(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

I wanna hear duet, not solo..keke...

U mean all this while u store in glass containers? I used to store in the BM bags and tied with the ckips.

Me also only 2 days cc leave...

Yap, I store ebm in glass bottles since day 1. Easy to warm ebm in bottles. my mum find it troublesome to warm ebm stored in bag.

The storage bag I bot can hold I think 120ml. But hor, when I fill up to 100ml milk overflows when I tie the bag
<font color="0000ff">ayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy DEER,</font>
U are really not wat I imagine u to be!!!! Wow, u got long fingers!!!!! U look very nice in that kwa n I do think hb n u got fu qi xiang, esp the nose!!!!! Now I tot YH look like u?????? Wait wait, later i go n stare at ur foto somemore

Tks so much for ur sharing, I enjoy. Now I can put ur face here while I talk to u!

WAit ah, must say something to <font color="0000ff">stylobb</font> 1st....

<font color="0000ff">Stylo!!!!!</font>
Wat happen to u?? So big pple liao, still fall, my heart really drop reading ur post. ARe u ok?????? Ur twins somersault in ur tummy liao!!
AY, take extra care ah....hb sure have a fright if u tell him!!!!

<font color="0000ff">ok deer</font>.....can really feel ur joy upon ur nephew's arrival. He is rather petite hor, 47cm only. very cutie hor? I fully understand ur feeling lah. Last nite my ILs was remarking how come they find elyse so fun. During their own parenthood time, y din they find their own daughter as fun??? Think the responsibility as a parent 'pulled' us down. Some pple like to play with kids n bbs but dun like to take care, dun like to have their own.......I fully agree with u, better dun interfere lah, re ur sis bf'g part.

It is big step taken to be parent........

Think gonna take awhile to let things settled in ur home...ur mum, ur sis n thus U, YH n ur family got2 make accomodation too. REst well once u can.

YH active? Better than in a daze....

<font color="0000ff">Hi Mum2nat,</font>
For a moment, I tot u bot the dress at $35 n told myself I wont pay for it. THen I saw for ALL n I really tot it is really gd buy!!!!!!!! VERY..i didnt pay much attention to the pant but tot the pink one is sweet!

<font color="0000ff">Hi Pok POk, Absolut, Pringles, Pvl,</font>
I really want to learn frm u to let my kids sleep in their own room soon. As mush as I wanted them to be independent, I also enjoy the warmth of squeezing all in a room though co-sleeping with us on the bed is a day 1 NO NO for us. BOth of them dun seem to fancy squeezing with us too.

<font color="0000ff">PVL</font>, I am really very impressed that u trained sarah to help herself to the water bottle u placed by her crib, in the middle of nite!
Tks for getting back regarding ur preference of Bintan to cruise. I will take note.

In summary, I really think bbs can be conditioned when they are still young. Now, getting more challenging liao...tods!

<font color="0000ff">PRingles,</font>
Hope u r fully back to normal by now. think ur stomach was already weakened by the sushi, then worsened by the mango ice cream. So disaster occur!

<font color="0000ff">absolut</font>
I am ren ren ren till near 15th of this lunar mth then buy the mcakes.....

Ur posting lately make me lol alot!!! Nicholas gonna be a very cheery cheeky boy!
. His mama is so funny.

Toothpick ah........oh dear. I go there take foto n post at ST forum
QSG, mine was under the Seabreeze promotion. $160 is about right lah ($5, not much difference). Maybe my agent has a lower profit margin. Weekday. 2N3D inclusive of Ferry and transfers, and breakfasts. Got massage too.
Sarah paid $13.20 in total.
You must ask for that promo. My agent was in Tanjong Katong Complex, "Holiday Bagus" on Level 3.

Brenda, Sarah sleeps around 10 pm until 7-8 am.

stylobb, be careful, yah? Sometimes I guess when you're expecting, your balance can be a little off.
hahaha, we went to the same agent.
Mine is abt $191 per pax i think, but mine is weekend. and i got free upgrade to delux room when i went over the last time.
Privildeged, thanks for the info, probably book with the agency at People Park since i can rush there during lunch. Realised its the same price if book online also. Did you and hb take turns to go for the massage or both of you went for the massage at the same time with sarah?

