(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

nope nope..dun put him 'sit' on potty. tink he's not ready. wat u can do: hold his legs, put him in btw ur legs, his head n upper body lying on ur lower tummy, quickie remove the diaper. if not in tx, put the 'removed' diaper on newspaper n let him 'ng4' unto the diaper. try a few tx n he will get used to it. as a start, get ur mum or hubby to help u, b careful dun 'drop' him. the position mus b comfi n 'secure' else they'll stop 'pooing'. try slowly dun frighten him else he wont wan to try the next tx.
haha, next tx i take a foto n show u, hehehee..

hi berry,
saw ur post here. how ar u? u given birth to a lovely princess right? any foto to show us? u're a SAHM like me right? how ar u coping so far. dun wori, thgs will get much beta as the days passed. the mummies here gave me lots of tips n encouragement too. me learned lots of useful tips in bb care each day too.
Sanrio, yes... my e-mail is what you wrote.

Yeah.. I think you should take photo and show us and give us a 'live' demo on saturday as well... hheheee... that shuld be so fun! :p
Hi QSG, I think it's norm for bb to drool lah.

Hi Emily, my gal likes to form bubbles with her saliva too.

Hi sanrio, you managed to get the cards from the paper supplier?
we dun mk him sit on the potty too, we do wat u said.... i oso got a photo of him on the potty... haha... somemore he was drinking his milk at the same time as well! multi-tasker.
I've finally given birth to my baby girl Faye on 23rd sept. Since discharge utnil now, I've been doing everything baby-related myself, so got the hamg of things pretty fast. Now I'm already quite used to new lifestyle, only waiting for baby's nursing schedule to be more stabilised (TBF).
Yup, I'm also a sahm.
btw, do you have any help at all? or you managing all by yourself? how old is your baby now?
Hi mummies.

Wat interesting toys have you all bought for your bbs so far? Care to share? I find that its not necessarily the most expensive toys that are more educational. Sometimes, a cheap but good one proves to be more effective.

BTW, how much do u all carry bb? I'm often accused by hubby for carrying her too much. People say carrying a bb too much can make her spoilt. But she's not able to sit independently yet..so how? I carry her almost 50-60% of the time...the rest of the day..i let her lie down on back or tummy or make her sit in pram. But i must admit, carrying her is damn tiring for my back.
Hi jaz, emily, giggler n sanrio,

Thks for the air con temp... Will try out with a higher temp 1st

Another question: Do newborns breathe very hard as in when they're lying on their side, u can see their arms raising n falling with each breath they take? Or if they lying down facing up, can really see their chest moving up n down @ a faster rate than adults.
When Chen Chen misses his feed is 1 or 2 hr longer than his usual 3 hr interval. Your boi slept for 12 hrs dat's v long. My PD always says as long as bb drinks well, produces wet nappies, happy n lively, he/she is normal n well

I din remove batteries when I use transformer as I thot the motor shld use electric current fm transformer but my batteries went flat v v fast. Now I know there is something wrong wif my pump. Wasted me 18 batteries within 1 1/2 mth
Ya, my mum potty train Chen Chen early. But tis naughty boi bullied his po po on Mon n yesterday. My mum ngh ngh him he din wanna poo, after changing him, he pooed. Well it takes time to potty train

Dun worry, bb doesn't overfeed himself/herself. He/she knows when to stop. Most likely Ethan cried for other reason

Ash clever boi can even signal u when he needs to poo. Your sacrifice is really worth it.
I hv the same question as Emily wrt flash cards. Can share wif me? I used A4 size paper to print the number dots find it too big n difficult to flash quickly. If possible, can u bring a few pcs to show us the paper u use n the size?

Congrats! Welcome to mother world. The weather is v hot lately. Do u bathe? How u coping wif confinement?

I din buy any toy for Chen Chen. Got all the toys fm bb shower party. He got a muscial mobile, stack bricks/train/shapes (can't use yet), 1 v colorful n can make 3 types of sound doggy, 1 teddy bear (my colleagues in Thailand courier to me)
Chen Chen v yan o, he is carried most of the time when he want it. He has my dad, my mum, my hubby, my SIL n me circling ard him, so u can imagine. Sometimes all of us r tired, we leave him in his cot or the flr n sing, dance or talk to him

BTW, which Sat is the NE meeting? I can't make it tis Sat n next Sat
When is the West meeting?
U gals bringing your hubby along?
Hey girls, it's thursday already. If we are going to have the NE meeting this saturday... we've got to get things moving along.

soyabean, care to show ur bb's pic on the potty and drinking milk??
Want to show that to my maid coz she asked me how to potty-train Ethan when he always does his business when he is drinking his milk.

skyblue, yes, newborns breathe very hard and you can see their chest moving up and down and their breathing rate is much faster than ours... so don't worry. My bb (now 3mths) is still like that.
Hi B2B3M4
I used to use GE rechargeable and using charge every alternate day. That day when my batteries died, was using normal energizer batteries but hubby used it earlier to take pics in his camera so maybe the batteries were weak already.

