(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Whenever i see nat's pics, i really cannot imagine she's one who refuses to drink milk. I simply adore her rosy cheeks. Wat did u eat during ur pregnancy such dat nat has such rosy cheeks?

Hehehe, of cos i nice nice :p Do u know wat kieran means? I checked n found that it means small n dark skinned. I was

I dunno leh, all the while cereal seems to give me the impression dat they're heaty. N oh yar, heard dat it causes phlegm too...

<font color="ff0000">HI QSG,</font>
Shouldnt have any prob to still go ahead with the party. Just let dana rest n sleep alot. I still feed porridge, dilute the FM tho.

TSK TSK, still contemplating to leave dana alone at home after all have been said n the 4YO fall incident?? Take chance n wat could be next? REgret, sorry, remorse????

<font color="ff0000">Hi Mum2nat,</font>
NIce new outfit. I find bbFox a little gawdy tho, Their shoes are very nice tho.

<font color="ff0000">Hi Pringles,</font>
I swear by ling yang too. Unfortunately, rae does not like it standalone or mixed in his milk feed. He will protest n says there is ta bien in his milk! He didnt like the pear soup too. Hb n i luv it tho.

<font color="ff0000">Hi Absolut,</font>
For a boy, sometimes, u may have the mood n cash to shop die hard for him but there is simply not much to get!!! Unlike girls, nvr enuff!!!!!!

<font color="ff0000">Hi Shook,</font>
Jia you Jia you......remember double lines.....jia you!

<font color="ff0000">Hi Hazel,</font>
It is RIGHT THIGH regardless of boy or girl.

<font color="ff0000">Hi Pigletz,</font>
Very nice shot. Now i know y some parents find the backview of my kids' foto nicer. Urs also more appealing in that position. It just depicts more. Gareth looks very innocent tong chen in so many of the shot!

<font color="ff0000">Hi Sanrio,</font>
My kids still have grain by grain stool when they eat brown rice! I cooked several hours using slower cooker n even soaked overnite!

How ah?

<font color="ff0000">Hi Lyn,</font>
I understand wat u mean by lazing ard 1st b4 getting into another job. Good break but remember to cast ur net lor, sending in resumes at the same time.

Ur boss really too much.........

<font color="ff0000">Hi Giggler,</font>
Easy bbs, really blessed for the parents. There is a saying that bo chap easy parents yield easy kids, dun know how true!?
Carrefour is having demo n sales for the roman mop. Since u are waiting for Tangs voucher, then u wait lor......herhehehehehe

<font color="ff0000">Hi JO</font>
Shared with hb n true enuff, he said packed n go. Ur zl is still young n u only 1 kid, y not GO? GO go go.

Where will u be residing? Munich? Berlin? GErmany?

<font color="ff0000">Mummies,</font>
Think my post here will be irregularly lesser now. ELyse is back to my care for good. Everyday is task after task, handling 2!
Hi Eureka
How are u??Hee..nice to see ur posting

I agree too.....i would grab the opportunity to go overseas too as a family, they don't come by all the time and its great exposure and experience
<font color="aa00aa">HI JAZ,</font>
Goood to have u back here..........

Hey, I think u r doing very well! Hard n tough it may be but u fared so well. Alot of time, when things can tough n difficult, it is easier to give up BUT there are alot more times, we lives for our loved ones too! Hope u r always be reminded that there are lots that care n supporting u no matter wat! ALOY himself is the greatest strength to carry on. Furthermore, nowadays medical is so advanced, gd lokuns are everywhere, it can be cured n under control! Take heart!

Health issue....IMHO, HONESTY is the best policy. I agree with absolut that hang on to ur current job while u search for other opening. Go for any interviews n as usual, take it at ur strike. Talking abt career prospect, job responsibilities etc..........when all goes went n almost confirmed being offered the job, i will bring up my health condition BUT will assure that it is under control n now a clean bill of health. I mean, later, u sure have to go for the co medical checkup rite?? There n then , they can double check with co doc n understand ur health condition, doing all the justification. If they reject u frm there, then the co may not be too understanding for ur situation. Wat abt next time u may need to go for medical follow up n checkup etC? Later part, when HR want to get u covered for insurance, u may need to declare ur earlier condition too, rite? MUmmies, do u all think so? Seriously, u all wont declare?

