(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies


Let's poll, who is keen on BBQ on this dates:

1) 10 Jan 2009
2) 11 Jan 2009
3) 16 Jan 2009
4) 17 Jan 2009

Hope that there is response.
Dr refused to issue letter coz wz too young to assess then We din ask after dat

Try your best to remember not to eat sotong.
Chen Chen likes to dilly-dally too He always laze on the sofa. He threw tantrum v v often when I wz preggie. Improves a lot now I use the sticker system

I borrow books fm library teaching abt behavior for Chen Chen
How come your maid teats Sher better?

I already lament Png Png still can't call me mummy
I still can't c anything dat Png Png is more advance than Chen Chen leh
Chen Chen spoils his toy easily since day 1. The F1 remote ctrl car I bot for his X'mas present the front (dunno wat u call it) broke 2nd time he played wif it, 1 wheel came off 3rd time he played wif it.
I headache thinking of spring cleaning
Can share recipe of shred surimi (the artificial crab meat) n fry as snacks during cny?

Alicia's daddy
Oh u referring to Jap octopus Their sashimi oso hv octopus
Boi normally faster in motor development as compared to gal. H/w Chen Chen is faster in his speech development than motor development but he is v gd wif gadgets He even taught me how to operate Avent uno when both my hubby n I were trying to fig out how to operate the pump

Chen Chen ever threw an empty box dwn the window. The owner at the ground level pasted a v bad cursing note on the lift wall How did the security guard know the things were thrown fm your unit?

The words u quoted fm Roy is so familiar. Chen Chen oso said those

I still remember Janelle gave in toy to Chen Chen at Nat's b'dy party
"There are times that her temper get so bad that I pull her for a shower, I said she need to cool down using another method. "

Giggler, Hong
Chen Chen doesn't wanna take pic too He snatches camera or turns his face away

Gosh such parents. Wat kinda kids will theirs b can imagine

16 Jan is Fri
Err..... I dun facy bbq leh coz I hate to bbq I always wait for ppl to bbq for me.
pigletz / giggler
I oso love bbq, worse still, the pit is downstairs my house. So each time a bbq, I can smell. Then I ask my hb how come pple's prawns and food smell so nice, but not mine. He say same, tell me next time when we have bbq, ask me to come home and smell from upstairs isit the same!!

Sorryz, 10th my neighbour got bbq for her girl, so i can't go.
so did u went for the fireworks? we were at labrador park but quite far away. boon lay had foam party...hahaha

happy new year n more cakes ahead!!

jem only this christmas manage to maintain his remote car as well. think remote cars tends to spoil easier cos they get overly excited plus all the banging and crashing...

i'll look for the recipe later when i'm back from school yah

u go for the bbq... if i'm there i'll get the food for u k

hahhaha... we share the same agony, bbq pit downstairs. at times when the craving gets real bad.. i use my charcoal stove for boiling soup to bbq :p

I can't confirm my attendance yet cos still need to prep for CNY. But will try my best to attend.

Hi all,
I got a crazy start on 2009. Things are not slowing down yet cos crazy things keep happening to affect my mood and health. Give you pppl an idea..

Sunday went to a florist nursery nearby my place to look see for cny plants.. step out only see people quarrelling over some parking issues. They made such a scene thus spoil my mood for viewing the flowers. Who knows both vehicles owners, one van one expensive car decided to bang headfront right in front of our car! Haiz~ no wonder our govt says our elders are not growing old gracefully.

Monday was my Js first day of school so hb not working too. When rushing out, we saw a msg scribbled on the lift wall right outside our lift level saying my unit owe money. No choice got to rush them to school and try to settle them first. Then called the police... Thank goodness, not only my floor got it so it was a prank.

and my boys? Jem yawning away in the class... Jay decide to just go to sleep.

Yupz~ that's just a glimpse of what's been happening at my side. Pray for me an easier day today k... cos i'm on my own with the two boys...hehehhe
Sorry, didn't know that my eyes playing a trick on me. 16 Jan 2009 is a Friday. hehe

Let's poll again.
1) 10 Jan 2009
2) 11 Jan 2009
3) 17 Jan 2009
4) 18 Jan 2009

Also, place.
1) East Coast Park
2) Laborador Park

When can you make it leh? I long time no see u liao too. Also, I haven't met your #2 b4 leh.

Just come and eat. haha, we can all bbq for you.
My hubby always chef when it comes to bbq.

haha, you always busy. Slow down and relax. Things will still work out well.
Re: Gathering
I ok with all dates except 17 Jan. I'll prefer Labrador cos nearer to me. Hehehe...

