(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

aiyo.... so elyse c her ye ye in jerald...and all kor kor, uncle, old man in bike as her ye ye?!?!?

no lah, actually i prefer to c the rear view and side view of pple...i find them more....appealing...even reading a mag, i read frm behind...weirdo. if u c most of my front view pix of jerald arent as well taken as his side views.

Why u hv such negative thought? Dun link the unhappy stuff with the happy one lah ... not nice. Dun feel like repeating what u say, hope u know what i mean.
I guess ur friend need ur moral support also, so u must be strong and positive and take care of urself.

Thanks for asking abt YH and my arm, so sweet of u

Thanks for the link, but i hv clicked whatever i can click on the page and still getting no where. I know u r bz, and read posts during makan time, so u dun need to reply me on the database liao, i will ask some other mummies who r free to give me instructions. Thanks.
And thanks for the advice on sweet potatoes, i will take note.

Is RY better now?
I sayang RY, hope he is ok by now

Dont mix Delrosa with milk lah, i think the taste doesnt go well .... hv u tried Delrosa b4? It's a bit sweet, it has its own taste, cant imagine how it taste with Similac, might be a bit yucky.
Yeah, no go for the swim. Hubby is usually very ching chai, but when he is firm on something, it's hard to argue.
Update me on RY ok, hope he is well now.

I take bus fr NUS to harbourfront to take train home (Boon Keng). do u take the NEL? If u do, we can always meet at one of the station along the line.

R u much better now? U get well soon lah. Why u always fall sick? U got it fr Jem or Jem got it fr u?
Let me give Jem a hug hug and hope he get well soon. He's hving cough, so Aunty Deer is not going to kiss him ... hahah ...
Hope Jem will get well soon.

Brenda, Eureka
Thanks for asking abt YH. If u hv read my past posts, think by now u will know tt he bullied mummy and papa by rejecting milk the whole wkend. I called home twice just now. my mum said he is eating well, he took 150ml of milk in the morn, porridge during noon time and another 100ml after 2 hrs! My mum said i dunno how to feed tt's why he rejected milk

Am i invited to Elyse's bday party too? I will chk with hubby, see whether i can get him to help me or not, 1 person cant bring YH out lah. Will let u know tomo. But if i m not invited, then i dun need to ask liao .... ;P

Hazey, Absolut, Pringles
Hope Tyra, Ally and Alicia r better now.

Lyn, Brenda, Eureka,
hahah ... Lyn, teach Jerald how to whistle, i m sure Elyse will fall in love with a bike rider who knows how to whistle.

Brenda, Jo,
Wanna resever ur Jem and ZL for my no.2? I will pray hard hard tt it's a girl ;)

If u know how to update the yahoo database, and u hv the time to write down the instructions, can write it down for me? I dunno how to update my hp nos in the database. Pls start fr the link given by Shook. Thanks.

If i cant update the hp nos in the yahoo db, can give me ur email? I will email my hp nos. to u. Thanks. My email: [email protected]

Hope i hv answered all mummies, i just write fr memories, didnt read thru all the posts again, too shiong for the eyes (me blurrrry eyes already after reading thru some stats), if i missed out someone's qns, dun mind ask again hor.
Mummies coming to my hse,
No need go rebonding, no need makeup, wear short, jeans, bermudas hor....be casual hor......
shook, was going thru ur post of chen n ur mum - our boys really hi-5 leh!! c that pix of aggressive driver...ask him smile...end up give me that kinda of "let me alone" look!!!

but chen v.cute leh "YU AH"...kind of telling ur mum "i understand lah, u dun repeat can or not"

deer, starting frm the link shook's gave, shd be able to access liao, unless u nd a "invitation" frm the moderator, emily who's bz somewhere out there lor. me really IT IDIOT so cant help much.

whistle?? me n my hubby both cant whistle...AND PLS DO NOT WHISTLE INFRONT OF JERALD....he'll poke his finger into ur mouth n wiggle/pry it open!!! that happended to my parents!! DO NOT ATTEMPT TO "BITE" HE WILL SLAP/HIT U WITH ANOTHER HAND!!

sahm, relieve to hear that!! anyway, i one man show, no time to dollup.
actually i should say my mum is fuqin, we are closer to my mum side mah.... heehee

go to elyse's party!!!! wan to see u and yh too!!! eureka inviting all mummies here leh...

hahaha... sorry i didn't read ur post about YH rejecting milk... so he is eating well at ur mum's place now?! so funny!

deer, so sweet of u to try hard for a girl to create chance for jem and zl. hahahaa....
Er Hmm..... Like wat Emily said...this forum dun revolve ard only Jem and Matt only.... still got her Ethan hor!!! kekekekeke... Can tell how sian I am at work rite? OK..wanna go home liao...tata
Hi All..

feeling terrible today...dizzy n nausea..

Was ok at lunch but after that....sick out!!

