(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

PVL, Sarah really look slender.

Pringles, Vane doesnt shake head leh. She understands what we ask her. So if she really want milk, she'll nod her head. If she doesnt want, she'll shake her hand to indicate no or make noise.

hazey, rec'd email that predicted that Jpn will have big earthquake this yr leh. So thot of gg there before the earthquake. heehee....

Pringles, but Vane will stuff food in her mouth lah, even force the spoon in till she chokes. Really greedy gal.

mon_mon, you let me know so that I can see the pix on Sun. Quite a few of my col take part in the contest too.
U mean Alicia shake her head or say the word "no"? BB I seen so far all started shaking head 1st. Easier to shake head then nod head
Chen Chen shakes head when he doesn't want something. He pulls our hand if he want something. He juz learned to say yes 2 days ago

U make the apple cake n cookies?
shook, Kis told me that chen chen can said quite a no. of words and very clear too. So happy to hear them talk hor? Vane still doesnt know how to say anything. She only knows how to make sounds. Like "please", she'll make "eeeese" sound. Very funny.
Different bb develops differently. Chen Chen wz fast in vocal. He started saying the word L when he wz dunno 4 or 5 mth n talking b4 he wz 1yr old. But he only started 2/3 steps 3 wks back. Vane already walking long long time ago. Dun worry too much. As long as they develop in some way or another can liao.

U bake MUZ go. U v gd chef
I no eye to c wat u n Absolut feed your tod. Hahaha dun pong me hor
pigletz, ok I'll ask her if she free to come along.

mon_mon, it's Sanrio who sms us just now huh? Did u ask your friends and relatives to support Aelwen? I saw from other thread, some mummies start giving out their bb's codes so that can get more support.

shook, no lah, I not worry lah. Just that I feel it's shd feel gd that if they knows how to call us "mama'.

mon_mon, actually I gave Vane fried rice at eureka's place the other time. Did u see?
Forgot to mention, u really want a bath tub delivery? TMC does it. Got aromatherapy and music some more!

I agree, easier for bb to shake head than nod. Alicia shakes her head very readily, only last few days then started nodding

Wow, gd for Vane that she knows how to eat fried rice at Eureka's place last time alredi.. ..Alicia only started to enjoy real food a mth ago...hehe

wah....u make me feel so honored that u counted me in ur list alredi leh....heheee. Now, i'm thinking hard wat food to bring.

U mean Gareth 'knock' his head or 'nod' his head? So comical!
i din want anymore bbs because once bitten twice shy, Jana's a tough bb...reject milk, colicky, v diff to put to bed. worst is the milk feeding...wat do u do with a 2mth old bb who doesn't want to drink milk? sometimes dunno what to do with her and just sit there n cry. my mum and even my mil (my hubby is the only son) understand how diff it was and they din object at all when i decide to stop at 1.

i used to love those triangular rice balls too ...they used to hv a counter in taka basement selling it ..it was called Omu Riceball but now i think they sell bento sets instead. It was made on the spot just at the counter so i got to see how it was made. You need a triangular mould, fill half of the mould with rice, then put a spoonful of watever filling u like, then top up with rice again. after taking out from the mould, put a piece of seaweed across it, sprinkle some salt onto your palms and then pat onto the riceball.

yeah ..this time round the ms started earlier partly due to the hormone pills that I'm taking twice daily ... the side effects r terrible, nausea, dizziness, drowsiness
Jana haven't seen me puke...but she's wondering y I cant carry her and tends to get v upset.

Jana also started nodding her head last weekend!
Agree that they are in the phase where 'no' is their fave word. There was once a security guard asked to carry her and she gave a definite 'no' and shake her hand at him. Usually when she says no, I'll ask her 'are you sure?' haha! Think they must have heard too many 'nos' from us.

