(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

eureka, qsg, brenda, lyn
thanks for ur concerns regarding my back ...

read ur post too late ...already ate a big bowl of cheng tng on sunday nite
ok will avoid for the rest of the pregnancy

u take gd care of ur back too. yah yah ! am gonna ask hubby to go massage together, think the last time we went for massage was 6 mths ago. u know of any good spa for that does massage for pregnant ladies?

Jana also must hv Barney's vcd playing while she eat else she'll refuse to eat. i really regret doing it leh ... now i hv to watch barneys at least 3 times a day ! so sick of it leh!

today i wanted to switch off after she finished her porridge so i told her that barney sang v long already and is very tired and need to rest, i switch off the vcd n on the tv's kids central and guess wat .... barney's again!

rest well!

my hubby also stayed with me throughout my hospital stay ...he's the type who can sleep anywhere and in any condition, so no prob for him
but he hates the hospital food. think this time round will chase him home cos it'll be the 4th time i'm staying at TMC and i quite used to the place already.

ur sis staying on which floor at TMC??? i was at TMC today and went to see the bbies on the 3rd floor, saw 1 that's 3.29kg and wondered if that's ur nephew????

i also wanna see ur wedding photos leh ....

my dad gave pen and paper to Jana and teach her how to scribble ... v headache leh ... she scribble on the paper, walker, bed, panties, hands and legs !

pringles, mom2nat, eureka
i found the shoes! hubby n i went to hunt for it after my med appt today BUT i got wrong size! arrgh! i dun even know the size of my girl's feet ... will hv to bring it back to change .. mom2nat, u want me to get the shoes for u? can pass to u on saturday.

i post later that u again
how come u always hv mooncake mysteriously appearing huh ???

I just PM u my wedding photo link liao. U show me urs hor?

My sis stayed at 3rd flr. Its possible tt the 3.29kg is my nephew
U think he cute or not?? ;)

What time were u at TMC? I rushed down fr work, reached there 7.45pm. Waited anxiously outside the nursery to see my nephew ... the nurse sooooooo slow, i waited fr 7.45 to 8pm then get to see him for less than 5 mins, then i got to go off with my parents liao! My parents had been there for quite sometime, they were waiting for me to come and leave together with them for dinner. So sad, i spent 1.5 hrs to reach there just get to see my nephew for less than 5 mins!!!

Lyn posted her wedding photos sometimes back?? When?? So many archives, impposible to go into each thread to search leh .....
How abt u? R u going to show me anot???
Who mistaken Rae Rae as girl girl huh? Rae got such a boyish look, tt person must be hving serious lao hua yen!

can post ur wedding photos again???
Ay Viv,
Do they have not blue in colour, same design??

Mooncake....mysteriously cos hb is the one leave it there on the table lor....hahahhahah. Today frm his co's kind vendor. tat day think it's frm FIL whom he went to visit at wee hr......

Was having dinner with Rae n hb outside. Rae was running ard the whole foodcourt. Ate 1 mouth, go 1 round. Spilled water all over table. Dragged n want to appy medicine, eat medicine (after seeing doc). Hb hurried us cos parking going to be up. I was so pek chek that I threw the chopstick n said 'DUN EAT< LET"S GO'.......very bad hor????


Hb commented y I lost my cool over a kid? He said he always registered in his mind this story that a woman at NDP 2005 shared with him. Rae was moving here n there in his chair n hit this aunty. Hb apologised n this aunty said 'I understand. NVM. I have 4 boys.' Hb reminds me Rae is just a kid n we only have 1 boy, not 4boys.....patience is just so difficult to have n frustration is so easily eating me up when i am tired.....

Mummies, how many of u can be so rational at all time?
Wat size is the shoe? Nat is wearing 14 now. Where you find it?? If somewhere nearby, I can go tmrw. Otherwise you can help me get. Prob will get 14.5 for Nat.
ii din upload my wedding photos on any website leh ... i see if i can upload the video on youtube instead.

i was there in the morning, around 11am. aiyo .. v v cute ...i ask my hubby how come all so cute except Jana, who look like an alien bb
if the nurses r busy, can ask ur BIL to go into the nursery and push out the bb himself ...but inform the nurse first hor ...

i also ask the salesgirl the same question, she say they hv it in pink as well, but the its sold out at the outlet i went to.

mummies r only human leh ...
Yar, i like clarks design n the grip etc. But then very difficult to find a pair of shoes dat can use for long cos our kid's grow pretty fast. Dats y still hesitating leh.
Is dat SK library? Then i must bring Kieran to the children's section. So far i went there, always go to adult section. Y do u want to put Alicia in cc? U wanna go back to work?