Hi Shook

Maybe you pump at a shorter interval? I only pump at 11.30am and around 4.30pm - 5pm. It also depends on how much Chen Chen drinks. Maybe our milk supply went up coz our babies are demanding quite a lot of milk. As long as you can meet your baby's demand, that's good already right? For a period, my baby didn't drink much and now my and my in-law's freezer is stocked with milk. But good for me now, coz at least not so stressed if I don't get enough for some days.

My little girl just flipped 1.5 weeks back ... so cute but she has her moods, sometimes want to flip but sometimes refuse to. After flipping and lifting up her head for some time, she starts making noise coz she wants to be moved over and once I do that, she flips again. So funny! She hasn't learnt how to flip back to her front leh. How come some people say that they learn to flip the other way first.


My bb has also been salivating since 2 months and my family is amazed abt the amount of drool from her coz my 2 nieces never had that problem. PD says her gums are probably itchy (prob start of teething) but teeth may only appear much later. very gross coz dress her pretty pretty but at the end, her front of her clothes all wet with her drool. Now she has started sticking her tongue in and out all the time and drool comes out non-stop.

Hi Jaz

Babies at 3 months should sleep abt 15 hours. Slightly more or less should be ok. Think as long as your baby looks happy, should be fine. They grow most when they're asleep anyway.
Emily, Shook & Absolut
yes, 12 hrs - long rite, but tat was the only time he slept for so long, hopefully won't hv the 2nd time. meaning if he's well, lively & happy, i dun hv to worry about his missed feed, rite...
Hi Berry,
Congrats ! So when do we get to see bb faye's photo here?

Hi pringles,
So far Jerome has 3 colourful rattles/teethers with different texture... it has been hung up above his cot w colourful plastic chain since birth as he dunnoe how to play yet. now he likes to reach up and swing/kick it. Later when he knows how to hold will give it to him as teether. Other than that no other toys as we usually sing, dance, talk and play nursery rhymes to him.

Hmmm... we carry Jerome whenever he wans us to cos we believe he can't be spoilt at this age yet. But most of the time one of us(either me or e daddy) will be next to him either reading/playing xbox so that when he's bored n wans attention he will call out to us. Now we realised he doesn't scream out loud anymore... only shout shout abit then wait for us to respond. then we ask if he wans to be carried... cos most of the time he just wan a conversation.

Hi Jaz,
My boy sleep for 8 - 9hrs at nite nowadays.

Hi Mummies,
I'm thinking of stopping bf'ing in 3 more weeks time. But Jerome still dun seems to like to take his formula milk. do ur bbs drink exceptionally slow when taking fm in comparison to ebm?

Hey, those mtg up soon... can 1 of u take pics of the bbs present n post up to show? hahaha... wanna feel the fun too
hi brenda...
how long hv u been bfg already? me sometimes oso feel like gvg up... ss dipping, very tiring to pump... but still persisting on for edi's sake.
for edi, he has no prob cos we've been supplmenting his milk with fm since he was born.

hi absolut...
hehe... edi has been sleeping 15hrs a day since newborn... he has hardly slept more than dat in a day... until now oso like dat.
ur boy sleep for 8-9hrs at nite, meaning he sleep thru the nite without feed?

All mummies
me very depressed now.

my ss. has dipped to about 20-30ml per expressed. shud i stop b'feeding?
shook, I dun really follow all those confinement rules, so I've been bathing and washing hair as per normal daily since I'm discharged. I'm BF baby, so its unimaginable not to bathe leh. :p Confinement is ok lar, but I really cant wait for it to be over so that I can have complete freedom in my own house again.

pringles, thanks for asking
Her eyes are very slightly better, I'm still massaging her tear duct daily.
Hi Soyabean

That's fantastic. My bb used to be awake the whole day during the second month and starts getting cranky in the evenings coz tired. At least she's better now and usually has her morning and afternoon naps. There are still days when she's super awake and refuse to have any long nap or will only sleep when she's being carried. She's fantastic in the nights though ... usually sleep thru from 9 plus to 7am.

