(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

GET OUT OF HERE!! You are not welcome here. hahahahahhaha

Me only going to Bintan today. Will be back on Monday. No made in Bintan lah. On pills now. hahaha...

You want no. 3 meh? haha..can try made in Bintan.

HUH mum2nat,
I NEVER started any NEW thread b4 leh......1st time on 07 or 08 of this month.

Ya, I wanted to thank those mums for their sharing re the c/c issues but till now I didnt go there....

If u realised, i come in here less frequently oso. Hb outstationed these few wks, immediately after the bd celebration.....think for almost 1 mth, i so tied up.......

No business ah ....c how lah.....got reply I very happy liao cos others' experiences are really a treasure to me.

Hahahahhah.......true....partial of my statement is rite lah....PARENTS with young bbs or young married couple........U sure get wat I mean rite?

Hi Pigletz,
U so 'co tuck' lah...want to boot new member! Ay.....enjoy ah!! Gareth, stingray, toa tao (clam), sambal kang kong waiting for u liao...aunty shook shaking her head off liao.

Nice wkends.
viv, you very funny, want your kid to do Medicine for the sake of your beauty treatments?? Hahaha... think the money spent on the education is much more than you can spend on your beauty treatments leh.

Eureka, so weird talking to "clarence ng", hehehe.. but could guess it was you from your tone and language. You say Ian handsome ah... thank you.. hehehe.. he's just an ordinAry little boy lah... Rae is the handsome and charming one!

B2, I didn't know there was such a thing called Pharmacy till JC... in fact, I worked aS a pharmacy assistant in TTSH while waiting to get into uni! I liked the job at that time, packing drugs, counting, sorting... hehehe... not too stressful. You say ppl think you're a doctor ah... hehehe.. dunno whether that is more frustrating than people mistaking you for a nurse after you have seen them, given them your diagnosis and given treatment, written prescription AND signed their MCs!!!!

mon, the Barney cake is huge! How many kgs? How much? Can share? I still keep dreaming of Ian's durian cake... drooling... thinking of buying for Nurses' DaY, then can get to eat a teeny weeny bit hahahaha..
Aelwen looks so much like you..... glad she enjoyed the celebration.

Sanrio, Ash's pictures are nice! Which studio? Same as your wedding one? The style looks similar.

So busy these days... only had my first off day yesterday in a month!! Went to Centrepoint and had some retail therapy ... all stuff for Ian. Feel guilty not having enuff time for hubby and tomorrow he;ll be off to Sweden for 3 weeks... sigh.... dun think I want Ian to do Medicine in future.
both hb n I agree that if parents both are in medical field, the chances of kids studying medicine will be very high. On the contrary, if both parents are engineers, kids may nt necessary be engineer.....somehow, some intuition or statistic shows?

Hahahhah, so u were mistaken as nurse b4? U look young or u look green? AH BISH me hor......

HI Ruffy,
AY, to add on abt my new thread. Dun think there will be overwhelming response. Do u think nowadays there are many sahms in this era handling 2 or more kids ALL by themselves without external help?? Not alot really! I came across a couple of them, all malays.

Hi EMily,
I bought Clearblue ONCE i missed my on the dot menses. Then die die TAHAN till the 6th wk after my last menses to do the test....ALL BINGO upon 1st test. Then immediately made another trip to GP for confirmation..........

Show ethan's new hairstyle leh, suave??
Oh ya RUFFY,
Wat toothpaste is Ryan using? Finally, i dropped the expensive First Toothpaste n switched to Chicco brand, 1/3 the price n seems cleaner!!
Ryan still using first toothpaste. Haven't really changed it yet as he still doesn't spit out. Where did you get Chicco brand from? His teeth seems okay coz he brushes it twice a day and drinks water very reguarly after milk.

