(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Hi augustmum,
Usually the bf bb stool's watery but still quite thick.. his was like absorbed into the diaper like urine. Anyway, having diarrhoea is not the main concern but when having it, bb's activity or food intake level drop then its time to panick.

Hi Shook,
Jerome's fine already. Thanks! And nope, dun think snacking on the tidbit peanuts will help increase ur ss :p

Hi Soyabean,
My ss drop when my menses came back too but it went back to usual 3-4days after it ends. Edi so cute!!! Jerome can't do that for long too and i think he's very offended when i put him in that position cos i always laugh at him when his head drops.

Hi Emily,
Thnks for the info on the bb perspiring part. K, i better make it a point to dry him first then, if nt later he grows up one patch one patch then blame me for it ;p

Can i ask how u mummies cut the nails for ur l'il precious? I realised after cutting Jerome's nails its always still sharp. Then i'll hv to like give him manicure, continue to file it after cutting. But he dun really likes it

edi is abt 2mths 3weeks old... will be 3 mths next week.
well... these few days edi dun lift his head up high liao... cos he realised dat his mouth can reach his hand conveniently when he is in tis position... so he auto put his mouth on his hand and start slurping all over...
dunno how heavy he is... prob abt 6kg... will know real ans when he goes for jab next week. hehe...
me using the pigeon newborn cutter... but his nails grow v fast so got to cut once every few days... he already kena a small scratch on his forehead... hands itchy scratch here scratch there lor.
Emily, Jaz, Shook, B2B3M4 and Sanrio,

Count me in for the gathering! So, does anyone have any suggestion where we should meet? How about a Saturday early evening?


Yes, even though bb's nails are short, they are still sharp. Especially lately that my gal keeps scratching her face due to teething discomfort, I decided to put her back on mittens when sleeping.
Hmm... seems like i've to continue to do manicure for him. My boy change an average of 4 pairs of mittens per day cos he always suck till it soak thru. Not only he scratch his face, also when he's playing with his own hands. Worse! nowadays he love to pinch ppl esp when drinking milk... as tho he keep pressing n pinching can get more milk like dat
How to hand xpress? I tried but painful after dat. It is so messy n I xpressed v little dunno whether got 1ml or not. I envy u gals who can hand xpress, so much easier n convenient. But I dunno how to hand xpress

I heard dat ss will b lesser when having menses but not when menses is over. I haven't got menses yet.
Edi has beauty thick hair. Like bb's photo taken in tis pose, v cute.

Foremilk is the milk which bb suckles/xpress when 1st latch on/xpress. It is lighter in color n contains water. Hindmilk is the milk dat comes in later. It is milky color n contains fat. U hv to let your bb latch on as long as he wants so dat he gets the hindmilk.

Indeed v troublesome to cut the plastic to fit NUK cover. Used to buy Tolly Joy cap $1+ for 1. I cover the glass bottle wif aluminium foil follow by metal cap. Dun sterlize metal cap, they turn rusty. However u can use your finger nail to scrape off the rust if it juz get rusty, u can't remove the rust if it is too long

Chen Chen split out milk almost every meal. Sometimes shoot on the flr but PD said normal for bb to split out milk
Yes! NE meeting
I oso rely on pump to xpress. My pump kee siao, can't operate by battery. Will call the distributor today otherwise can't pump in the morning n if meeting rm not availabe I m dead
Chen Chen weighed 6.25kg @ 4 mth 1wk. I worried he is obese coz bb shld double birth wt on 5th mth. PD said Chen Chen wz rather small @ birth so he is considered v healthy n growing v well

Wat kinda peanut will increase ss?
I cut Chen Chen's nails, din file. He got scratches on his head, nose (v serious bleed!), legs

Sat morning wat time? I stay @ my mum's plc in Pasir Ris. Go home on Sat

U r most welcome to join NE meeting
i also use the pigeon nail scissors... gotta cut every few days. But i dun worry even if there are scratches cos they recover so fast!
Brenda, I better take better care of Ethan's white spots too... or else I also kena scolding.
Have already told my maid to be careful as well. Hope she does it.

I cut Ethan's nails using baby nail clipper. I find it better than the baby nail scissors. coz can cut straight. It is like our regular nail clippers, but very tiny one for babies.