Shook, maid takes care of Sher from day 1 since he's born so both of them esp attached to each other.

brenda, aiyo... what a yr!!! You dun get down lah, heard lots of bad news ard me this new yr. Sigh... How's your day today with your boys??? Hope everything went smoothly. Wish you all the luck in the coming Ox yr!

Mom2Nat, your hb really cute leh. Asked you to go to your flat and smell bbq food. Hahaha...

Things are still working fine arh... just adrenalin pumping that's all.

ay... possible to slow down meh? now that our no. 1 knows how to joining the fun already... hahahahah, i find that we really play more now cos jem has more ideas to play now.

ay ay ay... i din say bad news leh.. i say 'crazy'. I didn't get banged leh.. that's good new. But seeing two cars go and bang each other.. bang already still step on accelerator kind.. it's crazy! hahahahah

As for the scribbles.. Bad news is for the guy whose numbrs was used in the prank.. I will just put my new 40" LCD TV box outside my door to shut any neighbours' mouths...hahahhah, no lah! I am in good terms with my neighbours!

My day going to start now... bringing the boys to school.

CIAO ALL~ Chat with u gals later...

Let see if anyone response to any date anot. If not, then we can still have it on your preferred date. Will do it at laborador then.
As long as got few families, we can have bbq liao.

But of cos, the more the merrier. ;)
Yah lor, long time no meet liao. But this period v busy lor. 11th or 18th is ok, but my boy sleeps early 7+pm leh. So tats why evenings i go out must go home early, or go without him. Hmmm....

hahaah... like watching movie action live leh, right under your nose!
Hi all,
Don't know why I find going to school with the kids very tiring leh. I peifu those mummies that have been accompanying theirs to school everyday.

Anyway, things went on fine as Jay decides to sleep thru the class again. hahahhaah, the teacher ask me is he enjoying the aircon too much.

ay... sat slot for labrador bbq taken up soon.


today hb called me to inform me his office has 5 colleagues received calls with kids sobbing shouting kidnap. naturally my motherly protective ninstinct upz a level n stay close to my boys even tho i know its some con calls. Somehow the tv shows stories are reflecting in my life recently leh.
Thanks, I have check too. 10th January totally taken.

Thus, only left:

- 11th Jan (Sun)
- 17th Jan (Sat) one pit left but Giggler can't make it
- 18th Jan (Sun)

So, 11th Jan or 18th Jan?

Mom2Nat/Giggler/Koala, you want to confirm the date and we go ahead?
I oso find it tiring to ferry Nat to sch, to and fro end up not much time left. My fren has 3 kids, she walks them to sch, diff timings and sch!! Rain or shine. NO maid.

Where is the pit?
Actually I managed to get a pit on the 24th at my place, but hor, my hb say too leychey, cos CNY period! sigh
Labrador park v far leh, and hor, with so few of us, so many kids, who is gg ot bbq?? My hb sure protest, Sigh... Have more pple easier i think. Ask a's daddy open house again lah!! Err.. btw, how come he so quiet ah. NOt in sg?
Mom2nat, why don't u open house for BBQ? ehheheee... :p

Am interested in gathering too, but must see when it is then will know if I can make it. Has been a looong time since we met up with sanrio, mom2nat, etc etc..
Would be lovely if we can find sometime to sit around, chit chat & watch the kids run around. ahhaa...
Hi all,
Date: any is fine with us but not 17th
Place: Labrador Park or A's dad place??
sorry, wld not b joining d bbq.
The pits here are fully booked for weekends. I only managed to get 24th evening, but by then Giggler prob gave birth liao and tat day we oso having reunion dinner at home.
BBQ can't sit ard and chat We sit and chat, then hb bbq? Then kids run who see?
ur fren's one of those amazing mums.. Today is my 3rd day only and I'm thankful they dun allow parents to follow already..hahhaha

u heard about the phone scams on tv news right... which someone will call during school hours to say they gotten ur kids, then ask u to transfer money. Some of the callers are not even in Singapore. But it's sad to hear that there are really kids crying to let them pull of the scams.

why cannot on 17th? Me too leh... it's my hb's bdae...hehehhehe. Same for ur side?

RE : Gathering
Maybe the mummies are open for this option as well?

Date : 18th Jan (since most seems okay with this date), 3pm

Venue : One cafe at Vivo City (It's near Labrador as initially suggested.. but easier to access)

**Look out for those cafes with good corners that big groups can gather without disturbing. I know Bon Bon Cafe has a room which can partition off for 4 families. Marche's has good corners too n wun hv much crowd at 3pm. The other one is the Hog's Breathe Cafe. Any other good suggestion?

