(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

thanks for the detailed explanation on spinach and toufu, I will take note.

I agree with Mom2Nat on the BF, I think it really depends on individual. I am not those with lots of ss, and it seems that the dd = ss logic don't work on me. I also had a tough time BF my boy. I give my boy EBM since he is 1 week old till 10months. There are many times during which I wanted to stop coz it is so tiring and very stressful whenever the ss drops and can't meet his demand. Most of my time back then is spent on expressing, little time spend with my boy. I have no regrets stopping BF coz I have more time to spend with my boy and I really enjoyed it. So if one can BF, then please continue, and for those can't for whatever reasons, don't feel guilty as well. Motherhood isn't just about BF. Hope you don't pang me...

I know you are encouraging Emily to continue which good. I came across some comments from supporters of BF and maybe they are not tactic enough when trying to encourage me to continue BF and some of the comments I heard are quite harsh and can make me go on guilt trip if I stop BF back then. At least yours is not like those.

For me, I don't think I will take other's mum BM as well. I believe my hubby too will have the same thoughts and concerns as yours.

congrats!!!! Dont' worry too much, everything will be fine.

hummm... maybe I am also one of the 'stalker' too... hee hee

Don't be sad okay. Just think it this way, there will definately comes a time when you got to stop anyway. Maybe now is a bit early then you wanted but you have already done quite well already by passing your target of 6 months at least. You BF by latching?

Yeah got such news, I heard it too. So like you I also stoppped using ABC mats since then.

When did dat article appear in lianhe zaobao? I did a search in asiaone.com yday but didn't see anything abt tis. Only know dat bois shd not eat too much of tofu. Spinach oso cannot eat so much. Kieran has been eating tofu n spinach mixed into his porridge for a few mths liao leh. Really must stop? Haiz... I always very confused leh, how much is considered too much?

I'm Sooooo Excitedddddddd for u... u wan gal gal ah? Hope ur wish will come true
COngrats congrats...

It's true abt ABC mats. It came out in the news jus some time ago.
Thot u so gung-ho mah... I dun noe why u are still so shocked.... AND..... pregnancy is good news to share what...
I did not purposely read your postings lah, just that my memory's quite good mah.... anyway dun bother, it's not as if I know everything... u make me sound like I'm an outsider!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So saaad..................<font color="0000ff">dun u know pregnant women's emotions are v fragile (hehe) but nvm, me quite thick-skinned</font>..........! Ok, ok, enuf already.. yue miao yue hei.. I keep my mouth shut from now on....

Yah, u, me,hong stalk, stalk, stalk !!!! Hehe..

Thanks. No lah...this is not pregnancy thread...so I dun say much about my pregnancy here mah, dun wanna cause 'traffic congestion'..... hehe... new mums thread has four preggies including myself...

Dear deer, u are here!
U quickly post twice consecutively and u sure hit a white background...haha..........!!!!

ABC mat - I am indifferent to it but hb dislikes it... in fact we were given one as gift and we gave it away. Dun like the smell and the fact that I'm sure jesse will dismantle it....

I stylo ah becos got two ah ... feel doubly blessed... feel quite tired though...

Ur hb not keen for nbr 2???

GSS ending 24 Jul but Food Fest IS ON!!! Heheheee...

Medicine ah? I never think of it... but hb ever asked what if jesse becomes missionary... haha...I say if that is God's will, so be it...
viv, i threw out my ABC mats after that report also....initially wash/sun immediately after purchase before giving it to jerald to play on...to get rid of smell and the powdery feel...then wash/sun every mth end (he's back only on wkend mah) after that news.....i dun bother liao....just threw it out!! cant imagine he's bn grinding his gigis on those foam!!

qsg, my hubby also siam frm me when i "openly hinted" to him!!! the other time told him got mummy expecting twins!!! he peng sang upon hearing it!!

but hor ...now definately not the time for me to hv no2.

brenda, actually i'm hoping for a gal as my no2 as well!! cos when jerald grew up...i'm sure to lose him to my DIL...

pigletz, ur "flushing" not gd enuff leh....
btw, the price i gave u the other is b'cos i did it at the clinic...if u did it at premier suite it's a higher price hor.

hi....no news frm nat a long time!!!
stylobb, hb said he dun dare to want bb 2 bec he felt we are not ready.

Jas, i totally express since dana is one month old.