Pigletz, is the view of the delux room good? Thinking whether to go for delux if it is really near to the beach.
hmm, my delux room is face swimming pool. Think standard room is face the other side one. Actually, won't have much different especially you won't be in the room for most of the time. I got the massage thingie too, but we didn't go for it.
eureka, I agree. Children can sometimes get harder to train when they're older. Some things need early conditioning. The water bottle I place IN the crib. It's the avent bottle with the spout and valve, so no spilling. I didn't really need to train her. I just put the bottle there and told her so. After that, I did notice that she would drink from the bottle some nites cos when I get her in the morning, the bottle is somewhere else, and the water is less. Hehehe.

Your Rae is old enough right? Can tell him that big boys sleep in their own room? Elyse may be a bit more difficult, but you might be surprised!
PM me ur wedding pics too!!! but i got none to exchange hor... u seen too much of me already. Why din post here har?

YH sleeps so late? he wun get tired in the day?

erm... can i ask? Do u ever regret spending that amount on those photos?? Other mommies?

try toy r'us!!! hahhaha, jem also at home 6-7 steps till we brought him to toy r'us (under pigletz's influence) then we realised he do know how to walk n run on his own very well. Then i think he also realise it, now we see him walk abt most of the time.

i give jem his last feed at 9-9.15pm too. Somehow be it i read on the bed w him or i watch tv he goes to sleep on his own.. i realised its always after 9.30 now. So thinking of letting him choose his own bedtime liao... Cool, at least u another mummy who thinks that they can go to bed on their own..hahhahaha, then i feel less guilt.

erm... do u use the term 'mo twin twin' often?? cos my colleague who has twin told me before she conceive, she always like to buy things in pair n her aunties commented she'll hv twin n it came true. hahahha, then i see the way u spell the term :p
So many people asking for your wedding photos. Can i see them too? Why don't u place a link here so that whoever wanna see can click on it? If not, pls send to my email:[email protected]. Tks!

Which avent spout is that with a valve? I also have an avent spout but didn't notice any valve? Is it the one that baby can just place their mouth over the spout,tilt the cup and the water pours out?Or they are required to suck?
QSG, we went for the massage separately. While Sarah was having her afternoon milk, then nap. It was quite good, but my hair was all oily after that. Deluxe and Superior room are no different in distance to the beach. All in the same complex. On Fri nite, it got a bit noisy. A group of Singaporeans came in, and around midnite, they were still talking loudly, knocking on each other's doors and dragging their feet in the corridor, and worse of all, slamming doors. My hubby &amp; I didn't sleep well that nite because of this. Fortunately Sarah slept on and wasn't disturbed.

pigletz, so coincidental... same agent. You got upgraded? How do you get that?
Alicia's first trip to the library:


Hey! I like this furry sheep!

It's really soffffftt!

I can almost sleep on it!

I said hello to a new fren

Mommy wants to start me borrowing books

Meanwhile, i'm just happy to sit

and play!
pringles, the one with the valve is non-spill. Baby has to suck to get the liquid out. I inherited all this from my sis, so I'm not sure what the packaging looks like. But I'm sure you can get it. The valve is a rubber disc.
Stylobb's mo twin twin is out of the blue in cantonese.

I hv no regrets spending on those studio photos. Used to look @ them often b4 I wz pregnant. Whenever Chen Chen looks @ the potrait in my living rm, he stares n smiles @ times

Talking abt link to photos 4 got to give u the link to Chen Chen's blog http://harnichenchen.blogspot.com/
I put it in yahoo 29 IF I remember
Do u know the reason for ur headache? If u know, at least u can tui zheng sia yau. Mine is due to lack of sleep and my spec! YH crawled over my spec on Monday, i took it out and put it aside when i tried to kiss him. Then i fell asleep besides him, when i woke up, i saw my spec underneath his knee
I had been wearing a very uncomfy spec these 2 days. Just now i let my colleague adjusted it for me, i feel much better now.
U no good lah, u play cheat, during my time we also dun hv wedding photos in CD, i scanned in the 3R photos myself, coz my bro did a website for my wedding, so i put those scanned images there. But the website had removed liao .... must clarify b4 i m being hounded for my wedding website ;P

No wedding photos, normal photos also can, like those u took with Tyra???

