(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Lyn, take good care ok, the back is very important! Don't play play

Mom2nat n Pringles, Nat's and Alicia's smiles never fail to bring a smile to my face! N Pringles, I can jus imagine Alicia doing that shaking finger action with her eyes wide open!!! Now Tyra will start shaking her index finger when I go "Orhhhhhh......"

Mom2nat, before you put on the clip or hat on nat, try telling her that it is so pretty and nice! Then after u put it on her, go "wah!!!! so preeeetty!!!!'.... But I still can't get tyra to put on any hairclips... :p

Shook ah, it's the "birthday curse" cos they all fall sick on their birthday itself! All the pangtang babies! N I was very careful not to mention to Tyra that it was her birthday... so careful until no one remembered and no one bought 4D.. and it came up starters..... sigh.....

Sanrio, lovely pictures. Ashrel looks like a big boy now...seems like he lost some of his baby fats....

lyn, it seems like most of us got backache problem hor? Your back still painful? You better take care leh and better dun carry Jerald for the time being.

jul, "bengggg" for dustbin? Vane's only consistent word so far is still "mum-mum".

shook, I can tell the stranger that lah but I afraid that Vane will start shouting/screaming if I rejected the food leh.

sanrio, is your camera's shutter speed very fast? Mine seems got to wait a while before I can snap the next pic. I mailed the Disney form, not sure if I'll be contacted cos not sure how long will the waiting list be. As for the Ch8 one, haven decide. You joining?

Mom2Nat, Nat really got those confident look leh. I still try to stop Vane from biting/eating anything she get hold on.

pringles, you have cough again? So have u brew the pear soup for yourself? We did the same thing when we bring Vane out for meals too. Hahaha. I can imagine the scene with Alicia pointing finger to the gal. LOL Alicia also got lovely smiles.

brenda, your nipples not feeling sore/senstive? We saw one Maclaren model at Mothercare yday. Forgot the model and it cost $191. I got diff view as you leh. I'd rather buy one gd and sturdy one that can withstand my frequent & rough use than change them frequently. That's why I like my Graco pram very much, light-wt and sturdy. How long do we need to cook marcoroni?

QSG, if she's ok with egg then shd be ok with cake lah. But if you dont feel comfy abt it then better dun feed her.

emily, great that your family enjoyed your dinner out last nite.

hazey, hahaha that's what I did to Vane. And she'll smile very sweetly at me when I told her that she's very pretty with the hairclip.
Tyra's bday came up starter? So bad that no one buy it.
Pie Seh Mummies to interupt like that
Need to ask Sanrio some questions
Just saw the pics u took for yr son using Pansonic Lumix camera - Very nice and sharp.
I've the same camera but I'm still unable to take nice pics of my 9mth old gal.
May I asked what mode did u use to achieve such sharp pics. U mention that's a BW mode, where can I find this mode hur??
Very pei seh to ask so many questions and tks in advance.
lyn, the lady who picked up the phone asked me where i calling from then told me they dun sell to direct customers but i still asked her about the stock anyway.

Giggler, i only let her try egg yolk since i read that can only give egg white after 1 year old. This sunday she not really 1 year old yet since actual is 28 jul so dunno if give few days earlier will make any difference. Did you let vane eat her cake?
Mon Mon
If you go up the escalator to 5th floor, you'll see club 21 kids on the left and a lane to go to the shops at the back. Just go along and you'll see the shop. If not, you can also cut thru the guess kids store and you'll see the salon on the right.

Guess we all have our different ways to try and discipline our little ones and all want the best for them anyway. Do share on the recipe for the dough and if you think of any activities for them to do. Wouldn't mind giving some activities for Ally to do so that she'll also tire out faster and be more cooperative at nap times. hee hee!

Does Ethan cooperate if you give him biscuits? Ally usu cooperates when she gets her biscuits unless she's really sleepy. That's how we keep her quiet while we have our meals at restaurants if she's not eating her meal as well. Sometimes just feeding her our food also helps.

