(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hi viv
hahahaha... aiya... must be ur SIL asked ur hubby to pay lah... moreover, u r not his mother right? heehee... wait patiently for jana to celebrate mother's day... i am waiting.... heehee

jana looks so cute in the photo! oh, i was choosing between this cup and the mag mag... so i tot mag mag looks cuter and bought it... but zl just bite the straw then throw mag mag away

Did u watch the documentary on Sun, filming the CEO of TMC? He is also a gynae, he mentioned tt woman past 35, harder to conceive, and egg quality not so good. So it's best tt we give birth b4 35.

U r not alone lah, i m 1 yr older than u, so i am more kancheong than u when talk abt no.2.
Think u and ur hubby better have a good rest tonite. Anyone can help u to look after zl? Must really take care, it is dangerous to pass out. One of my MIL's friend hit her head on a table and became vegetable, so sad

I m not star war fan lah, so didnt know who is Yoda until i search for it.

Agree with u, UE sq is not appealing, coz no NTUC, only Cold Storage at Novena Sq (there's a link way to N.sq) but Cold Storage very expensive.
Ur boss sounds quite nice leh. Allow u to surf as long as u finish ur job, not bad already.
I m also same as u, no time to do serious shopping. Yesterday after seminar, i went to Robinson with my colleague, i was looking at all the new fashions with interests, my colleague commented tt i look as if long time didnt shop, so malu
Sorry can't make it tomorrow. Got corporate conference so will be out of office and lunch is provided so cannot escape.

Lyn, Jo
Me so envious. Wish Ally had longer hair to cut. Her hair is so short and somehow the centre portion keeps growing faster than the rest so she looks like Mr. T or Beckham wanna be (his old hairstyle). Pple keep asking me if that's her natural hairstyle or I deliberately styled it like that. Also keeps getting mistaken for a boy. Boo hoo hoo!
giggler, deer
zl is in infant care... my mum busy with my youngest sis in the evening... so still got to take care of zl by ourselves at night.

yeah...i know it is no good to conceive before 35.... higher risk of DS too... told my hubby last time, he said then conceive at 34 year old then deliver at 35 year old lor... >
aiyo! that's exactly wat he said !! it din work ...then he said Jana din wanna share present with him mah ... already so mad n he's still joking away ...
Aiyo, almost fainted. Did u call your hubby for sos. U need to talk to him now dat u can't tong

May b u ask your dad to train Jerald. Initially I trainned Chen Chen but to no avail. My dad succeeded. I think it is easier for the main caretaker to train bb than us
I thot u r a secretary to your boss. Does he ask u to call him @ home to remind him stuff?

Most likely your SIL asked your hubby to share n your hubby pai say to reject. Bsides your MIL is his mother, u r his wife. He so humorous said Jana doesn't wanna share gift wif him

U may replace abacus wif calculator. But I dunno wat does $ signify

Jo, Lyn
Sama sama abt same routine after work cheong home.....

Probably your no 2 is a boi since Ally looks boi boi. Did u count the no of fold on her thigh n check her hair line?

LOL! You seem disappointed that hubby didn't celebrate mother's day for you yet the part where u mentioned he said Jana didn't wanna share present with him really sounds so funny! Were u thinking whether to laugh or to get angry? Maybe u could tell him that it'll take some time b4 Jana knows how to celebrate for you. So hint to him that he can do something for you next mother's day
[just suggesting]

Jana really looks so sweet and adorable with that drinking cup!!


Ya, like wat viv mentioned, we can't say no this and no that to bb all the time, all day long. Maybe start off saying "no" to only one or two repeated actions that is unacceptable and reinforce again when it happens each time. Then bb can remember. (They may or may not obey our "no"s even tho they understand.) But if we say no for everything throughout the whole day, it may confuse them and become over limiting for them. Imagine if we were in their shoes....


I agree that once bb starts screaming, its too late to distract them. But wat was the thing that trigger the screaming? That's more important.