Then suddenly recalled I got echogramme at NUH at 2pm!!! Got there at nearly 3 and did the scan for 1.5hrs incl waiting time. Just got in to say hi.. and will try to answer posts..


Never too late!!! the trial is all the time only have to call ahead to get a space!! very crowded!!

Hope that Ry will be ok soon!!! Allergies are so nasty and don't know when it'll crop up...sometimes don't even know who they get it from even!!

I hope you enjoyed yourself watching the water babies!! I did!!! Can look forward to having Jana do the kicking like water ballerina???


hope you are feeling better!!! Weather these days not so good!! Lucky got a capable mum to help unlike....


ya very eventful!! LOL you still remember the zoo incident...somehow I feel so sad that she's like that..and with Lao er on the way...how to count on her for helping hand!!?? Even FIL ask if I'm letting MIL help out...I feel so bad and really insecure about it...then I don't know how to answer as well!!!

Jerald got more gigi!!!! Ai yah!!! Matt's only got 4!!!!


aiyah.. got preggie mums too!! it's not that difficult for hubby really it's cos errr my hubby as you have seen kinda outta shape!! his tummy as BIG as mine!!! So kinda bit tiring for him!!

Hope Ally gets better thopugh!!Then we'll see her water ballet eventually!!

Kick!!! absolutely YES!! can even teach to climb outta pool too!!


Sigh!! same with me too!! Matt had Jaundice and needed 2 lights!!! MIL also crying!!! Hubby n I still cool cool as my bro had warned me about it and the signs!! CF is another matter!!!!

Tristan is in swimming already??!!! where privately??OR??


kekeke...I know..I like to tease Mom2Nat!!! LOL
don't go dizzy ah!!! I told you this thread very "happening" right?? LOL


I "pak cheow" Not that "pak cheow" ok!!! now got better method to read and answer ma!!! @ windows and miss details..my eyes "tak" stamp liao!!!

Teh kor?? no need lah!! we come see rae rae n elyse ok??!!


Super melt!!! Gave him big big hug and kiss kiss then he called me again when I draped the towel shirt around him!! sigh...made my day even though my MIl didn't..


Emily's ethan can't go...cos Her "auntie's flight landed" so I took over the class spot!!
Go ah!!! chen sure like!! if he likes water kind..

Yah the table cloth wiping dam disgusting!!! Lucky I saw her..not else we "bodoh bodoh" drink tea.. and then.."l... s.." Not only that so much bacteria!!! I soak hot water every morning!! hers?? I got no comment!!
Ur Jerald a bit violent hor, u think he is suitable for Elyse heheh ....
Now i know where is the problem, think i m not invited into the grp, no wonder i cant see anything tt i can edit on. Thanks!

Seems like u hv to send me an email in order to get my hp nos liao. Thanks.

U want to try for a girl to win my YH's heart? hahah ....
I would like to see u and ZL and other mummies and bb also, but must chk with hubby first, see whether he is free to help me to bring YH out on tt day. My left arm is a bit weak now (thanks to YH!), need someone to carry the stroller when i carry YH.
i "borrowed" pics from net and then modify it

tks. where u getting the cake?

nope, din print the card, hubby and I alway send invitations via email, save $$$

shook, eureka
tks for the compliments

we might sign up for the sunday class, cos good excuse to not hang around my MIL's place the whole sunday. also there's only 1 bb in the class yesterday so hoping for small gp so that can get more attention from instructors.

i wearing protective armour to ur hse ...still remember u said u wanted to wallop me ..then this morning u said wanna hammer QSG ...then also need to guard ourselves from jerald ...seems like entering danger zone leh !!
WAH, i just woke up from my dreams to come online and see my hope kenna dashed by Jerald!!!
Wahahha... okie okie, Jem steps one side.

Oh Jo/QSG,
u gals bought that one?? i bought the portable one... w handle. Can swing swing go picnic onez...

u so fast look for pot suitable for confinement?? joining me for no. 2 har??
AIyoh.. this is the 2nd or 3rd tx u mentioned tyra booked rae rae liao leh... me already reminded Jem not to bother her already... Jo, u din remind ZL har?? :p

Duh Jo..
photographer of that day is eureka's hubby leh??

Me allergies... wun spread one. Jem 'koff koff' hmmm, dunnoe whether i'll kenna now that i'm so weak.
Notti YH bully mummy!! spend more tx with ur mum n YH togther n see how she manage?
Wahahah... u wan to hv a girl for ZL n Jem to choose?? Can we use Lyn's tai jiao method??? Jo! we go bug the bb gal in the tummy... see which one she choose to let carry when out!!

