(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

deer, so sad to hear that YH is sick. better take care... Ethan is 11 months now and I still have not given him egg at all.... not even egg yolk. I guess it is better to be kiasee then sorry.

wah shook, your labour was so precipitous. Mine was really really long, induced, and bad. No time to breathe between contractions. Dilation took forever. But I did it without epidural!! Though I had a nubain (by injection) which helped me rest. I also had an episiotomy cos after pushing for 1 hr 20 mins, naughty Sarah refused to come out.

Oh dear. Sarah thinks that cos she's now one year old, she can throw tantrums and scream and cry during meal times. Esp when my hubby is feeding her... like now. So I'd better go and make her eat.

Here's some birthday photos.
The cake was made by my MIL.


closeup, you can see her 'crooked' teeth

When it comes to solid food to feeb our bb, it is better b safe than sorry. If ppl wanna say u kaisee, let them b

Right fm the start I told myself no epidural. I wanna experience the pain my mum gone thru to bring me to tis world. I believe if my mum can do it, so can I. Bsides, I scared of the side effect of epidural

Egg white better to give after 12 mth

Both Brenda n I delivered in KKH. Perhaps the nurse din expect us to dilate so fast. Once I went to KK straight to waiting area already 4 cm dilated. A while into delivery ward fully dilated

I wz pushed into delivery ward at 7am n Chen Chen popped 8:16am. Chen Chen v cooperative. He wanna come to tis world earlier. He wz borned a wk b4 EDD
A nice cake your MIL made for Sarah. Sarah looks grown up now
Hi mummies

me feeling very sleepy now, so just answer those directed to me..


I was up at 3 am coz my hubby thot she was hungry, fed her milk ard 230 am and after that, she puked everything out so there was loud crying and gotta change bedsheets and clothes..after that, took awhile to fall back to sleep coz she was happily dancing and playing with her new lego toy....so both me and hubby "panda" eyes.....at least i managed to get back my sleep at noon for abt 3 hrs...phew


U use tanyu pot too
I only started learning abt all these brewing of tonics and soups etc after having a bb:p Realised its gd for our body (especially women) and useful for family. I bought a book too "nourishing recipes of 100 chinese herbs" but agree its hard to understand initially unless we can check with someone familiar. Now every month after "da yi ma", i try to make "ba zhen" once for myself to drink. And i also do barley maybe once a fortnight for the whole family. On ultra "heaty" days, brewing the large pkt of liang teh + honey rock sugar also gd. We can discuss this topic further
My latest interest:p


thks for the info. Hey, i think not just Eureka wants to massage Ryan's cheeks, i also feel like! Heheh...


no la, i don't know alot..i learn frm my mom abt chinese herbs.


U can use the yellow ya li but the larger brown skin chinese pear is even more nourishing. Don't have to peel off the skin(optional) but for bb, i peel it for convenience.

Matt looks like a professional swimmer alredi
Hey, Alicia also likes that little monsters bus! Matt has a big bright smile!


Thks for the compliments! Any pictures of Ethan to share? havn't seen u both for some time leh.


Is your MIL a baker or wat? Wow.....alot of effort put into making that cake! Priviledged Sarah!!
so kiasu ... buay tahan. Must chope before your no.2 is even conceived. No need to reserve for Ally. The mommies here dun seem to want to chope her... it's ok ... then she can be mommy and daddy's girl longer. Don't need her to have relationships so early... save the heartaches. Be like her parents and only have 1 relationship and marry already. hee hee!

Think you can report and tell HDB that you suspect that there's illegal rental and let them investigate. Not illegal immigrant but illegal rental also can catch leh.

Maybe can ask PD abt the egg yolk bit at next jap session. Would stop feeding him egg yolk at the moment and wait til 9 months. Anyway, he can get nutrients from other sources as well.

sama sama. No epidural coz scared of side effects but I took the jab coz buay tahan the pain already. But when gynae did the epi cut, couldn't feel a thing already coz it was beyond pain.

Wondering if i should ask my gynae to avoid doing the epi cut for no. 2 if possible. Think i asked abt it for Ally but she said the cut will heal better and faster than the tear.

Your MIL quite good at cakes leh. can design minnie mouse. My mom wanted to bake a cake for Ally but told her no need coz really wanted to get a piglet cake to fulfill my own dream. hee hee! She tried to do a barney cake for my niece but she said quite tough to draw. She's good at baking but not good at drawing.

