(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

giggler, sanrio...
seems like our bbs are 5am bbs... mine oso wld usu start kicking at 5am.
and recently, he has been kicking me b4 lunch... like telling mummy he's hungry liao and time to feed him.


I will get to see the waves only when I play music to him
Perhaps its becos so far I only played music to him for four days and he is onli
21 wks. But I get very exceited when I feel the kicks. I think few weeks down the road, I will be like u all
Hi Soyabean,Giggler,

U mean the kicks r so violent that the bb woke u up?? I can only feel the bb kicks when I'm awake.So far, I hv not experienced being kick by my bb until I wake up..

my bb only kicks me most of the times when I just finished lunch/dinner ..
Hi ladies,
Anyone has heard abt the amby hammock? Read it from the website www.ambybaby.com. Seems very good for preventing colic and putting BB to sleep. I have checked out the price, for the infant-to-toddler package, will cost $490 to get it in Singapore.
hi avocado...
yah.... his kicks can be quite hard at times... so will wk me up.

i hvnt gone to the extent of seeing waves yet... oni tummy throbbing when he kicks.
mayb its cos ur tummy is smaller and hence more obvious... my tummy rather big... so i think more fluid so cant see...

wah... dats v ex leh... i dun think i wld buy it...
hi gals..

besides playing music for bb.. wat else u did to stimulate baby? so far, i've onli been listening to music during day time at office..

btw, can anyone explain to me what is colic?

I heard abt it. Its good to put bb to sleep but afraid tat w/o the hammock, bb might not want to sleep oso. Create more prob for ourself. Will it?
Its actually can be taken apart n packed into a bag. Like a tent set. In fact, i was thinking of using the hammock for BB to sleep in when i'm at mum's place.

Ya... I know it ex. More ex than the baby cot i got for BB and it can only be used till BB is 2 years old. But i tot its a good alternative for BB to sleep in when she is not at home wif the baby cot. Or even be shifted to to other parts of the house when i'm doing housework, rather than to leave BB alone in the bedroom.
Hi Val, I think few weeks down the road, you'll be able to see waves liao.

Hi avocado, you're right. My bb's kicks are so hard that I always woke up by her.

Hi B2B3M4, that's very ex leh. You intend to get one?

Hi soyabean, you maybe rite hor? Maybe my tummy smaller that's why I can see waves.

Hi babylooney, my hubby & I talk to bb every night, in addition to listen to music in office. I not very sure abt the definition about colic. I think it's wind in bb's stomach and bb will keep crying because of it.
Oops.... babylooney,
I didn't see your question abt colic. Yep, like giggler mentioned. Due to BB's sucking action during feeds, they take in alot of air, making their tummy bloated and uncomfortable. If the air is not removed, it can be very painful and BB can cry non stop and has no appetite for next feed. Which is why mums are always advise to pat their BB on their back after a feed to get them to burp and expel the air out.
hi Soyabean,Giggler,
Strange, is that mean my bb not strong enuff?Could it be i sleep like a pig? hee...

I've seen the "wave" b4..very cuteee..My hubby & me enjoy so much seeing the "wave"...

Hi sanrio,
we r in the same week,hv ur bb's kick woke u up midnight before??
hi avocado,
yup. like yesdy he 'enjoyed' moving/kicking
so much at ard 3am-5am tat i totally lost my sleep. i told him w my eyes half-opened to continue 2mrow morning as mummy vy tired n needs to sleep
. me cant sleep well esp recently.

hi mummies,
i wen mothercare n john little tis morning to avoid sat shopping crowd. did a quick c n buy.
mothercare (ctr-pt) nothing much, only few selected items on sales. i bought a set of 7 pcs short-sleeved bodysuit for bb. cost $29 af disct. n maternity mini briefs (low waist cotton comfi type), a set of 5 for $23. they hav thongs but i din buy.
as for john little, it's store-wide 15+5%. sales ends 2mrow. jus bought some barang barang like mittens/bootees, pigeon wipes ($9.90 for 3 n still got 20%), cotton wool balls.

i was 'confined' at hm for almost 10 days so 2dy wen out thou short while but vy happy
hi avocado,
my office has gym facilities.

