(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Gd morning mummies,
I am simply v happy to rise n shine v early....smiling away while mummy is soooooooo tired!


gd morning ladies! Gonna bring faye for her jab later, will discuss with paed whether to take 5 in 1 or 6 in 1. Since 6 in 1 puts baby thru the truma lesser times, can I say that 6 in 1 is a better choice?

sahm, your darling girl looks absolutely precious and cute in her bumbo! wahaha, you tied up your boy's hair LOL!!
Hi Sahm,
My GP friend told me that 6-in-1 more prone to fever, ironically it is the founder of this vaccine that discovered the side effect too...........

My silly boy......he wants the teachers to tie his hair too when the rest of the jie jie was doing their hair!!!

Kids are bundle of joy!
Hi gd morning mommies! Elyse... u have same colour bumbo as Ethan. wow, me feel like eating pringles now...

I tried different food on Ethan yesterday:
(1) bananas with cereal and milk
(2) apple
(3) potatoes with milk and spinach
He not too keen on the makan lah... how?? He totally hated the apple. Hb gave him vanilla ice-cream and he enjoyed it! ;p

Any other receipes that I should try?? btw, do u gals add salt to the bb food?? I didn't and when hb tried it... he said it tasted horrible - no taste... how???
Gd morning mummies!


Elyse looks like "Hahaa...i got the pringles tin!! Now, how do i get the chips out?"Chubby chubby.....


Sometimes its the timing that u feed Ethan. Was he very hungry at that time? My gal seem to have found one regular favourite for bfast....i dissolve a Farley rusk into some milk and mix till slightly thicked consistency...sometimes i also add in plain heinz rice cereal to thicken a bit and she eats up everything!

No, so far didn't add salt yet coz use ikan bilis to make porridge so its naturally mild salty taste is fragrant enuf for bb.
you might wanna try:

ikan bilis porridge with grated carrots,
steamed pumpkin,
steamed sweet potato mix with milk,
mashed banana by itself,
baby bites rice rusks.

Alicia doesn't like the sweetened cereals i tried on her so far....i think its too sweet...so in the end, i find she prefers the natural sweetness frm food like the ones above. Hope it helps!
My boy took 6-in-1 as the PD said forget abt 5-in-1. Why?? I oso dunno cos din bother to ask. Haha.... He din not develop any fever after the jab. But a bit sleepy sleepy like tat. Actually, I quite like the result. At least have some "peace" :p

u early morning blur blur liao ah? My boss still on leave. Shiok shiok.... now I very bz planing where to hv lunch. Haha....

Last Fri I notice Randall got "voice" liao. U know wat I mean?? B4 tat he juz make noise...no voice. Wonder izzit becos he find it so amusing to hv voice, he kept screaming while he play. Very "ci er" leh with his scream.
Randall oso like the sling position tat u use on Ethan. He can sleep in it. Hehe...One day intro so many diff food??

Elyse oso resemble u leh!!!
hi sahm....
hehe.... the baju arh... i got the white, yellow, blue color ones...

feeling shitty... woke up tis am wif a bad bout of gastric... going to see a doc later... can stay home wif edi. haha...

realise elyse wears an anklet... we wan to let edi wear one but tis notti boi has a habit of rubbing his feet... so we decided agst it.

no salt, no sugar no seasoning to be added... no no...
shd wait till our bbs are abit older...

hi butterscotch
who is the gynae u r currently seeing? my gynae is Dr KT Tan from KKH, snr consultant.

hi jo...
hv added u to msn. heard dat orhcard god darn crowded yest... everybody xmas shopping.
pringles, am waiting for my mom to grind the unpolished rice for me, then can give to Ethan.
wow... alicia gd girl... eat healthy food.

guess u are right... guess I was too excited for Ethan to try different things that I forgot to check if he was hungry. Actually, regretted giving him the potatoes... he was very grouchy after that... then I remembered maybe shouldn't give it to him so late (10pm) coz just eating potatoes alone always give gastrics... poor Ethan!!

Val, yeah hor... one day try so many different kind of food... ai yeah... got too carried away... besides, I thought only veg and fruits so should be okay... in addition, I want Ethan to try new foods when I am around mah... ;p (so stupid and horrible mummy!!)

btw, do u gals use unpolished rice or brown rice?? What is the difference??
Hi absolut, I already asked my mom to start giving Vane 2 solids in the day cos my milk not enuf. Aiyo, how come got milk blister? Better now?

