(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Everyone's quiet again... This thread moving v slow these days.

Heard you partied the night b4, then end up can't come to our gathering ah...
Very busy this week preparing biz prz for management review after CNY. Thanks for the pics. Elliot looks more like daddy hor.

The bak gua almost finished liao...before CNY...hahahaha..nice and yummy. Your camera pic very clear

Yeah, Alicia loves skirts and dresses more these days
Join us in the next gathering leh, nvr see you before.
Oh the bb is so lovely. I miss baby so much.

Giggler when thru C sec for 3 x?

A'dad, Sorry sorry didnt respond to ur post. Cannot make it leh.... Hubby working and very hard for me to bring 2 out alone. I hope to join in next round.

I think everyone busy with CNY preparation.

Alicia's Daddy,
Aiyooo, better drink more 'liang cha'. I took 3 - 4 pcs the other day, immediately at night I kanna sore throat liao.
hahaha... yah lor, we went prawning till 2am. Surprisingly the kids stayed up as well but Jay din take it well.. so next day he was down with very bad running nose. We din wan to smear mucus on A's dad sofa so din go...wahahaha.

yeap... think all busy with CNY preparation. 2 nite back we prepare the superior stock for reunion dinner till 3am. Till now I still haven't complete the preparations. *sob*

A's dad,
ay... u having peng cai for CNY dinner right? Yesterday we went for the Crystal Jade one... very salty! Prepare more drinks for your family k

You sending your son to swimming lesson at Bayshore? Could I have the contact? Let me know if he's good. May wanna send my girl there too.
Is there only 1 instructor at Bayshore coz I saw one that I thot wasn't that responsible. He left the kids to swim while he went to change into his trunks. Felt he should have changed before going for the lesson and if anything happens while the kids are swimming, who's gonna save them. Hopefully that's not the instructor.
Hi hi... So sorry that I couldnt make it to A's dad for the gathering. I'll arrange another one after my cf hor. Hehehe...

Pigletz/A's dad, thanks for visiting me at the hosp.

Pigletz, thanks for posting the pic.

Hong, yup, I went thru 3 c-sections.
No prob


I drink a lot of water
, but we kept the bak kwa away from Alicia and Adrian. Adrian having cough now.

Ordered Peng Cai from Tong Lok. Will be taking away on CNY eve for our reunion dinner at home. Hope that it will be nice, as recommended

No problem
Hope you have a good rest and an enjoyable CF.
A's dad,
tks for opening ur nice hm for d gathering. was great to c d mums, dads n toddlers agn.

tks for d pictures. can email 2 pictures to me so tat i cld put on blog. tks. ash has lots hair, cher super little. same like nat n elliot case?

congrats. take care n see u n kids af ur cfment.
arrange gathering my place har? we getting new mj tiles :p

A's dad,
take picture and do a review on it leh. We had the 500bucks version at Vivocity Crystal and I couldn't take more than 10 pcs of items cos it was so salty. kinda disappointed cos i was so looking forward to trying peng cai. If Tung Lok one better, next year i can try again...hahhahaha

In case all too busy to log in after today...



Happy Chinese New Year to Everyone

No not send Ryan for swimming at bayshore..that coach there doesn't have space for him..so still looking around.
Wat's your email?
Yup, same lor, nat more hair, elliot little. But my mom told me when I was 1, I had even less hair than Elliot!
No time to read thru the posts

Congrats Giggler Weclome to mummy of Mickey

Wish everyone a healthy, safe, happy, bountiful n mei fan nao yr of ox
Pics of the Peng Cai from Tong Lok.
Overall, the food is nice, esp the goose liver

I have not tried Cystal Jade before, so cannot compare, but I do hear about not so nice feedback on Crystal Jade version.

