(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Welcome SAHM!!!!

How have you been?? Hardly see you ard. Think those "Hi" I attn to you, you prob din see oso...
Finally, good also lah. Take care of Jerald for awhile b4 you got get ur part time job.

Heard of the sad news on the 4 year old gal. Please remember hor, don't leave your kids alone at home, watch over them every minute, every second. *sigh*
Morning Mummies!
Isn't it a great morning to have JAz back in our midst again!

I luv to play hide n seek & catching w jem too! hahah, addicted to the way he chuckle chuckle n try to crawl away fast fast to hide...

din try 7-eleven for the pink paracetamol?

hahah, then chen chen happily crunch thru the hard pasta? u can try this. I usually whatever stuff like macaroni/pasta/rice/noodles etc to soak before settling jem down after reaching home. It will even out the softness n also reduce cook time a lot.

Lyn, so funny.. my hb also very freaked out w the epidural. Actually requested me not to take for this tx round. But frankly speaking, i can't remember how's it like already.
Better to tingkat cos they serve more balanced meals.

eee... so scary pic.

Be strong we r here to shout 'jiayou jiayou'!

must keep us in the tab abt ur move to europe, k. Wah.. really moved then i dun get to see zl again?

Eek mommies,
the things u all say ur bbs put into their mouth more n more yucky leh.
Mummies, things have not been going well on my side. Dana got sick and its her first time (was thinking if its bec she totally stopped taking EBM already). She has been having fever, cough and cold since tuesday. Think i caught it from her and had fever on tue nite also but now better, i have been on MC since yesterday but can't really rest since gonna take care of her (have to be back at work tomorrow). Hb took leave yesterday also. Now i am in a big dilemna, her birthday celebration is this sunday, its still a few days away and i dunno if she can be well enough for the celebration this sunday. Buffet and cake have been ordered and if need to postpone tomorrow is the last day i need to inform them. How huh? If postpone to next sunday it will be after her actual birthday also dunno how many of the guests can make it

Btw, my mum kept saying if got fever, cannot take porridge, what do you give your bbs besides milk when they have fever?
poor Dana, hope she recovers soon. She should be better by Sunday , I think. If not, then really gotta worry!
When Ian was down with HFMD, we fed him anything that he wanted, because the ulcers made him lose his appetite. Tried Vitagen. Didn't try ice cream. But I think anything goes, so long as something goes in! =)
Jul, its her first time so not sure how long its gonna take. We went to see PD on tuesdsay she said the symptons will go off in a few days which means sunday is quie safe. Just dunno if should take the risk to proceed.haiz.....
mummies, i just hd enuff lah, they keep calling me y'day at hme (i didnt pick up - since i already informed them of my mc) they resort to calling my mum!!!! it's totall insane!!! when i on my mobile at abt 1pm++ there were 8missed calls!!!

part time or sahm...let me laze ard 1st lah...very sick of the working society.

qsg, why bb fever cannot take porridge?? all the more shd encourage bb to drink water...or take porridge water??
lyn, mum said rice is heaty...it seems the older generation have this idea that have fever eating rice can make it worse.

Did your company say why they kept calling you yesterday?anything that is so urgent? When is your last day?
Pringles, ai yeah! You should have sms us sengkang/punggol mommies mah! I have stock in my fridge for emergency. Anyway, glad Alicia better now.

Jaz, hi! Welcomed back! Good to hear that everything is better with you now. The journey must be tough... but gotta persevere and hang on for Aloy's sake. Really admire your courage. It definitely is a great form of encouragement for the rest of us mommies here in our daily struggle with work, bb and family. Thanks for sharing. You take care and do come in here often to share (especially pics of Aloy). We miss him and you.

Jul, gotta be careful of what Ian picks up. My collegues' two year old daughter was found sucking on a dead lizard. <faintz> Scare her parents... and immediately brought to the docs.

jo, going to Europe to work is a good opportunity for your hb. If it is me, I'll definitely start packing... ehehehee... :p You can always do some courses while you are there and when you come back, you will still be employable mah!

Brendali, I look up and down and up and down the posts... but cannot find where you might have offended anyoe lah...
So, don't worry lah... guess you are just too high on preg hormones and thinking too much. :p
Anyway, I really think Jem is a very guai bb.

Mom2nat &amp; Lyn, ai yoh... you gals poor thing. I already think Epidural so painful to administer and to think you gals have to go thru it so many times.

