(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hahahahahh emiLy...
U must be puzzled over my porcelain gelatine! There are 2 type of gelatine, powder n 'beancurd skin' type. So when i speed read n saw porcelain gelatine, i tot that is the hi class name for the beancurd skin gelatine! sorry!

U wrote to skyblue that i see piglet...n i tot of u....hahahhahahahah, so ticklish...u know what i mean?

Tai tai where got need to work!! Hahaha... My hb says the maid is to relieve his duties. Then he no need to do housework and stuffs.
When I go to work, my mil will come by to attend to Nat. With a maid, she not so siong.
When you see me on MSN, means I am at home skiving.
emily, skyblue
this one tat i just sent back is indon, diff from my previous phil maids, but turn out worst than them. the word gratitute cannot be found in their dictionary.

sahm?? hmm...i see the signs n hear the calling too...but i think i cant do it leh, i dun think i hv enof patience to stay at home n face the kids all day long, i'll probably end up terrorising them.

yalor, lately seems very suay! nothing seems to go smoothly leh. aiyo...jin tui long time no eat liao...i hv bad throat since Jan till now
the moment i eat anything heaty, i kena sore throat, almost like once a month leh! lei garden got very nice jin dui too!

think the elongated 1 is still jin dui but the diff shapes means diff fillings? i had very nice jin dui with kaya fillings in Ipoh...tabao some back for my mum cos she loves it too but then hijacked by my MIL

i'm making cupcakes/cookie for the teachers.
Very sian hor, treat them too well, they climb over ur head. Dun treat them well, they dun do work properly.

After having Kayden, i oso kena sore throat very easily. Recommend u to buy the Eu Ren Sen Wild Ginseng Tea in sachet form. Can reduce heatiness.

Ohhhh, so dats Jin Tui nor...

Flabby... not like last time, totally flat. My hubby always make fun of me now, say i still preggie.

Ic ic... hehehe... the yong tau foo stall these days very long Q.

Wah, u really lead the life of a tai tai leh. Shiok man...
Mom2Nat, hahaha... so your hb got the maid to help him huh? What nationality is your maid?

viv, so you need to find maid now?

skyblue, just cant seem to get rid of the tummy now hor? I very tempted to use those anti-cellulite cream to remove the tummy leh. Hehehe
Viv, how you transport your cupcakes to school? i wanna make something but its a working day so i doubt i got time to do so
eureka, :p now that u put it this way... :p hahaaa....

Viv, hmmm... what abt Mynamese now? Relax! Things will work out. What abt childcare? Or nanny?
Wat are jin dui? INside peanuts?

MIne's a filipino maid, no experience. She is a transfer maid, she worked for another employer for 2 weeks, then they find she can't cope with their 3 yr old son and so on. But well, in a way I dun blame her, cos she is new, how to cope with a toddler all on her own? So anyway, my hb trains her in terms of household chores lor. For Nat, she plays and read to her, but like bathing and feeding, Nat wont let her do it.
Do you have a maid now ah?

No tai tai lah. Far from it... I need more Vit $ to be one.

I interviewed 4 maids, the ones with experienced can answer my questions so well! But the agent advised me to get an inexperienced one if I am at home, so I can train her the way I want. For experienced ones, good if you need them to be independent. But hor, I would think somthing lacking in maids is INITIATIVE! Heee...
My maid is new, and got scaked b4, so v scary cat. We oso treat her so much better than her previous employer. Got twice, she did minor mistakes she cried, then we were puzzled, later she said cos she scared we send her home. THen I told her "AH, not so soon!" Opps...
Hmmm, i think got sweet n saltish one. I eat the peanut one always, nice....

U have more vit $ then u r royal princess liao, not tai tai anymore

Now my hand super itchy to bake belgium chocolate mousse cake! I very scared, super fattening but i want to bake! Teachers' day still 2wks later..........no reason to bake now!

Hi mummies, tried my hands on bak chang finally last saturday. Taste and look wise still can pass but got 1 problem. The rice will stick to the leave and fall apart when opened. My MIL says it's becos i din add a chinese medical powder into the boiling water. Anyone can help clarify this?

Things will just get better and sweeter!!!

really love the baking stuffs out from ur ovens!!! way to go eureka!!! i luv melting moments

me not well now... body keep getting tensed then kenna legs/hands cramp. fatigue whole day long haiz. No opportunity to go for retail therapy so i'm turning towards cooking for comfort..hahahah

looking ur cheesecake made me think of Jo.. JO!!! WHERE'S MY CHEESE CAKE??

ur jin tui make me gian

yah... were at ikea that nite cos we when to Tampines 137 there to makan. Did Jem lead u to my teary face? that rascal wandered off and we had a hard time search for him. End up i din hv time to get what we needed.

mooncake.. paiseh, no research info to give yet cos i'm still stuck with bak chang..hahahah. aiyoh, but u reminded me i only hv 1.5 months left to try.

wahahah... ay, i envy those that bakes and HAVE a maid at home leh.

i find metal cutters easier to cut but difficult to maintain..plastic cutters safer for kids' fingers
Cherelle is so chubby, nice to cuddle

Eureka, Giggler
Ok here is the ugly cake, so coincidence mine is coffee cake with Oreo cream.