My gal can be very strong willed and persistent in wat she wants too. If she grabs on to something interesting and i take it away from her, she will protest very badly and sometimes arch her back and even fall backwards just to show me her displeasure. After a few times, i changed my method. Instead of snatching the thing away from her, I get something else more interesting or new to her and pass it to her. Once she switches attention to the new item, i slowly slip that first thing out of her hand and she doesn't even realise that i took it away

For bedtime, i also bring bb to her bedroom at least 30mins b4 bedtime and start to wind down the activities. Read some books to her, play a little if she wants or if i'm totally exhausted myself, i simply lie down beside her and watch her play herself till she is knocked out and happily zonk off to sleep. I realise one thing about babies, if they are not tired enuf and we force them to sleep, we will end up battling with them....so i usually tire her out thru the day with lots of activities to ensure that close to bedtime, she has no problem dozing off.


i referred to ur picture of Kieran some time back and wanna say that he looks really cute!! How fast he has grown leh..ya, parenting is tough, my patience and stamina has never stretched this much before!!!
Thks for ur compliments
He is quite a handful. Though i onli bring him home on weekends, i feel totally zapped out when i return to work on mon morning. Ur suggestions on how to distract them is really gd. I tink i'll try dat out

When ur little ones r learning to stand up by 'holding' the wall, how do u prevent them from falling 4ward n hitting their heads on the dumb wall? Kieran is trying to 'scale' the wall these days n at times, his hands give way. Then he'll knock his head against the wall, then start bawling away. Haiz...
pringles, shook
yah..hubby has great sense of humor..one of the main reason y we hardly quarrel but i couldn't appreciate it this time round ...smoke was coming out of my ears when hubby said that
realised that i missed out the .sg when i key in my email in the database, its [email protected]

i also deciding between the 2 cups but decided this one in the end cos its more colorful.
dono whether u belve this way anot...
ur baby won slp in the middle of the nite, get 7 rice (uncook 1) and the leave(xia liu huay) put in the water, bath for ur baby...
try this way....
maybe will have better slp in the nite....
Hi Pringles,
JUST received ur mothers' day card...weird, so belated? System received so late. Tks alot!

Hi Deer,
Star War open in cinema this Thursday!

Hi Giggler/Shook,
R u all talking abt the objects for bbs to pick during their 1yr old celebration ah??

Hahahah, tot it is fun too! I didnt know got $$$ included ah? $$$$.........money faced lor or make big buck??! hahahahha

For Rae, I placed
- Drumstick, lots to eat in his life, thum jiak.......

- calculator, accountant.....
- book, scholar..........
- ruler, engineer.......
- 4got liao

Hi Skyblue,
Saw kieran's foto somewhere n tot he is growing up alot! N u so skinny!

Hi Lyn,
Was amused by Jerald! Wear pull up pant n took it as pant frm there, dun want to put on any pant further. V v v cute n ................smart.........!

Pincer grip?? So cheem. I didnt train my kids to eat or hold biscuits either. Elyse just grab the bb bites n munch in her bb chair while we dine away. Tempt him with more food??

Hi Viv/Pringles,
My hb v immune wan. No hint works! Say also like that, nothing will happen. Too much disappointment, dun want to developed into resentment. So now I hack care, 'extorted' crabs frm him on Sat's evening. Got a self made card from Rae (shd be aided by teachers) n his wishes on Friday!

Hi Jo,
Fanciful stuffs? Not that i am smart, I am really a 'victim', so just sharing. I got lots of white elephant in my storerm n i gave away alot. U know 1st child, sure hoo hoo haha over n made alot of 'fanciful' but not practical purchases.......

Wat ur hb said abt conceiving at 34 n give birth at 35, v close shave.........hahahahaaha.........it happened to me. I dun need to go for the extra test. Oso I am born at yr end, so advantage lor.

Hi Brenda,
Hope all is fine at ur side.

