the poo for chocolate yogurt!!

<font color="0000ff">Lach</font>
Saw you were enquiring about the NGEC too. There are 6 takers at this moment.. quick, go place your order.
<font color="0000ff">LL</font>

LOL..... <font color="0000ff">Lach &amp; Codys'</font> STUD Club (Shop Till U Drop) has bloomed!!

Babies' shoes &amp; clothes links are all over this thread!!
<font color="0000ff">Cayden's 2nd GUG class</font>
When the teacher was singing the Chinese song, Cayden lie down on the floor, pretended to sleep and made a LOUD SNORING sound!! *faint*
(Apparently he did this too when Lach brought him for his 1st lesson)

<font color="0000ff">Cayden's 3rd GUG class</font>
Brought Cay for his 3rd lesson yesterday and as usual, he "did it" again.

It was towards the end of the lesson and the children were asked to lie down on the mat while the teacher played the electric keyboard and the parents sang Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.
I was singing to Cayden and doing the Twinkle motion with my hands above his head.

When the song ended (less than 3 mins), all the kids got up but Cayden FELL ASLEEP (Not fake, it was REAL) on the mat!!


My jaws dropped!!

we brought all of my 1st boy's old clothes so dont need to have another bag of old clothes. my MIL is the kind everything also dont want to throw. even the old car seat that is expired also refuse to throw. expired food also dont throw so everytime we go to in-laws house my hubby would throw away all the expired food in the fridge.

my hubby say his mum would be filling her luggage allowance with her warm clothing becos she scared cold and also she bigger size than me so cannot use mine. so she wouldnt be able to help us bring milk powder. my mum would help us bring a few cans though. my FIL would also be able to bring some cans. the price here is 80% more expensive than singapore.

this pregnancy very stressful. have anemia this time round and also baby position is lower so have incontinence whenever I sneeze or cough.

here essence of chicken is about 50% more expensive but safer than taking medicine.
<font color="ff0000">little twinstar</font> n feline
yar lor, now got two raes... (rae means little gentle doe). one potato n one twin.
liltwinstar, your boys are absolutely adorable, 10kg u say? wow!! hard to imagine they are premmies.. u have done a great job!!
<font color="0000ff">rochelle</font>,
haha ... ur mil sounds exactly like my mil. we have to constantly check her kitchen cabinets to make sure that she is not keeping expired canned foods! Even when fresh food e.g. vege turned yellow she still say can eat! What to do, we have to constantly educate her. If still cannot work, throw the food away ourselves! That said, we are happy that she is showing some improvements now. At least she is mindful of giving only fresh food to the kiddos.
<font color="ff0000">seagal</font>,
thanks for the pic. very useful. if its not too much trouble, can list the ingredients? so that if i see other similar ones, i will know whether is it suitable for bb (use urs as benchmark)
pilate is derived from yoga n is more for toning certain body parts n for physiotherapy. yoga focusses on body n mind.

ladies, enjoy ur pilate session!

<font color="ff0000">evelyn</font>
hows wilfred?
thats a very sweet n colorful nursery.
the 2 frame pics of ur boys look nice!!
wilfred so smart!!! love numbers!! engineer 2b?
since newborn,potato loves wall charts n recently things hanging from ceiling. she loves to look at the staircase numbering but she just laugh at the numbers everytime we pass ... strange kiddo.

<font color="ff0000">feline</font>
u ordered the ngec? naughty naughty... evil evil...is it for my bday/

cay is really farni.. i had a good laugh tat day n now laughing at ur post n imagining him snoring.
he shd demo his 'snoring' at the next gathering

<font color="ff0000">maple,</font>
no need envy those mummy whose bb can drink from straw... we save $$$$ on straw cups leh (me SOURGRAPES)

<font color="ff0000">yu</font>
lucky elicia was seen in time. my fren's bb was happily playing n eating his poo for quite some time b4 anyone notices! the poos was stuck in his mouth ... eeeeeeee

<font color="0000ff">no shoes b4 one</font>
i got 100001 reasons to refute tat!! lol
actually, what i heard is that it is good if bb starts walking later (the later the better) coz that means they will have a gd life! the earlier they walk = lao3 lu4 ming4 (hard life)
but all these are just old timers superstitions. to each his own. LL hor?
<font color="ff0000">feline</font>
just saw ur order for the ngec..
ur choice of color is exactly what i had in mind for the past fe months............
how? help me justify purchase... do u think t-rex rae will sit in it, without protest? but she loves those framed carrier (for hiking) n refuse to come out of it
<font color="ff0000">feline</font>,
forgot to reply u. i got the black one with cranberry lining.