Soyabean, wow! Love the cake and the pics.
Edi looks like a big boy now.
Happy Belated Birthday to him!

btw, I saw PV yesterday at pasamalam. Remember her?
Sarah is still as cute.
Her hb hogging PC daily so she can't log in.
Jaz, your posting brings tears to my eyes... Please be strong... Ur mum is right! Don't let your loved ones down!!! Esp ALOYSIOUS!!!! Let us know if there is anything that we can do for you!
Pringles, Emily said it first... you have all the numbers on the yahoo group list to call n ask for medicine!!!!! I am in Hougang.. n i have medicine for cough, cold n fever......
jul, why must throw away the Panadol syrup? Expired already? Hey Pringles, don't worry... mine haven't expire yet.. that's why offered you.
sanrio, Vane also climbed eureka's coffee table once she went into the living room. Hahaha I agreed that our bb nowadays got lots of facial expressions and funny actions. Last nite, Vane tried to massage my back for me and really tickle me. And we had great fun... But I really wonder where did she learn it from????

Mom2Nat, my mom was saying that at least soft toy looks nicer than those pillow chou chou lah. But actually Vane doesnt need any of these.

soyabean, did u get Edi's name from You Long Zi? My col's son got the same name and he got from You Long Zi. Where did u get the cake from? Looks nice leh.

lyn, I didnt have any prob with my epi. Maybe I was not in labour pain that time? So you decided to be sahm? What made u tender in the end?

Pringles, so happy to hear that Alicia to better now.

Jaz, so glad to see your mail here. Your mom is right Dun give up on yourself for the sake of pple ard you. Jia you!!!

jo, move the whole family to Europe that's a major decision to be made. Hope your family will come to something that's fine with everyone.

jul, hahaha. Lucky Ian got strong stomach leh, maybe he's 'trained' by the lizards' droppings liao?

mon, Aelwen ate insects??? Wow, they really amazing and curious in everything ard them hor?

QSG, hope u saw the news on the 4 yrs old gal. Dont ever leave Dana at home alone hor How's Dana today? Think I'll postpone the celebration if Dana still not feeling ok today leh cos she may get worse after it.

pigletz, I got to ask my parents to install window grilles at their place liao. It's so scary leh.
hi mummies...
good morning...
its thur already but it feels like tue to me...

shook, lyn, pringles, skyblue, brenda,mom2nat,
thanks for ur comments.
yeah... edi is getting more and more cheeky nw. i wish he wld stay at tis stage longer... hehe...

shook, lyn...
i decided to hv his chinese name on the cake in the end cos his english name cldnt fit into the box. haha... anyway, we usu call him by his chinese name instead of edi, so it made more sense to put the chinese name down.

wow... they r reali persistant in calling u yeah? and yeah... take a little break and enjoy abit of sahm life b4 starting to slog for salary again. i'm sure u wld enjoy time spent wif jerald.

i think u shld still feed porridge... unless she doesnt wanna take it. moreover porridge is water-based oso... and not heaty or anythg... prob u jus need to reduce her milk quantity by a little in case she throws up. and if i were u, i'll proceed wif the party.

nice to hear from you. sori to hear wat u hv been going thru... rembr there are alot of things in life which wld be worth living for... it always take us a while b4 we realise wat they r... and be constantly reminded of them, and if we all hv faith in u, u shld hv faith in urself too. u can make it...
u r almost there!

i saw the news... i was so sad... i m actuali considering installing window grilles for my home already... and no... we didnt install any cos we didnt like to be living in a "prison cell"... we thot we'll do it in future when kids come along.

erhmm... lucky its lizard shit... i cant imagine if it was a loose lizard's tail and shaking somemore... even more gross... :p i still rembr my mil told me my hubby swallowed a 10-cent coin when he was young.. :p made him eat lots of fibre stuff and he passed it out 2 days later. haha...
re: 4 year old gal
I shiver at the thought. My house also no window grills coz hb and I don't like them . Sigh! Hb was just commenting 4 year old still climb windows? Think I better make my maid watch Ethan until he turns 9 at least.
soyabean, your hb swallowed 10-cent coin? My cousin swallowed the old 50cent coin. Imagine soooo big... can swallow somemore. In the end, she passed it out too. hehehee... :p
hi emily...
our bbs are growing up hor... sigh... nw cannot call bb liao... a small toddler already...

no... we didnt go to you long zi.. :p we wanted to but in the end decided to jus use the name we thot of... we decided on the name even b4 i was preggie... haha... we named him after this baddie character tay ping hui played in one of the channel 8 drama series a long time ago... haha...
Giggler and soya,
Well, the news make me more believe that with or without grill it makes no different. haha, different from what both of you think.

Especially, what's the point of having a grill that you don't lock up? And, the most important thing is how can you leave ur kid at home, even though she's already 4 years old?

I agree with you. Watching over them is still the best solution.
Lucky you, Vane doesn't need these. Nat hasn't been an easy bb, so if I can find wat she wants, then v heng liao.

The photos are v nice. As usual, mesmerised by Jem's eyes. V nice family photos too.

