(2004/06) June/July 2004 Babies

hi Val,
Ya,the job mkt is really bad.Beta stick on to ur job..I am still holding my current job.They pay me well but i don't like the mgmt,very dilly dally..

Nepia is the Japan brand,izzn't it? Is the packaging in orange colour?

I hvn't tried pampers dry b4,how does it differ fr. the rest of the pampers?

Just wondering...hv anyone tried "Pigeon" diapers b4?? I saw it at Taka & Isetan,very tempted to buy.

Hi Sanrio,
$23 for 68pcs? very cheap leh! how long can Ashrel sits on the bumbo? I think i shld get myself a carrier oso.Nowadays,my boy very noti,he refuses to be alone & play himself.He always needs someone to accompany him...Gosh,me & my hubby hv not eaten together for long tx.We try to talk to him when we hving meals but he still "kao pei kao pu"

Hi Shook,
thks for the website on reflux
very informative..

Chen chen drools a lot oso?? I wonder if there's any way to stop them from drooling leh...I've to change his mittens & clothes very often.Now,I put a handkerchief at his neck so the saliva won't ganna his clothes...

My mum hv been discouraging me to wear mittens for my boy but my boy very rough,esp. when comes to rubbing his face & pulling his hair(despite he doesn't hv lots of hair).Thou we always keep his nails short,but somehow,he always scratch himself..

Hv u started solid for Chen chen yet? I think i'll start feeding my boy rice cereals after consulting the PD this fri,once she says ok,we'll start...My boy (4months) drinks very little,5oz per feed every 3hr.We tried to feed him 6oz but he always cannot finish.I think his stomach is small,cannot accomodate too much milk,so hv to feed him little but often...

hi amie,
I am not sure what brand is good oso but I've bot Heinz coz it is preservative/colour free....and it suitables for 4mth+ infants compared the rest,Nestle,which onlt suitable for 6mth or 8mth above...

hi sahm,
sigh..think i've no choice but to stick on my job while keep on applying fr job...

hi shook,
talking abt poo poo, my boy oso hv not poo for 4days liao...

Mayb u can try to feed him more water?? my boy poo poo schedule is a bit odd, sometx he poo poo everyday,sometx 2 or 3days no poo,then suddenly poo a few times per day..
I not too sure on Nepia. The pampers dry look more cheapskate than preium.I think the absorbent oso not as gd.

Tell me abt it... Cannot go for dinner tat require to take very long (eg. my fav coca steamboat). Nowadays, I eat very fast whereby I use to be the last one to finish my meal.

U still let ur boy wear mitten??!! U better dun let him wear as it will retard his development. He need to "feel" to learn.
My ranking of diapers is:
- Mamy Poko (still stay in shape after 1 whole nite/gd absorbency)
- Nepia (soft n gd)/on offer...GRAB at $15.90! Always no stock..........
- Pamper Premium (soft, gd but dun really stay in shape well)

Yes, agree with sanrio, I just got mamy poko samples frm Giant last Sunday.

EQ n sealer r frm same co. Sealer is relatively gd for day use. When bbs start crawling, it does not 'rupture' the skin at the thigh too. EQ is ok but got 2 change more often...

Pet Pet n Fitti same co. Pet Pet my son itch ard the waist area...scratch until red.Fitti leaks. Drypers i nvr like.........Huggies Dry comfort is soft but leaks at times. Pampers Dry comfort....lousy is the only word!

Whenever we see 7-11 or cheers, we grab ah boi tight tight liao.....7-11 is the only weapon my MIL has for ah boi...to lure him to follow her.
How's prokids? The promoter too aggressive which turned me off....I just smiled n walked away. Gd anot??

Looking for economical day use diapers as my girl is a ta bien queen. Now using huggies dry comfort....gd but leaks at time....dun know if it's bcos of the 'high cutting'?
Nepia sample if u ask for it, b prepared to wait for 1mth+...so ask for bigger size....the co one man show i think
My mil lecture my ah boy on that? She is the one instigating my boy to do that! Ended up my boy does that at every 7-11 store! Get it?

