(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

I like to go there again (bungalow). If I will to go there next time, will plan cooking for the trip (buy all the ingredients there).

Giggler, Stressma,
When you use hou ning, will your tod/baby cough out the phelgm? or the phelgm dissolve by itself? how long to see the effectiveness?

This year teacher's day falls on Sat, you mean Fri is off? Your hb disallow eating in the car? I have no problem with my family eating in the car unless it is those that will make permanent stain on the leather
Crocs is use for clean room environment already, but I saw so many new design in Vivocity last week leh.

Heard from the taxi driver that it is renovated, but I have not actually seen it.

In my opinion, it's good to learn phonics since it help to recognise the letter and it's sound, to eventually, reading. Alicia is in ZP daily class in JW
, and I am seeing progress in her ability to write as well.

U expect sahm to wake up at 530am to start scrubbing floor issit? When GG post not bad, sahm can still bake or surf forum or go gym, I was actually thinking working mums are doing all these too mah, at their workplace....msn/surfing net/forums leh..........

Issit? I find SMALL SIZED ladies, in fact all sizes ladies irritating once they are acting cute!
Oiiiiii, i nvr envy ur life hor!!! Anytime, i still prefer to be FTWM. If u wake up at 530 am to scrub flr, then u have to address someone as 'madam/sir' liao lor. U're rite, when i'm working, at least i can log into msn when i'm at my seat or read forum postings when i nid a break from work. At home with 2 kids, how to surf net with 2 kids climbing on u who keeps ranting, ' I wanna see Elmo.' By the time they zzz, it's time for me to drop dead in bed. Dats Y now u nvr see me online late at nite, unlike last time.

Hahaha, I can imagine Randall doing dat ;p
remb, ash used to c a speech therapist. she is very good but difficult to get an appt. if u wan her contact, i can sms u.
eureka, GG gg to China that why taking the flu jab, it's not that she's having flu. You so funny leh... you cant rem how your hb call you in public? They have the getai all yr round. Hehehe.... My niece passed us the tix to watch the fireworks, haven got chance to ask where she got the tic from. We got to sit at the floating gallery to watch the fireworks.

stressma, yup, I've registered Vane for JCK next yr. What makes you think that Mrs Shiw is gd? I feel that she's too strict for the kids leh. Seldom see her smile in the class, most of the time, she's prim and serious. Ya lor, the outings are so ex this term. You letting Jo-van go to West Coast Park for the picnic? It's my niece who passed me the tic for the fireworks.
I got Benjamin as my photographer. You gg there for photoshoot too? SFA is teaching phonics also leh. Yday, Vane came home and told me "F" sound and keep saying fish, face, etc. Last weeks, she kept saying "S" for snake, string, etc. You shd ask A's dad abt ZP. His gal is there for ZP's daily class.

A's dad, usu Sher coughed out the phelgm after taking hou ning. And he coughed out a while after he took it. Vane doesnt need to go to sch on Fri too.
RE : Car accident
Actually hor..i was too engrossed with the kids to keep track of the car..hahaha. The collision is on my side with those commercial vehicle that pulls trailers. It tried to avoid the one in front that jammed brake n skidded into our lane.

jay felt the impact cos he's directly behind me. Cried out loud immediately so i was totally on him. Left the rest to Mark.

All of us are well.. only me kenna some scratches and bruises and worsen my body aches lor. The car bonnet or issit bumper is folded up.. half of the front gone and light smashed. Car still can move in a lopesided way.

HAven't decide what to do yet... the insurance supposed to get back on the claims. Some been telling me to change car since its 3yrs already.. haiz~ see how lor.

hahahhaha... i went to the seats n dump my kids with my aunt. But nothing much to the stores as well.

took some photos of the firework : http://www.flickr.com/photos/ting-family/sets/72157601539865533/

yah.. to go thru the hassle of coping w one more person i rather just get the job done.

like what giggler says lor.. the fishing pond is next to a czhe char with getai all yr round. i'm just not a fan w getai so finds it noisy.

no lah.. not that serious..hahaha

ay... no joke. just one day i saw my long forgotten low heels n decide not to let it rot too long, my feet took turn to cramp 3-4 txs that nite. I hv difficulties in getting shoes as well cos too thin the bones protrude out cause blisters... so i usually look out for wide shoes for comfort. Not the in-things but it can look good too.

