(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi shook, so you went for course huh? So nice that your boss still send you for course. We better not like the man next time when we brought our kids to library. I felt my tummy hardened at times also leh. So that's Braxton Hicks?

Hi soyabean, my arms don't feel numb if I sleep on my sides.

Hi sanrio, how are you today? Feeling better?

Hi Val, that's funny abt your singing story. Hahaha.

Hi S@L, may I know why is it that you only use them for 2 weeks?

Hi B2B3M4 & Emily, I feel the heat too. It's so hot that I can't lie on bed at times.

tks. beta. still burping non-stop (thou stomach neither empty nor full) n hope no more terrible nausea.

i weighed yesdy. so far put on 4kg+ at coming 24 wks n wt seems stable. now mus eat 'cheng cheng' n watch diet so mayb will gain wt only in 3rd trim.

yup vy hot nowadays, mus sleep in air-con 20'c. hubby freezing. me fine.
Hi Emily, we can start to do countdowns liao. Another 2-3mths to go.

Hi sanrio, at least no more vomiting rite? Guess there's wind in your stomach? You weigh everyday?

I only weigh at gynae's clinic. My mom so funny. She told me to take more photos now for memory's sake since my tummy round and big liao. hahaha.........
hi giggler,
me counting down too..
yup no vomiting liao.
we hav a clinic jus downstairs of my office. so evy mon morning, i pop by to weigh loh. we using seca digital (same as wat hospital used) so shd b accurate. if used manual scales, sometx the wt differ 1-2kg.
yes, i asked hubby take photos of me last wkend, but turned out tummy like not too obvious leh..i still purposely wear somthg tighter.
jus sidetrack a little. i hav free wedding annivesary photo evy yr fr julia wedding. jun is my 2nd anniversary, hope my tummy is obvious by then
Yee, I hate dat feeling of burping a bit sourish stuff. My mouth taste sourish after almost every meal. May b u shld avoid sour stuff n food dat produces wind (broccoli, cabbage, orange, water melon, sweet potato) Take care
My cough gets better after taking pi pa gao. My gyne said no problem to take pi pa gao. I prefer pi pa gao to medicine. My mouth feels dry n siab siab after taking medicine.
Hey how nice to have free wedding annivesary photo evy yr. How many yr r u entitled to tis service?
U din gain much wt. No wonder your tummy not big. I gained 6.3kg at wk 29

Update us when u back fm gyne visit. Bet u enjoy your visit @ the private suite.

It wz Microsoft Excel course. I m supposed to attend the course in Nov 2003. I postponed it coz I had v bad ms. The course v pressurized. Learned 24 topic in 3 days n gotta take test on the last day. The instructor wasted a lot of time talking nonsense so dat we dun have time to do exercises. So gotta stay back, come early n stay during lunch time to do exercises. He told us cannot use undo button, reset the question if we made mistake. However I reset a few questions n got zero mark. In the n I failed the test. Wat a birthday present
hi foreverfriend,
yes i hate tat terrible feeling. 'oosh' all the way to the head tat kind. ai yo.. eat sweet oso cant help wen tis sudden feeling comes. tks for reminding me to avoid those 'gas causing' food. how abt vege like 'mao kueh', long beans, lady fingers? i quite like to eat such vege.

the package is we entitled to 'unlimited' yrs of anniversary photo as long as shop still ard. shop said can take w bb too. quite satisfied w our 1st anniversary (last yr) photo. can choose 8R or 10R, frame excluded. i lookin forward to tis n next yr esp

ai yo..ur course so siong mus take test ah.. i alwy tot computer courses most 'xin lang' cos need not actively participate in ans questions n gp discussion.
Hi sanrio, wow can have unlimited no. of years? That's a good deal leh. I ever thought of going for make-over session to take pic of me being preggie leh.

Hi shook, your co's course so tedious one. My co's course quite enjoyable cos most of the time we'll have good food for our lunch and tea-break.
Hi ladies,
Since Sanrio mentioned abt her coming 2nd wedding anniversary, juz very curious to find out how long have all the mummies-to-be here been married?
Me still very far from my 2nd anni, coming Sep, then 1st anniversary. Hee, hee...can bring my BB along to the hotel we have our banquet.
I think u have to sign up the premium outpatient package to enjoy the suite. U can only switch only at the later part of pregnancy. 4th month if i'm not worng.
Anything to do wif beans produces wind. So long bean a nono for u. Sorry, I dunno abt mao kua n lady's fingers.
Oh yes, no bread n porridge. They produce wind.

Sanrio, Giggler
Tis is the most stressful computer course I ever attend. All those I attended v sin nan. Like taking a break fm the office. But tis one then pressurised. Somemore the instructor is v v bad in time management. He kept saying we r v slow in doing the exercise, yet he took our time to talk abt himself.

