(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Brenda, now that u have come this far in bf... I think maybe you should just continue until 6 months and then wean him off bf... coz he will also be taking in solids by then... what do u think??

Hi soyabean, I do tandem pumping once I reach home.

Hi hazey, how to pronounce your gal's name?

Hi Jaz, sometimes my gal will doze off.

Hi Kis, oh yeah I haven even get a potty.

Hi brenda, what happened to your womb? You want to try Impress21? My bro's flat renovated by them and was quite nicely done.
Hi Soyabean,
No, I only sterilised once per day that's at the last expressing. The mummy who pass me the pump practice that n its also stated in the medele pump manual... so i follow. Subsequent use r wash w soapy water.

Jerome dun really like FM leh. He will finish his NAN, but very slowly. He likes Friso in the beginning but refuse to drink it now... haiz, so end up i mix both to let him finish up the cans.

HI Emily,
I'm thinking abt that too.. but quite concern w the next 2 mth hectic schedule. It will be good to give him the best but i dun wan to tire myself to a pt that i can't take care of him properly.

Hi Giggler,
Suspected prolapse during my last term but still manage to go thru vaginal birthing. But till now i'm still spotting every day. At times, the pressure pressing down the groin area is so bad that i can't stand up straight.

Where's Impress21?

How old is your bb? Yes, my gal also suckles and falls asleep easily. But she will continue to suck even tho her eyes are closed, more slowly tho. It can take up to 45 mins for her at max. She's now 4.5mths. Usually when she's had enuf, she'll unlatch herself even tho asleep. But sometimes if i get real tired of bfeeding for more than 1/2 hr and she seems to be just suckling for comfort, I will slowly unlatch and she will not complain. Sometimes towards the end of the feed, u can see that the hind milk is thicker and that also means its about time to unlatch.


Fisherprice toys are wonderful and expensive. We have some that are gifts. But so far, the toys that i bought for Alicia aren't that expensive, still they are nonetheless effective. I quite like the range from "Sassy". Stimulating and not too pricey. Recently got her a hard plastic ball...colourful and contains an inner smaller ball that makes a chijme sound when rolled around. Also easy for her to grip and roll. She loves it and it really stimulates her senses. She can grab it, roll it, shake it,mouth it and eventually chase after it !
Sat afternoon/evening fine wif me

I xpressed in the office at 7:40am, 12:15pm, and 2:30pm. The thing is I can't get much milk outta xpressing wif pump n the amt is getting lesser. I still feel engorged, milk is lighter in color=foremilk n when I hand xpressed cld still get milk. However, I can't master the art of hand xpressing. My breasts feel painful n hand ache yet got pathetic amt.
On the avg, can still meet Chen Chen's demand wif 2 tandem pump I do @ home

Can't agree more, the action of bb flipping over is so cute. Chen Chen oso can't flip fm tummy back to back coz 1 of his hand always stuck below his body
Chen Chen drools a lot n wet his clothing too. The worse thing is he rubs his face n his saliva all over his face

Come join the NE meeting lah

I read fm bbcentre forum dat amt u xpress is not an indication of your milk ss. Xpressing is an art n v individual, some ppl wif v gd ss can't xpress even a drop. The link dat I posted some time back talk abt tis. So dun feel depressed ya
Direct latch on is v impt. U try tandem pump can get gd amt
Chen Chen fell asleep while latching @ times. As bb grow, they spend shorter time sucking. Chen Chen used to suckle 1hr+, then 40min, now 20min both breasts

After u wash the pump wif soap n rinse wif water, do u run boiling hot water over it?

R u wif your mum or MIL? Dun she restrict u fm bathing?
Faye has teary eyes?

