(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

lyn, I find the way to Mt A very troublesome too. But some like the nurses and environment, I think.

Ava, how's the yr next yr? Good or bad?

Ruffy, just sent you my PM. It's ok if your hb is too busy with work..
You sure can handle both boys, have some confident.

tks for d info

ashrel came back to tell me abt his school too. but somtx i 'catch no ball' until he repeats a few tx. like ydy, he said 'ah ma came school, ashrel said hello ah ma'. i was like ah???????????? then he said 'happy birthday ashrel, blow candle, barney cake'. then i was like ah??????? agn. af a while he said, 'ah ma brg cake, ashrel std here, mrs lim std here, chen rao shi std here, regis std here...' then ashrel started clapping his hands n sang happy birthday. oh i realised it was his classmate regis's b'day n regis ah ma came w a barney b'day cake. so i ask ashrel 'whose birthday?'. he said 'ashrel's birthday'...
My x colleagues who left told me not easy to get job leh. Think it depends on which field u r going into
3 mths notice v long rite.
Wat question did u ask the teacher in the communcation book?

Chen Chen does't tell me wat he does in school when I ask him

Your hubby doesn't want TMC?
Know wat, when I went back for review tis time. KKH nurse told me LN Sim is @ TMC. Price cheaper than KKH coz it's package price. If u really want TMC can check out package price n compare wif KKH agar price. If really cheaper, can try convince your hubby
I attended antenatal class in TMC. The class wz conducted by the famous lactation consultant. I find the lactation consultant in KKH not any inferior to the one in TMC. I even read comment fm mum in the 4rum dat the lactation consultant who attended to me @ KKH better than the famous lactation consultant fm TMC. Dat mum consulted both for her problem
U not cold. U freeze

Ash's description v detail. No wonder u say he lor sor
Koala, oic... I thot it applies to all fields as shown on TV news. 3mths notice too long for most co. But some co willing to compensate on your behalf leh. I asked the teacher how's Vane behaviour in sch? Can she get along well with teacher and classmates? Can she understand instructions given by teacher?
hope K fits in happily soon!

wow Jana's cc sounds fantastic. The kindy I'd be sending my girl to in April has no outdoor play- the playground is miserably small, and teachers said they wun bring the pre-nursery class down cos the tods too small. No waterplay whatsoever either. Then again, only 2 hrs, dunno wat they do there.

Can I ask those who sent their tods to sch... how to help kid integrate? First 3 days can accompany, shld I immediately point out the teacher to my girl, and then WE *TAG* the teacher or something? I'm afraid that if I guide her in first 3 days, my girl will look to me and feel "lost" when I just deposit her with the teacher? If we tag the teacher from beginning, maybe my girl will feel some familarity?

After the 3 days, if girl still crying, can I insist on accompanying a few more days?
How to "communicate" with the teacher- when sending and fetching, quickly communicate issit? Will I sound too ganjiong if I highlight that my girl is small-sized, doesn't hit people but will never give up a coveted toy? Her kind of trait sure kanna bitten/ hit by other tods leh. Really wish she would LET GO of the toy, for self-preservation!
Once the kids learned to share, there will be less hitting & biting liao.
Dont worry teachers wont beat her, the most keep reminding her not to beat others.
After the last incidence I also worry if Grace will bite other kids.

Is good to have such principal, teachers also dont dare to play play leh.
I also salute Marks kindi principal, even the kids have left the kindi for years liao, she still remembers their names.
Jana is adapting well in school, if you going to take her out then you have to go thru all over again when you decided to send her back to school. Grace also cant talk much yet, most of the time cant really understand what she is trying to tell us also. So we have to refer to the timetable & menu list from the school.

Delivered Mark at MT E and Grace at NUH both by PC Wong, my main gynae.
Cos PC Wong, Mary Rauf and another gynae went over to NUH, they are doing some teaching at NUS and NUH itself. But they are still seeing patient at their clinic at MT E on certain afternoons but all deliveries will be at NUH only. For both of my pregnancies my placenta not working very well so needs lots of scanning and was send to Mary Rauf for that and also when PC Wong not in town, I will see her too.
Both are very experienced & nice.
Yup they have link between the buildings, ha ha ha they never wheeled me across the car park.
I find it easy to go to NUH via ECP then AYE exit then can see NUH liao.
Tell you something is true for my case that I paid lesser seeing the same PD in Glen E then in NUH leh.

