(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

How true !


This story tell us not to be "too kind" to our bosses

Here it goes:

There's this Jaga Singh who was working for a multi-millionare as a
house guard. One day, while the millionaire was driving out to catch
an early morning flight to conclude a business deal, Jaga Singh ran
out from the guard house and stopped the millionaire's car just right
in front of the gate.

He said "Sir..Sir.. are you going to board a plane?" "Yes, why?"
asked the millionaire. "You had better cancel the trip. You see, last
night I dreamt about the plane going to crash."

Curious over the early morning fright that Jaga Singh had given, the
multimillionaire decided to cancel his trip. "You better be damn right
for this is a million dollar deal."

The following day, there were news reports that the plane which the
millionaire was supposed to take had indeed crash landed. "Thank God
I cancelled the trip,." the rich man said Realising that what Jaga Singh
had said had come true, he called the Singh to see him.

When the guard was called that morning, the millionaire gave him his
salary and FIRED him. WHY ?

Jaga Singh was supposed to guard the house at night ...NOT to Sleep
and Dream all night!!!!!

So, GO BACK TO WORK!! and Don't try to save your boss's life!! It's
not worth!!! Always save your own ass first!!! Haha!!!

tofu wif spinach will produce wat? Kieran has been eating spinach n tofu added into porridge leh
Fried peanut powder heaty or not?
No time to prepare that, i think i still to the boiled soft peanuts. She also like to pick the peanut and pop into her mouth. feeding herself, i think i let her be..
Am in a dilemma regarding my ss. Stock very low... just now only pump 40ml. At home only have one bottle left. My god-daughter's mom said she'll bring the milk for me tonight. My hb said... "Give forumla. You don't know if she has any prob." I told him if she can feed her daughter should be fine. Then he says don't know breastmilk can carry stuff such as hep B etc. Maybe she might be a carrier without knowing. I told him cannot. He said, if I am sure then ok. Am so scared now. If any prob... I know he will 'kill' me. Don't know what to do. Am working late again tonight. Last night, poor ethan had to eat biscuits and drink water to sleep as I told maid not to give him milk as my stock finishing. <sob> Please tell me that things will be fine. I told hb that I am only getting stock from her now (4 bottles) for backup and I believe I need to use 2 bottles tonight. I need to increase ss in the meantime... so I believe that in a couple of days things will be fine. I told him that this is a common pratice among breastfeeding moms too. So it's okay.
I also told him I don't know how Ethan will react to formula coz have never given it to him b4.
Yesterday afternoon got 80ml. then tried to pump in evening... only got 40ml. Then after that at 9+ can fill breast full, but too busy to pump. Only hand expressed at home 50ml when I got home at about 1am. Didn't dare to express so much coz gotta leave some for Ethan. Tell me how? I have many volunteers to give milk to Ethan. Thank you for wanting to share with me. I was debating between you and my friend. In the end, I remembered that you told me before that your ss at your mom's place, that's why in the end when my friend asked me if I want the milk, I said ok.
I cutting down my food intake lor esp on those high is carbo and sugar contents. Yeah finally use the slimming package, but it's more like I just want to get it over and done with.

MP diapers the cutting is smaller.

I am still around lah.. just busy with work and attending meetings so no time to log in.

You also got such thots ah, why? You don't stay with ILs right?

wow seems like your preggie days are quite terrible too. Mine is the same as stylobb, no ms, no heartburn problem, it's a very smooth pregnancy for me but the only problem is my appetite is too good and now hard time losing those weights....

You mean cannot cook spinach with tou fu together in the porriage or cannot feed them together in a meal if they are cooked separately?

yeah lor, me still struggling to attain intermediate member...

You sure had an eventful week, but I think it's good to blow out once in a while. As for tender or not, maybe got to discuss with hubby, but utimately it's still your decision. Man will always say can no problem initially, but after a period of time, who knows what they will say if it turns out otherwise, then another series of problem and arguments.

yeap, ss will drops when period comes. for mine is few days before. It will resume back to normal once it is over.

next time got too much stock up a lot during the motherhood exhibition liao... coz it's the cheapest then.
like u, i m a 'supporter' of nepia. find it thin, cool n comfy 4 shrel who buay si tiam n perspire a lot. somtx he wears nepia pants esp out shopping wen changing diaper like battle w him, flip n stand in split sec.
hmm..at least u n some frds said he looks like boy wat, heng heng..
oh 4got to say congrats to u

dun noe why he recently drools a lot a lot, till his whole shirt wet so wear bib loh. af so long, i c no new teeth appearing leh???