Nice pics of Alicia. Like her first pic best... looks so mature and quite sexy in her pose.
Ally also tried roast duck on sun! didn't want to eat her rice and food but when it came to the duck, her mouth opened big big.

Take care of yourself. Can't imagine having to look after my girl full time when I'm not feeling too well. How come your sleeping time change so much? Remember I used to napped when Ally napped in the day and still slept shortly after she slept in the night... AND still felt sleep-deprived. hee hee!

Better get yr back sorted out fast. Not good to wait too long. Always had a phobia of falling while carrying Ally too and can't imagine what I would do but think reaction would be the same... hold her super tight and sacrifice ourselves.

Didn't find your comments fierce either.

So strange that Dana is allergic to yoghurt. Could it be the fruit flavouring that caused it?
ya, may let him join d ch8 contest, jus 4 fun since he's now less afraid of strangers n crowd, hopefully...
i dun noe abt the shutter speed of my cam but quite ok n fast. pic are quite sharp cos panasonic uses leica lens.
same, ashrel fav words ar 'mumm mumm' n 'ai nai nai'(wan milk milk).

yup, i took mayb 1000 or more pic of ashrel to-date. i only develop selectively, those nice ones n few each fr birth, 1mth, 2mths old...

nice pic of nat, looks like she is on 1st class, so nice n comfy seat..

alicia so 'lady like' in her 1st pic, keke...
i try not to take noon nap cos at nite, my eyes will b bright bright even the nap was v short.
Ally has a history of eczema too but she was fine with egg yolk before she was one. So I fed her some of her birthday cake and it was fine. Will have to depend on you if you are comfortable to let her try.

Ally has also eaten prawns etc and so far so good. No reaction from these 'dangerous' food.
hi pcs,
is yours panasonic lumix DMC-F1? mine is tis n is d old model. for b&w, jus turn to the 'brush n paint sign' on the disc, choose B/W, tat's it. to achieve the nice effect, if ur background is bright enough, u can choose to off the auto flash by pressing the 'thunder sign' till it shows 'flash strike out sign'. if ur background is dim, jus leave it at auto flash n if u wan to take moving objects, auto flash mus be on. cos for no flash fotography, the shutter speed is slower n moving objects will becum blur n ur hands mus b v stable.
some additional tips: if u wan to take pic w details being seen clear n sharp (eg: i took pic of my boy's b'day cake, my ultrasound fotos, objects like close up of flowers) choose the 'flower sign' mode.
if yours is the new model, i taught my frd how to use it b4 but cant remb exactly, if u can tell me wat's on the disc on the camera, mayb i can guide u
i miss ur zl already... where is he??

u so 'dao mei' hahha... how's ur unpacking getting along?


nope.. dun feel much yet. Hahaha, if push along shopping centres all these still okay lah.. we go for long walks n trekking almost weekly, then the wheels tends to loosen due to the rocky grounds, sands n slopes etc. Mebbe we should consider getting the Jeep brand!
Macaroni usually i'll soak then play w jem.. after that will takes abt 10mins to cook. But the stock already done since morning lah
I was quite shocked to see yr reply. Superfast and very informative. Tks a millon :p
I've printed them out and will slowly digest the info tonite coz camera at home.
I will check out the model no and let u know.
BTW I loveeee the BNW pic u took for ashrel - very classic look :p
again xie xie ni !!!!
Tks for replying me on my query. U take care n gd day! I will bade pigeon detergent forever sayonara liao!

So no babies are stripping themselves at their bottom? Wat's wrong with Elyse, so porn-y!
Eureka, think Elyse is not porny. :p Just maybe like to undo the velco and she thinks it's funny. btw, bet many bbs here also like to air their butts and run around naked... but they just haven't figured how to undo the velcos. Ethan for one will crawl/cruise fast fast once we take his diapers off... and laugh and laugh... going far far away from us. :p
Happy b'dy to Edison

Which Sin seh did u consult in the n?