Attend to Ashrel more impt. Wish he gets well soon

Chen Chen prefers my right breast. He fuss, pulls out after latching on my left breast for a while. Pump oso prefers my right breast. Got 2x more than wat I get fm my left breast. V worried my left breast going to dry up. Do u gals hv such problem? Read fm bbcentre dat tis is due to slow let dwn or slow milk flow but how to solve the problem?
me too... rite side more hardworking than the left. i usu get more fr the left than the rite. usu i try to pump for a slightly longer time on the left... but like no effect. already now one big one small... wear bra liao lucky nt obvious.

i know of some bbs who go thru a phase of dun wan to drink milk... mayb jerome is going thru dat nw. gv him sometime... it might get beta.

is it normal for u to still be spotting? sounds scary... did u consult a gynae on ur condition?

i wash my pump wif soap and run thru wif hot water everytime i pump. and i oni steriise it by boiling once a day. i'm using the avent isis.
cld it be u dun feel secure or comfy when pumping in ofc, hence low supply... cos if breasts still feel full, means still nt emptied leh... and if dun clear, cld lead to clogged ducts or even mastitis. try to be more relaxed when u pump in ofc, dun keep lookg at the pump when u express... unnecessary pressure on urself.
Hi Jaz

U perservered for 3 months already. Just set your target 1 month at a time so not so stressed. See whether can continue til 4 months etc.

So is your bb on a mixture of FM and EBM? If you dun want to pump in office, maybe you should then make sure you get the chance to direct latch in the morning and last feed at night ... then at least you dun have the inconvenience of pumping yet bb gets 2 doses of BM daily which would have the most antibodies since it's fresh.

Sometimes I wonder how good our frozen BM is since the antibodies are all gone. Still think it's better than FM but when I tell my colleague who fed her bb FM from 2nd month, she disagrees with me. Oh well... doesn't matter... as long as I think I'm still giving bb the best. Actually wish I can give her fresh supply every day (use the milk pumped the day before) but then the old stock would be wasted so no choice lor ... 3 frozen EBM and 2 direct latch sessions should be able to give her at least some antibodies.
Hi Shook

Was just told by my maid this morning that my bb can flip back to front already. See lah... I didn't even know coz when I see her at night, she doesn't bother to flip. Can't wait to be with her thruout the whole weekend so can see her flipping for myself. Maid also says bb keeps pushing her backside up like she wants to crawl then when she can't move, she gets frustrated and cries. Quite sad that I'm not the first to see all the little movements but it's my maid that sees it... but no choice lah... got to work. Sigh!

For mommies who direct latch, do you find that they get more distracted while feeding now? My bb will suck halfway then while she's relatively full, turn her head towards sound (usually TV), watch awhile then turn back to my breast and suck awhile before repeating the whole process. After a few times, I usually cover up already and you can see her surprised face when she turns back and can't find mommy's breast. Figured she should have had enough and she's just suckling for fun so stopped feeding.
Hi brenda, is it norm that you still spotting now? Have u check with your gynae abt it? I don't know where's Impress21. But I find the boss responsible and I quite like my bro's flat.

Hi pringles, where can we find "Sassy" toys?

Hi shook, did you manage to get that guy who sell Ameda pump? I think there's really something wrong with your pump leh. Van finally can flip liao. She flipped from front to back y'day but then she stuck there and can't flip herself back to the front. I got no such problems with my breasts leh. Both sides will give me similar amts.

Hi absolut, what I did was to mix 1 frozen EBM with 4 ebm that I expressed the day before. In this way, I won't waste my frozen EBM and at the same time I provide her the fresher EBM. And when I reach home, I direct latch on which she gets the freshest. Maybe you want to try this method?

Hi ladies, who else joining us for the gathering? But I wonder if B2B3M4 is free on 23rd Oct for us to go to her place or not leh.

B2B3M4, where are u? Is your place avail for us?

Confirmed list for gathering on 23rd Oct:
Pringles & bb
Shook & ChenChen
Giggler & Van

Who else is coming? Also will your hubby come along?
hehe... btw gals... i received the Dumex weaning booklet already... it came in one nice box... wif some flashcards, 2 packs of sample cereal and a big tin of Gold Mamil 6mths on formula! didnt know they were so kind... hehe...
Hi giggler