Talking about our kids..........nothing is more disheartening to hear things frm school. Teachers calling home to feedback on mischief in school. It will take awhile for me to accept my kids misbehave in school. Other 'seasoned' mums told me I will find it so common n part n parcel in no time..........every stage has every stage's concerns! The heart of mums is always v 'heavy'.........
I also have the mag mag (gift) but dun think it is as durable as the one Pringles/Viv has (Nuby?). Alternate brand that I swear by is Mucchkin water bottle........gd n durable, non dripping too.....1 of my non-dumb best wise purchase I have made
hi mummies,
Thanks for all the concern. really appreciate it. left ashley at mum's place tonight again. now trying to finish up some slides for tmr;s presentation.
got a call from my mum at work today. told me off harshly that when i come home, i'm not allow to latch her on anymore. otherwise all her efforts wasted. i'm pretty torn. i mean i wan her to sleep thru the night n eventually wean off the breast but not so suddenly!!! both me n ashley r not prepared n we sort of plan to have her off by 1.
played with her today at my mum's place in the evening. she was so elated, was babbling non stop. when i was abt to leave, she was so happy (i was still carrying her) n tot i'm bringing her home. n then the whole crying n separation thing starts all over again....

yah, i wish i can take mc or urgent leave. have the most unsympathetic boss who will talk n make comments. so now trying my best to hold on.... already so much stress from home, don need work stress to add on.

i know i should never, never quarrel with hb in front of ashley. went thru the same agony when my parents quarrel. will keep reminding myself.

thanks to all mummies for the help n suggestions. really appreciate it. honestly when i see ashley smile. i feel all these are worth it.
HI B2,
V v glad that ur mum is helping u out NOT only looking after Ashley but HELPING u to have proper rest n HELPING U to bo bian wean Ashley off.

Read that PROLONGED separation anxiety is more agonising for the bb. So no matter how hard, it is always better to bade bye bye a 'chop chop' brief one and leave with a positive statement 'Mummy n Daddy WILL COME to see n hug hug u v soon. K, i luv u. Tata'...........n go go go. bbs n kids forget n get distracted v easily. While ur heart is still heavy missing her, who knows, Ashley is already cruising happily everywhere in the hse!

As for the quarreling part, sm tx, it is just cant be help or control, esp when fatigue/stress/frustration all come together. Agree it is undesirable n can be detrimental in long term. I also always remind myself on that but if it happened, I bo bian n try to salvage n talk to my kids, explain to them y papa/mama quarrel! Then laugh it off with stupid exaggerating facial expression.

U take gd care!
I guess your items r correct coz I remember there is 1 dat represents chef
BTW thot the 4 items represent caree so drumstick = chef rite.
Wat I know ruler = tailor
U mean there r > 4 items?

IMHO, wean bb off slowly. Less painful n traumatic.
u r so funny! especially when u said "laugh it off with stupid exaggerating facial expression..." cos i tot i am the one doing such stupid thing!

the one viv has is also from pigeon (right?)... aiya... should have bought this...

hahaha, u gave another option, drumstick to rae? so what did he choose?

yeah, last night, my hubby took over the feed at 2am and 5:30am... i was too tired...
Lyn, I am not going anywhere lah... just wondering if I can ever do that without Ethan for a week or two... would be nice & lovely, but I don't think I can do it. So, right now, I am reduced to every Tuesday dinners with my hb w/o maid or bb. And even so, I always end up going to do shopping for him to make up for the lost time. I know it is bad... but true.

giggler, am renting the whole set from them... since it comes as a package... what do u think? Is it worth it? I calculate $130 for 6 items for 4 hours... means one item about $5+ per hour. So, should be fine. At least can entertain the kids.
Am bringing Ethan for trial swimming lessons at suntec this sunday. Thinking of letting him try the swimmming class 1st, master his breathing under water and then join the kindermusik next term.

jo, is zl better already? I also have to start buying the straw type of mug for ethan. Kept thinking about it, but haven't. Must write it down in my "to do" list! hehee...heee...
Yeah, what to do, gotta be hardworking... and yeah, extra money of coz spend on my darling bb lah! :p

B2B3M4, u take care.... must be hard-hearted at times like this. Is it difficult, but have no choice... coz, in the long run, if u fall ill or make mistakes in your job etc etc... it will be worst.