Soyabean, Ethan is also not making it a point to lift his head up. Told my hubby about your Edi's pic and we tried to turn Ethan over for practise last night. Ethan kept making "Eeee... hmmmeeeeee... Aahhhhh... " sounds like he was trying.... but he ddin't look like he was trying. He also kept sucking his hands and making the bed wet!

Pringles, Shook, Sanrio, Jaz, B2B3M4,
sat early evening is gd. sun also can. Are we having dinner if we meet on sat evening? Gosh! can't imagine how messy we will be... heheee...

Where do u all think is a gd place to meet?? Hmmm.... must find a place where it is spacious... lots of space for strollers. And also must have privacy... so that we can breastfeed if needed.
Let me name a few polaces and you guys can vote!
1) Compass Point: Jack's place (don't know if spacious enough)
2) Compass Point: Burger King
3) Compass Point: McDonalds
4) Compass Point: Sakura
5) Rivervale mall: Burger King
6) Rivervale mall: Delifrance
7) what about someone's house... we can have pot-luck?
Hi Shook

I've given up on batteries also for the pump. Had to use batteries last friday coz was away on course and tried to pump in the toilet ... who would have expected, after setting up everything, the battery died on me within 10 seconds. Tried to hand pump and couldn't even get 60ml. Usually should be able to get abt 180ml. Thank goodness course ended half day instead of full day and I decided to go home coz left the plug at home. :eek:

Manage to use a mini storage room which has a electrical point to pump in office so at least dun have to worry whether batteries will run out half way.
i cut Ashrel's nails using pigeon nail scissors. hav to do it evy few days. cut it 'level' n it shdnt b sharp..

wen u all decide the place then let me noe lah since it's not my 'ti pan'. someone place will b gd. i tink it's going to b messy n noisy, haha..
Hi soyabean, I think it works the same for exclusive pumping rite? Are u sure your menses coming back? Mine still nowhere in sight leh. Your boy looks so different now.

Hi sanrio, actually me and hubby's skin also sensitive but so far Vane's still ok. Hopefully, she doesn't have the same problem as us.

Hi Val, I find it ridiculous too cos jaundice is so common. But I got no choice lah. I got abt 200ml per pumping session and I take abt 15-20 min.

Hi jaz, the nurse did recommend us that and even told me that the 5-in-1 jab will be foc if I take part in the vaccine. But we opted out as hubby and mil don't feel good for my gal to be guinea pig.

Hi pringles, your gal is early leh. My gal no trace of teething except that she put everything in her mouth once she gets hold of it.

Hi shook, I think you can give that man a ring regarding your Ameda pump. It's still under warranty rite?

Hi jul, I tried hand expression but failed leh. Only managed to squeeze out 3oz after half an hour.

Hi brenda, me too having the same problem as you. I use bb scissors to cut Vane's fingernails but they are still sharp leh. Any solutions?

Hi ladies, can I join in the gathering too? I just met the other ladies at the other thread and had a great time to see so many bb at one go.
Thx for the link. I read tis link b4 n use the technique but result no gd. BTW the technique is roll not squeeze, if I roll there is not a single drop; if I squeeze I feel painful after dat. Do u squeeze or roll?

I use battery only when I xpress in toilet. Can understand how u felt. The batteries died on me twice.

Absolut, Giggler
U gals hv v gd ss. I xpress max 150ml avg 70-130ml

Ya the pump still under warranty but the contact no I hv not in used. Cld u PM me agn the contact no of dat guy who sells the pump
Come join us

I m using Ameda pump
Any plc fine wif me

Err...how come the last time Nat suggested the gathering in chalet only a few interested to join now so many wanna meet at NE
issit? hehe... bb and mummy's minds connected... i suspect my menses cmg back...

hehe... our bois got motivation to keep their heads down...
Shook, Jaz, B2B3M4, Sanrio, Giggler and Emily

I think sat evening is gonna be damn crowded in shopping centre...better to have the gathering at someone's place.....unless u all can make it on sat morning then it'll be quieter at compass point.
soyabean?? u there??? this is a NE meeting...

But of course anyone else can join if they want.