Afterall, Brenda said the most important thing, take gd care of ur health, without health for any1, no work. So jaz, take 1 thing at a time, everything will fall into places nicely!

U be strong!
<font color="ff0000">Hi PRingles,</font>
I am chuan lor
. Weird lor....when the 2 are ard, I am very motivated to do everything quickly, cleanup fast fast. Then when I have to go ubi n bring elyse over to MIL's place, my messy place, dirty laundry, basin of dirty dishes, I simply have no energy to clear them!!! ahhahahaha....sudddenly, just so tired lor. hahahha, with kids ard, wondermama. They not ard, i tyre punctured! hehehehehe.....

<font color="ff0000">Skyblue,</font>
U love ur son n ah lao lots ah....so sentimental, hormones haywired ah? hahahhaha...

Ya la, elyse has been booted back here....no lah...a matter of time lah. NO time is gd time, so I decided to face up to my fear earlier lor. Wish me lots of strength n courage hor!
hi mummies
hubby worry alot, finally decided to reject the europe post... main main reason being, ZL is his first priority, the medical there quite backward... moreover ZL sick quite often. so he cannot trust the doctors there...

although i am a bit disappointed but i am ok.
except that... i still got to smile at my boss even if he give me lowest increment
Poor u slept for 1.5hr. U working today?
I dun hv any better unpainful way to make Chen Chen take medicine. I hv 2 person to feed Chen Chen medicine. 1 hold his 2 hands, the other 1 hold his nose (he bound to open his mouth to breathe) then pump the medicine thru the syringe into his mouth. Hv to hold his head lying back a bit then he can't spit out the medicine. We pumped 2 or 3 times for a syringe of medicine. Cannot pump all @ 1 time in case he gets choked.
The correct way to hold bb is carry her on your lap, 1 of your hand go round the front of her body pressing her 2 hands, the other hand hold her head lying dwn on your body. BB can't struggle much if u hold correctly.
I read fm another thread to pump the medicine into the side of the mouth so dat there is no way dat bb can spit out the medicine
I read fm bbcentre to bring bb into bathrm, on hot water so dat the rm is steamy. The steam will help to clean block nose.

Hmm... guess it is a norm dat little tod stack cups into 1 another by default
jem really v v guai. U read magazine, he plays on his own. Chen Chen snatches watever I m reading. He plays on his own only if the toy is new or something dat catches his attention

Where is Fox in Suntec?

Chen Chen's double fold on left thigh, not right thigh

Of coz muz declare medical condition when asked but dun need to bring up if not being asked esp in the 1st interview.
Bet u can cope wif your 1 tods. Hv confidence in u

Thot medical is more advance in Europe? Mon2Nat can give u some opinion
Mom2nat, the syringe in france should be the same in singapore.

Eureka, why must dilute FM? anyway she is rejecting FM. Heard from my mum she just vomited this morning, the little bit of cereal she took, now she is surviving on abit of water and fruit puffs

Pringles and Shook, we try to squirt at the side of mouth but stil quite difficult with her struggling and end up all over the place then inside her mouth and sometimes she dun swallow it.

Shook, i am back at work today. Boss already not happy i on 2 days MC. Felt really moody, now worse bec i just got heard i got by passed for a promotion.

Mummies any of you let your bbs used nose drops (decongestant)? any comments/experience to share? I am thinking of using it on Dana bec she can't sleep well with a stuffy nose.
Can tell the 3 of u enjoyed a lot.
Gareth looks like a 3 yr old boi
the 2nd photo is excellent for passport photo
Fox next to watson....big one, lots of variety. Foxmen, Fox women all under same store. 1 stone kills 3birds then!

Wat's 1 tods? I have 2 toddlers at home now. Oh ya, ur chen chen still a bb to u! No wonder!
I ever use the nose drop on elyse n it works wonder.

