(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

QSG, though we had our ferry tix, we also went down to check in and get our boarding passes one hour before the ferry sailed. We took the 11 am ferry. Got to check in right after lunch. We sort of requested early check in.

Sarah also needs to hold on to something while eating. But I limit her to 1 thing at a time. And I have a little basket of 'allowed' things on the dining table.

Put ur wedding photos here leh!!!!;)Plssss

Yes, its the library at Compass point. Think Chen Chen will like it. Can run around. Its deep in the noise doesn't travel to far out. No la, Alicia wasn't reading, I just attracted her to a page that has material for her to touch. She was taking out books and putting them back half the time there!
I hv PM u my wedding photo link and msn liao, u show me urs hor
Pringles/Priviledged/Deer, have tried restricting her to one at her time but after a while she xian liao then will start pointing here and there again and will throw whatever she dun want on the floor really kept me busy and already back pain still have to keep bending to pick up things for her so quite worried if this is going to be long term. Now she already tried to stand up from her high chair despite the seat belt so sooner or later have to let her sit on normal kiddy chair with no seat belt..afraid she may start walking around taking the things she wants rather than sit still in chair for me to feed.

Deer, me still prefer to show you my face face to face lah :p. We try to go for the christmas gathering then you can see me.

Privildeged, do you request for early check in via the agency or when you reach there then you tell front desk? can have later check out also? realised the check out quite early 12pm and check in so late 3pm. Did you bring your pram along? What type of food did sarah take there?
Like i mention to some of the mummies, the one inside the photo doesnt really look like me lah. The photos r taken quite sometime back, i didnt hv digital photos also, these r all scanned images.

If u r keen with the wedding photos, no need to think so much lah, just do it, and no regrets! Next time when Jem asked u how come he is inside ur wedding photos, u can tell him ur story liao ;)

Ur turn to be hounded for ur wedding photos! hahaha ....

I m really glad tt i hv showed some of u my wedding photos, coz most of u feedback to me tt YH looks like me, u have really make my day!
I really cant help u on the feeding part, coz i think my problem is worse than urs. I put YH on the sofa while feeding him, he also throw all his toys on the floor, i picked until pek chek!
Ok lah, will try to meet u face to face one day
U not busy? Thot u had major problem to fix?

Your wedding photos so luck goo ah......hehe....

Later I hobble to mrt and hb will pick me up....
No-fuss, aiyah, why wanna make life so difficult for our hbs right? Well at least my hb knows and appreciates me....

I find the mummies here all v maternal leh....

Porridge - not u lah, think YH is fussy eater, u already tried ur best. Dun know how my mum trained jesse, he sits there and finishes his porridge in 10 mins!
At my place too, I make him sit down and finish it, but stimes he tries to 'run away' ..... but still he usu. finishes his food.
Oh, last weekend he self-fed ... we were rather impressed.... not a major mess either... so we managed to eat our own meals in peace....

How u met ur hb, haha still remember eureka's remarks: 'jiao liu' becomes life partner!!!

Agree eureka's observation skills are v v good...maybe can be private investigator...hehe... she always sees a lot of minor details that we dun notice...

I met qsg before....can describe to u...kekek.... qsg me joking lah....

Do u like Famous Amos Cookies? Me so tempted to buy but afraid will pile on all the calories..... cos my hunger pangs visit me around 3pm... and I munch on wheat biscuits..... I have bkfast/tea/lunch/snacks/dinner/supper....

Actually hb and I have been talking about taking a proper family shot... I had my graduation shot taken at Gloria Studio...turned out pretty good....
As for those wedding-type (ie dress in more glamour stuff), think wait till all the kids pop out and final, then consider .... hehe... I think it's quite nice but dun know if hb up to it...

deer/eureka/brenda/shook/absolut/hazey/KC/PVL/mum2nat/qsg/pigletz/all mummies
I kaypoh here a bit: what is your FAVE COLOUR and what is the COLOUR u like your DS/DD to wear???
Cos today I wore a deep red blouse and my colleague said, red ah and I said, yah it's my favourite colour.....
eureka dun tell me yours is luminous green hor....kekeke!!!!
Care to comment?????
If i apply passport for aloy today, can i collect his passport next monday? Appreciate if any1 can answer my question, tks.
Hi mummies...
i read some are sharing the wedding pix.. can share with me???

Both of u very active today.. hahaha...
Jaz, can collect in 3-4 days time. Just collected Dana's last friday. Where you brining aloy?