Hey! i remember ethan put two fingers into his mouth one... mebbe he noes how to whistle and also biker!!! hahahha, jerald wait for ur competitor to appear yah
Dear Aunties, thank you all for the birthday greetings! Since I have turned one already, my mummy says I must thank you all in person. Mummy has no time to come into the forum today, but I just popped by to say "thank you". Maybe mummy will come in tomorrow and show you some birthday photos.
wah couz, i read 2day's postings intil my eyes nearly pop out. U gals no nid to work ah???

Hey, i same as lyn, now then nitice elyse's couble eyelid. Did i ever tell u dat elyse has beautiful eyes? How come my Kieran has no double eyelid???? I have but he bo leh...last fri, very strangely he had double eyelid in the afternoon. Then after a nap, disappear again, nvr to return till 2day...

After Alicia wakes up, she won't go back to sleep?

My email addy is [email protected] do i go into the database same way as wat u advised deer?

I'm oso constantly worrying whether Kieran will be hungry, esp if he eats/drinks very little. He's the kind who won't cry when hungry. Sometimes go out very sian one.

No time to go out to shop during GSS then gd. Me spend lots of $$$ since last wk...i very broke liao
zl very cute leh, see his so many teeth.

Cough still give vit c? R u referring to vit c syrup? If so, won't it be too sweet n worsen the cough? Dun tink delrosa goes well wif milk leh...

Yar, i tink milk oso causes phlegm cos sweet mah, but tis one bo bian cos if dun drink milk then drink wat? Btw,
I agree wif most of wat's in the email u posted :p

Wah, u really very zhai leh...everything abt Kieran i oso very gan cheong...sometimes i can't stand myself even :p

sahm, lyn, shook,
Softlove really no gd? My SIL highly recommends it to me leh. She told me it's cheap n gd but i have been using drypers n mamy poko faithfully.

shook, pringles,
Wat is double boil? So the pear is the yellow chinese pear?

U must take care leh. Me oso health no gd after delivery. Tink i posted her b4 asking for advice. Now i'm taking cod liver oil. Will be getting multi vits from GNC soon oso. Or maybe u buy the delrosa syrup, then u n jem can drink together.

Jerald looks like u hor?

Dunno y but do u notice dat the caregiver always tinks dat they're the best n our kids eat/sleep best under their care while we seem to 'ill-treat' our kids cos we dunno how to take care/feed well... :p
Saw your post. Actually hor, it is good habit to feed bb on high chair. Cos they know that sitting there means meal time. And you should let him sit on one while you all have dinner. I think it is more of a discipline thing. My pedi says serve food to bb only at the table... means no snacking. Oso dun make those habit when you eat, bb come walking or crawling to you for food. But well, I oso like to pinch some food for Nat once in a while. I dunno now you got prob or not, but at first v easy to feed Nat on a high chair, now strap her, she oso know how to get her hands out. HOwever, I still think it is impt lor. So my high chair is being shippied back, but I quickly borrow one liao, so Nat have a high chair for meal times.

Sorry, can't really read and reply all. I am typing here in hubby's office, while he is distracting Nat ... And Nat is sitting in her shit! Gotta change her liao...

Oh, the hotel I stay in, got those -18 shows after midnight...
so hor... lyn, Nat... you all must be thinking I on light these few nights!!! Haha...
Hazey,Shook and Skyblue
Yes, chinese pear(ya li) is the yellow skin one.Apparently, the rough yellow skin one has alot of nutrients. Don't eat it cold. Double boil it(ie. don't boil direct, place pear into a bowl and put the bowl in the pot of water to "steam", it helps to (ren4 fei4).Brings out the phlegm. Shook, apple is sweet, but ya li is abit sour, that's why after first time cooking it, i tasted and it was sour! So 2nd round, i added enuf water and a piece of honey rock sugar and the taste is perfect, very nice. The honey rock sugar's sweetness is ok (ren fei), unlike the sweetness frm refined white sugar.(thats wat i learnt)

thks for concern. Alicia is much better.

Its not always the same every morning but Alicia usually wakes ranging frm 6 plus to 7 or 8am. So it varies. Sometimes she goes back to sleep, sometimes she doesn't. Hey, Kieran looks gd even with single eyelid!!

Wow, u actually cook for every housewarming ah???Must be really busy each wkend!

Frankly, i also duno how im gonna pass u the Nuby straw and brush if i buy it for u...hmmm, unless u do decide to engage Moe, then i'll pass to her lor, i know her long enuf so she's reliable, if not, then unless we both go to Eureka's place(but i'm not confirmed yet).

Jerald looks very different in this photo. Hahaa....is he yelling at something?? U just cut his hair recent?

Re: Magic Pot
Now i see the picture, i realized mine is not the magic pot, mine is tanyu pot but i find it very gd too.


Dizzy and nauseous...oh my, wat a day for u. Take care lots and rest well ok? Hope ur nauseous phase will pass soon.
Deer, Skyblue
I went to check yahoo gp. U r not a member. U need the owner Emily to invite u as a member to access the dbase

I wear PJ to your hse can? Muahahaha. I dun wear make up 1, dun worry, not even to work

May b u give Dana porridge few days later.

