(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Actually the french girls are quite small size. On the average, they are shorter than me. And abt a S to M size only. UNlike the Americans, British or Aussies. French hardly find fat ones leh. Of cos have, but not many.

Wah, Jem so popular!! Which cc?? Hee... Bring Nat to hug Jem!

Hey Viv, how did you get tickets? The last time I checked, almost all sold out oredy! Except for the afternoon sessions.... But I was thinking will only bring Tyra next yr, cos it will be more interactive for her then....

Can jerome date Tyra to the SSO concert?
forgot to answer u... Jem not popular lah! the 4 had grown up together at the centre mah.

But really, now that they r more interactive, they show more interest in other kids.. so time to groom them into friendly bbs..hhahaha
i just booked this morning ..think last few seats left for the friday's 12noon concert...i also dunno whether Jana can appreciate or not ... if she doesn't then hubby n i just enjoy lor! anyway its free for kids below 2 yrs mah...
sanrio, I think the mmr concern these days is autism. Some people have linked mmr to autism in children, so they want to delay the mmr as long as poss.

Nat are you still here?

mom2nat, in the US also they provided us with sanitary napkins, bigger than the baby's diapers!!! They also gave us disposable panties - so BIG, I think they were free size, for those pui pui American women. But I could also wear, so that was OK. I asked for more to bring home with me before discharge. In fact in the US, I think you can probably go into the labour ward with nothing but the clothes on your back. They provide everything, even baby's clothes. When I was discharged, they had to give me a trolley to wheel everything out. I even took the water jug cos I liked it very much.
i got the $19 one, the $23 all sold out leh ..u quickyly book hor ...think the tickets running out soon, cos the tickets i booked this morning is already the last 2nd row leh
wah! lionel is so tall n heavy, bigger than Ash liao. i got d recipe fr bb cook books n modify according to me n Ash taste, keke.

hehee... buy a new tefal oven
the 'mini' series is quite resonably priced. best is get 1 w 'fan' function in cos gd for baking cakes in future. toaster not suitable for baking, food will b dry n 'harder'.
ya i heard n read abt it. in s'pore, d medical professionals said 'mmr link to autism' is not proven medically at all.. anyway, since pd asked Ash to take mmr at 18mths then i jus delay a while loh.

'fan' is d direct/indirect cause of Ash's sensitive nose. nowsadays i only on ceiling fan for him at low speed n he really sneeze much much lesser. oso hubby has to clean fan v v often.
Ash is probably like me. i remb during my schooldays, d teachers noe i cant sit under d fan. cos i will sneeze n sneeze n blow nose, disturbing d whole class. haha...
yes, got self cleaning function. i used it a lot, v v useful i find. baked salmon + fresh button mushrm with a swedish sauce (can get fr ikea retail shop), taste yummy! hubby loves it, oso can use to grill chicken wings, v tender n juicy... keke..
urs have the rotating function?

Yes... i love baking but no time to do it. we have grill chicken last weekend and potatoes wedges. No deep fried.
Somemore wldnt make the kitchen oily.
Wanted to go for that specific show too but only booked it day after HSBC priority booking so seats weren't that good for 2nd price category. Decided to book on 7 Dec 4pm show in the end. Skyblue, you going for the same show or the nite performance?

What company are you in? How come can get lifesize barney at the party one? You have contact? That would be interesting for a birthday party surprise. Ally would love it coz she loved all the life size mickey, pooh etc in Disneyland.

Would your gynae consider inducing then? Maybe can tell him you buay tahan pain already and then arrange to be induced if bb doesn't come out by a certain time?

If Maxine comes out on actual date, she'll have the same birthdate as my niece.
Very easy to remember.

U didn't buy the maternity pads? Bought a pack. Those are def thicker and longer than 35cm rite?
brenda, most of Vane's dresses are from Thai leh. Maybe you can try out Kiddy Palace or Fox baby.