No lah, bf not "sian dan" leh. I think fever still can give porridge, old folks say avoid eggs I think. Give her more water.
no lah... wif grille hor... u wld hv to lock up the grilles... if i wldnt be locking it up, i wldnt install them. i think u r rite... kids shldnt be left alone... no matter how old they r. actuali if we think abt it, most things in the house are hazards.
Ian hasn't eaten lizard shit before lah... yesterday was the first time! Hehehe... Luckily not live lizard, otherwise dunno what it'll be like... think he'll scream his head off... hahaha..

Emily, Panadol syrup open liao should throw away after one month.
QSG, I think any kind of fluids would be good. No need to abstain from rice lah... anyway western lokun don't really believe in heaty or cool foods =p
Yar heard you from Pasir Ris, so quickly posted smthg :p

Be strong...we're here for u

Rest is nvr enuf one... U tendered liao ah? SO wat r ur plans now?

pigletz, soyabean, emily,
Dun leave kids alone at home &amp; most imptantly, MUST HAVE WINDOW GRILLES LOCKED, no matter whether kid guai guai or buay si tiam kind.

Same here, I love to play hide n seek wif Kieran cos of his chuckles. He likes to play catching oso.

U going to Europe? I'll miss you n handsome zl though only met once at sahm's hse
CONGRATULATIONS!! hehehhe, yah lah. Dump the stupid boss who can't respect an MC..

usually i only worry if jem dun eat when fever. So will give him whatever we's willing to take esp porridge n soup for fluids.

Wahaha.. Emily,
I like the part on high on preg hormones... think can use that as a good excuse liao
Aiyoh... was PVL's hb there? did u tell him to share share?

u so cute.. name Edi from a tv character!!

hahah.. u also ticklish. BF not 'sian dan'.. Wahahha.

RE : Grilles
Initially i also like most of u.. think grilles like jail. But after some time, i did partial grilles for my house in areas like the living room n Jem's room. but hor, there's tx when my in laws came n open it up for smoking. So i guess.. we should constantly keep our bbs within sight.
Dun think the carrot flavour bb bites is available yet. Been checking out all the supermarkets but dun have. Dunno why it's taking so long.Oops... just read Sanrio's mail on it, maybe it came and got snatched up. Sigh!

Loved Jem's birthday pics. He really has beautiful eyes!

Lyn / Mon2Nat
Me scary cat.That's why both also dare not take. No acupuncture and no epidural. Hearing the procedure also freaked me out. Almost succumbed to it but was already half way dilated so didn't have to take it.

Wah... after hearing your experience, think I'm gonna try for no epidural for this second one too.

Lyn, so when's your last day? Good that you've made the decision. Now to relax first before deciding the next step. At least you can try out your hand at SAHM for a while and see if you can survive the lifestyle.

My niece ate lizard shit once. She even tried soil but spat it out. So gross!

Sometimes bb may lose their appetite when they are ill. We usu give porridge but if she has no appetite, we'll just give porridge water or barley water to fill her tummy.

So glad to see you visiting this thread again. Hope you recover quickly and we can meet up at gatherings again.

Where are you? Gynae still haven't allowed to move around??

Just had my gynae checkup and it seems like Ally's gonna have a little bro. Quite happy coz always wanted a girl and boy and my mom is elated and I'm sure my in laws will be very pleased too. The only person that's not so happy is my hubby who wanted another girl. hee hee! But he said he doesn't mind a boy coz my mom seems to want a boy more than he wants a girl.
Thanks mummies for the advice. Will monitor Dana's condition and decide by tomorrow morning if postponing.

Giggler, yesterday we running out of FM and hb said we leave Dana at home and quickly go get FM. Unbelievable hor? I told him can't especially Dana is unwell. Regarding the grilles i also thinking of installing, i dun like them esp if have grilles for full length window will look ugly.You have grilles at your home?

Emily,think hard to rely 100% on maid to watch over ethan, still safer to install grilles.

Brenda, jem look so cute and charming. Did he cry when you trying to take his pic in front of the birthday wordings or is he having runny nose?
Jaz, as long as you stay on focus (Aloysious and your loved ones), you will be strong enough to fight and win the battle.

Brenda, we went sheng siong at jurong last saturdaya and saw the bb bites carrot flavor there, price is also slightly cheaper than ntuc but hor i realised they dun have heinz cereal so end up still go ntuc next day to buy
hahaha, hazey, your question is very funny... =p

Never let Ian try Baby bites until 2 days ago... seems more salty than the Gerber biter biscuits, which are kinda sweet. Ian seems ok with the Baby Bites, didn't know there's carrot flavour.