Pump in office definitely stressful. Gotta chop chop finish asap. Sometimes held up by discussion, phone calls, etc
V pek chek to feed child who eats slowly hor
V fast hor, gotta register our elder kid for P1 next yr. Wow!!! I already decided to send Chen Chen to my alma mater in Tampines. It's not near yet not too far fm my parents' plc

I wanna bf Png Png till he auto weans. To b fair similar to wat I did to Chen Chen. Though Chen Chen wz not really auto wean (weaned due to my miscarriage), it wz more of an easy weaning for both Chen Chen n I Secondly due to Png Png's condition, all the more I hv to bf him for as long as he wanted. Not I hao lian, his condition had a quick turn when I started to latch him on. I thot I wld loss him. His condition went yo yo n the snr consultant even commented "your bb is smiling, he shld b ok" Tis comment gave me a feeling dat the Dr had done their best n praying for the gd

Do u give your frozen ebm to a regular taker?
Both my boys (Chen Chen when young) treat car as nursing rm. Once in the car only they wanna nurse, even sleeping oso will cry for nursing. Png Png won't ask to b nursed when he is full
I lug Png Png where ever I go except to work. Anyway when I m not working, I m expected to look after him my own
Block duct v tong ku. I had it more often during Chen Chen's time Once I even thot I wz going to die

Mickey? Giggler's #3 rushed to come out in the yr of rats. Boi is Mickey. I m a mummy of Mickey n so is Giggler

There is always 2 sides of a coin. My kids v gluey to me till I can't catch a breathe. Can't go toilet, can't eat (on wk end, I eat at 4+ pm for the only meal in the day), ..... Chen Chen is understanding. I can sense dat he wants v much of my attention but doesn't bother me when he c dat I m busy or I tell him I m busy

gacc, Brenda, mom2nat
I oso hv receding nails and infection every now n then Sometimes my finger swell, it's v painful. Ouch!

I can't recognise Ethan if not for Mom2nat's narration
None of my kids tried my frozen ebm yet. All I gave away to my fren leh. I feel like cutting down liao, cos Elliot not gaining well, PD say prob he suckle a while, not taking hindmilk, only drank foremilk. Elliot too distracted to drink outside leh. And oso not taking solids tat well, must "hong" to eat. Very siong. Lucky I got maid to help. I can understand tat feeling the child is alwasy stuck to you. With Nat was like tat, now i lazy liao... pass to maid.
Haha... you are so funny! But I agree, block ducts can be v painful, sometimes I can't even carry Elliot cos of tat.

Any photos of Png png?

Re: Chiropractor
Anyone has recommendations? I went to one, supposedly the 1st in sg. But I dunno she good or not. My backache comes and goes and I find it hard to bend sometimes. Tried TCM, ok for a while...
Hi all,
I'm logging in from KKH.
Coughed Gabriel out yesterday 02.02.09 at 8 am. Natural w/o epidural.
3.454 kg, 50 cm

Birth story rather uneventful...
Supposed to go in at 1.30am for prostin induction cos my fluids were low and I was already 2 days past due.

Checked in delivery suite at midnight cos I was already having contractions 5 minutes apart.

Dilation at 3 cm, so my Dr said no need prostin after all, just let labour proceed spontaneously.

So I laboured (yup, really painful and long this time) with the help of some gas (which didn't seem to help very much).

Was quite distressed at the last stage and didn't want midwife to check my dilation. Because of this, dr nearly came late - my fault. I thought the water bag wasn't broken so baby couldn't possibly come out yet!

But Dr did come in the end, and bb was already crowning. He didn't want to cut so he asked me not to push the bb out, instead to cough a few times. Amazingly, some light coughs was all it took and baby popped out. Had a small tear requiring 4 stitches. Bottom feels quite normal (apart from some piles). now. Great not to have an episiotomy! The water bag had burst sometime earlier, but cos there was very little fluid, I hadn't realised it. Got scolded by the midwife, but when you're struggling with the pain, you can't really control your body leh. Hehehe

Here's a photo..