Yes eat eat eat. U need a lot of food. U can afford it wif your fig n dat u dun hv ms
U give Jem macroni wif soup?

I thot it is protein ie egg white dat cause allergy. Egg yolk shldn't hv problem

Fm Tampines Mall u cross the rd u get to MRT station. Walk away fm MRT station, u c a bldg wif Swensen, DBS. after dat bldg, u cross the rd, u c HDB blocks. The library is at the extreme n of the HDB blocks. Dat library is bigger than the library in Sengkang. It has a few levels.

Sure Vane will shout when u reject food fm stranger. Quickly bring her away or give her something to distract her
The Disney bb contest form can send by mail meh? I thot need to submit personally over the counter I haven't send in the form

U know your camera v v well. A walking instruction booklet

Do u tell Elyse no no when she removes the velcro on the diaper? When Chen Chen touches his private part while I change him, I will say a a no no, so whenever he does dat I juz a a he won't do it liao

Wat sauce do u gals put in the pasta for feeding bb?
Emily, you are so right on that!!! Tyra is gearing to escape... and always crawl quickly away and chuckle and try to hide behind the pillows!!!!!
QSG, I let Vane eat the cake.

sanrio, which cat of Ch8 contest will Ash go for? I nearly buy the latest model of Panasonic Lumix but didnt manage to get.

brenda, if rocky ground then I not sure liao, cos I only venture shopping malls.
How do u cook the stock?

Mom2Nat, I second you on Graco brand. I simply love my Graco EDT.

shook, can send by mail and remember to put your contact no. on the form. But think the serial no. may not be given to you. If you got time, think beta to submit over the counter.

hazey, hahaha. I cant imagine Tyra doing that leh. LOL
Giggler, was it you who wants to add me to msn? I got a Sylvia, but I am not sure who it is.... I got a picture of her escapade... but i dun dare to post here.... hehee
Message from Ryan,
I don't like my Yeye's house..nothing to play..also there are so many things that I cannot touch.. Yesterday was the 2nd time I was there . We went there in the afternoon as it was blasting hot and humid outside. It was so boring that I wanted to leave. I asked mummy to open the door for me..but the gate cannot be opened. Mummy said that I have to use the key to open the door. ..so Iwent to look for the keys and try to open the door..but before that I made sure that mummy wore my shoes for me.
u're most welcome

dun noe why i like to experiment w electronic pdts. i m d 1 who fixed up my hm dvd system n program in all d details, not my hubby, keke..

sunshine toddler. doubt he can do jigsaw puzzle n by then dun noe whether he can walk well oreadi.
i like graco edt too, light wt but v sturdy n tough, we ar so rough w it n imagine ashrel is so heavy. but like a bit too small for ashrel liao esp wen he slp in it.
hello mummies esp elmo fans,
sori i v bo liao post so many pic here.. af b'day celebration, i took pic of ashrel w elmo cake, no more wori he will 'destroy' it

Ashrel simply loves elmo...
Yeah! Elmo! Hahaha! What happened to Elmo, half gone!


Ai yoh! Sanrio!! Ash so cuteeee... and funny!!!

Hazey, I also cannot imagine Tyra doing that... she seems so ladylike.
ehehheee... :p

Shook, I didn't give Ethan soymilk coz in the end, that day, I reach home at 11pm... just in time to give him milk... my maid somehow managed to prolong his feeds.
But have given him a sip of the soymilk when I was drinking it. He seems to like it though... so no probs if I ever run out of milk again. :p
Mummies, on mc bcos going to the sinseh. Just came back after acupuncture. Sinseh said better not tui since my back slightly swollen.why didnt I went to consult one immediately???

So for time being, no iced water, cold, cool stuff and no carrying of heavy stuff (Jerald also consider NO NO), go back for review this Saturday, and must consistently apply medical lotion and take med to disperse the blue black.

Emily, glad that you got great time with Ethan.see hes not so bad after all. Just a passing phrase that both of u going thrudun gan cheong.