Stylobb, your leg not pain already ah? can joke hor?:p i wonder how you going to describe me though, actually majority of the mummies here have seen me.
Most of my work clothes are black so fav is black? dun really have favorite bec it depends on the type/design of things i buying. I would want Dana to wear brighter colors like pink, yellow, green, blue,etc except black or grey.
I oso wanna c your wedding photos

Objection! U din ask fm me so cannot say u sent your link to me but I din send mine hor.

OIC. We brot Chen Chen to the library in Pasir Ris. V quiet. My mum said happen once the librarian said my parents coz Chen Chen wz too loud

Tie the toys to Dana's highchair. So dat when the toys drop, u pull the string dun need to bend dwn to pick the toys. Or better still show Dana how to pull the toy back wif the string as if playing a game n oso motor development

I like pink, purple n all pestel colors. I like Chen Chen to wear red, yellow, purple n pestel blue.

U apply Aloy's passport on line?
U going to bring Aloy for holiday?
Quite stressed but finally finished my budgets (after all the to and fro of email and discussion with my boss) ahead of deadline.....so happy.... deer on high mode becos of her nephew...
Btw my boss has left for the day......... I was just looking at calendar and realised, wow! 3/4 year has nearly passed...........

Can joke what.....not my mouth pain, only foot pain....hehe..... I am just joking lah....
So u really wear black all the time, dun u find it warm????

NEON green?? Wow wow wow..... blinded man..............

Think u are quite fair right, can take pastel colours......
I never see purple tops before for boys, have ah???

My favourite colour is pink and my son's favourite colour is dark blue (cos he always pick the dark blue ball from 6 other different colour ones) but I'm dressing him in pink rompers, pink pajamas and pink socks!
stylobb, i meant the pain must be very slight so you can still joke ha ha...no lah i wore other colors also but skirt/pants usually black..my tops are usually sleeves so not really warm.
I m hving headache today, how to fix the problem??? Actually the problem will give me another headache ... its done by a colleague who had left, and the calculations in the system always show discrepancies here and there, and lagi worse, the discrepancies r inconsistent! Yeah, i will do it tomo!

U hobble to mrt? Ur foot hurt?? U better take care, btw, dunno whether is it good to apply medication esp those chinese medicine on ur foot leh ... u r preggie, remember? if it is not too serious, just some minor bruises or scratches, just clean the wound lor ....

My wedding photos, yeah lor, thanks to u lor, u requested for it and it triggered off like bush fire!

hahaha ... u really know how to console me. Yes, YH is a fussy eater, but i think my feeding method also got problem. Hb just commented over the weekend i sounded so stressed out when i feed YH, i kept asking YH why, why, why he cant sit down and eat properly ... in the end hb took over the feeding. But he failed also. I got to put the porridge back and feed again later.

U r very lucky, ur mum has helped u to train Jesse to eat properly. It really saves u fr a lot of pain. Jesse so guai, anuty deer muak muak
Think Eureka just mentioned it is easier to condition the bb when he is young, i better buck up in training YH.

Dunno whether u saw tt post, i once called Eureka Lady Sherlock Holmes hahaha ... dunno whether she missed tt post ;)

Can Stylobb desc u to me??? Cant see pic, words also can heheh ....

My fav color ah? White. I like to wear white, and i like to let YH wear white. Coz white is liang shuang (cooling). The color tt i seldom wear is black, find it warm.

Ur suggested color for Eureka made me lauff until peng! hahah .... let's wait for her reply! ;)

Passport, just call immigration and find out. When u can collect all depends on how fast they can process and whether the photos meet their requirements.

Tomo i MIA liao, will be going on leave tomo.
Hi Mummies,
Deer u look really ravishing in your wedding photos. Have -email you mine.
can share yours with me also. I e-mail you mine
We bot a pink Zara polo t for jesse but too big for him now... v nice colour... hb chose..

Becos all of us in the family dislike children who run about during mealtimes so my nephews were also trained from young to sit still while eating.

qsg is my height, fair with long hair and in BLACK clothing....hehehe!!!

I like jesse to wear white but always kena stained... headache!!!

No wound leh, only a bruise on knee and a pce of skin came off on the foot.

U not here tmw? Will miss your postings man!!
U like to dress RY in pink?? *roll eyes* I didnt see RY in pink last time, next time u must show me hor ;)

Neon green!!! Now i know what color clothes to look out for when i walk down boon keng's kopitiam!