Jul, i want to latch also cannot bec since i started to express dana forgot how to latch on and dun want anymore.

CONGRATS!!! More and more mommies getting pregy
Althought i MIA but I definitely wont join the pregy club so soon. Too tied up at work...hahaha.

These days i only browse thru the postings here when i'm waiting for the PC to process something....don't have time to post. by the time I finish reading the postings, the processing also ends. Too busy at work lah.
Pigletz n I juz highlight to u how much your hubby loves u. Pang guang ze qin

Congrats dat u over-archieved! I guess u feel sad when u c your pump. Most bf mum feel se bu de when they stop bf. Wish Dana takes step 3 fm well n wish u build up your health wif herbal soup. Most impt dun need to carry the heavy bf equipment to strain your back. ((Hug))

It is gd to check wif gyne if ok to travel b4 u proceed wif your trip
U missed out dear Hazey, B2, Eureka
Nat said congratulations to u

My parents put comforter follow by mattress on top of abc mat. Dirty wash the mattress cover (weekly) n the comforte(ocassionally)r. Dun think it is comfortable to sleep on abc mat. Clean mat by wipping (soap water then water)
Nat still feels giddy n nausea. Her hubby will fetch her for lunch (steak) so she can get some fresh air. She thank u for your concern

I collected Chen Chen's passport on Fri. V fast < 10 min wait

U r pro fm. U advocate drink milk for whole life. Emily n I r not in favor of feeding our child wif animal's milk.
I dun mean to pressurize Emily. I juz wanna help her. I offered her my bm even I m juz producing enuff for Chen Chen's daily consumption

Won't pong u. Every mother has her way of providing nutritious food to her bb. N the way she chooses is the best way. I respect every mother's choice
U express bm to feed your boi? No matter wat, bb is the best pump. Pump can't clear breasts well so in the sense tell your body your bb doesn't need dat much milk. IMHO, ss = dd is applicable to latching on. QSG is the exceptional one.

Dat article wz published few mths back.
I dun mean stop giving tofu n spinage to Kieran totally. I mean dun feed him the 2 in the same meal
selling your profession here ah?? Remember those were the days. pple asked what i study, said pharmacy. it wasn't a well known profession then. so usual response was, " si mi la ah??" go on to explain that its on the study of medications. then everyone got really excited, tot i'm going to be a dr... haiz, always feel like banging head.

Happy b-day Ethan!!!

Congrats Brenda!!

have u shared why fresh milk not good for babies compared to FM??

Re: Food for gout
Essentially avoid all food high in purines. that includes all the bean stuff like soya bean, tofu, legumes etc. avoid red meat n beer. drinks lots of water to avoid precipitation of uric acid.
Shook, what you mean by i am the exceptional one? in what aspect?

so would you throw the ABC mat away after knowing its toxic?Now thinking whether should throw Dana's abc mat away also. Should be okay if she din bite right?
u angry that i din name u issit? today friday still so busy?

think GSS ends on 24th.


Haha, styloBB...
What's gung ho? if its dialect, i wun understand. As shared w Mom2nat, I'm those that follows the book say to announce only 3 mths later when bb's stable... so wanted to hush hush lor. Not that u outsider, me haven't chat w u for long n u dun even post ur bb's photo!! not very in line with the culture of this thread leh.

how's things on ur side? getting better now? Jerald still koff koff?
U so funny leh!! now practice to be the sweetest MIL lah, by then u perfect it can share share Jerald...hahhaha

yah, heard abt ur busy work shedules. It's alrite... continue to let ur see ur quiet angel during gatherings,k! she's one of the bbs whom i've met thrice n still can remember her different look all 3 txs. hahahah... she's a charmer

Thanks mommies for all the 'congrats'! I dun wan to neglect my lovely Jem leh.. we move our attentions from my tummy back to him, k!

I've just came back from HF with his new Shoo Shoo Shoes!! so happy and more albums to put his pics.

Emily!! What did u get for Ethan??
Oh so you also expressed. From what shook commented, think your ss must be good to can meet bb dd and even exceed it when on full expressing. Envy...

yeap, me expressed BM to feed my boy coz stop latching on after kena sore nipple. Actually all those benefits list for mothers who BF don't happens to me.

HAZEy.... hahahah, actually dun dare to ask for u cos i still haven't type out the recipe for ur Princess yet... me rushing for Jem's party leh

B2... u fed up that i miss u out rite.. that's y suddenly popped up. Sorry sorry

EUREKA... very regular what. mebbe today at Ubi again?