Did you do the balloon hat yourself? My parents bought the long thin balloons back from BKK but some of it kept bursting before we can twist it to shape. Dunno is it lousy quality leh. Giggler, you're also good at creating balloon shapes right?
I also have a tanyu pot. Mom bought it for me but think I'm not doing it justice coz she used it for me daily during confinement and after that it's been resting. Got any recipes to share then can start using again. I know my mom used it to cook black chicken soup for me during confinement.

How come Alicia woke up at 2.30am? She's been sleeping thru already? Ally also puked up her night feed yesterday and comforter had to be changed again and she couldn't sleep with her favourite bolster coz it was wet with milk too. Bought her to PD again today and he said she was wheezing a bit when lying down. Think the wheezing was much worse over the weekend though. Anyway, he was hestitated to give antibiotics coz Ally still looked happy and cheerful. So asked me to return in 5 day's time if she hasn't recovered by then and he'll have to give antibiotics. Anyway after puking all her milk and dinner last nite, she woke up at 2am and called for us. Played awhile and drank quite a bit of water. Then after 20 mins, I buay tahan already so fed her milk and thank goodness she drank abit and slept after that. Woke up again at 5plus to play. Too bad this time she didn't sleep again after drinking milk.
Sarah has a really nice and unique b'day cake. She must have enjoyed her b'day celebrations

Eureka never get back on the "cheeks issue"..so still KIV whether we will go to Elyse's b'day party.

The Egg yolk/egg white thing is a MUST to try before MMR jab..to see if bb is allergic to it coz some component of the jab has to do with allergy of egg.
Hi Pringles/Absolut/Deer
My heart goes all out to u, more for pringles tho
. I am most afraid of the merlion issues for my kids. I worry when they vomit n if repeat, I lagi worry. Then my built up frustration will burst uncontrollably, changing bedsheet, clearing n washing up etc. N imagine in the middle of the nite..........##@@XF...

Absolut, i pity pringles more cos she got to tend to all these chore herself, u at least have helper...........Deer, may have mummy to help??

BBs...........so many not well.....

Ur MIL is so thoughtful n honoured to bake the cake for her granddaughter! Very meaningful! Sarah looks so cute with that gorgeous balloon!

Hi Giggler....
U r gd at the balloon thingy.....care to make 1 or 2 for my kids on 25th?? Remember once at the expo, Rae dashed to the stage side while i digging the gondola of clothes nearby. The compere put on 1 huge hat (larger version of the one sarah wearing) n let him parade on the stage!! Dun know whether to laugh at Rae or angry then.......straying away frm me.....

Hi Ruffy,
Ayoh, my invitation is cordially extended to all mums here. But abit paisay to keep 'harassing' for reply, so I just leave it 'coy'
....U n ryan are most welcome!!

Hi Lyn,
Hahahh, must be talking to u too much n affected by you. At times, u captialize loudly too....

Ay, I so sian to go ubi these days, hate to kena 1 instructor. So many instructors have been talking abt him n i start to be so conscious of him, ended up cant concentrate as well as last time!!!!! Ayoh..........plus the test route 5 & 6, I very cold feet by the real traffic condition....tml going for evaluation.

Hi Shook,
Bring chen chen cd over n play at my place? Let every1 laugh n have a gd time??
Hi Emily,
I think so hard n tot Elyse n Rae awakening hr is as such...........frm 12-3pm leh. Frm 3-6pm, Rae is very restless n cranky if dun have his nap...i scare he throw tantrums n all of u drop jaw.......no image by then lor.......

Emily, If now i were to bump onto Ethan, I totally cannot recognise him liao!!!!!!

Hi giggler,
Frm my place, if u take a cab to novena sq, it is rather near.......no worry abt the 4pm lesson, can make it.

Vane.......oh no........hmmm.....she is just normal bb lah.......going thru the phase. U get over frm the shock anot??
I growing more accustomed to Rae's outburst n can deal much better liao!

Wat is tanyu pot?
Is the brown chinese pear the type where the skin looks dirty, the fruit is v v juicy?

I salute to u. Bear wif the pain for so long w/o epidural
Can't breathe b/w contractions? How long wz the break b/w contractions? How long wz the duration of your contractions?
Your gyne did episiotomy after u pushed for 1 hr 20 min. Did u hv a tear?

Did your gype did episiotomy st away or after a few uncessful pushes?