Is there any NE member who wants to volunter her home for destruction? We will all promise to behave and help with clearing up after the meeting. And of coz... as I mentioned pot-luck (i.e. each person bring one dish to share) will be gd. I believe anyone who is not NE member who volunteers her home to us will also be most welcomed and appreciated. ;p

Sorry can't volunteer my home as it is a Work-In-Progress at the moment.

btw, to all mommies out there: when do u intend to start potty-train your bb? Am not sure and thinking of starting Ethan soon. What do all of u think?
we hv to buy the pigeon bottle to get the milk flow regulator? do they sell the milk flow regulator only?

tks for the link on breastmilk, now hv a clearer picture liao.

tks for the explanation.

my boy is alright now since yesterday.

did u apply any cream on ur boy's neck?

initially we oso hv some reserve on the vaccine, but heard tat now is the 3rd phase liao, and previous 2 phases do not hv any problem, hubby not worry, so we decided to let my boy to try but i'm worried though. will c how it goes fm now on lor.

Emily, Shook, Sanrio, Pringles, Giggler & B2B3M4
R we toking about this sat evening? i'm fine wif this sat evening. but can't make it on sunday as i've appointment oredi. me too like shook, only go back home on sat. and this sat will be back probably in the afternoon. any place is fine with me.
Hi shook, then I consider lucky cos so far my Ameda pump works very well. I pm u with the no. I guess now got bb to see so more mummies are interested?

Hi Emily, too bad my place is too small so can't volunteer mine. I haven thot of potty-train my Van yet leh.

Hi soyabean, you want to join in the gathering? Come lah... we've been talking for so long but never know how all of you look like.
Hi to all muumies,
Haven't drop in for a while n suddenly this gathering pops up. Good thing i realise it early.
Anyone interested in my place? I'm totally okie with it. Maybe for afternoon tea, then it will be easier for everyone to prepare the food (then again we can order pizza for dinner). I can make some chicken nuggets kind of finger food.

What batteries are u using for your pump? I'm using rechargable sony batteries. I charge them once a week. It only died on me once when i over stretched the batteries.

Wow! Ethan is already 7kg!!! Ashley weighs only 5.4kg (maybe bcos she's female). Also 3 months plus... She wasn't able to flip for a while. However, last Friday, she was able to flip, support her head up and laugh all in one day. Their laughter is really adorable.
Hi Emily, I met up with the moms and bb at the New Moms thread last Sat at StyloBB's place.

Hi B2B3M4, where do you stay? I don't mind ordering pizza. I think it'll be a better idea cos I don't think I can carry food with my bb along. Your gal knows how to flip liao? My gal still lazy to flip leh and she even cries when I placed her to rest on her tummy.
hi giggler,
my boy managed to flip over (fr tummy down position) twice when he is 2mths+. he is evyday 'busily' trying to flip both ways whenever he is on his cot. when he cant do it, he will b 'angry'.

tks for offering ur place for the gathering, will b gd : )
my boy is abt 7kg too, he is turning 3mths this thur.

it's not being sold separately, comes with the bottle. oso it only fits pigeon teat/cover/bottle n not other brands.

maybe next round we can do a west one.

hello mummies,
do u all encounter this? i m a little worried. my boy all along v active, loves to smile, talk, play, kick. but this week, he seems a bit lethargic and wants to nap more. he slept thru fr 9pm to 8am. af milk n bathe, he sleeps agn fr abt 10am to 12 or 1pm. he has his milk n sleeps agn at abt 2.30pm till 5pm+. af bathe in evening, he wants to nap again for half to 1 hr. at 9pm, he will sleep.
am i worrying too much? as mummy so paranoid, alwy hope bb can sleep more but if he sleeps too much, i oso worry.
he is drinking well, no fever i check.
how ah?? is it part of his growing up phases or what??
hi all,
do u all still let ur bb wear mittens n bootees? when can we remove them? i try doing that but realised his fingers n feet turn so cold af a short while. is it ok?

did u buy the fisher price kick n whirl (ferris wheel) toy for Ashley? my hubby just bought it, havnt fixed it up. is it gd, does she like?
Hi sanrio, your boi is fast learner. My gal too lazy to flip leh. But I not so worry as PD said that some bb take as long as 6mths to flip. I not sure if you need to worry for your boy leh. Sorry can't help. BTW, I didn't let Van wear her mittens and bootees once she 2+mths. I think shd be ok if they turn cold initially. I guess his body will regulate his temp as time goes?
sanrio, my baby is nearly 3 weeks and I've stopped putting on mittens and booties on her liao. Cause she doesnt like them so much, plus, I think its good for babies to be able to explore their surroundings with bare hands/feet.

Thnks for offering ur place for the gathering. I'm also for the idea of delivery pizza coz i don't think any of us have time to prepare potluck....do u wanna email us your address? And which saturday is it gonna be?