Eureka, pray tell us, what did rae choose in the end? :p
Hi ladies, just a reminder that the 3 polls created by me and pringles will be ending this 15th May 2005 (sunday). Pls go and cast your votes regarding the bb bash.
Database: pls add your names in the database for bb bash and chalet gathering (this May 29th) as soon as possible. We need to know the number coming and also to book the place for the bash. Thks.
Hazey and Lyn, so far only 4 of us including Val can make it today for lunch. So we go ahead first or wait for another day?

Smsed Brenda this morning so far no reply yet. Will let you all know if she reverts.
Viv, Jana looks so sweet and cute with the cup.

shook, could $=moneylender? Hahaha..

Pringles, I tried not to say No and instead distract her from biting on paper and books and it works!

eureka, we were talking abt the items for bb to collect on their 1st bday. Thanks for your contribution.

Jo, I'm using Gerber training cup and we love it.

Emily, you'll let Ethan learn how to swim first? I haven really look into the rental of the toys lah. BTW, what are the 6 items?
Rite man, your hubby is learning to take care of ZL.
Chopstick ar, aiyo dat is v dangerous in case bb picks up n pok into the eyes, ears, nose .....

Moneylender or loan shark
errr..... Banker sounds more sophisticated
viv, dun worry - u r not the only mum here that passed the day without celebration!! - i was at home eating instant noodles, away frm the rain!! while some dowager enjoy herself with company of her kids n fat ang pows! but what jo said it rite - lets wait for our kids to celebrate for us. so mean time, we take revenge - DUN CELEBRATE FATHER'S DAY FOR HIM :p

giggler, find that they are more active n lively with jerald ard!! last nite went home to c how the pull up fit him - only to find out that they didnt took "new" sample - instead it's they display sample together with a "butt" shape balloon!! OMG!!

jo, cant agree more with you!! personally feel that i've lose out a lot on his growing progress.

deer, now i find it hard to relate myself to non-married or even worse non-mummies friends
v.sad that my usual friends has all left me out of thier usual shopping trips. my only communication is to chat with most of u here and shop with jerald in arm....

absolut, the last time i saw ally was the Japan trip pixs u posted!!! after his hair cut, jerald looks more like daddy than mummy!!! will try to post pixs this wkend.

shook, secretary or PA the main job scope is to spoon feed him. most of the time i dun call him at home (normally hp cos i remember the no)
try various methods liao - not successful, he still prefer his style.

skyblue, didnt know kieran love the spiderman character so much!!!]

hui32, did u try this method on reene?? doesnt she gets up for nite feed?

sahm, he really suaku till got to "fight" with him to remove pull up for bath y'day evening!! but really pull up is thicker but durable - after removing he still playing with it???? realise he has grown up with a mind of his own liao!!! or he just being curious abt this new "diaper pants"???
the problem with him grabbing food with his whole hands makes things/stuff v.messy!! and i got hard time cleaning up after him
he's ok if i feed him but ask him to hold it himself - he just grab n throw!! remember u posted b4 saying that rae rae was so guai eating quiety on the sofa...blah blah blah...but as he gets down, the hand smear onto the sofa!! OMG!! now i know how frustrating it is liao.
is viv holding a nuby mug?? i tot it's pigeon

b2, if you think that to wean her off so suddenly then perhaps set a date line, perhaps last day of latch on is sat?? sun onwards? cont to express n feed thru bottle.... not that i discourage bfg, but it's for the best for both mum n daughter.
agreed with sahm that u make bye bye a quick one! there's one stage i got to pretend to go toilet then make a quiet exit - now he got so used to it liao, dun even bother when i leave. take times, she will outgrown it.