SSO Concert:
I nearly go with my col but the tickets were sold out for weekends session. Do you think they'll appreciate at such a young age? Who else gg other than Viv?

hong, you got lobang for the Barney show rite?
Oh yes. I dun c big size French when I wz in France. The Amercians, 9 out of 10 mammoth

pad bigger than bb diaper? R they for covering butt
I guess for me I need to ask for junior disposable panties there.
In Singapore, everything u bring home fm hospital is chargable

I already hv a big oven. Bsides I go home once a wk. If I wanna get another oven, my mum n hubby sure disapprove

I love baking but not baking cake. I bake cookies every CNY but stop baking since I wz pregnant
Hahahahha.... YOu took the water jug! Hahahah.... Not bad leh. IN fr, you can oso dun bring anything. Bb clothes and diapers are provided. Natural birth stay 5 days, until bb's weight goes up. C Section 10 days!!!!! Oh yes, there is another cultural diff... they bathe bb in the sink!! I think US they put them into the sink like a tub right?? In fr, they soap the bb on a mat, sitting up, then on the tap and put bb under it... move from left to right then back again. And done!!! hahahah... amazing hor... But I heard giving birth in US v exp leh.

Luckily I din live in US, otherwise I will be bigger than now! French eat so healthily leh. Harldy any fried stuff... I had to fry my own chicken wings at home.
we dun like to deep fried too cos food n kitchen both oily. so alwy use oven. mine smaller version, no rotating so cant grill whole big chicken.

i love to bake cakes n cookies too. but tat was b4 Ash came. wen he bigger, i will let him bake for fun
Yepz, me gg for same show as u

Yar, i'm gg for the purple dino show. Can't believe dat i'm actually gg to watch dat ugly thing in action but for the sake for Kieran, chin chai liao :p

Kieran is getting on fine. Now when we visit him at nanny's, he'll want us to go home immediately. Cannot even stay to chat. Je'll point to door and say 'go go'. Wah, so nice jem got playmates wh take care of him

Wat food items do u let chenchen self feed wif the fork?

Ur tchrs r so gd. Hehehe...
Hi mummies,

I need some advice. YH just recovered fr a 4-days fever yesterday evening and today he has some rashes on his forehead and at the side of his cheek. I hv stopped giving him porridge since the 1st day of fever. Since he has recovered but with rashes can i start giving him porridge today? Anything i need to do with his rashes? Thanks.

Long time didnt chat liao, i hv a very tight work schedule and i hv been taking leaves quite often. Hope to come in more often when things r more settled.
Hi Mummies,
OK, this is how Randall look like now. Really no time to do posting. Argghh... Juz a quick update on myself. Finally, the day I have been waiting for will be here SOON. YES YES YES.... I am being retrenched!!!! Yippee.... Will work till this year end. As my sil is preg and due in Apr, my mum will be helping her to look after the bb. So, I will be sahm as I dun wish to send Randall to CC for now yet. So, for Jan-Mar maybe look for temp job or wat. Looking fwd for the new role but at the same time, full of anxiety. Hehe...

Randall v buddy with the aquarium unlce and he gave him 4 tiny gold fishes. He catch the fish and open his palm to look at it. When the fish jump, he went HAHAHA....
Hello Mummies!!!

how's everyones weekend??

My weekend is good, haha, went for wedding dinner on Sat and left Gareth at my auntie place. Sunday morning, find my house so peaceful without him. hahaha, guess it's the 1st time we really had a weekend without him. Now hoping for a few of such days b4 the 2nd one pop out.

Congrates!! At last, now can stay at home and spend more times with Randall liao lor.

Randall looks so handsome. he's getting taller hor.

How are you? Maxine popping out soon hor, lunch this week?

How are you? Very quiet recently leh. How's the little friendly one doing nowadays?

Just monitor for a few day on his rashes. Think shouldn't be anything serious one lah.

not going for the concert already, can't get tixs liao. Nevermind, will go next year with Hazey and brenda.

haha, if you scare waste money, can go for cheaper concert. Think I will bring Gareth to Ngee Ann concert end of the year. If you interested, I let you know the date once my hubby tells me.
U are so "wei da" hahaha...
I dun really like the purple dino but i like their songs.