I m not saying u lah. I hv seen ur pic so many times liao, includ ur hb and chen chen, so i didnt request photos fr u lor. But btw, did u hv wedding photos huh? After seeing Pris' wedding photos, i feel like seeing other mummies wedding photos also, if u hv the softcopy or link, can email to me?? Thanks

I didnt receive ur email leh ... did u type my email addr correctly? [email protected]
Just copy and paste the email, then it wont go wrong. thanks
so when u going?

Can't help u on the feeding thing cos Jem will sit there to eat, no need toys nor tv cos he noes he dun finish, he can sit forever he's mama wun care.

u din take wedding shots too? hb din complain? SO Good...

ME like white n purple, jem likes blue. He chose his room to be blue which i hardly wan to step in now.

really arh? the pink clothings?
U MIA, looking after ur son cos ur sister had gave birth. heh sent my congrats to her.

Color har.. i like red after i met my hubby. he influence me into it. hahaa..
okay.. send another set of wedding photos..this one more complete..just uploaded all in snapfish.. but yet to upload the HK part.. my have 3 part - Studio-Sg-HK
Thanks for ur desc of QSG, at least now i know her height, she's fair and long hair ... heheh ...

I cant stand children run around during meal time, tt's why i better buck up my training, otherwise YH might be doing smthg tt i dislike. I also cant stand pple slapping children, i hope YH wont test my limit until i lost control and slap him .... i really hope i wont do tt ....

Since there is no wound, no need to apply anything lah. As for the bruise, if u ask ur dad, i think he might want to apply the tie da jiu on it and rub, u r preggie, dun use tie da jiu. The skin peeled off part will pain a bit when u take ur bath .... so must take care when u r walking hor.
Thanks for ur congrats, i will pass it on to my sis

Tomo my sis will be discharged, my mum wants to be the one to carry her bb home, just like she carried YH back to my hse the last time. So i got to take leave and take care of YH myself. If my dad's old car can take me and YH, think i will follow them to hospital also
But i think it will be a bit squeezy with so many pple .... see how.

I wll try sending again.

I will view ur photos later, thanks
Oh, we took, but when it comes to choosing the ones to compile into the big album, we just took what was offered, did not develop extra... so I guess hb was glad that I did not 'go crazy' picking tis one or that one..

Haha..I like the 'mama wun care if u dun finish ur food'.....

Pink polo t is v nice ok.. hehe..

U like dark or light purple (lilac)? I never liked purple leh...

U/hb and I/hb like red... u can tell by my red walls at home right....heeee...

How are u coping at school??
That's your mum's tradition, of carrying the NB back??

Thanx for concern... see how lah.
So cannot apply tie da jiu is it??
I might put a plaster on the skin area..

Slapping on face ah? I also cannot stand .. v bad... smack on legs and hands still ok...
Thanks for showing me ur wedding photos

I like the black and white! U look like the shiong yau's stories' female lead, xiu da da, very femanie!

Anyone willing to share share ur wedding photos with me?? Think i m addicted to seeing mummies wedding photos liao ... esp those who has seen mine, show me urs leh, pls pls
Hi mummies,
MIA a few days ... can't catch up anymore.

StyloBB, you fell? Gotta be careful leh...

Pringles, Alicia's got so much more hair now! She looks very slim now. The library so nice, got things to touch.... the Bukit Batok library doesn't have such things. Ian loves sheep... always goes "Baaaaaaaaa... "

ian was very excited in the library the few times we brought him... went "wahhh" at all the colourful books and shelves and wanted to move around the place... kept kicking his legs... he couldn't crawl that time... geesh..... so long liao... think i oughta bring him again.

Eureka, I think I'll have great difficulty putting Ian to sleep in a separate room too... he can only sleep well when he knows there's someone around.... sigh...

QSG, Ian also points to various things when he eats... we gotta keep changing his toys otherwise he throws them away and starts swatting at the food.

Sanrio, ASh so cute, can roll his tongue. Ian doesn't. I think it's genetic.

Having bad nausea/vomiting these days... dunno why this time round it's so bad... no energy to work most of the time. Maybe it's a gal ? Hehehe...

On MC today, got left ear infection and hearing loss... pain extending down to my throat... hurts terribly, can't use my stethoscope. Argh... lots of drugs not safe in pregnancy too... sigh...
One of my friend who studied chinese medicine told me not to eat any chinese medicine or put any chinese medicated plaster on my body during my preggie.

Yeah lor, me also cannot stand pple slapping the kid's face .... but if u hv not been driven to tt stage, u wont know ..... so i hope i wont be driven to tt stage which i loose my sanity ....

Now i know why u said u dont like my EG, coz u dun like lilac hahah ....
btw, i dun like red heheh ....

