(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Elliot's hair v fine... then mommy v mean, put it up! hahaha...


brenda, thanks for your thoughtfulness abt the bbq food.
So you busy making CNY cookies???

Mom2Nat, Elliot looks like Nat in certain angle hor???? Wow, you got one handsome son!!!
Date: Jan 18, Sunday
place: My humble hse
Time : 230pm onwards
Event : Potluck

Who's going:
1) Giggler (1A,2K) - fruit salad
2) pigletz (2A,2K) - Bak Kwa
3) Alicia Daddy (2A,2K)
4) Mom2nat (2A,2K)
5) Sanrio (2A,2K)
Elliot looks so different now. Look more like u now.

CNY cookies or Snack - I agree with Brenda. One of the taxi driver which I took one day told me those CNY cookies at the Chinatown are made months ahead before CNY at Indonesia and then shipped here. Imagine the amt of preservative added in.

So I rather pay more to buy from reputated shop like pine garden for pineapple tarts or if I have time and know how to make. My own cookies.
I just made love letter using the love letter maker. Very easy to make. All can try out.
I have the batter recipe if anyone wants.

U can get the Takada love letter maker from NTUC which is the cheaper I can find, cost only $33.90
hong, I used to make pineapple tarts and almond cookies b4 I preg. Then my parents will make the 'kok zai'. I like leh cos got CNY mood.
I think u better rest this time. Going to due soon right. Hahhaa.. Leave the CNY cookies next year lor.

I have no helper leh, very siong for me to do so much.
I like that spiky look.

I see Elliot look like daddy leh

Date: Jan 18, Sunday
place: My humble hse
Time : 230pm onwards
Event : Potluck

Who's going:
1) Giggler (1A,2K) - fruit salad
2) pigletz (2A,2K) - Bak Kwa
3) Alicia Daddy (2A,2K) - I will prepare drinks, some finger foods, and chicken wings (roast)
4) Mom2nat (2A,2K)
5) Sanrio (2A,2K)

Who else?
Brenda - check with your emperor already?
Koala? (come lar, Alicia miss Chen)

I will send email to you on my home address by Friday.
After 2 swim lessons, here is my feedback on the instructor. Alicia's class has 5 kids including her now. The instructor's focus is on strokes (breast stroke), and water confidence as this is gear towards the water confidence courses (bronze, silver, gold) which they can take at later age. He is patience but strict to the kids, yet do not force the kid if the kid choose not to do things that he instructed. So far, I am comfortable with the teaching. There are other instructors in the area, but for some reasons, I find that his personality is more kids-friendly although one of my friend say his action a little "girlish"...hahahaha.
I bringing my maid.

Date: Jan 18, Sunday
place: My humble hse
Time : 230pm onwards
Event : Potluck

Who's going:
1) Giggler (1A,2K) - fruit salad
2) pigletz (2A,2K) - Bak Kwa
3) Alicia Daddy (2A,2K) - I will prepare drinks, some finger foods, and chicken wings (roast)
4) Mom2nat (3A,2K) - haven't tot of wat to bring yet. Hee...
5) Sanrio (2A,2K)

Who else?
Brenda - check with your emperor already?
Koala? (come lar, Alicia miss Chen)
Hi Mummies and Daddy,
been busy lately with the kids.

Date: Jan 18, Sunday
place: My humble hse
Time : 230pm onwards
Event : Potluck

Who's going:
1) Giggler (1A,2K) - fruit salad
2) pigletz (2A,2K) - Bak Kwa
3) Alicia Daddy (2A,2K) - I will prepare drinks, some finger foods, and chicken wings (roast)
4) Mom2nat (3A,2K) - haven't tot of wat to bring yet. Hee...
5) Sanrio (2A,2K)
6) Ruffy (2A, 2K)- What you want? cupcakes, cookies, cake?

A's Daddy,
thanks for your feedback. Am also waiting on another friend's swim coach- this one at bayshore $12.50/lesson Pay-As-You go..so will see which one/timing is more suitable for Ryan.
hi all,
wanted very much to go swimming today cos got too much pent up frustrations and my back muscles are so tensed that i can't turn my head properly now. But when i walk all the way there... the pool was closed. *sob*

So i vent it out in the kitchen..hahhaha

Baked a sponge cake for the Js snack. Made layered agar agar.. then cooked a hearty soup for dinner. Then made the fried surimi and spring roll crackers.

Conclusions :
~ dun vent frus in the kitchen.. will end up wit a lot of washing to do

~ the surimi is nice but hb felt it will go better with porridge than as a cny snacks..hahhahah. I think its a good substitute to cuttlefish snack. But hor.. looks easy, still need skill to unroll it before shredding. Alas wun be crisp enuf.