U juz have to inform your gyne u wanna c him/her in private suite. He/She will write in your record dat u r discharged fm clinic n transfer to private suite
How nice to take wedding anniversary photos. Can take wif baby somemore. Makes me drool ....

My 1st anniversary is in May.

B2B3M4, Karyn
Not necessary to take premium outpatient package to c gyne @ private suite. If u take premium inpatient package u have to c gyne @ private suite. The earliest u exercise your premium outpatient package to c your gyne @ private suite is when u r in b4 wk 20.
hi giggler,
i suppose bridal biz so competitive so wen we signed up package then, they added tis n tat.
i oso wan to take photos of me w the big tummy for memory, who knows i'll stop at 1. next tx can c n show to bb. so me looking forward to jun
. u can check out makeover, now like not too ex. but usually they do face/half body. full like more costly..

usually i go course is more like a 'break' fr work too
hi karyn,
but not all gynae in kkh see patients in pte suite..

tks for the info..no wonder wen i take soyabean, most pple ok but i'll feel bloated.
wholemeal bread okie? oops if no vege n bread, i cant survive liao

hi b2b3m4 n foreverfriend,
we tried vy hard for a bb
Sanrio, which bridal company is it? Can take anniversary photo very gd lah.. Where is it located? Then can intro to my friend.

B2B3M4, wow... ur 1st anniversary in Sept? That means u very fertile lah.. try one month already preggie liao.
So lucky.

I was married Aug 2002. So Aug 2004 is my 2nd wedding anniversary. By then, have bb to celebrate together.
All bread produces wind coz wind were captured in the process of making dough into bread. Can u eat noodles? My only source of cabo is noodles n veg. Can't eat anything made fm rice - kuay teow, bee hoon (except mee siam), mee suah.

For veg, u can take green leafy veg like chai xin, heng chai, spinage, carrot (not too much), kar nan
Hi B2B3M4, my 3rd anniversary will be this Nov.

Hi shook, which school did u go for your course? The other time I went to Informatics, quite xin nan one.

Hi sanrio, but I quite lazy to go for the makeover leh. Still got to call to check out prices.
mayb can ask ur hubby to take diff angles for u loh. for memory mah, no need professional oso can. most impt mus capture the growing tummy views

u mean those 'wan tan mee' kind of noddles? i dun like the fat yellow noddles. i jia liak, since preg, heng cai ok, other greeny vege i dun really like. for my bb, hav to eat loh..

hi emily,
the studio is julia wedding at tanjong pagar. but now i oso heard many negative remarks abt them cos they kept changing staff n mgr. oso dun noe still got unlimited anniversary photo or not?
Thanks all for e info. So as long I take the premium inpatient package I can c my doc at the suite without signing for the outpatient ??
I went to COMAT for the course. Last time attended course at COMAT b4, dun remember taking test. Dunno y tis time round gotta take test

I mean any kinda noddles - yi mee, poh zai mee, mee kia, .... I love to eat noodles since I m pregnant seldom eat tho.

Milan in Tanjong Pagar oso have unlimited free anniversary photos when I wz checking n 2002
Yes, u dun have to sign up premium outpatient package to c your gyne @ private suite. U can pay per visit.
Comeon, y wld we mind. Did u have ms on your AD? Muz b v rush for u to prepare wedding n baby stuff @ the same time.
hi all...
update on my gynae visit.

thumbs up for the private suite... hehe... my entire visit from taking urine test to seeing gynae, doing scan, and payment... in abt half an hour.
absolutely no queue.

edison is doing fine... head was turned down during the scan... mvg abt as usual and for a moment i thot i saw him sucking his finger. haha...
Ya visiting gyne @ private suite is like heaven compare to hell in the clinic.

Edison turn his head dwn already. Dat's fast!

I will do scanning @ ADC on my next visit.
hi soyabean n foreverfriend,
wish i can go pte suite. somemore my co paying. too bad my gynae dun c patients there n i dun wish to change gynae since she's quite gd.

soyabean, how do u find kt tan? edison doing his somersault..
gynae said now still got space so bb like to turn ard esp the active ones. did she tell u bb weight or length?

foreverfriend, wat do u eat for brkfast? if minus oily chinese brkfast n bread, i dun noe wat to eat liao..
Gd morning everybody,

Soyabean, gd to hear that Edison has turned already. My bb turned head-down at my 5th month detailed scan... don't know if he will turn back or not.