Yeah, my mum seems to like this "tradition" she said this is a way to bond with the bb, since she will be taking care of him, she shld be the one carry him back the 1st time he enter the hse.

Me going off to TMC liao
still uploading the HK pictures..can click back at that link later tonight for more pictures.
School..reply you next week can..coz this week still school holidays..so haven't really felt how it is in school as yet
.. but sure challenging coz they giving me a difficult class..sigh!!
qsg, shook, deer
tks for answering my question. yap, juz submitted online application for aloy's passport, intend to bring him to genting next week, so was wondering whether can the passport be collected on time for the trip. is genting a good place for toddlers?
take care of yourself huh, walk slowly from now onwards, k.

congrats on your 2nd pregnancy.

congrats on being yee yee.
actually i've stepped into the sk library b4 but a bit lost on where to find the books tat i want. haven't really brot aloy into the library & let him explore the area there.
I have just send out the email to those who is coming for the gathering. I have not given direction to those that is coming from the west. Will do a follow up email to you all tomorrow.

Mummies who hv questions on how to come my place, can either email me or call me direct. Cos hor, my place abit difficult due the past experience from my housewarming guest. hehe
budgetEstore.com will be setting up a bazaar stall at
Loyang Point from 9th to 11th September, 2005. It's on
Friday through Sunday. Mainly selling ladies'
accessories and children's products. We are also
featuring wooden toys by I'm Toy from Germany and
introducing I-Play baby wear from USA. Most items are
going 20% less than their retail prices. Please visit
us, we need your kind support!

Venue: Loyang Point (our stall will be located beside
MacDonald's), 258 Pasir Ris Street 21, (S)510258
Date: 9, 10 & 11 Sept (Fri, Sat & Sun)
Time: 10am - 9pm

You may also like to know that lots of things have
been added in the 2nd hand section!
Here's a glance at what's new;
>> Mothercare infant car seat
>> Avent bottle/food warmer
>> Car booster seat with backrest
>> maternity tops
>> breast feeding tops
>> maternity pants
>> Avent breast pump

Please click on this link to see,
More things will be added weekly, so do come back to
check them out.
I hv fair complexion.
I like as long as purple color
Chen Chen has a purple romper. I find dat he looks gd in it

Hi5. I used to dress Chen Chen in pink

I found the 3rd link in utube dat u mentioned. I still get dat funni sentence by pasting the 3rd link

Of coz I hv wedding photos. I pm u but let me search for the link 1st

Oh no, ms. I had a terrible one. Take care. U so poor thing how u get ear infection?
Shook, dunno how I got the ear infection. Never had ear infection in my life! Never had problems with my stethoscope leh... argh..

Jaz, you sound like you're on the road to recovery! Enjoy your trip!
I agree, living with my mom now, I can't train Nat to sleep... whenever she cries, the whole family is awaken. My mom will say.. she hungry, not feeling well, stomach ache... Wah lao, always end up quarrelling. End up now Nat is so demanding.

<font color="ff0000">*muak muak*</font> Thanks for the links. I found a few tat day, from a mag. But you have much more... I will try to call tmrw or when I have more time.

Yup, good buy hor. BUt hor, frankly, I try not to spend too much on her clothes. Tat day I stand there, thinking abt a capris, $15.50 after discount at Hush hush... think for 15 min, in the end din buy... I more willing to pay if overseas or online. Hee... Maybe Sun I will go to Hush hush and take a look again.

Can't find shoes you mentioned in Royal Sporting House lah... For bb they only have Polo Ralph and Nike there... So exp!!! I went 2 outlets liao leh.
Alicia must have enjoyed herself. Din know tat the lib is so interesting these days.

You wanna know my story with hb ah... I tell you when I free. Tell me yours... juicy or not??
My photos not taken in Sentosa, taken at Marina bay. My gown was lower, I make them redo the whole upper piece, cos too low liao. I bought the bustier for $300. Din wear again liao. NO choice cos Triumph or other brands dun have my size.
How we feed Nat porridge... We have to entertain her, my mom sometimes act like a clown, things on her head, dropping it. jumping ard... OSo, we will take a full pack of Cafe21. Then give her individual sachet, let her throw on the floor. then slowly pick up afterwards... Otherwise, she will wave and wave and all her porridge will fly here and there. Tiring hor.

Brenda / Pringles/ SHook / Ruffy
Email liao. But dunno will jam Shook's hotmail or not.
Pringles, show me urs hor.

