(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

absolut, you still got energy to bring Ally ard for trials? I just brought Vane to Gymboree trial last Sat. And I was tired after it cos the teacher advised me to 'walk' Vane ard since she could stand and walk a few steps. Not sure if you can still tahan doing it now.

RE: JWT Trial
I'm avail on 21st May for the above. Any other mummies can make it?

RE: BJG Trial
I'll try to schedule it on 4th June. Pls indicate your interest. BTW, they can only accomodate 7 bb in a class.

Emily, how was the quarter notes trial at gymboree?

Giggler, what does JWT stands for? At UE square right?
Hi Jeslyn
I'm feeling a little tired and had some cramps on one side of my tummy. Trying to make appt to see a gynae maybe in KKH but I have been kept on hold on the appt line for more than 25 mins til I gave up. My gynae is away on leave and the replacement gynae can only see me on Fri. Hoping to see someone on tues or wed.

So happy to have another mommy with no.2 on its way. My EDD is 18 Dec.

Still ok with the trials although can feel more energy being zapped up over the past week. Slightly more tired than usual. Do you have the timings for 21 May and 4 June trial?
absolut u going back to ur same gynae?
my EDD is 7 dec...

im feeling tired too...and as usual was lazy for work also...

so how's ur son?

renee having 6teeth already...
Lyn, giggler
Memory search me the 4 items ruler = tailor; book = teacher; abacus = businessman; $ =??? I thot there is 1 item dat represents chef??

My mum always cooks ginko nuts wif beancurd skin n barley. I will pick out the ginko nuts n give her

U v hardworking, still do PT bsides FT work

I m interested in the JWT n BJG trial but not available on 21st May. If most of u decides to go on 21st May, never mind, juz go ahead

Ask clinic assistant fm your gyne's clinic or any GP clinic or polyclinic to book appt @ KK for u. Dat wz wat I did
giggler, no probs! anytime... since I was doing my usual announucement... it was no trouble at all.

I prefer kindermusik to quarter notes. Nicer feel to it all....
absolut, soon allison will look upon her didi or meimei as playmate liao

hui32, getting up for work is also what i hate, but wat to do!! must be financially stable. jerald - as usual, playful n notty :p

shook, i'm just the opp abt ginko nuts, my mum will scoop lots of it for me.
Next time we can partner up when eating the beancurd dessert

Happy birthday to Gareth. Here's a
fm aunty Shook
U on leave @ home today?
Lyn, Shook
Me also crazy abt gingko nuts. Always find the dessert stores very stingy abt gingko nuts so must cook at home so can eat loads and loads of gingko nuts. Gave Ally some gingko nuts abt 1 month back. Never too early to start building on the brain cells! :p
BTW I just checked on KK's charges in their website. Doesn't seem cheaper than pte gynaes leh. Hmm... maybe should just save the trouble and find another pte gynae.
shook, yep can go 2gether, i give u all my barley,bean curd, u surrender ur ginko

absolut, acutally other than building brain cells, my mum told me that ginko nuts improve complexion...duno true or not - but it always bn my fav since being a kid.
kk was nvr cheap mah!! who told u it;s cheap!! just that i chose there in case touch wood gana complication only.
thot govt hospital should be cheaper than pte. Chey! Now looking for another pte gynae already. So strange. My gynae only delivers at Eastshore but her replacement gynae delivers at Mt Alvernia.
absolut, eastshore is far frm mt a!! but really strange that they both separately at different hospital.

actually kk has bn ard since our mum generation, so it's living up to it's reputation! but i nvr find it cheap and the services render is comparable to any pte gynae. i also visit the gynae at loyang pt (which is just a few blks away frm me), he delivers at TMC, Mt A. actually he too also used to work in kk but later left for pte practice. will keep opt open for my NO2 when time arise

so if u r not particular abt which hosp u deliver in, then either eastshore or mt 1 shdnt be a prob to you, most vip u r comfty with the new gynae.
Lyn, I'll be going back to my usual gynae. Just need to see any other female gynae for this round since my gynae is away so should be delivering at Eastshore if all goes well. :p
made arrangement to go to GWT gym for Ryan this saturday 10.45am..there are a lot of vacancies if you want to trial..just have to call upTel: 6333 8511
Ginko nuts x, of coz outside won't give a lot
How do u feed Ally ginko nuts? Blend it?? Do u feed plain ginko to Ally or add something else? Wanna give Chen Chen but dunno how to prepare it. My SIL made peanuts for Chen Chen instead. I wanna give him almond.
U bet, KK is not cheap. I compared wif a few of my friends, the amt I wz charged @ KK is more x than the amt they were charged @ pte like Mt E, TMC