Karyn, don't worry about getting preg b4 married. We are not judges here. All are welcomed.
hi shook, emily...
hehe... his position not perm... haha... gynae said he will keep mvg abt... i think tis morning changed position again cos i cld feel strong squirming movements.

hi sanrio...
oic... if u like ur gynae, jus stick wif her...
cos we all know how impt it is to feel comfy wif gynae. did u ask sheila loh whethr she will be seeing patients at TPS in any near future? cos if she is, then u can see her there for ur 2nd bb.

oh.. i find kt tan quite nice... though not those smiley friendly type, she's very willing to provide info. during the scan, she keeps showing me tis part and dat of edison.
and even when measuring heartbeat, she even said tell me wats the rate (abt 156, whh is normal).

she did a measurement of bb's size and said everything is on track and edison is not too big nor small.

oh... u gals toking abt wedding anniv? hehe... mine oso in jun, same as sanrio... but come jun, 1st anniv oni.
Bread do not give off gas. Its juz that when taken wif liquid, will expand n make u bloated n therefore worsen nausea and heartburn.
Green veges are fine but not cabbage, beans n melons. Onions, garlic r out too. Cereal n dry food will expand too, so be careful.

Hey! We share similar anniversary!!! Which month of preg are u in again?

Dunno whether i shld say i'm fertile or lucky. I have quite bad menstrual cramps before n my gynae did mention that my womb is structurally inverted. So, after wedding, hubby n i did not bother to take precautions n even prepare ourselves for the worse. He anyhow try n then.... like that loh! Was quite taken aback initially. Haven't even adapt to married life n suddenly this BB jumps out. Good too lah.... i not too far from my 30's.
Yah loh, many frens were very surprise too n back calculating. Cannot understand this people. Wedding is only a preocedure, a process. Its not a license to get preg.... Haiz....

Don be crazy to think we bother that u r preg b4 wedding. As long as u have decided to keep the BB and be strong to go ahead, who dares to say anything! I'll sit my big buttock on anyone who dares to comment. Humph!

Other than the waiting time, any other differences from the normal outpatient clinc. How much more do u have to pay for the private suite? I'm already a private patient.
oh... i wanna ask u gals a qn... my preggy fren who's overseas now asked me tis... can we take cod liver oil? she asked her gynae and he said can... but she not v assured... cos her ang mo gynae rather open-minded... even told her oysters can eat...

guess the difference oso lies in the fact dat ur gynae does the scan for u in her room, and not done at another place. and she didnt charge me for the scan. if u had seen gynae at the clinics, wld hv to scan at AMC and pay another fee. and oso... when u need see gynae at clinics, med hv to be collected at pharmacy (another queue), but at TPS its given to u there on the spot at reception.

its boils down to the personalised touch i get over at TPS, even at the reception.

1st visit at TPS is higher... but subsequent visits will oni be a few dollars more ex than seeing at the normal clinics.
Hi sanrio, I was so lazy to even take pics ourself.

Hi shook, I can't take too much noodles also. I only take kway teow now.

Hi Karyn, of course we wouldn't mind. Why shd we mind?

Hi Emily & soyabean, your bb turned down so early. But guess they may turn around in our tummy now rite?

Hi soyabean, I'm not too sure abt cod liver oil. But I think I read somewhere that we can't take it while preggie.
emily, b2b3m4 n forveverfriend,
for those brkft ideas. mus eat but dun noe wat to / can eat is 'sang nao jin'. ok i'll drk water af my food digested then less bloated right. yup till now, garlic n onion are no no for me.

hi karyn,
welcome to join us here. dun bother wat others said.

gd to hear ur experience w kt tan was gd. was at 1st little worried abt 'recommending' her. she is not the smilely type but my colleagues n kkh colleagues who had her as their gynae all gave gd comments. most imptly she is professional n ensure gd care for u n bb.
during my last detailed scan, was told bb growing well n neither too big nor small. so me little curious to noe bb wt but tink she told me cant tell accurately yet.
dr sheila loh said her schedule vy tight so cant afford anymore slots for pte suite. she runs IVF clinic, do IVF related ops n c patients w women prob, n pregnancy. tat's why at 1st i tot to switch to kt tan but i felt comfi w her since i saw her for a while oreadi. i kept asking her will she deliver my bb? she said dun wori, she's working like a 'superwoman' now
Cod liver oil is fine as long as mummy don have high triglcerides or cholesterol. Oysters are fine too as long as they are not raw. Usually we avoid oysters bcos we are afraid its not fresh n may give us diarrhoea/food poisoning. But if take in places like Aussie, where the waters are not polluted, i guess its pretty safe.

OIC.... seems like u r pretty pampered at pte suite. Only a few dollars difference!!! Okie, go n check wif my gynae again next Wednesday. Actually i have already missed my previous appt for March. Yesterday, i re-make my appt. Kena lectured by the staff. heee...hee.. miss my appt by a month.

Hi ladies,
Anyone have severe abdmominal cramps? Mine come n go. And its very bad. Hope its not contractions.

I m now wk 22.