YES! Thank God the kids r well strapped to the seats!! Mummies!! can't emphasize this enough!! PLEASE STRAP UR TODS PROPERLY IN THE CAR!!

A's dad,
hahahha... no no crocs wun suits QSG attires.. but i agree!! crocs shoes r cool. haiz~ but hb din get for me when he's in HK leh
Those with starhub...
They are offering 50% disc for night safari from 1st till 30th September.

Can check out their rewards section in the website for details

HAve fun!!
brenda, thank god everyone is ok!!! If the front part is badly damaged (even tot engine intact) better change car asap, otherwise, if drag too long, it may start giving u problem.

paisay, just reading thru, not even enuff time to read in details cos too bz 'milking'
WAit for them to get older, then u have time to surf whatever u like. They can spare u the little personal time but u will get interruption at times just to go mediate their bickering.

Oic....must tell GG dun eat those bao there (by the roadside?), skarli eat cardboard?! So incredible!

Serious leh, i really got to recall how hb call me in the public. not kidding!

Issit, really ah....got getai thru out the yr? !st time I come across n suddenly I am thinking that side got 'gd bro' ard thru out the yr that nids to be entertained ah? Me turning siao i think!

Yah, floating gallery. GG is sitting rite in the middle of yellow sector rite? But to view the firework rite in front of u, must sit nearer to the bridge, i think further end of green sector. Vane likes it?? Stunned?

Alicia's dad, can i just call u mum as well....so mah fan to type another dad leh

I think i have extra coupon with 50% off for night safari admission n their ulu ulu restaurant. Anyone interested? expired in 31 Aug tho.
I think gd rate cos normal rate is really very ex. Anyone been there n issit worth it to go? So dark see what ah? got mosquitoes anot?

Gosh....U even got scratches n bruises? scary....poor Jayden, must be very frightful for him!

Our cars got 3 yrs liao meh? I think we got our cars ard the same time?

When I see cars with kids standing up (esp those with maid or grandparents behind), hb n I really shake our head hard!! Y putting the kids' life at risk??

If i ever be at a geitai, I tend to watch n study the audience's expression more rather than paying attention at the stage! Can be interesting! hahahha.....

Alicia's dad,
Serious ah, now croc shoes are allowed in clean room?? Then very colorful leh....white/blue suit with colorful bright crocs everywhere!

It does not expand as much as other cookies. I find it very time consuming to roll n cut the dough using those cutter leh...
U making for ethan's tchrs' day ah?

U use fork to press once is simple n nice enuff liao. I pressed twice cos my dough was too soft n I din want to wait for it to harden little in the fridge. SO the dough stick to my fork n was kind of messy. So i pressed 2txs n ended up like sotong.

Busy milkiing is a gd sign....power BFG mum!
glad that ur family is ok. Yes must strip the kids firm down the seat.

I did the samething. I will watch how Janelle will react.

I still cant decide which biscuit to make.
brenda, thank god that all of you are well after the accident.

eureka, Vane enjoyed the fireworks and Sher was stunned by it. Hehehe.... I brought Vane to nite safari before. She was so scared of dark that we didnt really enjoy.

lyn, sounds like you're happily bfg Jas.

A's dad, I think those pple working in OT wear crocs too.
Giggler, which session is Vane going to be at at JCK?

A's daddy, can't wear crocs to work lah..me at raffles place leh.

Skyblue, where can find comfy and nice open toes flats?

brenda, glad to hear all of you ok. Did the boys have a bad scare?
Hi Mommies,
I became SAHD for 1 day today because Alicia was down with fever last night. Got throat infection but fever subsided liao
I still work from home, and do some house cleaning (wash fan only..hahahaha).

Called the sch today, and they will be having pot-luck for teachers' day celebration. Each parent will bring something for that day, abt 20 people altogether (2 classes + teachers).

The crocs use in clean room is in white color
Crocs had a booth during this year's Semicon show. Can lar, just use mum will do.