I AM HERE! CONGRATS! (oops... hazey wldnt wanna read my post liao...) hehe... so happy for u leh! no wonder lah... rembr last week u mention "dun need to do pap smear" when at ikea or nt? then i look at u and ask "how come HAR?" hehe... anyway... my blog is a good read hor? haha.. thick skin....

hey... i stop bf at 7mths plus and i never regret it either. like u, i had been gvg edi EBM all the while... and it was so tiring and stressful. nw i hv so much more time to spend wif him, my hubby and oso more time to do things whh i cldnt reali do when i was bfg.

i heard abt those mats oso. and yeah, i never used those mats either... found them to be quite smooth and slippery...

dun be sad... when u stop bf, life still goes on... dana is still dana.. nothing has changed.

i'm here! haha...
Jas, after i came back to work from ML, express 4 times a day, about 700 to 800ml..dun think it is very much but managed to meet Dana's needs bec she is a small drinker
. I got excess subsquently and even have to throw away frozen stock maybe because her demand drops after started on solids. But i think the type of pump does make a difference.

Brenda, you organising a party for Jem also or it is the one you mentioned for his grandparents?
mon_mon, aelwen got ur looks!! v.qing xiu!!! wow!! she got lots of present leh...love her expression with her new drum set!!

brenda, jerald sill coughing WITH PHELGM!! cant still hear it....wait till i try out pringles's mi fang 2morro!!! i can share jerald but my dil can accept me or not???

soya, look ur pee a boo elmo!! u not thick skin, i'm one avid reader of ur blog.
aiyoh... dun say dat lah, me paiseh... :p aiyoh... jerald hvg cough arh? wif phelgm even worse... cos so uncomfy for them... hope he gets well soon. sori arh, if my post seems very mis-informed... dats cos i didnt reali read all the past posts.
When can one ever be ready? But of course dun have a kid just for the sake of it. And if there are other issues, then best to resolve them before trying for the next one.

So which breast pump did u use?? Hehehe....

Gung-ho means daring! Hehe... u dun know??
Culture of this thread is to show photos meh?.... I didn't know that... haha..... anyway I did ask u for your email so that I will send my boi's pics to u but u did not respond what. I'm the opposite, I dun like to post pics lah...
Pregnancy - do try to rest and not overstrain yourself.....
The HKG trip, are u going F&amp;E??? Ask your hb to carry all the heavy stuff....

I just smsed eureka...hope she is ok and will come in here again....

mon mon
First time I'm seeing Aelwen...quite chubby ! ...did u cut her hair??
Wah, drum set!! Get ready for the noise man!!!!

hahaha...u can see the UNprofessionalism in my hair-cutting right?

She only look "xui-qi" but character is a monster

More like my thoughts of what's going in her mind....hehehe
hahah... both. one on saturday for his grans and sunday for my family. Sunday expected turnout is 50pax.

edi how many gi-gis now? looks like a lot leh

Lyn.. u mean the pear fomula? good good.. tell me abt the result k. I thot of trying on Jem too but w his bdae thingy coming up... might as well wait till he finish his cakes n junks first...hahah

dun noe.. what kind of language is that?
hahahah... eureka will tell u i dun check my emails n qsg will add in "she dun look at her sms either!"
Yeah... me going F&amp;E.

all our bbs monsters... hahahha, ALL Monster Bao Bei ! But urs is one qing xiu monster
Hi-5!!!! Yeap, after I stop expressing I got more time with bb and hubby too, and of course for myself as well. Morever I needed to go on diet. We have talked before in other threads right?

I am also interested to know which pump you use?

Aelwen sure must be very happy and excited with so many presents. She look so sweet.
he look like he got alot of teeth cos his top insicors are super bugs-bunny! so far, oni 3 at the top and 2 below...

hehe... the oni thing abt stopping bfg is hor... i put on weight after i stop...
yes... i think we chat in other threads b4.. but cant rembr where liao.
hehee...today me got a bit of time so can post a little. Xiu qi monster? like wolf in sheep skin....hahahaha.

U must be very excited again. But i guess second one so more relax hor?

