(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

Wow u hv a big b'dy cake for Ian. Bet he enjoys the cake n the b'dy party
The chef is so nice to make a special cake for Ian
Thx for making the arrangement to send the flower+food+tonic basket to Jaz. Pls let us know how much per share n your bank, bank a/c no n type of bank a/c (savings or current)via email. We transfer the $ to u.

Congrats dat Ally started to walk on her own!
How's Ally today?

Most welcome. Is YH better after applying ru yi you?
The link to yahoo gp is http://asia.groups.yahoo.com/group/MayJunJulAug2004Babies/
I wld bring bb to PD then to GP when older.
I used bb rocking chair to plc Chen Chen or office chair but put pillow to support him while feeding him solid b4 he cld seat w/o support
Dun give too much sweet potato to bb as it produces wind. Pumpkin, heng chai, brocoli n potato r gd for bb
When Jaz in hospital, Aloy cannot b wif her all the time
I notice bb tend to reduce milk intake after staring on solid

When does GUG classes start? Love to hear your feedback

U need the owner Emily to invite u to join the yahoo gp. Wat's your email address?

Alicia is walks v fast as if running! U v hard working wakes up 5:30 am to snap photos for Alicia
Both Chen Chen n Alicia r early birds, wake up @ 5+am

Wat's Elyse biting?
The way she sits is so cute like a Jap
Hmmmm......wat happen to ally n YH????? too much to catch up!

SOme old saying not chun leh. They say gals picks up verbal skill faster, talk faster. Guys, motor skill faster. But beside Gareth, seems like gals here all faster hor?? Wat is wat?

Elyse always sit that way n we always wonder how come she can tahan so long n not experiencing pins n needles. She was eating hairclips. Excitedly she ransacked the carrier n 1 by 1 took out n lick n eat!

Jaz has stage2 cancer...the chemo gave her fever so she's in for observation. After Chemo, the white cells are killed off and the body's immunity drops to almost 0.. so I too think it's good idea like Lyn n U to just let her know via cards..contributions that we're praying for her.


Welcome welcome!!!!! I've decided to retreat bak here after kena "SCOLDED" by Mom2NAt for making the thread fast!!! Glad you found us!!!

No idea!! They said they'll send us details after 15/16th or earlier..did you call them???


You caught ME!! The "food police"!!! ermm I ate sashimi at Kuriya Fine dining when having Matt...
. This Lao Er!!?? Ermmm not yet...only the freshest and bestest yu sheng..with HOT HOT porridge!!

<font color="ff0000">LADIES</font> &amp; Mom2Nat:

Re: Mama(MIL)
this weekend was a lousy one!! Mil was in her cranky moods...sigh.. Even Matt smile at her she don't smile back!! She was helping to wash glasses for tea to eat bak zhang...and noticed she used the SINK AREA TABLE CLOTH to WIPE DRY!!!! I rewashed all and she said she wash already... then I said she used the table cloth wipe dry.. then I told her the drying cloth is always hanging NEVeR on the TABLE!!!! Then she like "buay suang" say i got so many..."ah boy's one, table one, dry hands', one of course she don't know" Then I super "pist" cos of the lack of help from her amongst other things... I told her..I never LEAVE "ah boy's one around" always take fresh from drawer!!! hen she said loudly "yah ah boy is very mportant!!!" (sacarstic tone) Hubby asked what happened.. then she told him..OF COURSE the hubby concurred with me!! He also said the sink area cloth is for sink table cloth will be on table!! drying cloth is DRY!!!!! Then he still add wood to fire said "same as your place what!!!"

Matt also another one!!! don't let MAMA carry whole weekend!!! only in the car!! Only wanted DAddy or Me!! If pass to her...he'll kick a BIG BIG fuss!! kick legs etc etc and cry.

raining so hubby came to get me from class... left MIL w Matt for half hour!! Milk is in the milk portion container... she didn't know how to make cos can't carry matt with one hand!! When I arrived home..Matt was bawling his lungs out till RED in face WITHOUT DIAPER!!!! MIL can't put on..Matt "worm" too much so she only let him wear the T-shirt!!

My "kepala penning" (head spin)..