Giggler / Mon Mon
Ally also ate fried rice at Eureka's place. Shook, you didn't see Giggler's mom feeding Vanessa kueh lapis at Jul's place? That one gave me a shock coz vanessa wasn't even 1 yet. haha! Mon Mon, if i'm going to Pigletz place, will have to sit Shook in front of us while we feed our girls ok?
Dear mummies,
Ashrel, Aelwen & Chen Chen ar participating in Disney Baby Contest. We need ur sms support. 1 hp no. is entitled to sms for 5 different bbs. There is No charge incurred for d sms. The lucky sms winner will win $50 shopping voucher.
Tks so much for your support

Sms: DisneyBaby 'baby code' 'your name' 'nric' to 91115541 btw 22Aug to 30Aug
Ashrel code: B6
Aelwen code: B23
Chen Chen code: B33

d fotos ar displayed at L1, next to d information counter / near to hush puppies shop. The B's bb fotos ar on d green/behind panel. i saw chen chen pic. he is wearing a cap n is smiling. You take a look at ash pic, eyes big big, face round round but dun wan smile tat day..
ash is like alicia. as long as he hears d word 'want' like 'u want milk?', he will shake his head but still take it. he enjoys doing tat n will smile n laff. but if he doesnt wan, will use his hands to push d person/thing away.
Lee Chee Kuan bak kua very far away from my place leh.. Xiang(Fragrence) brand can or not leh?

Something like that.
Example of playset brand : Little People, Little Tikes, Lego, Playskool, Toy R Us, etc.

You may go to the following web page to know more about playset.

--> Little People Playsets:

--> Little Tikes Playsets:

--> Playskool Playsets:

Personally I feel that playsets are not very useful coz $$ and quite limited toys..

see u and ash tomorrow!
pigletz, u really got gd memory....without telling, u already know what i'll request the host! jerald love the crunchy celery!!

pigletz, ruffy, the pram hor...i still debating with hubby...cos if rascal refuse to sit in, then i gana scolding for lagging it along...but hor, my back not as good as b4 liao leh esp he's gaining weight rapidly. this time round if i fallen off into the water...no joke.

giggler, keeps on 4getting to sms you regarding the mooncake. memory failing. hope you hv not ordered.
those past issues..4get now, dig up later....nvr ending story!! xian ah.
i v.suay kuan person...pigletz ever let me try her cooking...v.nice!!! hooked on it liao! still duno wat to bring for potluck yet request host to prepare food liao.
those traditional HK/Cantonese roasted meat, v.oily, v.salty, V.TASTY!! but cant give it to our tods yet lah.

brenda, me leaving for bintan on 29/8, b back on 31/8. surely will post the pixs on jerald's webby later. HEY, u ask me for pixs...wat abt urs?? the faulty card still not cooperating?
u v.bad wife meh?!?!? u kidding me ah? a wife who knows how to prepare soup for hubby...how bad can she be?
i guess you only bought a small portion of the roast pig lah??? i find that all roasted meat in any shops in any part of HK is nice!!! drooling liao. eat while u walk...so nice.

giggler, shook...the silly boy walk ard the shop with his new shoes n even refused to take it off...bo bian, packed up the old shoes instead!! walk a few steps, STAMP STAMP STAMP, *LAUGH*, walk a few steps, STAMP STAMP STAMP.....omg!!! even the sale staff also smiling at him!

sanrio, he got this sheeplishly smile whole day after he put on his new shoes!! m'ysia now hving mega sales, but their bb stuff vvvvv.limited! this pair of shoes??? only rm19.90, i bought a 3 pairs of shorts for him only rm9.90

qsg, r both of u christians?? i tot only church will organise such courses!

mon_mon, saw that u bringing apple cake/cookies!! homemade again?!?! ever tried ur cake ONCE at shook's plc...NICE!

mummies, like what val hd asked.... i repeat again~really pai say, me n jerald only know how to request n open my big mouth to eat
really shang nao jing duno wat to bring?? tot of buying kuah lapis frm DOM, but hor with mon_mon's apple cake...my kuah lapis sure no biz. as for ruffy requests...i dun even know wat r they?! jiak lark, anyway, now go sleep...perhaps might hv some idea later

sahm, qsg, deer, missing out gathering again ah??
I was thinking of bringing Nat for a trial on Sat or Sun, in this 2 weeks. It is 1 hr or 2?