Sanrio, Shook,
We just had grill chicken wings yesterday. Yummy.
I tried the Kueh Lapis once. Taste not bad but a bit hard cos i didnt layers them in time. Will try again but Kueh Lapis got quite alot of ingredient to mix. Not very hard to do.
we v 'you yuan', alwy 'bump' into each other
how's ur meal at globetrotters? hubby said will brg Ash there next tx. we wen toys r rus n Ash was having fun w the kitchen set. almost wanted to buy him 1 but cost $79.90 so din. will go there next wkend n get him some pots, pans, spoons, plates, teapot n food set mayb.

ya then dun buy cos oven dun use often will spoil easily. hav u started giving Chen Chen outside food? we did tat recently (v late hoh). Ash enjoys beef noodle (w'out d gravy), panfried fish fillet, baked potato, spaghetti so far. but only during wkend n if i hav tx, will still cook n brg out his 'proper' food then add on some outside food.

welcome to d sahm club soooooooon
sure u will 'enjoy' it. Randall oso a little boy now. how often do u nid to cut his hair? Ash hair grows long v v fast, tink of brging him 4 haircut sian cos he will cry v v badly.

kueh lapis lots of effort, i havnt tried making it.
cant do anythg to d rashes. Ash last wk had 3 days fever (no other symptoms, he was still active), then followed by 3 days of rashes. pd said it's 'false measles' (layman term: 4 days fever, 4 days rash) will subside on its own. dun wori
other than tat, YH is fine right? shdn't b due to d porridge.
i'm getting v absent minded ...i actually forgot to give Jana her milk last evening! She stayed up late cos my sisters came over to my mum's place for dinner. At around 10pm she started asking for bb bites biscuit, after she finished 1 pack, she asked for another and i told my mum not to give her anymore. then my mum said she could be hungry and tat's when i realise i forgot to give her milk at 8pm and she was last fed her brown rice cereal at 5pm!!

recent pic of Jana, trying out the organ...

aiya ... should hv booked for u. next year i try to remember to jio you all earlier. actually there's another SSO concert that's v popular, the annual SSO christmas concert, at the end of the concert, u get to sing with the SSO during a short carolling session.
congrats! how nice! randall walking already??

when i see the pic of randall holding the fish in his palm i went eeeeeee!!!!!! he's v daring leh ...
Pigletz, Sanrio, Jo
Thanks for ur info and thanks to Jo's msn.
YH has full-blown rashes today. My mum suspected measles, almosted wanted to bring YH to see doc. I remembered my niece also had smthg like this after her fever, so i called up my MIL for advice and decided to KIV seeing doc. My MIL also said the same thing as Sanrio, hopefully YH's rashes will be gone by tomo.

Ash had fever last fever? He recovered liao? Is it due to teething also? YH had 8 teeth liao but he didnt hv any fever b4 tt. But this time he has fever, the doc said he saw red ans swollen gum, must be due to teething, but i cldnt see it leh .... feel very heartpain to see him lost weight and so man zhang

Thanks for ur advice. Dunno why the 1st thing tt crossed my mind was calling u when i wanted some advice. My mum thot i was calling one of my close friend for advice, actually i got 2 friends whose kids around YH's age, but somehow i called u intead hahahah ....
Long time didnt see u in the forum liao, how r u doing?

