(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

jo, woodblock - i die faster of boredom. anyway u got ur point there.

sahm, u mean u went to c the test route?? i only saw a few...but dun memorise them.

i very keen on knowing my the gender of my no2...but many aunties, san gu liu po said most likely i gana a boy again.

who said tiger lady must be of nice figure...my dowager sure dont hv.

qsg, u turn is u turn lor....still got so many pattern?!?! die ah. i only started on my 3-point turn n JUST A SIMPLE u turn only leh.


hmm, that's a good buy leh. Anyway, I'm the playsafe kind. Must make sure I will use it b4 I buy. Maybe taka order will come in again since GSS ends in July.
Tks Pigletz,
Yes, start saving, I give freebies hor!

U so funny, elaborating on pots here! hey, saw the 2005 typperware catalog. Wow luv them leh....can organize so nicely..........very ah soh liao!

Hi Lyn,
Ya, U turn U turn lor, got so many ah???

AY, u ah, if i see boy for ur #2, u also say me san ku liu po ah!!

Test routes, we got to cover 10 routes mah, in our modules!
pigletz, ai ya.. It's not for me to choose who Vane wants to marry with leh. Heehee You having hsewarming every weekend? Wow, very siong leh.

eureka, stressed by our gd response? It's really gd stress leh, imagine, you got to clear your hse, deco your house, prepare food, etc. LOL, I cant stop laughing looking at Elyse with her oversize rompers. LOL

cFaith, Tristan also having swimming lessons at Aquaducks?

jo, our ears are becoming deaf with her screaming leh. And she doesnt like to stay at home nowadays. Last nite, she started her drama again at 12+am, screaming and crying to go out. Kept clinging on my hubby cos she knows I wont do her bidding. Sigh.. I didnt ask abt make-up class leh. How abt Sun? Do they have make-up class if Pub Hol falls on Sun? What abt if bb is sick, do we have make-up class for that? ZL still looks the same to me when I saw him at Kindermusik leh.

pringles, quite good idea hor? But I dun think I'll do it at home cos dread of cleaning up after it.

shook, very difficult to get them to answer the call. Personally, I feel that you can roughly tell what they do from my description so dun need to waste the money on trial lah. Just see if you like BJG first. Cos BJG more convenient for u rite?

brenda, how do u find both cc? Very difficult to find good cc ard our area hor? We can arrange to go Eureka's place tog.

Viv, the invitation card is nice leh, you do it yourself?
Pigletz, was told whilst stock last so stock may come in later but may not be on promotion price anymore that's why i bought the 5.2l.
haha, then can let Gareth and Vane meet more often anot, so that Gareth will have more chance. hahaha

Housewarming every weekend not siong lah. We kind of enjoying it. Only thing is to crack our mind on what to cook every weekend. So that we ourselves won't get sick of the food.

Your Vane so fierce one ah? Screaming to go out? Gareth a stay at home boy for now. Cos we seldom bring him out. haha.

I see. You try out and tell me if it's good okay? Will try to drop by Taka this week to see how it looks like. What's the brand again huh? Sorry to ask so many question on the magic pot.
*sob* me feeling very ill now just can't sleep...

its quite common for bbs/toddlers to wan or dun wan something for a period of time. They r establishing there taste i think.. just keep offering till they accept it back again alas later stuck w a fussy eater.

wah!! elyse likes bikers? then gotta look for jerald already.. hahha, think ramming accelerator more in lyn's gene yah :p
Central AREA!! definitely can!! yeah!! finally waited for the day to ask for elyse's phone number..
Whey... what ZL can kena elyse?? fair match hor... mt up then say :p
Hahhaha... ur description of urself selling pots and pans and mall reminds me of Chen Liping in her recent show leh..

ZL big change ! not in look lah.. still as handsome (yah, seems to slim down) but luv that smile. Din get him smile at kindermusik n subsequently ur photos he also doesn't smile... wah, jem got a tough competitor :p
har? how r u bringing the book to me?

yah.. haahah, can't say trying, rather remove barriers to hv no. 2 liao. What to do? the last time i try took 1 year leh.

I bought the 4.5l in the end.. slightly bigger than then one i wanted initially and its $209 i think. Portable one too!! so can bring curry out for picnic...hahaha. Actually, i din choose lah. Its hb who likes it.
Went to check it out at Tangs too... din find. No delonghi deep fryer there too!!!