em, at least u got time to do shopping - well, my only shopping time is to shop for goceries!!

qsg, today is ok with me but tomorrow got appt liao. hv we decided where to go?? any suggestions?? perhaps coffee club at RP?
>Jack and Max are walking from religious service. Jack
>wonders whether it would be all right to smoke while
>praying. Max replies, "Why don't you ask the Priest?"
>So Jack goes up to the Priest and asks, "Father, may I
>smoke while I pray?"
>The Priest replies, "No, my son, you may not! That's
>utter disrespect to our religion."
>Jack goes back to his friend and tells him what the
>good Priest told him.
>Max says, "I'm not surprised. You asked the wrong
>question. Let me try." And so Max goes up to the
>Priest and asks, "Father, may I pray while I smoke?"
>To which the Priest eagerly replies, "By all means, my
>son. By all means. You can always pray whenever you
>want to."
>Moral of the story is... The reply you get depends on
>the question you ask. For Example, if you want a
>vacation when still working on a project, don't ask
>for the holiday; ask: "Can I keep working on this
>project while I'm on vacation?"
u sending Ethan for swimming at suntec??? They have classes there???

sahm, lyn, n shook,
will take your advice n see how. bringing her home tonight. hopefully can see some improvement.

r u organising some playgroup trial?? anymore vancanies??? details??? Sorry, i have no time to scroll thru past postings.
shook, hmmm... banker sounds good.

lyn,aiyo... wont the sample be too dirty for Jerald to put on? Your parents really comical leh.

B2B3M4, yup I'm organising trial class to Baby Jumper Gym at Katong Mall on 4th Jun (Sat) 3-4pm. Can you make it?

BJG 4th Jun 3-4pm

Can mummies pls add your name to your list above if you interested in joining the trial class? FYI, they only accept 7bb in a class.
Mummies lunch at Raffles Place today


Venue:Coffee Club
Time:1230pm (reservation made)
As some mummies not sure where is coffee club is, we will meet infront of Arcade first.
wow... looks like i got to try out the drinking cup to see if edi can reali drink from there.... the one dat jana uses is pigeon? jana is so cute.

and dun be sad abt mother's day... on sun nite, i actuali told my hubby "hey u didnt say happy mother's day to me" and he actuali laffed... i was so pissed, so i asked him wats so funny abt it. and he said saying it made me sound so old... hehe... ok lah, im appeased liao... at least i'm not as old as i thot in his heart. hehe...

u star wars fan?
me never liked star wars... not jedi material...

didnt reali read to see wat happened... but anyway, take care... and we are always here to listen. and i agree to wean ashley off slowly.

okie mummies... me go back to work... if got time, later will pop in.
Wahahahah...i nvr showed Kieran spiderman b4 leh...dat ugly 'spider' :p

U saw my pic meh? i nvr post my pic one leh... Yalor, paddington has grown up

Kieran is now 8 mths. Do u have any suggestions on wat cup is most appropriate for weaning? He doesn't like to drink milk from bottle when awake so i'm wondering if a cup can actually make him drink milk.
giggler, that's y i headache, further they insisted the sample looks new n clean!! really bo bian as they hv 4gotten to bring diaper and they dun wan to puchase new pkt!!

soya, nvr mind, we look forward to our sons' self made card abt 3 yrs later

skyblue, i think u could throw some cushion behind him, just in case
actually spider is quite "handsome" beneath the mask

mummies going for maken 2day, RP = Raffles Place.