I love eating beancurd.
Me same reason as u. Opted KK bcoz I scared of complication. Oso KK near my office. Now my gyne went to TMC, so sian. Dunno how when I hv no 2

How much is the trial for GWT? The no u provided is @ UE sq is it?
I just removed the skin and let her bite. Of course the gingko nuts have been cooked in the barley water already. She's been eating apple and other fruits the same way too :p

I dare not give nuts yet. A bit hard and since Ally has a history of eczema, better wait til she's older.
shook, actually i'm a kk kid myself. n kk is pretty near my mum's plc. other hosp like TMC/MT A all alien to me. MT E initially tot it's ex but dun think so now.

absolut, ginko nuts, u got to halve it n remove the "core" inside, otherwise v.bitter.
My mom usually removes it before cooking so can just feed Ally after removing skin. Hate to eat those that didn't remove the core.
U mean u give Ally the whole ginko nuts w/o cutting? Same goes to fruits? How many teeth does she hv? Hv u given her rice?
Peanuts dat I give Chen Chen r ground into powder form, so not hard. He loves it even b4 he wz borned, I mean I crave for peanuts during pregnancy. Chen Chen likes to scratch his head till there r railway tracks. My aunt said peanuts cause itchiness. So my mum stops giving Chen Chen peanuts

I wz borned in KK too
Ya Mt E gives ppl n impression it is x. There r gyne who chrg cheaper than KK of coz there r some who chrg exobitant price n u c most of the patients r rich I'sian tai tai

Thx for the info. Let us hv your feedback can
absolut, shook and lyn

kkh is not cheaper than pte hospitals for deliveries unless u opt to stay in the subsidised wards. Dr consultation is more or less the same charge as in pte sector. So if u choose single/double/4 bedded (paying class) wards, you are paying same rate as that in pte hospitals.
How's zl today? Is his cough better? I guess most likely ur hubby feel guilty over zl keep falling sick, so dont blame him for the negative thoughts, just give him more encouragement. Actually i can understand how u feel, coz i m also the eldest at home, and hubby the youngest. Moreover, my hubby is 3 yrs younger than me.

Hi, hope u r much better now. Is ur boy still in hospital now? It is so heartpain to hear tt he is taking so much medicine. Hope he will recover fully soon. Btw, what's ur boy's name?

Hi, congrats! It must be a wonderful feeling to be preggie again and look forward to the arrival of another bb at the end of 9 mths

Hv u visited the Learning Seeds child care ctr? Is the place neat ad clean? If the place is ok, teachers r good, think it is really value for money! Got yahama teacher somemore! Even though it is full house, can they put u on waiting list?

Thanks for the link on child care ctr. Is ginko nuts really good for memory? I dont really like it's taste. but if it helps, i will give it a try.

I dozed off again this morning
It happened during a seminar, i was sitting in between my boss and a colleague. Wonder what my boss think of me
Any suggestions on what helps to boost up my energy during day time?
hi deer, giggler
very sad... this evening picked up zl... he has very bad running nose, eyes red red, nose red red... so we called PD but he was fully booked so we went GP. GP told us that he can hear wheezing sound and prescribed bottles of medicine. i felt very insecure and quickly went back to PD and waited for a few hours... it was about 10pm for our turn... PD confirmed wheezing sound and said the singulaire not complete... but prescribed more singulaire... hopefully by that the time, zl can overcome it... we were very upset.... i was so loss that i left my credit card with the cashier after payment... got to find one day to pick it up.

u mentioned that ur friend's child also got this airway allergy and seek for TCM. Can u advise which TCM and where?

regarding ur dozing off... drinking tea or coffee may help. I have been drinking green tea every morning or afternoon or twice a day to boost my energy...
U know KK's charges well. Did u do a research on KK charges?
There is no double bedded in KKH

Hv u tried taking ginseng to boost your energy?

Wat causes ZL's wheezing sound? Is it something serious?
Hi ladies,

For those of you planning for a party for your little ones... here's a link.


They rent toys (6 in a set) of little tikes products for blocks of 4hrs at a rate of $130. That's cheaper than what I have found so far.

I will be renting the toys for Ethan's b/day party... and have seen the toys... they are in very good condition.

I will also be getting the patyware set from them for the kids coming to the party.