Zyrtec is for anti allergies. Did she stop blinking her eyes after taking that?
For some school they will tell you they need a month or two after all the kids to settle down before giving you feedback on the child. So meantime no news is good news lor.

Boil some red dates and drink them warm to warm up yr body.
I also felt cold during the initial stage of pregnancy, so boiled red dates or soup on alternate days.

Ash so cute, thru his conversation can tell that he is quite a detailed boy.
You fixing jig saw puzzle, trying to understands what he is trying to tell you.
Found out that for Glen E is easier to park at Botanical Garden above the food court and walk over,
cheaper too rather than circling to find car park at Glen E.

Like yr posting, like planning for some major event if plan A dont work then plan B ha ha ha, indeed is a major event sending our kids to school hor.
All mummies and including myself have the same Q before sending our kids to school.
DONT BE SURPISE, they may not even cry or look for you leh.
Depending on the school policy, for my boys kindi not even a day and my girl, she was given 3 days for parents to be around. After that cry or dont cry parents are not allowed.
Still best is to leave it to the teachers rather then all the parents crowd in the class and start giving diff instructions to the kids. For communications, either write in the communication book or wait till all the kids dismissed first before approaching the teachers.

Alicias dad,
For my familys zodiacs, my hb says can find all of us in the zoo.
A's Dad, so you are 36, your wife is 33...

Teochew food... We like this place at Mosque Street, called Lee Kuai (Cold Crab) restaurant...quite yummy leh...

Hmm, now I know who to call if need fengshui advice..
gg, koala,
hmm.. ash quite a 'detailed' boy, keke.. mayb he started talking late so now wen he can communicate beta, he is so eager to tell me evytg but somtx cant put d 'pcs' 2geter properly.
u noe why hb find him 'lo so'. he repeat tis phrase to hb (not 1 word missing) evy morning wen hb drop him off in school.
'papa, after lunch n bathe, come n pick up ashrel. ashrel gd boy, no cry, bye bye papa'.
then reach hm c me will say:
'mummy, ashrel gd boy no cry, ashrel tu tu train go playgrd. ashrel eat pork chop, ashrel sing 'bu wa wa, ashrel...., ashrel....'.
haha... lo so hoh..

haha somtx i 'doubt' wat ashrel said so once a while i ask his principal n she said wat ashrel said it's true... during christmas tx, ashrel came back n told me 'snow man nose drop. teacher said see don't touch'. i asked ashrel 'who broke snow man nose'. he said 'ashrel'. next day i ask his principal wen i pick him, principal said snowman nose drop is true but not ashrel who make it drop :p
Media always report gd 1.
Co which willing to compensate 3 mths means they need ppl super urgently which usually means there r a lot of back log

How old is your gal?
Most schools allow parents to accompany tods for 1st few days. If u find your gal still can't adapt u can ask the teacher to let u accompany her for more days. But it is better dat u say a swift gd bye n leave. Ensure her u will fetch her in zz hr's time. U might not know, may b your gal will surprise u by adapting easily
b4 your gal attend school, bring her to the school to c tods go in/ leave the class. Tell her it's fun to attend school

Alicia's daddy
Next yr pig, monkey, tiger fan tai sui

I ever compared when I wz pregnant wif Chen Chen, it's cheaper in pte hospital than KKH for the few I compared. But hor KKH give ppl the cheapo impression
My hubby said NUH further than KKH. I had short labor last time. So he said better stick to KKH, nearer