I stopped mittens for my bb when she was 2.5 - 3 mths onwards...but lately, shes been scratching herself so much and mouthing her hands and fingers persistently i had to put the mittens back again when im not watching her.
Hi ladies,

Thks for sharing your experiences. Your advice really put me more at ease.

Anyone of u let ur baby sleep in air con? What's the best temp where they won't feel too cold?
Allo allo, someone said we hv NE meeting, those in the West can hv their West meeting

My mum n SIL already so called "potty train" Chen Chen. They bring Chen Chen to the sink (for wee wee) or give him potty (for ngh ngh) when they feel like it

I received your pm. Thx a zillion
Will call dat guy. Hopefully the co din go bust. I pg him 3 times he din return call.
U v lucky to get a gd pump dat works well wif battery n transformer. BTW when u use the transformer, do u remove the batteries?
The mummies in New Mum thread meet v often rite. I can't afford to participate in dat thread, v active
Juz when I thot Chen Chen will skip flipping over since he HATES to b put on his tummy, he started flipping over when he reaches the 4th mth. And is flipping most of the time when we put him in the bed/cot. Not to worry, Vane will flip by herself 1 day

Ash is so clever, can flip over now when he is not even 3 mths yet
Chen Chen slept a lot few wks back. He even missed his feeds. Guess dat is when they r going thru growth spurt
I dun let Chen Chen wear mitten n booties anymore. I read dat bb's hands n feets r always cold. U touch their tummy to tell whether they r warm or cold

U recharge the batteries when they r flat or can chrg every now n then?
Thx for offering your plc for the gathering. I can make dessert (aga aga) or cook a simple dish (may need to warm up @ your plc). Gotta c how many of us going. BTW r we brining daddy as well?
Hi mummies,
Writing this message fast b4 i start work.

Where i stay?
Stay opposite SK Methodist Church at Anchorvale.

Need help from mummies who uses Avent milk bags. Do i need to buy the starter kit (the pack that contains the holders, clips n date stickers)? N can i juz pour the EBM from the milk bottles. I'm using Medela pumps n bags (free samples) now. But the Medela bags are simply too expensive ($1 plus per bag), Avent's is so much more affordable, around $7 plus for 40 bags.
I need a reply urgently.
i still put on mittens n bootees for my boy now. oso afraid tat his hands and legs will be cold if i dun put on.

i let my boy sleep in aircon room at nite. initially i put the temp at 27, now reduce to 25. he seems to feel very comfortable in this temp as he always sleep thru the nite.

Chen Chen slept a lot and even missed his feeds?
there's once when my boy din hv his feed for 12 hrs, is it ok?
Hi skyblue, I usu on the aircon at 23 degree.

Hi shook, your Chen Chen is fast with potty training hor? I wonder my mom or mil do the same thing. No, I don't remove batteries if I remove the transformer. I think so too at least now she'll turn to lie on her side more often these few days.

Hi B2B3M4, I use Avent milk bag and I just pour EBM into the bag directly. I didn't get the starter kit, just bot the clips from Ikea. My col got even better idea, she use those small wire to tighten the bag

Hi ladies, so when we going to meet? Why not those who can make it PM me so that I can consolidate an attendance list? Can provide me your name, bb's name and hubby's name (if he comes along)?
B2B3M4, thanks for offering your place.
You can e-mail me your address. My e-mail is [email protected]
Please help us set the time - and we can discuss if it is okay with everyone. I think I can bring a fresh fruit salad if I am not bringing the pram... or else cannot come myself. May I know if the daddies are welcomed? If so, then I'll bring my maid to help out if my hubby can't make it.

Sorry... don't use Avent milk bags... so can't help u there.

Sanrio, I do the same as pringles regarding the mittens issue. In addition, when we are in the shopping area with air-con, I put on his mittens and booties as well.

Skyblue, Ethan has been sleeping with the air-con switched on since birth. I (also like Jaz) put the temp at 27 initially... now have lower the temp to 25 as well. However, Ethan does not sleep thru' the night yet.

Last night Ethan poor thing... mummy overfed him... make him so uncomfortable... crying, and having stomachache coz too full. What to do, I came back late yesterday and my maid was already feeding him. About an hour later, he wanted to suck... so I gave him one side.. to nurse to sleep... and then when he fell asleep, he dropped the nipple and cried again. So I gave him the other side... imagine how much he was drinking!! So he was so uncomfortable the whole night.