U another one play cheat .... think u work in Raffles Place, i work in Clementi, how to meet for lunch??? Do u come down to NUS? If u do, maybe its possible to lunch together

Aiyo, ur mo twin twin fall down give us a fright leh ... u got apply something on ur right foot or not? Ask ur hb to pick u up this evening lah. Think fr some of ur post, i got the impression tt ur hb drive, but u take MRT to work, is it not convenient for ur hb to send u to work? Ur tummy is going to grow bigger and heavier soon, it might be quite tiring and clumsy to walk with a big tummy, if possible, try to arrange such tt ur hb can send u to work.
U think YH is excited also?? Called my mum just now, my dad, my mum and YH visited my sis and her bb this morn. I asked my mum whether YH got try to touch his cousin, my mum said no. Ask her whether got let YH see the bb, my mum said yes .... forgot to ask whether YH got smile to the cousin or not .... my parents r going to bring YH to visit my sis again this evening. Dunno whether by the time i rush down to hospital my parents and YH will still be there, if they r, i will try to carry my nephew in front of YH, test test whether he will feel jealous or not. I hope he wont. My niece is being looked after by my MIL, whenever my MIL carries YH, she will bian zui (curved her mouth down), and make some noise, think she is very jealous, i hope YH wont be like that.

Guang Huai Fang Shi, i like the song also
but i dont redally like the show, maybe becoz i dun really like Zhu Ying. My hb likes to watch her movies.

StyloBB wants to hear duet, maybe u can sing with ur hb??? hahaha ...

KC, i dont hv the lyrics, just hum lah, heheh ...
Mummies recent months when dana is sitted in high chair for her meals, she will signal to me what she wants by pointing to me things around the house. If i dun pass the thing to her she will keep pointing and not eat so i have been giving her what she wants so as to get her eat. Afraid this may become a habit, any of you have similar experience or advice to share?
Deer, i am innocent! I really thought you working in town area bec i remembered you offer to help me buy slippers and pass to me at douby ghaut? Remember? you are the one correct?
So many pple asking for my wedding photos!!! I faint liao ....

I dun wanna put the link here lah, i dunno how many slient readers out there .... only let those whom i hv corresponded b4 view, ok?
Yeah, i will PM to u one by one (those who requested for it).

Brenda, Pringles, Mom2Nat, i hv seen ur photos b4, so dun really need u to exchange photos with me. But if u dun mind sharing with me ur wedding photos, i would love to see them also!

Brenda, u sure u dun hv wedding photos? U posted ur ROM photos b4, remember? If u r talking abt those studio photos, u can always take them now together with ur hb and Jem

Me got to go to toilet first. Will come back and PM u later!
haha, I went there and then they say they gonna give me free upgrade to delux room and ask me if I want. Of cos i take lah. hahaha
pigletz/priviledged, did you get your ferry tickets on the spot after you book with the agency? If book online have to be at the ferry terminal 1 hour before departure to collect tickets.
We go to the ferry terminal and pass a form to the counter to check in...then we get the tickets. That is if i didn't rem wrongly lah. haha
KKH nurse also pro bfg? At least there was one who is nice enuff to reassure u on bfg

U work in Bugis area?
ok. No problem, ask ur hb to meet me at HarbourFront for the covers.
If u dont mind tt i take out the teats for my sis, i will open up the packaging, and just pass ur hb the covers.
I can meet up with ur hb at Harbour Front MRT station control at the following timing:
Mon-Thurs: 6.30pm
Fri: 6 pm
Tomo i cant make it, most likely my sis will be discharged, i got to take leave.
Fri is ok, next week also ok.
Huh? deer,

urs studio shots rite?? i wanna see, i dun hv. Yeah, hubby been hankering that jem can stand liao, wan me to ask around for a good photographer, pricing etc. But i'm hesitating cos seems to me most just stash it aside after some time
dear mummies,
i jus discovered somthg abt ashrel tat my mum n sil oso 'witness' it many tx oreadi. ash can twist n roll his tongue in many ways! dun noe how to describe but somthg like instead of tongue facing upward, he can 'fold' n 'curl' it towards d left, right. i got a shock but i saw it in a foto tat i took. if i downsize n post here, cant c clearly. any bb doing doing tis funny thg??