Wah, you get the super mom award!!! I can't even cope with 2 kids and 1 maid!! Even have to rope in mil! Hmmm...
Hi PV, CONGRATS! Woah... thanks for the birth story. Oh... what's baby's name?

hahaa.. guess what! I dreamt last night that I was due in for a induction 1 month before due date... then in the dream I realised that I have not felt baby's movement for long long time. Touched my tummy.. & it seemed too flat for pregnancy! hahaaa... kept dreaming abt having to prepare for Elijah's birthday party... so messy and so many things plus work... too busy! hahaha.. dunno what it all means. Maybe my dream is telling me too busy now for another baby. hahaaa...

Koala, you can't recognise Ethan? hehee.. that's coz we have not met for long long time. Think last time we met was at ur place for BBQ. Woah... that was when I was about 4 months preg with Elijah. Time flies...

Yo, u not in msn ah? I looking for you leh.

I think you are totally ready for #3.

I also have not met up with you for long time leh. Can I date you and your 2 sons?
Whao..3 kids no maid.. must learn from you so can cope next time round

Long time haven't meet up with you and your kiddoes.
My msn hang v long long time ago. Dunno wat happened, I just couldn't login. Maybe my account was hacked or wat lor. So end up I lost all my contacts, gotta re-add again. YOu can add me [email protected]
Pigletz, think u cannot make it as dream reader. hehehe... :p
Think I must be super stressed. I was dreaming about the supernatural last night. Sigh!
congrats! Baby is so lovely.
I always hope to have another one but a teacher of mine said something to me that I decided to stop at 2.
Leng Leng,
My teacher asked if I am thinking of 3rd. I told her yes but my hubby is not prepared.
She said no point having many kids and not able to teach one well. So wat she said really strike me, looking back alot of effort to put in a kid, now two, can i still afford the 3rd giving that we all have work and other commitment.
Thanks everyone!
Home yesterday, and less time to login than when in hospital

My boy's name is Gabriel. Hahaha, your dream is so funny.

It's true. That's why I chose to become a SAHM. Esp for us teachers, what's the point of teaching other peoples' kids so well when we don't have time to teach our own? No offence meant to FTWMs and teachers out here hor. Just my own feeling
Hi all...
I just turned SAHM (again) for a week,
I'm intending to join workforce again when our #3 is 18mths old.

I think it's irresponsible of your teacher to pass such remarks,
what makes her think that FTWParents can't teach their children well?
My parents had been working, still working now,
they have 3 kids and we are doing well now too.
Not the best of the best, average, but happy...
My mum is always against having too little children,
she says too little, you'll spoil them,
have a few more, no time to spoil them,
they'll grow to be independent or be very close to another...
(FYI, 3 of us are very independent & very close to one another

Any idea how many kids does this teacher has?
Or is she (happily) married?
No No Leng Leng,
I think u mistaken my teacher words or may be I didnt bring her meaning over well.

She meant not too over-stretch myself. If I already feel I am not doing enough for 2 and still trying to improve to provide more (in term of time, bread and butter etc.) then may be it is good to stop at 2.

May be for u, u can handle three or even more. She just wanted me to consider in all aspect before I went ahead to have more kids. She not saying to groom the kids to be the best but at least having good conduct.
leng leng
Oh, you become SAHM liao ah.. tot your job quite good, can bring bb there? Must be tough handling 3 kids... hee..

Actually 1 teacher's comment can't hold enough weight to make you decide if you wan #3. It should be a joint decision with your hb. I think it is that teacher's opinion, and being a teacher, she naturally has that teaching instint. Sometimes hor, I find kids just grow up lor, whether we teach, or go enrichment or blah blah, they will still grow up and many grow up well without parents worrying and teaching. If you have 3, they just grow up tog oso. Prob you v siong the first few yrs, later will be better liao.
Anyway, I think you got 1 boy 1 girl, is good if you dun wan another. But if have another, treat as a bonus... hee...
Again, my teacher comment is not targetting at any FTWM or SAHM hor.

she mean well lah... Just a piece of advise. She din ask me to stop. She also encouraging us to have more but want us to be prepared when such decision is made. For my case, both kids are not plan. hahaha.......
I love bbies, may be just go round carry other pple babies will do. hahaha..
sorry I was too worked out when I saw your teacher's comments.
Time - it's up to us to arrange, but most singaporean kids spend them in school & extra classes
bread and butter - Got money, eat branded ones, else settle for cheapest (in our case)

good conduct - I believe manners & conduct starts at home & should be consistant, if we are concious if it, then it should not be a problem.