Thot of that but think my frozen milk stocks are getting too old. Think got more than 1 - 2 months stock ... too heartpain to throw so since she's increased her intake ... hoping to clear the old stock quickly.
NE moms. Hey, maybe I can join too! Can i confirm within the next few days? It is for afternoon tea, right? I have to go to my parents' place for dinner. I need to check with my hubby first because Sat afternoon is often our only family time together without other people around. I always feel my hubby works and works and works and ignores me so every Saturday he tries to make up for that

absolut, yeah. My girl has been distracted while feeding since she was about 3 months old. She would stop drinking after a while and then look up at me and smile, or look round at the sounds etc. I usually try to remind her to drink but after a few attempts at putting her back to the breast, i'll close up and offer her the other side.
the problem is my boy dun unlatch himself while he's asleep, tat's y i dun noe if he has enuf or not. but i will keep a look out on the hind milk frm now on, tks for ur explanation. my boy is 3.5 mths liao.
alright, will set the target as wat u recommended, tks.
yes, my boy is now on FM & EBM.
i oso think tat once the EBM is frozen, will bb get all the nutrients from the frozen EBM. me too, will think tat as long as give bb the best, frozen oso no choice.
Morning Mummies,

Yes, I wanted to ask for a long time..what is meant by tandem pump..is it pumping while baby is suckling on the other breast?

I am different, I get more on the left breast..dunno whether is it becos it is easier for me to carry her on my left hand, more "shun".

Shook, thanks for that article that you posted. Each time I see pathetic amt being expressed, I remind myself of what I read in that article.

Can I ask mummies, do you all offer both breasts at each feeding? I read in some book that it would be better to offer just one breast at each feeding so that baby can empty that breast. Dunno whether tat causes the lower supply of milk.

Sassy can be found in major shopping centers and Kiddy Palace. Agree that their toys are quite good.

Absolut, my baby is oso v easily distracted since week 1. She would just turn her head to watch TV..if not, she would be watching "Mr Aircon" or "Ms Curtain". I tried to block her view...but fail....

Soya, how to ask for the Dumex weaning booklet? Just call them ah?
Hi mummies,
Has been busy. Haven't read thru the postings. Seems like most of u (including myself can't make it this Saturday). How abt next Saturday? So we going to make it for tea (like 3-4pm) or dinner (6-7pm)? Pot luck or home delivery? Hubbies most welcomed! (We need them to help up with the little ones when we chat!) Think the hubbies can oso exchange some tips on how to handle their babies n wives???!!!!
HI Soyabean n Giggler,
Nope, its not the norm to be still spotting now. My next gynae visit is end of the month so bearing w it till then.

Hi Shook n soyabean,
i only wash the pump w soapy water, din run thru w hot water. But that's w the medele pump set.

Soyabean,I hv Isis too... thot that one got to sterilise after every use? Do u hv prob w that pump? i always get very bad block ducts if i use more than twice continously.

HAhahah... ur Dumex set sounds good but i keep feeling its a bit weird to feed Jerome what i used to have when i'm a baby myself.

Jerome only dun take FM. Now he takes 150ml of BM every 3hrs, finish till the last drop. But once FM is given, he'll cry for awhile... suck suck a bit then start playing with the nipple already.. he can't even finish a 120ml bottle.

Hi Shook, I hv the impression u r too stress to get letdown in the office if u r actually doing fine w tandem when bb is in front of u. try looking at his photo or get a more comfy place to pump? I had the same prob too initially when jerome went to hosp for jaundice.

Hi Giggler,
I've seen 'sassy' toys at Kiddy Palace and kkh before. bought one of their rattle n it has become jerome's fav toy for now.

Hmmm, seems like the bbs nowadays all love tvs. i so paranoid cos jerome like to turn his head towards it too.. but i worry for his eyesights.
Hi Soya...heehee...i called too! The girl sounds sweet! I picture she is someone with long hair n looks pretty!

Brenda, try not to let bb look at TV screen, unless urs is a LCD screen. The flickering lights have bad effect and will cause some attention deficiency thingy..can't remember the scientific term. But you remember long ago, there was a case in Japan where lots of kids watched an episode of Pokemon and were all admitted to hospital with vomiting n fits?
HI hazey,
Yah... i remember the pokemon incident. But sometx its just so difficult. Put him down on his rocker only, his head automatically turn towards the tv direction. If we happen to take a bus w TVmobile, worse!
Brenda, this is wat I do...but kinda hard for me to describe...I use my thighs as a rocker for my bb, so i can watch tv n tell her wat's going on, but she will be back facing the TV so no matter how she turn, she oso cannot see.... Nan-Nani-Poo-Poo, Obeegood!
u so funni.... obeegood.... i burst out laffing seeg ur post...