~ spring roll crackers. NICE!! i wonder whether can bake it.. then it will be even healthier...hahhaa

no lah.. will do the actual snacks next week when its nearer to the date.

i hope to make kok zai too but dun think i can make it leh...hahahah. no confident to handle the peanuts... i always burn them.

he des look like nat when young hor... put their pics at the same age together leh.

saw that love letter maker as well.. but din get it cos most comment its thicker than olden love letters... hb wanted to get the traditional plates cos we hv charcoal stove... but i think i will really feel like a jaded auntie if i do so..hhahahah... imagine squat there and "beng gang"

hi all,
any one mastered the layered agar agar with coconut milk? can share experience? my first attemtp din turn out that well
Date: Jan 18, Sunday
place: My humble hse
Time : 230pm onwards
Event : Potluck

Who's going:
1) Giggler (1A,2K) - fruit salad
2) pigletz (2A,2K) - Bak Kwa
3) Alicia Daddy (2A,2K) - I will prepare drinks, some finger foods, and chicken wings (roast)
4) Mom2nat (3A,2K) - haven't tot of wat to bring yet. Hee...
5) Sanrio (2A,2K)
6) Ruffy (2A, 2K)- What you want? cupcakes, cookies, cake?
7) Brendali (2A, 2K) - otak (n stingray if i can find)
Here is 1 more photo of Elliot

The funny thing is they both look alike when young, but put the pics tog dun look alike! Hmmm...
brenda, my parents started making the kok zai liao. Dun really find them nice but dun dare to tell my parents. Heehee...

Mom2Nat, the pic dun look alike leh. How come like that?????
I oso dunno leh, when I look at Nat's photo last time, look v much like Elliot, but just can't pin point on a particular photo to compare.
hahahha... a boy and gal version thus dun seems to look alike.

jiayou jiayou in bf'ing

i helped my aunts to make them when young too.. looks simple but as usual a lot of skills lor. skin cannot too thick.. thin must 'bao' w care. peanut cannot overburn alas will taste bitter etc etc. Ur parent consider good... my aunts all retire cos lazy....hahhahah

hb have been pointing out to me one habit of jem which he is concerned. Basically Jem draws.. sometime obsessively. So whenever he is angry or sad... we'll see a few pages of sad faces, rainy days, angry look, hearts that's crossed out. When he is jealous, he will draw jay smiling and cross him out then shout "didi cannot be happy." Latest being he quarrel w hb over tv channels, he ran to take paper n start to cross out a number 8 and tick Cartoon Network logo to show us.

Hb is concern that he is not voicing out his frustration and turn to drawings. Should I really be concern? He has no problem in school and opening up more to friends.. but still prone to depressions every now and then lor
try hand expressed to clear the ducts. i find hands does d best job. is it due to Elliot drking lesser now? i m still nursing cher n i dun noe how to wean her off leh..

wah! how do u find tx to do all d cny goodies? i like to bake but tink of d washing, put me off. my hands are allergic to detergent n i've gotten infection on my fingers many tx already. lazy me suppose to use barrier cream n gloves but i find gloves ley chay. do u use gloves?
Alicia's daddy n all
Regret dat I can't join the gathering. Haven't spring clean hse, wash CNY clothes, deco hse.......jia liat My hseman shut his inverted crescent moon mouth when I ask him abt the gathering.

I dun like to deep fry food leh Pan fry can or not har?
Thx for sharing another recipe. I think add sesame seed taste even more pang
Do streteching exercise

I like Elliot 's stand up hair

Hey Nat n Elliot look somewat alike in dat 2 pic but Nat doesn't look like her usual self in dat pic

Hong, Brenda
Envy u gals bake CNY cookies. Png Png koala to me whenever I m @ home esp at 9. He only wants me.

Giggler, Brenda
Kok zai a lot of work

Mom2nat, gacc
I m v stressed out over ebm. Can't pump much SS drops since I took maxolon for gastric. GP told me maxolon increase milk ss but doesn't work on me leh. Png Png increases his dd n doesn't like solid food. Now 10mth still taking 1 solid meal. Sometimes esp wk end wif me, doesn't even wanna eat his solid food. He latch on v fast, can't tandem pump much. Worse he doesn't want frozen ebm. He is picky in his food
i oso heard maxalon wld increase milk ss but i tink somtx medication wont work. dun b stressed cos wld affect ss. undstd is tough esp got to handle 2 kids n working mum. cher is more picky n particular over her food taste/texture too n she eats very slowly. she wld fin her food but mus slowly slowly feed. very different fr ash.

Primary School:
now start to panic a little over ash's P1 registration next yr. wanted to send him to d pri school tat i was from but it's in TPY n so far. nearer my hse those gd schools like hotcakes, mus do voluntary work w no g'tee. not tat we are agst neighbourhood sch but there isnt any 'not too bad' ones near our place leh.
Koala, yup, kok zai lots of work that why dun dare to tell my parents that it's not nice. Dun stress over EBM, you've done a great job, bfg for so long.

gacc, are you joining us on 18th Jan? I got PV forms but have not submitted to the sch.
You so clever, Nat doesn't look her usual self cos she usually v smily when bb. Whereas this Elliot more stone! hahaha...
My ss oso up and down. sometimes got more then I freeze, but until now I haven't given Elliot frozen one yet. I gave them away. Elliot more distracted, I have a harder time feeding him outside. Can you believe, I bring him out, end up I engorged cos he dun wan to drink and I no bring pump. Sigh... Worse are those nursing rooms tat looks enticing, he can't concerntrate. Ironic hor...

