(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hi mummies n a's dad,
tks for compliments on cher

ai yo, if i m ur hb, i sure cry. but my hb not easily drop tears kind. tink if he goes overseas, sure to miss us a lot but wont cry.
u mean why i started a new blog?? cos d old blog used programming language n i m hopeless w it. new blog has cutomised layout, so much easier to use. i go to www.slide.com, to do the slide show n i posted d url unto d blog. dun noe old blog format can or not leh..
we oso tot of brging d kids to phuket but dun noe whether cher is too young to travel. now she started to recognise pple n environment. i brought her to frds' hse n she cried..
mummies, many tks for the info on fresh milk. really no courage to take cos afraid it might upset Jas's little tummy. I only drink 1/2 glass after leaving at room temp for at least 30mins and i make sure i take it only after i expressed my milk or after jas feed. so far so good lah.

koala, nvr too late. many tks.
Father & son: gd to know chen is close to lee. IMHO, i think its a good thing that chen is able to express himself. I'm totally clueless when my hb n j could enjoy themselves and laugh the house down. J nvr got that same laughter when he plays with me. IT'S A BOYS' THING.

sanrio, cher v.pretty!! Saw ur blog, i think both kids took to ur genes....all v.tall.
BFG: I feed her at least 20mins on each side before switching over. Sometimes when I remove her for the switch...she will wail loudly, so bo bian, put her back on the same side for extra 10-15mins.... before doing the switch again.
One full feed directly from the breast can stretch as long as 1hr!! Really tiring!
Comfort suckling: I offer all i could, pacificer, cuddle, chk diaper, koala hug, burping...etc all fail, bo bian...last resort just offer my boobs lor. IT'S THE ONLY EFFECTIVE WAY TO STOP HER FROM WAILING!!! esp during nite time, hb nd to do shift work, j got to go sch nex morning. not to mention my neighbours' boys who are in the morning session.

em, 7th mth cant travel meh??? just enjoy ur trip lah.
tks. yup both of them are tall.
i hv to agree tat 'it's d most effective way' :p
hope jas can slp tru d nte soon then u can hv gd rest too. yup abt 20mins b4 switching to make sure she takes both d fore n hindmilk. wen ur ss is well established, 1 side may b sufficient for each feed. wen they get older n can suckle well n dun 'slp on d breast' tat often, 1 full feed cld b jus abt 10-20mins.
yes agree bfg can b v tiring but is for d best of our bb. esp last feed of d day, cher suckle to fill her stomach, then comfort to fall aslp, can take 1 hr or +. somtx af burp her, i lie down n let her suckle to slp.
sanrio, Cher is so adorable!!! I can see traces of Ash from this pic leh.
Vane is much better now so she can play on her own. But Shers condition got worse and hes so cranky. Got to carry him at all times. My arms are breaking liao. Yup, me moving to new job next week.

Mom2Nat, not sure if Vane still rem those from zoophonics leh cos she attended it 2yrs ago. Heehee.

As dad, wow so nice to have free tix to watch the concert.
Think its still too young to start blending?

Koala, didnt know that Star Cruise go to Redang also leh. Thatll be nice. Its me who spread the germs to the kids. I was sick last week then my kids turn this week. Praying hard that they recover ASAP. Good to hear that Chen likes his new sch.

JesLyn, the phonics is included in the class. Vanes teacher ever showed me pic of Vane walking along a string of the alphabet S. And they learnt the pronounciation of S from there.

lyn, you're not alone. I used my boobs to comfort Sher too. But stimes it's ineffective also lah.
Awwwww, chenchen is soooo adorable!!! When is your hb coming back? Sorry, I may have missed a post. Not much time to read here. Your chenchen is really a sensitive boy. So guai also.

You seem to be doing very well leh. Like Sanrio, I don't let Ben habitually suck to sleep. In fact, in the daytime, I do not feed him before he naps. He gets his feed AFTER he naps, and then now (at 6 mths) he will nap around 2 hrs later. He also will take a full feeding if he's not tired, and won't fall asleep at the breast. I do offer him the boobs if he needs comfort though, but that's after all else has failed.

I can't take cows milk cos after I drink cows milk, Ben's poo would turn green and he would poo very often and become very fussy, like colic. So I take soya milk. Now I'm also taking extra calcium supplements. But if your bb is not sensitive, there's no harm taking cow's milk. If I take too much yoghurt or other dairy products, same result.

Here's a pic of the 2 taken on Monday...