I check wif my hubby if the video clip is transferred to cd

U demo ballon twisting in Eureka's hse can
pvl, wow, sarah's cake is one n only!! so special!! all her curls r gone...

sham, who's that instructor?? care to share...then i want to siam him also. Already banned TAY KAY LIANG 0432 & DEREK AW YONG 0357!!! reasons: COMMUNICATION BREAKDOWN!

pringles...HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!
Is alicia changing her timetable?? waking up so early??? make a b'day wish and pray that she'll guai guai sleep thru frm 2day on...
Happy bday!!!!!

You must drink more water and rest more okay. With Alicia waking up in the middle of the night, think you must take good care of yourself!

Sorry if I didn't reply ur msg, no time to go over the posts yet.
so cute!!!! hair very stylo hor....
ur new house has full length window!!!

sarah so pretty! oh, ur mil so sweet! so sweet of her to bake a cake and draw minnie! this was the best birthday cake!!! i love home baked cake and believes nothing can beat a home baked cake!!!!

actually mum gave zl egg white before he reaches 10mths.... she misunderstood...
How's all the sick bbs and mummies today?? Better I hope!

Dun get overly affected by YH's merlion issue.. I can safely tell u that he will still be doing so for the next 20-30yrs.. so learn to take it easy n just try to do it better the next time round... if not, think u'll soon join 'some of the mummies' here in buangkok soon..hahahha

The magic pot too big to make Jem's porridge but i think i remember it can (mine jap instruction book so dun noe) As for the slow cooker, not too sure if u cook it on stove or a while before putting into slow cooker? I do so i usually add in 4part water to 1 part rice.. then put into slowcooker and stir occasionally. but my porridge like those cantonese style one.

Hahhah absolut,
dun read anymore birthing experiences hor.. u going thru second time soon so dun create unnecessary anxiety. Mine is becos i wasn't feeling much pain n busy playing w my words puzzle so the nurse din realise i was going thru strong contractions at all. Dun worry.. urs will be smooth smooth.

nice nice cake u have... nice nice mil u have!
Did sarah fell down n hurt herself??

Me no proud owner of the Tanyu pot yet. cos my hb's list long long.. one moment iron, one momemt magic pot.. now still gotta wait for his deep fryer.. haiz. BUT, me gonna start on herbal soup w my slow cooker. ONZ yah.. i go get a book n we share share views on it!
haha, this is his wakeup hairstyle.
Yup, my new house full length window for living hall and master bedroom. Looks nice but maintenance...haha..tiring.
Thanks for the access to yahoo db, i will go in to fill up my particulars during lunch time.

I guess u know me VERY well! Yeah, my headache actually reduced to a bearable level after i reached home and took a warm bath! Almost wanted to pop a panadol immediately when i entered the hse, but my mum asked me to take a bath fisr, she said it might help. But i think it's the relief i felt when i saw YH was ok tt reduced the tension in my head

Ur boss so bad, he went off means he didnt need ur assistance anymore for the day, and yet he didnt release u early, went off by himself! Lucky u clever girl, know how to sneak off ... heeheh ...
I know u bring Jerald home on Fri, but Sat dun need to work, dun need to RUSH, WALK will do ;) Dun always rush rush rush, will age very easily, when there is no need to rush, take ur time.
Once u got ur licence, no need to rush on Wed also, so better pull up ur socks and make sure u pass ur test ONE time!

Ur Sarah had a wen luan pai bday cake, so xin fu
Ur MIL is very talented and nice, made such a big cake with a nice and sexy minnie mouse

Sarah got chubby face, double eyelids and fair skin, a beautiful girl

Happy Birthday to u! Have a wonderful day with Alicia and ur hubby

Why our bbs liked to puke so much? Since Alicia still can dance and play happily after puking, i guess there was really nothing wrong with her. Maybe she just wanna test test mummy's patience and how much mummy loves her ... sometimes i feel tt's what YH trying to do to me ;P

Ally still hvnt recovered fr her cough yet? Somemore wake up so frequently. If she can sleep more, maybe it will help her to recover faster?? Wonder how to make bb sleep more .... Hope she will recover soon and do without the antibiotics.

U can give all ur heart/sympathies to Pringles and Absolut ... dun need to pity me lah ... heheh ...
Pringles had to handle the puking and the mess on her own, and Absolut is preggie with no.2, still hv to wake up so frequently at nite, somemore got to work tomo. Yeah, u r right, i got my mum to help me out now. But comes Sept, i will hv to take care of YH myself.