Activities : Someone bring along a portable DVD player or laptop to screen kid's movie? photocopy colouring books for a session etc? n the adults eat and talk lor..

I can provide some stuff but i seriously don't know if i canmake it on that date yet
Another suggestion. let's park ourselves in the beach. Kids can entertain themselves with sand play... hbs won't need to supervise so much & we can eat & chat. :p
seems like not much response leh.

Why not fixed it on 18 January. Then we get the number of pple going 1st.

Those joining:
1) pigletz
2) Giggler
3) Mom2nat
4) brenda?
5) sanrio?
6) Emily?
7) koala?
pigletz, think only 2 of us are the cfm ones for the dates 18 Jan. Hahaha... think we better dun do bbq if it's just us.
I am in SG. Mobile office now, so seldom log on

OKie, Jan 18th come to my house. Maybe just gather, have some snacks/finger food, and let the kids tear the house down..hahaha. Bring along your swim suit if you want to soak in hot water jacuzzi
3pm - 7pm?
Me gotta confirm w my Emperor of the Week how he wans to celebrate his birthday before knowing whether i can join u gals...hahahha

A's dad,
Way to go!!! So nice of u to open place again

Date: 18 Jan 2009
Venue: Alicia's Daddy place
Time: ??????
BBQ or Potluck?

Who's going:
1) Giggler
2) pigletz
3) Alicia Daddy
4) brenda?
5) Mom2nat?
6) koala?
7) Emily?
8) sanrio?
Alicia's Daddy,
I see.
I think if it's BBQ, 6-10pm will be better right? not so hot. hehe

So do you still crave for BBQ?
My hubby bubble wrapped Chen Chen's remote ctrl car (front n back) but other parts spoiled
Reminds me of a videoclip abt 2 lady drivers banging on ea other
Hey wish u all the best wif immediate effect
Thx for the recipe Hv u tried b4? I like to eat crab stick but deep fried singful hor

Oh no wonder your maid saiyang Sher more She will oso saiyang your coming bb a lot

R u still staying in Sengkang?

Alicia's daddy
Thx for opening your plc for the gathering

Gathering on Sun quite tough for me Gotta clean up my wk end villa n wash Png Png's clothes b4 going to my parents' plc. I can't confirm Gotta check wif my hseman
Okay, then we have potluck at Alicia's Daddy home.

Alicia's Daddy,
Can you let us know what time is good for you?

Yes, still staying in SengKang. Go for the gathering lah, I long time no see u already and I have not met Png Png yet leh.
Date: Jan 18, Sunday
place: My humble hse
Time : 230pm onwards
Event : Potluck

Who's going:
1) Giggler
2) pigletz
3) Alicia Daddy
4) brenda?
5) Mom2nat?
6) koala?
7) Emily?
8) sanrio?
Hmmm... no leh, me no hear of phone scams like tat b4. So scary.

A's daddy
Wah... tats nice... I should be able to attend, but no time to prepare food, so prob buy something instead.
heheh.. i kaypoh to help :

Date: Jan 18, Sunday
place: My humble hse
Time : 230pm onwards
Event : Potluck

Who's going:
1) Giggler (1A,2K)
2) pigletz (2A,2K)
3) Alicia Daddy (2A,2K)
4) Mom2nat (2A,2K)
5) Sanrio (2A,2K)

come on come on!! its CNY.. time to gather n party! jiayou jiayou

or should i go "tong tong tong chiang! tong tong tong chiang!"
Date: Jan 18, Sunday
place: My humble hse
Time : 230pm onwards
Event : Potluck

Who's going:
1) Giggler (1A,2K) - fruit salad
2) pigletz (2A,2K)
3) Alicia Daddy (2A,2K)
4) Mom2nat (2A,2K)
5) Sanrio (2A,2K)
haven think leh..

ay.. shall i buy up otak, satay, stingray, bbq chix wing to fulfill ur gian'ness for bbq? heheehheh
If possible, try to 'make' ur own cny snacks for own home. No doubt stuff like crab sticks will still hv preservatives, but so does the snacks sold outside. But the real concern is the oil/fats use in their frying and baking.. It's a common practice to add trans-fat into their oil/margarine so that the result will last longer on the shelf. At least if we fry them.. we can choose to use healthier oil like canola ;)

the phone scams been going on for quite a while already. Usually they call during school hours and refuse to let u go off the phone while u do the transfer. so the victim will not have the chance to call the school to check..