U fell? Oh dear...must be careful. I oso like the show 'guan huai fang shi'. Dat time i watch until i cry. If u r of avg wt b4 preggie, then the normal wt gain is abt 10-12 kg. If underwt, then must be abt 15-16 kg.

Yar yar yar...dats xiao D D lyrics. Wah piangz, u really got gd memory leh. Remember got another song, 'Pa pa da wo, wei liao she mer, wei liao she mer pa pa da wo...'

Hehehe, Batam was my 1st trip wif my hubby, who was then my boyfren. So ulu the place, i get scare tinking of the quietness. Carrying a newborn reminds u of the days when YH was very young hor? Those were the days. It's always nice to play wif other's child but once u sian liao, can 'return' to their parents. If own kid, die die must entertain. Same lor, i oso par par when i tink of having No 2 but then again, i wish to have more children oso lah cos 1 is too lonely.
I rec ur PM liao. Thks
YH is exactly a carbon copy of u. Hehehe... If u dun log on into msn tomolo, i'll PM u a foto of me in a retro outfit. :p Btw, my msn is [email protected]
How old is ur mum? I tink really not easy to take care of newborn n YH leh. Kids nowadays very active. Kieran's nanny always 'complains' dat kids now r so diff from last time. She no time to do hsework.
Attend more gatherings then can test if YH is jealous lor. U carry other babies, then see if Yh will make noise. Kieran will do dat. Wif regard to feeding, keep telling urself it's a passing phase. Or u wanna try viv n my mtd? Let YH watch tv while eating? Mummies pls dun pong me for making such a suggestion :p

Soya sauce oso contains sodium rite? I remember i read an article b4 dat one nids a little sodium too. N i tink some bb's food contains a little sodium as well. So not advisable to add more? I have no regrets spending the amt i spent for my bridal. Not dat i spent alot to begin wif. Kekeke... But for the service n wonderful memories, i tink it's well worth the amt i paid for. Actually, i miss the days when i prepared for my wedding n hse reno.
Jem sounds very independent. So gd

Ur co so stingy one ah, only 2 days childcare leave. Gosh... chenchen looks so adorabel in the pic. How old was he?

47 cm is petite ah? Kieran only 45 cm when he was born. :p Rae &amp; Elyse oredi dun wan to sleep wif u? I thot at this age, they'll like? I love to co-sleep wif Kieran.
I know wat u mean. Even wif 1 child, i lose my cool easily.

U dress RY in pink? Wow. Pink is my fav colour but i've yet to dress him in pink :p I like to see him in blue which is my hubby fav colour.

Wahahahah, u use Cafe21 sachets. I use chilli sachets but now dun work liao. These days Kieran watches tv and hold on to cd covers or spoon.

Actually i have mixed feelings abt 'cultivating' the habit of watching barney while eating. Kieran watches only a particular barney vcd, not smthg else. I lagi bored wif it. I even know wat songs dat ugly dino is gg to sing next. Wah couz... Then again, if kieran doesn't have tis habit, it may mean i have to chase him ard the house wif a spoon. Even worse leh.
Jana like alien bb? How could it be? I still remember her as a sweet young gal leh.
Argh..!! Growl!!!! As u can see I am v much awake at this unearthly hour!!!!!! jesse got up at 2.30am calling for me again and I got to get up and put my hand on him to reassure him...
Now I still can't sleep but feel super awake!!!

Good that ur hb is so /adaptable/ hehe.. but hosp bed/couch is really uncomfy... I missed my bed that time!!
How come u stayed in hosp for 4 times?

If u can get ally back to sleep thru, dun be too happy yet.. after a while change again... like jesse, lately keep calling for me... me already so tired...

Wah how u eat so many mooncakes man????

Ally looks like ur hb lah...that's why... she got this furrowed look on her almost all the time.. like in deep thot..hehe..

I know what u mean, yah, if they dun talk and let us relax it's beta.

I confess me also v impatient, still learning how to be more patient...like just now I thot jesse slept after I placed my head on him, so went back to my bed, who knows, less than 10 mns he called for me again... buay tahan but what to do right...
Hb also stimes says I'm impatient but what to do right, so pek chek...