Old folks just will do anything to please their grandchildren or to get into their heart. Yan Yan, Yakult, sweet sweet biscuits n breads, all the varieties on the line up whenever we go back on sunday. All junk but come to proper meal, cook nothing appropriate for him!
Sambal kang kong, wine chicken, chilli steam fish....ended up use soup to mix with plain rice to feed ah boi...
hi sahm,

can't ur mil cook something simple such as steam fish,vege(spinach) or even macaroni for ur boy?It is so easy to prepare these kinda dishes..
Sama sama. When I go to work, my mum carries Chen Chen to c me off @ the gate, Chen Chen smile happily n jump jump in my mum's arm n er er er, he thot I m going to bring him kai kai. So heartache

I bot Fitti Basic. Perhaps Fitti Premium is better? Jul can advise
I like Huggies wif aloe

Once I went to NTUC @ my plc. There wz a promoter 4 Huggies. She juz promote her product din give sample
Ashrel likes to b carried in carrier gd relief 4 u

Chen Chen has wet mouth drools a lot
Chen Chen scratches his head till there is railway track. My mum let him wears hat sometimes but hot 4 him lor
I will start 2 introduce solid 2 Chen Chen next Mon. He will b 6 mth old next Mon
Chen Chen drinks lesser than your boi. He drinks 140ml every 3/4 hr
Chen Chen doesnt like 2 drink water leh

U did gd research on diaper
U called to get Nepia sample?
Your MIL evil
We all ask the same question too......

My ah boy got v sensitive skin.......so i rather particular abt diapers. Saw frm mag the nepia sample...so i asked for it b4 giving birth. Then it arrived only when ah girl is almost 1~2mths!

MIL.....haiz...not exactly evil but too bo chap. Insist we feed ah boy the chicken frm the wine chicken dish. Say chicken can eat....but watabt the wine gravy the chicken is soaked in? U got my MIl u 'bo A kong'...speechless n drop jaw!........gonna bring back my girl once she is on solid food.....
Can help me on this though all of you so small frame. Carrier got super big sized 1? wat brand? Next time think I better use such carrier n bring ah boy to school. I carry ah girl in front n in case ah boy want me to carry, I can carry him sideway. Sarong sling I cant handle 2.

At dept store, I didnt bother to pull out the carrier to try but ever asked some sales girl, they said dun have my size or standard size! Wonder those ang mo use wat?
How abt the one @ mothercare?

I hv yet to get the lucky baby carrier as izzit the max onli 9kg? If so then bo hua ley..like 4-5 mths time cannot use liao ah (@ the current rate of weight gain)?
Hi sahm, thanks leh. I'll always smile when I think of her. Guess all mummies are like that hor? Lucky you, I find the notes quite good lor. Hahaha your boi so cute leh. I thot all carriers are standard size one?

Hi jul, I got to hold bb and my hubby was at the other side making Vane smile. Those 2 photos are passport size photo so very small lor.

Hi Emily, no problem. Just find that the notes are applicable to us so post here lor.

Hi shook, Vane's 6th mth is on Sunday but I also don't know what to do on that day too.

Hi skyblue, I not very hardworking taking pix so abit regret now.

Hi mon, ya ya there's so many bb here with different profiles. Is that true? But I've col who sent her boi to take some ad when her son was just few mths old leh/

Hi Val, so you sending Randall's pix to Motherhood mag? Maybe we shd do that hor? You can try Nepia? Most of the mummies at the other thread lik it.
Think depends on what the agency's requirement. Like for example if I need to do a shoot the involves bb, of course look for infants lor. But hor infant very diff to shoot cos must depend on luck to get the right shot
hi Shook,
ic...my boy likes to drink water. My PD told us that we shouldn't let the baby below 4mths drink too much water coz it'll depreciate the nutrients from the milk he drinks..So we only feed him a few sips..

hey,my boy oso..he smiles & jumps happily every morn when we pass him to my mil...He even very excited when my hubby starts the car...guess he might b thinking we r bringing him out.