BJG trial on 18 Jun is most likely FOC dat's wat the staff told me.
Our boi so many things sama sama. Chen Chen likes to put his fingers into my mouth n wiggle too. N he has 1 gigi popping out

Actually diaper can b quite individual. I ban dryper too
Double boil is similar to steam but the stuff is dry no water if u steam. Double boil u put water in the stuff. Dat's y it is call double boil. Mandarin is dun
nat, even if you dont ans ur FIL, i think all of you all xin zhi du ming.

deer, elyse is a gutsy gal, gd match with jerald!! i think he took after me...v. stubborn...ask him to smile...he roar at me in that pix!!

viv, jerald's aggressive driving scared u off??? he's a typical notty boy....far cry frm ladylike jana...still remember the pix she's holding her pigeon cup...so sweet.

brenda, so this time round shd ask jerald to be shy a bit...
well ethan n mummy too bz....so jerald still stand gd chance!!
tai jiao??? dun bother...my tai jiao is to fed off irritating dowager....but if u really want to choose the gender of ur no2...why not hv a look at those chinese calendar??

skyblue, softlove is cheap and it can last for approx 4hrs. BUT NO WETNESS INDICATOR, AND MATERIAL IS SO PLASTIC!!! YUCKS...NOT AT ALL BREATHABLE!!
Jerald looks like me??? YEP!! PROUD TO SAY< LIKE MOTHER LIKE SON!!! v.stubborn, fierce, mafia character!!! wait till u c us in persons....

mon2nat...hubby needs to cram for up coming exams on the 22nd + now he's napping due to fever...shop close till further notice...

pringles...i cut his hair long ago...at the kid's salon at Parkway lor...bad experience for my mum!!!
the thing he's yelling at ME LOR, HIS MUMMY!! i ask him to look into the camera and give me a sweet smile of his gigis...but he's too engrossed with his driving n got fed up so he yelled at me lor...

shook, so presume u hv chopped the plc for me at the trial?? any payment will settle directly to the staff??? my friend is interested, but i v.sotong so got her to call bjg herself lor.

chen put his fingers in his mouth issit he find the sprouting teeth irritating??? jerald love to do that, he bites his fingers till all the marks on his hands r so red!!! DUN THEY FEEL THE PAIN???

u know when u whistle, u hv to close ur mouth in a "o" he will aim directly n accurately to poke his fingers n pry open ur mouth...i wonder if he's not a vet...would he b a dentist??
Lyn ah

Wahhhhaaahh.....i'm so chun, guess correctly....u trying to train Jerald to get his license huh?!
or he wants to drive like mummy??
Oops how come the photo gone missing here it goes

Chen Chen in rocking chair

Chen Chen in office chair wif pillow as support but u can't really c the whole chair
Thx for sharing on the double boil pear. It is me who hv phlegm whenever I cough n dunno how to spit it out

Ya reserved bjg trial for u. U want me to book for your friend? I need mother's n child's name + contact no; how old is the bb n the bb's development ie can or cannot walk
Ya Chen Chen put his fingers in the his mouth @ the spot where his gigi erupt
U poor thing, dizzy and nausea, take care hor.
What is echogramme??
Next time u go to NUH, let me know in advance, maybe we can meet up for lunch if u r not in a rush. One of the stall in my office canteen sell quite nice chicken wing, not ur branded chicken wings lah, just an auntie's homemade chicken wings, give u and ur lao er a treat, interested?

U got allergies? Due to what? food? stress?? Sorrie didnt read ur other posts, only read here and there. Jem hving cough .... so many bbs here hving cough, must be quite uncomfortable for him, did he wake up at nite? Both of u will recover fast fast, deadline is tomo ok?
What is Lyn's tai jiao method?? Share share leh.

Ur Sarah so clever hor? She knows how to read, how to write and now she say "Thank You"! Tell her Auntie Deer says "U r most welcomed!"

Upload her bday pic fast fast, i want to see!!!

hahaha ... yeah lor, those ladies really too much, dunno their bosses pay them for what ... i m very hardworking today, only came in twice during office hrs heheh ....
YH also dun hv double eyelids, he hi-5 with Kieran, sometimes thot i saw it, but most of the time only single eyelids ...
haha ... me also same same, everything abt YH i also very kan cheong, sometx i also cannot tahan myself ;)
Yeah, our caregivers really think they know our little ones most. Just let them take over lah, we can rest and relax liao ;P

Wow, u spent time to write to me, then had to rush off to change Nat's diaper ... thanks thanks
Agree with u on hi-chair, i also think tt bb shld be trained right fr start to eat at a fixed place, i really cannot tahan toddlers or small kids running around during feeding. Nat really seems like quite a handful. But on the bright side, it shows she's very active and clever

U very horny hor, turn on lights also tell pple ..tsk tsk tsk ...