I realised after Adrian take the Hou Ning, he coughs, and try to purge out the phelgm, however, since he coughed more than 2 weeks, we decide to see our PD again to make sure no broncitis. We told PD we gave her hou ning, and he gave us a "lecture" on TCM where he believes some steriod is use to rid of phelgm. Adrian was given anti-biotic as he suspects he has some slight nose infection.

Did Sher cry when the fireworks went off?
What is OT?

Good to hear everyone is fine. I cannot agree with you more, regarding strapping the kids, and even adults when traveling in the car.

You can set a new trend in Raffles Place fashion
Office Power suit with orange croc..hahahaha..

Happy BFG hor
QSG, opened my eyes for flats these days. Got a lot of flatties with open toes leh!

Giggler, think those in OTs are not real crocs! Hee!

As' Daddy, Alicia will let you work meh? I can't even have any teleconferences at home (last time). Somehow, when u suggested the orange crocs with power suit, reminds me of an image I have of Zoe Tay in one of the shows that she acted. She wore track shoes with her office attire. Maybe got generation gap here. Some mums here very young only... like the one busy milking... Hahaha!

Koala, u long time no post oredy... how are u?
A's dad,

actually i cant remember whether jo-van cough out the phelgm. nowadays when he has cough, we will see TCM cos i think western medicine too strong, he alwasy ended up vomiting.

giggler, jo-van seems to like ms shiw loh...he keep saying ms shiw teach him this and that, but yes u r rite, she look very stern.... btw, r u going to buy anything for teacher's day? do u know whos is their chinese teacher?
if i let jo-van learn zoophonics, do u think he will be confused since the school taught letterland? (i presume the other phonics method other than ZP is letterland?)

btw, watz letterland? anybody can tell me?
Me not sick lah, cant afford to fall sick now

Ha ha eat cardboard pau, they creative rite. Tell you what, in Penang once they claimed that a stall used toilet paper to thicken the Penang laksa leh. That stall very famous and located at tourist area.
I eaten there before but not too sure got toilet paper anot ha ha ha.
There will be another firework on 31st Dec at the floating platform, if cant get tickets I go to your house to see ok? I got my ticket from my ex colls dad, his Co sponsored for National Day celebration.

Giggler, Eureka
Tell you all something what Grace told me today mummy ..China aeroplane got fire, booom she knows she is going to China ha ha ha.
Initially worry for Mark going to China by himself, so get hb to accompany him. Then Hb says boring, so rope me in and I cant leave Grace alone in Spore. Now leh, I worry for Grace if she can adapt. Preparation wise, all of us have taken the flu jab and standby medicine from doctor liao, other than that havent start packing yet, now busy preparing for Marks exam.

Giggler, Brenda
Ramly burger is everywhere ha ha ha.
So you all also din let yr kids play with the bouncing castle and the moving train?
Know what I cant stand the toilet there super dirty. I bargain with Grace to pee on her diaper she tells me cannot, end up still have to bring her there.

Nice photos, me still busy in office to ask around how to load the video clip into youtube.
Yr body arching, maybe should go for a check and sent the medical bills to the insurance co to claim from the other party.

As Dad,
Wow you want to employ me huh? You see picture only, never try my cake yet ha ha.
Few of my ex bosses ever approach me if I can help them if they franchis cake shop, sianz leh they only want to be cashier only.

Never try that PD too no yuan, we travel all the way to Glen E or Paragon to see PD ha ha
Yah was at Phuket in mid Nov, no rain very hot there. Not too sure about the monsoon season leh, know that year end cannot go to east side of Msia like Tioman and some of the islands only. Phuket not bad still can find some activities for the kids but we regretted staying so near to Patong beach very luan not so healthy for the kids.
I have been surfing alot on what to bake for the tchrs but surf n surf but havent decided what to bake too!

CHam lah Alicia's dad!
U making me sound so unfeminine! U dun know what is OT, I also no clue leh. But when u say semicon etc, I nodding or ya ya ya away. Ya lah, u come here so often, also half a mum liao, call u mum ah!

Wont be surprised that alicia behaving dear n well today with u ard? So how, considering to become a house husband/house papa anot?? My hb always say he dun mind if I can bring the bacon home!

So what are u contributing for the school potluck?? I went to my kids' recent ndp party. I saw big spread of food but they are mainly hotdogs, fishballs, chicken wings n mee hoon. ALL the same food. And many many cakes in the fridge, can eat for days i think!