I wonder when he can start to recognize ppl.Seems like he can recognize the places but not the person....He'll turn his head here & there,surveying the surrounding if we bring him to unfamiliar places. But he seems to be ok for anyone who carries or plays wf him...Can't babies distinguish the person by smell even their visions not fully developed yet?? Or could it b my boy is chin chai type??

hi Val,
Randall is very cutee & chubby leh..Does he look like more to u or ur hubby??

my boy hands & feet always sweaty & cold,esp.after bath..i wonder what's reasons..So we always hv to wear mittens & Booties for him..Agree wf u, he needs to "feel" to learn.So we always take out the mittens once a while to let him play toys.

Poor chen chen..scratch his head until got railway track...but do u trim his fingers nails?

hi sahm,
Mamy poko material is thicker than other brands of diapers...but the absorbent is very good.

hv u tried Mothercare? I am sure they've bigger carrier coz they carry American or UK brands??

Hi Val,Shook,
I find Fitti Premium quite ok despite the material is not as soft as Mamy poko & Pampers Premium....Hv not tried Fitti Basic b4 but don't think i'll try considering Fitti Premium is so-so only....

The only brand that i am keen to try are Pigeon & Nepia..
I bet ur boy can recognise ppl since my boy can recognise ppl quite sometimes back. He love to c his daddy since his dad duty is basically to PLAY with him. He smiles whenever he sees him. Sometimes my hb walk pass him w/o looking at him, he will make some noise to attract his attn.
Its normal tat their hands & feet to be sweaty & cold. I asked the PD abt it during the last visit. My boy kept moving his hands & kick his legs when he is excited. Tats y very sweaty. He reminds me of a totoise being overturn. Haha.....

I've also recently started Huggies Dry Comfort since on discount $16 plus(usual $22.90 i think) on Alicia and find it not bad for day use..i like the cutting(doesn't cut into skin and cool to wear) and so far no leakage..how often do u change the diapers for your girl?In the day, i change about every 3-4 hrs.

How many pieces of Nepia in a $15.90 pack?


Have u tried placing many colourful toys and books on a mat and leave your bb to play alone? I find it works coz nowadays, Alicia can be left with all her toys for about 1/2 hr to play while I do my stuff.


Alicia also tends to scratch head if "bo liao" and when she's sleepy....so at bedtime, i still wear mittens for her.

i still prefer the pics of all the bbs sitted close together during gathering at B2B3M4's house. Can we do it again at Nat's place??
my boy is only attracted to toys which hv sound or music.Once the music stops,he'll shout or cry for attn...

i think baby girls r more kuai than baby boys..my colleagues baby girl very kuai,she oso leaves the toys there & she plays herself for hours! Mine not even 15mins...I think mayb he is too used to crowds.My MIL is taking care of him day time..she gives him at least 95% attn! Other than my MIL, my FIL & my MIL's relative who stay wf them,shower him wf all the attn he wants!

biw,how do they play toys lying down?? My boy refuses to lie on rocking chair.He just likes to sit...So far,two things can pacify him:TV & pacifier...But we try not to let him watch too much TV coz it is bad for his eye sight development...
We wanted to take one @ shook's place. But bbs started to cry when the mummies tried to put them down. Tats y in the end onli left 4 bbies on the sofa.

Be gald tat at least he smiles at everyone than he cries at everyone. Hehe...Randall is 3 1/2mths now. He very naughty oso. When we carry him fm his under arms, he kept jumping. Alamak, neck still a bit rolly polly when sitting down still wanna JUMP. Really headache. My mum complain her arms very tired!!! Hehe... 2 days ago my mum brought him to sit those 20cents ride. He love it!!!! Initially my mum tot he will be scared.

Got him the kick & whirl carnival thingy yest. He so happy to play with it.
sahm,Prokids not very good.Got a sample during a baby show.The M-size's cutting is small,pretty on the design but quality so-so.As for price,not as cheap as EQ dry (did a price check at Bedok Sheng Siong).My 7 mth old gal is currently wearing EQ dry M size in the day and Nepia M at nite.M-size pack contains 51 pcs.
Randall resemble daddy more though my hubby not yuan yuan
He oso love to watch tv. I told the PD, he said its ok so long not too near. So I asked, how to define "near". He said, not less than 2M. But Sanrio was telling me if they watch too much tv, in future very hard to get their attn. Like very restless in class, etc. Anyway, in short anything tat is excessive is not gd.