Hi Pringles, I didn't take much precautions leh. I only remember to wear mask after I was sneezing away for 2 days. I think bm helps to boost her immunity?

Hi lyn, I also don't really buy toys for Vane leh.

Hi sanrio, my shoulders hurt when using the carrier to carry Vane leh. Guess she's too heavy for it? You also expert in sarong sling now? Must teach me how to use leh, I only know cradle position.

Hi pigletz, think Gareth too busy exploring the world lah. He's learning to stand now? He really fast learner leh.

Hi sahm, you know how to use the sarong sling? Must learn from you leh. Luckily, Vane quite tough not like her mummy so vulnerable. Let me know if there's another session. I quite interested leh. You really know how to 'coax' your hubby hor? Hahaha. Aiyo, Elyse's smiles so contagious leh.

Hi ruffy, wow you and your hubby already have plans to have 3 kids? Even planned out the sleeping arrangements liao.

Hi skyblue, I don't give my gal anything before her jabs but luckily she doesn't get fever at all.

Hi emily, your job sounds so stressful leh. Your boss will call you and scold you one??? Die die must find time to go for interviews lah, if not how to get out of that place? You can't let Ethan take any salt and sugar yet lah.

Hi QSG, your co quite generous with the prizes leh. My co stops having D&D for years liao.

Hi Pvl, my gal's stool also soft and lumpy, and stinko too.

Hi Val, my gal also like to scream nowadays. Getting naughtier as each day passes. Sigh..
sahm...really my head spinning after dropping jerald at my mum's plc...sori hor.

ya lor - i think he know!!! all this while i've bn telling him - dun like go dady's mummy plc..dun like her, dun like this..dun like..dun like... so i think all this brain washing really helps!!!

ur gal so cute!! must dress ur boi in the traditioanl chinese custome with his hair tied up!! so authentic!!

emily, wow - ethan's menu looks good!! FYI, we are not adv to add articial flavouring (salt/sugar) to our bb's food. i doubt they really know the taste??? beter to give him food in their original flavour.

how old is ethan?? jerald is already 5mth+2wks...but still only on dumex rice cereal. occassionaly gerber juice, sweet potatoes n apple sauce. dare not give him other things.

mummies, hv grind the brown rice with sisen....total cost was $59.70....dun ask me how i got this amt?? duno how much/portion of herbs my mum add also???

soyabean, how r you, better? better take care of urself 1st b4 u can take care of edi
pringles, are the Huggies diapers still available? They are in the red+blue packaging, right? I'm interested if you still have them.

sahm, wah, are you selling off all those things in the photo?

Emily, did you give Ethan ALL that in one day? I think the advice is usually to introduce foods one at a time for about 3 days to test for allergies or other adverse reactions. Babies don't know how tasty the food ought to be, so it's better not to add any salt or sugar yet. Let the natural sweetness or saltiness of the food come through. He will enjoy it even if it has just a bit of natural flavour.

sanrio, the cereal I bought is pure whole grain brown rice cereal, no milk added or anything. I mix it with breast milk. Right now Sarah is going to be rotating between white rice cereal, brown rice cereal and whole grain rice cereal. Today til Wednesday I'll be trying her on the white rice cereal, I bought Heinz. Thurs, I start her on purreed carrots.
Hi Pvl, for Vane, she's having brown rice and Heinz rice cereals on alternate days. Today, she'll start to have fruits for her tea-break. Going to intro apple first.

Yes, red and blue packing Huggies. Still available. Maybe my gal's thighs abit chubby, that's why abit tight. I bought them at $16.40. If you are keen, is $14.50/pack ok with u? I've got 3 (M) size packs. U can call me anytime at 94354056.Tks


Good that u wore mask. I think that really helps a lot on top of BM as well. Last time my gal had the flu from me and hubby, 3 of us really had a tough time! Too late too wear mask...already passed to her liao
is short grain brown rice. u can try add 'grind brown/white rice' w avocado. i read, if feed vege tat has gd source of iron like caixin or kale, dun add milk as calcium inhibits iron absorption. 1 more tip: steam the vege (later for blending) dun boil, nutrients are beta preserved thru steaming. i intend to start ashrel on semi-solids wen he reaches 6mths. will start w white/brown rice (i cook) then vege then fruits.