Pigletz, Brenda, Eureka, Lyn, Giggler, Shook, Jo, Emily, Absolut,
YH looked ok when i reached home yesterday. He turned and smiled at me when i entered the hse

He was ok at the subsequent feeds, but eat very little. I guessed he just hvnt got back his appetites yet after the afternoon threw out. But he woke up and cried at 2am plus. My mum managed to get him back to sleep by putting him in the sarong, so i guess it's still ok. This morn i bf him at 6am, he was ok. Hopefully tt's the end of the throw out episode liao. Thanks mummies, for all the concern and advice
Just posted and saw ur boy's cute hairstyle, fashion of the year heheh ....

U r right! Sometx i feel like hiding in Bungkok apartment to siu yang for a while ....;P
I have figured out tt i dun really need a stroller to bring YH to ur party. I just need to carry him to take a cab, go to ur hse, put him on my lap during the party, then go home. I m not bringing him kai kai, so no need stroller. Me shoopid dumb dumb, take so long to figure this out. So i will see u with me and YH only, no extra baggage
PV, although sometimes you complain about your mil, but right now, she's sooo loving.. can even do a cake for Sarah! Such a heart-warming act.
I had also wanted to bake a cake for Ethan's birthday initially, but my cakes are all instant cakes and then do decorations myself. Hmmm... think after a hard think, don't think I dare to do it... for about 70 people. How to??? Besides, I don;t have a oven at home.

Pringles, soooorrrrryyyy... no pics of Ethan to share. I have not been sending the pics to my office pc. Maybe I'll send some to the yahoo groups one day. :p sorry, you ladies don't mind me putting ethan's pics there yeah... coz blur mommy here don't know how to resize pics to post here. Will inform you ladies as soon as I have done it.
deer, no lah...we all mummies...so i just gan gan guess ur feelings!!
rush rush rush: i think i'm the only woman in raffles dat dare to run in my 2.5inches!! and frm cecil st slow jog to chinawtown mrt....i think nobody else doing that!! sometimes...dun rush cannot leh....even on friday....cos sometimes hubby got ad hoc duties and will got to stay back, i'll hv to bring jerald back alone leh...so better be early.

even puking take energy! YH probably hv overcome the episode by the time u reach home....just make sure no eggs for him till much later.

pigletz, love the layout of ur flat...v.clean cut!!
Dun worry lah. I also pity pringles leh. Got headache and sleep early the nite before and still must wake up at 4am to cook and clean etc. Makes me scared to be a SAHM esp if I can't afford a helper. At least got helper then not so chiak lat. Luckily I dun need to wash all the clothes and comforter etc otherwise think I would be in tears too.

Must pray that all the bbs get well by Elyse's birthday celebrations so we can all have a good celebration. So what cake are you getting for Elyse?

Dunno when gynae cut leh. I only remember that I kept pushing wrongly. Forgot that it is the same type of pushing as going to toilet. So keep getting chided by gynae. She asked me to push but bb's head keep going in so threatened to use vacuum coz dun want bb in the canal for too long. In the end, finally figured it out and Ally was out after 2 or 3 proper pushes.

Gareth's hair very cute. Like the pinapple leaves. Dun get offended hor... meant it positively.

Dunno how to make Ally sleep more also. She's more concerned abt playing. I'm just glad that she's still happy, cheerful and energetic enough to play. If she's lethargic, will prob be more worried.

<font color="0000ff">THROW UP</font>
I am most terrified of this...cos of all the mess and also dunno wat's wrong with baby...Tyra has her fair share of throwing up, esp when she is coughing... cos the PD gave those "exploratory?" (correct term?) medicine which will cause the bb to throw up the phlegm.. I think this medicine has it's pros and cons.... bad thing is that now, whenever bb cough, she will automatically want to throw up! But I guess if bb is active and well after the merlion session... shd not hv too much to worry lah.. cos even adults have indigestion rite?

Pigletz...your house looks very nice to me!!! Nice sofa...nice lighting....

PVL...sarah is such a sweet girl! She is indeed very priviledged to have granny bake a cake for her first birthday!

