(2004/12) Year 2004 December Mummies

oranges, I didn't bring along my friend... I just asked if she was at home and she was... so she just drop by nia...
Evelyn Au,
Thks for the website.
Yup,I'm new in this thread. I used to login to other thread. Jen is the one who intro me here.

Do u noe tat it is very tiring to chase aft him. In fact, hes running faster than me & I tink I shd go to the gym more often to train my stamina. Hehe I oso envy tat Cindy will guai guai sit beside yr hubby whereas linus cannot even sit still for 5min. Give cindy some time & try to encourage her to walk.
Yup no prob we can meet up. Maybe linus di di will hold cindy jie jie hand to walk & run. Then we will chase aft both of them.

The 1 and only pic i took, got cindy in it but she was not looking at the camera. You want? If yes, i can only email u by next wk, now camera nt with me.
thanks for hosting the gathering and inviting us up to your house. Dean and i really enjoyed it!
Thanks also to chloe's papa for turning on the tv for dean to drink milk!

aiyohhhh i was counting on you for a picture of dean!

Pics: anyone with pics please please please send them to me? dean or not, i want!!!

hello! i "spoke" to u in the year end thread many moons ago when you had to change nanny for linus...i think. are u the same person whom i think you are?

oops, i dun remember seeing u at the gathering leh. i must have been myopic again, focusing only on the or-ngee that night!
sorry! fyi i was in a black tee and green capris.

finally i get to post after 1 loooooooong day!
re the books - i'm fine with either arrangement.
whatever that's convenient to you!
we would like to really thank you and your hubby for being such gracious hosts!!

we had a good time that day and it was a pity we'd to leave earlier.

i didn't have the chance to take much pic but here are the pics of chloe, natalie and dean.



shermyn very funny, we showed her these pics of dean, nat and chloe and she somehow can remember that they are her friends. she will shriek in delight whenever we showed them to her.

at first, we thot it was just coincidental but we tested a few times and she only respond this way to the photos of her friends and not photos of herself.

shermyn sleeping on single bed now. i have only seen 2 std sizes for playpen mattresses here : 28" x 48" and 28" x 52". some come only in 1" thickness, 3" thickness or both, depending on the brand.

this is the jap "mian xian" I bought from NTUC Liberty (J8).



there's a similar version called "white jade noodles" from china or taiwan.
i find them better as they are much much less salty than the normal mian xian. they also don't turn too soggy and lumpy if overcooked.
Hi cody,
Yup i'm the oranges tat u hv mentioned. I happened to pop by. Sorry...there's so many mummy over there,guess i hv miss u. Hope to join in the next gathering.

Halo.u're wearing black tshirt wif white pant right?
Hi all,
Sorry, haven't been logging in coz busy training my new maid.

Thanks for organising the event! Really enjoyed ourselves!

Ya. I'm wearing black & white pants!
hey yuru,

are u the one who earlier keen to buy the fisher price folding kitchen? paiseh cant recall exact if you are the one talking to me earlier..

want to join me in getting the little tikes kitchen fm aprisin?
Duffy....so bizi posting the pixs FORGOT TO THANK U for organising Gathering #3. Beautiful place u got there....itz so nice meeting all the mommies again and seeing all the pao pei growing up...

I'm compressing the pixs...anyone who wants it, pls email me [email protected] BUT NOTE....pixs are not well taken at all, a lot of self-censored ones...

Seagal....u cook the noodles for ur bb?
<font size="+2">THANK YOU DUFFY N HB N CHLOE</font>

for organising n hosting the gathering #1 2006.

Your place is beautiful.Potato n I had great fun. and it was good to meet up the mums again.

LEO, you look ravishing!

wahlao... u were trigger happy tat day, we all thought can relax...

we will wait for the 'professional photographer' of that day to send us the pics then.

i try to see what i have, but knowing my lack of skills, dun think got nice ones...
ya, shermyn quite like the noodles. at least something different from the normal porridge.

can use Paint program to resize the photos under the Image -> Stretch/Skew function. Just reduce the image size till less than 40kb.
LL, pics downloaded from yahoo is quite small and blur... pls send me some of the photos of the toddlers (those can see face one) individually can? thanx...
Thanks for the pics! Really envy tall &amp; lanky Steffi!

Elicia seems to have put on more weight. how heavy is she now ?

I didn't buy the Little Tikes table/chairs set in the end as it was quite tiny - don't think they have much mileage.

i have seen the Step2 ones - much bigger. my nephew who is 5 YO still using it. $149 very ex leh... if got good sale then I may consider. I called up a Step2 distributor to check if can get better price but was told they don't bring in the this table/chairs set anymore.

eh ... u have the haenim table/chair set still eyeing this ah ?

For the soumen, don't need to cook separately, just cook directly with the soup and veges/meat.

you can break them quite easily into half before cooking so no need to cut. Besides, they turn soft after cooking so alternatively, can "cut" them with the spoon as you scoop from the bowl when feeding.

<u>abc pasta</u>,
i bought the Eden brand organic vege alpha pasta (which comes "fortified" with spinach, carrot and beetroot). can buy from organic shops and some ntuc fairprice outlets.

it looks sth like this but the packaging here a bit different.


there are also the plain non-organic ones but the organic one tastes better (of course!)
I also dunno her weigh. Next tue (16 MAy), she will be having her 5in1 last jab.

Elicia now can drink from cup herself without any help. So happy....
Yuru mommy.....pleazze lah, dont like dat lei....

Seagal...how do u prepare the pasta &amp; the noodles? Wanna try...