DIluTe....hmmm.....as in when we adults are sick, we also dun have appetite, dun feel like eating heavy meal...so prefer something light etc. So dilute the FM for bbs when they are sick....to fill their stomach n provide fluid ...something like tat.
So sad dat u loose the chance for promotion. Perhaps the next better opportunity will come soon

U try my way of feeding Chen Chen medicine on Dana n c if u cld get medicine into her mouth
Oops, typo error. I mean 2 tods u c I typed 1 tods 1 no s rite

May b u ask more Dr wrt medical std in Europe
Eureka, does elyse struggle when you try to put the nose drops on her?

Shook, had wanted to change job long time ago as i am not being appreciated in this company. Almost 5 years but still very underpaid compared to my peers. I dun care much if no promotion (disappointed this time dun have bec it means no increment also) but at least give me a reasonable increment. Even inflation rate increases, yet my pay is not even competitive with the market. How to cope with increase in living costs! Sorry i sounded frustrated. On the other hand, also difficult to change job, which boss can stand their staff leaving on the dot everyday, i can't dilly dally like most of my colleagues since i have lots to do after work and attend to Dana,etc...really in a dilemna...if not for the fact that we just bought the car , financial commitments all that, i may just quit rather than now thick thick skin stay on
with dana feeling sick, i felt sad i can't be by her side everyday to take care of her also...

You ever try feeding Chen Chen medicine with spoon. I was thinking if no choice then use spoon aga aga the amount better than nothing goes in.
Advertistment Highlight

BB Bites Carrot Flavor now on promotion in NTUC $2 per box (original $2.35) 22/7/05 to 28/7/2005.

Limited to 4 boxes per customer.
really? the name meant that? hahahah!

yah... when i was backpacking in Europe, I realised they r quite behind in their medical facilities and in smaller towns, they have limited variety of medicines. It's one valid concerns ur hb has.

hahaha.. i read my books/mag on his playmat or bed where he usually plays so he's used to it since young. But he'll get bored too then he'll come over and 'ze ge ze ge' on the mag to demand attention.
U getting Foxbb too? hahahah .. mebbe we should put all our bbs with Fox clothings together n take a nice pic then get Fox to sponsor our next gathering!!
<font color="aa00aa">Brenda</font>, wat's so juicy abt me? Bet u have more target to gossip lah!

SAHMs with 2 kids, busy slogging away, also target for gossip, u very gd leh
However hard my kids struggle during their medicine time, I will still die die get them to take them. Struggle, jerk, spill? Do it all over lor.......
brenda, shook
issit? me a bit disappointed but just now my ex-colleague told me budapest not very attractive... so i am more "si xin" heehee... now i know i actually wanted to go so much!!! hahahaha...

hahaha... u know sometime i still call ZL bb... ;p

eureka, qsg
yes, i can feed medi better than my hubby. i will lock zl's head and feed him direct to his mouth. my hubby cannot do it...

after 14days consecutively tui na for zl, so far so good... but at night he still cough and can hear phlegm... the strange thing is he only cough when he wants to drink milk at night... after feeding... he will not cough... maybe his throat dry...
hi Shook,
just back from China. still owned u lionel photo.will email u...can i hv ur email add again?

Hi eureka,
where did u c the roman mop &amp; how much? Carrefour suntec or plaza singapura?
I still feed aloy with an interval of 3hrs. His weight is about 8.5 kg when he's 1 yr old, dun noe consider gaining weight well?
Add fish &amp; vege b4 scoping the porridge? meaning throw in the fish &amp; vege to cook when the porridge is almost ready, than feed Aloy? or cook the fish &amp; vege separately, then when feeding, scope the porridge first follow by the fish &amp; vege to feed aloy?

i did put in sweet potatoes &amp; pumpkin sometimes, but he dun really like leh. wat is orange agent?
aloy likes to eat bread &amp; biscuits, oh yah, &amp; the gerber puffs too.