hi soyabean, giggler n b2b3m4,
i wen mothercare n the sale staff told me buy nursing bra at abt 8mths. theirs quite ex. 2 pcs for $72. if buy 1 is $46 i tink. but was voted best buy nursing bra by women weekly mag readers.

hi mummies,
i tried shining the touchlight on tummy tis morning. told bb it's light / day. wonder he got it
i tried twice, he kicked a little the 2nd tx. hubby laughing n said i disturbing bb fr sleeping. mus do how many tx n how often ah?
hi kis n avocado,
cant remb who asked me abt mustela vit e barrier cream n mustela no rinse cleansing fluid the other tx. my frd told me taka's bb dept havin 15% for mustela bb pdts. mustela is controlled price n vy seldom got disct (even during robinsons/taka sales). if u interested, can check it out. i dun noe wen the disct ending
Soyabean, Sanrio, Giggler
I wz on course fm Mon to Wed last wk n had appt wif gyne last Thu. Fri got mountains of office work to clear. Wow so many postings to catch up. Pant, pant, pant ......
Went to library to use computer yesterday. There wz a father who wanna snatch the terminal fm me. Boy, I wz there b4 him. Of coz I won't let him, I pulled the chair n sat dwn. I felt like staring @ him n tell him off. It happened dat the one next to me left, so my hubby pointed to him the next terminal is empty now. I rested the matter. Afterall he wz helping his daughter to get a terminal. But I find dat it is a great shame on him to snatch seat fm a preggie who has been waiting long b4 him

Joey, Sanrio
My antenantal class instructor said cannot use shampoo on NB baby. Shampoo results in cradle cap. Juz put 1 drop of baby bath in the tub of water for cleaning head n body

Is the maternity pad u bought loop or stick on type?

My gyne adviced me to take folic acid till I deliver

My cup size still the same

Smaller, oh no I m already A-

Joey, Avocado, Giggler
My hubby will say preggie more stupid whenever I m slow in my thot or forgetful. Nowadays I m v poor in spelling of words. Gotta check dictionary v often

I bought a nursing bra b4 CNY fm Tiong Bahru mkt. Actually I only wanna check the price. The lady said I can buy now but change later if the size doesn't fit as long as I dun remove the label.

To all mum delivering @ KK
I asked the mid-wife while I attended a talk during my visit last Thu regarding the things provided by KK. She said everything is itemized. U pay as u use. So better bring your own maternity pad, pampers, toiletries, ....
I oso asked my gyne wrt wat no to call in emergency. She said either call the private suite no or nurse support line. She said if I feel sign of delivery, either admit to delivery suite (2nd level next to ADC) or 24 hr emergency ward. Nurse will page for her. Better find out where r these places b4 your EDD
hi shook...
good to see u back here...
how's ur checkup on thur? bb doing great?

me hvg another sleeping prob lately leh... whenever i sleep on my sides... my hands will become numb after sometime and its so painful... thousands of ants biting me. believe tis is cos of the faster blood circulation in our body... anybody else hvg tis prob?

and oh... i didnt try the light thingy... i wanted to buy hubby say dun wan lah... later bb kena "traumatised" by the sudden light.

and guess wat? i spent the weekend playing computer game! no thanks to my hubby who introduced me to it... got me sort of addicted liao.
Good morning ladies,
How's everyone feeling? Really can feel the heat building up. Wonder whether it was the weather or was it my bodily changes. My itch is getting worse and i spend the whole not sleeping but scartching myself. Strangely, BB wasn't much of a problem. But i kept having this cramping feeling beneath my umbilical, yesterday was so severe, all i can do was to bend forward......

U bought your nursing bra so early?? Have u tried? By 7-8 months, the size of your breast shld have stablised. Sometimes its not the cup size that increase but the chest size.
N don worry abt memory. Its like that. I forgot my mum's home number yesterday !!!!!!!