I oso think tat Maxi Cosi is good. I wanted to buy... but hb lah, lazy to look ard for it. Cos tat shop out of stock liao.

Did you try out other gyms?? Any recommendations? I am more worried she bite pple's toys or books leh.

Yah lor, girls v fun to dress up... You hurry have #2...

Yup, I heard abt those perverts these days. But hor, they are everywhere. They maybe living your opp block looking into your place everyday. And now pple oso can take photos of you and your kids using Hp... So actually, v scary.

Thanks. They are v short... hahahah...

Shook / Giggler
I heard tat there are some weirdos "watch" your kids. And will count how old they are in how many yrs... Someone oso mentioned they have a gp of pple who loves to torture kids kind, fantasize abt kids... There is a pedophile community ard or something like tat. Scary hor.

Sarah has really grown leh. YOu gotta bring her to Pigletz place, I wanna see her in person.

I can understand your agony with a more demanding bb. Sometimes you will envy those mommies with bb who dun fuss much, easy to feed and sleep.

Just now I went to SASA... but I forgot the name of the pdt you mentioned!!
Isit catwalk something or rock something??? Faint hor... I specially go to the shop then can't rem!

RE: Nat and her new shoes
I wanted to get those squeaky shoes for Nat, so brought her to try... she refuse to take it off. Then we tried to put on the old pair, she refuse to, kept resisting. So we took another new pair, she gimme her feet to wear it. Hmmm... Anyway, bought her a pair.
Today, told her gg out, wearing shoes. Gave her the old pair. She wave her "No no"... then give new one, she wants. Test again this evening, saw her shoes, ran to it... but realise it is the old pair... again wave "no no"....
Chia lat... so young already wan new things... how??
Hi gals!

MIA a while,.... when and where is the gathering?

Mom2NAt, Ian loves his squeaky shoes too and refused to take them off the first time he wore them... hehehee.. but now we "trained" him to wear only outdoors.

when Ian nods his head, he invariably opens his mouth too and nods very vigorously! I agree it's easier to shake head... hahaha...

Ian also conradicts himself sometimes... I even think he does it deliberately to see our reaction! He'll say he doesn't want something and when we offer the next second, he opens his mouth wide. *duh*
Is there a change in rule dat water birth is allowed? I remember Mrs Wong said the bath tub in TMC is for relax b4 delivery. The actual delivery still need to b done on bed
Pigletz meant Gareth nod his head

Giggler, Mom_Mom, Absolut, Pigletz
U gals gonna demostrate feeding bau kua to your tods @ Pigletz's hse?

U r v observant n hv gd memory of the whole process of how omu riceball is made

Thx for the info. I will go to United Sq tis Fri. Voted for the 3 bb.
Chen Chen got enuff nap n enuff food. So in v gd mood dat day. Dat's y he talked so much to Kris
Chen Chen has 3 stages of rejecting things, 1st look away, still give to him, he shakes his head, still push to him, he push our hands away n complain.

Thx for the info

BJG class is 1 hr

Gathering 10 Sep in Sengkang. U going?

Lyn, Mom2Nat, Jul
Looks like all tods like squeaky shoes. So far I only give Chen Chen flat flat thin thin shoes sole (shoo Shoo) shoes. He juz learn to walk. Can't walk wif shoes
I have tried Playworkz, BJG, Gymboree, Kindermusik, JWT gym, little gym with Ryan. So far he likes JWT gym the best as there are many different equipment there - slide, swing, ball pit etc. All are priced about $200++up for each term. Since he is already in a CC which incorporates learning through songs/ gym etc. (they have a gym corner + playground in the CC) ..and can bring him to the playgrounds downstairs so didn't consider putting him in costly gyms.