Hi Berry

Dun worry abt bb's eyes. My bb's eyes only cleared up completely when she was 3 months.

Hi Jaz

Your pump amount is after you direct latched your baby? How old is your bb?? Maybe ss not established yet. Had a super hard time in the beginning as well. Dun give up!
hi berry,
congrats! i m sure u enjoy motherhood like me too cos we spend almost 24hrs w our bb evyday. my boy is 3mths old today. he weighs 7kg n is 65cm (went to c paed this morning). i take care of bb myself.

dearest mummies,
so sad....my smily boy Ashrel fell sick, 1st tx since birth (i wish never..) he is down w diarrhoea. yesdy slight fever but gone down. now cant 'nng' him as diarrhoea no 'advance warning'. poor boy bkside red red n little sore as poo n clean so often. we use cotton wool n water (not wipes) to minimise abrasion. less smily n active these few days. i so heartpain.. saw paed this morning. paed said bb 3mth too young for any diarrhoea medication so only give him acidlophilus in powder form (gd bacteria),hydration liquid n liquid paracetamol. paed said likely it's virus in the air or contamination. i suppose mayb recently he likes to put his hand/mitten into his mouth?? may take few days or 1 wk to recover. meanwhile, watch for fever. sigh....
his jab is supposed to b today but postponed.

foreverfriend, emily n jaz,
no prob at all but do give me sometx to 'write on' the flashcards okie. poor Ashrel sick n needs mummy a lot a lot..
there was 1 tx Ashrel slept thru fr 9pm to 9am too. but usually it's 9pm to 6 - 8am. last 2 days he unwell, cried middle of night n wan to b 'sai yang'..

yes my 'sacrifice' (in fact it's no longer a sacrifice) is really worth it.
dun now why i so upset, mayb we 2 like superglue as i w him almost 24hrs evyday since birth till now.
sori to know ashrek sick... hope he gets beta soon. seems like alot of sick virus going ard tis time... i know of alot of bbs falling sick.

good meh? i consider 15hrs too little leh... he shld hv slept more when he was newborn... then will grow faster mah...
edi oso... very cranky in the evenings... so i go home fr work everyday to face black-face edi. his naps in the day sometimes can be quite short... he rather stay awake and keep yawning. sigh...
sorry to hear that ashrel is sick. Looks like NE meeting on sat cancelled... (right, B2B3M4?)
Nevermind, we can alwys meet another time.

Your Ashrel is tall. Ethan was only 62.8cm when measured last sat. Looks like Ashrel and Ethan are sama sama in weight.
But sure doesn't look that way hor... Ethan so bak bak...

Ethan seems to be very distured when he sleeps. Can't sleep throughout. Seems like he wakes up every 2-3hrs. Me panda already... especially today... having headache and feeling dizzy as well... must be coz lack of sleep.

I don't mind not having the gathering this saturday....also hope to see u and Ashrel when he's well...it must be difficult for you and bb with his diarrhoea...take gd care and rest plenty.


Just a word of advice. I don't know if you have considered bottle feeding Faye occasionally... coz my gal refuses the bottle eversince she got so used to the breast and a couple of mommies also experienced the same thing...it's best if bb can take both breast and bottle...that way, when u want a break sometimes, she will still be ok with bottle feed by anyone else...it's harder to train them to take bottle once they become too used to the breast. However, if u do not mind bfeeding all the way...then just ignore the above..
Hi Sanrio,

So sad to hear that Ashrel is sick..I think it's very hard on the parents when the baby is sick...yes, there is a virus going around and making many babies sick. My fren's baby got it too...having fever and vomit...

Perhaps when Ashrel is better, can you share the flashcard info with me too? I think Ashrel is such a smart baby! My girl is too lazy...when put her on tummy, she will make noise after a few minutes...n honestly, hvn't really thot abt toilet training babies...really a new insight!

Hi Mummies,

I think I oso have supply issue. I have been TBF all the time and my baby will be 3 mths old this sun. I will be going to work next mth and starting to pump out milk for storage. And the amt is so pathetic that I dun even dare to mention it! Now I am wondering whether my girl has enuff to drink or not! Worst still, she rejects the bottle...the moment she sees the bottle, she starts crying...so if my supply is not enuff...there is no way to supplement....
So Berry, you should start to intro bottle to your baby...and when we say intro, means must intro a bottle on a daily basis....I "intro" bottle only abt once a week...and stopped for a while... then she rejects it totally oredy. Hv tried all kinds of teats n bottles....still fail... Just no heart to let her really cry it out....
hello, long time din come in liao....