Mai ke ke, the times I ran into you I never saw u in those colours...

jesse fed himself over lunch last week, we were pretty pleased...

I like pink too...

Did ur dad drive again? Parking is mad at TMC... how come they took so long to bring bb out? Too busy?

I also feel like taking leave man... me everyday macham so many things in my head and the mail that is piling up at home is driving me crazy...

Yah I fell down, just now hb tried to massage but he saw my peeled skin he nearly freaked out... ahaha... told him not painful lah... put plaster lor.

Ear infection? Serious or not? Seems the few of us in second pregnancy are suffering a bit xcept for absolut... see lah, now I'm awake... sheesh.

How are u?
Yeah I gotta be more careful... now left knee or chey....

I wanted to say I like the two pairs of pants v much. Me hate to shop out lately, resorted to internet purchase/mail order now....

U wanna c my pics ah? So shy leh... .exchange ah...wait later I go and pull out the pics....
Will your mum go over to your plc to help look after Nat when u shift to Pasir Ris? It's tough to get Nat to take her meal
How do u find BJG?

I think my fridge set too cold liao. Put in chill compartment needs 2 days to thaw. So I hv to take out of the fridge in the morning n let it thaw than put back to chill compartment. The bag of milk leaks into the cup, dat's y my mum find it cumbersome n messy. She prefers me to store milk in bottles

My hubby will collect the cover fm Deer. Thx for your offer to help

Wat is the bilirubin level of your nephew. In KKH, bb will b given light therapy only when bilirubin level is > 250
Does your sis need to pay for her stay for extra day?

Deer, Skyblue
Can't remember how old wz Chen Chen in dat photo. I go home check n get back to u

Rae sick?
Agree IMPOSSIBLE not to loose cool all the time. Last 9 I felt so sick n feverish. Need to clean myself n pick up the sterlized bottles. Chen Chen followed me to the kitchen. My parents carried him to the living rm a few times. In the n I buay tarhan, off the kitchen light n went into the toilet, closed the dr to wee wee. He cried but no voice for a while. He wz really frightened. Me bad mummy hor. Sometimes I can't help it but thot shld let him learn his lesson thru hard ways

My co not pro family. They dun pay a single cent for anything related to pregnancy. Child care leave is gazetted otherwise I dun think they give

Oh no u were awake since wat time? Your hubby doesn't help u to assure Jesse dat pa pa is there?
Chen Chen woke up n cried @ 1+am. My hubby woke up by Chen Chen's cry n can't get back to sleep till 5am. Then slept for n hr gotta get ready to go to work
Gd dat Jesse can self feed liao. Another task off u
I wanna c your wedding pic. PM me can

Gals who had massage after delivery
How long did your massage lady massage for u for ea session n how much is the charge?
Deer, Skyblue
I access the link to Chen Chen's photos. The pic of Chen Chen in purple romper wz taken when he wz 22nd wk old
Viv, did your gynae say if you can try VBAC for this pregnancy? Which sport shop you went to? wanna take alook at the gals shoes also.

Lyn, you paid $210++ for the rooms right? I checked the website this price is for superior room facing garden lei, how come yours is sea facing? free upgrade ah?

Deer, have you seen stylobb before?
Skyblue.... I CAN STILL SING THAT SONG! And I remember the twins! It's their father's birthday and they wanted to give him a surprise. So they drew a mural of the father on the wall. But when the father came back, he was so angry that he caned them! Then they sing "Pa Pa da wo, wei liao shen me...Wei liao shen me Pa Pa da wo..." The song v catchy cos it's like Guan Huai Fang Shi, keep repeating...
Jana was also hooked on a particular disk, the Barney's 10th anniversary special, its has lots n lots of songs ..she'll insist on watching that disk only...me and my sis also know how to sing some of the songs already

Jana doesn't look v nice at birth, here's apic of my alien bb

u din sleep since 230am? gosh ..u must b feelin v tired now ...

I stayed 3 times already, 1st time was for pre-term labour during 1st pregnancy, 2nd time was for my delivery, 3rd time was for bleeding last month. Hopefully no more stay till my delivery in Mar 06.

My co also dun pay a single cent for anything related to pregnancy, but we do get 5 days Child care leave and they have increased the new born gift from $100 to $1000.

wats VBAC? I got the show from royal sporting house.
Shook, me same as you only got 2 days childcare leave mandatory by MCYS.