Nice cake, very creative of you to hide the crack. You have to remove the cake from the oven once is done leh. If thats your cookies gone liao. I substitute egg with the low cholesterol eggs from NTUC and hopefully is really low cholesterol and healthier

As Dad,
Opps, I dont like such T leh, still prefer my kids in plain & simple T

My kids are funny, for Grace dont want to eat, tell teacher that she is on diet for Mark leh will tell people that he is allergy to durian and broccoli cos he dont like it. They got their on way to say NO.

QSG, Eureka
Ok will keep a lookout for the alphabet cutter for you.
Im using Wilton icing color /concentrated paste. The trick is get the red 1 and just add a dot on the white fondant you will get pink and when you add more than turns darker pink or red. If you get the pink I then just pink only and no matter how much you add you wont get red. But red can stained hor.
Wilton also got ready colored fondant in basic color, pastels, and shades of browns but more ex compare to the white 1.

For once was thinking why you not going to gym classes anymore, your upcoming departure haven sink into my brain yet cos we still yakking away in office ha ha ha.
Can still try to salvage your oven, likely is due to moisture trap in the oven that will cause the tripping due to current leakage. You can try removing the earth wire from the oven 3 pins plug and switch it on.
If the oven works , then let it heat up for at least for half to 1 hour. Then you can put back the earth wire after that. If after removing the earth wire and still wont work, then is time for you to buy a new 1 liao. Get your hb to help and dont do it during thunderstorm hor.

So far I havent try making the paste, I get ready make from Kwong Siang Thai (spelling ???) near Aljunied MRT. Some go for Phoon Huat or Sun Lip. I have 1 somewhere around, cant remember where I have chucked it to cos dont know where to buy the fresh white lotus leh.
Let me search for the recipe and pass it to you.

So sianz to hear about maids problems. You have changed 6th maid in how many years?
Me also not very happy with my current maid, feel that she is acting blur in front of me, so that I dont get her to do more. She is with me for 3 months liao but still can tell me she forgot to change the bed sheets, forgot to tell me when things are running low in the house, forgot to close the windows when raining and many more. But my neighbors are telling me that she is super smart leh. The 1 before her only last for a week only, so wonder how many more chance do I have.
Hai, still worry that I may change for the worse.

You are very lucky

We dont really dare to tell the maid off cos both of my kids are with her and we dont want to tell her off in front of the kids too. Yah, still trying hard to find 1 with initiative.

I try my luck to see if I can be like Eureka, SAHM and bake nonstop ha ha ha.

You come for the fish head steamboat, Chai Chee porridge or che char at Blk 137 Tampines?
Me staying beside the market should have call me to join you

Think the powder is called phang seh heard is toxic and banned in Spore.
Maybe you din tie it hard enough and try boiling it longer.

ur photos all look so professionally taken, got standard leh...look so artistic, u took photography previously?

all the topics about baking make me tempted to buy an oven....but the last time i bake was when i in sec 2 during home economics class! haha.i even remember my fav is sardine rolls,

brenda, u also very good....can bake and cook....and now even can make bak chang!u no maid? then how u cook with ur kids around?

i think i really bad in all this....must learn..for the sake of my kids har..

maid...how i hope i can do without one! i gave my maid some of my old clothes and she told me she dun wear sleeveless blah blah, then one morning i wake up early and saw her wearing a sleevless cooking noodle with egg for her breakfast (thou we bght her biscuits for breakfast)!!!!! i just wonder when i not around dunno wat she will do, i darnt think of it leh....very fake leh...when i around, she acts like she very dotes on my kids, then sometimes, when i observe her, doesnt look like it leh..anyway cant expect too much from them, since we, as the employer, will definitely have conflicts of interest with them, the employees... i agree with skyblue, treat them well, they will not return gratitude by doing better, treat them not well, they say they wan to go home, or they bo chap and act stupid!
I read and read b4 I bake, kiasi cos cant tolerate imperfection (I mean, mere following of instruction lah but i have made silly mistake too). That is one of the 'MUST DO' for cheesecake baking leh. TO have water bath and leave the oven door ajar to have crack proof cake.....That is what I read from blog/forum lah. I will ask the pro chef later shd I get the chance!

Melting moment is unanimously agreed on that it is heavenly, at forums and my own consumption!
Bak chang too complicated and much work involved...U r gd! The shape is there liao n i am sure your ingredients are fresh n fragrant! MEdical powder????? Geez.....I go ask my cousin how the sister does it perfectly n get back to u, k?