Just to share,
shook, pringles...only got to know kk is not cheap after giving birth. but at least it gives me a piece of mind in case complications arises.

deer, actually ginko is quite tasteless. normally b4 we prepare with pandan leaves, lian zi n white fungus, we normally add a tablespoon of sugar to ginko n let it sit in the fridge overnite.
i take chix essense every other 2 days. u can give it a try. or alternatively u can try yeo sim powder.

jo, hope zl recover soon. notice that he has bn not in pink of healthy since he started sch. hope he get well soon.

the thread has bn v.quiet these few days. pray that all mummies ez sailing in work n babies in good health
Hi Jo,
v sad n v hard on u the present moment. Take heart, this too will PASS! U n hb will be the toughest n strongest parents among us, k?! PAt Pat!

I am not too certain on the TCM details but 2 of my friends swear by it. 1 of them are young parent, in case u feel that I am lao gor gor n old fashion
. Personally, I nvr visit anyone of them for my kids YET. BUt if ang mo medicine cant seen to get rid of the root cause, I find that no harm resorting to TCM. I mean they are attending to kids n babies too. I remember for a period of time, I saw some tui na/massage frm TCM specifically attending to infants/bbs but cant recall the names......something of yu guo?

If u seriously want the contact, will get them for u when my hb's friend's wife is online.

2nd bb, dun think abt it now, y stress urself n conclude with negativity? each bb is different! Moreover, when u see zl healthy n in the pink again, u feel that u really survive during this tough period n nothing else seems too difficult to handle liao.

BY then, I will post more of my kids' foto to 'haunt' u on 2nd one, k? CHeer up
Hi Deer/Shook,
Ginseng must be taken with caution leh. When u lack of sleep, ur body huo qi is high, take ginseng, later nose bleed ah........hahahahha.

I seconded Lyn's yeo sim powder. Gd to perk u up n reduce heatiness.

Deer, not pulling ur leg. I am an nite owl but dozed off for few nites in a row at 8.30pm on sofa uncontrollably. Then i realised I was expecting with Rae!

We do have some similarities leh........besides qin xia's stuffs.............??!!
Hi ALL!!!!

How's everyone doing???

Had a small scare last week. Spotting and dizzy and horrible horrible nausea. So I went to see gynae and was told threatened abortion. Worried me!! I think I over carried Matt when he ws theething with runny nose..sigh..


You very cute...dozing off=pregnant?? Actually you very accurate (I doze alot) but don't know about Deer...LOL


You're here too!!! Congrats on the Lao Er!!

I'm just into 13weeks delivering at SGH.Looks like I one of the earliest again...


You prepared for your boating cruise???!!
Hi mummies,
am very, very busy. hardly have time to join in the forum.

Hui32 n Absolut,
Congrats!!! So happy to hear abt your pregnancy. wish to have a 2nd one but with the present situation, i think i will have problem being preg.

Actually sms Shook a long message yesterday. very stress n feel like crying n dunno who to turn to.

Ashley has been keeping me awake for the past weeks. Previously was just wanting to suckle at 1am n 4am. Now, from 11pm on wards, she will start screaming for me. no one else is allow to touch her. n she only want to suckle. even just carrying alone w/o giving her the breast is not enough. this will keep going on even when we r in bed tog. she will essentially keep me awake throughout the night n this had been going on for 2 weeks. i'm already sleep deprived from the usual 1am n 4am feeding n now is totally NO SLEEP. went bersek yesterday morning n have a quarrel with hb. i simply can't function at work n any mistakes at work can be devastating. (its human lives we are talking abt)
in the end, drop Ashley at mum's place for the night. when we r leaving, she kept crying non stop n want me to carry her home. i so heart pain. really in a dilemma. i really have no heart to leave her with my mum, but i really cannot cope anymore.
mum n hb both agree that she is starting to understand things around. n she is doing all these bcos she's scared mummy will abandon her. i agree my work is getting heavier n i'm home only at 8 or 9pm now. weekends r spend totally with her, so i'm functioning non stop for more than 2 weeks.
i'm really on a verge of breaking down...

sorry for my out pouring. i;m must be sprouting trash.
Tssk Tssk..........mama......all of us!

Stranded u! Pls take care! If u cant get away for long, just 1,2 days will help too. Pls harden ur heart n think it is gd for everyone. Ur well being is important too. U are totally zapped liao, how any1 can tahan for 2 weeks stretch!!!! Leave n get mum's help to tend to ashley. U really go get some rest n get ur mind off her (try however hard) n recharges!

On the verge of breaking down is DETRIMENTAL to ALL. SO, pls say no more HOWs or IFs or BUTs.....go rest.