tks. hope to c u &amp; ashrel too.
we only tried feeding aloy pasta once only, but he dun take tat much oso. hmm, now tat u mentioned, think i must try again some time.
sad to say last time, aloy likes brown rice cereal alot, but now, sometimes we made for him, he dun want anymore.

tks, u still remember me? u've seen aloy's pic b4? tks for saying him handsome, but he's very noti nowadays.
i oso dun noe whether is he dun want to eat or juz playful. he can't sit still on the high chair for his meals. sometimes juz a few mouthful he make noise liao, then we have to carry him &amp; let him play on the floor while he slowly takes his meal. sometimes he dun want to eat anymore after we put him on the floor. most of the time i cook porridge with fish &amp; vege, other than tat, i dun noe wat to cook for him liao.
how's kieran milk intake? u still feed him while he juz fall asleep? i still remember kieran &amp; aloy is the same with regards to feeding milk? oh yah, how's his reflux?
Hi Mummies,
Hvnt came inside here for a while ... hv been falling sick too frequently ... bz with work after i came back fr MC, and no time to login at nite, YH has been so sticky nowadays ...

Hvnt gone thru the posts yet, but hv some qns on my mind, wonder whether any mummies hv similar experience to put my mind at ease ...

I hv been sick quite often, on average 1 mth once, since mid Feb (the time i came back to work) until now, i already hv 2 cases of lao sai + vomit + fever, 4-5 cases of flu/cough/fever/sore throat. The last case of diaharrae is last week (quite serious) and i m still recovering fr a flu/sore throat/fever. And i hv mouth uclers very often, which is uncommon to me b4 giving birth. I asked doc whether there's anything wrong with me, she said i m just low in resistence, hence get virus infections easily ... i wonder whether i shld go for a full body chk-up. What kind of body chk-up shld i do? Where can i ask for the body chk-up? If i go to polyclinic and tell them the same thing, u think they will refer me for a suitable body chkup?

Actually besides my health, i m worried abt my job ... hv been taking MC quite frequently, i tried not to do so when i m just sick with no fever. But i notice tt my recent illness all come with fever, feel very depressed over it, esp my org is outsourcing now, and i m taking MC so often ... next wk will be my mid-yr review, i bet my new boss will bring this up to me ... i hv taken 3 MCs ever since he took over in mid May ... think it will affect my appraisal ... feel so depressed .....
tks, u r rite, we live for our loved ones &amp; aloy is my greatest strength for me to carry on.
i fully agree with wat you say regarding the health issue. yes, honesty is the best policy.
hopefully like wat you said, everything will fall into places nicely!
hi deer

i really miss u!!!

oh... i understand your worry... coz my new boss took over in mid March. i went home everyday on the dot and sometime took time off to bring ZL to see doc. i also worry that he will not give me good appraisal for our coming annual increment. anyway for your case is outsourcing... i really hope your MC will not affect your review. how long have you worked in your present company?

saying about falling sick... me last time strong like a cow! even now, i only take 1 day MC this year... i also feel weaker... i think it is really due to weather and we do not have enough rest and sleep as we have to take care of our children. so i think more weak lor... just pray hard that our bosses are more understanding and have more patience with us.
we were trying to think of the possible reasons why u haven't been chatting w us for so long... hahahha

why dun try minced meat?

Aiyo Deer,
u ve been over working? mebbe try to make it a point to rest more n take things easier? Depression will only make it worse n affect ur hb n YH too... same words : Without good in your health report, u get excellence in your appraisal also no use.
jem also has the same prob with cough n phelgm.. he cough only happens it turns cold at nite. Other tx, ppl will comment his voice is hoarse, that he has phelgm in his throat. Tell me to let him have pearl powder.
I feel it is very unfair if ur mgr not going to give u a good appraisal becoz of ur 3days MC.MC is certified by the doctor and if u r sick, u deserve to stay at hme &amp; rest.

of coz, it is depending on ur boss.My ex-boss is very nice,he allowed to work from home during my pregnancy.

to be frank, I was asked to go off early (which I oredi tendered)in my previous job(in the beauty industry) bcoz of few days MC.Think they wanted to save $ for paying my medication.