hazey, brenda...
edi oso likes to watch tv! i cant allow dat... so trying to avoid... but meaning mummy or daddy or my family for dat matter, got to sacrifice tv oso.
dat day we were watching tv and he kept lookg at screen... then during advert my mum switched to teletext to see 4D and he actuali started fussing! he oni stopped when she switched back to tv mode... gosh!
sanrio, yeah, I'm really glad that I'm fortunate enough to be able to look after baby myself

absolut, thanks for your assurance abt my baby's eyes

pringles, your advise is definitely useful- cause so far I've only tried to feed EBM to baby 3 times, and all 3 times she rejected the bottle! I'll try to bottle feed her as much as possible so that she gets used to it.

shook, my MIL is doign confinement for me. very luckily she is quite mordern, so I've been bathing daily as per normal since I discharged. She also dont force me to eat yucky confinement food, so everything is quite 'normalised' except for having someone else around the home.
Yeah lor, faye has sticky eyes.
paed said it cld b virus in the air or the environment. nowadays he loves to put his hand into his mouth. i got to keep all his stuff v v clean. paeds said it's v common in bb n children. they will develop immunity wen their body fight agst such bugs (oh no...i hate those virus!) along the way.

can i noe how many days did jerome take to fully reover fr diarrhoea?

dear mummies,
for the gathering on 23 oct, i hav to c how 1st n let u all noe.
tks for all ur concern on Ashrel
he still has diarrhoea but seems a little bit better n back to more active now (usually he's v active). it's 'xiong' taking care of bb esp wen he is unwell but i dun mind as long as he quickie recover.
here's a foto of him (taken abt 2wks ago) saying hi to all the nice aunties here.
HAhaha! Hazey, u so funny! I can just imagine next time ur gal gal say that to u w a cheeky grin! She'll be so adorable

Yalor yalor.. morning the bus ride to school usually TVmobile not on. Jerome will fuss fuss.. stop look at the tv... see nt on, fuss fuss again... till we manage to bluff him the window is big tv. Then he'll make noise whenever the bus stops...haiz.

HI Berry,
Its difficult for bb to be intro to the bottle if the mummy is within 'smelling' distance. Think maybe u can try weekends to get someone else to intro n u bottlefeed only when she has leaqrn to accept bottle fully.

HAiz, nowadays weather so hot for our bbs n us.
hazey n soyabean,
at 1st i tot why my boy loves to watch tv so much. so both ur bb too. must b the sound n changing/moving colourful characters in it tat attracted them. me too try to position him in such a way tat mummy can watch n he cant..

u using sterilised cool n cool boiled water to clean Faye's eyes right. my colleague's boy recovered in abt 6mths tx, not to wori.
headache w toys for bb. Ashrel gets 'sian' w 1 toy v fast. evyday mus tink of how to 'mix n match' to come up w 'new' toys. recently hubby bought a fisher price bb playzone kick n whirl carnival af seeing the ad on motherhood mag. so far he likes it v much. he no longer likes the tinylove musical mobile, haha my colleague 'sim tiang', brought it all the way back fr US for him.
i miss out the words, shd b sterilised cotton wool balls. i was told can DIY. fill the bottle (spare milk bottle w cap) w 'normal' cotton wool balls n put it into a steam steriliser.
wen my boy was younger, he has sensitve skin, esp face. i bought sterilised cotton wool balls to clean his face n needed so many. so i tried DIY.
Geez Sanrio,
Is Ashrel heavy? Was it tough on u when he's unwell n wan to carry for long? He has the "HEy! I noe what's going on" look...hahhaha

Jerome took abt a week to recover. 3days b4 hosp., 2 days in hosp. and 2 days to fully recover after treatments. He has the same medi as Ashrel but i din give him any of the panadol syrup. Just feed him on ebm/water whenever his temp. starts to rise.

I suspected my boy getting the virus at the infant centre cos there's another bb having the same medi too. But well, such things r part n parcel of growing up.

Do take good care of urself too while taking care of him yah... u too mus rest more to cope with e unwell child.
HI Sanrio,
Me new over tis thread but having been reading these posting 'cos my girl is also a June/July bb. Read that ur your son is having diahorrea! My girl, 2wks older than him also having diahorrea since last Friday. ONLY turn well today! Accordingly to the PD, she is having loose stool rather n it's kinda weird, she passes motion each time she drinks...so to speak, 5~6 times per day around the clock! What abt yours? N yes, over at MIL's pl, her buttock was sore n red. Heartpain.

