(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hi giggler, dats wat the instruction says... hahaa... 3x a day 1 tablet each time.. if u belongs to those high risk osteoporosis have to take 2 tab 3x aday... And its safe to consume during preg... hee.. have been taking it even before i was pregnant.

Me too!!.. duno wat happen to my brain... the other day while working came across 2 quotation $823 and $1K, duno wat happen I keep tinking the $823 one is more dan $1K!!... faint...

hi Xinle,

Agree wf Giggler, 3x per day quite a lot. For me,i try to tak more cheese...

Other than milk,cheese,some other food such as tofu, brocolli & fish oso contain calcium.

hi Joey,Giggler,
my memory gets worsen since 2nd trimester.I can't concentrate well oso. My hubby was quite frustrated when I asked him to repeat or clarify his sentence again..

will our breasts grow again after giving birth?? I'm planning to buy the nursing bra next month.
hi Sanrio,

here is an article to share with ppl who like us,lactose intolerant

Can I eat dairy products even if I'm lactose intolerant?
Even if you're lactose intolerant, you probably don't need to give up all dairy products. Research shows that most people who have trouble digesting lactose (the sugar in milk) can tolerate at least one cup of milk at mealtimes.

The list below suggests five ways to include dairy in your diet if you're lactose intolerant. (Be sure to check out this list of other good sources of calcium.)
Eat smaller portions. Try only 1/2 cup of milk, especially lactose-reduced milk, four times a day with meals or snacks.

Drink milk with food. It's easier to digest when mixed with other foods.

Look for lactose-reduced milk, or add over-the-counter enzyme drops to your milk that will break down the lactose. You can also buy enzyme supplements (lactase) that will help you easily digest the lactose.

Choose low-fat or hard, aged cheeses. With low-fat cheeses, more than half the lactose is removed during processing. Hard, aged cheeses also have the lowest lactose content.

Eat yogurt. This can be a great alternative to milk. Yogurt contains active cultures, beneficial bacteria that help you digest lactose.
WOW! This thread is really fast today.

Are u sure u can't go on cruise at week 24? In fact, this is the safest period, a number of books i read say this is the best time. I went on my Japan trip when i m 23 weeks.

I remember on our 1st antenatal class, the nurse said the breast shld have stop growing around 8th month. That wld be the best time to buy bras.

Nursing bras can be purchased from maternity shops. Saw them at Suntec and Plaza Sing. They usually have wider shoulder straps and has layers in front to allow easy breast feeding. Usually the sales lady there wld be able to give u appropriate advice, so not to worry.

Which month are u at now? Rather to buy more maternity wear, why don u consider buying nursing tops instead? Can be used after giving birth. I think most of us if buy maternity wear, at most can wear another 3 more months..... Yep, a number of my L size tops are getting tighter.
B2B3M4, hee.. me 6 mth nw. got tink of buying nursing top.. but.. dun tink dey will have my size... tummy oso quite big... :p

So u jus return from jpn?? me going to HK tis wkend.. duno can walk or not... scare later drag down the whole group....

I from A to C. Very much hope tat it will remain @ C. But I know its very unlikely. My colleagues told me tat in fact after giving birth, the size will be even smaller than pre preg.
hi avocado,
tks for the info. if i consume little bit of diary at 1 tx, still not too bad. sigh..never like milk so now drk enfama choc. gd tat it's low lactose.

hi b2b3m4,
okie wen reach 8mth, then i go n buy. i'll go class 2mrow.

dear mummies,
i saw tis in 1 pamphlet n u can DIY

to measure <font color="0000ff">bra size</font> (1):
measure directly under ur bust.
in cm: round measurement to nearest bra size
in inches: if measurement is even no, add 4 inches. if odd no, add 5 inches.
cm, inches
70, 32
75, 34
80, 36
85, 38
&amp; so on..

next to measure <font color="aa00aa">cup size</font> (2):
measure ard the fullest part of bust
in cm/inches: the diff btw (1) &amp; (2) is the cup size
cup size, cm, inches
A, 10-12, 0
B, 13-15, 1
C, 15-17, 2
D, 18-20, 3
DD, 20-22, 4
E, 23-25, 5
F, 26-28, 6

me tried. bra size has changed (up) but cup size no change.
u not alone... me oso.... up bra size and not cup... shows dat me fatter now...

hehe... thanks on the bras info. i will shop later... mayb not now..
Hi avocado, I don't think our breast will grow again. In fact, my friend said that hers shrink back to her original size.