Emily n Jeslyn,
Are u all serious in the melting moment? Will forward u...can give me ur email address?

Tks for your kind encouragement. These 2 wks I will bake french onion/ham bread and belgium chocolate mousse cake. Wish me all the best.
GG is right! Pen sei is banned in singapore liao, maybe malaysia selling. One aunty told me she got no such problem cos she boiled 1.5hrs over charcoal.

Cheem leh, dun know what u talking abt...hehehhe..wilton n biy is something i want to check out in details soon. Flour flour flour, milk also got different kind....wah piang. UHT, skimmed, fresh, low fat, dairy etc....i want to get low fat but scared dun taste as nice! terrible leh....fattening n hor those beautiful colouring also nice but unhealthy leh. contradiciting. Want to bake still want to think so much!

My fridge is overcrowded with baking stuffs! I was packing my stuffs n I broke my Childlife multivitamin!!!!!!!! My kids just started on this bottle bot frm spree all the way from USA n now it smashed. Heartache ah....the money n the mess.......wonder my ants will be vitalised by any slip thru unwiped portion????

Hey, ask u! Can i bake thing with those aluminium paper tray? Those material like we use to line our stove ring?? I want to bake bun but again got2 buy the proper trays...investment leh so tot if i can bake with those paper aluminium tray?? I bot so many trays lately liao.

U sure want to be sahm n bake non stop?

My typical day...
730am - wake up boil water/make milk
8am - wash 2 backsides (poo)/brush teeth
815am - make the bed
830am - chauffuer the kids to school
845am - mkting
915am - Back home, packed mkting stuff
930am - breakfast/surf net
1015am - sweep floor/clear untidy hse/soak dirty clothing
11am - gym
1230pm - pick up ah girl
1pm-230pm - shower/read/chat/get her to nap
230pm -4pm bake/wash up
4pm-5pm - fold clothes and hang clothes
5pm -530pm - prepare dinner
530pm - shower ah boy
6-630pm - cook/serve dinner/wash up
730-8pm - coach school work
......hb helping out in the evening too.....
10pm onwards baking/wash up (at times)

U see not a sahm only, it is ABCD....
d=domestic doggie (loyal)

and it is not as easy as abc!
ay... i really envy ur good life leh. hahahah, but wun be too eng till bored meh?

wow! the way u describe 'repairing' the oven very pro leh.. hahaha, u seriously into baking till u read up on ovens as well arh?

wanted to go for cze char but smell nice western food so deviated. But disappointing, cos saw hainanese pork chop but it wasn't the traditional one. This is one dish that i can seems to master even going thru the whole process of drying bread or use jacob biscuits.

no worries, we will be there often cos there got so much yummy food n near the fishing pond..haahhaha

tying is okay already cos i tied for my MIL before n her's okay. but she put the powder lah... mebbe i'll try to boil longer.

Yes! that's the powder!!! very sian hor.. dun feel like adding but they comment that we've been eating for generations already... haiz~

my kids play on their own when i cook n do hsework.

yes yes! help me find out k... cos i wanna try another round with roast duck meat and enoki.. i also boil for 1.5hrs leh, using stove lah

looking forward to see ur belgium choc cake leh!

yoz other mummies!!! dun cook/bake etc nevermind leh... can always chat abt kids, monsters, coach bags, NDP one
Eureka, yes... I think u can bake in those aluminium tray... does anyone think differently? Coz anyway, can bake chicken etc on those trays, right? So why not cakes?
Oh yah.. wanna share with u gals.

We went to sign up for Friends of Science Centre over the weekend. $35 per annum for 2adults/3kids entries to Science Centre.

Not bad leh... my both Js enjoyed the exhibits esp. the space side. We have fun seeing fish at the marine corner. There r some exhibits that Jem can mage to play on his own. And of course there's the waterwork with pools n water fountains like those at bugis.

one thing to note though.. it's freezing cold.

A nice place for the family to enjoy esp. under crazily hot days... but not for those who dun like to explore yah...
Tod's angry face can be very cute too

Jin Tui??? Not Mua Ji meh?
Your typical day looks very healthy. How abt adding an "E" - Entrepreneur? Bake and sell your cake

Yeah, cannot say to Alicia she got big tummy, she gets angry, and will tell you Adrian has big tummy, not her. U changing Co?

Body sculpting can help to prevent flabby tummy
, but can be very tedious (and needs discipline) to do that. Leg raise, crutches are good sculpting excercise to firm up the tummy.

Where got ugly? Nice cake leh.
Hope Alicia can pick up those statement from Mark
, and use it more often.