Gd dat Ash shows great improvement after attending cc. Money better spent in cc than sending him to speech specialist
Think it's a phase. Chen Chen used to ans Chen Chen when we ask who did wat n wat. I even taught him "it's not me" if he is not the 1 who did it. Now he will say the name of the person who did the thing.
Yes, you can request to stay longer, but frankly, it wont do much good. Cos as the time goes, she knows that you will be there. And if you stay for say 2 weeks... she will wonder how come mommy all of a sudden not inside anymore. Pple advice me hor, the faster you let go, the better. It is really painful to see them cry, but wat to do???
Gana bully hor, in a way is part and parcel of growing up. You din get bully b4 meh.. Hee...
Until now, every morning, Nat still says she dun wan to go to sch. Her class is 3pm, so by lunch her whinning starts. She will go " I dun wan to go to sch. I am not sleepy, I dun wan to sleep(nap), I wan mommy go in, I wan chen lao shi...." and she repeats and repeats... until sometimes i shout at her to keep quiet! So pek Chek
actually 2 hrs is quite short, mabbe tat's why they cant incorporate waterplay etc. Jana's session is 3 hrs. Yeah, so far so gd with the cc, things are quite well run for the moment(dun wanna conclude too prematurely)...like b4 the kids go to the playground or waterplay, the teacher will apply mozzie cream/spray for all the kids.

i dun really know wat's a gd way to help the kids integrate, guess diff method works for diff kids. for me i stayed with her thru out the session for first 3 days. she's very scared initially, so she sit on my lap n watch the teacher conduct the class. slowly she got more familiar and on 3rd day i left her to attend music class on her own, though she din participate and ask the teaher where i was, but she din cry. 4th day i left her for awhile, but i dun just disappear lah, i told her i'm going to work(sipping coffee at starbucks!) for awhile and will be back to fetch her, she also din cry. 5th day onwards, we just left her there but i usually bring her to her class n settle her down for breakfast b4 i leave.

if u prefer the slowly phase in way, then choose schools tat are flexible, i went to Shaw and i think they said they dun hv a min or max days parent can stay with the kid, u can stay there till ur kid adjust to the school.

for communication, i lazy to write in the communication book lah, i just sms her teacher

i haven't plan which day to go zoo, mabbe 3rd day. u leh?

hahaha.... think our tods dun hv the concept of today, yesterday yet, so i think they are telling us what are the things they hv been doing in school.

i kept Jana at home today and perphaps for the next few days. she's having a running nose and i think she's quite starved in school. she has a bottle of milk at 7+ when she wakes up and then though there's breakfast in school, she doesn't eat much and usually at home, she would need another round of milk at 10+, but in school they only take lunch at 1130. she's been crying for milk each time she reach home, and then yesterday was worst, the moment she saw my dad in school, she cry for milk liao. dunno whether she really tat starved or just misses her milk, very heartache leh.

yalor, me think so too, impt to hv a gd principal. so far the teachers are also quite gd, think its expected tat all teachers must know all the kids name, not just kids from their class, cos they take turns to come in early to help parents who are dropping their kids off and also to take the kids temperature and then bring them to their class.

yeah, i think i should ask for the menu also...
i tink it's an adjustment phase. wen ash started cc, he alwy ask his teacher for milk at abt 1030am. for 1st few days, d teacher gave to him but realised he only drk a bit. as d days go, ash got used to brkfast in school n he ate well. fr then, he nvr ask for milk. somtx cld b thirsty? 1st thg he reach hm, he ask me for milk. i offer apple juice n he was ok. nowady he like 'weaning' himself off milk. somtx morning wake up dun wan milk. b4 nap, 60ml oso cant fin. b4 bedtx, fin less than 100ml. helping us save $$.
i stay w my boy for 1st 2 days. i realised he is ok but wen mummy is ard, he tends to stick to me. so 3rd day, hb sent him n it was a swift 'bye' but assured him tat daddy is gg to work n wld cum back n pick him af his lunch n shower in school. n we ar 'surprised' my boy adapted v well. somtx he jus hav 'teary eyes' but principal feedback was he is easily distracted n not d 'cry till vomit n non-stop' kind. i tink u wld b surprised tat our todd ar at a stage where they adjust n adapt well even wo mummy. my boy was once super shy n anti-social but now no more, even thou i sahm n w him all these while.
tink u can stay w ur girl for 1 or 2 days n c how. but she wld likely cry wen u leave her there. but i find 'generally' d longer we stay, d more 'separation anxiety' they may hav.
Haven't think of the date to go. Depends on the visitation schedule
I believe Jana is hungry. 7+ drink milk till 11:30 than take lunch. 4+hr interval. Adults will feel hungry too by taking liquid food only. Tod's stomach is small. They eat little @ shorter interval
Jana has running nose. Muz b tired for u. Take care

Viv, Sanrio
Last time my co adopted n animal so got free zoo pass. I only make use of it once. Now change to tis new co, no free zoo pass
Thanks for all the advice.