Viv, i asking if you can go for natural birth this time since your first is c-section. which outlet of the royal sporting house you went to?
QSG, I have a hand operated baby food grinder I brought along.

Sarah ate whatever we ate, as long as there was no hot chilli. Breakfast, I brought her cereal and she ate it with the milk available, but she also ate some coco pops, and some croissant.

Early check-in is only if available, thus, you can only ask when you arrive. I brought a small pram for Sarah. Also I bought those mosquito patches for the evenings.

Sarah used to throw things off the high chair when she didn't want them. This was until she discovered that she would get a smack on her hand everytime she did it. Now she'll just offer the things to us, or leave it on the high chair table for us to put away. If she accidentally drops things now, she will sign "sorry" so that we won't smack her.

stylobb, I don't really have a fave colour, except that cos I'm so FAT, I look best in dark maroons and dark blues. Sarah loves <font color="ff0000">red</font>.
But for twins, supposed to gain more weight.... the book said 20kg, maybe for ang moh size, can gain that much hor, so scary .... I also dun know, will see what gynae says...
I gained 17kg for first pregnancy and lost it all within 4 months....

Yah lor those 'glamour' days in the wedding and evening gowns...ahaha....

I thot the cc for 2 days is normal... my co also does not give any extra leave for kids' mc leh.... but have subsidy for medical and hospitalisation...

I think I also felt a bit sentimental towards the end of the show, when Athena performed on stage and Han Wei passed away...??? Sth like that... that I remember......

I dun put any sodium in jesse's porridge...

Alamak! U closet singer is it? How come u know all these songs? I have no idea what this is about.... kekeke...

deer only saw me in my 'glory'........ in my wedding pics... ahahah..... she is busy now....

Alamak, u also wanna see, can email me yours? [email protected]

He doesnt want hb even tho hb told him 'papa is here'... he pushed him away and ran to my side... calling 'mae-mee'...hehe I dun know how he can run in the dark...........dun know if he has separation anxiety.. .sigh.....
Guess ur hb is tired today... poor thing.... this morning me and hb also... but now ok liao...cos busy with work mah... just frustrated at woken up at 2.30am.... no point scolding jesse right...
U feeling ok today???? How come got fever????

...Can send ur pics to my addy? and Ill reply.

I was awake from 2.30am till 4am... could not get back to sleep...this morning kept praying for strength......thankfully after the initial grogginess and having eaten breakfast, and being busy at work, me ok now...thanks.
If not pregnant, and have to get up and back to bed is already tired enuf, pregnant and still have to do that is utter exhaustion... I just sat on jesse's mattress for a while to ensure he was back to sleep then I went back to my bed. Thankfully it's Thursday today, me and hb have had a busy work week...

Oh, so each time u stayed overnite??? Yah, no more until delivery... Ur first time was c-section, can u go for natural delivery now?? I only stayed in hospital once in my whole life... I dun like to be there, even in single ward..cos the bed is so uncomfortable....

All babies look a little 'strange' when they are NB... after a while, they look ok...

U so fat meh?? Kekeke....
Oh, Sarah likes red, jesse looks good in red....
Priviledged, thanks for the picture. Is the grinder good? I saw it before wanted to buy but read some reviews saying look abit flimsy like toy. Is the mosquito patch you bought effective? what brand is it? Daytime sarah dun use any repellent?Still considering whether to get patch or repellent. Afraid if i apply repellent on her hand, she may rub into her eyes when she touch her face or put hands into mouth when bored but heard from forum patches like not very effective.Does sarah cry when you smack her?

brenda, should be going in 2 weeks time.Haven't book yet.
Actually, Clarks' baby shoes have growth room built in without sacrificing the fit. I bought a pair for Alicia since 11 mths and she can prob wear till end of the year or longer yet its not too loose. The buckle also keeps her feet in nicely. Usually for other shoes, if there is alot of room at the front, baby's feet tend to slip out when walking. Doesn't happen for the Clarks' shoes. I know why i paid every cent for it!
We find the grinder very handy. It's not flimsy at all. In fact I always have difficulty getting the grating out, and have to use two chopsticks to help me twist it so that it can come out for me to wash.

We bought the Med Ex Anti Mosquito Patch from Unity Pharmacy. We didn't want to rub anything on her skin cos of her eczema. She didn't get any bites, day or night. We didn't use anything in the day.