yup got the diapers at clementi ntuc. tks. i applied olive oil 4 him wen he was abt 3 to 7mths, evy morning wen he got up n wash off during shower. then wen he got more hair, i stop cos hot n sticky.
oh, i nvr shave him bald. he only had 1 haircut till now.

tyra all along got nice hair mah. tat tx her hair dropped but now all grown back right..

no prob. the "top" is sticked unto the window n left the bottom dangling, he will hold unto it. dun noe why he likes to do tat...

topic: bb skin turning yellow
it's becos of the beta carotene found in yellow/orange fruits/veg. jus dun overfeed n it shd go off. i give carrot to ashrel evyday but dun give too much in qty. mix yellow w green vege, dun combine all yellow n orange in 1 day loh, esp papaya n carrot. tomato is fine.

ai yo can undstd ur "frustration". but ryan is so "cute", angry w u 4 ignoring him, keke..
yup he did lose some of his "fats' esp cheeks. but din lose wt. he was 11kg at 11mths. v heavy for my skinny arms. u said i how to put on wt leh, evyday chasing af him n somtx cari him.
u giving vane enfagrow? the plain or vanilla one? so far ok? can i noe why u choose tis? hope u dun mind me asking cos wen i give ashrel enfapro, he has so bad constipation till got blood so till now he is still on enfalac. i dun hav enfagrow sample so dun noe whether shd go get 1 can to try or let him try other brands...

dear mummies,
i hav some milk powder to give away. any takers?
1) enfapro a+: eureka?
2) promil gold 2
3) nan 2
4) mamil gold 2 (big can)
5) friso 2 (big can)
I can't remember spinach plus tofu produce wat. Tis info is fm n article in Lian He Zhao Pao. Dat word is in Chinese I can't remember the word. Stop feeding Kieran spinach plus tofu Dun play play

Oh yes. Peanut is heaty. But we dun feed everyday. Muz give water or barley water after feeding peanut
How do u boil the peanut till soft? Everytime my mum boils peanut, the peanut is not soft. The texture is like carrot kept for too long, neither crunchy nor soft. Yucks!

Sorry to say but wat makes your hubby so sure the cow dat produces fm doesn't hv disease? (Mummies who give fm dun pong me hor) I mean any food - beef (mad cow disease), birds (birds flu), fish (can't remember the name, happened yrs back oso sea polution), vege (too much insecticide) hv a <font color="ff0000">risk factor</font> of causing disease. No doubt I disagree on the fm part but I respect your hubby's concern being a father.
My bunker is @ my hse. Those @ my mum's plc r 4 Chen Chen's daily consumption n my new stock (transfer to SK druing wk n). If u want my supply, I can produce my medical report which I got only yes'dy fm Raffles Hospital for your hubby. I work in a chemical company, so need to go for health screening biannually. Having said dat dun feel obliged. I m juz trying to help. I understand fully how a bf mum feels ((Hug))
I dun think u dun hv enuff for Ethan as long as u dun express fm both breasts. IMHO, your breasts r v full, ie more than wat Ethan needs. Feed 1 side, express 1 side. If really not full enuff for Ethan, latch him on in shorter interval say 2 hrs instead of 3 hrs. But u gotta let him latch on both sides coz u already emptied your breasts earlier on wif tandem pump. However, it will b v tiring for u since u work till so late.
U work till 1 am regularly?
Do u dream feed Ethan?
Eating fish, peanuts can increase ss. Do u eat these? read fm newspaper dat the spice pa jiao can increase ss but I dunno how to eat it. Never try b4. I hv half a bottle of fenugreek for increasing ss. U want? I can give to u. I m not taking it now coz I hv 3 mth stock n able to manage daily dd.
I dunno abt Ethan but most tbf bb dislike fm. Chen Chen wz on total fm for 3 days when I wanna bring dwn his prolonged jaundice n 1 fm when he din poo for many days when he wz 2 mth old. Tell u, I felt so bad n sad to c him taking fm. He wz v lethargic after taking fm. His eyes has the kinda zombie look
May b ask your maid to give Ethan tofu or cereal instead of biscuit to fill up his stomach. Biscuit not so nutrious