Anyway,I am glad bcoz now I am landed into a better job &amp; boss.

Sometx, the end of the road means beginning of the new journey.Stay positive!

As for ur frequent falling sick,I experienced that oso after giving birth to lionel.After that,i started to take multivitamin which i bot from GNC, and now i am stronger. U can give it a try. Besides, i oso take care of my diet &amp; lifestyle:sleep early, drink more water &amp; eat more fruits.

Actually,i don't hv time to eat fruits.after lionel sleeps ard 8pm plus at nite,i've to do hsework such as wash milk bottles, tidying up my hme, ironing..etc...So what i do is to take the fruit to office or buy fruit juice during lunch time.

My hb has mouth ulcer quite frequently too. But it gets beta after he started to take multivit &amp; Vit C. Lack of rest is a trigger point for mouth ulcer.

sometx, just hv to sit back &amp; review when things not going well.My life was very chaotic the first mth after gave birth. I changed 2jobs &amp; finally found the right one.My hb always says i am very perseverance...but end up i could be quite stubborn sometx!
ashrel dun fancy cereal as much as b4 oso. tink is becos he now takes all d nice stuff like chicken n fish tat make the porridge/pasta so 'sweet'. i still give him cereal 4 brkfast but will add apple (steam) into it. if there's banana at hm, i will cut into small pcs n add to cereal. somtx he refuse to open mouth, dustracted, fidget a lot, then i will 'pian' him by giving him 1 gerber puff, followed by 3 spoonfuls of cereals. he loves gerber puff n cheerios.
i miss aloy too. if u can, then post his foto n show us lah. meantx u mus rest a lot n take more fruits

if the brown rice has 'broken', ie u cook long enough, shd b easily digestible. otherwise, if they dun hav any stomach upset, i tink is fine. i read tat bb will pass out some of the food particles in their stool n it's visible.

no i dun blend d porridge af cooking anymore. wont stick to slow cooker. in midst of cooking, u mus once a while stir it.
nat did a gd job, her 1st steps are quite stable.

at least the ss st vcd will keep him 'still' in high chair for a while during meal but his bum still move to left, right, somtx lift it up. i try to insist tat if he dun sit high chair, no food.
Just finished mopping n cleaning the hse....today very 'fatimah', used 2 types of mop to mop. 1st i used the traditional mop, tot can reach corners. Then dun know wat happen, the mop machiam sotong.....alot of black ink came out......yucks. Then i continue using Roman mop. In between, the feeling is weirdo, to use the traditional mop again.

I saw it at Carrefour Suntec on Monday. Think $39.90.

So my intuition is right. I mean smtx with family, we may just settled for easier way out. Shifting over is so attractive n exciting but too much things to consider right?

Hahahhah, u want to go afterall........

My cousin, a mum of 1, in her 30s, we all still address her BAO BAO......hahaa.......

I cant help but lament my girl has grown into a toddler liao. Seeing her development, she is truly a tod liao, no more bb.

Still have remnant cough n phelgm? I will go 'corner' the e si n ask y y n wat to follow up!

Hi Brenda,
Finally give myself a break by viewing Jem's foto. Was searching hi n lo in the archive for the space addy.

Jem is so handsome!!!!!!!! He seems to put on weight! so bak bak! i like ur look when u leave ur hair all down...very feminine. very unlike bao qin tian!

U realise Jem is much attracted to the abacus? Rae was also the same at his 1st bd gift opening. He meddle with the abacus the most but i dun really like it.......

I see ur hse, i very tempted to go drop by, can I? BBUT the journey freak me out again!

Hi Deer,
U are just worn out n resistance turned low? Have u been eating n resting n sleeping well? This are all the basis to gd health leh.