Your cher looks sooo good!!! Very pretty with big big eyes.
OIC. Thot how come u discont the old blog n start new blog.hmm..... may b I shld try the new blog when I hv time??

Studies showed dat daddy is a better playmate to both son n daughter. Mummy plays a better role in caregiving. It's the nature of daddy n mummy. I admit my hubby is much better n creative than me when comes to playing wif Chen Chen.

U like to go Redang?
Your kids better recover b4 u start your new job. Gd luck in your new job
Chen Chen is in cc now, not school

My hubby is coming back tis Sun.
Sarah looks v different now. She grows taller n slimmer. Ben has a v sweet smile

Lyn, Sanrio, Priviledged
U gals r v lucky. Chen Chen used to latch on @ least 1hr+. He slept n dream fed on n off. No way to make him wake up. Lactation consultant told me jaundice bb tend to b sleepy. He fed every 2 hr. I rest abt < 1hr than start feeding him agn. Backache
PVL, Sarah look very tall now. Both your kids are so smiley!

Koala, I heard Redang is nice. I also praying hard that they recover b4 I start work
tks. wah, sarah looks such a 'big' girl now. i hvnt seen her for quite a long tx. ben looks so cheery too.

yup, i prefer d new blog format beta than d old one.

long tx no c. hope 1 day d mummies n kids can mt up agn
ash is very sociable nowadays but still got mood one..
Hi mommies & a daddy,
Am back! Yes, Redang was lovely! Really enjoyed myself at the beach... the kids too. No cigarettes butts or twigs to be found in the sand. Sand is white & soft. But only thing was a bit crowded. Think we were the only ones who had a picnic mat there. :p the kids just enjoyed themselves playing quietly by themselves on the sand & with the waves.
Played for 3 hours by themselves w/o even bothering me! Imagine... no mommy mommy... no I want milk... no play with me... no crankiness
that is so even for Elijah - the younger one!

Giggler, there's only one cruise left (i.e. Superstar Virgo) that goes to Redang this year - 5th Sept - after that, u'll have to wait for next year after the monsoon season.

Sanrio, woah... your girl so big already... really looks like Ash. Just more girly look that's all.

PV, your Ben is tall, just like Sarah & my goodness, he's so big already... I always thought he was just this little thing.
Time flies...
How did you get the Redang? Your kids can tahan the long ride?

This week I SAHM again. Got "grounded" got mil gg genting from tmrw to fri! Sigh... I wanna escape oso can't. Gotta bring Nat and maid along where I wanna go.
How's your new job?
Free tix to Hi-5 concert not available this time due to more demand from open market, so not going liao

Your 2 kids lean and tall. They look happy and cheerful

Your family must have enjoyed yourselves tremendously. Show us some pics

Genting for 4 days? tat's a very long trip there
Why dun go with her?
a's daddy
Ay, prob she trying to "siam" taking care of Nat... still tag along! then ask her to babysit, I think she faint. Anyway the journey is v long.

Today forum so quiet.
anyway, I believe your MIL deserves a break
, and looking at the bright side, you can spend some quality time with Nat too.

I just pushed back my photo shoot to next month. Adrian was admitted for bacteria pneumonia last thursday, and discharged on Sun night, so we think we better allow some time for him to recover.

The forum is quiet without Eureka, Brenda, and Lyn lor
A'a dad,

i'm on MC leh... busy sipping liang teh.

Lyn as usual pontang and Eureka most prob. nursing her jaw and eyes from gawking too much at the getai

Too bad i lost my voice alas will help u shout for the rest
Hope you are fine. Looks like there is some viruses epidemic in singapore, or perhaps the smokes from the 7th month polluting the air.
I tot Eureka should be chasing the tai Zu for performances...hahaha....(opps, no offence hor, eureka). How's the 2 Js at home?
hi mummies, a's dad,
very fan2 recently. ash has stomach upset/diarrhoea for 1mth++ oreadi. some days we hv to put him on diaper n he was so upset over it. imagine he pray to God, 'dear God, please bless ashrel tat i wld not hv diarrhoea anymore so tat i can wear underwear'.. some days he wld pray, '..... so tat i can eat cakes'. machiam so poor thg n he lost quite a lot of wt.
we brought him to c chinese sinseh at EYS clinic. haiz.. af 1 dose of medication, darrhoea worst! tmr seeing a paed gastro specialist at nuh. we hope tat he wld b fine.
ash saw pd 3 tx, gp 1 tx, did stool n urine test, nothing. pd assured us he is fine but dun noe wld take how long to recover.
he is on probiotics supplement n it did help but diarrhoea still cum back now n then.
he does not take any diary, oily/fried food n lots of food for quite somtx oreadi. he like v deprived...
i c liao oso heartache..
A's daddy
Hmmm... my hb gotta rush home to give me the car if I wanna go to office in the evening. Yest I called my client to say his contract is out, but I can't meet him until next week, cos I am "grounded" this whole week! Hahaha...