SAHM...seems like everyone so excited to go your house!!!!!
haha, fashion of the year? need me to help YH style this hairstyle? hahha

don't worry. haha, i find Gareth hairstyle quite cute also. ur description of pineapples leaves very good. next time i can tell my friends how Gareth looks like with hair standing lioa. haha

Lyn and hazey,
thanks for the compliment for my house.
Think it looks nice now cos everything is new.
morning mummies,
See picture only...........

wow nice cake for Pringles but is she soooooooooooOOOOOOOoooooooooo old??? so many candles......hahahhahah....u very sweet n thoughtful.

ur house very nice n cosy...........like showflat!

When can i go over to ur hse n roll all over ur clean floor...ayoh, I like ur hse leh..........i want to shift hse liao..............JO, want anot??? We be neighbours???
You are welcome anytime.

You and jo shift to sengkang lah. haha...then jo can make soup for us with her magic pot and u hor, help me take care of Gareth. hahahhaha
HEy Pigletz,
My chicken mushroom macaroni a success ytd! Can compete with the one at tanjong Pagar Market!! Giggler, u ate b4??
I honestly think the nurses at polyclinic is outdated. When i went to see them when ashley's 4 months old, they wanted me to start solids oredi. otherwise she will be too slow to pick up solids. by 6 months, they want me start giving egg yolks. it was only when i said hb got egg allergy then they not so persistent. i didn;t let ashley try any egg product (cakes, biscuits etc) until she's 10mths. When she turned 6mth, i introduced new food slowly n monitored her closely. now we are very sure she's not allergic to egg, so we r going ahead with the egg whites. even then, i only give her egg once a month.

Anyway, looking at YH's case. its not really an allergy, it intolerance like my hb. i think u better keep him off egg until pass a few mths. avoid all products containing eggs as well like cakes, some bb biscuits and noodles!!! Hb was not able to grow out of his egg intolerance, everytime he eat over the threshold for eggs, he will throw out n may get an asthmatic attack.

Shook, Brenda,
Your delivery story all sounds like mine. my oso same, nurse dili deli... thinking mine was the 1st child, can't be too fast. some more tell me not to scream so much (like i want too!!!) got me to change n climb onto the stupid bed that is damned high. told them i got difficulty, they tell me once the contractions go away, can climb onto the bed myself. once i was on the bed n they checked me, realise i was already fully dlated. Then quickly paged for my doctor. the nursing officer went out for tea thinking it will take a while. after tea, just nice for action. she came back, action over liao!!! Bcos the delivery suite once booked was for 4 hours, i ended drinking milo in the delivery suite!!!!

i tot u wanted to celebrate elyse;s birthday on 19th??? I will be doing that for Ashley's birthday. if FIL not going to celebrate ashley's birthday on 25th, can i oso come to your place???

Long story........

Initially hb will be away on 20th n 26th........then we tot of celebrating on the chinese 19th.....then cake baker not in singapore, very rush, then clash with father's day etc.......

So after all those ding ding dong dong, i put my feet down...........celebrate on 25th lor.....

Hey , U MUST COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
U know our girls chinese bd is also GUAN GONG's bd?? I dun know who is that but supposed some god who is very chiang yi qi?? Hahahhaha, but ours are girls leh..........

R U THERE?????
absolut, poor ally, poor you.. Could Ally have asthma, that's why she's wheezing when she's lying down? The puking could be related to the wheezing - maybe there's some phlegm going down her throat.

Pringles, my MIL used to run her own cafeteria, selling all sorts of food - poh piah, laksa, cakes, pies etc etc. She was quite well known in the Katong area for her Penang laksa and poh pia. Since she gave up the shop about 8yrs ago, now she still loves to cook and bake at home.

Actually, she's very sweet when she wants to be lah. Esp to Sarah. She adores Sarah. But also my MIL does not believe in buying food from outside. She will personally cook anything and everything you might want to eat - from sharks fin soup to tim sum and chang. Everything also she can make. If you buy from outside and give her, she'll criticise it. Not good enough. Very hard for us to buy her things, and very hard for us to take her out to eat. (I know from experience. And my parents have given up giving her things, and they never go out to eat together) Always not happy. So the same goes for cakes - outside cakes not good enough. She must bake lor. But who's complaining? We get chang, char siew bao, chicken pies, or-kway, etc etc etc every now and then. Yummy. Hehehehe.