My PD advised no wet wipes during redness stage. Prescribed Lacteolfort only n advised to go on soy protein feeding till diahorrea becomes pasty. PD also warned us to check for blood streaks in the stool(intestine infection). Stressed out, imagine having to check for blood after each clearing up of her stool.

Today, finally she is better but pimples popping up. Soy protein is heaty. Ashrel still on bfing? He is so cute n how I envy his size! My girl is only 5.65kg n 63cm

Hope Ashrel gets well soon....bbs cannot fall sick, very heartache hor?
hi sahm,
my son, jerome just recover from the same prob as ur gal, passing motion after every feed for 4days. He was hosp. for observation bcos of fast dehydration.

Hmmm... is ur gal still on bf'ing? cos if she is, the doc at kkh advise me nt to switch to soy based for that 1 or 2 feeds but stick to original FM. If possible, go on total bm n feed water. I went on tbf n jerome recovered very fast.

The nurse there also show me to splash water against the buttock during bath time (dun rub it) n slather on thick coat of drapolene. His ass got so red n painful till he make noise even when farting.

but cheerios, cos soon ur bb will be smiling at u again w/o any remembrance of e whole ordeal... envy rite! wish i can do the same for childbirthing
Hi soyabean, Ok, I put your name under KIV?

Hi absolut, you better clear those which are more than 2mths old. I think you could only keep frozen milk for 3 mths rite?

Hi hazey, you're right. Tandem pumping means you pump at one side and bb sucking at the other side. I offer both sides for bb to feed. You got good idea to prevent bb to watch TV hor? Mine is worse cos my mil will carry her on her lap and watch TV together everyday.

Hi B2B3M4, so we going to your place next Sat at abt 3pm?

Hi brenda, you better not wait till end of the mth if you feel pain. Ok, I'll go Kiddy Palace to see see look look. My gal likes to play with her play gym most of the time.

Hi sanrio, I think our bb like to put things in their mouth now rite? Got to wash them up very often, esp their hands, toys,etc. Wow, your boi got dimples leh. So handsome

Hi sahm, your girl better liao? My gal is the opp leh, she's having constipation again. This is the 3rd day that she hasn't pass motion liao.
Gathering on 23rd Oct
Pringles and bb
Shook and ChenChen
Giggler and Van
B2B3M4 and bb

Soyabean and Edison
Priviledged and bb
Sanrio and Ashrel
Hahahah Giggler, Van absorbing all the nutrients to grow chubby chubby lah. nt having constipation. i still remember the pic u posted, the doll like face.
I just want to check on something wif all the mummies who gave birth at EastShore.
Are their midwives good? As in, professional and helpful & friendly.

I'm going to deliver in Mar'05, but dunno which hospital to go..

I hear TMC is good, cos the midwives are very encouraging and will give backrubs during labour pain.. wonder the nurses/midwife in ESH does too?

As i stay in the east, definitely, would like to choose ESH, but juz wan to have some advise from the experienced mums.

Have anyone heard of the gyane named Dr L C Cheng @ Katong Clinic for women? Can he deliver at ESH too? Cos i heard he only deliver at TMC. Is he good?

I really appreciate if anyone can give me some advise.
Soyabean, I believe you are speaking to brenda.. my bb and I are fine..

Hi absolute, Ethan gets very distracted with the TV as well.. it does not matter whether I am latching him direct or the maid's feeding him the bottle. That's why we switch off the tv when he's feeding.

Hazey, I only offer one breast per feed if I latch direct. Ethan also watches the aircon and curtain besides the tv...

Do ur bbs also like to see things from the back? ie. he faces front, then arch his back, tilt his head to the back and looks at things that way??
Ethan likes to do that.

sahm, if your bb having diahhorea and backside red red, it is better to wash her with water when changing her rather than use the wipes. I choose to wash Ethan at home after his business as much as possible.

hey... am so happy today.. last night I attempted to potty-train Ethan based on the info provided here as well as the web site I found and posted here. He did all his shhh and eenngg in the potty.
Today, my maid also tried and she said so far he hasn't dirtied himself. Of coz, last night while he was sleeping, we used the diapers.
Thanks soyabean and sanrio for info and instructions on how to potty-train bb. For those of you who haven't done that.. I definitely recommend it... they say the best results is to start it when bb is 0-6mths. Adv: saves diaper $, save water and energy washing the cloth diapers. No nappy rash. Happy bb.