How r u today? I really got no time to email, i hv been very bz with work, and then YH fell sick ... sick child, lack of sleep, tight deadlines really wear me out ... will write to u again when i hv submitted all my work this week, ok? U take care.
oh.. not last wk but 2wks ago. i dun noe whether it is due to teething but unlikely teething will cause fever?? ash has many teeth now. tink he caught a virus fr fil as fil had fever n vomitting on fri (n he wen near to ash) n ash had fever on tat sat. if i din hear wrongly, pd said d rashes was d body reaction to d virus, will surface af d fever n subside on its own. he was fully well af 3 days but had rashes for another 3 days. tis tx round, he was cranky for a while but still active n playful.
ya i noe, sure heartpain wen our bb fall sick, cant eat well n lose wt. dun wori, wen YH is ok, may eat even more. tat's wat ash does.
dear mummies,
ash fell fr our bed yesdy noon. as usual he 'slide' down fr d bed w his bkside 1st but dun noe how he lost bal tix tx n hit unto our bed frame. oh no, my square bed frame is made of wood n not round edges. alwy covered it w quilt but tis tx d side of d bed he fell fr, was not fully covered by d quilt. he had a cut n bruise on his forehead. cried v badly n for so long. i clean d wound n applied pressure to stop bleeding n he was screaming n my tears oso dropped. oh no!! hubby was attending his bible study class n i called him back. he so heartpain n not so happy, din scold but nag at me...
has YH fever subsided? if not, u can give him paracetamol for bb, dosage is according to bb age n wt. eg: ash used to take 2.5ml but now dosage for him is 3ml. af d full blown rash, the rashes wll b much much lesser d next day n another day shd b gone. hope YH gets well v v soon n bk to his gd appetite, u mus take care too
YH's fever had subsided on Sat evening .... there is smthg maybe u can advise me?
I didnt give YH the fever mixture which the GP prescribed, coz i dont know whether its meant for bb, asked the nurse, she said bb can take, but only 2ml. After taking the medicine for 1.5 days, YH still hving fever, so i gave him the fever mixture i got fr polyclinic during his jab abt 4 mths ago. Cant remember the name now, it starts with P smthg.
YH's fever kept coming back on thurs and friday, so i read the instructions on the bottle, it said half to one 5ml for bb 3-12 mths old. So i told my mum it cld be the dosage i gv YH not enuff, tt's why the fever kept coming back. So i fed YH with 5 ml on Sat morn. And the temp went down to 37.4 but his body still warm (like hving fever), so i gv him another 5 ml 6 hrs later. and the fever gone, body temp went back to normal, but hands and feet cold
.... YH looked pale ... u think i hv over dosed him??? I also notice tt his lip color a bit dull .... wonder whether due to the medicine?? I feel very bad ... wonder whether i hv done smthg wrong ...
Is the sink in France bigger than the sink in Singapore?

Nat wz cleaned until so clean. Her cord wz covered up so neatly. 3layers of clothing, muz b v cold

Hong, Sanrio
I dun like to deep fry food n dun fancy deep fried food. My MIL deep fries almost every dish. She said she wanna get n electric deep frier for me when she heard my hubby said I dun deep fry food. I said dun need

Hi5 Chen Chen doesn't like to go to my IL's hse.
I let Chen Chen self feed fruits, pasta, potato, carrot, winter melon, bread, cheese.... wif fork.
Yes'dy I let him self feed porridge wif spoon. Boi it is v messy

The rashes after fever is false measle. It is normal. Will go away after a few days. Can give porridge after fever subsided
Wat is YH's temp? Is the fever med paracetermol? Paracetermol is usu for slight fever. If fever too high, need to give another type of fever med. IMHO, it is better dat u bring YH to consult Dr n take med according to Dr's prescription in the future.
When Chen Chen has fever, I sponge him 1st, if fever doesn't go dwn the next day or fever too high (>37.9 degree), I will bring him to consult Dr.

Congrats Randell is walking n congrats for being retrenched. 1 yr 1 mth compensation?
Your mum moves to your sil's hse n look after her bb full time?

U v kang hu. Kueh lapis v troublesome to make. Layer by layer. Muz monitor heat properly so dat the lower layers dun get burnt

Outside food dat I give Chen Chen, cucumber, tomato, tou fu fm yong tao fu, cut fruits
On my mum's b'dy, Chen Chen kept asking for our food. I gave him the oats fm oats prawn. Thot oats safe mah. He kept saying lar lar, fan his hands n stuck out his tongue. Later on running nose n teary eyes. I m a chilli queen. Dun find the oats spicy. Fm then on, he dare not ask for our food when we dine outside.