Absolut.. dunnoe leh. think at the 4th month? hahha.. me so gan cheong for u!! think i got grandma genes in me too?
pork ribs + lotus + peanut
pork ribs + si yen cai (what is the english name?)
pork ribs + potato + tomato + corn + carrot
pork ribs + bean curb skin

usually i will add gao gi + red dates + ikan bilies (suggested by eureka)

going to try to cook fish soup this week....

hahaha... issit? zl still looks the same?! tot he slim down alot ;-p
oh, the customer service officer told me usually sunday will not be affected by the holiday coz holiday on sunday will be an off day on Monday. when bb sick, no make up class.... :-(
and she said if bb or caregiver sick, will be advised to go home.
EXACTLY lor, same size some more! Chen Liping in person not that bad n fat leh, complexion gd until ants can slide down!!!

Jo, BRing the book to my hse n pass over lor, ah duh!
haha, u wanna bring curry to picnic ah? haha...so cute!

Your hubby seems to like alot of kitchen stuff hor. haha, think the delonghi deep fryer can be found in courts or best denki. The deep fryer will be good if you doing gathering at home. haha, good thing i can borrow from mil.
u wan me to scan the book and email u? or i will photo copy and send to u? which one u prefer?

no lah... jem si wen si wen, sure attract more girls one....
Pigletz, its tiger brand. You will have to wait till end june before i can try the pot as delivery is on 25 june. You may want to get comments from jo and brenda.

Brenda, if yours is the one cost $209 then its the one that is 5.2l same as mine.I wanted the 4.5l as i find the 5.2l too big for 2 person.

Eureka, if look at tupperware catalogue ah soh then i also ah soh liao. I bought some recently to store dana's stuff and they sent me the latest catalogue also. Tempted to buy as they look nice hor?

Btw, this whole week immediate boss not around to spot check on me as on leave..ha ha...
tiger brand? hmm...then think tangs should have. Cos they sell tiger brand product down there. I don't mind waiting, anyway, hoping to meet up with jo to know more abt the magic pot.

I also will take the small one if have cos only 2 persons.

so good, boss on leave. haha, i hope to be the one onleave instead.
wait till i test test more of the pot then exchange recipe w u... why u all use pork ribs one? later ZL all ribs how? :p

he hunt down the fryer already.. din buy becos he was carrying the pot plus a steam iron that day!! scary hor..
hahaha... just refreshed then saw ur post... ya lor, will bring over the book to brenda... hey, many things to do on that day leh... must note down, later forget

yeah, i met chen liping at bt. timah zi cha stall, she is not that fat....

not feeling well huh? still so jovial....

must remind me to get the brocolli food jar for u.

hahahaha... ya ya xi yang cai!
jo, thanks for sharing. What is beancurd skin?

Brenda, did you pay $1 extra for the squarish pan? i didn't.
pigletz, my hubby was blaming me tat I brought Vane out too often, that's why she doesnt want to stay at home now.
Sure sure, we shall try to let Vane and Gareth meet more often.

brenda, what happened to you? Do u take tonic to help build up your health?

jo, what lau no make-up class one??? Same as Shichida lor.
think eureka's idea is good. I pick it up from u when we r at her place.. then the rest of the keen mummies can flip flip see see too...
In the meantime.. i'll just throw in the tradition soup recipes and test test. Thanks a lot!!

yah... me more keen on the smaller one too. but hb and i likes guest and soup so just get the bigger one.
ok, set. pls remind me next week too! thanks...

u very on hor... all playgroup u study liao... hahaha... so follow u must be right hahahaha

beancurb skin (yellow color, something like fu chok, u know?)
hahahaha... i only know pork ribs mah... now i bought fish to try fish soup this week but must buy ingredients.

i cooked chicken soup using the magic pot on saturday, so so leh... maybe did not cook long enough....
YES!! he did!

she din offer me leh... cos i went one day b4 the offer start. SHe already nice enuf to let me buy at offer rates..hahahha

Vane dun wan to stay in the room or in the house? she wans to roam abt issit?? Jem's been doing that for the past few days...
No lah.. nothing to do w health.. my co. did some reno n colleagues smoked.. so down w allergies. Very bad headache
can lemme flip flip ur tupperware catalogue too? haahahha, lucky hb wun be arnd that day.. he dun like me to box up everything.
sahm, not me lah it was qsg that said there r different type of u -turn. u know i sotong type...u-turn means u-turn...

no lah, those aunties r mj kakis of my neighbours...real gamblers that come n goes...my mum hate them to core but cant stay indoor all day rite??? so let my rascal play along the corridor where he gana "harrassed"/"molested" by these women!!

brenda, leave elyse alone....she's jerald!!! elyse mei mei is most welcome to come take a ride in his motor car!!!

jo, fu pi can be used in soup?? normally i find fu pi in stir fry vegie, or used to wrapped wu xiang n my fave is bak guo yu mai zhuo with got a lotz of fu pi.

u going to sahm's plc on 25th?? yes yes, pls ask ZL's teacher how she did those jar food, i've bn cleaning those jar so i can make some myself.

u also teochew??

sahm, qsg, me acutually i quite like the design of tupperware, i browse it online...but i hate it when it comes to exchange...they will pester u to buy new ones and those promotors give u a sickening look or some lame excuse like if the stock is not frm me, i cant exchange it.

jo, qsg bean curd skin = fu pi (chinese), fu chok (canto) and in teowchew i call it hu kee .

brenda, elyse mei mei....c this driver aggressive or not??

hahaha, ur Jerald so cute. He really look like fierce rider. Think Elyse will fall in love with him.