Care to share your wed photos too?
My fave colour is prob pink... Nat has lots of pink clothes!
Can't really recall but prob abt 45 mins. Oh yah hor... then should have paid 200 then for 5 sessions. can't remember well. Only reason why I recall her name is coz I search my handphone for contacts again.

Oh... family leave only 2 days no matter how many kids. Sigh. Then better check my childsick leave and see got additional for no. 2 or not.

For EBM, used to keep in avent big bottle and store in fridge when in office. Will only pour into milk bag when I'm home and freeze. To thaw, bring the frozen ebm to fridge section the nite before. If forget, can put bag in a mug of tap water to thaw in the morning. Usu thaw the amount required for the day when at work. Once thawed then will pour milk into separate bottles required for that day. I used ikea bag clips to secure the bag. Once frozen, used to put in another plastic bag and tie with rubberband. Super kiasu hor. But no choice coz freezer got other food leh.

I know Mdm Zu's ok. Quite nice also lah. Just prefer to be left alone a bit more. But looking at charges again, her price quite reasonable hor. Some others seem to be charging a lot more ($65 per session etc). See how... maybe stick back with her lor.

Only like famous amos smell. Think it smells nicer than it taste. me dun really snack much but today eat so much mooncake til quite scary.

My fave colour is pink but usu in black. Ally has quite a lot of pink clothes but it's also coz I need pple to know she's a girl. Sometimes they can still be colour-blind. Wear pink dress but still call boy boy! Fainted!

I ate 5 mini snowskin mooncake which my mom made leh. Gonna be mooncake face soon.
Why you must tahan til 15th? Mooncake fest only comes once a year ... must start early then can eat til your stomach's contented. haha! Now that you find me funny ah... maybe inspired by nicholas lor. LOL!
pvl, mine also the sea breeze promo but we got a duluxe sea facing rm, thus slightly expensive.

avocado, u shd see me in person now. wedding was already a few yrs back!! *sign* i doubt i can even pull up that evening gown thru my humbo dumbo thunder thighs!!!

deer &amp; shook, just let me know the arrange, if time n my little vip allows, i've no prob.

...got to go, he's calling me now. will only subject to reading for the next few days....got a few things to settle on hand..

remember the car accident in april?? got a lawyer's letter 2day stating that one of the driving is making a claim on us. ^&amp;%%$^&amp;%&amp; HEADACHE!!

anyway, c u gals on sat.
I eat n see mooncake i think of u!
2day mysteriously my hse has this box of ritz carlton mooncake....eating them now n logged in here. Coincidentally, see ur posting to me here!
Can u smell my mooncakes????
Ay...find it not the best I have tasted leh. The paste rather smooth tho. But the york so dry....

Ay, Rae till now got pple ask girl or boy? u say lor....wat's more for ally? hahhahahah........next time pple ask if ally boy boy, u say boy boy here, pt at ur stomach

wow....all into wedding foto ah??
Tot now we all more beautiful......glowing with our motherly n feminine grace? hehehheheh, very ah Q!

Ay Deer, Stylobb,
yah, my favourite colour is neon green n orange, just like the traffic light!
hahhah, u take my words?

Hi Jaz,
gd to see u here!

u shopaholic leh......hahahahah....i also grab every min. PAid up at HH, hb areadi waiting at lift. I walked pass 1 gondola n picked the blouse u like n insist he wait while i go paid up. He gave up! hahahahha
I hv to change my leave to Friday, can i meet ur hb tomo or next week? Coz i only go to HF mrt station fr office. Dun think i hv time to travel down to HF mrt station on Friday, since we will be bz with my sis and her bb's homecoming.
My sis decided to stay in hospital for 1 more day due to her bb a bit yellow, she and her hb think it will be easier if bb need phototherapy. This means i hv to take leave on Friday instead of tomo. Pls confirm with me the day. Thanks and sorrie for the inconvenience caused.

How old was Chen Chen in tt photo? He looked so adorable with tt sunshine smile
I like the toy besides him, so colorful and huggable

Will wait for ur PM on ur wedding photos. Thanks

Thanks for ur congrats

I just told Eureka n StyloBB how i met my hb .... if u got time to tell me urs, then i will repeat for u lor .... if not, then u search for the post urself lah hehehe .... Juicy or not depends on how u see it lor ... heheh ... tell me lah, then i will repeat for u, ok?

The infection must be quite painful and uncomfy. U take care.

Ryan look like a big boy in tt colorful swimming pool. Like his mickey mouse floats
Did u let him attend any swimming lessons? Can he swim liao?