noe wat u mean, we small small, our bb big big. v xiong on our shoulders wen use carrier. ashrel too big n tall for carrie liao so mus use sling loh.

mummies using sling,
okie, we practise wen we mt on 18 dec. me oso not expert yet..

sigh sigh...c lah.. today monday n ashrel back to his half hr nap so i v bo eng agn. sunday wen his daddy in, nap fr 2.30pm to 6pm, dun even wan wake up. mus b hubby's smell cause ashrel to 'faint' haha! elyse now chubby n so so sweet her smile, me c oreadi oso happy.
wen sign up MSN, will chat w u

ashrel loves to 'scream' too. somtx daddy disturbs him, he screams to protest. so loud! some days wake up, screaming away in his cot, he goes 'ah...........' louder n louder. he scream n cry v loud, tink next tx can join choir.

my gynae is dr sheila loh fr KKH. gd but waiting tx super long.
yes, he likes to wriggle to either corner of the cot, n keep pushing forward there. i read somewhere, it's bb way to find a 'secure n cosy' corner wen slping.

i saw the abacus at tom n stef at westmall, havnt checked it out. the sling shd b useful as can carry bb up to abt 2yrs of age. mine is v soft cotton, light purple n white w embroidery, v sweet, keke...
1 mummy told me if it's too troublesome to sun the rice, u can dry it using the oven, dry a little at a tx to experiment. use low temperature.
Hi pringles, Alicia got flu from you the other time? Quite hard on you to take care of bb and you sick at the same time hor?

Hi sanrio, we bring sling to the gathering on 18th Dec ok? Vane only start to scream recently, I can't tahan her screaming leh.
okie. hope ashrel 'guai guai' tis tx. somx go pple hse, he ok. somtx scream n cry, i v stress!
c u n vane on 18 dec
Hi sanrio, I think mine is the ugliest cos bot from a friend who got the sling long time ago. Never mind abt Ashrel's screaming lah. Who knows, Vane may be the loudest this time round. hahahah.......
Another adv of sahm, can plan your bb's menu. For me, it's mainly my mom who decide what Vane is eating as she's the main caregiver.
Hi gals, ever heard of bb eating unpolished rice?? I dunno ok or not... but my mum is insisting that Ethan should be eating unpolish rice.. not brown rice... seems like she gave that to all her 4 children. Is it the norm?? Cos I dun want Ethan to miss out on anything... ;p ks!!
lyn, Ethan is born on 8th Jul... so u figure it out..

sanrio, why brown rice and not unpolished rice?? Sorry me sooo long-winded... about this difference.
Hi Emily, I not sure abt unpolished rice leh. The others can help? So far, I only give Vane brown rice and rice cereals.
Hi gals! I am back!

What's been happening on the forum? I might not be able to make it this Saturday... someone update me on the gathering please....

Perth and Western Australia were fun! Ian was a good boy. Mummy felt bad sometimes... he was so tired out he just knocked out at 8pm+ everyday...

think I was fed unpolished rice when I was young... very nutritious... it's different from brown rice, I think.

Going to give Ian his first trial of rice cereal which I bought in PErth later.... he was greedily sucking on strawberries during our trip... I felt so bad depriving him of food! KEpt latching him to hydrate him until I became a bit sore... hehehee.
Finally managed to make the little boy sleep. Aiyo, today not my day leh. Got so many things to do, then hor, fall down in the toilet somemore. Good thing I'm not carrying Gareth at that time. Was preparing for him to bath. *sigh*

Hi Giggler,
Gareth hor, is the kind that can't sit still one. Nowadays, very difficult to tab him to sleep, cos he just wanna keep on crawling. *sigh*

Also, think his gum is giving him alot of problem, saw that the surface of his second tooth coming out liao, maybe that's why he is so cranky these few days.

Here's some pic of him trying to stand.