Yeah..more malays/indians have more than 2 kids..but most of them also have a lot of help from extended family.
Opps, <font color="119911">SO SORRY</font>
I tot you started the thread. Went in again, realise it was LizTan. COs I tot I rem reading on Rae... prob I din read LizTan's story... Hee... So paisey.
YH's urine is very yellowish, he doesnt like to drink water, and i cant make him drink either. One mummy whom i talked to tell me i can give him gerber fruit juice. I wonder whether i can give him fresh fruit juice such as apple or pear juice made fr the blender? YH is going to 8 mths, is it ok to give fruit juice in quantity of 120 ml per day? Thanks.
hello mummies,
tks 4 the compliments. ashrel's fotos ar taken at d studio, julia wedding. we wen 2 take our free wedding annniversary foto. fotographer took some fotos of ashrel n i cant resist buying.

eureka n foreverfrd,
nah..tis 4 u. pai seh 2 post so big. so post a combined 1. left to right, 1st yr wedding anniversary foto, 2nd yr: me 37wks preg, 3rd yr: with ashrel turning 1yr old soon.
(havnt bought a frame for the last foto)
hello mummies,
was a busy day 2day. celebrated ashrel's b'day (cos 14 jul is a thur so celebrated earlier).
here ar some fotos. hubby is a practical person n his frds n family members all v 'practical'. so ashrel has only 3 presents but lots of ang pao.
here are some pic:


u like his hair, tk u
we brought him 4 haircut yesdy evening cos hair too long n he is alwy sweaty. poor boy, cried v badly at 'junior league'. half way we had to stop cos he was crying n shivering (hubby heartache), rested 15mins back agn, cry n scream agn. me oso heartpain..
2 pic is 4 u



i ask him, u kissing 'foreverfriend/aunty shook' ah
i hav a prob getting ashrel to drk water too. cos if i put anythg other than milk in his milk bottle, he wont drk at all! he not gd w straw yet. use cup, drk v little only. so evy 1 or 2 hrs, i spoonfeed him water. but wont b taking much. but pd did say as long as 'got urine', not dehydrated, any form of liquid is ok, including soup n milk. oso dun noe how.. is not tat he dun like water but is how to get it into his mouth?? ai ya...headache...
he dun really like juice, prefer the fruit itself.
take gd care. Happy Birthday to Jerome!

oh so clarence is eureka,
so u giving elyse enfagrow, can ask u, so far so gd? no constipation right?

u still wan enfapro? how 2 pass to u? i live in west leh..
aelwen b'day pic v nice. wah so many presents n tat's a big cake. 3kg?

hi long tx no c. ya ashrel 'big boy' liao. 2day frds commented tat he looks like a 2yr old.
Hmmm... tats far, then nvm, troublesome. Where you work?
AShrel's bday cake so nice, unlike Nat's plain black forest. I must give her a cute cute one like tat for her 2nd bday. Ha, good tat you have practical frens and relatives!! Heee...
Your boy looks v nice with new hair cut, v neat. I dun dare to bring Nat to salon leh, afraid she cry v loud.
If he dun drink water, give him fruits oso can.
A quick one....hb wants to use pc......

Gush, u must be very concerned of YH's urine output!

I wouldnt feed anything that may consist persevative but original fruit juice shd be fine BUT remember to DILUTE the juice. I read somewhere but cant remember the proportion, eg, 1 portion of juice n 2 or 3 portion of water. Hope u can find out more regarding this........

OR u want to try giving water in interesting n colourful water bottle etc?? I have not resort to this but heard it does work for some bbs....

As for the nursery.........hmmm.........i really bad mama. I dun bother at all to do up their room till much older, I think. I only ensure safety n cleanliness, utmost important. Cant help in this area.

U take care!
Chicco toothpaste can be found in Kiddy Palace or John Little/Robinson.

Ya, Ryan may be a bit too early for this toothpaste as he still do not spit. But RYan seems pretty fast n advanced, he maybe able to be trained earlier to spit? Just sharing.....

Will get back............
Sanrio,nice photos of ASH IN CAR SEAT. Hope you all had fun celebrating his birthday! =)

Eureka, think I dun look too young. But my voice makes ppl think I'm very young, like fresh grad! And ppl think all females must be nurses! Argh...

I haven't started brushing Ian's 3 teeth yet... lazy me. He loves watching me brush my teeth though!
I brush Rae's teeth diligently since 1yo but his teeth really problematic....stained....ARGHHHHHH!