QSG, will look for u gals inside the cafe. will call u to confirm b4 leaving office
bb mus b able to stand n cruise quite steadily 1st b4 using the FP walker, else will fall. if not, u got to hold unto her. tis FP walker is a hand-me-down. quite okie lah, the front part is 'heavier' so acts like a brake.
ashrel has a toyogo toys box w roller which acts perfectly as his walker. the toys in it are the wt n brake n u can determined how much weight u wan to add n hence change the 'speed' of the 'walker box'. cheap, gd n stable. ashrel likes tis.

mummies who ask me abt the potty,
tink ashrel likes at 1st cos can play w it n it has back support, he can jus lean back. but now, he seems to noe it is used mainly for poo so mayb now a normal potty will work the same
i let ashrel try the munchin training cup w straw, he still figuring how to drk fr it. all along, he uses the avent cup. hope he can do it soon
hi mummies........

remember i am qin xia's era? I no Star war fan lah. BTW deer, it is open in cinema NEXT thu, not this

Dun know leh, Jana's bottle is frm pigeon or nuby.

I cant remember wat Rae picked liao....must review his video n look up in the disc.

Wow $$$........loanshark, I jialark leh, imagine elyse taking that???

Hi skyblue,
It is some gathering shot I think, not u n paddington bear shot

Bet things are improving 4u? Remember how difficult it was 4u sometime back? See, any phase of difficulty will pass too, rite??

HI jo,
hb, once started helping, get them to help regularly until it is 'natural' to help........heehheheh......u on the way to mould him liao!
hi sanrio...
hey... i oso use toyogo box wif roller to put his toys... so i think i can use it as a walker oso. hehe...
hehe... edi oso nw poos in the potty. no more dirty diapers, and we cut down the use of wet wipes by ALOT.

lyn arh...
self made card? dun wan... i rather wan a big wet kiss fr edi... haha... dats enuf for me. hehe...

hi aunties,
mummy is making me pose for the camera!
I still feel Guo Fu Cheng gd looking n charming leh.......esp, now with aging! U see Edi, with 'aging' also more charming liao! hahhahaha

Enjoy ur lunch with that lively fun loving bunch! HOI...where ur bintan lovey dovey foto ah????
sanrio, ashrel nvr lack of toys to play wif - now even simple toy boxs also can subsitute a expensive walker!!! can save $$

sahm, shook, giggler, no matter what jerald choose - just take it ez lor, for fun only. but i was hopping he picks the book or abucus.

soya, u Aaron Kwok era??? i was in pri 3/4 when he storm the town with his hits.....long time already.
haha... yah... he's still taut and muscular.. i mean guo fu cheng... Liu De Hua oso... aiyoh...
my bintan fotos arh... believe it or nt, we never took a single couple foto. haha... u wan see the pics can go to my journal, i hv posted them there.
Hi all,
Sorry to MIA so long... 'dui bu qi' if i din reply to any qns posed to me. New boss came in and i'd just tendered so clearing up a lot of stuff. And Jem now extremely fun and playful so evenings are so filled with games and laughter.

erm.. QSG, u sms me?? i haven't had time to check my phone yet.. hahahah. no offence hor, i'm not a phone person so din realised got msg.

Think got 3 no. 2 here now rite??? Absolut, Nat and ?? CONGRATS!!! tell us more preggie stories, k.

Happy Belated Mother's Day!! hahhaha, pat pat Viv... dun be too upset lah. to console u, i can tell u i did what eureka did too. I make hubby go to the counter, specifically choose my cake n make him pay. AND WE R SUPPOSED TO BE NEWLY WEDDED!!! as for my mil, i told him right from beginning i'll pay for all expenses for the celebration for my granny and he'll settle all for his mum so close one eye on what he gets lor.

Jana so sweet w the bottle!! hahaha, wanted to tell u that i succeeded too but no time. Jem now use Rubbermaid under one of the mummy's recommendation. But i'm starting to think he very bo liao... keep sipping water.

What hap? very tired har?? u work on saturday? if not, put zl at the centre while u n hb go for some nice english breakfast to wind down n read some mags? how's zl's health getting on? sorry... haven't been catching up on the posts.