How abt using Jpn rice with vinegar, so can stick together liao lor. I was once a young explorer in Science Centre (during Pri sch), and had lots of fun in their library.
Hmmmm... I where got Eng... I am suppose to work, but always so lazy lor. This 2 weeks I no mood to work, then hb suggest gg Bintan, but 7th mth, so I a bit skeptical lor.
I not like you so super woman, can tahan 2 kids all day. My temper is short and I will boil up v fast lor. I oso try to cook dinner when I am home, cos got pple clean up liao. Envy those of you who can bake. My kitchen no space for oven liao.

Wah, you go gym now ah? I haven't stepped in for months! Or maybe 1 yr liao ah. Maybe can't even fit into my tights.

I tell my maid that she is new, we can train until she is v good in her chores, similarly we can train another maid. So she is not indispensible. She oso know my hb can do the housework better than her and of cos I can handle Nat. If your maid no good, then change another one.

Last night my hb on all the lights to show my maid the patches tat is left on the sliding door and mirrors cos she din clean properly. Usually at the top part, I guess got higher up, she lazy to do a proper job, though we got her a ladder.
This morning I saw my maid taking newspapers to clean mirror again, so I asked her she gg to clean mirror ah...
Then Nat said this to her "You clean the mirror ah, later I check. You see here, you didn't clean properly (pointing to dining room mirror)"
I almost fainted. Sounded exactly like my hb!!!

Nat and hb smiling alike
Nat looks so much like your hb leh

Your hb makes me think of NS days, got to run through the area with the fingers after cleaning..hahaha..
Our #1 can mimic a lot of our conversation liao. I was stirring a cup of honey for myself, and Alicia next to me said "must stir until dissolve ah". I looked at her and asked " Who teaches you the word dissolve???". She replied "Mummy". She also imagine herself as nanny when she speaks to Adrian
i.e "Bu ke yi chi ah, ni hai xiao".
Jo baked a very nice pooh bear cheesecake last yr leh.....very cute!!

huh? I have no further info 4u liao except the above. My cousin said use pen sei which is banned now. Then another aunty said Y WILL STICK TO LEAVE, HERS WONT?

Ok, Will share the chocolate mousse cake later....

Hey, die lah, science center will be swarmed by mums n kids here liao! I will go sign up! GOt aircon leh, foz hb n i freak out!

Alicia's dad,
Ya, toddlers' whatever expression also very cute. Their provoked face is super entertaining at times too!

I think if i ever become the 'E"...I may stressed to death. Ingredients must be fresh, final products must be super acceptable to be delivered etc. BTW, if i ever become one, will u support me??

Alicia very cute, da gui tou! I must meet up with u n your family one of these days!

Mua ji is not those soft soft gluey type with peanut going over them meh??

I read abt your hb at other thread, dun know where. Very ticklish but hor i am just like him! Fishball will spring n bounce n of course got2 clean bigger patch of tile! Now he has a maid, ask him dun so strict leh...whole family's fate at stake. heard many friends told me their sent back maids said how they include dun know what (saliva/sanitary pad!!!)in their dishes! Really freak me out!

Gym, I cant even wear any tights at the 1st place.......ugly leh, my top so heavy! sianz...

Yahor make sense......really thanks for getting back to me. I go try n confirm with u abt the bun tray!

Today MIND YOUR BODY got one 68 yo uncle who is a golf player claimed that huiji bu yao jin really helps in his backache. Got one recipe on using it to steam fish....u want to try? I mean u still go for your treatment lah but diet wise, try to cater for your back too lor....u go read ST today?
Eh...you suppose to fold and hang clothes now rite? hahaha....
Sure support you one, if you become "E".
Meet up, no problem lar. Juz let me know where is your plan during weekend, and we try to fit in lor

I tot evrything coated with sesame is Mua Ji leh? Now I learn from all of you here
Hehehe, i know u're talking abt the yong tau hu stall in the wet mkt. U dun tink it's crowded? Last sun when i was there, so many aunties buying from the stall. Mebbe got discount ah?

U stay near the blk 137 mkt? Is it near where a Baby n Child clinic is? I read a food blog recommending some stalls at the round mkt but yet to try.

I find baking very tiring leh. Mebbe cos i dun have mixer/blender (still confused over these 2) so have to 'stir' the flour manually. By the time i'm done, 'bo lak' liao.

U tried sit ups?

No reason to bake the cake? U must bake n try out the taste 1st mah, then give a perfect one to the tchrs ;p

To me, u're oredi a tai tai liao. Hehehe...
i know i know.....U so small size, i so big, i also find the vibration along with my handheld mixer very sng. Then those folding of dough, wah piang, must use horsepower ah!

U oso keow guan food blog alot? Interesting n fascinating hor?

Very ex to do the trial run leh for chocolate mousse cake. So I wait till near tchr day then die die bake n hope for best. If cannot make it, rush to royce buy chocolate can liao?