Giggler, what is OT?
I also think Dark dark what is there to see leh at night safari? Not keen at all but feel that hb n I let down the kids?

U bought Sherwin there too? 4 tix ah...wow! Sherwin stunned until really stunned silent or cried out loud? My kids same reaction at their 1st exposure to firework. STunned until froze, silence! But they were more than 1yo liao then.

31 dec...u better help to get extra 4 tixs, we go together to watch the firework. If u want to come to my house can, u must bring your pot of sedap pig trotter, beautiful cupcakes n those nice balloons for my kids hahahhahahahaha......what a 'flattering' demand 4u!

Yuk, u ate there often...die lah, u dun know eat how many roll of toilet papers liao!

Ayoh, ur schedule really very packed...work, baking, mark's exam n off to china with much 'obligation' to beloved hb!

Grace.....choy, areoplane got fire! She watches cnn news ah?
They very clever to talk now....very delightful everyday!

U know, I do come across nice flat with open toes leh or the heel rather low type, appropriate for work. Chilli red, I like leh, if only i working.......chilli red...cham lah, lao hiao liao! I feel so ticklish that this coming sunday there is 1 documentary show with title 'ah sao zhen chuan'! I MUST NOT MISS! hahhahah
Alicia slept for 3 hrs, so I can get on with work lor. When she is not sleeping, I will play with her, but sneak away once in a while to make phone calls, but 3 hrs not enough, tat's why working at this hour

Letterland is another method for teaching phonics, but I do not have details.

I believe in the taste from the pics

Househusband/papa? Not in my mind...hahaha..I do not think I can spend 24/7 attending to kids and house work. Alicia is well behaved, and she missed her di-di too. Still thinking abt what to contribute for the celebration. any good ideas?

Alicia just came out from room, and crying "nobody with her". Ciao!
QSG, Vane most prob in the morning session, the principal haven cfm with me.

A's dad, oops, the PD said that abt TCM? Sher would cough out the phelgm after taking Hou Ning. And he'll be better after that. OT=operating theatre. Sher didnt cry when the fireworks went off leh. He just stared at the fireworks with his mouth wide open. Hehehe.... How's Alicia? Better now? I myself am down with bad cold. Praying hard that none of my kids will get from me.

hazey, how you know that those are not real crocs? LOL.............

stressma, Vane likes Mrs Hong then cos she everyday ranting abt Mrs Hong. I also not sure if they'll be confused leh. Not sure if they're learning letterland leh. Think the sch didnt follow such things. MMI is using letterland, they'll have song for each alphabet.

GG, dun worry lah, Grace will adapt very fast one.
The toilets were ok leh. No, didnt bring vane to the bouncing castle or such.

eureka, Sher was stunned in silence while watching the fireworks. Then after 2min, he fell asleep on my hb's shoulder liao. Hahaha
Sounds like our PD is pretty concern on the use of steriod on children to speed up the recovery process, but we dun blame him, since we know his style. Most of the medicine the PD presribe are milder one compare to GP. Alicia is better now, but still coughing. We made her rest one more day yesterday, and will be going back to sch today. She said she missed her friends

Is Vane still in touch with Hi-5? The concert is coming again.

The weather is crazy nowadays, better take good care. U clearing your leaves before your last day in this Co?

Never hear from you for quite a while, hope everything is fine? How's Chen?
Eureka & Hazey, where you gals saw those nice open toes flats?

GG, you haven reply my question on what type of frosting you used for the cupcakes you posted.
Me still waiting.
Oh dear, better answer QSG first, if not, she will say still waiting for my answer... Hahaha!

QSG, saw some flats at Pazzioni (dunno how to spell), then got another Pimervera isit? A lot of flats leh.. URS also have! Of course, if you want to invest a lot of money, then go for Ferragamo lor!
Hazey, its Pazzion, will check it out again. Saw the shop before but think only been there once. The other one never heard of. Recently URS dun have anything that i like. Can't afford the Ferragamo shoes
hazey, qsg
i bought a pair of flatties from Pazzion when i preggie when Jamie, shape is very nice, so is the design, its the one with the gucci like bamboo thingy infront. but then VERY VERY painful leh, not only blisters on the back of the foot, at the sides as well. till now also cannot be seasoned leh.
Yep, high end shoes will be Pazzion. For me, I normally shop at Charles & Keith, DMK, or URS.