I din miss out on YH's photos tho... did sneak in to quickly see any cute pics n saw ur handsome boy!! starting fully on solids already anot??

so funny... my hubby pointed out Ethan's pic to me in one of my parenting mag. hahhaha! Correct rite?? it's u and ethan yah?

few more days to go b4 i start to ask for the bday cake photos yah...

hey, told hb abt ur trip to bintan.. he went to book as well. We going on the last week of this month w Jem for 3D2N. So funny, get bb cot for the hotel room... wonder whether he'll sleep in it?

sorry... can't join u at the chalet cos of the trip... hope u gals n bbs have great fun!!

Oh yah, mummies that buy clothes from the shop at chinatown.. i found one of their dealers at Jurong (neighbourhood centre) near Chinese Garden. selling same clothings at same price but more variety.

Which mummy uses the Rubbermaid har?? Thanks for introducing!! Jem loves it too. erm... on the bottle actually states not recommended to use for age 3 n below... but we usually supervise him when he use. Thanks a lot!! cos my hb very hapi w it too!
alamak... u were in pri 3/4 then??? dat means i many yrs older than u leh!! his "dui ni ai ai ai bu wan" hit was popular when i was in sec 2/3!!!
whh resort wld u be going? so sweet of ur hubby to book...
enjoy urselves! hehe... yah... tis stage of them is very fun hor?
i bgt a rubbermaid for edi... but never let him try and use.
i oso tried the bathing with 7 rice recently cos my girl always wake up crying terribly in the middle of her naps, but my version is 7 uncook rice with 7 color flowers

thanks for the lovely card!

trying v hard to adopt the hack care attitude too ...i oso 'extorted' present frm hubby too
went shopping on monday evening at Mango n charged the purchases to the supp card hubby got for me, initial intention was to earn points but am v glad now cos will just treat it as mother day's gift from hubby!

jo,eureka, soyabean
the cup's from pigeon, mystery solved
soyabean, dun get this one cos it has a hole near the straw and water flows out if the cup is turn upside down, so v inconvenient to bring the cup out, nearly got my whole bag wet last sunday.

my mum is the one who trained Jana on the straw she use a normal straw and then she holds the straw on top and then she slowly release the water in the straw when Jana suck from the bottom.

haha...that's y they say never offend women! not only do i feel like boycotting father's day ...hubby's birthday next week i oso no mood to plan anything for him ...still feeling kinda sore now.
Afternoon mummies,
Thanks for the e-card.

One of my Mother's day present got taken back by hubby.. the contour latex pillow that he bought from Robinson.. duh...say buy it for me..then secretly exchange pillow at night.. so he get to "Test it out " also.. anyway he also got som PC games and other stuff from him..so not too bad.
aiyooo.....I really cannot catch up leh. Cant afford to go thru the past posting.

But ur weaning part caught me. Hehe... Remember when I was down with chix pox,I wasnt prepared to wean him off oso. Things are not as bad as we tot. He dun see me, he dun cry. A week later, his urge not so strong. Soon, he live with the fact, no more breast.
Ryan didn't have any problem with straw..took to it quite easily..can suck from any type of straw..but have the bad habit of playing with straw if not drinking from it..so must still watch him.
Trying to wean him to the plastic cup of his..but most of the time end up his hand in the cup of water..so still not that sucessful at it.

Nirwana i think.. near to the water sport centre mah..hahhah.
yah yah... they r so fun now!! just teach Jem how to purse his lips n 'muack' then say ma ma... so he goes MUACK MA MA...

Why dun let edi try? gotta supervise him while he use tho... or he noes how to use the straw already? think the prob is they tend to suck too hard then a lot of water in the mouth they start to choke. hahahha, jem keep 'koff koff' the first few time then his dad keep telling him slowly slowly... now he can manage quite easily.

Those who r still waiting for photos taken at Kindermusik... so sorry. I'll try to send this weekend, k. Been going out the last few weeks..hahhaha. Went Sentosa, shopping, West Coast Park etc etc. erm... going zoo this weekend, BUT I"LL DEFINITELY TRY TO SEND!!

Oh, any mummy tried to watch the clips taken?