Alicia's dad,
U r so sweet! Bet u r tender loving papa n ah lao too!

I also learn alot from mums here! Seem like many mums run ge tai leh, all mia!

I must take my exit too, if not, kena boot with my baking topic here. Old topic liao, many mums already enthusiatically talking n discussing abt it a yr ago here!

hi mummies n a's dad,
tks for compliment on cher
so far, she is quite a gd n easy bb. but i cant manage cher n ash alone leh. on wkend, if hb goes out for a while, ash wld make lots of noise, disturb cher fr slping n wen i nid to bf cher, ash wld go 'mummy i wan tis, mummy tis, mummy tat', non-stop.. else wld b jumping/running ard, very active. chuan..
Honestly, your post brighten my day again! I keep laughing at your comment on "run ge tai".
Aiya, I am not sweet lar..pai sei. I can be quite a disciplinarian at home.

It's not easy to handle both alone. My wife too is fearful when I need to travel and she is left alone with the 2 kids. We are still against getting a maid since Adrian still cannot express himself. During weekend, Alicia will follow me if I need to go out for a while, so each one of us needs only to keep an eye on one
Mom2Nat, I got one inexp indo maid. She's not gd with housework but she really dote on my kids so we just bear with her. Hahaha.... Vane did the same to the maid also. Its funny lah but I discourage her to do that cos I find it rude. Nat really looks like her dad.

GG, your ugly cake still look so pro leh. Ok, I'll let my hb knows and ask him to help with the oven first.

stressma, very sian to have maid hor? I was telling my hb that I'll send the maid home once the 2yr contract is up. After that, I'll send both my kids to childcare.

eureka, hahaha... so cute leh so its not just SAHM but ABCD!!! You really creative with your words leh. I didnt run getai yday but got mc and rested at home. Kenna stomach flu. Sigh.......

brenda, your 2 Js can enjoy Science Centre? I thot they too young for it.

A's dad, yup, me changing co starting from next mth. I've been doing crutches leh but tummy still very stubborn lah. Our #1 sound so 'adult' nowadays hor? Vane starts to behave like da jie da to her cousins nowadays.

Re: Gathering
Shall we have one gathering to go Science Centre together?

skyblue, I do crutches almost every nite but the tummy is very stubborn leh.

sanrio, it takes time to handle both alone. I'm still trying myself.
your post made me post here again. Now i know, when U mia here, most of the time u are ill!! U notice? Stomach flu, very terok leh, U feeling better today?

I also must be disciplined like u! U do crutches everynite??!! Wow...I cant wait to 'par' on my bed each nite leh....

Exercise really very good. Ytd, did a monthly screening and it shows my blood pressure going down (last time was botherline)! Start to really get into me that exercise is very important! Sign of serious aging! U know i peifu some young mums. One of them doing part time doctorate(?) n looking after a young tod and yet find time to go gym 3txs per wk! Compare to her, really shameful hor?

Yes, Shall we go Science center together? Make alicia n vane both the little tour leaders?

Alicia's Dad
What your wife going thru when u r away are the same concern as me. But i told myself 'Quickly fly, if not, my heart keeps hanging there! Must fly mean must fly! Quickly fly n quickly come back. This too will pass!'
Then I will drive the kids go out together with ah gong ah ma ema dajiu etc...time passes faster!
Never easy to handle both..takes practice. And will get worst when they are more able to move around ( for #2).. Now still toning my arm muscles pushing one in pram and carrying the other..
skyblue, oh.. is it very crowded? hehee... I always go market before I go to work on a weekday. So not too bad. :p But this weekend must go. Don't really like to go on weekends, but no choice this time coz I have to plan my marketing carefully... to go with my husband coz he works shift... then he can help me carry. :p
Nat is splitting image of ur hubby.

Brenda, GG,
thank u very much.

Maid - sorry i cant contribute much. I lend u my listening ears.

I was thinking to bake cup cake or cookies for Janelle's teacher. If cupcake then i have to wake up in the mid of the nite to start doing it. Will the cupcake still be nice overnite or refridge?

i didnt see ur teary face leh. Wat happened? I saw Jerome wandered ard then ur hubby led him back to u.
Must be the crutches result in stomach flu? hope you are better now. Although they like to behave like "adults", they are still a baby when it comes to demanding what they want lor.

Crutches need the right technique to be effective. To know if the technique is right, you must be able to feel the stomach muscle tightens after each regime. Do leg raise (feet 10cm off the ground, and lift to 90 degree, repeat 5 sets of 8) for the lower abs, and crutches is for the upper abs. Do crutches with knee bend and heels almost touching your butt. hands with fingers touching the ear. Do 2 steps up and 2 steps down (count 1,2,3,4). Repeat 3 sets of 8. Next, do fast up (1 step), and 2 steps down (repeat 3 sets of 8), and lastly, 2 steps up, and 1 step down (repeat 3 sets of 8).