Qsg, well thats very funny?? did u get to speak to grace?? Shes very friendly!! Shes the one that ask to go to the showroom???

Absolut, already got a dress down frm my dad this morning abt the delay treatmentI think as a mum ourselves we all will sacrifice for the sake of our bbI nvr gave a 2nd tot when I slipped but just want to make sure Jerald is ok.

Sahm, em, Jerald hvnt discover the trick of removing his diapers but like Ethan, he will dash away with his butt exposed!!!

Shook, went to the one at outram in the enddad insisted on bringing meso the whole family went 2gether with me!! So pai say.

Sanrio, ash so happy to c elmo being cut!!!
em, tot as long as i still can stand up and walk shd be ok mah....i only got wkends to spend with jerald, of course must make full use of it...if i went to sinseh during the wkend, hubby sure sent bb back to my parents immediately....
Lyn, the dinner was not so bad... only becoz I let him do whatever he wants... that means misbehaving and getting dirty. :p If I persisted and insist he sits... trouble again!
Since now submit on waiting list, I send by post. No time to go UE sq to submit the form

U r so clever to play around wif electronic products. Char of a creative person. Think out of the box
I notice u do things v v fast. Were u like dat b4 u deliver Ash?
Ash look happy. Nice shots
Y din u order Hello Kitty cake? Both u n Ash like Hello Kitty wat
Nowadays my hubby is unable to take pic of CHen CHe smiling. Our camera is slow N not easy to get Chen Chen to smile after he is 1

I saw NTUC selling rice milk n oat milk. Din read the details. Dunno can give to tod or not. But I think shld b safe. Perhaps u like to check it out. $2.95 a pckt on offer now
Your maid v gd, prolong Ethan's feed so dat u can bf him. Can give Ethan vege or fruits when he is hungry lor. Dun give too much biscuit, heaty n not much nutrient
So chiak lat? Then how ... can't carry Jerald at least til sat? Wun he kick up a big fuss? Hopefully he's alright at your mom's since he spends most time with them. Poor girl... you better concentrate on getting well so can carry Jerald again. Acupuncture pain or not? My goosebumps are coming up just by thinking abt the needles. Eeeeew!

Think you are a really xi xin mom leh. Putting a lot of thot into Ethan's development. Good good... you read and share ok? How was Pariss food? I was quite tempted to go for the buffet once but not sure how's the food quality etc plus cannot eat sashimi now so find that going for such buffet like a waste of money.
Dun eat sour stuff n kiang cai
Your parents r nice to bring u to c sin seh. Dun hv to feel pai sey. It is normal dat patient is accompanied by companion
U carry Jerald after u recover hor. Take tis opportunity to let your hubby carry Jerald

R u on mc tml?
thks for the compliments. Think we are all really one big bunch of proud mummies of our kiddoes
At this interesting age, all our babies are really irresistably cute!!But they grow so fast.....sometimes i just don't want this stage to pass

my sleep didn't change too drastically, just that occasionally, after being woken by bb in the nite, i get hungry after that and actually hunt for snack and afte that, i sometimes can't sleep. Today is exceptional. As if some maternal instinct in me or wat, coz at 5am...Alicia started crying differently and when i carried her, she was burning hot!! 39.1 DEGREES This is the first time she has fever.Quickly sponged her, packed and went to nearest doctor to get medicine. Spent whole of today sponging, feeding, comforting her and making medicine etc etc for her....not easy at all..my mom helped me too...otherwise i cannot imagine how i cope.
The fever keeps going up and down...sigh.

Mommies with experience, how long usually does the fever stay on? Getting her to drink alot is soo difficult. I actually have to keep offering her bottle and straw alternatively.....made lin yang for her as well.....doing everything possible.

Alicia was eating braised duck noodles in that video.
Nat prob loves to explore with her mouth alot, either that or she is relieving some tension frm teething perhaps. I think if she insists on biting, just make sure its something safe. Or how about when u catch her biting, quikly offer her a teething ring frm the fridge instead? If she still continues, i think its ok to let her. She'll get enuf of it after awhile. Doesn't she cry if she bites on something too hard?Just wondering....