Guess wat? I cant sleep, alot of things in my mind! U have 'an bien yao' for me?

U must be just back frm duty? So late/early? Nvr mind lah, when u prove urself to be gd, pple will say tat 'look like nurse' doc is gd, go to her!

I view ur foto with lots of warmth...frm newly lovey dovey wed to expecting to with ash, the darling. ISSIT IT SWEET!!!!!!!

I luv the MONKEY shade (?).....No lah, i dun think ASh looks any bit like a 2YO boy, no way! Hey, U look great with the bd boy today!! hmmm, gd to have practical relaatives n friends leh....ang mo more practical, u decide wat ash want n needs.

So finally where u settled for the bd cake?

AY, haircut....RAE cried lots oso for his. Then we realised that his crying was substantially reduced when we carried him by our shoulder, not sitting on our lap. It could be that he feel more secured, closer to us? But we get the messy hair all over us...but guess 1-2mth kena messy hair, ok lah. IF not, see him cry until so jialat, very heartpain. U may want to try this positioning??

Enfagrow, no problem so far.........

Sanrio is a sahm for now.
Think my post on rae left a deeper impression since u know me? SO u tot i start a new thread?

WEnt to peep at the thread, passive now leh...pondering shd I post again? Tink i shd.....
So long nvr see Edi's pic. He looks so grown up

Ashrel looks so gd wif his hair combed tis way. U n hubby so loving one ah...*envy* take pics every wedding anniv...hehehe...

Thks for the info in spinach n tofu. I told nanny abt it n only now then i finally know dat Kieran is not eating spinach. He's eating heng cai i tink. N nanny also dun give tofu everyday. She said some days can't get fresh ones. Tis weekend i kiasi, oso nvr put tofu. :p chen chen very gd hor, can pay attention during the class.

mon mon,
I like aelwen's barney cake. Where is it from? I may make a barney cake for kieran for his 1st bday oso cos he likes barney

Happy bday to jem
Take care of urself now dat u're preggie.

Vane is really very cute
I enjoy seeing her walking everywhere during the class 2day.

Nice meeting you
so the last photo..u will get a hello kitty frame for it
want any hello kitty stuff from HK?
Was thinking of going to west coast park..or we can meet up somewhere let Ryan play with Ashrel before he goes to school in August.

thanks for sharing on toothpaste.. can try teaching him to spit..but may not really work yet.. will see abt it..he is now growing 4 molars..so prefer chewing on the toothbrush. (already have 10 teeth fully out)
Good morning everybody,
Haiz..back at work today.

How's Taka trip yesterday??? Got to try your dim sum??? Me n hb very impromptu people. we can book air tickets at 4pm n fly off on the same day at 9pm to Japan. I was 4 months preggie then. So standing to eat along at shopping malls is no feat for us at all.

I'm using the Pigeon toothpaste for Ashley. she don really spit it out either. however, the toothpaste is safe to be eated, so not so worried. we just try to remove the toothpaste with towel after brush her teeth. sounds double work, but its a good habit we wan to build up. now she needs to brush her teeth first b4 her bath.

i think we r very much alike. if i have no time, i can don shop for months. (i have not bought any clothings other than maternity ever since i'm pregnant). but when i'm really stress, i can really splurge (explains for those once in a blur moon "branded" buys). but i'm really willing to spend on hb n ashley, so they r the one usually with new clothes, gadgets or toys.
What did u get for Ian??? Now slowly opening up the birhtday presents for ashley, don think will buy anything soon. just brought her the Fisher &amp; Price hippo walker. now she bring it down to the playground everytime.

yes, pharmacy till now to the older generations is very much unknown. i know the thing abt mistaking us as "mi-xi". now not so bad. when i just started out, always been mistaken as the nurse!!! (okie, now too old or look too fierce to be mi-xi)

yah, i thing the spinach thingy is more for kidney stones. not so much for gout. essentially, as long as we don over indulge in any food (n less seasoning), we r on the right track. i didn't give ashley fresh milk in the end. her daddy finished it instead.
wow! but the prices for FM really different. Gain IQ is almost double the price compared to Nestle n Pediasure is super ex-. now dunno whether to try pediasure on ashley, scar-ly she don like then i um-tui!!! now still waiting for my pediasure sample.