My gal is very attached to me, few mths ago she was the sort who would bow her head and QUIETLY sob when I move 1 metre away. Very worrying. Recently MUCH better, I can move away some distance, or disappear out of sight for a split second, during the PGs (she's attending accompanied types, not drop-off types).

Today brought her to library for storytelling session- the frontdesk librarian misinformed me that it's ok even tho she's not yet the min. 4yr age. The storyteller librarian relented, let her in, and to my shock, it was unaccompanied! Meaning no parents allowed, all the kids shut up in a room (cannot look in- all windows covered up!). I was sooo worried, luckily I found a corner of the window not covered properly, and peeped. 30mins- she didn't cry, even got up to mess up some shelves and the storyteller even went up to her, put hands on her shoulders and told her to sit down! Didn't cry! So relieved. Didn't dare push my luck with the subsequent session :p .
I wonder if next wk I can sneak her in again- the storyteller librarian was definitely reluctant.
Oh, since she can be in the reading room herself, you dun worry too much lah.

Nat oso wants me to stick to her all the time. When I move away to go to the kitchen, she will whine and run along. But today I heard something shocking. She said this to me "Mommy, dun go there, come back here. I am angry. Come back here" I was shocked I asked her who is angry, she say Nana(her)... Faint. Weirdest thing is tat it sounded just like me when I tell her to come back here!!
GG, Zrytec is for anti-allergies. I haven give her the med yet cos she still having fever and cold. Previously, my fren recd photos from the same sch for her gal leh. But this time round, I didnt rec anything for Vane.

hazey, LOL. Aiyo, you dun need to spell out As dad and his wife age mah.

sanrio, I think partially of what they said is true lah but not all.

Koala, not really true leh. That time, my boss very kan cheong abt having new staff but not cos we got lots of back log but its just my boss character lor. Hes rather ks lah. But my frens managed to find jobs within a mth and got higher pay & benefits compared to prev jobs leh.

Mom2Nat, I agree with you leh. I let Vane take sch bus and go to class alone from the 1st day. I just peeped at her from the door. Luckily shes ok lah, didnt cry. Dun want her to have the impression that I can stay with her in sch lor. Hahaha. The todds are imitating us hor?

Viv, but those were the things that Vane has been telling me since day1 of sch leh. Hehehe. Vane is at home these few days too. Got fever and flu. Aiyo Jana sounds so poor thing leh, most prob shes hungry?

Medusa, think you worry too much abt A liao. I think she ok since she can be in the room herself for 30min.
Medusa, you can be underestimating Athena's capability. If you don't give her a chance to try, you never know how independent she can be.

For most of us who started school this year, we stayed in for the whole of first day, for me, it's just so that I know what happens in class and there is a topic that I can talk to her about. Because this yr, school starts on Wed, if we stayed in for the whole 3 days, then come Mon, when parents are not allowed, then what on earth would happen? Crying is definitely part of the package, if A don't cry, then it's a "bonus"

Mom2nat, so how did you respond to Nat?

Talking Back

Mummies and Daddy, are your toddlers talking back to you? I mean, "ding zhui"..how do you deal with the situation?
Mom2Nat, Hazey
Adan says "Adan angry" a lot and "don't friend you anymore" as well as talking back and being very stubborn. glad (in a sad sort of way) to hear we are going thru the same phase...maybe adjusting to school? or just the age. I am still using naughty corner to deal with it...altho it get harder as he really screams his head off...
Talking back:
ydy dinner tx,
ash: mummy, soup pls
me: mummy din cook soup tdy, drk water ok
ash: no water, i wan soup
me: tmr mummy cook soup, apple juice ok?
ash: 'started crying, tears like tap water'.. i wan soup, dun wan water, dun water apple juice, dun wan eat rice

i was a bit fed up, oreadi cook his fav stir fry beef, boil vege, cut into tiny pcs, so tired n mus c his 'face'. but i 'ren' n told him 'u eat rice 1st, tmr mummy cook soup ok, af dinner, mummy brg u go downstr wait for daddy'. took a while to pacify him then he agree to eat.
i told hubby n he said he wld reply ash: 'if u dun wan to eat rice, daddy will throw it away, dun cry wen u are hungry later'...