At AQUADUCKS TRIAl...she also act like dam kan cheong "spider" Keep holding the towel in case KK needed to bring Matt out!! I had to tell her Matt got his swim towel coat...the towel is for drying after bath!!! Then she hung around the sides tellink KK not to get his face to near the water...or the ears...and to hold properly!! COME ON LAH!!! the coach is there for goodness' sake. In the end the coach (chinese but so tanned like Malay) said in cantonese "don't worry...no problem!! I've done this many times...some of the babies hear also younger than matt" I think if I MIL..I dam embarrassed!!!!

When she sat down...one old lady also told her..they know what they are doing... no need to "kan cheong"

Suddenly..MIL dissappeared!!! I was taking photos!! Can't find her!! Asked FIL where she went?? He also no idea...after class... we went down and found her at the bus-stop sitting..
HER EXCUSE?? "upstairs very hot!!"



All in all it was fantastic!!! MAtt was the older apart from this other BB 15mths.
The rest below a year!!!! Matt had most coach time and smiled alot!!! washing photos to share later!! hope they come out ok.

Hubby?? Very "chuan" from all the activities...one leg stand...go round n round..lift bb outta water!!! Sun morning he said his muscles aching!!! LOL! But we had a good time despite the MIL...sigh..

the trial is free!!!!! there's another BB.. a gal...she's so sweet in her pink costume!!! can kick already!!!! GO GO!!!!



I don't think it is...Not a stupid question...It's one I also dare not ask myself...
The cancer has spread to her lungs already....
I'll try not to be too sad..but It's kinda bit hard...seems like calamities happen when I'm expecting or getting married..

hope it does not happen with lao san/lao si..

Wish I could say something about food rej...Matt has never done that..He's like a "la zi tong"..However I do agree with the ru yi you..it works wonders.. I rubbed on Matt this weekend after his swim hoping it'll keep his tumm tumm n chest warm..

Take care of the arm hor!! strain injuries hard to heal..hope YH does a lot better with eating eventually...
<font color="0077aa">SAHM</font>

Elyse as cute as ever!!!! Hey shouldn't that romper be on Rae??? And is daddy really that cute??? Ermm time for him to get some photos taken leh!! need to compare compare!!! LOL

How's Rae? is he his cheery self?? tantrums minimised? (fingers crossed)

Armed with camera at 5.30am??? And alicia running around at such fast speeds...goodness!!! I think my eyes still slits at that time and Matt asks for his morning snack bef sleeping again till 7.45am!!

Is Alicia always such an early riser???!!! What time does she sleep???
Giggler, Pringles..

Matt doesn't do the "SSSSss" sound he's been doing the "Ver ver ver" and "Bee bee bee" I told him "bumble bee bumble bee buzz buzz buzz" he's still say "bee Bee bee"


Matt said "ma ma" this weekend when he got out from the pool!!! and flash big smile leh!!! But his tone still not like "Ma Ma" (hanyupinyin) it's still like "MA MA" for grandma..low tone..
But since grandma dissappeared it's obvious he's calling me!! So HAPPY!!
PVL, Happy Belated Birthday to Sarah!!!

shook, so happy to hear that Jaz has discharged from hospital.

deer, I also cant tell where's the similarities bet Vane and Nat. But I feel that I can see traces of Vane from Nat's photo lah. One thing for sure, Vane doent have the pretty, deep dimples that Nat has.

absolut, so qiao, Vane also vomitted yday. She just threw out some milk and then carried on playing. So I guess we over-fed her? I asked my mom to monitor her today.

jo, you signed up with GUG liao? Which day and time u signed up? I just went to the trial class yday. I quite like it leh. Most prob, I'll sign up too. Maybe I'll sign up as the same day with you. No one volunteers their house yet so no news.

pringles, Alicia is so cute leh, walking ard the house so early in the morning. LOL

eureka, Elyse eating the hairclip? She really looks like she's enjoying the clip leh. Her hair so long till u can tie it up. Hahaha I like the last pix that she's falling alseep.