Tks. Thank God the block duct cleared up last night after Elliot fed in early this morning. Otherwise so pain leh. I find bf is convenient, yet not oso, cos no need bring milk botles out, but when i go out without him, i need to time my outings and oso bring pumps sometimes.
hahahha... sensitive question. Many ask me how i fid time to do baking, gardening, manicure and still keep pets.. can only say when the heart is willing, the body just get it done.

i'm having receding nails and infection every now n then too. But also lazy to use glove leh.. but will make it a point to use cream.

think pan fry will end up oily n cannot keep. mebbe if i buy surimi again i try oven bake then tell u.

hahaha... u r blessed that ur kids wan to be with u longer. Mine already hv their own agenda n programmes. I have to make it a point to get them sit down w me for activities.
No problem. Ask your hseman to visit his relative downstairs lor

PM us already. Thanks!

OK, anyway we will not run away from the hse..hahaha. Tell me about your volunteer in RC when we meet.
Ok, the photos. I din realise Nat's hair so messy! hahaha...

Actually their height not v accurate like tat, cos depends on the angle of the camera and oso how they stand.
Ethan was slouching, Gareth too busy looking down with his jelly. Oh, Ethan is such a darling, I ask him to smile, he just kept smiling for me to take photos!! Hee... Can see Elijah wants to join in the fun here oso.
Elliot was delighted to find so many trains around.

Thank you A's daddy and his family for inviting us over. We had a great time, though it was a drive to the otherhalf of the island.
Hi hi hi... I sure enjoyed myself. Thanks for the pics Mom2Nat.. I didn't take any coz was busy trying to organise the kids. hehee... too bad we couldn't get Ryan to join in the pic for the 2004 kids. :p Think next time we should try getting them to sit on the sofa like previously. maybe easier. :p

thanks A's dad for opening ur lovely home to the gathering. my kids sure had fun. think they love the big windows the best... coz of the view they can see - swimming pool & tennis court. ethan & elijah kept asking me to go see no one swim or see people swimming in there. hahaaa..
Alicia is a very cheerful and confident girl. Felt very welcomed in her house.

I had a lovely time catching up with all and seeing all these kids grow. Wonder how much time we have for gatherings next time when the kids grow bigger... like in pri schools. hahahaa... we may be busy driving them up and down tution classes to meet up. Told my hb it was a pity he missed this gathering coz it was unusual that the daddys get to sit around, relax in front of makan and just chat together! hahahaa... I remember for BBQs etc, the poor daddys will have to BBQ for us. :p

Congrats Giggler! Too bad we missed u yesterday. Think if u had given us ur hospital address, we might have shifted the gathering there. eehheeee... and tear the whole hospital down. :p
Hi Mummies and Daddies,
So glad to have meet up yesterday. As our kids grows up, think we have more time to sit down and chit chat more.

Thanks for sharing the photos. I didn't take bring my camera as I am so busy running here and there the whole day. haha

Ya, agree that the height measurement is not accurate. They are also not standing straight.

Thanks for the cake. Taste Yummy. Btw, did you notice that Gareth follow you down? I still don't know if he follow you down or he go down by himself.

Alicia's Daddy,
Thanks for having us at your place. We enjoy ourselves very much. Alicia is a great host, sharing her toys and do craft work for the kids. ;)

RE: gathering
Thanks for coming over to my hse.
Our family enjoyed the time with all of you, and also the food, yummy, yummy
Glad all of you enjoyed yourselves too.

Thanks for the pic.
Can send me the pics via email. hehe, I like the one taken with Nat.

Pri sch is just 2 years away for our #1
. If we meetup, we could be talking about the syllabus in schools, and CCA?? hahaha..
Mommies, interested?

Thomson Junior Angels Club
Private Stargazing Session At the Observatory

View the night sky, be amazed by the scale of the solar system, constellations, nebulae and galaxies.

Find out interesting facts about the Sun, Earth, Moon & the other planets in the solar system. Learn more about
Eclipse & natural phenomena through a series of demonstrations.

Especially for Junior Angels Club members, we have booked the whole observatory for you and family so you can enjoy the night out
Together without jostling with the crowds.

Date : Thursday 19th February 2009
Time : 8pm - 10pm
Venue : Observatory at Science Centre - Jurong East
Fees : $15.00/participant (JAC member & family)
$20.00/participant (Non JAC member & family)
Free for children below 2 years old.
(Inclusive of : Entrance fees & Special goodie bag for children & refreshments)

Programmes : Interactive Astronomy Talk
1 hour & 20 minutes of Star Gazing Session

Closing date : 30th January 2009

Registration : By Phone 6358 0055 / 6350 8876 or

By Email [email protected] or

Download online form at www.thomsonmedical.com/junior_angel.htm

Hope to see you there!
Limited seats available, so book yours early!