Sanrio, Ashrel looks so happy in the pic!

Giggler, can u add me and Ethan for NE meeting on sat 23rd? thanks.
Emily, can you post again the potty training instructions? Sorry, can't seem to find it... don't know where in the archives it is. I'm interested in starting potty training for Sarah as well. I tried about a month ago but she was crying whenever I held her over the toilet.
Does it work for fully breastfed babies? Her stoools are not all that regular. Often she passes motion without our knowledge.
Hi brenda, you still remember her pix? You shd look at her thighs now quite mah too.

Hi snowlake, sorry can't help cos I deliver at GlenE

Hi Emily, Van likes to do that too. Wonder why hor? So soyabean's and sanrio's method really effective? Can tell us how to do potty-train again? I forgot the method liao.

Gathering on 23rd Oct
Pringles and bb
Shook and ChenChen
Giggler and Van
B2B3M4 and bb
Emily and Ethan

Soyabean and Edison
Priviledged and Sarah
hi sahm,
welcome! bb girls (not all) usually smaller size. dun wori as long as they're happy n healthy. my boy once a while gets 'pimples' on his face too. it's normal n common. they will outgrow it n become handsome n pretty agn soon, keke

sahm n brenda,
tks for sharing w me. ya lor, so heartpain to c bb sick. Ashrel is 7kg n 65cm. me is now 'left w' 46kg (ht:162cm). my hands n back aching esp at nite wen i finally rest.. n since i w him most of the tx, he 'sticks' to me.
brenda, this wk he smiles much lesser as unwell, me so sad. but today i read n show him the nursery rhymes poster n he gives me the 'i noe' smile agn. he poo each tx he fin drking. i apply a thick layer of 'desitin creamy, blue box' (paed gave) on his bkside. it's v gd, his bkside much beta. i wash him w water too.

he is usually smily but tat sun he is sleepy n hungry so din smile to aunty emily. n i tink he was a little unwell on sun oreadi which i din noe yet.

tk u
Ashrel has 2 dimples n 1 'li wo' (i tink).
if Ashrel is fully well then, i will come for the gathering. hubby can come right? he is taking his 1st 5 in 1 jab next thur (if he fully recovers). hope evythg turns out fine. cant bear to c him not well agn.
jerome supposed to take his jab this week too. The polyclinic called us n say its nt advisable to take within a week frm his recovery so they told us to go next week instead. Actually my hb n i was so surprised they called us, nvr thot govt clinic so efficient.
Priviledged, Ethan is fully bf too... just that he drinks expressed milk when I am not at home.

The infant potty training web site:

sanrio, don't worry... Ashrel get well and we will see u for the NE meeting. Ethan wants to see his friend again.
Wow, tis thread is very active n I m having difficulty remembering all the names here
! N I m carrying my girl here while I scroll down the thread.

Missed out the post on Jerome oso having diahorrea earlier. Huh, hospitalisation? How did the pd determine that such observation is required? Poo too many times, dehydration? I will cry my heart out if my girl were to be away from me, in the hospital! My girl still poo more than usual but not as in 5~6xs per day......so far 2xs today. Forsee another rd later in the evening...so 3xs, any concern ah? haiz.....

agree that washing buttock is definitely cleaner than using wipes. but hor, i m little hesitant cos my girl is still so fragile
. So i use cotton pad wz water to clean, followed by Desitin. The redness improved quickly

yar, U n Mon Mon's girl same prob. think whenever ur gal poo, u will heave sign of relief n rejoice. For me, on the contrary, will shake my head n exclaim 'oh no, again poo?!' Our bbs....

thanks Emily.

sahm, don't worry about your girl's size. My Sarah is even smaller than yours. She's always been in the 3rd percentile. But like sanrio says, if she's happy & healthy, and meeting all the milestones at the correct time, then it's fine.