U must be very proud of Ryan who can stand on sand now!! Even take pic on his feet to show us the "evidence" huh... hahah ...

Thanks for showing Chen Chen's boo boo pic! He is sooooo CUTE!!! i like his round round leh ... looks so yuan yuan, feel like rubbing his head to sayang him ;)
Chen Chen looks a bit diff when he is younger, but still can see tt it's Chen Chen. U hv those big big bib also hor, i wanna go and find some for YH, cant stand his mess during porridge and rice cereal feeds.

Mom2Nat, Shook,
After listening to Mom2Nat's hi-chair theory and Shook's method of feeding, i hv thot of using the stroller to feed YH. I dun need to buy extra bb stuff and yet i can let YH sit on a fixed place for his meal
I will try out this weekend. Thanks!

Got to go liao ... hb chased me away fr his pc a few times liao ...

Very nice pics of Ryan at the beach and its gd he looks his usual self again


Forgot to reply u re:migraine. I tend to get it after monthly period lately. Why do u ask?


Chen Chen looks more and more like u as he grows up. He ate till fall asleep??So cute!!!
Your picture quality is quite sharp too!

Oh, so u are the one with cough. Hv u tried chuan bei + nan xing + bei xing with dried orange peel? I find it very effective. Take care!
Hi Shook,
WAT's chen chen doing......he used to knock out everywhere..here, eating also falling asleep.......very comical!

Time passes swiftly, remember seeing his 1st few feed foto at his FP chair n now he 1YO big boy liao!

HI Deer,
We have been chatting so much here n U dare ask me if u r invited? Jo must be feeling u r peculiar to ask such question! Come, u r so near me, hop by n let's meet! Bring YH over, u must learn to manage him alone.....
. Many of us, like giggler, val n me all just grabbed our bbs n went for some meeting too! Vane n Randall not light bbs hor!

Hi Pringles,
Pigletz has friend with brain tumor after prolonged migraine or headache....something like that.........

Hi Pigletz,
Was browsing thru the caterer last nite.......BLURRRRRRRRR......maybe i will hire the one that cater food to Nathan, cos all of u my VIPs........

Can i hire u as my homecook caterer for that day?

Hi Ruffy,
I luv Ryan this range of foto........he is so engrossed n everything look so sunshine. Those little feet, very cute n lovely!

Hi Lyn,
Think Jerald n Elyse rather matching.....u seee....reminds me of Jerald's passport foto! Fierce n glum looking........Lyn n Skybue, got lah, she has double eyelids all along.....


Hi Skyblue,
Like I told another mum, not necessary have double eyelids then nice mah. Hmmm........guy....singer ren xian qi cute looking wah?? The real Paddington Bear has double eyelids ah??

Hi NAt,
Oh dear, u sound bad............but normal!
R u into ur 2nd trimester liao?? Take all proper foods, alot of leafy veg, fishes........lots of rest.......lie down, jeow kar more n read mag!

Got go to yahoo for my attendance spreadsheet anot? Tks leh............
How r u today? Better?

Go to Eureka's hse n rub Chen Chen's yuan yuan head. My SIL asked if I juz puoo... than Chen Chen popped liao. She said if takes too long to push bb's head is not round round
Ya I like the big bib. It has a shallow pocket below to catch crumbs. The only thing I dislike is tie string. I like velcro 1 but only 1 velcro 1 is big, the rest r small. There is a type of bib dat u pull thru the head like wearing t shirt. I like dat too. Coz Chen Chen can't pull it out like the tie string 1

Chen Chen doesn't put on since he loose his wt after the high fever (Rosealla I suspect). My SIL said Chen Chen looks more n more like my hubby now dat Chen Chen's face is not so round.
I had terrible cough few wks back. Recovered already. I took almost 2 bottles of jing du nian chuan pei pi pa gao. Thx for your tips. Try it next time I hv cough

Pringles, Eureka
Yeah, Chen Chen almost into dreamland but the tiam chiat him still opened his mouth n gobble food like aligator when the food is near his mouth. Can u imagine. V v comical
. My hubby video taped it

Chen Chen the famous sleepy bb. Everytime goes gathering sure let ppl spot him sleeping except the gathering on 29 May, his b'dy he wz sooooo.... happy
Is dat Elyse's passport photo. She is so stern
Me not peculiar lah ... i m just pulling ur leg, cant u see? I know u r inviting all the mummies in the forum, i m already planning how to go to ur hse liao heheheh ....
Chk with hubby last nite, he said it's all mummies' talks, he is not keen .... I m thinking of how to go to ur place with cab. Hubby can help me to put the stroller in the boot of the cab when i carry YH into the cab. But when i reach ur place, i will hv to handle it alone. I hope the cab driver is willing to help me to take out the stroller fr the boot, then it will be easier for me, dont wish to further strain my left arm. Is ur hse at the lift landing? Otherwise i will hv problem carrying YH and dragging the stroller up or down the staircase.
Will persuade my hubby again these few days, see whether he can make it .... he got wedding dinner in the evening lah, tt's asnother reason why he is not keen, but ur party is noon time mah, i will pester him again ... heheh
I hv no access to the yahoo db, can i just let u know tt YH and i will be attending? Thanks.