And here's the pic of him when he found new things to play.
I agree that my hubby cannot take care of Ian as long as I can... somehow run out of things to do with the baby and want to pass back to Mummy... sigh... IN Perth, he was so happy driving cos he didn't have to entertain Ian!
emily, that's a lot of interesting stuff you fed to ethan!!! Jerald born on 24/6 but other than the usual maken - i dare not give him other food (once a while i let him share my hagen daz)

pigletz, look like u enjoying urself a a p/t sahm mum!! gareth so chubby!!! so cute - every new thing must exlore - end up as his toy!!

jul, u back in town?? dun 4get to post ur pixs when u r convenient.
Hi jul, good to hear that you enjoyed your trip. You also can't make it to the gathering this Sat? I think most daddy are like that hor? My hubby also pass Vane to me once he runs out of things to do with her.

Hi pigletz, are u ok? You hurt your bum or not? Gareth also teething? Seems like Vane is slow is teething leh. Gareth seems so curious with things leh. This is the age to teach them things hor?

Hi lyn, you let Jerald share ice-cream with you?

Hi piggy, what's 'chor-bee'?
Pigletz... ai yoh! ur bb sooo cute!! bak bak like my ethan... how many months now?? Wow.. can crawl and wanna stand some more... GOSH!!! my heart melt liao!

Jul, welcome back!! gd that u enjoyed WA sooo much.. tell tell where did u go and what did u enjoy?? Hey, I thought strawberries are the last few things bb should be eating??? But if Ian still okay.. then nvm lor... should be ok, ;p

piggy, thanks for clarifying for me... regarding the chor bee and brown rice... still don't know which to give, but at least I know I am not the only one to give it to my son. ;p

may i know where you hot your yellow bb chair and how much? Is it more useful then high chair? BB can use it from what age till what age? Thanks.

Thank, will check out.


my gynae is Dr Irene Chua, a specialist in KKH.
Is KT Tan good? She friendly and will explain to you growth of bb? You seeing her in TPS? Waiting time how long?
hi jul,
welcome back
great u had a gd trip. we tot of going perth next yr. show us fotos can? the gathering is on 18 dec at natalie's place, time is btw 3-4pm. her hse is at depot rd. hope u n ian can join us.

oops, did u hurt yourself? gareth is such a cute boy. welcome to our sahm club

paed told me plain brown or white rice is the best to start w. unpolished rice (chor bee w husk), is it harder to digest, may cause constipation?? i not too sure. i read tat short grain brown rice is v gd n nutritious for cooking bb porridge/cereal.

hello mummies,
ashrel n his favourite elmo.
haha, don't think I enjoy. But I salute those sahm. Really not an easy job.

My bum abit pain lor. Guess will really feel it tomorrow. Ya, Gareth teething, can see his 1st one very clearly, and the second one just on the surface of his gum. Vane's turn will come, cos usually teething is between 6 to 8 month.

This is the best time to teach them things, but not sure if they will really understand and learn anot.

ya lor, he so bak until everytime we go out hor, sure got pple want to pinch him one. Some pinch with asking. My heart so pain. haha

Gareth is 7mth and 4 days old today.

I'm okay now. But not sure about tomorrow. Hopefully won't get so bad that Gareth gotta take care of himself. haha
V depressed hor when looking @ the pathetic amt xpressed each time

I love baking (but not cake) dat's y know dat icing sugar least sweet
Agree wif my 4 limps, difficult to work under Indian. Used to hv v nice n human orientated boss. I work in tis co 8 yrs liao

My hubby not keen in cooking unless bo pian - like when I hv morning sickness or when he is on leave but I m working. Well so far so gd, as I only taught him simple dish like steaming n boiling so he din mess up the kitchen. Afterall he does the hsework since I wz pregnant. I only cook n helps to press clothing if I hv the time
OK I mislead u gals here on the coconut agar agar as I din c the whole process of how my mum made it. My mum said cook agar agar pour most of it out n cool it. The left over agar agar cooks wif coconut then pour onto the cooled agar agar. Wat I described wz the 2nd part only

My hubby n me no kissing fish
. Only greet 9 9 not so romantic like u n your hubby
Dun think we can hv candlelight dinner wif Chen Chen in the hse
Thx for the info on shichida flashcard session

Joy, Giggler
I used 2 b work workoholic till I hv Chen Chen.