okie, coffee break over. come back later.
Maybe you should post again, I din notice, the last time I read, many pple gave you suggestions on the situation, like changing childcare blah blah... but I din see you reply, no updates. Tot you forgot liao. I oso go in once a while to see if you reply tat time.
Elyse is take Enfagrow now right? I mix the vanilla one with Enfapro. Nat's poo not consistent. Somedays ok, somedays v hard leh. It has been like this ever since we came back. I tot it was Friso, but a few mommies use, say no prob, v good leh. YOu suggested Similac, but I tot tat one for below 12 or 18 months.
Elyse loves to drink milk right? I tried making Nat lie on pillow for feeds, but hor, usually can't finish, cos she will turn here and there. End up, I carry her better lah. But hor, she still dun drink tat much.

V warm today, gg to Bugis area, maybe can shop shop if have time...
Eureka, for a moment i was thinking who is this guy intruding in our thread. Talking as if he knows the mummies very well

Happy Belated Birthday to Jerome and Ethan !

Sanrio, where did you get the monkey sun shade?quite cute. Its okay to have only 3 presents. The many ang pows you got can be used to buy more presents you like for Ashrel
. Where did you get the cake from?

Deer, dana also doesn't drink much water and i can see her diaper is very yellow. Until now she still don't water from straw.I checked with PD before, can give the gerber fruit juice (must dilute) but best to give those you make yourself using blender.

Skyblue, heng cai is also a form of spinach. I remembered that time we we discussing about it and heng cai is the chinese type of spinach and bo cai is western type.
<font size="+2"><font color="aa00aa">HI B2!!!!!!!</font></font>
U MEAN IT, U will be back?? SCully I talk to phantom again but I WANT to talk to u!

Taka trip ah.........my kids enjoyed it at the toys' section! Elyse grinning constantly, pounding on toys within her reach. Rae got fascinated by everything there tat we have to chant to him 'CAN SEE, BUY ONLY ON UR BD OR XMAS!' THen he repeated after us...PHEW, msg got thru, very relieved

AS for me, felt my spirit so 'dampened' by hb. When I was browsing thru the bags, he asked 'DEAR< U WANT TO GET HANDBAGS ah?' I was like I cant see see only meh? Then at escalator, he asked "DEAR< WHERE R WE GOING AH?DUN u have an objective or something to buy?' #######@FF##@@...u say lah, boot him lah, shopping spree......hahahahah......

Met POK POK in the nursery rm....chatted with her...She looked cheery n gd. Ethel looks tall for her age too, very active!

Standing to eat is a chore to me n hb. I was impressed by ur engrossed conversation with hb frm far. It's like 1 newly in love couple, dun mind the surround'g,eating n chatting in ur own world....tat's wat i mean in exact. So much said, u can guess we didnt eat there, too packed!

Saw <font color="aa00aa">QSG</font>'s earlier post on hoover disk too, finally know wt's she is saying! hahahha....<font color="aa00aa">QSG</font>, U BOT N KEEP it?? U surely cant wait....look interesting hor?

Hi Mom2nat,
Perhaps, I cant cope with too many threads n everything came in at 1 go that time. Besides, my friends are all here. YEs, i agree that I shd go in n update, show tks but the dead thread kind of pushed me to here.....

Similac, just like any other FM, have different stages FM.
Eureka, i din buy the hoover disk, hb dun allow. I saw some kids playing with it at the playground and they like enjoyed it very much.

What policies did you settle with for Rae and Elyse?
qsg, eureka,
the cake is fr creative bake. but i told them how n wat i wanted.

the wedding anniversary fotos ar free (part of my wedding package then) so evy yr we go n take loh..

the monkey sun shade, i tink not available anymore. it's fr kidsmall at imm many mths back. ashrel loves 'his' sun-shade. if i hav it rolled up, he will protest. he rather lift it up himself wen he wan 2 'peep' at the scenery.

west coast park is nice. sure if u n ryan cuming, let me noe n we can join u. hk stuff fr HK, great, i'll love them. wen u gg 2 HK agn? ya hoh, i shd go n get a hk 8R frame but din c any nice/suitable one here. mayb i too long din go shop ard. hk stuff fr japan (in taka) so ex leh.