I am having a sore throat liao. How not to, when hb and nat both cough and sneeze into my face?
Is the diarrhoea causing frequent watery stools, or just small patches of loose stool coming out unknowningly, and staining the underwear?

Hope Ash's prayer will be answered soon

Ask your client to meet at your clubhouse mah

Must ask Brenda to cook a big pot of liang teh, and we can have a liang teh gathering.
a's dad,
at 1st was diarrhoea. now is small patches of loose stools tat stain his brief esp wen he let out gas (which is a lot n frequent). dun noe why leh? u got any idea? pd said his stomach is weak now
a's dad,
at 1st was diarrhoea. now is small patches of loose stools tat stain his brief esp wen he let out gas (which is a lot n frequent). dun noe why leh? u got any idea? pd said his stomach is weak now
Did Ash pass motion regularly (every day)? Other than the diarrhoea the first time, did you notice that Ash has to "force" the poo-poo out? as if he is constipated?

Did you change FM recently? or same brand, but next step (like from 1 to 2, or 2 to 3) recently?
A's daddy
Aiyo, this client waited 2 months for this project liao, how can I ask him to come to my house!! Anyway, he works late, so only 1 day a week he goes to Raffles Place, he can come to my office lor.
How's Adrian?
Adrian is recovering well. Thanks for aksing. PD gave him the last dose of anti-biotic last night. 4 doses by drip during the hospital stay, and 2 doses by injection. When PD was administering the injection to Adrian, Alicia was "angry", and she stood behind the PD, and said to me "I cut Dr Lawu", while gesturing her little fingers like a scissors...hahaha...PD said it will take another 10days for his phlegm to clear, so meantime, has to continue to use the puff to ease the airway every 4-5hrly.
hahah... can't help it but wanna do this for fun ....

Eureka... hui lai ba (come back)

Hazey..... hui lai ba

Lyn....... hui lai ba, but dun spill milk yah

Viv....... hui lai ba

Val....... hui lai ba

Koala..... hui lai ba

Pigletz... hui lai ba

Skyblue... hui lai ba

QSG, Hong, StyloBB, GG, Emily....


** no offence yah
A's dad n Mom2nat..
just read the post abt ur 'dating'... so now am i supposed to think u guys r into office romance?? so date in office arh?

good to noe chenchen's hapi in CC

hahhaha... studies at my home shows that daddy most effective way in playing with the boys is to surrender his PSP to them..wahahahah

gotta quote eureka again "the moo-moo phase will also pass" ren awhile next time she will super love you

wow!! the sweet gal with cute little curls turned into a beauty liao!

Show ur "Xiao Re Mo Mo Cha" album leh...

eek... 7mth go Genting... dun go better

Aiyoh... u better do something abt it now.. i try to 'tong' for a while till my throat got so bad i couldn't swallow anything for 2days and went on milk only. Yesterday still struggle with green bean soup.

A's dad,
The two Js are okay arh... playful as usual.

oh gosh... i guess its harder for ash to accept it now since they r more concious abt their diapers already. Jem has weak tummy since young.. but it was easier then cos he's fine with wearing diaper whole day.
PVL, sarah n ben looks lovely!!! Ben is sooo fair!

Brenda, I oso need your liang teh. First the tyrant fell ill, then the hubby fell ill, then my turn. Wah piang eh... then hear your "zhao-ing"... Hahahaha! Imagine, so sick until can't log on internet!
Ay, why you so clever? How you join the boxes together???

As' Daddy, oh dear... poor Adrian... heartpain right? Hope that he is fine now. Don't worry, he is too young to remember the pain.

Sanrio, Cherelle is lovely. Really got girl look. Hope that Ashrel will be fine soon.

Mom2nat, ay, you sound like your MIL very "ying gai" to help you look after nat... tsk tsk tsk... At least now you got maid to help you out leh....
How's your new job?

Is it hot @ Redang? I wanted to join cruise to Redang when it wz launched last yr but fully booked

Gosh, poor Ash his backside muz b painful as well

Alicia's daddy
bacteria pneumonia! poor boi. Alicia is so sweeet to protect his di di
Gd thing there is no haze tis yr


How abt wo teng ze ni huei lai ......