Not sure if she was really excited....don't think she knows what r presents
She look lost when we told her to open her presents....she keep wanting to play with the wrappers then the presents....think she prefers the wrappers

Throughout the cake cutting she was extremely cranky. Keep crying....until everyone started singing the birthday song, then she had that blur look in the picture.
stylo, readiness or not ready also got varying degrees lah.

Brenda, wah! your family so big, got 50 persons?Tot you mentioned previously only got a small celebration with grandparents?

Jas and stylo, PIS which is very heavy to lug to work.The days of expressing in office tough, now thinking back, glad the days are over. I stop expressing in office since march.
Gerber Puff Mummies,
Finally manage to get the containers from Gerber already. I only got 30 pcs of containers, thus, those who order more and need more, please reserve it from me hor. All mummies who order the puff will get one container.

Sorry, but don't think I can send the containers to everyone like what I did the last time round for the puff. So, try to collect it from me at Alexandra during office hour or wait for the next gathering.

SS1 and cFaith,
Both of you have not collected the puff from me yet. Sorry but to set a deadline, if you can't collect the puff from me by 22 July, then I will sell the puff to other mummies who is interested in it. Don't want to hold the puff for too long. Hope that you understand.
soya, ya quite a good investment.

pigletz, think giggler and brenda can get it from you at my place. Maybe Jul as well.
ya, that's a good idea. If both of them haven't collected from me by then.
Jul didn't order the puff, so don't need to pass to her.
Haven't got the time to search for dat link. It is on why u shldn't drink milk (animal's milk). Not why fresh milk not good for babies compared to FM. It is different school of taughts. Go ahead n feed Ashley fresh milk if dat is your choice. Dun b paranoid over wat I said
An article in the papers mentioned dun eat spinage n food dat contains calcium together, esp for ppl wif gout. U heard of tis?

I mean u r the exceptional 1 who gets gd ss tho u din let Dana latch on. If I dun latch on, I guess I won't hv any ss now.
I won't throw abc mat away. I dunno how the toxic fm the mat gets into bb. Can ppl who saw the news clarify?
May b u like to do wat my parents do. Put comforter n mattress on abc mat so dat there is no direct contact. But hor. Chen Chen ever bite the mat when the mattress n comforter wz removed for washing. I better ask my mum to watch out

U r not alone. I din annouce my pregnancy till I hit the 3rd mth. Only told my parents n hubby b4 the 3rd mth. Din inform my IL, my brother n my SIL. Of coz my mum wz so happy dat she told some of the yi ma gu jie, my bro n my SIL b4 I hit the 3rd mth

Shake hand. I din get the benefits of bf mum N I got sore nipple on the 2nd day after delivery. The 3rd day when the lactation consutant came 2 my ward she said my nipple wz v v sore. She gave me a list of cream for sore nipple n asked me to apply asap. I sms my hubby to go buy the cream n bring to KK for me

Aelwen's pic r beautiful.
Reminds me I haven't upload Chen Chen's b'dy photos yet

Ash's photos v pro. R they the ones taken @ the studio? hey y remove yourself n your hubby? Post agn w/o removing both of u leh
aiyoh... ash looks so grown up! so diff from the time i saw him.
and his hair quite long eh? agree wif shook the pics are v well-taken.
Hi mummies,

Sorry for intruding... was abit free today, so went thru some of the posts in this forum and came across this spinach topic. Just to share, my relative had kidney stones b4, and was advised not to take spinach or calcium supplements coz spinach has high oxalate content which can react with calcium to form stones in the kidney. But only pple prone to developing kidney stones must avoid high oxalate food like spinach. It should be ok for our babies to take spinach and tofu, they need the nutrients.

Alot of food contains oxalate actually. However, what i know is that oxalate food taken with calcium food is ok, only calcium supplements should be avoided (for pple with kidney stones). Maybe you all can search for more info in the net for 'Oxalate'
Hi Brenda
CONGRATULATIONS!!! Its really wonderful news and i feel excited for u! Think u are all prepared for whats ahead and u will definitely stay cool and calm as always
Take gd care!

Thks for the interesting info on oxalate food taken with calcium supplements.

Aelwen is growing well and she sure looks happy with all the bday surprises.