My wife dun know how to drive, so when I travel, the car also rest at the carpark
. My wife has been learning for 2 years, but kenna stuck at advance theory..hahahaha...

RE: Gathering at Science Centre
Sounds like a good idea.

I think Alicia and Vane will lead the group directly to the water play only.
eureka, yup, felt much better today. Actually I quite happy though I sick leh. I so happy that I got Vane to take care of me when I was sick yday.
I also feel that I aged alot recently leh. Dun know what happened.
Your fren really energetic and really know how to manage her time.

brenda, what teary face??? What happened?

A's dad, wow... you sound like gym instuctor... Hehehe... think I didnt do proper crutches so didnt see any results till now. I not sure what cause my stomach flu leh. Think most mummies here are thinking of baking cookies/cupcakes for teachers.

Re: Science Centre
When will be the date???
A's dad,
yah.. i had fun going through collecting those "little astrologist", "little biologist" badges etc too when young.

jap rice w vinegar...wahahahha, later all my elders fail me leh.

Bintan Lagoon having attractive offers. But hb not keen

actually hor.. now i hv no mood to work too leh. I wun be able to bear to be away from my boys for more than 0.5days now..hahhaha

tsk tsk... u should sign up the membership liao.. about time for Rae to play w science. One warning tho, i think boys will love the shop there that sells a lot of interesting 'toys' to experience various science projects. I'm already very hooked to it..hahaha

oei.. u dun ciao~ again leh

next time we go 137 there to mt GG for Fish Head Steamboat and Cze Char gathering?!?!?

i used to be 'manual' like u.. spend only $1+ to get a spatula and start baking liao.. who knows when i finally gotten a mixer last month.. my cake fail..haiz~

dun give up easily.. soon u can manage both easily.

surprise rite?!?! i used to think the same as u as well.. but really unwell over the weekend and dun wish to travel far yet wan a place for them to run. So told hb to go there look see then hv dinner and go home early. Who knows all of us enjoyed it.

Of course dun expect them to listen to the theories behind the exhibits.. but just let them hv a go at the buttons, experiments etc.

Jem : He goes for those with cause and effects like press the buttons to create more currents, make air rings, kick n move balls on the screens n make ripples on computerized pond etc.

Jay : He likes to climb up n down the carpeted steps, look at the lights, see 'tornado', exhibits that create movements/shapes etc. and of course... his fishes..hahhaha

so dun be surprise that sherwin might start to stare as well... just remember its pretty cold inside yah.

all the best to ur new job!!

he keep wandering off lor... and got himself so lost that hb n i had to search for him through the sections a few round. I was under depression then so keep thinking i'm gonna lost him too.. nearly broke down n cry.

but yah.. hb says when he found him.. he was dreaming and mumbling away with no hint of fear that he's lost..haiz~
Share with u ppl another thing..

We went to shop for my fishing rod last evening. Yah.. fishing is a regular outing for my family already so i decided to get a rod for prawn fishing.

When we went into the shop, hb went to look at his stuff while i look for mine. Jem as usual.. wander off again. When i found him, he's look at reels..n actually chose one that he likes. Thinking its just $5, i let him buy together w a cheap rod. The salesman help him get a short one.

We were surprise when we put it together for him to play, he actually can pretend that he's casting and pulling in fish in the correct way!

Moral of the story.... expose your kids to various events and places even if they r 3yrs old!! Only by participating various activites with them, will we find out what's their interests and characters. Have fun, folks!!

Oh yah...we went to watch firework during NDP as well. Jen can narrate what he sees and ask for to see more now. Jay, too during the event will watch and point towards the fireworks. Thus we gotten tickets for this coming saturday.

In case you r keen to let ur kiddeos watch fireworks as well.. they will be displaying on Friday and Saturday at 9pm this weekn at the same place as NDP. We found that the carpark behind Long Beach at Marina South has a nice view with slight block from the trees but can see full work including those set off at the buildings in Shenton Way.
Just finished mopping and baking, auto come to this thread leh.....

Alicia's dad,
Your wife not 40yo yet, rite?
So still not late to take her licence. I cant imagine confined in the house with 2, for long n ALONE for days??!! But surprising they can be rather guai when my hb not ard....I 'brainwash n condition' them b4 papa's department that they got to help mummy, pls behave! hahahaha....if not, papa's luggage no gift for them! It works!

Hhahaha, water play really lures the kids lah...

How are u? Tks for sharing this mattel recall.

So sweet and an wei that Vane zhang da le, attentive n good while u were ill hor? Still, i cant wish u sick longer rite? hahahha.....hope u r in the pink!

Alicia's dad not pro instructor lah, u see he nids 3rd valve oso.........