Hi Val, that's amazing!!! From A to C! Did your friend take tablet to stop her breast milk? Heard that those pills will shrink the breasts.

Hi sanrio &amp; soyabean, I incr both bra size and cup.
Hi b2b3m4, i intend to go next week which will be my 29week. So they dun allow loh.

Hi sanrio, thanks for the bra size info, will go home and measure...hee. But think i increase the bra size more, cos already putting on bra extensions.

I tot if u breastfeeding, ur breast will become bigger, tat's y i dun intend to buy first, or buy larger size.
Hi Kis, I don't bfg will cause breasts to grow leh. Maybe can check with other experienced mums at the other thread.

Hi Val, huh? Then quite sad hor if the bra cup is smaller than pre-preg. If that's the case, I'll be less then cup A leh.
Kis, Kis wats' a bra extension uh?? issit to extend the length?? where to buy?? heee **interested**
anyway gals.... referring back to a topic u were toking abt on calcium...
geez,.... i didnt know we require 1200mg calcium a day... i read somewhere its 1000mg.

anyway, i dun even drink anmum everyday... somemore do u gals reali put in the 4 scoops of powder? i cant reali tahan the milk being too thick, so usu oni put 3 scoops.
Hi Xinle, you can extend the length of your bra with the bra extension. You can get from Robinson/JL at their cashier's counter. I think cost abt $2.90 a pack with 2 pcs in it.

Hi soyabean, I also put in 3 scoops instead of 4. I find 4 scoops too thick also.

4 scoops for me. I very kiasi cos when I went to see dentist at ard wk 14, can u believe tat I actually have 6 small cavities?!! I go for check up every half yearly and the last time I had a cavities was when I m in primary school. Fm then on, I very dilligent.
hi soyabean,
i oso put 3 scoops, more than enough for me..

hi giggler n val,
i last tx A now still A. back to normal okie lah but hopefully not shrink
As long as mums continue breastfeeding, the breast will remain in the same size. But if mums do not BF, then they will return to the original size. I think the reason why some of their mothers actually see a decrease in cup size is bcos they r not as slim as b4. Meaning their chest size is bigger but bust size remain the same. So if u take the original bust size substract the bigger chest size, automatically the cup will be smaller.
Its okie. I don take any milk supplements either. Miss my calcium supplements every now n then too. Find it constipating.
Hi xinle,
wat giggler says its rite. If your bra cup size still can fit, then u can just buy the bra extensions to fit ur existing bras, save $ this way.
hi ladies,
JL is having sales again.

hi soyabean,sanrio,
me cannot even tak 2 scoops..I put one scoop of anmum milk powder mix wf milo..Anmum is really too rich..

Jus curious,can we tak other normal milk powder such as Anlene or Omega?

hi Giggler,
can bf help to firm up our breasts? wonder if our breasts will sag when we stop bf...
hi avocado,
some upper chest exercises will b gd af delivery. i'll go back to my gym..
other milk powder shd b ok. kkh gave me sample of the nestle omega plus. i din try cos all plain milk powder i dun like. oops if u dun like anmum, then most milk powder taste the same. why not try the choc (coco) flavour one? cos milo oreadi contains milk content so if u add milk powder to it, can b milky..
Hi avocado, I not sure if our breasts will sag when we stop bfg leh. My friend's breasts sag though she didn't breastfeed. So I think it's up to individual
Hi ladies,
If u are in your Week 26 today (like me!) U can actually start training your BB to differentiate between night and day.

Fetal Development - Week 26

The baby now weighs between 1.5 and 2 pounds / 680 and 900 grams and is approximately 9 inches / 23 centimetres long from crown to rump. He makes breathing movements, but has no air in his lungs yet. At 26 weeks, fetal brain scans show response to touch. If you shine a light on your abdomen, your baby will turn his head, which, according to researchers, means his optic nerve is working.

Cool, right !!!!!!!
i tried the omega plus b4... i dun like it.. somehow has a metallic taste to it. so for now, hv to stick wif anmum lor... i tell myself... jus wif it for time being! hehe....

wow... dats amzing... hmm... so if i usu wear darker color clothings, wonder if bb will think its nitetime all day....
sori for tis crazy thot... imagination running abit wild today cos friday liao...
Hi B2B3M4, how to train bb to distinguish night and day then?