I think my boy low maintainence on toys. He can play with his pillow in the cot for more than half an hr. But, tat depends on his mood oso.

I am currently using Pet Pet cos Pampers too ex, huggies M too small for her, I dun like Drypers, not tried mummy poko and Nepia. keen to try but not sure the cutting. maybe the next gathering can ask u gals to try the cutting.

really hope 18th will be fast ....
hi Val,
look like my boy can be good frd wf Randall
My boy prefers his bolster than his toys.He can rub,hug & smell his bolster for 15 to 20mins.He'll make noise if his bolster rolls away..hee..
Hi mummies,
A lot of diaper talk today....

Fitti Basic is dirt cheap.... but very plasticky so we never tried. Fitti Premium is similar to Huggies Dry Comfort. That was the first brand we bought for Ian before he was born. It leaked sometimes previously... then we tried other brands and never went back to it again. Hubby still prefers Pampers Premium.

Sanrio, where you buy from? Tell me leh... near our place? Looking forward to seeing you tomorrow.

Pringles, Nepia M has 51 pieces in a pack.

Val, I got the Prokids from Giant. But just saw it on sale at a shop near my place. Can't remember how much I bought that pack, but each piece costs about 20 cents. I find that it's ok... at least it's softer than Huggies Dry Comfort. No leakage so far and Ian seems ok with it.
Ya lor....standard size means no size for me lor. U know I am not standard size liao lor.

Ya...must take lots of foto of bbs...they grow v fast. One day u look back at old photo, u tend to ask hb 'last time Vane is this kind of look meh...blah blah blah....'.

Nepia is 51 or 54 pcs...cant remember liao. When it is $15.90, grab....oh no.....1 more mummy after Nepia low stock liao
Yah...i oso bot Huggies at recent promo
Feel that the texture is gd, the cutting is gd but also feel insecured of the cutting

Will pop by mothercare then. Tks

Havent really check on prokids sample hanging at the shelf. Looks v dirty n 'black' so just moved on with the promoter still talking abt 'u get medium lor, medium shd be able to fit'. Somemore she asked if my almost 5mth old bb is 2mths old...........
I don't let Ian watch TV at all not just because we're worried that it'll damage his eye sight. More importantly, it's been shown that watching TV before 2 years of age causes an increase in the chances of getting attention deficit disorder. This is also higher in premature kids. Ian is premature so we want to be more careful in this aspect.

Since he could sit up with support, we haven't been watching TV liao... quite out of touch with the world.
viv and giggler,
I did not celebrate Ashley's birhtday every month, only at one, four and maybe six months. Got her Emicake eggless cake when she's four month, so that she can try some too.
Hi mon, it's true that it's very difficult to shoot for bb leh. It depends a lot on their moods hor?

Hi avocado, it's good for u tat bb doesn't really recognise pple mah. Then you can just pass to any one to help to take care.

Hi pringles, that got to depend if Nat got long sofa or not liao.

Hi Val, you got the same kick and whirl that sanrio has? I also afraid that my gal will clue to tv next time cos my mil watches tv all day long one. And she'll place Vane on her lap and watch tv together. Sigh
Hi sahm, now I'll try my best to take pix of Vane every week.

Hi jul, I heard of the attention deficit disorder too. That's why, I don't like Vane to watch tv but in the day time I got no control.