I tried the torchlight too. Haa, haa.. dunno leh. Like macham not much difference.
hi soyabean,
me back to work 2day. but having bad nausea, due to heartburn? sigh..
told boss, he vy nice said 'go go'. i applied half day leave, leaving at 11am.
hi sanrio...
hmmm.... ur nausea cld be due to heartburn... and oso cos the uterus is mvg up and "crushing" our stomach and intestines and ribcage... dats why more uncomfy and oso nausea.

for me, i've been feeling a bit breathless now and then... esp when i walk too much... and after meals.

u take care and rest well yeah? i read dat to combat heartburn, can drink a cup of milk b4 bed everynite.
U take care, alright? U have taken a heavy or oily breakfast? Quite unusual to have heartburn now, esp since your tummy is not so big yet that it will push against your stomach. Guess u have to go back to 1st trimester way of eating. Small,multiple meals and don lie down immediately after meals.
hi sanrio,

my edd is a few days b4 yours

Me too feeling slightly nauseous on/off for the past few weeks
My gyane said it's common for ms to come n go.

anyway u have a good rest.
Don have the numbing feeling that u talk abt but like what i said, alot of muscle ache beneath tummy region.

Yep, n i know what u mean abt breathless. I HATE STAIRS. That is really a killer. n i'm oso feeling the weight on the tummy. Feel like getting some restrainer to pull up the tummy. Got such a thing on the market?

So envious of u to have such a good boss. U better take good care of urself.


I guess its ok abt the memory thingy. I oso like tat. Getting more and more forgetful. So now I got excuse asking my hubby not to ask me to do things. Hehe...

Yest when I sang to my bb, he kicks a lot. Apparently I have a husky voice due to discomfort of my throat. I guess he is trying to stop me fm singing Haha... like "sa ji"
I missed all of u too. The course wz v stressful, finished 6+ or 7+. Gotta take exam on the last day. No pc @ home so can't log in.
My gyne wz so cute. The first time she scanned for me she said still a boy (sonographer indicated a boy during detailed scan). Last Thu my gyne said 100% boy. I told her my tummy feels hard like a stone @ times, she said dat is Braxton Hicks.
Did u sleep on your hand or your hubby pressed on your hand?

I accompanied my mum to Tiong Bahru mkt b4 CNY coz they gonna shift after CNY. My mum likes to buy bra fm dat store. I juz asked for fun. The lady said can change if not suitable. So I thot no harm buying since the bra I bought dat quite comfy n the nursing bra fairly cheap. Memory searched me, think it cost $13+. Well, it looks too big for me now. Ya rite, I think my chest size increase but not cup size

Heartburn comes back as we move into 3rd tri as baby grows upwards n stomach is being squeezed.
Your boss v nice. Take care n have a gd rest.

Soyabean, B2B3M4
I oso feel breathless n heavy to walk especially up the slope nowadays.

I c it fm another pt of view. Perhaps your baby cld hear u better wif your husky voice n responded to your singing.
hehe... ur gynae so cute... my 1st pte suite checkup is tomolo pm... hehe... 1st time i seeing dr kt tan oso... hope all goes well.

i dun sleep on my hand leh... but mayb cos i curl up my hand near my face when i zz... dats why kena the numbness.

hmm... never heard of the restrainer... issit for preggies?
oh gals...
btw, i tried a new way of drinking my anmum tis morning...
it tasted more drinkable... haha... i added some nestle koko krunch on...
sorry soya, how come ur appt is so fast? i just saw my gynae 2 weeks back and i remember we are quite close in seeing gynae.
Hi all,
I have a Medela Electric Plus dual pump for sale. Used only for 2 weeks and stopped breastfeeding. Bought on 27 Feb 2004. Complete with btls and accesories. Willing to let go at $220 neg. (market price :$290+)

Interested please email to [email protected]
B2B3M4, yeah... me feeling the heat too! Especially yesterday yeah? Now I have to switch on the aircon everyday... even while at home.

For me, tummy feels heavy too and can't seem to lie properly on the side... like lying on baby that kind of feeling... are any of you getting that too??