Not too sure abt cod liver oil. But my gynae gave the the DHA & AA pills taste exactly like cod liver oil. When I burp, damn fishy. Apparently, stated tat good for bb brain development ie smarter. Actually no need all these cos bb's mummy already very smart

As for oyster, yes it can be eaten so long its not the sashimi. I read from books oyster & clams very high in protein and preggie should take. I still take now.
ya hor. me so blur replied in another thread

wen is ur next appt? mine is 6/4 n i shall pop by pte suite to satisfy my curiousity. where is it ah?
next one, i dun noe leh. if i left my co, then may go pte. hubby co no such maternity benefits like mine.

due to stretching of ligaments? is ur bb now so active like mine? remb dun miss ur gynae appt tis tx.

hi val,
i dun dare to eat oysters even b4 preg. tried but jus cant take the taste.
my next appt is 27/4.
TPS is located between 7-11 and Prima Deli. pop in to see if u r free.... the decor inside reali nice... rather zen-looking...

oh... i like oysters... but now cant take leh... i love to eat "hao jian"... yum yum.

thanks all for ur ans to my qn...

Y say cant take? So long its cooked. Its ok to take. I read fm the book tat was given by my gynae, they classify not able to eat pineapple, oyster, etc as myths. So fm there, I had my first Sarawak pineapple last wkend. Wahhh...tell u, the feeling damn shiok. The pineapple soooo sweet & juicy

Wat I did is ask the person to cook it. When serve, use the egg to cover up the oyster first. When I eat, its cooked. But of cos the taste not so nice liao. But at least I get to eat.
Hi soyabean, I still take "hao jian" leh. Guess as long as the oysters are cooked shd be ok.

Hi Val, I guess we just eat whatever we like hor?
giggler, val
looks like u all eat more things than me... i will try to expand my food list then... indulge in my fav hao jian when i hv the chance.
allo Shook,
My photo shoot was a very tiring one indeed but lucky the results came out quite well. As for the banquet we will hold it after I give birth cos is too rush.I don't wan to hold the wedding with water retentions all over my body. look so awfull -_-". I took 2 months to make my decision after I found out I was preggie so my husband and I decide to rom first than hold the wedding next year on our 1st anni. =)

To all,
Don't take too much of the oysters....cos I recently had a terrible stomachache after I ate laksa. This is the 2nd time it happened.I suspect is the price I have to pay for askin the uncle to add hums for me. I like my oysters and hums raw with lime and chilli.Yummy! But now I have to temporary avoid them. Or maybe is I suay the uncle's hums not clean....so be careful ladies.
Since u like your gyne so much, stick on 2 see her @ the clinic. Juz bear wif it for another 3 mths.
For breakfast I eat 1 or 2 fruit(s) (apple or orange or pear or kiwi or dragon fruit or grapes) n
breakfast cereal or
hard boiled or steam egg or
steam sweet potato or
2 slices or cheese or
peanuts (only during wk n when I have more time)
sometimes I oso dunno wat to eat.
Dr Sim oso said her work v tight so she can't afford to go AMK clinic. Think KK is v short-handed

My colleague said a lot of air trapped in bread n my brother who is a baker oso said dat. Dat's y bread is soft n puffy
The diff in charges @ private suite vs clinic depends on grade of dr. I pay $6 more for visiting snr consultant.
KK din sms u reminder of your appt 2 days b4 your appt?

I still collect medicine @ pharmacy but go straight to cashier counter
Cod liver oil has high content of vit A. Better avoid for preggie
I oso love to eat hao jian but can't take too much coz v oily.

U can take kuay teow, then u eat kuay teow. I can only eat noodle but not pang mian

My gyne said cod liver oil n DHA & AA pills r different leh

Can share share your ps?
My wedding photos r posted at http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/messages/3/41367.html?1076921731
I collecting the shoot next thurs. I have to wait for 2.5 months before a can collect. In e first place when I go choose the photoes that time, I don't know it will cost so much to wash the extra photoes that was not included in the package. End up payin 1.5k more for changing the album size and extra photoes. Pockets burnt man. Will upload to the comp once I get it k ! Nice shoots you've got! Love your red cheongsam, yellow flowers at the outdoor tea., your hair etc.You must be very happy on that day. Share your happiness when seeing your photoes. Nice!

I love hum oso. But oso the same I juz ensure the hums are cooked. Then it Q until so small. Hehe... Eat a bit is ok. Anyway, uncle oso wont give a lot of hums for the laksa. If not he lugi.


Ya the extra photos is the killing part. Dat's where bridal boutique ker tod couples.

I like the red EG too. I shortlisted a few. My dad made the final choice. Shortlisted red EG oso bcoz my wedding wz on Mother's day. I had red theme to give my mum a surprise n made her happy. BUT... she din even notice I had a red theme
I prefer the 2 tone blue/purple tea dress. Wanna buy it but another bride booked dat dress after me

I love the yellow callas lily too.

Thx for your praises