Nat, sounds like it's fun for Matt during the swimming lesson, except the MIL's part hor? Let me check with hubby if he can make it for the trial class with Vane. Sounds like our bbs are learning how to talk liao.
RE: GUG trial
I find the lesson at GUG very comprehensive so quite worth the money lah. Though it's 1.5hrs long, Vane was enjoying herself throughout the session. First, they got a chance to sit ard and play toys. And the teacher will chit-chat with some mummies. Guess it's for the bbs to get used of the environment. Then we have some sing along session like what Kindermusik has. After which, the teacher told them story. Next, she intro an animal that coincide with the letter "W" cos they're covering it yday. Right after it, they went thru zoo-phonics. They taught phonics by connecting it to an animal eg a-alligator. They passed each letter card to the bb and asked them to look for matching one on the wall. Surprisingly, Vane knows how to look for it leh. It really surprised me. Afterwhich, they got to rest to eat Watermelon, both the flesh and the juice. The teachers blended it infront of the bb to let them know that watermelon can become juice . Yday, we even got to watch a mini-play by the teachers and one of the mummies. We had some bye-bye songs and that's it. There's 2 teachers in a class and we only have 8bbs yday. I find the teachers really professional, they always sing songs to ask the bb to do things.
Oh, I missed out the Whipped cream part. After the watermelon, the teachers brought out Whipped cream. They even let the bbs touched it and added a drop of red colouring to show them that white + red = pink. Another one, the Water... they poured water over the bbs' hand to let them have a feel. I quite like it lor. I didnt signed up with them yday cos needed to rush to meet hubby. But most prob, I'll sign up with them.
i went GUG yesterday! they only have slot for 11:30 to 13:00, so i took it. the class will start on 26 Jun 05 (Sunday).

water melon???? the blender spoilt right? i was there!!!

let me know if no one open their house, i don't mind to open my house, should have enough space but poorly renovated... if u don't mind. heehee..
i haven't got a chance to meet Jaz but we have chatted here... both of us in same boat... we have bbs who dun like to drink milk.

hazey, poontang
wow ...both ur girls hv Miss Singapore potential !

i loved the drinking milk photo ...i want to develop it and show jana that's the way she should be drinking milk!

that's a lovely gift basket, thanks for the effort.

Thanks for showing the pic on the flowers and others. The flowers r nice, hope it will make Jaz even more cheerful. There r 22 of us, dunno how u work out $7 per person .... pls count me in. I will transfer the money to u when u give us the details. Thanks.

Sorrie, missed ur post tt addr to me, hubby always chasing me off his PC, sometimes i just missed out something .... wow, u stayed at home to catch VCD huh, didnt go out for a breather after being tied down at home for so many days?

Seems like Kieran had an eventful wkend, went to the zoo and went for a swim too. Yeah, remember to share share ur pic, dun let us wait too long hor ;)

Alicia is really active! The first pic on Alicia holding a pillow, is it ur pillow or hers? It looks big, looked like she got a lot of stength.
YH likes to play with my big pillow and big bloster also, dunno where he got so much strength to actually grab and hold it up a bit.

Just received a call fr boss, need to rush to a meeting now. Nat and Eureka, reply u later.
Shook, thanks for keeping us updated on Jaz.

Eureka, stop looking for clips for Dana already, until now she got very very little hair that when she wears pink, people still think she is a boy
or they will ask me did you shave her? Some commented she look like Jack Jack in the THE INCREDIBLES.

White bait ah? i still got alot left in freezer dunno when then can finish. Do you store in the freezer also? Any idea if i take one pack out from freezer to the normal compartment how long can i keep after that? She is quite okay with porridge with white bait but dunno why yesterday for every spoon of porridge she take she split it out, i got the porridge all over the place, on her hair, floor, high chair..so frustrated..just refused to eat but when i gave her cheerios she very enthusiastic so it is not bec she not hungry..sigh! dunno what happened. Gave up feeding her porridge and 2.5 hours later gave her milk thot should be very hungry by then since din eat the porridge, guess what? she drank 30ml then dun want already. Sometimes i find her so unpredictable. We were in orchard yesterday and half the time i am worrying if she is hungry but she didn't make noise.

Elyse is munching on hp cover is it? The photo with both of them on bottles side by side very cute.

Pringles, you must be elated that alicia can walk well now
She probably woke up so early to explore her newly accquired skilss. Too excited.

Giggler, what yoghurt you gave Vane? I gave marigold yoghurt in natural flavor she dun like but heinz banana yoghurt which i find it stinking she likes. Her rashes seem to be getting worse. I introduced her to fish when 7 months though PD said after 9 months but okay since then.
no worry

i understand, when my hubby's PC breakdown, he also always chase me away from my PC...

ya lor... so u see, when it is GSS, i always have no chance to go shopping and donno what to shop. now i am only waiting for metro 20% to buy skin care product. heehee

your greetings so cute
ur a great mummy...wake up n play with alicia at 530am in the morning?? if Jana wakes up too early ...i'll just tell her to go down the bed n play by herself while i continue to laze in the bed

i went aquaducks yesterday and hubby and i were v shock to see 1 bb kicking away, somemore she's looks like she's only abt 7-8mths old. the instructor threw a toy abt 1 meter away and she started kicking n "swim" towards the toy with her mummy supporting her...amazing!