Hi B2B3M4, not bad hor? Let her taste some cake.
I called and enquire fm kidzoomer on the shooting. For 3-6mths bb, the shooting takes onli 15-20mins. Price wise still quite ok. Going down to take a look first.
Yeah I got the same whirl as Sanrio.
no leh, i din take any pic of aloysius when he shaved his hair.
bandana ah...ya hor, gd idea too...tks
i understand how u feel too. dun worry, vane's hair will grow back in no time. this is how i console myself now.

aiyah, i din collect some of aloysius hair leh, if not will take ur suggestion and make into a 'mao pi'.
ur boy very cute & handsome, has nice features too, shud forward his photo to mag too.
yap, pd gave some medicine for aloysius for his vomit. how abt ur boy, did pd prescribe any medicine to him?

u r welcome. How's ur bb now? is he better?

yap, this is the way i console myself tat aloysius hair will grow back soon.
shook & avocado
aloysius drools alot too. heard tat use a clean tablecloth to wipe bbs mouth, then the drool will stop. dun noe true or not.

aloysius oso dun like to drink water, in the end, we use spoon to feed him water

giggler, val & all mummies
i encourage u all to send ur bbs pic to motherhood mag. all of them so cute...
Jul and SAHM

tks on info on Nepia.....just bought a pack of EQ frm Sheng Siong....seems like value for money. Gonna try it on Alicia to test it out.....so far...quite happy with
Huggies(day time) and PetPet (nite time).


ya....hv to check with Nat if she has long sofa to accomodate all the bbs!

I also don't let Alicia watch much tv except the occasional Sesame street but she only stares at TV once in a while...not too interested in it so i'm pretty ok with that too....would rather she interact with pp and listen to music or play with her toys....


i tend to place Alicia on her tummy with all her books..toys etc displayed around her....so colourful until she gets lost in her own world...hehee....think that's why she has a strong back...she is literally crawling all over already!


i'm starting to wean Alicia off BM.....tough job....and emotionally difficult, but i wanna do it by end of this year...totally stop Bfeed....i know all the pro-bfeeding advices given frm WHO etc etc....but i personally do not wish to make my breast her security blanket in the long run....so im doing it gradually....she cried real bad....so i decided at least give her the nite suck b4 bedtime.....sigh.....but guess i hv to be firm....
Yep. Deliberately got the eggless one so that both Ashley n daddy get to eat it.
U thinking of getting Fisher Price;s ferris wheel too. I got it at $50+ the last time when Robinson is having a promotion (but that was when i was still preg, siao right?) For the ferris wheel, there is oso one in a walker form.

I'm mummy who loves to buy toys. Planning to get her either Fisher Price's choo choo train or hippo walker when Ashley starts to walk. Lamaze books are wonderful as well, can get from Little Tots at Raffles City.

How's Elyse? Put Ashley in a high chair today n it got her all excited. By 6 months, can put her there to start her first cereal. But she is still quite "hairless". Dunno whether she shld get her shaved. Any idea for such young babies, do we shave their hair ourselves or get the hairdresser to do it?
wow the nepia co so efficient one ah
your mil bo chap queen
wat carry both kids @ 1 time! pei fu

wat's the add or email add 2 send bb photo 2 motherhood mag?
My mum uses spoon 2 feed Chen Chen wif water @ times

I thot of bringing Chen Chen to Orchard Rd on Sun 9, Mon bring him to Changi airport. Haven't discuss wif hubby yet

Chen Chen used to like to drink water until we gave him winter melon soaked in water. Once he tasted something sweet doesn't 1 plain water unless he is thirsty
Wld your boi 1 u or your hubby when u get back fm work? If yes, means he can recognize ppl liao. Chen Chen is ok wif anyone carrying him but he can recognize ppl. He 1 me or my hubby to carry when we get home fm work. He can recognize all my family member
I clip Chen Chen's finger nail during wk n. He scratches his head very hard dat's y got railway track

Chen Chen rubs legs bsides scratching head. His toes got scratches. PD said coz Chen Chen's skin v dry on the ankle n dat can b v itchy
not easy 2 overcome the emotion 2 wean Alicia fm your boobs huh.

I din know Fitti basic is than lousy no sample 2 feel otherwise i wont buy. Pampers premium x
Chen Chen poo twice 2day. He wz screaming n screaming my mum din know. Pian his poo leaks on the fitti diaper
Terminal 2 viewing gallery is full of scaldfolding (wrong spelling?)....just went this morning. View blocked n it's so dark over there.
Met Wee Chu Yao there......
, queuing behind my hb.....how come he has no private jet?