U v lucky leh. Dat time when I had ms, I told my hubby 1 is enuff. I dun wanna go thru tis agn. When I told my hubby I want no 2, he asked me u sure or not
B it cook tofu n spinage tog or separately, as long as it is consumed @ the same time. It is no gd for the body. Tis is applicable to adults as well

I look left right up dwn, still find Ash has a typical boi look
Tomato doesn't contain beta carotene?
mummies, dun worry abt me lah....still trying to jump the hurdle on the sudden change of attitude in my parents....actually the idea of being a sahm, me toying since day one...but hubby is the one that makes me to take a firmer stand.

shook, tofu + spinach cannot mah?? i know beancurd cannot go with coke, crab cannot go with pumpkin....dun ask me why.

qsg, jerald occassionally get blue black marks. dun think dana fell lah...but most probably due to crawling here n there.
Thanks for your advise on the passport thingie, collected my passport, and yes, don't need to wait for half an hour. Got the passport less the 10min and I left the building liao

haha, me just joking abt posting less lah. That comment is meant for regulars here. COME BACK to post. hahaha

Ya lor, so you should post more till u get the intermediate member okay?

You don't think too much abt ur flight thingie, and think your SS will increase. You must have stress yourself too much liao.

If no one take the Mamil Gold Step 2, I don't mind getting from you. But if any mummies taking Mamil Gold Step 2, can go ahead.

See, your hubby loves you and Jerald, that's why he wants you to stay at home to take care of Jerald.
ehheheeee... this i have to reply. Pigletz... am not thinking about my flight landing lah! Have been thinking about work work work.

shook, i have told my friend not to transport ss to me. Coz I said don't want to trouble her. heheee... u so funny! Give my hb see medical report... no need so kua zhang lah! Anyway, I e-mailed an expert and have attached her reply for your info. For your info, I have just asked my hb to go and buy reduced sugar soyabean milk for Ethan tonight if he needs it. Let's see how he likes it. :p

Hi Em

> Prob now is that my ss has gone so low that my son
> doesnt have enough
> ss for today. Am expressing in the office, but
> dunno why dont seem to
> be able to get more ss coz too busy.

Could be period coming? Stress is a big contributor to
poor ss as well.

> My hb is concerned about the hygiene etc etc and
> whether it is possible
> to carry diseases in breastmilk.

Yes it is possible.

> I know I shouldnt doubt her. But I
> can understand his concerns.

These are valid concerns.

> Assuming that shes a hep B carrier and she
> doesnt know about
> it can it be passed through her milk?


> I really hate the thought of Ethan going the formula
> way even for one
> feed just to give me time to increase my ss.

Have you considered goat's milk? Fresh goat's milk?
Hay's Dairies delivers fresh milk to yr house. Call
and order. Or soy milk? If Ethan is turning one, it
shd not be a prob for him to take these alternatives.
If you still intend to pump and still nurse him while
you are at home, these milk alternatives are jsut a
stop-gap measure. He can even take juice, or if you
want, cow's milk - no need for formula - fresh cow's
milk from the chilled section.

Taking donor ebm is the best. But I can understand
your concerns of course. They are very valid fears. It
all boils down to personal trust in each other at teh
end of the day. How well you know yr supplier, her
lifestyle, even her spouse etc. As someone put it
before, I can trust you, but can I trust yr dh? It
sounds terrible, but there it is...

If you do want to take donor ebm, it is safest to
pasteurise it. Pasteurisation just means heating it up
to a certain temp to kill germs. I believe 60deg
celcius is usually enough. So this means boiling
water, once boiled, switch off, wait for it to cool a
bit from boiling point and stand the bottle of ebm in
the hot water for a while - five min or so. Not too
long. This is not a precise science so it is really
aga-aga at home. Unlike professional dairies and milk
banks where there are gauges to tell you when the milk
has been pasteurised. Whatever you do, DON'T boil the