U look young n radiant lah....your heart n soul old issit...complex lor....

I LOL at your sharing that when u work with $1 plus 'equipment' all went ok but once u got proper mixer, cake failed! Meanwhile all my stuffs are like toys marsar too...hope once upgrade wont be a flop for long!

WHen Jerome was lost, the kind of feeling u had issit 'THis time surely is gone liao, not so heng like last few time?' I had this feeling also but after a few next trip, I lax keeping close watch over them again.

We have been talking abt going Science Center very long liao. Now heard frm you that membership is so cheap, cheong liao lor!
Tell your elders it's fusion Bak Jang

You try the prawn farm near Bird park? Easy to catch the prawn?

Giggler, Eureka,
I learnt this from the body sculpting instructor mah, but a few lessons cannot rid of the "spare tyre" leh. Got to have discipline to get a firm tummy (six packs), but I think very difficult for me, unless I use a cookie cutter to form the six "island"

I have not reach 40 yet, how can my wife be 40

We are mid 30s.

RE: Cookies/cupcakes for teachers day
Eureka, bake for MEEEEE..... I be your first customer
brenda, how's your depression? It'll just come and go? Take care ok.... Jem got no fear or got any idea that he lost? THink he feels very secure that you or Mark will be able to locate him. So you want to go Science Centre together??? You really make effort to expose your kids to lots of things hor?

eureka, ya, felt so sweet leh but no strength to praise her while I was ill. But also sad that she grows up so fast. Hahha... contradicting hor?

So when are we gg to Science Centre?
eureka, brenda,
I paranoid abt germs ;p to me, sci ctr exhibits r like touched by so many children. Mebbe cos when i go there, it's always on weekdays with MANY students ard. I see the way some cough/sneeze into their hands, then straightaway touch the displays etc, my mind goes 'eeeekkkkkssss'.

Sng rite? So whenever i bake, the 'stirring' job goes to my hubby.
Eh, wat is 'keow guan food blog'?

Wah, i tink i won't be able to get used to life w/o a maid next yr. Imagine now, i can spend time wif my boys w/o worrying abt dirty toilets, unwashed/unfolded clothes, dusty floor etc etc. Ask me to start doing hsework myself again, i tink i'll die ;p

Which mixer did u buy?

A's daddy,
Give food to tchrs!!!

Hey, u're very bz with work? Dun always jus pop in and give us all tis useful info nia. Must oso update abt urself and Teddy leh.
Depression sound serious to me. U ok? Like giggler said may be he knew parents will be kam cheong abt him and will locate him.
We started to have this problem with Janelle now. If she cannot locate us, she will SHOUT for us but i asked her to look ard before shouting in the public.

I salute to all the mummies here. I am so scare to bring two kids out and yet it is too boring to stay at home.

We are very deprive of couple time.
U know hor, I am very terrible. Sometime, the 2 can be so noisy that I literally told my hb that i feel like no peace, want to tape their mouth! Very bad rite but really get on my nerve at time. Whole morning me handling them alone while hb sleeping away. But hb just one comment shut me up totally - 'now u say they noisy n want to tape their mouth, next time he/she has their own world, only have 2hrs awakening time at home, see u still want to tape their mouth anot?'

Suddenly I am lost n ................sad?? Contradicting? Like u lor, vane growing up so fast!

EEEEEEEEEEEEERrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrkkkkkkkkkk, I am so conscious abt the hygience now. Skarli we go science center n i start telling my kids DUN TOUCH THIS N THAT.......my hb sure freak out! hhahahah but valid leh your concern. How ah? ASk my kids to wear gloves? If pple ask, just say very cold? Yah, brenda? Giggler, alicia's dad, what do u think?

Alicia's dad,
Y cannot? Y your wife cant be more senior than u leh? Very common mah......

Anyway, life is short, never too late to start anything. Another sign of aging!

Sure anot? U set me painting pic of what container to use, what decor to do it if I were to really bake 4u! hahahahaahah......then wake up in the middle of nite to bake in order to get best freshness.......wow, no joke leh!
Re: Kids wondering off

Ehh.. We are the adults here leh, cannot expect a 3 yo to understand the consequences of getting lost.

Brenda, when you say Mark go see his thing n u go see your thing, what do you tell Jerome? Follow either one of us? Or stay close to one of u? Ty will wonder off by herself too. We tried it in Australia. She didn't want to follow us, when we carry she will struggle. Then we "hide". But she also show no fear. Continue to run and sing "Daddy Mummy where are you????" I think that's why people say "Ignorance is bliss"? Then hor, recently she wanted to watch "Finding Nemo"... (Thanks to Grace's "fettish" over Nemo). Then she saw how Nemo ignored his father's advice and got caught by the diver... Then finally she understood! Now if she wonders too far, we will remind her abt Nemo, then she will stay close liao.
Ay, you so boh chup... how come become friends with depression? Too long never msn me isit?