Hey, u v creative in craft. Yap can start an art class
Do your 2 boi mess up the glue n paint?

Wish those r sick recover soon
A's daddy,
Poor Adrian
Hope he recovers soon.

Is Ash drinking soy milk or not at all? I know how it feels, very sim tia hor. Earlier tis yr, Kieran kena stomach flu, my heart ached each time he cried after lao sai. Doc says it's okie dat he lao so long liao? So poor thing...

U nid a bell to zao all the souls back? Hehehe ;p U're so creative!!! Jay looks beri grown up liao.
brenda, i'm back!!
art&craft: WOW!! nice car! nvr tried such a big project with J...will probably try one of these days. provided Jas could guai guai let us hv the time. miss those mummy & son days...

a's dad: glad to know adrian is feeling better now. can he take EYS hou ning while on antibiotics?? It suppose to rid the phlegm faster.

sanrio, saw the pixs in ur blog!! cher's pixs just as pretty as those in anna geddes.

koala, i hate it when jas doze off at my boobs. immediately i broke her off, she will open her eyes, look ard then wail loudly!! like you said...backache! And i find it's a really bad habit!! cant tahan! Now i'm swtiching to PVL's method of nursing in between feeds so she wont grow attach to my boobs nor look fwd to comfort suckling.
My maid can't take care of Nat. She always get bullied by Nat. Then on Tue we went to downtown east, maid din stop Nat from running, she hit another boy. See her ba lu ku on her head. It came out immediately. My hb was so pissed, but by the time he came home, he cooled down liao, so dun scold the maid.

Aiyoh, poor nat!!! Did you do cold compress? That time tyra bumped into a girl in her class oso and the teacher did cold compress. Helped to bring down the swell a lot!

I think it's tough to be a maid oso. If u scold ur employer's kid, wait ur employer not happy. If you dun scold, then all the accidents happen. How to achieve the balance leh?

Brenda! See, everyone come back liao! Hahahaha!
RE : Liang Teh gathering
Wahahhaha... AY !! i wanna suggest whether to meet up near mooncake festival for some candles burning anot and share some mooncakes w tea... how come u all more keen on liang teh???

A's dad,
went back to re-read the post on Adrian... OMG!! is he better already? haiz~ when our kids r down with illness really cause a lot of heartpain rite?? But well, at least we have their joyful times too.

hahhaha... no lah, i'm not that creative.. even have, everyday do craft/lesson all the creative juices also dry up already.

Jem has the character and passion for such activities. So till date, he can manage colouring media, glue, scissor and tapes well already. But then again he was xposed to handling since a year old. Jay still cannot manage cos he's those let go means run haywire kind. So now, he is still restricted to high chair. But he gets to hold all the same paper, glue bottle, paint bottles etc for the craft time lor. i tried him on crayons, he puts into his mouth. Gave him paint... he painted his legs..hahahah

But everything got a messy starting point lah...

good suggestion!!! think some of them need bells to invite!! hahahahah

ay, kayden sama sama age mah.. where's his pics?

first time i try such 'big project' too..hahaha. U know hor.. i let Jay get used to our routine by placing him near us for lesson times since young leh, either in rocker or chair now. Then i'll do speak out loud like,"Now we use the glue." now he a year old liao.. he's more willing to not disrupt the 'lessons'.

*ouch* my aunt will say... put zambuk quick!! hahahah. but yah lah.. i also feel that maids wun dare to constraint the kids in case kenna from employer.
Your method veri effective leh..LOL

Dating?? Who? Let's call this commercial meeting lar.

Nice craft work with your kids. How I wish we could squeeze time for this with our 2 A's. I am sure you are qualify to conduct classes. You are definitely better than the children art classes ...money down the drain

Hazey, Koala, Lyn, Skyblue,Brenda
Thanks for the well wishes. We are extending the puff to every 6hrly now since the cough is almost gone. His appetite also improves
, and start bullying her sis again.

We did not continue with the hou ning after started anti-biotic 2 weeks ago (from oral, to drip, to injection). Still have almost half a bottle.

Lyn reminded me that I still have your EYS dis card with me. Pai Sei

The bump is so visible, and big. Must be very painful. I use Zombak everytime the 2 As make a bump on themselves.

The key to balance is to advise, not scold. This means the tone use must be appropriate, like in counselling, not reprimanding
Cheam rite...hahaha
Hello everyone,
BZ.........but cant help it but to post to

- Brenda,
U seem to be 'zhao-ing' all the gui n spirit here....HU LA BA!
...shivering, goose pimples!