Sometimes Sarah will cry when we smack her, but she only cries for about 2 seconds. We explain what she has done wrong and sayang her. She's OK after that.
Thks for your wedd photos. I like the first one. Very nice. Where was it taken? Sorry can't send u any of my pictures. I don't have a scanner.

U woke up so early. Oh no, u must be tired at work now?

I can see Jana still has some similarities in her younger photo. She doesn't look strange at all.
Privildeged, thanks for sharing with me, dana also got eczema so i think i probably will use patch also. Did you switch on the baygon electric repellent in the room provided?
Dana cries even if i tap lightly on her hand, once she cries difficult to pacify so quite afraid to discipline her.

Pringles, the built in growth room is it for covered shoes only or all shoes?
I like all purple. My house different shades of purple 'cept jem's room n kitchen...haiz

Going Genting arh ! remember to post photos hor

saw ur sexy pose!!

Saturday tell us ur 'car' story, k

think none can say we can stay rational w our kids at all time lah... unless one can claim her child is so smart that he/she can maintain the sanity of the mom instead.

This morning i just shout at jem in the car cos he refuses his milk (1st time). I thot he just wan to play n refuse to drink. In the end, i also shout,"Dun wan, done!" Ignored him for the rest of the journey. Later after sending him to the centre, hb told me after he finished his 240ml last nite, he woke up at 1am to drink another 180ml... haiz, no wonder he wasn't hungry. Think i too stress over work recently n got frus cos usually i can remember his milk intake. Stupid us to lose our cool? nvm.. they not smart either..hahahah
Your co better than my co. I only get a lousy hampers wif lots of flowers n a pooh bear gift set plus a bottle of bb oil. May b dat cost <$80

Sarah has gd manners

Go home early today to hv gd rest
I sent u the link to my wedding photos liao. Awaiting for yours

OIC. Chen Chen doesn't want my hubby too when come to sleeping. He oso ma mi or nang nang....
I had sorethroat earlier n din hv enuff sleep coz Chen Chen woke up middle of 9 over the wk n and Tue. TOday dun feel feverish liao.
not fair leh u... Y blame jesse? hahha mebbe its ur little ones wan to train u for their arrival leh?? hahah

u still having fever?
Toddlers taking porridge in this sat gathering will be:
1) Gareth
2) Jerome
3) Chen Chen
4) Tyra
5) Randall

Who else huh?
You having fever ah? Must take medicine and sleep more leh.

Btw, i think i forgot to answer one of your post. Yes, I can bring the food over to your place on sat if you want to.
Maybe can let Gareth and Chen Chen carry lantern that night too.
haha, it's still in the playroom, but he haven't touch that for a long time liao. Nowadays he is always playing the toy car you give him and the fire engine that i bought him.
Brenda, think it is unavoidable we may lose our cool at our tods at times. I ever shouted and hit dana when she refuses her milk..so frustrating feeding her and i am already so tired at nite. You bought your car seat already? which one you bought?

Shook, my co. and yours very similar...2 days childcare leave and a hamper that's all. Your company is a local, american or what co?

Mom2Nat, i wanna see your sexy photos also. Pls PM me can? Thanks.
tks. i saw ur fotos, v nice. u hav sharp features n yes i oso notice u hav long fingers. i dun hav scanner but tink i do hav a few soft copies somewhere. i look tru my files, wen found, will email u okie.

can i check w u tis. u mentioned ryan gets out of d carseat even w seatbelt. ashrel too. can trouble u 2 take a pic of how u prevent him fr getting out by using d harness? i told hubby but he 'dun undstd'..
Just now I was ok, now feeling a bit sleepy....hiaz...
Hope the afternoon will pass fast so that I can go home to rest....... gals, pls talk to me!!!! zzzz............

We like Clarks shoes, esp the ones for little girls, so cute and nice..... that pair costs $42 .....

Dana so 'fragile' hah............ beat only cry....

The little ones sent telepathic message to jesse to par-kak to make me wake up ah..... then they must be v clever...
I dun blame jesse lah but really buay tahan... so tired and still gotta drag myself out of bed... once or twice is ok but four times a week.... hiaz......

U v busy with work ah??