tis is only 1 incident, i find ash quite 'ba dao' nowady.. it's a phase i tink..
hehe A uses my often-used phrases too! Like, "I show you!/ I tell you!"

I'm really hoping she wun cry, yikes. Must learn to let go of my little girl, sigh.
Medusa, yes, you are like me, we are the ones who have separation anxiety... Crying is inevitable, they are only 2.5 yo, and being "thrown" with a group of strangers, of course you can't expect them to conform and blend in right away. Just have to deal with it positively... Seek comfort in mummies whose little ones started school too..

Talking back...
Really don't know what to do with them. For the past 2 days, Tyra refused to nap. So yesterday, I was really fed up with her, and I told her.. "You don't want to nap, FINE. Mummy will go gai gai without you!'
She responded, " Mummy, you go lah..later I will go gai gai with popo, (and a whole list of relatives).. and we will take the BUS!"

How??? Caroline, dun luff ah!
renee went for sch and came back one day slapping on her younger sis's face....i was tinking is this wat she saw in school?
-ve song, eg. if you sad and you know it wipe your eyes. Randall also have a Parent-Teacher Communication book. Its blank too. Nothing to say is a good thing lor.

Who to blame when she talks like that? Yourself lor. LOL~ My hb always disturb him while I am feeding him. Now when hb wanna disturb him, he will tell daddy "bu yao zi siao".

Randall also very detailed when he talks. Once I brought him out and when he came back home, hb asked him "where did you go?" and he replied "Compass point. Mummy went to see clothes, shoes, bags. Mummy tried clothes. 3 pieces. Mummy went into the room, close door, open the door, look into the mirror, mummy said not nice, too fat. Came out of the room, gave the lady the clothes, the lady putted inside the laudry bag. Mummy never buy them" Then I stop him from continuing. Very very lor sor.

Randall has not been eating in school since day 1. I am still giving him time to adjust.
ash oso refused to nap for d past few days. (i hope it's jus temporary only!) he woke up at 7am. wen school n back 1pm. i tot he mus b tired. but he has 'lots of excuses' for not napping. i told him 'u dun wan to slp, mummy is gg to slp' n i closed my eyes n jus lie on d mattress. ash said 'mummy wake up n go outside of d rm, ashrel ownself play'. so 'ya ya' hoh.. hahaha!
dun hv such problem since Jana doesn't talk much.

aiyo, are our tods really too young for school? my mum complaining non-stop, keep saying i should send Jana to school later, then my dad went to tell my sisters and both of them keep smsing me and say Jana so cham, they so sad... i also very heartache leh.

anyway, i asked the teacher today, she says Jana's been eating alrite. i aslo ask my dad to go down earlier to peep n see if she's eating, my dad says the teacher is feeding her today. think she just misses her milk terribly
we forgot to bring the moscato to the bbq in the end, so had it w chilli crabs instead. i find it too sweet, other than that very nice fragrant wine.

wanna try their orange muscat as well! is it very sweet too?

haiz~ u noe lah, anger din overcome the overwhelming lost n grief then so din think much to complain.

Mark says there's a Ma Guang nearby so might go there.

Dun worry.. Chen Chen will pick it up soon. Last time Jem also started out being bitten and bullied. Now he will retaliate by pushing, hitting into the air or a loud "NO!" it might sound bad that they learned how to push/hit, but till they understand that there's better way to resolve, i think we should let them self defend.