i m afraid ashrel will b screaming all d way in d library. he gets excited over new thgs esp animals in books.
tks 4 viewing d video. i took it w my digital cam n not video cam. din noe my digi cam actually not bad.
ai ya...shd hav ask u abt ss vcd. bought d elmo guessing vcd, he din like cos not many songs. n ss vcds quite poor quality, original but like pirated quality.

toy'r'us, okie will brg ash there. cos at hm, he walk walk will start crawling agn. even outside he can walk n 'crawl'.
Mon2Nat, Brenda, Pringles,
I have just emailed and PM to u liao.

I will wait for ur photos, u dont forget hor

U share share ur wedding photos with me hor

Yeah, i see alot of u liao, show me more Jem's photos, ok?

I m going to write to u soon, u wait hor.
Pigletz, check in time is 3pm bintan time so i thinking of booking ferry 2pm singapore time. What time did you book previously?But i read from the website for ferry that if you book online must reach the terminal 1 hour before ferry time to collect. Dun wann go there so early lei.

Although I'm guilty as a silent reader but you've seen me before woh, so..... can I have the link to your wedding photos?


Do be careful, you due in December, so should be quite big liao now?

Hum hum can or not?
Bintan 3pm is singapore time 4pm. I can't rem the timing i took the last time liao leh. I go home and check for you.
Nice foto, interesting library! Alicia's expression, inquisitive cat!!!!!

lobang is by words of mouth. Women's network is super powerful!

Think we under-estimate our little ones, they can do more things then we know
Pigletz, thanks for checking. I was thinking actually first day is like almost gone by the time we reach the resort, nothing much can be done hor that day?
I almost fell off my chair when u said i got long fingers!!! I know u r very good in observing, i m not surprised by it, BUT fingers!!! So small in the photos and yet u can single it out! Me dunno what to say liao!

Thanks for telling me YH looks like me, StyloBB also said the same thing, ok, we wait and see .... think it will be easier to tell whether YH really looks like me when he is bigger

U r very right! Some pple just like children, but they shun the responsibilities of hving their own kids, like my colleague. Since all the mummies here love kids, and we actually give birth to one (2nd and 3rd one r coming for some of u), we r all wei da ma ma!

Regarding YH active, StyloBB and Brenda also said the same thing to me. I know active is good ... but it is really a lot of work and efforts for me and my mum .... just let me complain lah .... hopefully it will give me more energy to look after him at nite :p

So, when will i get to see ur photos?? heheh ...
Btw, when u try to recall how i look like while talking to me, put a spec on my face hor, i wear spec most of the time. The photos u saw were wedding photos, nobody wear spec for phototaking lah, except my hb!
When jem goes to sleep on his own, does he need u to be there with him?
We always have this ritual.... let him play, then feed him milk, then we tell each other good nite, then off the light, then sing his song, then pray for him.... then he will toss here and there, after a while, no movement = asleep. But lately he seems to want me around, will call me when he is semi-conscious too...also dun know if it's separation anxiety.... funny thing if the moment he feels me with him, he can go back to his sleep v fast... hb declared himself to be 'poison' cos jesse does not want him....

Stimes jesse will go and nap on his own when my dad tells him to...

Wedding pics - we did not order excess, only what the photographer gave us... so dun feel any pain.... we stayed within our budget... think hb also pleased that I am not the type who gotta order more.... anyway the photographer returned all negatives to us, so we brot to uncle's shop and he developed those that we wanted for us. We also did not want any portrait or tabletop pic.... and I certainly dun want a portrait hanging over my head when we sleep.... hehehe...
Surprisingly I think I looked fatter that time than after I gave birth.........

Say mo twin twin = having twins?? Hehe..first time I hear of that... I dun say that often but when I say it, it kinda gives the right effect to what I wanna describe.... hb always laughs at me when I say this phrase.....