Looks like we are all starting to feel the strains of pregnancy (tummy weight, breathless, heat) now.. :p Luckily it is only for about 3 more months.
I believe that heartburn will be a problem soon for some of us too... so sanrio, don't worry... we'll be joining u soon. ;p
hi pokpok...
my appt is always scheduled 4 weeks apart...
the last one i had was 4 weeks ago already... hehe... mayb it seems fast cos time flies leh...

hi shook...
yeah... me lookg 4wd to tomolo's visit.
cant wait...

hi emily...
hehe... me too... now hv to sleep wif aircon and no blanket... and hubby has to suffer by covering himself up wif blanket. haha...
i dun get dat feeling of lyong on bb when ying on sides, but i hv to admit... lying on the sides sometimes oso a bit uncomfy.
Hi all mums to be,
I need some advise cum assurance here. Hope you can help.
I read from some website that our babies are developing their nerves near their ears and thus they are more sensitive to noise and our voice now. However, will sudden loud sound affect the development of their hearing?
I was in a public toilet yesterday when I accidentally dropped the toilet seat cover on the seat. At that moment, the sound was so loud that my ears seemed to "blackout" for a few seconds before everything went back to normal. Now I am kind of worried if this incident will affect the bb's hearing. Could such cases be the reasons of why some are born to have hearing problems?
I tried to console myself that things will be ok but I'm still worried. Am I being too paranoid?
B2B3M4, Emily, Soyabean
I oso feel v warm nowadays. Bath twice a day. Always wake up sweaty in the morning. I m having cough, so my mummy said no air-con no fan. I use paper fan to fan myself. For past 2 nights, on fan otherwise hard to sleep.
hi worried mtb...
i dun think bb will be v much affected by dat incident... cos i dun think they will be able to hear loud and sharp noises... due to the fact dat they r protected by the fluid... the loud effect will prob be cushioned by the fluid.
Hi b2b3m4, emily, soyabean, shook,
yah, feel v warm nowsadays, and have been waking up feel times cos too warm (i on the fan only). This morning wake up abit sweaty, and turn the fan to face me, and my hubby immediately pull the blanket up to his neck. Sighed, like this how to switch on air-con or switch on fan to full blast...

I also got the numbness sometimes when i wake up. But its not v painful, just uncomfortable.
Talking abt forgetfulness, my mind also becoming lazy.

Emily, I got tat feeling too when lying on sides, n sometimes feel bb kicking/moving, afraid tat bb may not be comfortable, so i mostly sleep on my back nowsaday.

Hi worried mum-to-be, I'm not sure of this. But think shd be ok, dun worry or think too much. BB is in the water bag, so the impact will be smaller. If u r still worried, consult ur gynae on ur next visit.
Kis & Emily,

I oso feel bb kicking/moving when I lie on the side. I feel tat the side of my tummy is pressing against the bed tats y he is not comfortable. Moving ard to get a comfortable position. I cant lie on my back cos my backache is quite bad and feel tat my back is breaking away when lie on my back.
hi kis,val...
hehe... actuali i wori more abt me mvg and changing sides during sleep... cos whenever i change, bb prob oso hv to change? hehe... as for his movements, no matter i lie on my sides or on my back, he will always kick and move.
yeah yeah... me have the numbness and pins and needles feeling too... find it so difficult to sleep because of that too.

hi worried mum-to-be, I don't think bb's hearing should be affected by the loud noise outside the womb.. think of it this way... when u are underwater swimming, u don't hear anything outside the water. U don't even hear anything in the water, unless it is very near u. Got the idea? I think that some bbs are born with hearing difficulties... coz of the development of the individual bb. This is just what I think... I won't be too affected if I were u, but if u are still worried, speak to ur doc about it.

Shook, u having cold or heaty cough. Must be careful not to fall ill.
hi soyabean, foreverfriend, b2b3m4 n val,
tks, i beta af a "sit down" nap at home. tis morning at work, the terrible feeling of nausea jus went all the way up my throat then to the head, made me giddy n wanted to puke. dun noe it's heartburn or jus nausea?? had light brkfast, jus 1 pc of bread.
1st trim bad MS now still got terrible feeling of nausea..

mus change sleeping positions once a while to avoid pressing on 1 arm/leg for too long period, otherwise blood flow restricted, will get numbness.