I agree with mom2nat on "If you have 3, they just grow up tog oso. Prob you v siong the first few yrs, later will be better liao."

But plan further (it's going to be 30years later),
when we are old & sick, the "2" that you love so much will be also very tired to look after us,
always better to have more, else check ourselves into some old folk's home... :p

My 80+ year old grandma,
she's bed ridden with stroke, can't walk on her own anymore,
spend 95% of her time in bed.
She has 12 children & 30+ grandchildren.
But those who visit her regularly are few,
all need to work or have own commitment.

Anyway, there's still time to consider,
or "room" for 3rd accident? hehehe...
Do discuss with DH.

Sorry for my long post this afternoon...
gave up, carrying a 10KG for 10hours daily is too much for me to bear...
My weight had been dropping & dropping, too fast & too much, to a level that my hubby is considering "unhealthy"...
Our elder 2 are in full-day child care,
the siong times are during weekends & school holiday times.
So far so good, they help out a lot at home too.
leng leng
Wah! Your bb so chubby ah, mine 1 yr old liao haven't hit 10kg leh.
I really need to work on the "teaching values" part. I find that cos I get worked up at home easily, my kids are not learning the right things. Sigh... My girl goes to sch half a day only. I think I too impatient lor.
I need to lose weight. Imagine I bf my son, I still so fat. If I stop, chia lat, I will turn obese v fast.

Hee... maybe will have #3 accidentally leh... *grinning*. Your kids got good genes, pretty and oso handsome... can have more lah. HOho...
HI mummies, been addicted to some games lately.. thus MIA...


Hahahha... like the way you describe "Coughed Gabriel out".

Can ask? Does it really help to have P/T helper coming once a week?

The way i 'decipher' your dreams... you are over-worrying about your Es and missing out the fun...hahahhaha

I miss you too!! Can you take turns to date all of us?!?!?

Yeap! Think your teacher's right too... All of us knows our own limits and abilities as a mom. If really a 3rd one comes along and thin out resources to a point of straining, it wouldn't be good for the family. Sometimes got to admit that husbands are in better view of this cos they are the ones watching our 'shoutings' and 'frownings'..hahahhaha

But if really no. 3 comes along unplanned, it's okay too cos must believe what God gives, He will provide.

I'm ready to go out and play once my kids no need me and check into 'Home' if health fails with my notebook. Can't imagine watching them messing up the house when I'm too frail to pick things up!

how come full time childcare still got school holidays one??

last that i seen you.. u look great already... too slim not nice.

Spring is here!! good time to gather for a picnic?
woah.. ur boy looks strong.

A's dad,
ay... u added stock into ur peng cai issit? why so soupy one? think will try Tung Lok one... just heard feedback that Crystal Jade ones not up to standard as well. And I saw ur pics... got more stuff that I would love to eat...wahahahah

Dun MIA leh!! find more hotspots to work!!
we're lucky, their childcare teaches them to put things back where they find them.

Yap, public holidays, teachers retreat days, spring cleaning days, etc. etc...

Hehe.. thank you, power of BREAST MILK!
Thanks. but hor, I put on weight liao... my pants tight liao, and tops can see my 3 layer fats. Sigh... I think I better put the cookies away.
Picnic is nice... sad to say, I haven't brought Nat to picnic b4. She only went with her classmates.

Leng leng
Wah, your boy so big and so much hair.. Err... you like tat say hor, means my breastmilk no power leh!!! Cos my boy not growing as much!!

he's hair born like that,
was told eating lots of beans stuffs will be good for baby,
so when I was pregnant, I took lots of toufu, soya bean drink, etc. etc...

Do you feed on one breast or both breast during a feed?