Your Jerome no chance liao lah. Why not consider Jade or Tyra? Think they will like romantic guy.
lyn, brenda, eureka
hahahahahaha... brenda, i think jem and zl no need to fight... jerald's motorbike rider photo here will win elyse!
pigletz, jo, brenda..i was telling him to smile until he got fed up - ended up this kinda expression!! he dare to rebuke me - that's my rascal!!

hey agree leh...love jem's electrifying eyes!! real chamer!! too bad i dun hv a no2....and no2 will probably be a boy again...
I die of laughter ah............ayoh jerald very fierce ah!!!! But he machiam wearing a sleeveless gal's stuff leh.......Still got space behind, elyse can tom pang!

Elyse not only like bikers, she will warmly give the ah bian typical wave too!

Ayoh, ZL, Jem, Jerald all say elyse mei mei, later see jade, tyra, nat, sarah, vane, jana, dana, ally, alicia, all vanish till no tails!!!
forgot to reply u fu pi. last time my granny used it to boil soup with pork ribs, very nice.

my family is fu qin, my hubby is teochew.

yes, me going to elyse's party. hope to see u and jerald!!!

must help me to take family photos at eureka's place ok? hahahaha...
see lah... all the boys go for elyse, then all the girls go for rae.... think zl has to look outside singapore liao... hahahahahahaha
sahm, that sleeveless romper was frm cerisi....indeed look a bit girlish on him but since he's wearing at hme i'm quite ok, it'a hand me down still in gd condition - dun waste.

shd hv dress him up more manly!!! like those harley davidson type of bad boy!!

hazey (tyra) actually i qutie like a few pixs of rae rae also. esp one of those of his rear view, at the fullerton hotel!! So Dashing!!

jo, fu qin - a v.rare dialect group....can u speak the language??
AY mummies
Now I think y elyse luv bikers!!! She thinks all r her yeye.......someone that luvs her dearly n so tenderly!!!!!!!!!my FIL is on bike! MUST BE AH! HOW COME NVR THINK OF IT!

Hahahahhaah, Jerald yeye!!!!!!!!!!!! hahahahaha

Tyra, Rae Kor Kor may have some affinity with her liao, stuck on her liao...........will see how

She so beautiful, i let Rae get her, then my elyse got chance for other boys mah. If all go after tyra, how can? I very clever hor??? Rae, Jiayou....go for tyra!
I wallop u ah, Rae Rae only got rear view can see issit?? Rear view handsome only ah???

Hand me down, wear at home, my kids has got plenty too....comfy more important lor.

How many times do u give Dana porridge a day?

How much water do u add? Is the juice v sweet? My mum always double boil apple for Chen Chen w/o rock sugar. The juice is v v sweet

Muahahaha.... my face oso big n sq leh. Sorry I mean ppl dun give me face. C silent means consent
Bet u will b a gd host. Dun worry too much lar. If not, we juz make ourselves @ home

Chen Chen ji za, but he siao siao. If he likes to talk he talks non stop. If he doesn't wanna talk, no1 can make him talk. The other day my mum taught him to say yu (fish). My mum v patient, yu yu yu so many times till Chen Chen machiam v pek chek n shouted so loudy YU AH
loud n clear to assure puo puo he knows the word. Then my mum went on, u ate yu wif your porridge rite, then Chen Chen went yu ah, yu ah. Then tiam tiam liao
Hmmm.... your Elyse so qiang shou huo, u can seat back n enjoy bribery fm her suitors or rather potential MIL muahahaha

Our hubby engineers. Most engineers r unromantic creatures.

Ai say man, how many times did u hold hsewarming? Gabriel n u muz hv enjoyed cooking for friends
U mean u oso cooked for Gareth's 1st mth celebration? How many sessions did u hv for gareth's 1st mth celebration?

Definitely I go trial BJG 1st. It is nearer but may not b convenient coz I think of my poor parents pushing Chen Chen in the stroller to and fro there might b tough for them esp on hot or worse raining day. Abt 20 min walk. So may register for wk n class. Wk n I stay in Sengkang leh. Another thing BJG needs their students to wear uniform. I HATE DAT. Another way to make $ out of us

V nice n sweet invitation card

Hv a gd rest n get well soon

Find ZL looks the same
Hi5 I m a fu qin too