Any suggestions which hotel/resort is suitable in Phuket?
Hazey, Viv, QSG,
Pazzion reminds me of Pizza

My wife also buys shoes from these outlets. Recently, she bought a pair of sandals from Bata, but the strap broke less than a week. Fortunately, the outlet replace a new pair for her.
I am gg Phuket. Staying at Laguna Beach Resort. The hotels tat have kids clubs are Laguna, Allamanda, Movenpick, Dusit, Marriot... and a few more. But our kids too young, need at least a parent to accompany them to use the facilities. go to www.phuket.com to check the hotels there. When you gg? Sch hols ah?

This excursion was $6. Includes snacks and transport. She said she enjoyed herself at the Eco Garden.

Usually I carry Nat to pee. But sometimes I take the disinfecting wipes to clean the bowl for her. But now... diapers lor. Sigh...
How isit tat Jana can't pronounce well? Isit like "short tongue"?? Or certain words not clear? Last time in Fr, my fren's bb a few days old the doc snip under the tongue so wont have tat short tongue prob, cos her bb's tongue a bit short.
Hey, how's Jana's eyes ah?

Phuket is boring if you dun like to "stone". For hb and I, we can go Bintan for 5 days kind... Heee... Cos we can just read a book by the pool all day. As for Phuket, he will bring Nat to play and swim lor, spend all his time with her, and oso go massage.
A's dad, Vane not into Hi-5 nowadays. We went to the Hi-5 concert last yr, not gd leh.

Mom2Nat, $6 to go Science Centre? That means Vane's sch incr'd their px for excursion liao. We paid $10 to go West Coast for picnic next Thu.
Hi hi Lyn !
U know hor.. till now my car insurance still wasn't able to settle leh.. haiz~ NTUC income.

i'm also worried abt the car giving future problems after we fix it.. cos it's just a little picanto!! to me like a little lamb..hahahah

Ay... gotta remind u this. The other day dun noe how Jem took out the doggies that ur Jerald like last time and gave to Jay. He also start to bite the nose!! i quickly keep it in case he gets attached and so hard to find replacement now!! So u better find something that can find 2 or 3 pcs for ur gal..hahahaha

would have ask for ur coupon if i hv car... i wanted to go for quite some time already. It's dark but it has some really mersmerizing views.

No! our car just completed 2 years this month and hb happily announce its the third year..duh!!

eureka, QSG,
Jem was slightly bothered by the bang and Jay had abrasions around the neck. now they r both back to normal rascals...hahahah.

A's dad,
actually hor, just try to minimise medications and understand those that's given to the kids. PD might not be for TCM, but i do noe of PD/GP who gives strong medicines that affects the child as well. so hor... can only listen here and there, then pray hard hard that it works w no side effects..hahahaha

GG, eureka,
haiz~ u gals reminded me when young i was offered some dried yummy meat from Thailand. When i asked what meat is it, i was told it's rats.

My hb will say hor... since gonna stone, might as well go bintan... dun need to catch the plane, dun need to do early check in, they can still walk around in the ferry... and most of all, dun need to pay so much using the swimming pool!! MENz!
hi all
so long never post....my dad was hospitalised last few weeks, then my grandpa fell down in the toilet tues, just back hm yesterday...so scary....tot he canot make it this time...luckily he is back hm now...

the firework is great! i brought renee along, i got the tic from my frd...she bought it for me

did u watch the firework?
how come u trf vane to jck? how is the fee there? my hubby still ask me to change to PAP....he compared the sch fee and PAP is reli v cheap....can save quite alot

BTW, so next yr u didnt make paymt for the booking fee? walau, my CDA ac the govt haven match the $, den i need to pay the sch fee by chq or cash...

Stressma, so u got buy the worksheets and books for jo-van next yr?

i was thinking of borrowing it from others except for the worksheet...
We went to Hi-5 concert last yr too, but I think it is alright only. For this year, I am "praying" for free tixs...hehehehe...