Why Elyse looked so glum in the photo, yeah yeah, she really look very compatible with Jerald, still remember his fierce fierce look in the passport photo... Lyn, u win liao!

U mean u pop very fast? One push and u popped liao??? Tt's fast!!! I pushed 2 times, then my gyane told my hubby i m going to take 2 hrs to push fr the look of it, then he used vaccumm ... tt was how YH delieverd, i guess tt's why until now his head still a bit longish ....
Morning Mummies...

u take the white white cod liver oil arh??? not yucky meh? Me taking the GNC multi-vit already but only half the dosage... think i'll go back to the full dose.

Are you good in 'dun' stuff? Can i ask u for help next time.. me too want to start making soup to 'pu' my body... went to look at some recipe books but find it hard to understand. So if i get one, anything i dun understand can ask u?
yah... find the tanyu pot good too..

Does Ryan put sand into his mouth?

Like hen Chen's Zzz... pix!

Hahha Deer,
Me allergy cos co. did reno + some colleagues smoked in the office. Feeling better today after napping yesterday.
Lyn's taijiao method?? hahhahah, see how jerald treat his po po u'll noe what she teach while he's in the tummy!!
Oh yah, if u going to eureka's place inform me hor... i bring cam to help u take pics of u anh YH together as promised! Go lah... me always bring jem kai kai alone too..

any news on the puff? my Jem's stock down to zero already...hahhah
How's RY doing?
BTW, which brand of cereal r u giving RY? I m giving YH Gerber rice cereal, it smells nice and YH seems to enjoy it most of the time when it is still warm. U might want to try? If u r going to Eureka's gathering, i can bring some for u to try on RY.

Ur colleagues smoked in the air-con room? so bad one ....
I cant stand pple smoking also, i will siam far far when i see a smoker. Glad tt u r feeling better today. How abt Jem? Is he still coughing? U so nice, help to take pic for me and YH, i will make sure YH and i wear nice nice tt day ;) Eureka, can i wear nice nice or not? Think Eureka cannot tahan me liao ... hahah ...
Didnt read abt how Jerald treat his po po leh ... Lyn always post long msg, hard to follow lah ... i need to work, u know ...
Lyn, what tai jiao???
pringles, i think both of us better stay off the rd!! me v.meek in front of instructors but infact me gan gan lai!!! hubby faint at my driving skills!! jerald love to steer the wheels!!! just like alicia - we can put them on kiddy rides without coins as long as there's a wheel for him to turn around.

ruffy, so ur trip to hk is postphone to July?? see that ryan is wearing sandles on his feet. the other day news was reporting abt those ringworms that enter thru our body by just hving a walk down the beaches barefooted!!

sahm, me too!! packed lite, grab n go.

THEY REALLY GOOD MATCH LEH!!! JERALD GOT SUCH A LOOK AFTER I YELLED AT HIM TO STAY STILL FOR HIS PASSPORT PIX!! u still remember the pix?? i nvr submit it for passport, was hoping to get a nicer one.


hey, seems like i'm the first to fill in the attendance sheet hor.

shook, those on the rocking chair is when chen started solid?!?

u know my mum always said to jerald "dun boo" otherwise later rain rain u cant go jln jln.

bjg for friend: i check with her n sms u b4 lunch ok.

deer, my tai jiao method is applicable only u hv a buay tahan MIL like mine or nat...i talk to jerald every now n then till the day he popped and all this time...i nag nag nag , chant chant chant....to him all the -ve things abt the dowager. till now, he nvr like mil to carry him, scream n struggle!! we nvr stay longer than 10mins in the past...but now he will sit alone in the corner and play his toys, blocks....even that it's ard 15-25 mins...the moment i left his sight he'll brawl down the whole roof!

u arm still giving you prob?? perhaps u can go for a few tui na sessions?? my mum hv bn urging me to go for zhen jiu for my lower back pain - BUT ME REALLY SCARE OF NEEDLES - esp after epidural!! NO NEEDLES, THIN OR THICK NO NO!!
since YH is ard 6.5, coming to 7mth shd be quite ez to handle.

my hubby work shifts so i cant also rely or wait for him to bring us out, in the past i use a kangaroo carrier, now i just grab him n go
Now i know what is ur tai jiao liao!!! I got a nice nice MIL, i wont use it on my bb lah .... But i will chant and chant the next one to pop fast fast, dont need vaccum, have a round round head like Chen Chen

U got lower back pain?? Better do something abt it! Not nece zhen jiu right? Go and see a good sinseh and see what he/she suggests then decide whether u want the treatment lor. My arm a bit strained, no need tui na at the moment, just feel a nagging pain, not too serious, hope i wont strain it further. Thanks
Pringles, regarding the nuby straw and brush/Moe, i will keep you informed again. Thanks.