Recently, one mum that i bumped onto say yomeishu is gd. I think drinking soup is gd too.....going for massaage is gd to get the blood circulated well, expel toxic n wind too....
i m strongly for 'massage'. i can give up 'luxuries' like stop buying so many new clothes, shoes n bags but massage really helps to improve my blood circulation n ease all tense muscles. in tat case, i sleep beta, less tense/stress, body oso becum stronger. tis is wat i feel. i go spa esprit evy 1 to 1.5mth.
perhaps the working mummies can try cos esp in deskbound job n w lack of exercise n slp deprived, body immunity will fall.
YES Sanrio,
I swear by body massage too. I have package with Renewal Day SPa but tot they are too cosmetic beauty inclined. So i switched to ladies frm china to do massage for me. REally very gd. There was a period i used to fall sick rather easily (after giving birth to rae)....cough was so frequent on off. Pple recommended massage to expel wind, I went n it seems work. Once, I had frozen shoulder n I went to this massage cum accupuncture n the symptom disappeared!

Now I put on so much weight that i too shy to strip liao. So i go to hair n half body massage.

YES, i can sacrifice any pamper but not for massage too!
good for you! found a good job finally...

u as 'sotong' as ur mop leh!! u din realised that those w myspace program got a 'star' next to their nick in msn whenever they update new things? heheheh, yeah.. me 'sneaked' into urs too recently when i saw ur star...hahahah.
hhhmmmm, mebbe u remove me from ur msn list...
yah, somehow he likes the colourful beads. Still playing w it.. i'm fine as long as he dun keep asking me to count it..hahahah
My place? minimal.. see mostly purple walls, hahah.. ur place more colourful!
Isist got STAR ah? HAhahah, now tat u mentioned, I notice too.....

Wah biang, where got time....2kids no joke! Ur time coming up soon. Tks goodness Rae is sensible n QUITE independent by now. But always have to take his feeling into consideration. To encourage him to be role model to elyse (always so kwa changly applaude him when he sayang or help mei mei), to luv him equally, to shower him same attention etc......very bo eng lah

I am thinking of giving my walls new coat but with 2 kids ard, everything also put on hold liao!
((Hug)) Can understand how u feel. I m not any better than u. I m sent to cold chamber by my ah negh negh mgr. Any training, I will not b involved. But I gotta b involved in the work. How I learn? Learn fm ppl who attended the training or read the training material myself.
My idiot ah negh negh mgr asked me n my other colleague come back to work tml 7 to 9pm. We r the only 2 (other than my mgr) who r married wif kids. We gotta test on software for Singapore trading co. I hold a regional role on behalf of Holland. I only do a small part of Singapore trading co's transactions. But he asked me to come back to work. Those who r in charge fully on Singapore trading only do testing fm Wed to Fri. I leh, gotta do testing Wed to Fri, Sat work on live transactions.
Ya rite, now dat we need to go back on the dot, we gotta bite our lips hard (till crack till bleed) n thick skin hang on to the rod
<font color="0000ff">sorry mummies for my long winded lor sor complaints</font>

We tried feeding medicineChen Chen medicine wif spoon. He spat out the medicine. U may like to try your luck. No harm trying

Jem said ze ke ze ke?
If I happen to go Suntec then go take a look @ Fox. Buy only if I like n the px cheap cheap

Juz when I thot u MIA, u pop
My email address is [email protected]

Both ways ok. But throw fish n vege into porridge is easier
Do u cook porridge wif the same kinda vege n fish everyday? If yes, Aloy might get sick of it. Give him different kind of vege n fish or use different stock for cooking the porridge. U may like to put scallop into his porridge. U hv to wash scallop many times to remove the salt. Soak the scallop over 9 till soft. Put the water n scallop to cook the porridge
Aloy is on the small side tho but I think he is still ok. U check the health book. I guess his wt belongs to the low percentile. Chen Chen's pd said as long bb is happy n active, no need to worry unnecessarily.
Give Aloy more bread since he likes, biscuit n puff as snacks in b/w meals

I think u dun hv enuff rest n body resistance is low. Do u eat nutritious food?