Hi soyabean, does that mean our bb will be night owl since they stay very active during night time now that they can distinguish day and nite???
hi soyabean n giggler,
my bb oso seems more active at nite
. i read somewhere?? mayb can try sing a lullaby or read a bed-time story jus b4 we go bed. do it repetitively. hope bb noe it's time for bed then

day tx then talk to him/her more n play music

any other milk powder i oso dun like. like u i told myself drk now for our little one, few mths more only
Hi ladies,
How to tell BB from night and day? Me thinking of giving my tummy a sun tan tomorrow... Hee, hee.
No lah, i suppose u can wear clothings of lighter colors during the day or shine torchlight on them. Keep them active in the day by moving tummy often. They can actually feel your touch too now and will response. As in the night, make sure the environment is quieter and do not be so active. Ya, wat Sanrio said is true too.Let them listen to the same music. Once their born, if u play the same music, they will be able to associate wif it and will be less fearful and go to sleep. Me, trying to get musical mobile wif nice lullaby and play every night b4 i sleep.

I tried waking my BB up at 9am this morning. Refused to respond. Humph!

At least u take Anmum. I can't stomach it at all. Sticking to my calcium supplement and calcium fortified soya bean milk.
i take enfamama choc. anmum plain i cant take at all. bought the high cal soyabean but put until expired oso din fin.
bb hypermart has a symphony-in-motion musical mobile tat plays 3 diff pcs of classical music. quite nice. it's popular esp in US, won many awards. the brand is tinylove but costly at abt $79.90 (b4 10% disct).
i saw sesame street 1 in taka bb fair, quite cute but i din buy..

mothecare has a lullaby cd for bb. so so soothing.. i tried listening there, if buy sure put me 1st to sleep
Oh... i know which soyabean milk u r talking abt. It muz be the one wif alot of added vitamins with purple strips, right? I tried that too... Taste really fake! Force myself to finish it.
Me usually sleep late at abt 12pm. But hor, i will tell my bb that its 10.30pm liao, and we are going to sleep, and bb shd sleep too. hahaha...a bit cheating here. But dun know will work anot.

Use the touchlight to let bb know wat is light. I read fm a book. I laff like anything when I read it
I juz feel stupid doing it. Well, maybe I will ended up doing it.

When I play music to bb in the nite, juz b4 I sleep, he kicks so much.

I read tat cannot repeating the same song everytime. Instead repeat few songs everyday. Say range of 5 songs. With the same song, it does not have the stimulation effect. Hmm... guess tat the theory is, if its always the same bb oso listen until sian :p
tink so. it's nutrisoy high cal low sugar. i dun buy anymore coz 2 tx din fin, expired n threw away.

hi val n kis,
sometx i like to read a bedtx story, seem to put me n bb to sleep quite fast.
mayb later i go try the touchlight thg..

hi foreverfriend,
we havnt heard fr u for a while
Hi soyabean, I got the same situation as you leh. It's my bb who wake me up.

Hi Val, does that mean we got to shine torchlight at our tummy to telll them that it's daytime? Very funny to do that leh.

Hi Kis, you so cute leh. Cheat your bb...

Yeah. When shining the torch, u say light. When u off the torch, u say dark. I totallly agree. Its really funny doing it. I bet if I do tat in front of hubby he will laff until piangz.
hi giggler n soyabean,
me too.. bb wakes me up. tis wk i plan to sleep a bit later but at abt 5am n 7am, he will start kicking me. hubby said it's brkfast tx
hi sanrio,
which gym will u be going? Planet Fitness?

I plan to join aerobics if I've time...ever wonder how's life will be when our bb r born hor?

my breasts shrank fr. cup B to A when I was on aerobics last tx.

Hi Ladies,
Hv u ever felt ur bb kick/move sort of like someone tickling inside ur stomach?
yeah... abit farnie to do dat leh... even now when i tok to bb, my hubby already thinks a bit weird... like i'm toking to myself...

hi kis... haha... later bb come out got time lag leh...

yah... we hvnt heard from shook for some days liao... hope she is ok...
Hi giggler, val, &amp; Soyabean,
hee, then next time bb come out knows that by 10.30pm, must go and sleep liao mah...dun want her to be a late night sleeper. Hmm, mayb dun says lies to her, but "trick" her instead...hee.

Hi Val, I can't imagine myself doing that leh. Hahahahha

Hi sanrio, my bb "wakes" me up at abt that timing also. 5am and 7am.

Hi avocado, I had that feeling recently too. Sometimes I can even see my tummy doing waves. Always keep me wondering what's bb doing inside.

Hi soyabean, agree that haven heard from shook for quite some time liao. Maybe she's very busy with work.