Do note that pasteurisation also kills some of the
antibodies and white blood cells in the milk so it
loses some benefits. But on the whole, still much
better than formula of course.
I am wondering, how come you dun give bb fm?? FM is not cow's milk right? How many bb get Hep B or mad cow's disease from cow's milk or FM? And how many babies dun get it just bcos they take bm?? Frankly, I wonder if bm is really the BEST. If ss drop, then give bm lor. YOu have bf for 1 year liao. *clap clap* V good liao. Any longer is a bonus. Have have, dun have then dun have lor. Sorry mommies, I am not discouraging bf. BUt I strived so hard to bf and pump for 9 months. I think I have given Nat my best liao. I felt guilty at first, thinking maybe I lazy, or not giving her the best. But later realise we are both happier when I dun have to spend my time pumping and squeezing for milk, and worrying abt ss, and losing sleep... NOw I have more time for her oso.
Did your hubby ask you to stop bf for carry on?? My hubby see me suffering, kept asking me to stop.
Lyn, Skyblue, Jas
OK now @ home can talk more on spinage n tofu. To b precise, spinage cannot b taken wif food dat contains calcium ie milk, yoghurt, cheese, etc. Spinage contains smth mix wif calcium will produce smth. Sorry all these smth is in chinese name so I can't remember the chemical name n dunno how to translate too. Tis thing can't dissolve in water n won't b absorbed by our body. It is useless to our body. It gets accumulated in the body. Too much of it is no gd for our body. PPl wif gout esp cannot take tis combination of food

I share the same sentiment as Pigletz. Your hubby loves u v much. He not only stand in line wif u oso support u 2 b a sahm

As long it makes your hubby feels safe, I m ok to produce my medical results

Thx for sharing the reply fm your friend.
Bet u dun favor the idea of feeding animal's milk to Ethan dat u wanna give u soya milk huh. No doubt I m anti animal milk, I still give Chen Chen yoghurt n cheese which is oso dairy products

BM is the BEST ALL fm company admit dat.
I believe anything natural is the best. BM is god's creation of food for human beings
I m not agst ppl feeding their bb wif fm, but I strongly support ppl who wanna bf their bb to carry on. My colleague said I can chair bf support gp liao

No offence ya
I read ur posting and i go *blur*!
FM is cow milk unless emily mean goat FM.

I feel weird if my daughter drinking others mother's bm. U doesnt want to let go of bfing? Any special reasons? Why not try giving ur child FM? There is always 1st time, no pt stressing urself on SS. U still can give FM and BM at the same time. U can give whatever BM u have, the rest with FM?

glad that u collected the passport fast. Weekday not so many pple right?
FM is cow's milk ah, I tot FM is formula milk. Then why some article talk abt switching from fm to cow's milk after 1 yr old? My confused.

Yup, agree, BM is the BEST. But how far behind is FM? I dunno lah, I read this somewhere, tat with all tat advancement, prob FM is not tat far behind. Maybe now the FM already v good, only 10% behind BM?
I dun mean to start a debate, of cos I would bf if I can, but I realise it is NOT natural and easy for everyone like how pple describes. THough I would wanna do it again, but I think already I wanna faint! I struggled so hard, wake up to pump every 3 hours, no time for Nat, still need to cook. Had mastitis 3 times, pain like hell... Tat's why, I encourage moms to bf, but if for some reason can't, dun feel bad.

Regarding the gout one, wat cannot eat with wat? you have the article?

Nathalie perspiring in this hot hot Singapore

Mom2Nat, FM is cow's milk=based, not the same as cow's milk lor.

Emily, I wouldn't take other mum's breastmilk... Shook, dun pong me hor... think Ethan should try FM liao.. you've bfed him very long already! Your hubby is right abt passing on diseases through BM.
Hahahah... Is it only me or this thread is getting freezing hot?

Welcome back my dear Pigletz... as usual u start ur active posting with food ~ bbq stingray! I got craving for it leh!
I CRAVE FOR THE DEAR OLE MUMMIES IN THIS THREAD TOO!! PVL, Nat, Viv, Val, Giggler, Lyn, Absolut and many more... where you gals went to? GSS over liao, come back here. I GOT NEWS TO ANNOUNCE!!

Mom2nat, Emily, Lyn...
I wanted to hush hush one... hahahah, cos so many 'new' members around I not comfy... hahahah, got 'stalker' somemore. But think think thru.. u gals so nice! keep wondering whether i TTC succeed anot. YES!! I'm five weeks into my pregnancy liao

Have fun with Princess Tyra's Party!! ME got craving for BBQ stuff too leh. AND WELCOME BACK TOO!!

HAhhaa... my 'guai' Jem give kisses anytime of the day depending on his mood

Hahhaha... i try to get Jem do ur Ethan's trademark again... he cmi leh!! Hahaha... think he scare infringed copyright

HAhhha.. poor thing huh. Kenna 'spank' by the mummies here. Think they luv ur Dana that's y so concern.