Oh poor Ash. 2nd time he bleeds after accident. Aiyo, I oso heartache for u
me for him.
Val, so happy for you that you managed to be sahm next yr. Wondering when my dream will come true??? Randall so grown up and handsome now.

Pigletz, is the Ngee Ann concert for kids? I more interested in those specially for kids

sanrio & pringles, have u try out GUG? How do you find it?

Viv, Jana looks so professional playing the organ. heehee... you plan to let her learn piano?

deer, YH still having fever? Hope his fever and rashes gone soon.

Shook, Vane wont dare to ask us for spicy food too.
When bb fever, it takes v long to recover one. It will keep coming back and usually when its time for the next medicine intake, the fever is back. I think the dosage u gave its not extremely a lot and furthermore its onli two feeds. For us adult when u juz recovered when u r sick, the face color oso not gd mah. Rashes developed after the child recovered fm fever is a v common thingy. Hmm... cant really remember wat was the reason. But I know its normal. If u really want assurance, y not juz bring YH to a GP. For the sake of peace of mind.

Actually I oso v scare of "live" fish. But I dun wish to scare him so gotta act damn COOL. Haha... Behind him, I was having the "eee...yucky" expression.
He is walking but still not v zai. When outside he wanna walk himself and when he lost his balance sitting on the floor he started using his palms and "clean" the floor. Arrghhh....

I din really bother how often to cut his hair. So long I find tat its long, I will bring him to cut. He dun really fuss during hair cut. Usually juz need to tok and play with him while having his hair cut.

Handsome meh? I tot he is more of the "geh kiang" look.

I WANNA COMPLAIN!!!! Brought Randall to GUG class last sat. Then got this inconsiderate mummy who brought her flu & cough son to the class. And the best thing is, when the son's mucus flow out she juz simply use her finger to wipe off. I see her son, siam & siam. BUT, Randall still kanna. Arrghhh... So pissed out. I should hv been more thick skinned and tell her off.
Yes, 1 yr 1 mth. + notice in lieu + retention bonus. So I m v happy. I hv been hanging on, waiting & waiting for the day. So finally able to c the day soon.
Yeah, she moving back to her place. Actually, my bro stays with her. I hoping she will come n stay with me during the wkend so I can hv some free time of my own and I m sure she will miss Randall oso mah. So, in a way gd for her and gd for me too. Haha....

I scare not gd enff for the role of sahm. I v impatient one. Juz worried tat one of these day when Randall can really tok, he says "mummy, I really wish tat u r working and not stay at home looking after me." LOL~

Last sat went to my fren place as she was celebrating her bday. When Randall saw the lighted candles, guess wat? He kept saying "pai pai" "pai pai" and started doing the praying gesture. Oh my god!! I was so pai sey. In the 1st place, I dunno where he learn tat fm. Then when it was 8+ to 9pm, he was tired and wanna go home. He started going ard saying and waving bye bye. Haha...So, I carried him and continue tokking to my fren. This time round, he waved harder and said "bye bye" louder to the person I was tokking to and gave a impatient look. So pai sey leh.
I got recipe for kueh lapis. Try it a few times b4 Gareth was borned. After that, no time to do it anymore. It's a few hour of baking, so if Ashrel is around, don't think u have time for it.

Nope, the ngee ann concert not for kids leh. Gareth interested in band, so I thought of bringing him there.

the christmas one sounds fun leh. Let me know the dates if you know okay.

I find Randall very smart leh.
Don't worry abt being a sahm, once you are in the job, you will tends to be more patient.
Val, how long have you been in the current company? They just informed you today?Randell so daring dare to touch live fish.I also afraid of them.

How big is the class that Randell is in?

Smart?? U know my fren was wearing low cut tat day and he shame shame her. It seems like I was full of embrassment tat day.
Then GUG class is 1 1/2 hr. By end of 1 hr, he started waving & saying bye bye to the teachers and some mummies there. Then I told him not yet. When it ends, he started his waving n saying bye bye happily and kept saying "no more" "no more" with the gesture oso. Like telling u everything is over liao.