How u got the milk blister? Poor u, so painful till u dread feeding but u r a great mum to put on wif it
Watever I xpressed for the day I will freeze it. Then feed Chen Chen the frozen milk on first in first out basis.
Chen Chen is fed solid once a day. The sold feed replace 1 milk feed. So far I gave Chen Chen brocoli, potato, sweet potato, carrot, pumpkin, asparagus, tomato. Will try cauliflower next wk. Thinking hard wat other veg I can feed Chen Chen

Your bedrm v big, can hold a double bed, a bb cot n 2 single beds

KP @ TPY is the biggest KP in Singapore, occupies the whole level

My mgr is n Indian fm India. Your boss n Indian oso?
I dun work OT now. Go home sharp or 15 min after work. Think ppl in my dept jealous or wat for wat I know 1 (or may b more) stabbed me bhind my back..... my mgr added a big chunk of work after I came back fm maternity yet asked me to explain y I delay in doing dat. Actually wat he wants is finish dat bloody shit every day, no brining forward to the next day.....sigh too long a story to tell over here .....

Pringles, Sanrio
Can ask Natallie to teach u gals how to use sling
Hi Mommies,
How's everyone? Was so tied up at work...boss was out of town and me rushing around like chicken without a head...siong man!

What's the latest update for this Sat's gathering? Still on?

Here's Aelwen saying hi to all

Hi gals,
Here's my precious little one when I 1st introduced the Bumbo to him.

Here's another of him taken jus yesterday, enjoying himself.
SAme bumbo, same smile except my girl in kiam chye pyjamas...............

Ur boy 2nd foto n elyse foto here looks like jie jie n didi hor....look alike! Their megawatt smile? Do u think so?


Hi Mon Mon,
How r u? Aelwen has got very defined features. Always link her to bb version of beautiful Pang Ling Ling.........Ur bedframe looks so comfy n resort style...........here I dive onto it n it gives way.......hahahahhha........

Lyn misled u....those items are my boy's bd gifts, not lelong items........

Think Aelwen has the yellow T too

Hi Hi Hi..........u really introduce too many food at 1 go liao.........1 of this day, feel like seeing ethan at PP........will sms u when I drop by there.......

It seems that I cant make it to the gathering....I have hsewarming in the east n think it is v taxing to rush off to Nat's pl. Any 'Kong Hee Fatt Choy' gathering? U girls enjoy urself..........

Welcome back.........n u made it, travelling with Ian! Ian gd boy.......more trips lined up for him
. Do share ur foto here......

Will update u the flashcard sharing session if there is one.

Jerald is v smart, picking up n feeling our sentiment. SO must instill more positive things to him......mummy like, papa love........
GD morning Pringles, Sanrio, Berry, Pigletz....
DUn get bullied by the little ones today!
Spank spank backside (fondly)........
hi butterscotch...
i reali like KT Tan...
chose her after hearing some good comments abt her. very professional. she not reali into details but when ask questions she answers them all...
yup... i see at TPS. waiting time is great... dun even need to go pharmacy to get med, cos they give it to u at TPS. so save alot of waiting time.

hi skyblue...
gosh... paddington looks sooooo cute and happy in the bumbo... how are his ulcers? tell him auntie soyabean nw has 2 ulcers in her mouth too, so can u/std wat he's going thru.

hi pigletz...
aiyoh... gareth can sit and crawl liao arh? so smart.... he's got a v boyish look! his hair so funky... hehe...
be careful next time leh... dun fall again... if slippery wear some slippers...

mon mon...
aelwen... aiyoh... wat can i say?? can do the ok sign liao leh....

ash looks like u!!

great to know u had a nice trip! hehe... so ian's 1st solid food was strawberry?

urgh... still hvg tummyache... got to take my med... anyway, yest made edi sit wif support and then took a few pics... he kind of slanted and i ended up with some sexy poses of him! haha... well, he ended up knkg his head on a cabinet beside though... bad mama... but his reaction was slow! he oni started crying after 5 seconds or so... but its jus a light knk thankfuli....
Sanrio, chor bee my mom grind 1st then steam to give him... but of course we haven't tried it on him yet lah... cos she hasn't passed me the supply.
Ai yoh.... ashrel so cute now!! Must meet up with u one day to just see him!! eeee... <hugz>