Hope u recover soon...poor u. REST REST REST

Love Ashrel's expressions beside the elmo cake!! The cake looks really huge and nice. He enjoyed eating it?

I didn't take the double-boiled pear for myself for cough. I made the dried orange with nan xing bei xing instead. And luo han guo. Hey, u were saying u take bai feng yuan frm eu yan sang? Is it effective? How much u pay for it? Me thinking of trying.

Gotta go mummies....have to take care of Alicia...gd nite
dear mummies,
tk u
ashrel loves elmo. wen elmo appears on tv, he will smile until 'jian ya bu jian yan'. used to scream in excitement but now tone down. hubby bought him an elmo bib. he loves it. we ask him where is elmo, he will point at his bib n smile. even af removing the bib, wen asked, he will look down n point at himself.

yup i m a 'fast fast' person. b4, during n af preg all abt d same. my colleagues then alwy commented, 'where got preg women like u' n alwy reminded me 'careful careful' esp wen i like 'run' ard in office instead of walk.
tell u hoh, during my 1st date w hubby, he oso nicely said 'wld u like to walk slower', hahaha!
ya not easy to capture nice pic of ashrel now, so mus b 'kuai shou kuai jiao' in foto taking.

sori to hear tat alicia is down w fever. hope she quickie recover. u take care, mus b tiring 4 u too.
yes, i oso wish our bb 'dun grow up' so fast, i will certainly miss tis stage.

ur back swollen? ai yo.. mus take care. yup try to rest it n dun cari heavy thgs n bend too much.

any sahm tingkat food?
we try tingkat dinner fr neo garden n d food is really lousy (totally cant b compared to its buffet). it's $11 per day for 2 persons. af 2 days, we terminated our order.
day 1: 'pig hands' w black sauce, luncheon meat w miserable few potatoes in tomato sauce, cabbage, & carrot soup w miserable few thin slices of carrot floating in it.
i din eat cos i dun eat pork n they dun take special request. hubby commented d food is quite oily n salty.
any1 got any gd recommendation? mil had eye surgery so cant cook. mayb we shd settle w 'ta bao' fr hawker ctr instead hoh..
i wld love to hav a hk cake but ashrel likes elmo so much so got him an elmo cake loh.

i only let him try a little bit of d cake
Sorry to hear that Alicia is having a fever. Has her fever subsided? I am not too sure, but tot if you give the supository, the fever comes down v fast??
Nat is not interested in teethers leh. It is difficult to stop her, cos sometimes when she crawls and her hand presses on something, she will pick up to eat!
Is Alicia better now?
Chen Chen had fever twice.
1st time happened in the wee hr. My hubby n me took turn to sponge him. B4 dawn, his fever subsided. No medication wz given to him
2nd time I guess he had Rosealla, his fever went up n dwn. Highest record 40.7 degree. It took 3 or 4 days for the fever to subside.
U oso need to take care of yourself since u r still coughing

I read fm bbcentre dat it is normal for bb to put things in2 her mouth bcoz tongue is the most developed senor. So she puts things in2 her mouth to sense wat is it.
I read abt tat, other mommies oso assured me tat it is ok... but the way Nat puts everything in to bite is scary leh. Yest I let her play with an unopened tissue box... then she bit one piece off again... When playing with toys, she is putting everything into her mouth leh...
. DOes Chen chen do it too??

HOw's Alicia's fever??
Just saw your previous post on the restaurant Pariss. Is the food nice?? I went pass a few times, but seems v costly leh. Seafood right?? Wat promotion was it you have?
You v brace, let your son play with his food in the restaurant. I am afraid when Nat do it, things will fly at pple's face and other tables too!
Hey, talk abt the bday curse, seems quite true leh. I was gg to celebrate Nat's bday a week earlier, and just tat few days she got cough and cold. Hmmm....
Hope Alicia's fever has gone down? Did doc give the suppository? The last time Ally had fever, it took abt 2-3 days to subside. Fever also kept going up and down and in the end, after the 3rd visit to the doc, he gave the suppository and it worked well. Maybe fever was also at its ending point coz she started getting viral rash. So what is alicia suffering from? Flu, sore throat?? Made barley water for Ally the last round.