The balloon hat was not done by me. My hubby's cousin does it.

shook, yah. The pain for my labour lasted about 10 hours, and for the most part, it was very very bad pain. The time between contractions? Maybe 1 minute!!! No time to catch breath. The length of each contraction was maybe about 1-2 minutes. No. I didn't tear, but Sarah's head was stuck right at the vagina and I couldn't seem to push it out, even after pushing about 60x (my hubby counted). 3 pushes for each contraction x about 20 contractions. My midwife did the episiotomy and repairs. And I'm sure I was pushing correctly cos she was guiding me and reminding me if I pushed wrongly. Sarah came out as soon as the episiotomy was done.

lyn, yah, Sarah's curls got cut off right after CNY. It was too hot for such long hair. So sad, but what to do?

Brenda, she didn't fall (at least not so recently). I think what you see is her eczema on her arm.

pigletz, nice hairstyle. So groovy! Now all it needs is some purple and orange along the tips.
eureka, I'd love to go for Elyse's b'day, but 25th is my dad's birthday as well, so I must go to my parents. Alamak.

B2, wish my delivery was so easy. Wah, your hubby is so allergic to eggs? Not so common, yah? I had a friend whose mouth used to swell up whenever she took eggs or any egg products.
<font color="ff0000">MUMMIES AH, </font>
<font color="aa00aa">I REALLY hope to have a great get togetherness n bd party at my hse on 25th, 12-3pm. Also a gd chance to meet up esp me with 2 kids, so difficult to lug along to gathering without transport n hb's lack of enthusiasiam, their different sleeping timing, Rae over at Punggol n elyse at home, many many more. NOW, a great opportunities to c u n bbs!

As the date is drawing very near, n i have frequent lessons tis n next wk n stuck with Rae (c/c closed for 2 days...), I hope to get everything finalized by this Friday, k? Need to get headcount for caterer n enuff kgs of cakes to go round............all must eat n enjoy, k?

Hey, HB finds the response so sweet n warm n TOO GD TO BELIEVE.......can u all prove him wrong?? Men lah...........I am all very excited, how I wish my hse is like Pigletz, so nice!!!!</font>
Ur hp got camera? U can take pic with ur hp like what Pigletz did, go to office, just upload the pic and post! I think hp pic not too big, dun need to resize.

U got backache u still wear high heels? Run with it somemore! The last time i wore a pair of heels was during my wedding banquet. After tt i keep anticipating for my pregnancy, so didnt wear heels at all up till now.

So many mummies commented on ur hse, so i went back to ur pic and take a look lor! Indeed, it looks like showflat! I like the empty space behind Gareth, he will hv a lot of space to play his toys and walk around. My hse quite small, after putting in sofa, tv console and dining tables, not much space left.
U want to style YH's hair? I m afraid u will be disppointed, YH still quite botak, not much hair, cant hv the pineapple leaves hairstyle leh ... heheh ...

Thanks for sharing with me ur encounter with polyclinic nurses, i thot i m the only unlucky one who met a nurse who is so persistent! And thanks for reminding me on products containing eggs, almost neglected this!
I thot i m the only one screaming! Coz nobody here mentioned they screamed while giving birth!
But i m luckier than u, instead of hving a nurse asking me not to scream so much (think i will be very pissed off), i had 1 nurse who rubbed my legs, and another one reminded me to concentrate in my breathing and not to scream, otherwise i will lose my voice later.
Ur delivery is very fast, i had a 12 hrs labour b4 YH popped.
pvl, lucky you....no need to pay $$ for outside food+msg!! homecook dishes are best!!

sai yang lah...the curls looks nice on her leh.

sahm, chix mushroom marcoroni....can share with my jerald
must let him try someting new after mee suah.

deer, i only wear flat when i drive...used to wear them even carrying jerald afraid both fell down n make a fool of myself...now?? no worries 2.5inches + jerald + big pack pack can rush for cab also!! practice make perfect

wat to do, must wear lah...otherwise so ka tei!
Just to let u know heels not good for our back and knees. What's wrong with ka tei? Ka tei makes u look petite, girlish, sweet sweet ;)
deer, petite n sweet?? that's before preg...now round n fat + ka tei = winter melon!!!

dun worry, me not wearing them whole day - i change out to slippers while in the office. as for wkends mainly just flip flops...

on top of aching knees n back...i more worried of deformed feet!
no no..dunno whether he active or not..maybe active at the wrong time...before he sleep and at home...go outside, like not very active....go swimming also like very lazy, we carry then he just lie on us....like falling asleep, so malu...the instructor keep on asking why he not kicking.....