Squeeky shoes
I'm dead set against squeeky shoes coz I find the noise very irritating anway Ryan has already outgrown the size for squeeky shoes. I normally get him sandles/leather shoes.
Morning Mommies!

re: squeaky shoes
Ethan loves his too!
He'll go parading and showing off to others when he has them on...

Pringles, thanks... I'll go there and check it out!

Pigletz, did you help me check the flavour of the puffs?

Last night, went to mom's place. Ethan very cute... insists that he don't want my sis at all last night... dunno why! ehehehe... he usually is very attached to her. Anyway, when I was carrying Ethan, I was joking around with sis... and she extended her hand to smack my arm... unfortunately, I turned and she smacked my back instead. She quickly went to sayang my back. I pretended and shouted to my grandma in teochew... "mama, sis beat me!" Immediately, Ethan started to cry! Opppss!!! :p Then had to sayang Ethan, calm him down and tell him mommy is okay... ehhehee... my grandma says Ethan loves me! ehehehee....

We were in the room lazing... Ethan very funny! He won't allow me to leave the room w/o him... but he can leave the room to go and play with my bro. Sigh!

Our bbs sure are great fun to be with now!
Good Morning, mommies!!!

jem also shake head at everything!! then i always nod my head vigorously, he will want to follow but dun noe how n starts to gabra, end up giving u a 'lost look'..hahahha

When can we go to ur place for baking class?

Every pregnancy and bbs r different but they r a definite JOY!
Hopefully Jem coorperate on 10 Sept and show Jana bear hug.. When he need a hug, he'll come over for a bear hug, dun need to lift him off the floor, just put arms arnd n head on ur shoulder. After that, he'll scurry off to his toys liao.. Less straining for u n more contacts to Jana

MAnaged to retrieve some of the photos already but i now typical auntie liao.. reach home gets glued to the scv, HK Serial shows..hahahah
OH! noe how to make soup also consider good har?? k, i go get more recipes..hahahah, no wonder hb so sayang me. Prob. is i throw more tantrums than Jem, hahahah. Think i should sign up anger management course instead.
*jump jump jum* i very anxious to see jerald leh.. can make him stand next to Pigletz's tv console on 10 Sept?

oohh.. those kind of weird ppl.

Can we have the kids run arnd w their shoes at ur place??? And we have a squeaky party!!!
hahaha, I type too fast and never check my post. hahah, Yes, I meant 'nod' and not 'knock' hahahaha

Thanks for helping me to clarify. No lah, not going to feed Gareth bak kua lah. hahaha, I not as horrible as you think I am lah. hahahaha

haha, I still know you well even though we have not met for a while.
As for the pram, tell your hubby ur concern and see what he say lor.
Push the ball to him. hahahha

Check liao. haha, cannot be so forgetful, if not, will kanna pong pong pong one.

Okay, I got all 3 flavour, strawberry apple, banana and sweet potato. One each.

The gathering at Sengkang, my place, 10 Sept.

paiseh, but Xiang bak kua not nice leh. Very hard and thick.
hahaha, I can let them run with shoes in one of the room lah. But not the living hall, cos still got some babies not walking yet leh. They need a clean place to crawl.
Pringles, on good nites, she wakes up only once... on horrible nites, she behaves like a newborn... every 3-4 hourly... then refuse to sleep after that.
brendali, yeah, Ethan still sucks his fingers in that way... but sometimes, he likes a variety... coz these 2 fingers look very poor thing now.

hey! I believe Jem also loves you lots... just maybe, he is the kind who is quiet, shy and doesn't know how to express himself much in that way. Taking after your shyness?? :p

Thanks... will take all!
Hope not going to expire soon... will collect it when I see you in Sept.