Those who like NTUC bb wipe. U can get it at $3.30 if u spend $25 or more in 1 receipt. Valid fm yes'dy till next Wed
So long no hear from u. Like some of the other mummies, have been wondering when u were. I tink i mentioned previously dat my health is not as gd now as compared to b4 delivery. The 1st 6 mths after delivery was the worst. I fall sick abt every mth n see doc until the nurse know me by name when i go :p After dat some mummies here advise me to take multi-vit etc. Now, i'm taking GNC's multi-vits daily. Occasionally, when i'm not too lazy, i'll pop cod liver oil capsules (scotts brand). Every nite, hubby will cut oranges n we'll both eat dat for the vit c. When i'm feeling tired or heaty, i drink eu ren sheng's wild ginseng tea. SO far, it's been improving...*keeps fingers crossed it'll remain like dat* My aunt told me to tell DOM (which i have many) but i dun dare to take cos scare heaty. Oh yar, u can try taking chic essence too.

Of cos i remb u n handsome Aloy. Hehehe, u still rem Kieran's reflux... It's much much betta oredi. STill feeding him when he's asleep. He still dun wanna drink when awake leh. SIanz... Kieran is oso very active. Dun wanna sit in high chair. SO b4 i start feeding him, i'll gather many things n let him play wif them 1 by 1. Usually halfway thru the meal, he'll fuss n want to get out. So i'll play barney n let him watch.
U know, ur words actually warm my heart, someone actually missed me in this forum, think it will do great help to my running nose ... hahah ...

Seems like ZL still coughing, fr last mth until now?? So poor thing ... aunty deer also sick, since i cant muak muak YH, can i muak muak ZL? Jo, dont hit me hor, me just kidding :p

Jo, Avocado, Brenda, Eureka,
Thanks for the reply ... actually i wanted to delete my post after i posted, i find it so unfitting to be posted here ... but i cant delete it, think we shld be allowed to delete our own post.
Think Jo understand my situation most .... i actually quite worried abt the outsorucing, coz after my MC last week, i came back to work and received an email asking us (the whole team) to list down projs tt we handle individually, short desc of each proj, man efforts needed every yr to maintain tt proj etc etc, this info will be submitted to an outsourcing consultancy ... the outsorucing thingee is coming very close ... now i truly understand how those being retrenched feel ....
Unforunately, just one day i submitted my list of projs, i fell sick again, and went on 2 days MC .... Avocado, i didnt take 3 days MC, i went on 3 times (6 days) MC within 2 mths, dunno what my boss think abt it? I took MC until i feel so paiseh, in between when i was sick, i came to work also.
Brenda, i m not stressed over work, think i still can handle my job, i dun understand why i always fall sick also. Maybe it's just like what Avocado and Eureka said, my lifestyle might be a problem. YH doesnt sleep until 12 midnite - 2 am. So i sleep late, and i wake up early to bf, i guess its the lack of sleep tt is causing me problems. I take plenty of fuild everyday, fruit juice, water, soup, and even tried chicken essence, chicken soup fornightly, cod liver oil ... all no use. Think i will give multivit a try. Thanks for all suggestions.

Last u mention a lady in whampao very good with massage, can give me the name and addr? Thanks.
Eureka, does the china lady goes to your place to do the massage or where do it go for it? How much? i am thinking of going also but very ex if you go for those spa type.

Shook, i think our bosses felt we probably will stick to this job for the long haul so exploit and bully us.
I take nutritious food, it's always mum's cooking for dinner. My sis is preggie, she popped over to my hse for dinner, mum is defintely cooking good food for all of us.

Thanks for sharing with me. It actually put me more at ease. Actually i still hv some multivit+folic left over fr my preggie days, u think i can finish those first? Wonder whether it works the same? Can i chk with u which multi-vit u get fr GNC? Or they hv only 1 multi-vit? I dont really like oranges, but mango is too heaty for me, i get sore throat after eating them, i guess i will take oranges fr now on.
Hi Deer
Ya, agree with the rest that ur falling sick lately is due to lack of sleep sleep sleep. Coz same thing happen to me too. And ulcers, more prevalent after baby came then before. All due to insufficient rest and heatiness. After going thru childbearing and looking after baby, women's body really goes thru so much toil and i realise we really need to yang3 shen2 and take alot of stuff to bu3 as well as tou4 liang2 regularly. U know wat i mean rite?Take care.
Your traditional mop got sotong ink is it bcoz the head rusty liao?