Can really try TMC. I stayed extra day there cos Jay was having jaundice.. the nurses encouraged n inform me they will claim fully thru medisave.Also can assist to make sure bb latch on well. In the end, we din pay any thru cash cos the medisave reimburse back the initial deposit plus they help to claim half of gynae's charges. Furthermore, Chris was charging same rate as he used to be at KKH

i can't laff cos if i say i go gai gai w/o Jem, he will send me to the door.. say "Byee~ See you!" then make sure i step back so that he can close the gate and door. HAiz~

aye.. i wanna see ty leh. i'll give her my no. to call me out for gai gai also..hahah

i LOL at ur "bu yao zi xiao" he can speak alot, so good!

RE: napping
Jem not in school also pushed back nap time leh.. thing another 'area' where they try to test test their authority lah. He wun talk back but will just stay in the room to play or stay in bed to read till really tired then zonk off.
hazey, Vane has been talking back to us for quite stime liao. We try to counter back what she said by further explanation lor. LOL..... phew... then I think this is just a phase leh. Vane also like that. She told me that she likes daddy but not mummy cos mummy always scold her. I explained that I scolded her cos she is naughty. She answered back that "Vane is not naughty, ah ma said 'Vane guai lor' ".... I dun know if I shd laugh or cry leh.

Medusa, I got the same feeling as Hazey leh. You got to let go of your gal lah. She maybe more independent that you thot leh.

Val, why they got to sing -ve song? You got no qns for the teachers huh? The replies are prompt from the teacher leh. Quite like it. LOL........ Randall very funny leh.

Viv, well, what's your reason of sending Jana to sch?
I dont think they r too young to be in school. Juz give her some time to adjust. Randall had lost some weight. In the first place, he already quite skinny to begin with.

Hey..not funny lah. He picked up quite a lot of nonesense from me. Now he also started saying "shucks" :p

Its juz a song afterall. I am sure he will be out of this phase soon. My qns for the teacher is only "Did he eat today?" LOL~ and I always get the same reply *sob sob*.
Hahaha, i oso keep asking his tchr the same questions. 1 of them is the same as urs,"Did he eat today?" I'll oso ask whether he cried very long?
K picked up the word 'kns' from me ;p

Anyway, afetr the 3rd wk in sch, K is still not adapting well, so i'm withdrawing him from school.
The principal said i'll get a refund but i'm not sure how much it'll be. I oso dun wish to let K 'dong' until the end of tis term jus cos of $$$, in case he develops a real phobia for sch in future.
Val, Randall's sch provide him food? For Vane, we got to bring our own snacks and drinks. So everyday, I just ransacked her bag to see if she eaten those things that I packed for her.

skyblue, K still crying in sch? Some said that kids need abt a month to settle leh.
Generally, not all. Your boss n your friend exception Your boss bot u over?
Anybody in Vane's class sick?

Nat inmitates u.

Your gal surprised u

Chen Chen talks back. I din do anything coz wat he ans back is logical n rite mah. eg
Chen Chen : I wanna eat banana
mummy : Can't eat yet
Chen Chen : Can Can, yellow already. Can eat

Is it ok to let Jana bring milk to school?

Agree wif u. Grief over the loss dominates
Ma Guang famous. Since near your hse better try dat 1st
Chen Chen tame leh. My neighbour's kid came to my hse to play wif him. The elder gal ride Chen Chen's training bike n refuse to let Chen Chen ride. Chen Chen juz followed her n kept repeating Chen Chen's turn now Chen Chen's turn now
So it's true dat private chrg the same as KKH or may b cheaper

Let Kieran try in Jul intake if there is
Koala, maybe... I thot of trying my luck after I give birth. Hahaha... Chen also talks back? Ya, stimes the things they said sound logical and rite. That's why I didnt stop Vane too.
Sorry I dont have MSN acc leh, can sms or email me lah.
I bought that from SKP shop and also can get them at the partys shops at Concourse at Beach Rd.

Sanrio, Val,
Was told that the child must be very observant, in order to be detailed.
It will help them in their creative writing next time.

Dont think KKH give people the cheapo impression leh, especially after they have moved
to the new premise unless willing to stay in the open ward type.