Mommies, thought it better to update the list again - to include number of people going... then pigletz can decide if need bigger space for us...heheheeee... (have just guessed and updated on your behalf... pls change if wrong):

Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (3+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (2+0.5)
4) Val (2+0.5)
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (1+0.5)- 1 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak Kua
9) Viv (1+0.5)
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (1+0.5)
14) Hazey (maybe: 3+0.5)
Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (3+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (2+0.5)
4) Val (2+0.5)
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (2+0.5)- Food not decided yet
9) Viv (1+0.5)
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (1+0.5)
14) Hazey (maybe: 3+0.5)
hey....all bbs walking already ah?!?! Randall still not walking yet
But now, sometimes he crawls using his feet to walk but palms on the floor. Like the way Alicia used to crawl. Haha... Really cant wait to c him walking.

I dun mind to extend my help to buy the bak kua for u if u want to.
Sigh... typed long long posting and kenna deleted.

sanrio, I'll def sms to support all 3 bb.

shook, I wont surprise that Vane had tasted bak kua before. All thanks to my dad.

absolut, my parents like to make Vane happy so they like to give her food. To them, as long as it's soft will do.

lyn, you still go to see sinseh for your back? I'm looking for sinseh for my back too. Preferably a lady lah.

Mom2Nat, there's really that kind of weidos in Sin? Cant believe it leh.
Updated list:
Mummies joining the gathering in sept:
1) pigletz (3+0.5) - potato salad
2) brenda (2+0.5) - mango pudding
3) priviledged (2+0.5)
4) Val (2+0.5)
5) Emily (2+0.5)
6) Giggler (maybe: 1+0.5)
7) Sanrio (2+0.5)
8) Ruffybear (1+0.5)- 1 kg of Lim CHEE Guan Bak Kua
9) Viv (1+0.5)
10) Mom2nat (2+0.5)
11) Mon Mon (1+0.5)- Apple Cake/ chocolate chip cookies
12) Lyn (1+0.5)
13) Pringles (1+0.5)
14) Hazey (maybe: 2+0.5)

Emily, you got me all confused with the 0.5.....
Hey Mummies, where can I buy those squeaky shoes? Always kenna irritated by kids wearing those shoes, now is finally my turn to irritate other pple! MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
Haha, I agree with u. Though Randall is not walking, but he crawls with his feet so can make the squeaky noise oso hor? Then Tyra, Randall and other bbs can irritate everyone @ pigletz's house. LOL.
Aiyah..me no go OG leh.. somemore I don't have my own car, even if drive, have to wait until hubby dun need the car... so very inconvenient for me to go OG leh..... If you go again, can jus help me buy?
mummies whoes tods are wearing squeaky shoes, i think it's new to him that shoes squeak! jerald also refused to wear his old shoes now!! When you say "go gai gai, wear shoo shoo." he immediately grab his squeaky shoes. Hey, i just bought them on Mon leh, he already so attached to it liao. Anyway, the old pair seems a bit tight for him liao.

brenda, you n jerald can hi-5! such a tv addict!! now at noon-1pm he can fight with you over the tv, wanted to watch sesame st, he will return you the remote after the shows end! then later in the evening unless he's napping, otherwise he sure search hi-lo for the remote to watch HI-5!!!

pigletz, the comment i said so long ago you still rememeber!! tks.
as for the pram, if rascal refused to sit in, then hubby got to help me with my backpack as well as the pram. helping me with my stuff he already buay shiong, imagine asking him to push an empty pram?

em, tks, you got the attandance rite.
Emily.. so nice.. yah yah, he takes after me in shyness

Val arh..
randall wun start walking.. he wanna run soon.
Bring the puff to the gathering.. i'm sure the tods can finish it for u.

why u always delete ur post one??
OH Ruffy, so sorry, I copied Emily's posting instead. So what will you be bringing? By the way, those playsets url are all not valid leh......
Oh... Then Tyra has a few playsets.....

Pig ah Pig, if I go to the group, and really make $70, then I buy Bak Kwa for you ok?

you soooooo nice to me. Think those preggie mummies who got bak kwa craving will be very happy! Gareth will be very happy too.