Yeah Mom2nat,
Pigletz very helpful hor!! hahhahah
Everyday Nat gets a cute pic recorded!!
Really hope she gets used to the weather here

Dou mian hard to chew n digest... try not to give yet. Try spinach and bb over 1 yr can take bb bok choy. Actually, Veg nutrients go into water very easily so feed more veg stock? get the fibre frm fruits till he can chew betta?

Your tough patch over anot?? I've put back Jem on pure Nan2 liao.. he's back to his hearty appetite (just took ml for nite feed) But his phelgn still persistent

hahahha.. can't help it. But ur Ash is making u n ur hb looks a bit on the thin side leh.

u under depression arh? R u the one who take enfapro samples? I got 2 packs which i wan to give away

Dun stress... erm, u wanna start thinking what's best for everyone in ur family instead? No doubt bf'ing is best for Ethan... but if it's tiring u up, making u worry abt supplying, frustrating ur hb, depriving Ethan of a worry free mum... then mebbe settling for a 2nd best option is not a bad idea. I'm not sure... but i really do see a lot of ppl arnd me grew up on Dumex.

me quick drained on the last few days when jem's ill. Thank God he's finally sleeping thru again. Haiz, having a little fear for my preg now... hope I can carry this bb safely thru her terms too. Me turning panda already
Thanks for congrats.
Maybe when he wears more boi boi clothes, he will look more like boi... when I look at him, he is boi what to me...
Weight gain will slow down as they grow up so it's ok that he is heavy.

Congrats! By 'stalker', I guess u mean me and hong...ok ok... I disappear today liao....
Do take care and what is gonna happen to your HKG trip?
Happy birthday Ethan

Hong, Jul
No offence.
In olden days when there is no fm. Only rich ppl or emporer can afford to get nanny to feed their children

Fm is made fm cow's milk. I wld say the difference b/w cow's milk n fm is dat cow's milk is fresh, fm is not fresh. Cow's milk is natural, fm is not. Fm gone thru formulation. Dat's y it is called formula milk
FM "appear" gd in the sense dat they r formulated wif higher content of iron, DHA, bla bla bla... than BM. But tis is not easily absorbed by human's body. It gets passed out in the urine.
Who says bf is smooth sailing. Bet every1 gone thru some problems. I m not excused. But there r ppl who wanna extend bf (ie beyond 1 yr) n dun wanna give their child animal's milk @ 1. I m 1 of them n I think Emily is oso 1 of them. So I try to help her n share my experience wif her
Cannot eat spinage wif calcium, esp for ppl wif gout. The article is in Chinese in Lian He Zhao Bao some time back. I dun hv the article anymore. Sold it to kara gunin
Nat perspires as if she juz got a shower

<font color="ff0000">congrats!</font>
a gd news to hear early in the morning.

Nat is on home rest. She has giddy spell n pelvic cramp. Not allowed to sit in front of pc.

Dun disappear lar. Bet Brenda has many common topic to chat wif u
Finally you made an appearence. I had to "pretend" Brenda is not ard. Happy you break the news liao... Hee... congrats again!

MY fren oso gave her colleague's bb 2 bottles of BM every day. If you not worried you can take from your cousin. I had so much ss I wanted to give away too. But how long can your cousin give? Btw, has BM really made your bb heathier? My fren says her 2 sons always ill bcos she only bf for 1 month.
Why u post earlier than me? Otherwise my ballon graphic will blend nicely with the white color background ... now not so nice liao .... :p
No lah, i i didnt u lah, its my own fault, so slow ... dun wanna spoil ur TGIF lah ... heheh ...
hope u and other mummies hv a great TGIF and a great wkend ahead

Mom2Nat, Brenda, Pigletz,
Thanks for ur input on YH's crying at nite, guess what? Since i posted tt day, the very nite YH didnt cry, he slept thru the nite on Wed and last nite .... i guess the spell has broken liao ... heheh ... Think next time i will just complain here abt YH this and that and break the spell, bear with me hor hahah ....

The photo of Nat prespiring make me feel like taking a bath also, poor Nat, hope she adapts to S'pore weather soon.

Glad to hear tt Jem has recovered liao. Now tt u hv lao er in u, u take good care of urself.
Wow! so many mummies preggie with lao er and lao san
StyloBB, u very stylo huh, u r the only with both!