Forever friends,
thanks, i just call them again, can only book 1145 slot. what about u? what timing? by the way, how big is your child?


who is david lim? sorry, me a bit sua gu...for the past 4/5 lessons, it has been the same routine, see songs, walk in circles, got toys....dunno difference with aquaducks leh...so thinking of going for the trial as aquaducks seems to be quite popular.


no, I stay in buangkok, between sengkang and ang mo kio, near hougang


I paid about $170+ for 10lessons, this is safra member rate....you intend to go? actually really quite enjoyable one leh...I am quite lazy, so must make sure Tristan don't have my lazy genes..hehe..already now round round already...I have a pic....

Hope YH and you are feeling better already

Hey, your baby so cute..hair so much...
Thanks for your concern. Dun think Ally has asthma ... certainly hope not. Doc said she has slight wheezing coz couldn't detect it when she was sitting up but can hear it abit when she lied down. Praying that she recovers quickly.

Chik mushroom macaroni soup? Then just throw all the ingredients in or is it dry type? Sounds yummy.
Deformed feet???!!! U must be wearing those sexy heels, pointed and sharp sharp in front? Can be very painful leh ... i hv big feet, wanna be sexy also cannot :p

$170 for 10 lessons is very reasonable, very good deal
I just asked to check the rate, i will enrol YH for some swimming lessons if he enjoys his maiden dip after 1 year old
U lazy genes? Wanna fight with me? After i left sch, no more compulsory ECA .... i have not been excercising! For 10 over years, my lazy bones had turned almost rusty. Who round round? U or Tristan? Show me the pic, i want to see!

Thanks, YH and i feel better liao ... just reminded me, time for me to call home
thanks for the compliment for my house.

Yup, we like the space also and have purposely leave it empty so that Gareth won't knock himself here and there. But sad to say, he still knock himself here and there everyday. Yesterday, don't know how he play, he cut his lips, then hor, he climb into a box and then fall down and knock his head. After that, i shower him so that he can go to sleep. After wearing his pyjamas, he crawl around the bed and fall off the bed. haha. What a night for him.

YH no hair yet? nevermind, wait till he got more hair i help to style for him okay.

Gareth got alot of hair, inherit from me. and his hair grow very fast somemore, inherit from me as well. hahahahha

"pigletz, nice hairstyle. So groovy! Now all it needs is some purple and orange along the tips."

err...don't under on the purple and orange part. hehe

don't like that leh. Your place is nice also, from the pic i saw.
I really wish i can go, *sigh* too bad, date crash.
deer, I also screamed during labour. Most of 10 hours!! I did indeed lose my voice after that. Couldn't help it. But more like groaned cos antenatal class and midwife said it's more effective. But my hubby was groaning louder than me, and often I couldn't hear the encouragement of my midwife. So ironic.

The pic u taken v v clear. Gareth's hair is soo..... spiky machiam firework

Not dat every bb can't take egg white b4 1 yr old but better avoid juz in case

I st away put porridge into slow cooker n cook for 1hr+ then porridge canton style. I add quite a lot of water 2 bb bowls to 1 tbs of rice
Hey u so lucky strong contraction yet u dun feel the pain. I pain till I requested to b wheeled once I alighted fm the car

Guess your gyne fig out fm experience dat u gonna tear so cut lor. Gd gyne doesn't cut w/o letting preggie push in the 1st instance

The candles on my cake to Pringles represent wishes , not age.
Where u get Elyse's b'dy cake? Got specific baker 1 ah

Where u order the hello kitty cake for Vane's b'dy. How heavy n how much?

Wow u fully dilated b4 u on the bed, U mean u delivered w/o a gyne?
Your labor muz b v v short
My midwife v gd. She said it's breakfast time, so served me porridge. But I dun hv the appetite to eat. In the n, my hubby ate the porridge n I drank milo in the suite
Alicia's b'dy is on 1 Jun over liao. Today is Pringles's b'dy

Our MIL the same. Everything she cooks/buys is the best. If u buy, she criticise. But u luckier, your MIL cooks so well
I salute to u. Contractions so long, interval so short, pain so sharp. Sarah ought to love u more than Gary

Hi5, me oso start wearing heels but not wearing them whole day - i change out to slippers while in the office. wkends mainly flip flops...
My toes deformed. I can't wear close toes shoes. Pain ....

Gd dat u managed to get trial class Chen Chen is in 3:15 class. He is 1 yr old

Wish all the merlion in bb migrate to Singapore river