For Graces school they did paste the menus, timetable and the program sheet for the whole semester in the communication book. Maybe can suggest that to the school, easier for the parents to refer and can also prepare if there is anything coming up. Now Im looking around for Chinese costume for her, need to wear that for the CNY celebration. I even request the teacher to provide the lyrics for the songs that they sing in class cos we are not sure if Grace is singing the right thing at home.

Viv, Val,
Graces teacher did inform us that she din eat her meal in school for the 1st 2 weeks but this week she is happily eating and even ask for more. Maybe give them sometime to get adjusted.

Talking back not from Grace yet cos her vocab is limited.
Try explaining or distract her. &&&& avoid using the negative words on them- leave you behind.
I even heard some will say - send you to who & whose house (as punishment), mummy wont come home, I dont love you anymore. I find it too strong for the kid leh.

Up to today there are still 2 kids crying in Graces class and the teacher told me that once the grandmas walk away the kids will be fine. Could it be his class has too many kids 27 or 28 of them, maybe too many too luan liao.
Any of your tod's teacher ask to see you already? Dana's playgroup teacher wants to see me next monday. So far i have received feedback via email on Dana. Was told she well behaved doesn't cry but hor..not participative at all. No response when teacher talk to her and doesn't do the song and dance movements. Any of you tods like that? Was thinking maybe Dana doesn't respond to teacher bec she dun understand English as she prefers mandarin. In the past when we accompany her to GUG or JG she also din follow the song and dance but at home she is able to do them dunno if shy or lack of confidence, she simply refuse to do them in class.

Mummies who have used battery operated bouncers/swings for your bbs when they were younger, do they help to make your bb go to sleep for naps? Really at my wits end with Evee. Simply refuse to nap, even if manage to use sarong to make her fall asleep, she will only nap 15-30mins. In total she only sleeps about 7-10 hours per day when bbs her age suppose to sleep about 15 hours, am concerned if the lack of sleep will affect her development as i was told bb grow fast and well with sufficient sleep. I have also tried the cry to sleep method but doesn't work on her, instead of decreasing her crying time, it stays the same or even longer with each day pass by. She can even continue crying for 3 hours instead of falling asleep from crying or tiredness.
Koala, KKH can be more ex than private, esp if you, like me, take TPS, then go for A1. But I find the service very good leh. Waiting time not long (unless your gynae has a delivery). And I like their more hands-off style. I've nearly used up all my antenatal pkg (10 visits). I have 2 more visits under the pkg, which should be just nice for me, so my gynae fees are reduced cos of the pkg.

Re: Talking back
Nowadays Sarah is always asking 'WHY?' for EVERYTHING!! Gets a bit annoying. Sometimes I answer "Z!" So far, she hasn't really talked back much. Only very occasionally , she'll argue. Then I tell her not to argue with me, and try to solve the problem together.
GG, giggler,
I dunno wat the situation is like inside the classrm now. Anyway, the sch is splitting the children into 2 sessions in Feb.
If K stops crying after I leave, then i'll let him continue. But the pblm is he cries thru out n then pukes. His tchr see liao, feel so 'xinku' for him. I oso paiseh dat he's like 'disrupting' the class. Whole of tis wk, he sees his sch t-shirt only, he cries. Very cham ah. So he's been going to sch in his home clothes tis wk.

I may let him try again next yr. In the mean time, i wanna let him get over his sch phobia.

Sanrio, Hazey,
Alicia also refuses to nap nowsdays. Not sure if they are more energetic at this age? If she refuses to nap, and we couldn't get her to nap, she will sleep before 9pm in the night.

RE: Talking back
So far, Alicia has been demanding, and stubborn, but has not really talk back to me yet. Maybe when I showed her the stern face, she will cry and say "I dun want daddy to be angry *sob* *sob*", " I want daddy to be happy *sob* *sob*". But hor, she can be very lor-so when I drive, because she will tell me "Daddy drive slowly, drive carefully", or "Daddy, why u drive like tat one"- I guess my wife taught her these..hahaha

Is this a teacher-parent review? At the end of the term, the teacher will meet the parents to review the progress report of the kids.

1.Buy a can of abalone from any hyper/super mart.
2.Remove the abalone and lightly boil in hot water.
3. Slice into pieces.
4. Serve with maggie chilli sauce dipper