BRENDA!!!! CONGRATS!!! CONGRATS!!! i think u'd wish for a bb gal rite?? may she got those pretty charming eyes as jem!!! so happy!!!

shook/pigletz...u both breathing the same idea onto me ah!!!

mon2nat, seems like nat not really used to local weather yet.
Brenda, Wah, congras. When is your EDD? Going back to the same gynae?
Pls dun worry too much hor, take one step at a time, feel relaxed can help to smoothen the pregnancy.

You mentioned you tested which week but the test is negative? So must test at 4th week then can is it?

Shook/Emily, I will be stopping BF totally by today. Abit se bui de but felt i have tahan long enough and need to build up my own health by taking some herbs which i dun really dare to take when bf, have already by passed my 6 months target many months back. Kept thinking it will be the last time Dana can tast BM today so felt abit sad
Morning mummies...

Morning Stylobb,
hahha.. me haven't get over the initial shock u read so much abt me lah. Furthermore, these group of mummies chat w me since my 1st pregnancy, u din leh. So wasn't too comfortable announcing.
And the rest of the mummies r not chatting as usual leh, dunnoe whether they like me all preg liao went MIA, too paiseh to announce!

Stylobb n Ruffybear,
i'm still proceeding to the HK trip. Will arrange for a gynae visit prior to that n change my itinerary. Dun really see the need to cancel at this moment cos my MS vanished after testing positive on my fourth test.. hahhaha

Yah lor.. think i myself also one troublemaker hahhah.. last nite can't sleep, read thru decide to just tell lor.

Okay, i'll continue my search for the MIA mummies. din name quite a few cos 3am can't remember all...
JO.. u still ill arh?

SOYABEAN... can't write 3 sentence less in ur blog n type here instead anot?

JUL... hahaha, noe u just posted but u sound very busy leh. Dun tire urself out n take care yah

PRINGLES... More interesting pictures of your Blossom? i miss u leh, thot u supposed to share share w me abt herbal stuff? but i haven't get the book yet.. all too chem, dunnoe which to choose. recommendations?

Mon_mon... haiz, u come in to look for eureka only

VAL... no news on ur active Randall?

PVL... sarah where?

ABSOLUT... u okay anot? not bed rest too rite? or tummy finally showing, busy admiring forget to look here already?

GIGGLER... dun just post in other thread!!!

DEER... why no more long long post liao??

SKYBLUE... hahhaha noe u ve been active lah.. just wanna say hi

there's still pok pok, kis (thot u wanna chat w us liao?) and any that i left out?

Thanks Shook.. for telling us abt Nat.
I would like to do up YH's room into a nursery room, a place where he can sleep at nite with my mum during wkday nites and play inside safely during day time. I am going to dismantle the single bed in the room and shift out everything. and put mattress on the floor for my mum and YH to sleep at nite. Whatever that cannot be covered by mattress, i m going to put something soft, so tt YH wont hv buluku when he rolls and turns and plays inside there. Now, this is the part which i dunno what to do. I hv intention to put those ABC rubber foam mat initially, but after i hv done some "research" on the web, i found tt many mummies complain the rubber foam mat got smell, bbs like to bite on them, not easy to maintain as the inner smaller parts will drop off etc etc. And some mummies even feel tt they r toxin even though the manaufacturer claim otherwise. I hv also found out tt there is this LG bumper mat which will do a nice job, but it is VERY expensive, cost $139 for a pc of a single mattress size.

With my requirements, any mummies hv better suggestions? Btw, mummies who hv those ABC rubber foams, what do u think of it? Any comments and suggestions r greatly appreciated. Thanks.
Cannot take spinach with calcium, then mah cannot eat it with fish and many other stuff?? Wat will happen if eat? Something disastrous?? Sorry ah, no chinese news papers at home.
Actually i dont hv time to read past posts, coz of bz work schedule and me bz searching the web for info on playmat. BUT since u disppeared for so long and reappear with a long post, i finish reading ur long post ... i can understand how u feel ... esp the part on ur minor conflicts with ur parents on how Jerald is being taken care of ... sometimes i hv similar conflicts with my parents also, esp my dad. But i guess we shld feel blessed tt after all, our kids r in good hands, and our parents r receptive of our suggestions and try to oblige to it ... so dun feel "fan" over it. As for ur job, i guess u just hv to sort it out with ur hubby, hope u will come to a decision which is comfortable to both of u soon. Hope Jerald's cough will recover soon. U take care too.
Is Nat ok? Hope her giddy spell and pelvic cramp not too jielat ...will the pelvic cramp affect bb? Pls send my regards to Nat. Hope she will recover soon.