seeing those fotos made me feel 'wen xin' n alwy will hav thankful tots esp the close/dearest ones in my life, ai ya...i dun noe how to describe.. but i tink u noe wat i meant.
i cut my hair shorter. u n my hubby said the same thg, keke... i look beta.
ya in d end, i cari him on my shoulder but like 'too late' cos he was oreadi terrified. next tx i'll do tat.
hi eureka,
i'm back!!! Need a break badly. today, patient load is crazy. after going thru the dunno number what patients' medication record, i feel i can't tell the diff between amoxicillin from paracetamol from charcoal from etc, etc...

ha, ha... your hb really the typical kind. hb never stop me from seeing my things bcos i always can convince myself not to buy but i always very "ser-de" to splurge on him n AShley, so he sometimes stop me from buying not so useful things for them.
hee, hee... almost bought a $69 thermos lunch box for him. but he say dun want, cannot put in enough rice for him....

Psst... next time dun post my nick so big leh. Machiam i owe u $$$$ like dat!

how much is enfagrow??? Ashley used to be on enfalac too b4 we switched her to similac at 6 months.

I wan the Gerber puffs containers :p let me know how i can get from u at alexandra.
brenda, aiya I too busy with work &amp; taking care of Vane lah. You mean you have MS b4 you tested positive? SO happy for you but also concern for your health. You take care &amp; dun tire yourself out leh. You can try Dr Kee at Jurong Pt. Heard gd comments and someone even has a thread on him.

QSG, how are u going to wean Dana off?

Viv, ABC mats got toxic!!! Vane likes to bite them leh.

Mon, Aelwen seems so excited and happy with her pressies leh.

soyabean, aiyo Edi so handsome in his sunshine smile leh.

sanrio, those fotos taken in studio? How's Ash during his bday celebration?

Pigletz, hope u enjoy your Bintan trip.

skyblue, I like the way Kieran lauf during the class too. So will u be signing him up for it? Pls wait patiently for his pic hor.

eureka, you also at Take yday? Me too.... but didnt see u leh.

B2, I cant remember how much is Enfagrow leh. Pls forgive me, I very forgetful recently.
Hi Sanrio
I luv Ashrel's baby elmo bday cake!! So nice. Where did u get it frm?Very lovely family photos

Be consoled, my hubby is also like this...whenever we go shopping, very military style...must ask me where's our destination, buy wat then wat next....i always have to tell him "Can't we just browse anything or everything leisurely? must have objective meh????" GRRRR Retail therapy is not just abt buying ma...window shopping also nice wat!MEN...men

WOw....u are busy at work....u deserve to splurge when u want to after all the hard work! How's ashley getting along?

What exactly does the gerber puff container look like and what is it for? It comes free with our purchases of gerber puff?Pls enlighten me.

I brought Alicia to try a session of Tumble Tots today for fun. The teacher was quite gd and the group was easy and relaxed. But the equipment needs upgrading
Alicia did have fun walking around in the center of the circle during sing along sessions and clapping her hands, totally oblivious to other people watching. Its nice to see her innocent and not know what is being SHY all about....wonder when our bbs will learn to become shy...i prefer their innocent stage
SO NICE of u to finally appear n acknowledge my love note to U despite ur busy schedule!

Oh mine, u need a break.......

Hahahah, God knows who complement us better, opposite attracts? $60+ for the thermal container, duh...i wont pay for it......how much or how often we will use it
? Luckily, ur hb stopped u!

Better enjoys Alicia's innocence NOW....i know how u feel n really glad of her natural oblivious stage now? She is really enjoying her moment.

Was sharing with 1 mum here that Rae lost his innocence liao. greed surface liao. Last time, he would share his food willingly, blur blur shared till left miserable amt n still contented. NOW, he will shake his head, no consent to have his share, even ask u NOT TO EAT, ok???!!! If u think this can be taught, yes, i am still teaching but dun know when he will 'kai qiao'!
...Then his classmate's mum shared abt her gal. WORST, will take a plate to gather her share quickly b4 anyone notice or use her saliva to stain the food 1st!!!! This gal is 6mths older than Rae! Guess this gal is smarter than Rae!