on mil ...i wanna hug n kiss my MIL !!!
yesterday we told my SIL and MIL we r thinking of getting a new place and my sil mentioned tat we should look for a bigger place to cater for expansion...then my MIL commented "1 is enof for them already ..." i was pleasantly surprised ..even my hubby is not so supportive of my decision to stop at 1.

tks...i'm a little crazy over kids fonts and pics currently...after decorating Jana's birthday invitation card
Jul , thanks for arranging for the flowers, they look lovely...

SAHM, can I start an Elyse Fan club instead...yah...i wanted to ask... Is Daddy really that cute??? Kekekeekkee

Pringles, Alicia look sooo cute! She's so happy inspecting the house at 0530 hours??? N mummy happily snapping away? Without flash rite? Hey..I thot Alicia should be big fan of PPG instead of Sesame Street???
Good morning mummies,

Wow! This thread is so fast, not able to read through all the posts for the last three days - was on leave on Friday.

Sick Babies...

My weekend is so terrible I need to complain!

Friday afternoon - Found rashes on RY's inner arms and inner thighs. Remembered this thing called Hand Foot Mouth Disease, panic panic, called a fren who said to check if got blisters in the mouth. RY was so cranky after we looked in his mouth that he cried for a long time after that. In the end we suspected that he could be allergied to the wheat cereal he took earlier on. Wheat??!!!

Friday evening - RY was coughing slightly so I mixed in Delrosa in his formula for the first time hoping to give him vitamin C boast. Half hour after his feed he threw up BIG TIME!! 4-5 puddles of partially digested milk on the floor, bed, our clothes etc. Anyone mixed Delrosa in the milk before? Cannot meh?? But the packaging said it's okay leh! Felt like a foolish mum. He cried inconsolably for another hour after this and woke up at 1,2,3,4,7 and 8am. His royal subjects (parents) didn't get to sleep at all!

Saturday morning - Kena a scolding from my mum saying why give cereal from tin, why cannot cook fresh food, why give Vitamin C, why RY got cough must be going out too often etc etc.


Just read this morning that YH also threw up big time on Friday. Is he better now? I agree with the mummies here that he could have been overfed, or the mixture of milk / porridge didn't go down very well (something like my delrosa / milk mixture?). I usually feed milk / porridge / cereal with at least 2 hours interval, so he can disgest one first, then the other. Dunno if it makes sense or not.

Haha! I only got to see the Aquaducks invitation today. So still no approval for YH's swimming yet?


Yah! I think next time I must train RY to be a affectionate guy (he got bad unaffectionate genes from his daddy lah!). Erm.... how to train huh?

Opps! Boss hovering around me got to close the screen liao. Write more later.

One more thing

Felt so sad reading about Jaz. I would like to chip in too for whatever you mummies are buying for her to encourage her to remain strong and positive.
Eureka, eh, I always drool when I see how beautiful your pictures turn out!! Any tips on photography you can pass to me? :p How u make your pics look so clear and alive ah?

Pringles, LOL!! Alicia is suchhaaa doll!
Jo, u faster than me...yah..Viv, can we see Jana's card please??? I can oredy imagine how pretty it must be from all the birthday greetings you sent!!!!! And I was just thinking whether I should get some invites done for Tyra's party.....
I was DEAD over the wkend. High fever, flu, sore throat, cough... U name it, I have it. Then Randall still kept coming to me, gotta "chase" him out. Randall still got a bit of runny nose but din wanna give him medicine. Taught him how to blow his nose. He was so cute when doing tat. Nowadays, he juz simpily loves to inmitate us. When I yawnzzzz loudly, he does tat oso. LOL.

Today so kay kiang still come to work as I took so many days of mc liao. Mostly contributed by my chic pox beinging of the yr. So now its like typing n sneezing away. I WANNA GO HOME!!!! Need to settle some stuff b4 I leave. Then my tao kay still taking her own sweet time to sign off the documents. #%$^%^%&amp;

So, wats the hottest topic now? BB fan club? Haha... I oso wanna be member ley. Gotta fill in application form? pay annual fee?
jo, I prefer afternoon session leh. Think I'll go ahead for the Sat's 4.00pm session. I was there at 2pm. I dun mind going to your place leh. What u avail?

jul, thanks for your help. Let us know the amt and a/c no. for us to transfer money to you.

eureka, sorry I got to celebrate Father's day too. Thanks for the invitation.