Shook, yeah my mgr is indian too.. anyway gals, I was just posting my applications everywhere... then yesterday my assistant told me she's pregnant. Gosh! So if I leave now, like so bad to her... but if I stay... then I die liao! But will see how... see if any other company can offer me better.

sahm, yeah yeah... me bad mommy... introduce so many food to Ethan at one go... ai yeah... but so excited my boy can eat liao mah! But I can see that he still likes to breastfeed the best! Nowadays, when I come home and breastfeed him directly, he just closes his eyes and suckle... like he is savouring the moment.. Hmmm... so sweet!
btw, I gave him a rusk biscuit this morning to chew on... hmmm... I think he finds it ok.... he suck and suck on it until it is soft then he can swallow it.
yes yes, just sms me and see where I am... maybe can meet u then we can see our bbs talk talk...

soyabean, u take care ok and get well soon!
giggler, the most important things i must hv in my life/ktichen fridge is CHOCOLATE &amp; ICE-CREAM!!! chocolate is too hard for him, so i share my ice-cream with him lor (any flavor) fav is Macadamia Nut frm HD.

Yah, go ahead scold me...i know cannot...but gd things must share rite? :p

butterscotch, dun mention lah....jus to let u know - C C Khong was recomended by my colleagues - he delivered her 2 boys (ages 7 &amp; 23mths) via C-Sec cos both her bb r big babies...the stiches heal v.nicely....

mine is by natural birth.

pigletz, i oways say - u c me gd, i c u gd. at least u managed to snap a shot on gareth trying to stand!!! me?? i bet i'll received a panic call frm my mum telling me the news!!

shook, i ever tot taught him to make simple fried rice - but he gave up after 2-3tries cos he either 4get to add this, or he added too much of that!!! His best dish - INSTANT NOODLES!!

y, dun you look for greenier pasture since ur mgr is "out to get u"??

mon_mon, did aelwen just signal a "OK" sign?!?! so sweet in pink!!

sahm, pple dun believe (esp his dady) i told them dun c this guy so sml - he knew wat we are talking!! he listen to conversation n imitate us!! but at least, nowdays - dady dun bully him cos little one will scream for help dan mummy or Ah Ma will scold dady :p

pv, sorry to misled u on sahm's "lelong sale" tot she said she got toys/barang barang for sale?!?!?! me sotong.

emily, u've intro rusk to ethan?!?! i've got a box of original favor - but i take them myself for t-break :p hee...got more things to share with jerald liao.
HI gals!

No time to upload photos yet. Will do so ASAP. Just came back from polyclinic after Ian's hepatitis jab.

Yup, his first solid food was strawberry... unfortunately! I know not supposed to ... but my mum kept offering him to lick and he's really attracted to red things... follows the strawberry's path right up to our mouths and drooling away... I felt bad depriving him... but just lick only.. when he got vigorous and tried to "clunk" at the strawberry with his gums, we removed it... hahaha...

Had lots of blueberries there too, but didn't offer to Ian. Yesterday afternoon I gave him HEinz plain cereal mixed with BM... think I made it too watery but he enjoyed the spoon-feeding experience and kept grabbing my bowl and his spoon.... even sucked on the edge of the bowl! We videotaped the whole thing... hahaa.. milk all over the place at the end of it. Will try to make it slightly thicker today.

Might try to give him some water from the Avent Magic Cup later today.

Perth city itself was ok... we all loved King's Park. It's magnificent! The bangsias and kangaroo's paws are so pretty! Saw dolphins in Bunbury; didn't take the tram ride on the Busselton jetty cos tickets were sold out; went to Lake Cave and Mammoth Cave... baeautiful too, but Ian was scared and kept screaming in the caves so we had to make a quick exit. Went to Augusta and climbed the Leeuwin Lighthouse too, but whale-watching season is over; visited a few wineries and bought some wine and liquer; Of course went to the Walpole TreeTop Walk, which Ian really enjoyed. We took quite a few walks and Ian was so excited every time... he kept squealing and thrashing his arms and legs...

Saw an overturned car driven by Singaporeans on our way to Walpole... it's amazing noone was injured... we stopped to ask if they needed help.

We loved ALbany too... the windfarm was so impressive! We were lucky to see the sunset at that time... also got to see the BRig Amity replica, the WhaleWorld, The Gap, Natural Bridge.... but the blowhole was disappointing lah.