Jen...u mean the pixs are BLUR??!!! Wow liao, I spent abt an hr to upload individually in itz original 2MB size...hiaz...will forward u individually then....
haha, ur hubby very cute leh. go back and *knock his head*.

it cooks faster than porridge - good when rushing for time.


i cook the pasta/noodles in vege stock.

to make the vege stock, just throw some carrot cubes, potato cubes and sweet corn into slow cooker the night before. u will have the stock ready for cooking porridge/pasta/noodle the next day. the boiled vege can then be added as part of the meal as well along with fish/meat.

if there's excess soup stock, can also freeze them for use later.

to cook dry pasta,

here's my aga aga recipe for one toddler meal :

<u>Tomato &amp; Mushroom Alpha Pasta</u>

2 whole fresh tomatoes
2 slices of white onions (cut into small cubes)
2 cloves garlic (cut into small cubes)
1 cup abc pasta
2 fresh shitake or button mushrooms (cut into small cubes)
1 tablespoon minced beef/pork/chicken
2 teaspoon olive oil

1) cook pasta in boiling water.

2) boil tomatoes till skin separates from the flesh. remove skin and cut into strips or cubes.

3) heat pan. add olive oil. fry garlic and onions till fragrant.

4) add in cubed tomatoes, mushrooms and then the minced meat. fry till meat is about cooked.

5) add some water to form a sauce. boil and simmer for a while to let the flavours get into the meat.

6) lastly, add cooked pasta into sauce. fry and mix well.

7) Serve while hot.

the ever clever Elicia can drink from cup on her own.

shermyn still likes playing and touching the water in the cup. most, if not all of the water will end up on her clothes ! haha.
seagal, wah! ur pasta recipe can feed 3 meals to Jean leh! but how to feed? use spoon? the pasta is still "whole" leh... Jean dun like...
Hello mummies, no need to thanks, I didn't do much except book the hall haha, didn't even provide enough toys! :p

Today my last day of work, busy busy, will come back tmr to read thru all the post, ok! Xie xie!!

daffy (<--hubby keep nagging me it's "A" not "U") heehee
haha. can eat at least half lah. I'm one who cook excessively ... hee.

one toddler meal would include the mummy/daddy eating the leftovers. cannot use too little pasta - else the ingredients too much.

feed using spoon. the pasta very tiny leh. one teaspoon can hold at least 5 alphabets. maybe Jean still likes mashy food. give her some time and keep trying.
ur hubby reads this forum ?

<u>4-door Wardrobe</u>,
anyone knows where to get nice and cheap white wardrobes ?

shermyn's stuff getting more and more and her current wardrobe is running out of space.

i think neighbourhood shops sell thems the cheapest and their quality should be better than ikea's chipboard ones right?
no need to cook the abc pasta in water before adding into the soup stock.

i cooked for about 10 to 15 mins on medium heat - should be soft enough.

u bought already ah ? i also need to stock up but can't find it around toa payoh/bishan yet... hiaz.
Seagal...try Ikea. Like their white collections wic are nice for princess room...some are pretty good. Had seen some good ones @their garage sale corner recently.

Jen...wow, so fast u try d receipe oredi...

Duffy...u quitting? SAHM?
hey seagal/yuru, FYI, just happen to see this organic shop selling the abc pasta at united square.. bought and tried liao.. is nice leh.. kekeke... cook for myself and my ger for dinner last sun.. and she likes it.. the abc alphabets are so mini that i dunt have to worry she no know how to eat.. bery good..

hey seagal, u mentioned boil the tomatoes, then do u use the same water to cook the pasta? cos if boil the tomatoes in water, wont the vitamins be all gone if u not using the water? pls enlighten me leh.. me only cook soup based abc pasta for my ger.. thot of trying yr sauce based abc pasta leh.. kekeke..
i have bought from the US shop too! Just that I haven't been round the area to pop by and buy.

re ur qn on the tomatoes. i suppose u can use the same water for boiling tomatoes to cook the pasta. reason for boiling is to remove the skin but if u gal can take the skin, can probably do away with this step.

after all the boiling, the water-soluble vitamins should be gone liao but i find it hard to remove the skin otherwise. let me know if you can find a better way k.
Re: seagal's recipe,
I din try lah... but I see 1 cup of pasta I *fainted* leow lor... haha... cos I cook for Jean I think only 1 tbsp nia... and a lot leow... and I cook cook cook still cannot "break down"...

1 tspn hold 5 alphabets? My 1 tspn hold 3 max leh... like v bloated like that... size about 1.5cm long leh... anyway, give her 1 alphabet she oso dun eat leow... dun say 5 alphabets at 1 go!!!

Re: Wardrobe
Jean only has the 5 drawer toyogo plastic "cabinet"... but then most of her clothes are at ILs or my parents... toys all in 1 big toyogo box... haha... haven't been shopping nowadays though... seagal, try the neighbourhood shops? sometimes they got good stuff...
thanks for recipe. let me try. Declan eats everything. we gave him pasta the last time and he love it
the gathering like a lot of fun lei!! regret i didnt join. but oso cannot lah, coz i still having running nose now.

thks for the recipe. Looks very 'chim' for me, doubt i can cook lei. but will ask my hubby to try...
is ntuc selling the organic one? if not non-organic also ok for toddlers right?

elicia really looks more rounded!! kekeke... very cute!
thanks. will check out the neighbourhood shops..

which brand of abc pasta did u buy ? so far those i have seen are the teeny weeny ones - less than 1cm when cooked.

cooked tomatoes more nutritious ? share share where u read from leh.

organic or non-organic pasta also can. woa ... u another ho mia mummy - hubby can cook! *envy envy*

oh ya KC,
had wanted to ask u this long ago but kept 4getting. were u in C13 during JC first 3 mths ? i really think we were ever in the same class leh.