- ALicia's dad,
Quoting Sanrio's golden word, CHUAN ah me! yaya, so many tai till I miss 'tai' leh, next yr sure got banned! hahahahha

- Take care all.........
Is that JAY???? Begin to have the look of Jerome! Very chubby leh!

Very nice artwork! Seem fun too!

Scary.....U all mentioned abt skyblue but I cant see her post leh...............Geeeeeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

ALicia's dad,
How's ur 3rd valve?
...mine malfunction leh!

can fight can quarrel is really a gd thing for our kids at times hor? So long as they are healthy! ADrian gonna eat eat eat n pile on liao lor!

Keep ash hydrated! His prayers so cute! Take care!

Your gal is so adorable n pretty! U huh, dresses her so nice!

Moo MOo LYN....
WOW, ur boobs in demand, HO ah!

Same leh, that redang island... very tempted to go last time but not cheap hor. The sand so clean n white!

post ur redang foto leh!

When u dun post, it is that u r not well!. THis time rd, u be gd girl in new co 1st, rite? hahahaha, brenda waiting for u to report here! An lah, who knows, your boss n colleagues might all be doing it too...bz at forums, blog, msn!
A's daddy/ Brenda
I dare not put Zambuk leh, cos scared she rub her head then rubbed into her eyes. Got her to roll with an egg dunno if it works.

Hb was so mad abt it, but by the time he came back, cool down liao. The prob with my maid is she is afraid of Nat. I wan her to speak a little louder and with authority oso difficult. Nat will yell the house down, while the maid stand there quiet. *sigh*
Ahbish u ah, ask me for Kay's pics ;p U feed Jay until bai bai pang pang leh.

U nid specs ah? My post after koala's & 2 postings b4 nat's baluku's pic. Hahaha...
Hi Mummies

<font color="0000ff">Hui lai liao.......(wooo...wooooo....) scary enuf?</font> haha.. no time to read the postings here... wait I got time then I read... bz with work.. office shifting year-end, 2 big events coming up....

Big baluku!!! haiz....
chara had it more than once liao... heartache.

Actually what do u expect ur maid to do?? To be fair, u can't expect her to scold nat, right? If nat wanna yell, do u allow the maid to tell her to shut up?? Just wondering lah... cos maid also in difficult position....

Btw, I'm curious to know what job u are doing that allows u to suka suak don't work.. hehe

Belated congrats...hope u are enjoying motherhood second time..
From your posts, can sense that you very chuan

Third valve kenna clog leh, must repair liao. I am searching for ways to help Adrian put on more weight
, and for Alicia to reduce some weight

Wah, styloBB also "bei jao hui lai"...hahahaha..
a's dad,
not constipation. din change fm too. dun noe why jus suddenly has weak stomach. we put him on childlife colostrum w probiotics as i heard is gd n we saw improvement. sori to hear abt adrian. alicia saiyang didi, so sweet..

tks for concern, ash saw specialist at nuh tdy. he said shd not b anytg serious, not to wori. he mus b completely off diary. so whatever food we buy for him, mus read label. given a medication to help in movement in d gut n told us to continue probiotics, wld help. bk for review in 2 wks tx.
ask him why like tat, he said somtx d intestine jus blah blah blah..... somtg like stomach weak loh, he said probiotics supplement shd b gd for him.

tks. soon u can 'pan4 mei3 mei3' for jas too. i agree, i oso latch until bkache n while latching, they so comfy knock out, but once off boob, eyes big big liao.

he refuse soy. ya lor, kids sick, mummy v heartpain..

nat pic (d mirror one) v nice, v pretty. ai yo, ba lu ku so big. ash oso loves to run, got 1 tx 1 big ang moh bang unto him n he fell face flat to d ground n mouth lots of blood... but he v soon 4get liao, run n jump non stop again..
next tx we mt up, u organise a art n craft session for d kids lah. ash wld love it. u v creative n yong xin

I'm back.. ur "soul chanting" is powerful. hahaha..

aiyo sayang Nat. The baluku is very big. Must apply some zambak on her forehead. Egg will work, go do it. I did once for Janelle then she have nitemare. My MIL said she kept saying "dun rub it with egg, dun rub it with egg" in the mid of the nite. Ironically, she is an egg lover.

did u try apple. I heard apple stop diarrhea. My GP ever told us to drink diluted 100plus to stop diarrhea and keep body hydrate.

Alice's daddy,
are u enaging foto-u for the shoots? I just did mine last sat.