Jaz, I think as long as he is well and doesn't look sick. It is ok for them to sleep thru without feeding. But 12 hrs sure is long, man!
tks mummies. ok, will put on the mittens n bootees only when 'necessary'. ai yo..he loves to scratch his eyes/nose n nowadays even scratch his head..
i on 23 for aircon. oh no, w'out aircon, ashrel cant sleep well. put on long pants for him n still short sleeve shirt.

giggler n foreverfriend,
ashrel is a v active boy, like to explore 'new thgs'. i m 'teaching' him flashcards, me ks, no lah, keke, shd make use of my tx at hm. he seems to 'understd'. tat day i flash 'apple'. repeat in noon n evening. by evening wen i flash apple, he gives a 'i know' smile n wen i flash new card, he stares at it. dun noe is it effective?? anyway, for fun n for his learning.

since i at home, i started potty training ashrel (esp poo poo) since he is 1mth++. now whenever he wan to poo, will show me a 'special' expression (even now hubby can tell) n i will quickie brg potty. he dun like to poo in diaper n dirty himself anymore since. if i slow, he will 'scream', telling mummy he wan poo poo. so in shopping ctr, no choice, he will cry n cry while poo in his diapers. once fin clean up, will give a wide smile.
hello all,
so are we mtg in b2b3m4 place?? when? me n Ashrel shd b able to make it.

tks. yeah! so the 'westerners' can mt in ur place. the 'easterners' shd join us too.
who r the westerners here har?

i also use the IKEA clips with the avent bags, then after the bag is frozen, change to rubberband to secure.
Hi Emily, just click on my nick to PM me.

Hi sanrio, me lazy mummy still haven got time to do flash cards for Van. Sigh..

Hi jul, I'm 'westerners' at Jurong West.
Hi ladies,

Just to check with you when did your babies start drooling/teething? I read that usually it starts about 3-4 months but my baby started drooling when she is only 2 months...kinda worried if thats normal.
QSG, drooling is not a sure sign of teething. Check her gums... if they are red and swollen. But that too is not a sign (that's what my pedi told me). Some bbs will have teeth come out even when gums are not swollen. So it is very difficult to know.

Drooling might be coz saliva glands are starting to be activated. Ethan is not really drooling now, but he is definitely getting more salvia as he just choke on it frequently. In addition, he seems to enjoy making his salvia bubble and foam them in front of the mouth... gross!
Wow! Am impressed with your potty-training efforts.
so, which type of potty do u buy for him?? I was thinking of starting potty-training for Ethan too... Kiddy Palace has so many designs... am confused. Should we get the normal round one... like the ones we get when we were young.. or the oval type... or the "throne"?? Do u think they are too young to use the throne (i.e. like a chair, but is actually a potty and you can take the bottom part out to wash)?

Am thinking of starting the flashcard too... but so many cards to print... like a waste of ink. I only have the flashcard ones (dots) for numbers. What kind of paper did u use for flashcard? Is it the normal paper? What about the words one? How do u know which words to use? Did u buy them from popular?

The gums are not red or swollen just that there is 1 part which is whiter than normal reddish colour.She also kept making saliva bubbles till they drip on her clothing.
hi QSG,
yes my boy is oso like wat emily describes exactly. i dun tink he's teething yet thou.

yes the 'normal' type will do. but i din buy tat, my frd gave me 1 'flatter' type like wat mothercare has. u're right, they are too young to sit on those fanciful one. wat i do is, i carry him (cf lady taught me how to cos if uncomfortable, they wont poo n wld struggle) n let him poo into the potty. so hard to describe, next tx i carry him to demonstrate okie. oso at this 'age', too young to 'ng4' them, only if they abt to poo, then 'ng4' them, else they wld struggle n detest potty training. my mum said it's gd i start early as wen he's a little bigger, wont have prob if i make him sit on potty at fixed tx.
rgding the flashcards, i email u n describe more okie else mayb too long to write here
is it [email protected]

wat is ur email, i can write u. during preg, i read up books on flashcards n since i have tx at hm now, so started 'trying'. i bought the 'recommended' materials n made the cards myself. if u buy originals fr the supplier, it's few hundreds bucks.

edi opposite leh... he dun like being put on the potty.... everytime we do so, he will cry and stop shitting... he rather shit onto his diapers... dirty fellow...