Lyn, i also got lower back pain but gave up already to find cure bec i know as long as i have to bend to carry Dana, the pain will be there or come back if i seek treatment.
Pringles, what u doing at 3am in the morling? Anticipating Alicia to wake up ah?

Aiyoh..Elyse got double eye-lids all along...but Tyra's jus came out recently.... Actually hor.. a lot of my pretty frens prefer men with single eyelids...kekekeke
Morning mummies,
Ryan still has a bit of cough..so brought him to the GP this morning.

No he doesn't put the sand in his mouth..but must make sure he doesn't rub his eyes if he has sand on his hand.

Didn't let him go barefooted coz there were rocks/pebbles in the sand..scared he cut his feet..didn't think about ringworms. Yeah trip posponed to July.

If you want to clean the nuby straw can get the pigeon straw brush.. $2.50.. will be able to clean the whole straw..been using it for my Munckin cup...Just need to note that bb doesn't "pomb"- the bottle down on the table or it will spill like a fountain. ..my boy kept on doing that so had to take away his nuby bottle.
deer, my dowager stories.... 10x thicker than ur residential listing!! actually i believe in tai jiao...of course i dun nag/chant to him everyday...most of the time, we listen to songs, talk to each other...i talk, he response by a turn or kick...

qsg, my pain comes normally b4 my menses and when i strain myself to carry jerald. remember the chalet pixs?? one mummy comment that we all arch our back to carry the bb.

ruffybear, hvnt let jerald try the sand yet...akan datang.
jo, you mean those enrichment class or childcare that I studied? For enrichment classes, I attended Kindermusik, Gymboree, MyGym and GUG, that's all. For childcare, I've only been to Learning Seeds leh. Dun worry abt family portraits, there's more than enuf pro photographers on that day, Eureka, Brenda, Eureka's hubby, pigletz's hubby, Nat and hubby, etc....

QSG, I think fu chok means beancurd skin?

brenda, ya lor, she started again last nite. Kept screaming and crying and wanted me to carry her out of the bed-room. So it's just allergies lah. My mil used to make black chicken with gao li for me, I find it good.

lyn, I just exchanged some tupperware containers from my col for my mom leh. The covers spoilt cos my mom didnt use them for donkey years. My col did it for me willingly and no qns asked leh. LOL. I laughed till my stomach pained seeing Jerald's pix. What makes u think that No.2 will be boi again? Heard that zhen jiu is addictive leh.

shook, huh? Still got to wear uniform for BJG? But we only go for wkn classes leh. How come he's sleeping while eating?

deer, of course you're invited lah.
If hubby cant make it, you can also bring your mom along? I'll be doing that.
Actually we very friendly one so can help to entertain YH too. You dun bring stroller but use carrier or sling on that day lah. The cab-driver def help if you're alone. I always go out alone with Vane + stroller + sling one.

eureka, you scared we steal your limelight on that day huh??? You're rite we were alone with bb during the 1st gathering hor? I think most mummies here highly recommend Neo Garden for caterer. HAHAHA Elyse looks very cute though she's grumpy leh. LOL

Nat, you still have morning sickness? Hope u feel better today.

Viv, you joining the swimming class on Sun?

PVL, looking fwd to see Sarah's cake leh.

Ruffy, you brought Ryan to beach alone?

pringles, you seem to know Chinese remedy quite well leh.
hi morning mommiess... wow! U gals sure have been busy busy. I had to catch up on 4 archives just to follow up on what's happening.

re: Suntec lessons
Nat, glad Matt enjoyed it! So, the ladies' toilet got hot water or not? ehheehee....

re: GUG lessons
Giggler, I also wanna bring Ethan. Where is it? How much? :p

re: Elyse's birthday
Eureka, why you choose 25th June? I cannot go that day? Got a wedding to attend from 1pm to 4pm. btw, what time is the party starting? Can I go earlier or later? Oh, where do u stay? My church wedding is in Clementi... near your place??? I really want to go...

re: Ian's birthday cake
I love it!! Looks sooo delicious! How much did u spend on it?

re: Jem
Lyn, Jem really looks soooooo different!

re: Ethan
Ladies of mommies with gals... pls remember my bb hor... he is also very cute lah... hhehheheeeee... <thick-skinned>
yesteday, i brought Ethan to doc... viral infection. Cough and running nose. Poor bb. Woke me up every half an hour last night to grumble and cry. So poor thing. I also so poor thing... am the only one who was taking care of him last night... my hb conveniently slept in the hall.. and maid was also sleeping in her room.
Weight Ethan at Pedi yesterday: 9kg and 75cm

pringles, alicia is growing prettier now.