Wow, so many !!! I only managed to see the studio ones... u can really smile....!!! and u are a petite bride.... Your gown is purple, lilac?? Heheee.....
Saw mine? A few only......
I also zzZzzing soon. Got a bad fright just now, saw a car run over my colleague's foot just now. Till now I still feel the after effect, can't get myself to work.
dear mummies n jul,
c ashrel can roll/curl his tongue to d left, right n almost to back facing position... din noe he has such a flexi tongue till i saw tis pic. alwy c him playing w his tongue since he was abt 2mths old.. tot it was only sticking out tongue n alwy tell him 'no no' but he can do much more, so funny..
now i observe at hm n realise he can do so many roll, curl, twist n turn with his tongue, i got a shock!

din occur to me it's genetic. me n hubby can't do such 'tricks' leh.. keke...
i checked with my gynae, she says its possible that the c-section wound from 1st delivery may burst during delivery, though not common and but it did happened before. she'll see how my pregnancy goes and later on we decide if we wanna play safe or take the risk. right now i think i'll still op for c-section, the wound is easier/cleaner to manage and also i want her to tug in the keloids for me

i know wat u mean, Jana is not able to sleep soundly thru out the nite, she wakes up almost every nite, she v fussy ..she wake up/stir if she start to feel warm/cold, when her diaper is too wet, sometimes to pee, and to look for her pacifier. Think when the second one arrives, and both take turn to wake up ... i no need to sleep whole nite liao
can i teach him how to use the hammer n knock the vehicles?!?!? hahah, i had fun teaching jem to crash cars.

hahhahha... carseat arh? i dunnoe what brand leh, my cousin n hb choose one. Only know we bought at kaki bukit. To me as long as can strap jem down.. good already.

yah busy w work n chatting with pigletz..hahhahah
Zzzzzz....me quite blur liao....

WHAT!!! Your colleague ok or not?

Last nite hb was driving me to my mom's place and we saw a dead rat lying on the road.... so gross!!!!!!!!!! Think after being run over....
I think hb ever saw someone jump from a flat or something while he was driving....

Which line - why ah? Related to aviation......

Ash can turn tongue sideways...cool!!!!!!!!!
can u take a tea break ? my elder sis like clark's shoes and keep asking me to buy for Jana ...everytime she see the shoes i buy for jana..she nag non-stop ...
eeek stylobb,
did he jam brake seeing that?? i mean the jumping down one? think i betta dun go take my licence.. i always see such things one.

u r a pilot arh??

u r reading silently!!! i just went to BT Merah KFC again just now.. hahahha, keep looking for a preggie
GOSH! it must hv been terribly frightening! a month ago, i also witness an accident, after i cross the road, i heard a car screeching behind, i turn around and saw that its gonna bumped into a little boy! i closed my eyes immediately, dun dare to watch! think the car managed to slow down n stop in time n just slighted bumped into the boy ...the mother came running after him and instead of consoling the boy..she started scolding him! v poor thing leh ...he already so scared and the mum should ask whether he's ok or not mah ...
haha, okay, will teach Gareth how to hammer mark's car on sat. hehe..how abt that? *grin*

My Colleague okay, but I'm not. hahaha, I suffer from bad shocked. haha. My colleague say becos he wear thick leather shoe, Camel brand one, so his toe didn't kanna.
ya lor. My colleague very cool man, 50years old man. He even shout for the driver to stop and scolded the driver for driving so recklessly.

According to my colleague, my whole face turn green. He ask me go home and rest. But tomorrow i won't be in office, so better finish up my work 1st. But now, no mood to work cos still suffering from shocked.
i'm always lurking around ..but sometimes no time to post, sometimes feel too lousy to post.

aiya ...u wanna see me can always date me for lunch mah! I haven't gone down to bt merah for lunch for a long time already, cant walk too much else i too tired and wont last for the day. hope to get my energy back after my 1st trimester.
Thanks for the link. Me send you back already.
P You've never been to any of our gatherings yet right? Coz dun remember seeing you leh.

All the fuss on wedding pics and just visiting my bridal studio again to accompany my friend, makes me gian to wear WG and make up pretty pretty. haha! Maybe should go for a pregnant photo shoot. Some of the MTBs in Dec 05 went for it. But think I too shy leh. Realised that I didn't take any pics of myself when I was preggie with Ally.

Viv / Stylo
My hubby also stayed with me in hospital but think he wasn't used to the couch coz our friends said I looked fine while he looked dreadful in the hospital.
Viv, unlike your hubby, my hubby and even bro (SIL stayed in same hospital) said food was delicious. Next time you try staying in Eastshore.