If both parties are NTUC, it takes some time. If you have third party witness to give evidence that the other party is wrong, it will be faster and more direct. If no third party witness, and both reports did not clearly show who is wrong or right, the insurance need to argue in the court (of course, claimant need not attend). Did NTUC provide you a courtesy car?

I agree with you abt minimising medication. I dun remember taking so much medication when I was a toddler/pre-schooler leh
One thing for such, our PD is against strong medication for kids, but hor, his style also mean more follow up visit, and $$$.

Phuket has traditional Thai message, Bintan dun have leh. Ooo....oooh, I miss Thai message
, cheap and good!
brenda, I think Batam also not a bad choice to stone there?

JesLyn, yup, we watched the firework last Fri. Cos JCK provide meals which SFA doesnt. The fees is slightly higher than SFA but I cant rem the exact amt. PAP got different rates rite? Heard that some PAP also charge abt $100 each mth. Oh ya, got to pay for the books and workshts for next yr liao. How to borrow from others?

A's dad, I feel that it's a waste of money watching Hi-5 concert last yr leh. How to get free tic??? Must share the lobang leh. Heehee....
Just a little sharing.

We are in a rat race. Everyday we rush about in our daily tasks to strike off our long list of things to do. We expect more from others; and give too little to others.

Today a collegue of mine gave me & another staff a full stalk of lily in appreciation for us doing more than we wished. That were his exact words.
"Doing more than we wished" - this is so true but it hit me.

I will try my best to appreciate others for what little they do for us each day.
I will try my best not to be a grouch.
I will try my best not to expect so much from others; and give them the benefit of doubt whenever possible.
I will try to give to others more than they expect & to give with a joyful heart.
mummies, dad so the recent posts are on holidays in phuket n batam?? but raining seasons coming up leh...

gg, eureka, dun scare me on the cardboard pau n toilet paper laksa!!! OMG, those black-hearted hawkers shd be put behind bars!!

hui32, hope all well at home. eldery suffered frm suffer shd nvr be taken lightly.

brenda, i'm with AXA ever since my 1st car, only switched to 1st Capital this year due to lower premium. NTUC was nvr my choice, heard too much negative comments on making a claim!
doggies: they are no longer in production!! but yes, got 3 chihuahuas to stand by liao. one in hb's car, the other 2 at mum's plc. however, no intention to intro 'fury' toys to jas yet.

breastfeeding mummies: can i chk with you...
1. what shd i do??? my gal wan to suckle for comfort!! even after she finishes her milk, she wants to latch on immediately?? at nite she needs suckle before she can fall asleep???

2. can breastfeeding mummy take fresh milk (HL, Marigold)?? will taking fresh milk cause loose stools in bb? any other food i shd avoid?
I think they put $2 for transport, and $4 for the lunch(finger food). Or the other way ard. Something like tat lor. And the journey so far!! MOst of them came back sleeping on the bus, but not Nat. Then come home she still dun nap.

Well, this can happen to all hotels, but my mil experienced this in Batam... I can't rem wat hotel, start with M, dunno isit Mandarin or wat. Her 60+ yr old fren got possessed. And started jumping on the bed. Then wanted to strangle my mil, so mil ran and fell, end up they gotta send her back to sg, SGH. Her knees have been operated b4, and the fall affected her knees I think. Though she is now christian, but she oso dare not say no ghost, cos she really saw it happen.

Well, I wanted to bring Nat to catch a plane again. Tat's why choose Phuket oso. And I can shop shop a little and eat my tom yam soup!
Ay, free swimming pool, I go downstairs have liao. But Nat ah, gemini, like new things... Hee...

A's daddy
Bintan has Angsana Spa, my hb enjoyed it. The Laguna resort I gg in Phuket oso have Angsana spa. So prob sign him up for a scrub and massage.
the worksheet got to buy lo, but the books im trying to ask my neighbour if she can pass me her gal's 1.. :p

btw, sfa provides phonics meh? how come renee come hm never pronounce 1? few days ago, my mom went to sch to fetch her, teacher told my mom she bite a student on the hand cos the student snatched her chair...walau....kena complaint...
@ hm, she kena bite by regine...@ sch she go bite others...mygod..

my grandpa came hm and he became abit senile and forgetful...tot of getting a maid to take care of him....but his children seems hesitating...
ma de~
Sorry hor. For the strawberries/Michelles cupcakes I use buttercream.