YES, really think u look much nicer with shorter but still long hair. U look more vibrant n ur hair has more healthy body look! Hurray, chin high up, buttock tucked in or out (?)....confident lady marches in!

I know wat u mean cos I feel the way u feeling too. Those foto are indeed wen xin!

SO many pple at Taka, how to spot? BUt i met 2 forum mums here n Guo Liang. WHistle.....suave charming man!!

YA, i think the hoover disk look interesting too but tot it will be the parents having great workout with toddlers!

Will be settling for prudential plan

Has ur life been JAZZED up liao?? Excited?
hey mummies,
Cant contribute much as co juz being took over. Bz like sh*t!! :p How I wish they can juz retrench me ASAP. Hai~ Anyway, here I m to contribute some pics of Randall (brenda...as promised
). Hehe..

Life is juz so boring.....

I hv two "balls" :p


Watch SS until like tat

Nowadays kept making this ugly face

Haha, Val, Randall looks so cute!

B2!!! I owe you money!! Give me your address!!! Yes I agree we are quite alike... hehee, cannot owe people money but can let ppl owe us *hahaha*. And we don't spend on ourselves, spend on our family instead. The way you spell MI XI makes me laugh. Thought it's spelt "missy".

For ian's birthday, I got him a big book from the Baby Einstein series. About the ocean and the ocean creatures... can open up and surround him... he likes it, fortunately! Hehehe... actually was buying for my friend's son who is 2 weeks older than Ian... then I thought... hey, if it's good enough for other ppl's kid, doesn't Ian deserve one too?
Can tell it's u fm the style of writing. Who is Clarence Ng?

I prefer soyamilk to animal's milk
Hi5 if I m pregnant n dun hv terrible ms, still hv ss, I will cont to bf

V memorable photos. U hold diff role ea yr.
The sun shade is so colorful. No wonder Ash likes it. Thx for posting for me
Ash's cake is simple n sweet
I feel kissed

Noti Chen Chen bit my foreverfriends Honey's nose till torn.
Ash's b'dy cake is nice n sweet
Did Ash say "um" when u asked him if he kissed aunty Shook?
U may feed Ash wif juicy fruits.

Ya tofu muz buy fresh 1. Those in tubes has preservatives, not for bb
How do u find BJG? Kieran enjoyed the water playing huh. U v fast, chop chop, Kieran's attire changed fm yellow to green, like model in the fashion show. I like the 2 rompers. V nice color

Oh no, I hope your hubby finished the fresh milk not bcoz of wat I said
Right get fm sample b4 buying in case Ashley rejects it

I agree w your mom...sometimes I find Aelwen looks like Nat as well

Wow your picture are lovely....probably make your house an even cozier place.


Randall very adorable....so many expression.
Shook, i only buy tofu from NTUC not in tubes but in small boxes. Got those for soups or frying. Got preservatives also?

Giggler, i have started Dana on FM since 9.5 months gradually replacing her EBM with FM feeds. From 3 EBM to 2 EBM to 1 EBM then none.
Brenda, Stylobb, Ruffy, Shook
Thanks for ur feedback on ABC mat, i hv bought 2 ikea rug as suggested by Ruffy, to fill up the empty space not covered by mattress.

The rug i bought is made of polypropylene with latex backing, didnt find the sample got smell, it's only after i bought and opened up the new one at home then i find smell in them. How do u get rid of the carpet smell plus the rubber smell behind?

Since u feel tired, u hv to rest well, u can pass some of the household chores to ur hubby.
If u or ur hb r too tired and bz with hsehold chores, u may want to consider getting part-time helper once a wk to do some of the more strenous/time-consuiming hsehold work like mopping the flr, cleaning the windows, ironing working attires. Take care.

I dun mean sleeping on the ABC mat lah, i want to put mattress in the room for my mum and YH to sleep, whatever not filled up by the mattress will be filled up by the mat, and now is the carpet which i bought. But the carpet got smell leh .... hv to find a way to remove the smell.
Nat's hb really very xi xin and caring, and a 100% daddy, Nat very xin fu.