Hi sanrio, how is ashrel? better now? take good care..ya, ur ashrel is tall leh.

Hi pringles, currently, my girl is playing with the fisherprice "key toys", she can press the music button herself liao. And a music turtle with diff colour lights changing wif music. These are the toys that most attract her attention, and likes to play. I find it good cos she seems to know where to press. How abt u? Wat toys u bot? Anyone bot LeapFrog educational toys. V exp but seems good leh.

My mum tries potty-train my girl, but not much success. I bot the oval-shape simple one. Becareful when buying those fanciful, designed ones, cos baby legs may not big enuf to stretch/"sit" due to the design.

My ss also drops liao, started giving FM "NAN" this week, but my girl dun like to drink, she push away leh. So now i'm trying out diff kinds of FM. Do you gals have any FM supplier contact no. to get free samples??? Thanks.

Is any of your baby very active???

Btw, JL is having 15% storewide till 17th.
my boy is oredi 3 mths liao & everytime i pump in the office i will get tat miserable amt. sometimes i dun really direct latch my boy at home, so everytime i pump at home (not immediately after latch), i will get tat little amt too.
so considering of giving up now.
poor ashrel. is he getting any better now.
no prob. about the flashcard, can share when he's better, meantime, take gd care of him and urself too.
Hi Brenda, you don't want to see us personally? So good that your bb sleeps for 8-9hrs in the nite. My gal still wake up every 2-3hrs for milk.

Hi Jaz, this happened to me last mth. Only managed to pump 2oz for a session but I didn't give up. And don't know what happened, my ss incr back to normal recently.

Hi sanrio, you bf rite? How come he'll get diarrhea?

Hi hazey, dont worry too much abt ss. I didn't manage to store much before I start work too but I still to tbfg till today and my gal is 4.5mths leh.

Hi Kis, your mom also toilet-train your gal? I haven ask if my mom/mil do that.

Hi ladies, shall we meet next Sat instead? B2B3M4, can we go your place on 23rd Oct?
hi kis...
bfg is encouraged for 1st 6 mths... so usu cant find any infant fm samples... u go PD oso they dun hv samples to gv... i understand NAN can be quite bitter... hence ur ger dun wan... hv u tried similac or enfalac a+?
Hi All Mummies,

Thanks for the encouragement. Just now, after much tears and 1.5 hours, she drank abt 50ml. I don't bottle feed her myself, I let my MIL do it. Then when I tried to latch her on, she dun seem to want to drink anymore....heartbreak...

Soya, Edi is soooo handsome! His eyes so big! It is really tough to perservere for TBF, after going back to work...dun noe how i will cope....

Sometimes, I think it will be so good for our babies if we can be SAHM. Cos jus think abt it, dun think our caregivers can give much stimulation to our babies like ourselves rite? But SAHM is very hardwork... I salute all SAHMs!!!!
yah... nt easy to tbf... for me, the prob is opp, edi refuses to latch... once in blue moon i will try to get him to latch to help me empty my breast... but usu he has to cry for 10mins or so b4 he guai guai suckle. i oso like u, heartpain see him cry until like dat... so sometimes will give up and feed him by bottle.

yeah... SAHM not easy... but i think i will go crazy being a SAHM... who will be tkg care of ur ger when u goes back to work? and wats ur ger's name btw?
Hi Jaz, I don't know 2oz how ml leh. I eat as per normal but I take alot more rice compared to pre-pregnancy period.
Hi girls,
If you can, please try to continue bf. Think of the benefits for your bb and also the $$ you'll save. In addition, if you have bought the breast pump already... have to make sure the $ spent on it gets its deserved returns...


If ss not gd, u have to pump more to get it flowing. Try pumping after feeding to stimulate the milk production as well as to empty the breasts.

Hazey, you have to start training your bb to accept being feed the bottle by someone else. I know it is painful to see bb cry and all... but I assure you it would be more painful when u go back to work and know that bb is at home crying coz bb is not yet used to being fed the bottle by someone else. Start slow.. like one bottle feed a day... u feed 1st... then slowly after a couple of days, get someone else to feed... then make sure you are out of the house when the feeding is happening. Then slowly increase the bottles fed to bb in a day.