QSG, I gave Vane petit maime, the NTUC lady told me that it's yoghurt to children.

KC, so RY also coughing? Think quite a few bb sick here.

Berry, same here really like Elyse's photos cos her parents really know how to take nice pix of her.

Val, you still sick huh? Did Randall get it from you? You take care hor
how's tyra? better?

hahaha... sorry but u are so funny to say that "u name it, i have it..." luckily u have ur mum to take care of randell.

oh, initially i wanted to sign up the saturday evening but my hubby prefers morning.

any saturday will do, let me know.
Hey mummies,
If i open my hse on 25 June 2005, will u all come? ard 12-1pm...............

Hi Giggler/JO!!!!!!!!!
I am interested in GUG! But will probably go in Sept.

Yah, petit Miam is the yoghult for kids. Ex hor...$6+ for those mini serving.
Jo, I changed PD..I think she is getting better.. still got cough cough... but at least she dun cough for a few mins at one go......
deer, no prob....hving too much for adults is no gd...not to mention to kids...
my rascal still diligently got his dose of ru yi you after bath...at times after change of diaper...i simple love to smell his bb scent.
if you are able to input YH's DOB and your hp no, you shd be able to access again.

poontang....i'm also one of the mummies that love to c pixs of jade!! such a beauty!!
o..that list of names...we are sharing gift/$$ for jaz...she's undergoing treatment for her breast cancer...praying that she'll fully recover soon.

shook, i hate visitors during my stay after delivery!!! hair like mop, face pale like bedsheet...yucks!! that's why i always draw my curtain!!

brenda, was telling my mum/hubby abt jaz...my mum was wondering if aloysius in fact saved his mummy life if not for bfg, would jaz hv known abt her condition earlier????

giggler, no chance to record lah...was chatting with him over the phone when he suddenly blur our ma ma....hv requested him to call me over the wk end....he just smile at me!!!

hazey, no u r not alone...we hv a couple of mummies here r fans of jade...me included.
u cant say tyra is skinny...she just recover frm cough rite?? give her sometime to gain back the weight she lose! actually she also got lovely round eyes!!!

qsg, grapes caused eczema?? dun think so leh.

jul, long time no pix of ian...he's still so tanned!!

absolut, hi-five...me also giving whole egg to jerald. provided it's 100% cooked!!

pringles, deer..would love to bring jerald to MS since he's a huge fan of elmo...but i hate going there as it's undergoing major reno...everywhere is blocked here, block there....

jul, shooked, she doesnt want anything frm us...b'cos she felt paisay to recived it?? or???
anyway...it's gd that u sent the fruit basket....otherwise...everyone saying contribute this n that end up the plan just fade away.

mon2nat...staying up at hotel temp till u r back in S'pore?? c u soon.

pringles &amp; alicia up at 5.30??? faint ah...i cant recall when did i woke up so early since bfg days...i still pray that jerald will sleep thru whole nite n spare me of waking up middle of the nite.

sahm, u mean pureen got different version like pamper?? i bought sample pack of softlove frm shing shiong to try..hubby said it's cheap so try lor...GANA BANNED FRM ME...SO PLASTIC!!! NOT AT ALL BREATHABLE?!? but lucky think..no leakage after 4hrs.
hey....i blind or wat...now then realise that eylse got double eye lids!!! the kor kor n mei mei milk time so wen xin
25/6 sat hor no problem. tks for invitation. c u.

nat, you got an eventful wkend hor...cant find mil?? tot she went home by herself :p (zoo incident)
..i think they hv reach a stage where they can call ma ma or g.ma....v.happy hor!!

SAHM ah, I start attendance list...

25th June.. Elyse's party!
1. Tyra, Hazey n hubby
2. Jerald n mummy (probably ah ma)

mummies...thread moving fast again. will go thru after morning files.

btw, jerald hv his 1st taste of yaukult y'day n on friday evening found his lower gigis are sprouting!! total 12 of them!!
jo, I prefer afternoon cos Vane only wakes up at abt 10am every morning.

eureka, I can make it on 25Jun for the gathering. I'd love to see your artisitic house too.
Why only go in Sep? Ya lor, very ex cos the servig so small.

lyn, quite difficult to ask them to repeat what they've done hor? But at least, you heard it once.