Snort, my hb only uses the car when mil does not use.... it's a family car lah... aiyah so long I can walk, it's ok lah.... not too fussed about it, if he happens to drive and is around my area, he will come and fetch me back lor....if car is parked at our place on high floor, he will ask me to wait for him downstairs so I dun have to climb up. Me a no-fuss wifey, dun like to demand this and that lah.

I also dun know apply what on my foot, tonite go home to mum's and ask my dad to apply some ointment for me lah....

U wanna check if YH will be jealous? I haven't tried this on jesse... got no babies to carry... except Ally... keke... but now we all scared of Ally....keke...

Zhu Ying...she has nice figure...hehe..

Eh, u dun test qsg's BRAIN, her memory v good one.... haha....

Me due end Jan... just before CNY... everyone says it's big... find the sleeping part now quite uncomfy. Lately I can feel ripples at both left and right side... quite a unique feeling

Hum ah... aiyah... must hear the words mah... hehe.

Yah u hit the nail on the head - it means 'out of the blue'....

Thanks, will be more careful....

Yah lah I emailed him and he called me imdtly...told him nothing serious lah.. me also not the siao jie type.... fort. I fell sideways and not a serious fall...
Maybe I walked too fast and lost my balance? Also dun know, dun feel that they somersaulted ...hehe... fine lah... just that my right foot now a bit numb like that... will monitor lah...

Yah lah, gramps, stimes jo luan, they say so cute, darling, carry carry..... spoil them, then after that we gotta fix the mess, discipline, scolding all come in.....
Yes, its me who said i can pass u the slippers at Dhoby Ghaut MRT. Coz i take MRT home fr HarbourFront to Boon Keng, i can always alight at Dhoby Ghaut to pass u the slippers. But how to hv lunch at Dhoby Ghaut, i will hv to fly fr office to town, then fly back to office liao! Show me ur photos lah, dun like tt lah, ok?

Regarding Dana's eating habit, i think u will faint if i tell u how YH eat his porridge! I have to give him a toy when i feed him porridge, and when he is sick of the toy, i will hv to play the demo songs fr the keyboard, and when he is tired of it, i will ask hb to play Leslie Chueng's songs fr his PDA, and when YH is sick of it, we will let him play hb's PDA ... and if all else failed, i will hv to stop feeding, put the porridge back into the pot and feed him later. In between all these toys and music, i got to hear a lot of screaming and crying fr YH, and i usually ended up with a headache after the feed. I m still a failure in feeding YH
I like the photos u took for Alicia, so clear and so nice!

Is it the SK lib u went to? I can recognise the furry sheep! I like Alicia's expressions when she touched it, she looked so cheeky! esp the 2nd one... hahaha ....
And she looks so friendly to her new friend

I hv yet to bring YH to the SK lib, brought YH to Compasspoint once, but the lib was abt to close, so didnt bring him there. I remember the lib is quite cold, u didnt give Alicia an extra cloth?

Remember i once recommeded Seng Kang library to u? See the furry sheep which Alicia was pointing to? This is the bb/toddler corner. Besides the sheep, there r some other animals. Many toddlers like to touch the animals there. And there is a pigeon holes kind of book shelves tt hv bb\toddlers books which allow the toddlers to pick their own books. U can bring RY there one day.
HAhha.. Alicia good spokewoman for the Lib. nice poses and great smiles!

Jem can make his tongue into a 'U' shape... cos i teach. Hahahha. Fun hor!

cannot! Jem and i r together gether one... u wan to see him mus see me too. Too bad...

Oh yah deer, wanna tell u most gfs i hv dislike Zhu Ying cos their bf/hb likes her...hahahha

Nope, when he wans to sleep.. he goes to bed on his own. BUT, yeah.. nowadays in the middle of the nite, he'll 'wakeup' n crawl to me.. the moment he touch me, he flopped down n zzz... scary.

hahah.. we hv similiar bedtime rituals. Play, drink milk, kiss goodnite n off lights. But that boy will walk out to the room at times so i follow n watch my tv :p Then when he play till sian already h go back to sleep.. bo liao rite!

hmmm...mebbe i should wait till i'm fatter than take pics too.
You look v beautiful. LIke the kua one and the last one. YOu have v prominent features hor. Sharp nose.
I email you 2 tat i have here first.
Is ur hb talking abt wedding photos, or just family photos? If it is wedding photos, i think it will be very interesting to hv Jem inside the photos. Wedding photos can hv both indoor and outdoor, think it will be quite fun to do it with Jem, but can be tiring.