Good that your mom is helping out so you can rest as well coz usu after the kid gets well, the parents esp mom starts falling ill coz of exhaustion. You better take some cooling stuff also ok?
Mummies, can I ask what is meant by "Sponging"? Do you strip your baby and literally just wipe n wipe? Or do you dunk them in a tub of water? Should we dress our babies lightly? Can they still sleep in aircon room? Cos usually for tyra, I will still on the aircon and just feed her the fever medicine. But recently, it didn't work, she still having high fever after 2 hours... Then I panicked...off the aircon n let her sweat it out... then her fever subsided... I know that is ancient way and we shouldn't do that, but I was really at wit's end already.... So can someone demo what is sponging please?

Pringles, if it is a viral infection, the fever will usually ding dong for 3 days... If after 3 days, alicia is still having fever, seek medical attn immediately!

Mummies, yesterday was the first time I discovered foreign object in Tyra's mouth! It was after dinner, and she was still chewing and chewing... we were puzzled.. why is she chewing! Then to my horror! It was some plastiky thing with very sharp ends!!!! Looks like fish bones, but really too hard to be just bones!!!! I was just thankful that she has not swallowed it! My goodness!
Shook, I'll go and see about what you mentioned in NTUC.. the rice milk and oat milk. Will let you know then.

re: Birthday curse!
Not true... not true! We shouldn't believe in things like that... Ethan was fine on his birthday and on the day we celebrated for him.. so for moms whose kids have not had their birthdays... don't think too much... just enjoy that day!

re: Pariss food
We found it okay. Absolut, don't think it will be worth it to go for you.. coz you cannot eat the sashimi. :p But, I had a good time eating the sashimis. Am a sashimi fan mah! The fresh oysters were just good too. But didn't like the chinese food they served there - not good at all. The satay was good too. So all in all, jap food good, deserts gd, tepanyaki gd, fresh seafood gd, pepper crab not bad. Cost $29.95+++ per person incl. a glass of red wine. This is National Day promo only at Tampines. Other outlets more ex... cos 8-9 dishes more (that's what they say - but don't know what dishes).

Pringles, better monior Alicia. What caused the fever? High fever no joke for kids. Sigh! You better take care too... rest more.

Mom2Nat, Ethan loves to spread his food on the table and then rub them all over to play. When he is done, he'll pick them up with his fingers and puts them in his mouth.. ehehehe... so horrible, right? I always don't allow him to do that. :p
Last night, I left my earrings on the table. Ethan found them and nearly put them into his mouth... luckily my maid saw and stopped him.
Just to share, talking about Barley. Recently learnt that if you leave the barley to boil n boil for hours, it will lose it's "cooling" effect.. it is "moisturising" instead... "run(4)" instead of "liang (2)"... so if you really need a liang drink, just boil it for abt 20 mins will do....

Sanrio, the tingkat that I m ordering is not bad... IM me later, I pass u the contact?
Hi Pringles,
read here that alicia is sick. is she better today?

re: tingkat food
I have never order such dinners. but wld u consider cooking simple dishes since only u n hb eating. can try cooking one dish meals like chicken rice or porridge. for chicken rice. lazy way out. cook rice per norm. season chicken parts like wings/drumsticks with soya sauce, seasame oil n pepper. stir fry in non stick pan with garlic n ginger. dump the chicken into the rice cooker when the rice is slightly cooked. may add in cai sim at the end when chicken is almost cooked.

hi mummies...

thanks for the greeting...

party was over on Sun... and i was on leave on Mon and Tue... we brgt him out to changi airport yest...

okie... need go clear my work... will come back later!