When I was about the return to work, my ss was initially very low as well... but I kept feeding bb, and pumping after that. Or if bb sleeps through the night, I'll wake up and pump.
After bf I pump about 20ml only. I will put it in the fridge. I will collect all the 20ml and then when about 80ml, I will put in the freezer and date it to the 1st collection time. Remember, you cannot leave the milk in the fridge for more than 24hrs. Not gd...

Sometimes, if I cannot get enough to freeze, I just simply add up as much milk as I can.. eg 50ml, heat it up and feed bb with it. The important thing is to get the supply moving.

If you are already pumping in the office and getting very little, try to pump more. For me, I pump twice in the office... but sometimes, when I want to increase the supply, I pump thrice.
Hi Soya,

My gal's name is Tyra. She is only 2 days younger than Ashrel and 2 days older than Edi. But it seems like the 2 boys can accomplish so much oredy. But no comparison lah...jus as long as she is still average, then no cause for concern. I think Tyra is underweight...cos it seems like she has not outgrown any clothes for a long time...anyway, will be seeing the Pd soon for the next vaccination next week. Pray hard that she won't get any fever...otherwise, I will be v worried n v sian....
Hi Emily,

YES! U are right! Who says breastfeeding was easy? We must persevere for as long as we can if the situation allows...

Wow...how many times do u pump a day? Does that mean that u have to sterilise n wash after every pump?

I m hopeless at hand expressing...can't seem to be able to squeeze out anything at all...if not, it would be a good alternative to pumping.
my boy always fall asleep whenever i latch him on & stop sucking anymore. sometimes he will suck a while than pause for very long time, then continue to suck again. i m wondering if he's in this situation, how long must i let him suck everytime (1/2 an hour or even 1 hr)? will he get enuf then?
hi giggler, ya, my mum potty train. Maybe u can start by buying a potty first...

hi soyabean, so i couldn't get samples lah. NAN bitter?? I din taste. Din try similac or enfalac. I start with NAN cos my colleage's girl can easily switch bf and fm with NAN, so i get some NAN from her. Just ask my mum to buy S26, my fren says S26 sweet. Hope my girl takes, orelse waste $$.
huh? i mentioned i wan to stop bf'ing then came back n got a shock to see so many thinking of the same.

erm... my ss hv been increasing actually cos now pumping regularly every 3 hrs since the last time jerome fell ill. Get an average of 120ml/tx. But my womb is recovering very slowly n i read that bf'ing will delay the recovery that's y thinking of stopping already.

Those thinking of stopping bcos of ss, try nt to lor cos ss can really be rebuilt tho it needs a lot more discipline n effort. yah, the washing part is a little tedious but i've adapted a method one of the mummy here told me... that's to leave it soak in soapy water after used.. so when needed again can wash off easily.

Hi soyabean,
I've bf for 3mths plus already... thinking of stopping at 4 mth, that's if i can find a FM that my boy will enjoy. He's now on NAN n Friso mixed.

Hi Jaz,
yah, he sleeps from 9pm to 6am every nite w/o feed. Then morning will wake up very hungry, so drink quickly then go school. Occasionally if he's really hungry in the day, he'll start to drink 2hrly, then his last feed will be at 11pm instead. On these days, he'll only drink at plus during the bus ride to school.

Hi Sanrio,
Poor Ashrel !!! I noe how it's like cos jerome just went thru the same thing. Backside got red red till he make noise even when farting. Auntie brenda give Ashrel 2 hugz hugz... hope Ashrel gets well soon!

Hi Giggler,
I remember u live in West one leh... i wish to join u gals for the meet up session too. But just receive call frm HDB getting my key in 2 weeks tx and i still haven't gotten a renovator. Furthermore, Jerome needs to go back for his checkup n jab nxt 2 weeks and also i haven't gotten a job yet. Haiz.. super stress nowadays. Lucky each evening i get to feel the joy of having Jerome back in my arms.

I believe you can ask your pedi clinic if they have samples for you to try.

Hazey, I pump 2-3 times a day at work. The rest of the time at home I bf direct. Yes, I sterilise the pump after every session. I have a container of water which I add the sterilising tablet every day. The sterilizing solution can only be used for 24 hours. At home, we use the electric steriliser to sterilise.

I am hopeless at hand expressing as well. But at least while electric expressing, I can day-dream.. and relax.. ehheee...