Aelwen seems very active and curious

Her bday cake is really HUGE, u hv a big party?

Ashrel seems to hv many teeth liao. I like the photos with him in polo tee, he looks like a big boy, and a very handsome one

Ur family photos (those u ur hb, ur preggie and with Ashrel photos) look very wen xin

I love Ashrel's bday cake!!! The elmo is so cute and the no.1 is so colorful and appealing with the little cartoons!

Sanrio, Eureka,
Thanks for sharing with me on bb drinking water. Currently my temp solution is to fill the water with the rosehip syrup, so tt the water is a bit sweet, to get YH to drink a bit of water. I need a long term solution, coz his urine is bright yellow! I guess it's the urine tt is causing him persistent diaper rash these few weeks .... actually i m hving problem with his poos also, started with more than 2 poos a day since last Monday and yesterday pooing during/after almost every feeds ... i m very worried now.

I m already using a very colorful bottle to feed YH milk and water. I m using the NUK bottle with a camel,kagaroo,orstrich and one dunno what animal. He loves the bottle but not the content. Thanks for the info on diluting the fruit juice, i will go the web to search for more info later. Actually i remember i read somewhere tt we shldnt give fruit juice to bb until they are 1 yr old .... i will chk it out and share with u.

Actually i saw the Clarence Ng new thread when scrolling down the other day, i went in to take a peep at the post and thot of u ... a sahm hving 2 kids also ... but didnt suspect tt u r actually Clarence Ng!
mummies, fyi, pigletz on holiday - to bintan remember...

yes those gerbers comes with purchase of those puffs....the size is almost the same as those nuby containers (sold in pack of 4 + 1 spoon) wonder if any of u came across....

they are currently with pigletz and doubt she got the time to go ard distributing them like prev.... (unless ...propbably except those sengkang mummies)...
eureka, wow, met Guo Liang in person? Think those artistes got an air of class one hor?

Val, Randall is so cute!!! He looks handsome with and without smiles leh.

jul, you reminded me that I didnt buy any bday present for Vane leh.

QSG, think it's easier for Dana to wean off bm cos you didnt latch on direct. For my case, I had hard time cos Vane likes to suckle more for comfort.

Ruffy, Ryan looks so biz-like while making call leh. LOL.

lyn, how are u? Is my resignation letter sample of any use to you?
I love Randall's smile in the pic which he was holding the red and green balls. So charming!

It is always so wen xin reading u and Alicia's excursion and ur narration on what she did
U and Alicia r so close
Eureka, guess what! I tested and.... stupid me! The test was not done properly... so until now, still dunno the result. ehehheee....
hey, stress what? Don't think so much...
SMILE..... We're here for you... remember?? So if you need a listening ear... just grumble here hor...

jul, better take rest. Hope you enjoyed shopping...

B2B3M4, u also better take rest.

Sanrio, ai yoh... love your pics... wed/anniversary... really warm feeling.

val, randall so cute!

Shook, Hi5!
deer, jul, giggler &amp; mon,
Feels gd to hear nice compliments fm u. Hehe.. As u know he is super duper active n "gek", sometimes really feel like slapping him. If onli I hv the heart to do so. LOL... but I dun.

Last sat I was on full shift taking care of Randall. Brought him out alone. Not the first time but I hardly do tat. Feel so proud abt it though I know many mums here r doing tat. LOL.
Today, he is exactly 11mths old. 1 more mth to his bday. Hehe...
I m juz wondering, till now he dunno how to wave bye bye though I taught him when he was v v v young. But he manage to pick up fren kiss in 2 days. Dunno if he is juz choosing wat he wants to learn/do. Got such thing or not ah? So now once u say bye bye to him, he fren kiss to u. LOL....

Val, think some bb choose things that they want to do one lah. I usu just let Vane be but I keep doing the same actions to reinforce her, eg I'll say "please" and "thank you", etc. To show her the correct things to do lah. I'm sure some time later she'll learn them lor.

Mummies, is there a brand to the Roman mop? Feel like getting one so that I can clean the floor almost everyday. Heeheee...