My boy sees us carry mei mei also want to be carried.......haiz. But he is really turning better liao...more independent. Now I can go n bathe, leaving him alone!
...always humming a few songs happily away....grow up liao! Time passes rocket fast!

Elyse was mistaken as a 2mth old bb at Giant last sunday! Somehow alot of pple find her look v babyish n many tot she v gd, head so strong etc. In actual fact she already coming to 5mth liao!

Yar, Ashley does not have much hair....may as well shave her at hairdresser. PPle says this will enable even hair growth? Elyse's hair is shedding off behind, fringe kena cut by MIL like gong gong
......me oso in dilemma whether to shave. She does not have v nice hairline.......

wanted to help them cultivate the habit of sitting in the high chair to have their meals too. Failure for my boi.....younger days ok, now will climb out after much protest!

If bbs have no sensitive skin, it is really a blessing, can use any brands of diapers, cut cost too. My girl's skin seems ok so far but MIL not too 'on' on changing her diaper...so v paranoid....let her use better brand thru out the day....$$$$. Under my charge, I change every 3~4hrs too.
Thks for sharing the website.

My boi tis wk seems better as compared to last wk when he merlioned...
But very funny one. Everytime when we thot he's getting better, his reflux condition will worsen again. Only thing is now my hubby n i dun panic unlike last time.
For those of u who used Drypers, do u find that the cutting is too small? My boi currently using Drypers(S)and Mamy Poko(S), but the Drypers is cutting into his thighs until got red markings. Wondering if it's cos it's too small. Does that mean I got to change his diapers to M size oredi? Like that I 'jiak luck' cos I still have 3 packs of 'S' size diapers unopened yet.
Yapp....gonna upgrade to M size liao in that case. dun follow the weight reference, not chun. Meanwhile u gonna dispose the S size....u bot frm where, can exchange? Or else.........give away or keep for 2nd 1
Elyse can sit in high chair liao. Wow!! My SIL said Chen Chen still can't sit w/o assistance, so dun let him sit in high chair

Wee Chu Yao banker kiam siap
dun wanna get pte jet. Do u know where is the nursing rm in Changi Airport?
Last 9 pretend to ask hubby wat he wanna do on next Mon. He said dunno. I told him my suggestion. He said celebrate Chen Chen's 6mth is to feed him solid food. Typical Singaporean, celebration = food. In the n, he said ok. Then I suggested taking bus to airport coz parking x @ airport. My hubby said how long u wanna stay ma chiam touch n go, dun stay too long

Elyse bushy hair shave wasted leh. She looks small tho but not as small as 2mth
Chen Chen ok wif all kinda diaper I tried so far. Dat's y I buy diaper which r cheap n on offer

Your boi merlioned? He spits out a lot? Hope the website helps u to understand better n not worry too much. Chen Chen coming 6 mth still spit out milk/water sigh... He is indeed a fast n impatient drinker
I find Dryper's cutting small. When I upgrade to M size cutting ok but the part dat covers Chen Chen's butt lau lau can't cover his butt like A cup wearing B cup bra
May b u can sell S size Drypers in tis forum @ a cheaper px?
Hi mommies,
Diapers talk is back

Think it's time to change. My girl is 8.3kg and she wears M size...think we didn't start on S size....first pack already start on M size. The M size is quite big.

Chen Chen don't look very big how come M size can't cover butt
Aelwen so far OK with M size. Only experience leakage once when she poo too much into the diaper then she urinate and the urine leak. Think no more space for urine..hahaha

Giggler & Jul,
Pls enlighten me on "attention deficit disorder" I usually let Aelwen watch Barney on Sat morning so I can get some housework done. Usually just 15-30mins cos her attention is very short. She'll also catch a bit of commercials when we watch TV at night. Not sure if that is too much and if it is bad.