Nice meeting you, sorry cant yak for too long.
Well I did drink HL milk during pregnancy and continue during BF days, should be ok lah unless bb got lactose intolerance. I only avoid taking liquor, ginger and sesame oil other than that I eat everything but some says avoid cabbage, broccoli and onion if bb is colicky and liver that may cause SS to drop.

We stayed at Royal Paradise Hotel, walking distance to Patong beach, lots of small small shops around that area. Limited choices of hotel for us cos we travel with Star cruises and that time also worry to stay too close to sea.

Go go go, Phuket not too bad lah. Enjoyable , we have different activities with the kids.
If go holiday & stone, then hb will suggest that we stay home and stone ha ha. Dont think we pang sim, leaving our kids there by themselves leh, maybe I worry too much liao. Stayed at Allamanda before but the front portion got swept out during Tsunami. Heard that Dusit & Marriot are nice but ex. When you there, can try Black Canyon something like starbuck and coffee bean chain here but they serve nice thai food, cakes and coffee. Only 2 outlets, 1 at Central (new shopping centre) and another at Lotus hypermarket.

H aha really good, knowing its rat meat still buy and offer to people.
When heard that my boy going to China, I also worry that he will see food and anyhow buy & eat.

My MIL also asking when Im going to cook that pig trotter. Ok will scoop some for you when I cook that for my MIL dont have to wait till 31 Dec. You dont mind eating that huh, latter all the trips to gym gone to waste leh.
Night Safari go early, eat there and see sunset. After that can go for the show and then take the tram ride. With older kids can be quite fun to go for the trial walk. Choose brighter night and heard that discount are normally given out on for the darkest night period.
Eureka, GG, Alicia's daddy, Hazey
Thx for asking

Guess I m the last to congratulate u
I din drink milk while BF. Avoided sea food. Din take liquor
Like wat GG mentioned, avoided cabbage, broccoli, onion coz Chen Chen wz colicky
Cut dwn on sesame oil, ginger in later stage coz Chen Chen had prolonged jaundice

U r a borned baker!
Pao ge tai, go shoot 881 man!
Talk abt kids not communicating wif us when they grow up. Did u watch I not stupid drama think on Fri 12noon? I watched the movie when I wz single n had a laugh. Scared now dat I m a mum myself esp of daughter

Asked my mum abt your bak zhang prob, she asked if u put oil in the rice

Y'dy morning 1st time hubby left for overseas trip. Chen Chen woke up earlier than usual, clinged to hubby. When my SIL put Chen Chen on highchair to take breakfast Chen Chen said: I want the aeroplane to fly away. Cont to clinged on to hubby after breakfast. When I reminded my hubby he had to leave to airport, Chen Chen said agn : I want the aeroplane to fly away. Chen Chen wanted my hubby to miss his flight! When we sent my hubby to the door, Chen Chen wz sad n angry. He cried n used gift wrapper to hit my hubby.
Eureka, I tried the cookies. Of coz didn't use cookie cutter. everyone loved them... very nice. Just wondering if the cookie receipe can hold the pineapple fillings. :p Maybe I will try another day.

Tomorrow, I will go on cruise to Redang... ok okay... pls let's not talk abt 7th month...
Must have some "connection" with people working in sponsor/co-sponor companies lor

I have not try Spa before, but I like the feel of getting my bones "broken" up by the massuers (think it is spelt like that) as in the Traditional Thai message, espescially the back pull...wowww....can feel it now

No prob. Glad everyone is fine.
When Alicia encountered her first "separation" from daddy, it was the same. I was almost in tears when she cried and refused me to go, but now, she asked "daddy, you got go US or not? I want surprises"...hahaha... Hope Chen is coping well without his dad. If he needs someone to play with, I will send Alicia down

Envy..envy...I heard Redang is very scenic. You join Star Cruise? What 7th month? Is August now lar, 8th month of the year..hahaha..Enjoy, and be safe.
lyn, I dun take liqour while bfg. I still take fresh milk lah.

Mom2Nat, the sch did break down the cost for you? Vane's sch used to charge much cheaper for field trips. It's only this term that they charged so ex.