As' Daddy, my hubby say his abs already "liu(4) guo(2) tong(3) yi(1)" (translates to 6 countries unite) and he tells me "unity is strength"... :|

Skyblue, if you don't want your helper hor, I volunteer to "Adopt" hor! Hahaha!!!

Giggler, where will your new office be?

Bearbitt, the stupid Mattel recall... The newspaper release say refund will be given, please bring along your receipt n the toy... SOOOO idiotic! Who will keep receipts for such a long time? On a different note, how's teddy?

Mom2nat, never thought your hubby can be so pretty right? Hahaha!!!
hey, i also baked without a mixer, everytime is manualm mixing by my very powerful flabby arms

and i also did those "little astrologist/biologist" projects too. for the little biologist, we were suppose to collect diff types of leaves with diff shape rite? i still hv them!

u wanna elaborate abit more on ur bak zhang or not? like the steps and all so tat i can check with my mummy what went wrong.

bake the nite b4 should be ok leh, the cupcake still taste as good the next day, but then i only tasted overnite cupcakes once. problem with me is tat i only eat the cake when they are fresh out of the oven hot n yummy, after that i dun touch the cakes anymore.

me and hubby hv lots of couple time cos our girls sleep early but then hor, i realise we hardly communicate
after 9pm, both of us will sit infront of the tv and then just watch tv in silence. if not then he'll be doing his exercise in the balcony and watching tv while i lie there just lie tat feeling like a pig. if he exercise too long then i'll complain cos the more he exercise the fatter i feel! very unreasonable hor!

re: science centre gatering
i'll join in too cos i can sign out my company's science center pass and i've just booked the pass for 1 Sep, figured that since its Teacher's day, shouldn't hv much school excursions rite cos all the teachers resting??? so how? on or not? and i'll op for the gloves too
I just did the weirdest thing.. went for massage as recommended by u mummies. seriously cannot tahan already so try my luck.

Beginning quite hilarious (starting from foot) cos the more he try, the more i tensed. but it did get better and i moved on for back massage too. It feels good leh but the guy says i too 'injured' liao ask me go tuina instead..wahahahah. Super PAIN !!

i finally remember what i wan to ask u.. u were asking abt Reynold Aluminium loaf pan issit? to bake ur bread har? buy a proper one lah.. then can make shepherd's pie, sara lee kind of cake etc

dun noe leh.. mebbe really too tired recently thus keep having the feeling that things just slipped out of hand easily and will be 'gone forever'. sometimes even hb dun log on to msn in the morning, i'll get images of car accident.. think i abit siao already..wahahah

i also wan to be ur customer... esp. for belgian chocs :p

A's dad,
used to go there to quite often but cannot really tahan the 'ger tai'. get quite good catch there but the prawns getting smaller leh. Used to be good w huge prawns.

Now i go to Pasir Ris Farmway One cos they just opened for 3-4mths still trying to build customers base thus got good stuff..hahahha

It's going off.. I suffered burnout before during teens time so tends to fall into depression if din take care.. will be faster if take relaxants but difficult to look after the kids leh. But think its going off soon.

Dunnoe leh.. i dun think he even realise that he was lost.

No choice.. cos i dun let them go school.. if i dun let them get more exposed n interactive, then they will grow to be super sian ppl..hahahha

Anytime for science centre.. i wanna go try the flavoured beancurd in their cafe..hahahah

Wah Piang!!! Kieran wear gloves go library issit?? :p

i bought philips one.

Problem is he din feel 'lost' to think of shouting or looking for us..hahahah

Actually hor.. i bring the kids to go library and Jurong Point on my own in the evenings. He dun seems to have the daydreaming issue leh.

i'm very deprived of couple time too..hahah

Usually i'll ask him to stay close to me lor.. but guess i was too distracted. We play 'hide' before as well.. but he just walk around mumbling to himself n finds a place to sit down. *faintz*

wahaha... noe u busy now dun dare to disurb u on msn liao. No lah... wasn't easy that time to be on my own still go hosp. w the kids then went thru wake somemore. Think i really overstrain myself this time round.

win lor... if i noe all ur beautiful cakes use the same $1 spatula, i wouldn't have go waste that extra bucks... wahahah. I used to make smaller sponge cakes but now wanna try the normal 9" tin. So went to 'invest'. cannot make it leh... no feel on whether beat enuf or not.

yes yes!! the leaves collage..hahahah

RE : bak chang
~i soaked the leaves/rice the night before for 3hrs then leave to dry before frying in the seasoning the next morning.
~marinate the pork belly the nite before/ soak the mushroom.
~wrapped the chang already, i put it to boil for 1.5hrs, adding in hot water whenever the level too low.
~then hang dry again.