If ur hb is just talking abt a family photo at a studio, dunno whether Jem will be bored? He might start crawling around the studio hahaha ....

As to whether it will be a waste of money .... think it depends on u lor .... i chuck my wedding albums underneath my storage bed liao, but i think it will bring back a lot of wonderful memories when i view it with hb when we r old .... wait until i become lao kor kor then i tell u whether its a waste of money hor heheh ....
Alicia has many more hair now. She is such a gd gal reading in the library. Chen Chen likes to roam abt in library, pulls books off the shelves n talks or makes noise in the library.

Is dat the library @ Compass pt?

KKH is pro bf. They hv foc talk on bf n their hospital gown for patients who gave birth is designed for easy breastfeeding. I brot my own open front dress but wore the hospital gown instead
Pls pls remove the teats for your nephew. Dun waste it. My hubby will meet u on Fri 6pm @ harbor front MRT station to collect the covers. Thx a zillion.
I work in Beach Rd

Chen Chen played wif his tongue many mths back. Dat wz when my grandma n aunt visited him for the 4th time. My grandma n aunt were amused by Chen Chen's action

Thx for your compliments
Thanks for showing me the photos!

Muak muak u! U and StyloBB r the only one who show me ur photos! I emailed out my links to so many mummies liao, none of them email back their photos to me, except both of u, thanks!

U took ur outdoor shots at Sentosa? I took mine there also

Ur wedding gown very sexy hor, can see ur cleavage heheh .... i wore a bustier, and yet nothing to show ....

U hv yet to tell me how u meet ur hb leh, i hv already told StyloBB and Eureka my story liao, tell me urs leh ...
Since u and Jem come as a package, no choice lor, then i will u when i see Jem lor .... hahaha ... just kidding lah, i always like to see both of u, when r u going to show me ur french kiss with Jem again??

U notti notti, r u hinting tt i m very petty, i dun like Zhu Ying coz my hb like her??? U better explain urself! hahaha ....

StyloBB, Brenda,
Both of u very funni hahaha .... i better make sure i dont say mo twin twin, i dun want to kena twins! One time one target, otherwise i will go key siao!

U very good hor, no-fuss wifey
Me too, and i got nothing to fuss abt, i take public transport everywhere i go. Ur hb very ti tie, will ask u to wait downstairs when he parked the car at high flr, i guess all good hb will do tt
Hahha deer,
he's talking about wedding photos. yah, i also think its gonna be tedious. Also scared Jem wun recognise me in make up..ahahah

send me ur sexy ones to see see too leh! mebbe can make me more keen to go take?
I agree with the rest, u look very gd in the photos! Finally know who i'm talking to online. And i straight away recognise that YH resembles you more so than hubby leh! Tks for sharing the pictures. Sorry i dun have wedding photos online. That time I was abit backdated, no digicam. All printed on paper only.

Yes, its SK library. I didn't know it was so beautiful and conducive envt for our kids until we went in on sunday. So many kids and they all love to take the books then put back into the pigeon hole shelves.

The kid's section has gotta be the noisiest corner in the library. I felt so at ease that Alicia was not the only one making noise and running around.

How are ur 2 darlings today? Have u taken Rae out of CC? I've been calling up some CCs around but was contemplating, since i'm sahm, maybe don't need to send Alicia to CC. Spare her frm entering society's routines and regulations at such young age. I can simply teach her myself and let her play with kids around until she turns 3-4. Still pondering. Wat do u think?

Think its a passing phase. At least she will sit still to eat if she has some toys on the table. Next few mths down the road, she'll change again probably. Hopefully she'll still be happy to sit still. Maybe just place on the table a variety of her few favourite toys/objects when feeding time so that u don't have to get up and take more stuff if she points somewhere again. Try to indicate to her that she just plays with wats on the table?

Don't stop posting Jem's photos leh. U and all mummies, continue posting ur darling's pictures here pls!!I want to see....