Understand u r v worn out liao. U r not sprouting trash. Cry lah, if u need!
euraka, deer actually it's my mum who forced me to take yeo sim!! i dun ilke it!! esp towards the end - it taste so bitter that my face twist in agony!! so wat i did now is to slice my yeo sim, put at least 6 thin slices in hot flask with a tiny pinch of salt n hv occassional slips frm 9.15-1 pm, then i refill again (w/o salt) after lunch continue till it finish before i knock off frm work.

natt, pls take care. actually hb was telling me the other - jerald stick to me like super glue - how to manage 2 super gluer at the same time?!?!?

b2b3m4, wat's the cause of ashley sudden change in behaviour? let's hope it passes soon. if really cannot tahan, it's good that you leave her with a trusted caretaker so it give u time to recover (even robots nd a "off" period)

shook, ur ren yuan v.good
NAt ah,
Tat's wat my gynae said of me too......threatened miscarriage during Elyse's time. Took strengthen hormones medicine lor.

U really rest well,k? Lao er bao bao guai gaui! Matt kor kor also GOT2B even MORE guai guai
. Spare mummy!
managed to catch your posting. zl taking singulair now??? He sound very asthmatic to me. is there a family history?
Ashley's dad is a very bad case of asthma n we took precautions not to expose her to allergens too early like FM, eggs etc. we oso let her be in contact with nature like animals, parks etc to get her more acclimatise. seems to paid off well. n she's on multivit cod liver oil too.

i think i worry too much n want the best for her. adds on to the stress.

lyn n eureka,
thanks for the concern. Ashley is able comprehen things very well. when me n hb were quarrelling that morning, she sat quietly on her bed, starts playing n make small giggles on her own. trying to show she;s ok. so, my mum guess she just very scared that i will abandon her. during the day time when i work, she will sleep as much as possible. then will keep herself awake thru out the night.
Hi All Mummies,

I need some advice from you.

My son is 11mths old and he has the tendency to throw tantrums. He gets angry very easily and he'll scream till he loses his voice. I really don't know what to do with him. Do you kids behave this way?

When's the right age to discipline him? Each time I scolded him, my in-laws will tell me that he doesn't understand. And we should just let him be till he's older. I'm afraid it may be too late. He would be spoilt rotten by then.

I'm really upset about his behaviour. Any advice, please?
DUn want to interfere but just leave here the contact for u.

My friend's girl had airway allergy etc n was always hook on ventolin and nebeulizer (wat's that?)when young. Now, no more problem liao They went to :

YU Guo
specialist for child massage
Upper Changi road
Tel 64474761
Closed on Wed/ask for Xu Yi Shi
hi mummies,
i hardly hav tx to cum in. ashrel is learning to walk now. holding on his push-walker n toys box n walking 4ward. dun wan me to hold so i got 2 follow him evywhre else he may fall n oso like to touch evythg in the hse, esp wires n switches, headache man! chuan chuan...

hi val,
tis is ashrel's walker n potty
eureka eureka...

rest soooo well until now see bed also scared!! I also kay kiang...hubby went Sydney so I took care of Matt on my own..how I know he'll have runny nose and teething ALL AT THE SAME TIME??!!


Thanks for concern..

Lucky Matt not very sticky to me...more sticky to hubby.. but since hubby away..bo pian..

welcome to the thread!! Matthew is also 11months. I think they seem to understand a lot more than we take them to. The first years book says that they understand the word "no" but not necessarily obey it.

If something or a situation endangers the baby I think really must put the foot down.. I try not to discipline but distract him with something else away from his anger.

According to Matt's babysitter..Matt gets angry if she does not give him something or takes something away. The only option is to distract with an alternative toy or item.
It seems to work.

The only thing I can't stand is him throwing things out from his play pen on the floor or at you. So I jus confiscate his toys and let him have soft ones.

Got to repeat alot of times!!

hi mummies,
wld like to share tis. quite glad tat 'my effort' paid off. i potty train (for poo) ashrel for few mths oreadi. now wen he goes out, no potty, he wont poo, reach hm, 1st thg look for potty to poo. normally i watch for his facial expression or he will make 'ngg ngg' sound if he wan to poo, then i let him sit potty. tis morning. he crawl to potty, point at it n keep looking at me. din make fcaial exp or ngg sound. i ask him, poo ah? he look at me. so i let him sit potty n he really poo. i so happy, me xiao right, like tat oso so happy..keke..
me (even hubby) so 'encouraged' tat we even bought him a portable potty fr mothercare.
tink tis potty (above pic) we bought 4 him really helps cos he 'likes' it. w support too so need not hold him or put agst the wall.