hi val n emily,
me too felt if lie on 1 side for too long, like indirectly pressing on 'bb'. my bb dun like tat n he'll kick vy hard. i jus bought a 'pregnancy support pillow' ($10, brandless, made in taiwan) to support back or tummy. it's small, like the shape of a step. the flat part to put under the tummy n the contour part acts as a cushion for tummy. i tried using yesdy nite. found it not bad. can't find the pillow selling elsewhere. happened to c it at taka bb fair, din buy then. now havin tis discomfort so wen taka bb dept n found it. 1 or 2 left only. sales staff said no stock.
yah... now hv to change zz positions often lor...
i oso hv nausea feeling in the mornings... esp after BF... but they usu go away after sometime... i usu pop a sweet to ease the feeling.
hi foreverfriend,
gd to hear fr u agn. cant imagine me going for long hrs of course now cos like so restricted mus sit the whole day. tks for info on kkh. 'thought' they giving 1 pkt of pampers n 1 pkt of maternity pads. so all items are chargeable!
yes, was told by kkh tat any emergency (af 5mths) can go straight to level 2 delivery suite. if necessary, they'll page for gynae.

hi piggy,
tks. yup u few days b4 me. guess tis nausea is on n off, cant 'siam' it, jus c how can best minimise it. at least not like some pple hav bad MS for whole 9mths, if it's me, sure 'peng sang'..
I have heaty cough. I m sick indeed. Lost my voice last wk. Gotta go for that stressful course. Took a day mc for gyne visit. Back to work on Fri, stressed again. Better today after gd rest on Sat n Sun

Poor mummy. U r like back to ms time. Rest whenever u can n take small meals.
hi pple, Just had my checkup today. So happy. Only gained 4.5 lbs this past month. Last month I gained 8 lbs!!! Was pretty worried. I also had my glucose tolerance test today, and full blood test as well. Hope results are good. The glucose tolerance test is a routine test here in the US, done between 24 and 28 wks.

soyabean: I too get numb hands when sleeping too long in one position. Been getting that for quite some time already. Quite annoying.

B2B3M4: over here, in the materity shop, they sell maternity support belts. Supposed to support the weight in the front and lower abdomen, and help you maintain good posture. I haven't tried it. Maybe you can ask in the maternity shops in Singapore.
hi foreverfriend,
i suppose mine is reflux/heartburn like wat soyabean said. kept burping a bit sourish stuff thruout the day. thou stomach still not vy big, but felt like uterus expanded n pressing agst my stomach. i'll watch my diet n keep my meals light. tks.
u take care too cos cough takes quite a while to go off completely.

hi b2b3m4,
for my case, antacid like matasil is safe right if my heartburn gets bad. gynae prescribed me tis wen i was in 1st trim.
Hi Priviledged,
I have checked wif some friends. There is indeed such product. However, feedback wasn't favourable. Esp for little tummies like mine, hardly provide any support.

Antacids are fine. Mixture will be more effective and works faster than the tablet kind.
hi sanrio...
since u hvg heartburn now, do keep off spicy food as they may cause upset... as well as gasey drinks... but think preggy seldom take gasey drinks cos v high in sugar.

hi priviledged, emily, sanrio...
yeah... now got to change sleeping positions v often if not gands will get numb.

sigh... tis morning 5am... my hp rang... seeing it was an overseas call i picked it up... turns out to be a saudi arabian guy whom i dun know... after dat, cldnt reali sleep liao, somemore bb was kicking away. i totally ignored him cos if i tap tummy or wat, he'll think i'm playing wif him and continue his movements.

anyway, going for gynae appt tis pm. hv stayed off sugary drinks since dinner... hope later everything ok.
hi soyabean,
ur 1st visit to kt tan n pte suite hoh. wen cum back can update us?
hope u hav a gd experience n so nice can c edison agn. i alwy look forward to c gynae (more of bb lar..)

i agree w ur "ignore" strategy. i tried tat too

tks soyabean n b2b3m4, will take liquid antacid if really nausea gets bad. yup mus avoid spicy food. gasey drks i no take. on sat n sun, i ate some asam fish, mayb tat's why. i got myself to blame loh as i hav history of bad gastristis/reflux for yrs but nvm learn my lesson

i understand... sometimes the temptation to eat ur fav food is jus too much... hehe...
yeah.. will update u guys tomolo on my visit... very scared to go on the weighing scale... haha...