Very nice pictures of Ashrel
Wah, so many photos of Aelwen. V nice captions too. Her cake is so huge, how many kgs is tat?
My mom walked pass, I was showing your girl's photos, she say look a bit like Nat.
yalor..me n my mum also v worried when we saw the news cos Jana loves to bite them too...

hmm..i cant remember the details of the news, not sure how the toxins r pass to the bb.
i had a PIS too, its really a great pump,i think i wouldn't hv been able to bf at all without the pump cos my ss is v bad. n my ebm v expensive cos i need to take cab home everyday, the bag v v heavy with the pump, milk n ice pack .... hmmm...those were the days!

i hope jana can read medicine and specialise in dermatology ... then she can give mummy free laser,botox, mesotheraphy treatments! hehehe

y u say i angry ? if i angry then i wont come in specially to congratulate u leh! u ah!!! if u not preggie then i ah bish u liao!

yeah ...busy busy busy ..brought some work home too, hopefully got time to do it later.

mon mon
looks like aelwen had a great time opening up her presents.

wah ... v v nice pics of ashrel! is it profesionally taken?

brenda, shook
i also din announce till after 1st trimester. only told parents n v close frens abt it. i kept colleagues guessing till my tummy began showing at 4th mth
Hi mummies....

Congrats....is it made in Bintan? Did gynae asked some questions like is this PLANNED? N then proceed to say u r futile?

So do u have any upcoming made in bintan bb since u just went to bintan? How was the trip n any foto to share?

Shd I make any trip to bintan, gd feng shui place to conceive (kidding), i will bring along condoms n probably when I am less futile......hahahaha

I agree with shook, some parents are 'distasteful' or 'meh song' when some toddlers are loud n rowdy. This are parents that haave no kids yet or bbs very young, dun understand, Otherwise, seasoned parents will normally smile n remark 'kids are like that, we understand.' then if chat a bit more, they will say 'mine even worst'

Brenda, Rae probably sounded out of context cos he luv to relate his day to pple. He probably like u and started your deem uttering to u. Jerome will have alot of blahhing to u in future too...then he will experience lots of verbal frustration b4 u n hb finally understand him better.

My kids dun owe any ABC mat at all. I really tot they are hard to maintain and not clean stuff. I hesitated on my hse opening many times cos my hse no ABC mat or carpet/rug to let bbs play. If u see past gathering's foto, most hses have bbs' facities...or bb friendly environment. My kids are tiles kids!

Stylobb, with all said, that's y i turned down ur offer on the ABC mat earlier on, u remember?

u r one 'vain' mummy....u may as well say u strike toto now, then go look for Wuffle wat ah, woffles Wu? hahahhahaha.........

U r pleasant as wat u r, lovely creativity too! U r so blessed!

I am here....how r u?

Enfapro....my girl is on enfagrow liao. Tks for ur offer.

Also pls post ur family portrait here. I caught a glimpse of ur blouse or dress....looks nice, can i see the whole complete attire? Anymore foto, Ash looks gorgeous! Reminds me of IAN, very handsome!
Hi mummies,
tat's me, eureka aka clarence....just in case u r blur.

I have started another thread regarding 2kiddoes elsewhere.....tat's account to my alien nick.
So mah fan,
I have to re log in as different user to get in here. Otherwise alot of u will ponder who this clarence esp at the last post page n tot it is a wrong thread altogether.

I have used a different nick there cos I want to see how much can i post with regards to 2kids issues n when can my background becomes white! hahah..........

Pigletz, pls dun boot this new member....
Tat time you started the thread on the terrible 2. Quite a few pple replied, but hor, you disappeared leh. Then no updates, dunno how Rae is progressing with the childcare.

Hi mommies,
Many thanks for the birthday greetings for Ethan. I took yesterday and today off. brought him to the zoo, then we had ice-cream from Ben &amp; Jerry and then Ethan had his 1st haircut. Then he had his mee sua chicken dinner.
Think he enjoyed himself other than the barber issue. Cried and cried... so poor thing. Now he looks so different. Am still trying to adjust to his new look.

re: bm vs fm
Ethan didn't get to drink the soya milk the other day coz I came back at 11pm and seems like he slept late and only had his lunch at 2plus... so, his dinner was at 8plus pm. Something like that. Anyway, have already bought the soyabean milik. Will continue bf. This is something I believe in... and even if I am preg, I will still try unless I am not able to. I will get a can of soy-based fm to keep just in case - to appease my hb. Don't think I will use it... unless I am forced to.


Brendali, congrats!! See, told u that time u tested might be too early. :p so, when did u find out??? And what made you test again??