I oso agree wif wat u said. Our boss exploit and bully us knowing we hv family commitment n need to leave on the dot

Since u eating well, your low immunity is due to lack of sleep
I m abt the same as u. Chen Chen sleeps 11+, wakes up @ least once for feeding in middle of the 9. I feed him 6+ b4 I leave for work. I feel weaker as compared to b4 pregnancy. I start to do exercise, walk up stairs, swim during wk n. I feel better
i've tried minced meat b4 but aloy either couldn't swallow or if he did, he will get choke. i oso dun noe y?

how many meals u give ashrel everyday? i only gave aloy porridge during lunch, other than tat, all is milk feed liao.
ashrel doesn't noe that u 'pian' him meh?
me still waiting for hb to download aloy's pic to pc, once he download, i will post here for u all to see.
tks, will rest if i can &amp; i drink fruit juice everyday.

i did used different kinds of vege &amp; fish for aloy but i din prepare the porridge with those stock tat u mentioned leh. is it bcos of tat, he dun like the porridge tat i prepared?
tks for teaching me how to prepare the scallop, will try it out one of these days.
ya, check the health book, he's under the lower percentile.

gd tat kieran's reflux is much better. r u still feeding kieran FM meant for reflux?
how do u manage to let kieran interested in the barney vcd? i played for aloy, but he not interested leh.
Hi mommies,
I was busy the past few days. Went out most afternoons and evenings.

The scallop you mention isit fresh or dried?

I think 1 meal of porridge for Aloy is very little leh. MOst bb ard 8 months are taking 2 meals of porridge or at least 1 meal porridge and 1 meal cereal. How much milk is he taking?? Cos Nat takes v little milk (ranges from 100ml to 500ml a day), but at ard 10 months, I started her on lunch and dinner solids (porridge or baby food) and breakfast is a small portion of cereal leh. I think you give only porridge for lunch is not enough. Do you give snacks like fruits?? You can try those gerber bottles fruits... give one as snacks ard teabreak.
Have you tried blending the porridge to a very smooth paste?? Then slowly increase the lumps when he is used to it?? Nat likes the porridge from the slow cooker, cos v soft.
I know I a bit KS lah... but if Nat is not gaining well, I sure worry one... which happened... I am more worried she is lacking nutritionally. So I sure find ways to squeeze in some food here and there... like cheese, yogurt...

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Mummies,</font>
Talking abt percentile..........my kids are always in the lower percentile! They eat n eat but still like tat!
Very shameful but I am very happy....elyse finally is 8.2kg! Bye bye to the 7kg range. Mummies with light bbs will understand my joy better, I guess.

Ytd, went to the pd. PD said at our bbs' stage, solid food are more important, much more than milk. Something to ponder. <font color="aa00aa">Jaz</font>, perhaps got to work on tat? Think mum2nat's suggestion is gd, blend the food though at this stage, preferably let them CHEW.

ANd <font color="aa00aa">mum2nat</font>, nothing too worrying if nat is not drinking too well. SOLID foods more solid!
Elyse drinking 240ml but yet her size is nowhere compared to nat, rite? Energy level, bet nat is higher or at par too!

Next, I asked the pd wat's the difference between full cream milk n FM. HE said it is just marketing stratedgy! Full cream milk is gd enuff n quoted eg that in some foreign countries, no such thing as FM, only have full cream milk n fresh milk n bbs also taking them n growing well.........

So much said, I think i will still put elyse on FM but will REALLY switch Rae to full cream milk liao............imagine if wat the pd said is really true, wow, how much have we spent in extra for those FM!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just sharing sm info......the pd is Dr ONg Eng Keow....panel pd for the motherhood mag....how much to take his words, u all decide
....hahahh, i am very much still a kiasi n kiasu mum!

<font color="aa00aa">Hi Shook,</font>
Probably u r rite, the head is rusty. I didnt go analyse further, just unscrew the head n chop chop discard!! Yuck....inked sotong mop!hahhahaa........