PV, Sarah really looks different now.. grown up a lot!
R u the one who can grant access to the yahoo database? Do u mind granting access to me and Skyblue so tt we can update our particulars? Thanks.
giggler, u said so, ur colleague leh....i dun hv pple i know who r tupperware promotors... I HATE GOING TO SHOPPING CTRS AND JUST DO EXCHANGES!! actually i got a few old n scratches all over, some even turn yellowish, which i wanted to xchange for newer designs. my mum got lotz of them...which are now ...no such designs in mkt but she refuse to exchange for the same reason - afraid being harras/pester by those "unknown" promo.

u remember sahm n few mummies saying the various way of guessing the gender of no2 by looking at the lines on no1 thighs?? i zuo kan you kan....he only got ONE visible line. then one abt the hair line on the back of his head...that' i not really sure, but his ends even after hair cut seems pointed also.

zhen jiu is addictive?? how come?? anyway no guts to try. KEEP THOSE NEEDLES AWAY FRM ME.

emily, jerald no longer the guai guai 3 mth old whom u carry months back!! now he's wat u c in the pix!! aggressive n fierce!!

hey, sahm's plc is quite near my mum's. hvnt seen u for long time....pls try to make it leh. the gathering is frm 12-3pm. but clementi...seems far.
Think i told u b4, my friend told me sling is shiong on the back, adviced me not to buy. I used to hv back problem also, so i didnt buy sling or carrier, afraid tt it might trigger my back problem again.
Dunno ur time got those pri sch chk up or not? If chk up not passed, hv to go to Outram for further chkup evey yr ... u hv it during ur time? I failed my chkup for my eyes and spine. so every yr fr p1 to p6, my mum had to bring me to Outrum for follow-up. And i had severe backache once in a while fr p5 to around sec3, esp when my menses came .... then i took up takewondo in sec2, my backache became better ... so no sling or carrier for me.
I wont be bringing my mum, Sat is her 'holiday', she will visit my grandparents, and go out with my dad.

Lyn, QSG
I wont advice u to take up takewondo lah, really kena kicked like sandbag. Maybe some exercise like yoga will help???

Can i bring stroller to ur hse? Will it take up too much space, since u invite so many mummies, bbs and papas ....
Very nice pic!!! Can see Matt really enjoyed himself in the water. He looked so handsome in his swim suit!! And he really looks like a potenital xiao fei yu

The sequence of "wall approach" pic is very well taken, can make it into an animation, then can see Matt's achievement in action
hi mummies
wow... so many posts again.

oh ur left arm is weak? u stay near eureka? wan me to give u a lift?

true... email better, environment friendly :)

no lah... zl no fight with jem. jem so sweet looking!!!! somemore got super long lashes...

hahahaha... ya lor... mummies here, except sahm, like no need to work ;p

so nice of u to notice zl leh... heehee... oh, what did u buy during GSS? care to share? i can't think of anything to buy leh....

r u going to elyse's birthday?

i am going to take leave to visit childcares.... a bit tired of looking for childcare centres now...

ok, going for early lunch, chat later... tata
Emily, GUG is at United Sq. One term of 8 lessons cost $280, deposit $100, registration $30. Trial class $38.

lyn, you may want to bring those tupperware that u want to exchange on 25th Jun? I can help u with it lah. Hahaha for my case, Vane got 1 line on one thigh and 2 lines on the other thigh. I also very scared of needles.

Nat, Matt looks like he's enjoying himself in the pool leh.

deer, sling and carrier not gd for backache? Ya, I also got those chk-up during my time but I always passed. Heehee

jo, share share your cc visits hor? I got to buck up on my research liao since I've settled for Vane's wkn classes.
Yeah,..brought him to the beach alone.. hubby's working on weekdays mah..

Matt really enjoys the pool..so will he be signing up with aquaducks?
Jem still coughing.. wake up several times last nite. hb got fed up, close room door, toilet door and just let him roam in the dark. I watch him for a while then get groggy also fell asleep.. in the end, think he sian already fell asleep at my feet...hahahha

Ryan so guai no longer bite things.. U going to HK in july? me planning to go in Aug... any good package to recommend?

Giggler.. me thinking of getting a black chix too to boil some danggui... what's gao li?

MAtt so 'suai(4)'! What's that mark on his arm?

He Guai.. can strike 4d liao..haha... Packages.. dunno really leh.. we only buy the air ticket coz we have our own accomodation at friends place in town... anway won't be staying at MIL place either..so no stress

If you are looking at new hotel should try the Langram place,mongkok.. new ,nice, posh..also has a shopping centre next door.. lots of food/shopping around the area..dun need to walk too far. You bringing bb along also?