Me handling 3 projs at the same time, very bz now, and whatever time i hv, i search the web for playmat, hope to find smthg suitable for YH's rm. u take care ok.
u funny leh... must blend in to the background..hahah. WHY so good mood har?

Yeah i wish for a bb Janelle too with Jem's kind of eyes! Luv ur wish!! u so wonderful!

hahahah.. dun worry, i too playful n lazy to worry for long.
So Dana tried FM already? no prob in the migrating rite?
Yeah... think all tested in 4th week.. but the last one is supposed to be more sensitive.

HEy mummies in the wild wild west..
i too lazy to travel to kkh for the initial consultations.. any gynae to intro that's convenient to travel from Jurong?
I used to have the same concern as u for the playmat last time. This is what we settled for in the end. We found large pcs of playmat(like those ABC kind) at Kids Mall. It has no alphabet on it so nothing to fall out.(Many bbs here have it) Then we scrub twice with bb bath and sun it to get rid of the smell. As for biting.. hahahah, never seen Jem did that before leh?
Brenda, jurong point have gynae, not sure good or not but there are some threads in forum on it. Maybe you want to take a look. The recent test you took is pregn kit or done at clinic?

Dana has tried FM from 9.5 months onwards. So far okay already but soon have to switch FM again bec turning 1 year old soon.

You very on lei, scrab , wash and sun to get rid of smell, i din do anything din even wipe then let Dana play on it already and nowadays she kept tearing the small alphabets out and bite them sometimes also.
yah actually did the test at clinic twice.. first tx at my company clinic (they use thos strip kind) n negative. doc gave me medicine to stop nausea. 2 days later went to my own GP who use another kind of test.. positive.

u TTC'ing also?

huh? even now that jem played on it for so long.. i still scrub it w BB bath n wipe it frequently w bb wipes. Mine dun hv alphabets one.. just plain.
just a quick one ...

congrats!!!! u take care ah!

it was reported in the news on tv that those ABC mats contain toxins harmful to bb. u need to wash them repeatedly n thoroughly and then sun them. but still this does not gaurantee that the toxins r removed. i threw away all my mats.
Viv, when did the news reported that? Jiat lat, Dana has been playing on it and even bit it. It seems there are still alot of people using it. If bb din bite the mats, is it safe?

Brenda, i am not TTC'ing. Just curious about the preg tests. Every time one of the mummies here get pregnant, i will tell hb and sound him out but he will say NO.
<font color="aa00aa">ABC MAT</font>
What I used to do is to use industrial scotch tape and tape down all the bits on the back side of the mat and tape one piece to another. To clean just vacumn, wet mop as usual.
Have tried to use Yoga mat but it attracts more dust/dirt particles then the ABC mat. However ABC mat if you walk on it..sometimes can shift..so in the end buy a cheap carpet from IKEa..with non-skid backing and can be washed in washing machine.
work is never ending. So don't stress yourself too much okay?


ya, weekday very little pple. The counter ladies seems so free. hehe

no lah, we not breathing the idea to you, just wanna assure you that your hubby loves Jerald. Just that he's the traditional daddy, don't show type.

Welcome back my friend!!! Now I don't need to doing the flushing job liao .hahahhaha

Brenda, congrats! Take care!!

Happy Birthday Ethan!

Shook, I support extended breastfeeding, but in our busy society, i feel that working mothers like Emily shouldn't give themselves additional stress over this, esp when FM is readily available. Nutrition wise, I sometimes even think all the fortification is better than my BM! True that not all of it is absorbed but it may still be more than what i can provide lor.

Didn't know abt the spinach thing... ian loves tofu and spinach.

Anyone knows when the GSS is ending? I haven't done any shopping yet!!!!!!!! Argh... missed the GSS doing confinement last year.

QSG, well done with the bfding. I can understand how you feel... very bu she de, that's why i still latch ian when i can even though it tires me out when he wakes up at night.

I dun use ABC mat anymore... the reports made them sound so toxic.

Pringles, Ian loves the IKEA high chair too.

eureka, where are u???

Just a thought that crossed my mind... is there any mummy here who hopes for their kiddoes to read medicine in future? Kekeke..