25th June.. Elyse's party!
1. Tyra, Hazey n hubby
2. Jerald n mummy (probably ah ma)
3. Joey, ZL n hubby
4. Vane, Giggler n prob ah ma
Ally recovered from her cold abt a week back and it's started again with the sniffles last tues. Brought her to see PD on Fri. She lost her voice on sat and sun and getting hubby to see if she still has fever today. Had a slight fever last 2 days. If she's still have a fever and her cough doesn't improve, will have to make another trip to the doc tomorrow. Dunno is it the western medicine but I know milk also causes phlegm coz she tends to cough after drinking milk.

Alicia so cute ... hold pillow and walk around. Ally holds her bolster to walk around. Think she slept too much in the afternoon yesterday and she woke up at midnite to talk and play and again abt 5 plus. Thank goodness I managed to get her to sleep again after drinking her water and playing abit so i could get some rest too.
Your pics are really good. Must get hubby to capture more of her walking. He's only videoed her walking and standing on her own at this point.

Ally got the sniffles, cough and sore throat again. I feel so mean but I was really laughing yesterday when she tried to say 'there' many times and it came out as a squeaky sound coz no voice.

Thanks for arranging the flower hamper. Let us know your details to pay you for it.

Thot Jaz was told she can't be too near Aloy coz of the cancer? Dunno why also leh. I thot breast cancer not infectious? Jul, can advise?

Looks like Matt had fun at aquaducks. Sounds so fun. Make me tempted leh but think if I bring Ally, I'll be the one to guide Ally coz hubby not really a water person. Is it very diff from just bringing the bbs to the pool? You mean we can teach them to kick etc at such a young age?

Giggler / KC
Looks like this weekend was not great for our little ones ... suddenly all started puking. Ally threw up milk all over our bed this morning after her milk. Think she didn't have time to burp yet before she started moving around. But she looks more cheerful today. How are your bbs doing?

KC, what does Delrosa taste like? Saw it at the motherhood exhibition but never heard of it so didn't buy. Is it that good?

should be able to make it on 25 Jun lunchtime. My friend is organising something over that weekend too so hopefully it doesn't clash. Is it a potluck?
Giggler, never seen petit miam in NTUC at JP before. will try to look for it again after her rashes goes off.$6 for 1 small tub of yoghurt? or for a few?

Eureka,I was thinking i may sign up with GUG later if the trial is good (haven't even book trial), hoping to get car first and for Dana to start walking then easier. Think you want to sign up in sept bec you want to get your four wheels first right? Want to go your place also and see you but most likely cannot go.
<font color="ff0000">Mummies,</font>
So nice to get response so prompt n fast...tks hazey for starting the list.

My heart is pounding very fast now. My hse is small, my corridor is big
.....My hb wil be busy snapping bbs' foto....dun know how Rae n Elyse will react, so many bbs ard? Hope they will be gd host

I will order cake n buffet for all guests....actually just family members n forums bbs n families here. It is a bd celebration cum hse opening for bbs here.....OH NO< NO TIME TO GO ON DIET LIAO.................!!!!!!!!! TOO IMPROMPTU liao......got to hide behind my zebra curtain!

Mummies, can u all be very sweet to RSVP fast, by 17th June, Fri. I need the final headcount to prepare the food n order the cake. TKS hor!!!!!!
You so funny.Actually I prefered pple visiting me at the hospital after delivery. Aircon shiok shiok and face pale ... put makeup lor. I felt fine esp on second day so was happily walking around already. Dun like visitors at home coz my mom only allowed me to bathe every 3-4 days and wash hair weekly so was hot, sticky and there were no nurses to handle Ally plus she took so long to feed and cry shortly after.

Me blur blur... still think it's a potluck coz you mentioned abt celebrating Elyse's lunar bday the week earlier right?

25th June.. Elyse's party!
1. Tyra, Hazey n hubby
2. Jerald n mummy (probably ah ma)
3. Joey, ZL n hubby
4. Vane, Giggler n prob ah ma
5. Ally, Absolut n prob helper
Just an email that I received and my colleague swears that it's true for her. Let's hope it'll not be true for us although I think some of it will def be. Always more kan-chiong abt first bb.