Aelwen was one of them who cried when I put her down on the sofa at Shook's place. Think you were not in the living room. The first time when I put her down with Van and Piglet's boy was Ok until we, the mommies, burst out laughing when Van was trying to sayang piglet's boy. She got a fright by the sudden laugher. Then she won't let me put her down on the sofa again. We always say she so big size but no guts one....at home also always get frighten by sudden noise...even when daddy start his car

You mean Emicakes sell the no-egg cakes? Does it come plain or diff flavours? Good idea. May get one when Aelwen turns 6mths next month.
Randall got the Fisher Price's choo choo train as a gift during his bb shower. Last sat I juz took it out to show him (too young to play). He looked so amazed. When the train moves and gg toward him, he look scared. Wanted to run but dunno how to. Haha....
hi skyblue,
my colleagues advised me not to buy too many packets of diapers as babies grow up very fast.Thou I only used Dryper once(that was the last tx) oso,I found the size is a bit small.

hi sahm,
oh dear,let ur bb uses the diaper thruout the whole day?? My MIL is very "yim chim",she changes my boy pampers every 2hrs,sometx even hourly.

ur boy very kuai..does he still feel jealous when u carry his mei mei??

hi Val,
my boy plays wf his bolster until the whole bolster wet wet..i've to change it very often..

haha..how heavy is ur boy?? he looks like a cheerful & easy going baby..

hi Jul,
same lah...we only hv the luxury to watch TV after he sleeps.The most we watch is 9:30pm news(normally he sleeps ard 9pm).After that,me & my hubby chat a while,read newspaper,& get into bed..

My hubby had a hard tx to get used to this kinda life.He used to be someone who takes things slowly.Eat slowly,walk slowly..

hi Shook,
chen chen very clever hor.Why did u feed him winter melon water at the 1st place leh??Chen Chen rubs legs?? so funny,why does he do that??

hv u tried to apply baby lotion for his dry skin?

I think chen chen is still too small to sit on high chair.Dangerous...

hey,my boy oso fast & impatient drinker.I thot I am the only one who experience such prob coz my MIL said she hasn't come across babies drink milk like that one. My boy can finish 150ml in 2min times. We try to slow him down & burp him by let him watch TV or play toy wf him.

u very hardworking leh,bring chen chen to orchard rd & airport. Me & my hubby very lazy..so far,we only brought him once to Botanic Garden..I feel it is very troublesome to bring him out leh.Hv to bring so many things & come back hv to unpack,wash up & tidy up...Furthermore,both of us hardly hv time to sleep,no mood to bring him out leh....

hi pringles,
why did u decide to stop bf? I've stopped bf after my confinement..Too tiring...My mum scolded me for not bf my boy...while my MIL discouraged me to bf coz she worried my boy too stick to me in future...

Hi Giggler,Shook,
No leh,my boy doesn't show any sign of preference to me or my hubby or even to family members.So long hv ppl carry or play wf him,he will b contented...

But he can recognise his milk bottle.He knows how to grab & pull his milk bottle to his mouth.When i show him his milk bottle,he'll make noise,that signal he's hungry & I'll make the milk for him..

He gets very angry if I show him the milk bottle & take away later(sometx too hot hv to put more water)...

So I am still clueless if he can recognize ppl or not???
hi mommies,
Just saw the papers, NTUC having promotion for Pampers Premium and Mamy Poko.

Pampers- $56.95 for 2pks
Mamy Poko - $16.40
you're so adventurous... bring chen chen to airport... think i wouldn't even go there if not for the perth trip... aiyah just drive there lah... the most $10 parking... save u the hassle of public transport. But then again, the bus ride could be fun!

shook, no reason to say Pampers Premium is ex if you are staying in a condo and we are staying in HDB leh... hehehe...

I am surprised that you didn't mention your hubby's view on breastfeeding. I don't think there is any bad thing in our kids being sticky to us! How can your MIL say that? If I chose not to breastfeed, I think I would have carried my boobs around for nothing!! My parents sure scold me, cos breastmilk is the best.

Good for pringles that she breastfed 6 months... can wean slowly to give herself more freedom now.

Pringles, do u change diapers at night? Can PetPet last thru the nite? I thought it's in the Drypers category. Me change 3-hourly. Only Pampers Premium and Nepia I change 5 - 6hourly.

sahm, so nice, your boy bathing himself... hmm... me got to wait long time more....

I'd rather not shave the little hair which ian has... so little, so soft, so precious!!