As for scribbling, Ally also started drawing on her legs and ears etc... so we decided to get her those magnetic drawing board. Just bought her jumbo crayons. At least she can learn colours and crayons are also not as sharp as pens.

Since we always seem to be on the topic of mooncakes, just bought another brand of mooncakes today after visiting a client. It's this brand from KL that's supposed to be quite good called Kam Lun Tai. Bought 4 mooncakes for $19.80. It's pandan lotus paste with a layer of white tau sar and single yolk. Dunno how it taste but suppose to be popular. Comes in 2 boxes of 2. Thot will give my parents 1 box to try. Howz ... me really gonna turn into mooncake face already. Then you'll have yr wish to see me fattened up.

U are not the only one up at that hour leh. I was also up. hubby decided to sleep on the floor while Ally slept with me last nite coz she was really cranky and refused to drink her last feed of milk before sleeping. Tried to shift her but she struggled and made noise. In the end, woke up at 230 and after tossing around for half hour, asked for milk. After that, keep tossing and turning again. Didn't get back to sleeping properly til 430am coz bed is quite high and afraid she'll fall down. Told hubby this morning that I'd rather she sleep on floor or having him around to at least block one more side.

Maybe you store too much milk in the bag? I usu give abt 20ml of space coz after clipping, the space shrinks. Maybe bag doesn't leak, can just put in cup of water and put in fridge? But if you are used to the bottle, then continue lor.

Seeing the rate that we're sharing wedding pics, maybe one gathering should focus on us bring wedding pics. hahahaa
Stylobb, i dun mean which industry, i meant which area like finance, marketing,etc? i kept thinking you are in finance so just wanna confirm.

Viv, if the wound burst during delivery,what would happen? scary. For my case, my gynae said high risk of rupture so must c-section next time. She also mention will give steriod injection and use scapel (dunno how to spell) instead of normal stitching to reduce keloid from forming. This scapel thingee must be removed after 7 days will not self dissolved. Does your keloid still itch or painful nowadays when wear tighter pants,etc?
i'm fine tks.
wow, jesse is giving u a hard time yah.

ya, treatment finishing soon.

jul, brenda
me havent book for the tour yet, will post photo if i did go.
Duh! Viv..
I think if i was that mom.. i'll break down n cry and punch the driver if he dares horn at me for blocking his way...

yah yah betta dun walk too much... will i be seeing u on saturday?

Hmmm absolut,
u intro ur fren to ur bridal studio cos they r good? can show me?

u also have been lurking arnd like Viv arh?

I can take a tea break anytime, no problem. But I need more than a tea break...hehe....nvm, I can leave on the dot.... I am just feeling a bit groggy....

Why? She doesn't like the ones u bot? My hb is also v particular about jesse's shoes.....but kids' shoes are v expensive hor....can't bear to part $49 for just one pair... we managed to buy two nice pairs from KL.....

Aiyoh, poor child... thankfully he is ok..

U have bad ms???? When are u due? Sorry if I ever asked u.... I rembr jul is due in Apr.....

Nope, think he saw the jump from the corner of his eye, he only told me like after he drove a distance away. He could not stop cos the road was busy......
What do u mean u always see such things???

Pilot? No lah. But someone ever asked me to be air-stewardess long time ago....ahaha.... dun want lah, so tiring on the plane, still gotta serve people.... hehe..........plus I got problem when plane lands.... depressurisation... hurt my ears so badly......

U shud show me yours too, since we were from the same bridal boutique...heeeeeeee...cool.........

Hehe...I nearly laughed out loud about your hb looking dreadful...yah the food at my hosp was pretty good too...I ate a lot.....

Hb took some pics of me when I was preggie with jesse, my, I looked so huge!!!!

2.30am awake - I empathise with you....o at least jesse finishes his milk, one whole bottle!! So u and Ally slept on the bed and u could not get back to sleep cos u were afraid she will roll off? It happened to jesse once, I woke up to see an empty spot instead of my bb....hahha.... that time he was quite young..... he landed on the floor....

Oh...coordinating and planning of stuff, projects... me not in finance, but my boss dumped me figures/budget to do ...oh how I dislike them!! Think if I see figures everyday, my hair will turn white!!!!!

He is only like this at nite leh....now when he sleeps, he wanna hug me.... .on mornings like a piggy sleeping away.... hiaz....
Nice to hear from u. Pls take care hor...
U feeling more energised???