The Birth Order of Children:

Your Clothes:
1st baby: You begin wearing maternity clothes as soon as your OB/GYN confirms your pregnancy.
2nd baby: You wear your regular clothes for as long as possible.
3rd baby Your maternity clothes ARE your regular clothes.

Preparing for the Birth:
1st baby: You practice your breathing religiously.
2nd baby: You don't bother because you remember that last time, breathing didn't do a thing.
3rd baby: You ask for an epidural in your eighth month.

The Layette:
1st baby: You pre-wash newborn's clothes, color-coordinate them, and fold them neatly in the baby's little bureau.
2nd baby: You check to make sure that the clothes are clean and discard only the ones with the darkest stains.
3rd baby: Boys can wear pink, can't they?

1st baby: At the first sign of distress--a whimper, a frown--you pick up the baby.
2nd baby: You pick the baby up when her wails threaten to wake your firstborn.
3rd baby: You teach your three-year-old how to rewind the mechanical swing.

1st baby: If the pacifier falls on the floor, you put it away until you can go home and wash and boil it.
2nd baby: When the pacifier falls on the floor, you squirt it off with some juice from the baby's bottle.
3rd baby: You wipe it off on your shirt and pop it back in.

1st baby: You change your baby's diapers every hour, whether they need it or not
2nd baby: You change their diaper every two to three hours, if needed.
3rd baby: You try to change their diaper before others start to complain about the smell or you see it sagging to their knees.

1st baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics, Baby Swing,and Baby Story Hour.
2nd baby: You take your infant to Baby Gymnastics.
3rd baby: You ta ke your infant to the supermarket and the dry cleaner.

Going Out:
1st baby: The first time you leave your baby with a sitter, you call home five times.
2nd baby: Just before you walk out the door, you remember to leave a number where you can be reached.
3rd baby: You leave instructions for the sitter to call only if she sees blood.

At Home:
1st baby: You spend a good bit of every day just gazing at the baby.
2nd baby: You spend a bit of everyday watching to be sure your older child isn't squeezing, poking, or hitting the baby.
3rd baby: You spend a little bit of every day hiding from the children.

Swallowing Coins (a favorite):
1st child: When first child swallows a coin, you rush the child to the hospital and demand x-rays.
2nd child: When second child swallows a coin, you carefully watch for the coin to pass.
3rd child: When third child swallows a coin you deduct it from his allowance!!
Jana will be there, how can miss the chance to be photographed by ur hubby ?????

25th June.. Elyse's party!
1. Tyra, Hazey n hubby
2. Jerald n mummy (probably ah ma)
3. Joey, ZL n hubby
4. Vane, Giggler n prob ah ma
5. Ally, Absolut n prob helper
6. Jana, viv and hubby
My hse is typical HDB humble layout n NOT artistic lah....dun stress me! If not, i got to go Art Museum to buy or loan some 'arty farty' artpiece to put up for u all ah??????!!!!

Hi Qsg,
Hammer u..... 'Want to go your place also and see you but most likely cannot go'............

Yapp, u r rite abt our Sept's arrangement!
White bat can keep very long....since it is dried food, always finishes b4 I replenish tho!

Hi absolut,
Hahahhaha, i know...i also like u, will laugh at Ally..very bad noti mama hor?
absolut, Vane was ok after she threw out. But her temper is getting worse during the weekends. She kept screaming and forced herself to cry when she didnt get things she want. Sigh.. Hahaha the email is funny.

QSG, it's abt 6 small cups for $6+, not one small tub. Heard from the lady that it's sold out most of the time. I got it NTUC JP.

eureka, I'll be there on 25th Jun but got to rush off for Vane's class. Is your place near to United Sq? Wow, your opening of house sells better than my chalet leh. Seems like Elyse more appealing than Vane.
Hi Mummies,
I have help Eureka to setup the database for the gathering on the 25 June 2005.

Please help to fill up the details. Rem to fill up your email address and contact no so that Eureka can email her address to all those that's coming!

If you need other information to be input into the database, please inform me.
Think maybe less pple having birthdays around then? Ally couldn't join Vanessa's party coz she was having hers at the same time. Maybe the mommies also prefer homes to chalet. :p
You seldom post Vane's pic online mah. haha, post more and the mummies here will form another fan club liao. hahaha..Eureka post so many of Elyse's pic online, that's why go so many fans here. hahahah
absolut, maybe too many bday parties to attend to ard that period.

pigletz, think even I post Vane's pix more often she still cant fight lah. Elyse so sweet and pretty leh.