Ian very sweet, will share his biscuit and milk with me if I ask him to.... hehehe.. =) Then he will take it back after I have had my share.
gee qsg...
actuali u or hubby can go out to buy rite? why 2 of u need to go together?

hi absolut...
congrats on knowing gender...
pigletz, hahaha everyone got diff views hor? You mean they have window grilles and they didnt lock it? Well, mine is locked most of the time. I think her grandma will got to live in guilt for the rest of her life. Sigh

Mom2Nat, think I'm considered lucky tat Vane is easy bb. She just sleep herself if she's tired, doesnt need pacifier or chou chou at all.

jul, hahaha. I thot Ian has been eating lizards recently.

soyabean, so cute leh, name Edi from tv char and a bad guy somemore.

brenda, both your in-laws smoke?

absolut, think if you get a gd doc to administer epi is still ok lah. But if you can tahan the pain then of course best to go without. Congrats!!! Wow, so you got a "hao" zi liao.

QSG, yup I've grilles at home. Though I've full-length window but I got grilles for half-length one lah. Cant your hubby go to get the FM alone???

hazey, hahaha we think alike hor? Asking QSG similar qns. LOL
he can fit already...
thanks so much... but hor... going to be a little short liao... :p wld take photos when he next wear it and show u.

haha... no, the point is... tay ping hui is cute... haha.. no lah.. we like the words of the name... strength and determination...
yup, different pple different view.
As long as we don't force our view on other pple can liao.
Yup, they have grille and didn't lock up, saw the house on TV yesterday, 1st thing come up to my mind, got grille what. hahahah
soya, hazey and giggler, sometimes i also dun understand hb's tots
I told him that the forum mummies said leaving bb alone at home is a No No but he said we can't be over protective lei. Yesterday i asked him to try telling his mum he going to leave a sick bb at home alone see what she say ha ha...

Mummies with window grilles, any good contractors to recommend?
gosh, i oso dun u/std ur hubby's thots... there are things whh we can be protective over and some we dun need to... we jus hv to be clear abt wat falls under which category. i mean, not oni forum mummies will say its a No No, everyone else wld feel the same!
oh yah

Eureka said must mention that the thigh check worked for me. Checked Ally's right thigh the night before the checkup and there was 1 line so it's odd - indicating it's a boy. Eureka said it's been 100% accurate so far so Brenda, go check out Jem's thigh.
Gd to hear from you
Tho i havn't met u b4, i really wish u all the best and pls stay strong!! Miss seeing Aloysius's pictures here too.

U must be really relieved to have tendered. I can imagine....feeling gd?? Take ur time to have a break. U might find it so enjoyable taking care of Jerald for once at home
RE:Tingkat dinners - Me and hubby have tried quite a few until now we finally settled for this one that's at least more creative in their cooking and not always fried like some others. But i will try to cook soup to enhance dinner...i'm cantonese la....enjoy soup alot!

Emily and Hazey
Thks for offering ur SOS for panadol syrup...hahaaa....both of u are so sweet! It was too early in the morning when i discovered the fever and thot might as well let the dr check her. I just changed my clothes, pack a few things for her and rush out of house with hubby. Motherhood is so challenging

Jerome's pictures are very nice...wah....u let him try so many automobiles on his birthday...from cars to bus ah..hehe...he machiam going to buy car for himself leh....

Congrats! So lovely to get a boy next. U must be really happy! Any tips how to make baby boy huh...hehehee:p

Its not easy to look after bb when they are sick and we ourselves are not feelin well. Maybe u can rope in help frm ur mom and try to eat and rest well urself.
QSG, you CANNOT leave Dana alone even if she's well. Can you imagine... 4 yr old also can climb window and fall... you would have expected at least to be able to reason with a 4 yr old, right?
Remember... even if you install window grills also cannot leave Dana alone... why? What if she decides to climb around and falls? Even if you put her in a cot! She may find something in the cot, swallow it, choke and there's no one there for her? Or reach out to pull something from the cot, and it falls on her. Or, you forgot to turn off the gas and... see? So dangerous, right? And even if you leave Dana in the cot, she will learn to climb out of it one fine day... and that maybe the day when you are not around watching her.
Gal, must tell you that toddlers have no ability to reason in their head. So, even if there's an emergency and you have to go while Dana is sleeping, you have to carry her and bring her out! And must remember that if there is a fire or whatever, you must run with Dana away from it.
Sorry to be so naggy and hush, but am serious about my message to you. Your hb want time alone with you, you can always have it when Dana is older like 9-10 years old. In the meantime, Dana is your responsibility.

pigletz, no lah, in the end he went JP NTUC to buy instead.

Emily, dun need to feel sorry, understand your well intentions.

Just felt so frustrated feeding her lunch, rejected the porridge after a spoonful and rejected her fruits as well. But when i gave her gerber fruit puffs she took....now waiting to feed FM. Think my boss not happy i MC 2 days, yesterday i sms him he got reply say okay, today din bother to reply at all