JesLyn, yup, SFA got phonics. Vane would pronounce S, T, F etc leh.

GG, the nite safari was too dark for Vane. She got so scared that she didnt really enjoy herself.

Koala, how's Chen in cc? He got used alr?

Emily, there's cruise to Redang? Never heard of it leh.

A's dad, hope you manage to get free tic.

Sigh.... it's raining again... Both my kids are down with cold. So sian leh. Me having one week break before my new job but cant really rest cos my kids are sick.
i dun take alcohol, cabbage, curry n spicy food. is ok for bfg mum to drk milk. but i m not a milk lover so i take calcium supplement.
most bf bb wld love to suckle for comfort esp wen they nid to slp. to me, if it is cher feeding tx n slping tx, is ok. but i try not to let her hv d habit of suckling as n wen kind so i wld try other ways to comfort her if nid b rather than offer d breast.
wld get easier wen they grow older. LC n some bfg mum frd taught me, fr day 1, must try my best to let them hv full feed each feed so tat they dun hv 'develop' d habit of drking hrly or short intervals n hence alwy nid to suckle for comfort/habit. so far cher is ok. she slp tru d nite (fr abt 10pm to 8am or later) at abt 1.5mths old. wen younger, she may wake up at abt 6am for milk but now can slp longer stretch as her noon naps get lesser/shorter too.
a pic of her at 4mths old:

hope vane n sher get well soon. to me, is tough to handle 2 esp if ash gets sick n is at hm. both nid my attn at d same tx, i can peng san. u moving on to a new job?
Cherelle is so lovable!!! Pretty girl!

Ah, I just checked, $2 is entrance fee to Science centre eco garden. $4 is transport and food, so total $6. Anyway 1 term only 1 excursion, I think vane has more right?
You send Vane to GUG b4 right? She would have picked up zoophonics then. Now I send Nat to GUG again, so she can rem her phonics and learn to blend words.

A's daddy
Ay, so when am I seeing you?

Ay, frankly, I look forward to eat and shop there. HOHOHO... Tks for the tips, will find tat coffee joint you mentioned.
I wanna buy Hello Kitty things. Hahaha... And drink tom yam soup.
Thanks. I am confident I will, since we got the tix for spongebob sq pants few months back
.hehehe...Alicia loves the show, except the portion where the pirate came out.
Alicia is well phrase with Zoophonics, from A to Z, but the sch has not started blending yet.

Little Ballerina

Sekali the mommies here tot we "dating" leh...hahahaha..OK, it's still on top of my mind. Alicia got fever last week, followed by Adrian this week, so has been in and out between work, and being SAHD for these 2 weeks. Is it necessary to drop by in your office? or can talk over lunch?
Alicia's daddy
U r v sentimental, almost in tears over Alicia's unwillingness to let u go. I dunno my hubby tear or not. He din when he left
Last 9 my hubby skype us. Chen Chen took ctrl of the phone n they "talked" for close to an hr. Chen Chen showed my hubby a pc of paper cut out in heart said i missed u daddy. Drank water when my hubby asked him to. Climbed onto the computer table scratched n kissed my hubby on the monitor. My hubby can't c dat since Chen Chen wz out of the camera range. I told him n my hubby reciprocated.
Thx for your offer to send Alicia to play wif Chen Chen. He is in cc full day back in the evening.
U v gd know wat to buy 4 Alicia. My hubby only knows how to buy toy cars. He is in Portland n he said the shopping centre near the hotel he stays is hopeless. Nothing much except an i apple phone which he enjoyed playing

Memory searched me. Cruise to Redang wz introduced last yr

Cher look like Ash @ bb stage
Out of curiosity, y din u start a new blog? Like the slide show u did. How u did dat?

Giggler, Sanrio
To my surprise, Chen Chen adapts v fast in cc. 1st day din cry. Cried on 2nd to 4th day. Now go to cc v happily every morning

Giggler, Alicia's daddy
Parent suffer tog wif kids when kids fall sick. Wish your kids recover soon

A's daddy
Better to come by, cos at least you can view the office oso. Lunch is no prob, but prob a long lunch, cos presentation then eat! i can't eat and present at the same time.
Fainted, SAHD, no maid, can kill...