<font color="0000ff">lach</font>,
sorree...i threw away the cheese already as they have expired!
<font color="ff0000">no shoes before 1</font>,
wat i've heard is no walking shoes before 1 so those soft sole ones are ok. my thot is that our babies have to start with wearing soft shoes before graduating to hard sole ones anyway so by the time they are 1, the timing is just right.
<font color="ff0000">Seagal</font>
Oh yes, I definitely have a mischievious boy in the making. He is definitely a MONKEY!!
NGEC: I ordered the black one with critters

<font color="ff0000">Lach</font>
If Rae likes the framed carrier for hiking, I am sure she will adapt well to the NGEC. BUY BUY BUY
Lach: I have been a lousy mama, havent put in effort to cook for them. Its my mom who spends most of the time with them. However, they are still mainly on a milk diet, dont really like their porridge unless we add sweet potato, pumpkin or wolfberries very picky.

Feline: Cayden is absolutely adorable, l couldnt help but laughed so loud while reading about his 3rd GUG class. He must be real tired.

Cayden is a big baby, at 11kg. How old is Ashley?

Maple: I have always wanted to have girls but have been blessed with boys instead. No guts to try for another for fear that it will be another boy, unless Im totally sure that Ill have a girl next. Im always green with envy seeing all the little girls around.

Here's another of their pix:

<font color="ff0000">Seagal</font>
hmm... it depends of wht's yr meaning of slow, personally I find them of the same pace.
To me lah, hehee,Yoga is more possible for my kinda bones :p but this class I go to, actually make us sweat after the class and have aching muscles just by their simple poses. I tried pilates at amore before, waah, i cannot make it haha too difficult their poses , haha, lucky never break my bones, but never break my fats also .... heehee, anyway, it's really up to u, do feedback after u try out, k!

<font color="ff0000">Maple</font>
ahyah should have asked u all, I was looking for something to relieve Chloe too, anyway, she's ok now. smiles and laughter are finally back

TQ for all the concerns for Chloe, she is back with smiles liao haha, tht few days huh, she basically don smile at all.
mummies mummies,
I know u girls have posted the contacts before, but I really have no time to go back to find :p
heehee, can i have the contacts to for baby's birthday cake again? both nice\normal ones and the custom make ones... a BIG THANKS!

I always like to test my eye sight when i see twin. Anyway im just guessing, the above photo, left side is rae n right side is kye?
<font color="ff0000">seagal</font>,
black with cranberry... nice . if i were to buy, its either that or black wif critters but....i very wishy washy... coz big commitment.

<font color="ff0000">feline</font>
i tried potato on the MIM sling n she doesnt fuss. brought her to mkt in it. she keeps turning around n looking at stuff. so dunno whether the ngec will restrict her vision n she complain?

<font color="ff0000">liltwinstar</font>.
let me guess. in strip is Rae . in blue is kye?
they so sweet... share more stories abt them leh.. did u bf??? credit must also go to u for bringing them up so well.... would love to carry them too...
<font color="ff0000">Twinstars</font>
Ashley is coming 3 this Nov. Cayden has a HUGE appetite, which explains his 11kg. But he does not really look chubby though, and I wish he was meatier looking.
Aww... another pic...MORE PLEASE. My guess is the same as Lach and Leo. Right:Kye/ Left: Rae
Cayden...cayden...u so steady man....sleeping in class...

Rochelle...my MIL/seagal's MIL and ur MIL can form a community of GARANG KUNI...everytime my SILs wants to throw things away, she will say - give it to me then me become the gabbage collection...shhhhhh.....

Totally agree with Lac...as long as we happy-who cares wat myth will become....

Seagal...yup, I saw but not much design lei...

Next Gathering
Venue: NSRCC (Changi Close Road)
Date : 04 Dec 2005, Sunday starts from 3pm

1)Maple_Leaf + hb + Aaron
2)cody + hb + Dean
3)YuRu + hb + Cindy
4)lachesiz + hb + Potato
5)Mngo + hb + Declan
6)Feline - 4 paxs
